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The present study investigates morphological differentiation among host races of the fruit fly Tephritis conura Loew (Diptera: Tephritidae) for two fitness‐related traits and whether these traits are host induced or genetically determined. Flies were analyzed from independent sympatric regions, and from one syntopic site where parental host plants [Cirsium heterophyllum (L.) Hill. and Cirsium oleraceum (L.) Scop. (Cardueae)] and hybrid plants (C. heterophyllum×C. oleraceum) co‐occur. As both host races may oviposit on hybrid plants and hybrid plants provide an identical environment for larvae of both host races, flies emerging from C. heterophyllum×C. oleraceum hybrids were used to assess whether host‐race morphological differences are genetically determined or due to phenotypic plasticity. No significant size (wing length) differences were found among host races, whereas flies emerging from C. heterophyllum had on average 8.4% longer ovipositors than flies emerging from C. oleraceum. The mean size‐corrected ovipositor length (i.e., the ratio ovipositor/wing length) was 10.3% longer. These proportions were repeated among host races emerging from hybrid plants. Although flies of the C. heterophyllum host race from hybrid plants were smaller than on parental host plants, the ratio ovipositor/wing length was constant. Hybrid flies (which emerged only on hybrid plants) were intermediate in relative and absolute ovipositor length. Thus, ovipositor‐length differences among T. conura host races most likely have a genetic basis. This suggests that host‐related differences in ovipositor length reflect adaptations to the respective host‐plant species, most likely to the host's flower‐head size, whereas both host races experience similar selection regimes on body size.  相似文献   

Host-race evolution is a prime candidate for sympatric speciation because host shifts must take place in the presence of both hosts. However, the geographic context in which the shift takes place may have strong allopatric or peripatric components if the primary host within a localized area is scarce or even goes extinct. Inference of the relative importance of the geographic mode of speciation may be gained from phylogeographic imprints. Here, we investigate the phylogeography of host races of the tephritid fly Tephritis conura from sympatric, parapatric and allopatric populations of Cirsium heterophyllum and Cirsium oleraceum (Asteraceae) in Europe, for addressing the age and direction, and the geographic context of host-race formation. Haplotype networks of the host races differed significantly in molecular diversity and topology. However, host-race haplotypes were nested within the same network, with a central haplotype H1 being the most common haplotype in both host races. C. heterophyllum flies were genetically more diverse and substructured than flies from C. oleraceum, suggesting that the latter is the derived race. The phylogeographic imprint indicates either that C. heterophyllum flies colonized C. oleraceum during range expansion or that heterophyllum flies went extinct in an area where oleraceum flies persisted (followed by re-immigration). These imprints are in concordance with peripatric diversification, probably in the European Alps and related to the last ice age, where the host-race diversification was largely completed before the postglacial range expansion on C. oleraceum to current areas of sympatry and parapatry with C. heterophyllum.  相似文献   

Eurosta solidaginis Fitch (Diptera: Tephritidae) induces galls on two species of goldenrod, Solidago (Compositae), in the northern regions of the United States. Recent studies have demonstrated that E. solidaginis is comprised of two host races that differ in adult emergence times, mate preference, and host preference. However, it is not known how much genetic variation, if any, exists among E. solidaginis host-associated populations west of Minnesota where the two host races occur in sympatry. Sequencing analysis was used to characterize two mitochondrial gene fragments: (1) NADH1 dehydrogenase (ND1: 539 bp) and (2) cytochrome oxidase II + tRNA(Lys) + tRNA(Asp) (CO2KD: 396 bp) from sympatric, host-associated populations of E. solidaginis in North Dakota. Our results indicated that two genetically distinct lineages exist among E. solidaginis in North Dakota that correspond with host-plant association.  相似文献   

The cactophilic Drosophila mojavensis species group living in the deserts and dry tropical forests of the southwestern United States and Mexico provides a valuable system for studies in diversification and speciation. Rigorous studies of the relationships between host races of D. mojavensis and the relationships among the members of the species group (D. mojavensis, Drosophila arizona, and Drosophila navojoa) are lacking. We used mitochondrial CO1 sequence data to address the phylogenetics and population genetics of this species group. In this study we have found that the sister species D. mojavensis and D. arizonae share no mitochondrial haplotypes and thus show no evidence for recent introgression. We estimate the divergence time between D. mojavensis and D. arizonae to be between 1.91 and 2.97 million years ago. D. arizonae shows little structure in our population genetic analyses but there is phylogenetic differentiation between southeastern and northern populations of D. arizonae. Drosophila mojavensis shows significant population and phylogenetic structure across the four geographic regions of its distribution. The mitochondrial data support an origin of D. mojavensis on the mainland with early differentiation into the populations now found in the Mojave Desert and the Mainland Sonoran Desert and later colonization of the Baja Peninsula, in contrast to previous models. Also, the sister clade to D. mojavensis/D. arizonae includes D. navojoa and Drosophila huaylasi. By defining the genetic relationships among these populations, we provide a foundation for more sophisticated hypothesis testing regarding the timing of early speciation events and host switches in this species group.  相似文献   

Aim Primary and secondary genetic clines in post-glacial colonized regions have different implications for biogeographic distributions and the origin of species. Primary clines arise in situ after colonization as adaptive responses to environmental gradients, while secondary clines are caused by contact between vicariant lineages. Here we analyse primary versus secondary origin of a genetic cline in the tephritid fly Urophora cardui in Jutland, Denmark, in a post-glacial landscape. Location Western Palaearctic. Methods Phylogeographic and demographic analyses of U. cardui based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genealogies, hierarchical genetic variance tests based on allozymes and distribution analysis of a rare allele from the Jutland cline. Results There was no phylogeographic divergence between the Jutland population of U. cardui north of the cline and neighbouring western European regional populations, which all shared the common western European mtDNA haplotype H1. At nuclear loci, by contrast, the North Jutland population was diverged above the mean level of divergence among regional populations and had no loss of genetic variation. A rare allozyme allele that was frequent in the cline area (up to 45%) and was missing north of the cline also occurred at low frequency (0–14%) elsewhere in the sampling range. Shallow phylogeographic divergence was observed between Russian and western European populations and between English and continental populations. Main conclusions The genetic variation patterns support primary cline evolution and parapatric divergence in Jutland following a demographic expansion of a western European ancestral source population of U. cardui, and suggest cryptic refugia and/or selection in other European population assemblages. The patterns of intra-specific regional divergence are discussed with respect to the interpretation of cryptic refugia in Europe after the most recent ice age.  相似文献   

Information on gene flow among geographic and host populations of C. pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in South Africa is lacking, despite the importance of these measures for the success of control practices such as chemical control and sterile insect release, which are affected by the amount of gene flow among populations. Therefore, populations collected from nine geographically distant regions in South Africa from apples, pears, and stone fruit were compared using amplified fragment length polymorphism with five selective primer pairs. Results showed that although populations from different hosts were not genetically differentiated, significant evidence for population substructure was apparent between geographic populations. Over local scales, it was possible to distinguish between populations collected from orchards situated <1 km apart. These results suggest that although extensive gene flow occurs among populations from different hosts, gene flow among local geographic C. pomonella populations may be limited and is explained in terms of limited moth flight, the relative isolation of pome fruit production areas, and the absence of wild hosts.  相似文献   

桃蛀果蛾寄主生物型分化的RAPD分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
徐庆刚  花保祯 《昆虫学报》2004,47(3):379-383
以山茱萸蛀果蛾Carposina coreana Kim为外群,用44个随机引物对苹果、山楂、桃、杏、枣和酸枣等6种寄主植物上的桃蛀果蛾Carposina sasakii Matsumura进行了RAPD 分析。结果表明,不同寄主上的桃蛀果蛾之间遗传差异出现了较大的分化,桃蛀果蛾6个寄主生物型之间的平均遗传距离在0.040~0.637之间,尤其是杏生物型分化最大。经聚类分析,可将不同寄主上的桃蛀果蛾明显分成两个类群,杏生物型为一群,其余为一群。两个类群间遗传距离为0.465,亚群内部的遗传距离为0.040~0.369。推测杏树上的“桃蛀果蛾 ”已经分化成为不同的物种。  相似文献   

Differences in floral traits among plant species have often been attributed to adaptation to pollinators. We explored the importance of pollinator shifts in explaining floral divergence among 15 species of Iochroma. We examined four continuously varying floral traits: corolla length, nectar reward, display size, and flower color. Pollinator associations were characterized with a continuously varying measure of pollinator importance (the product of visitation and pollen deposition) for four groups of pollinators: hummingbirds, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, and Diptera. A phylogenetic generalized least squares approach was used to estimate correlations between pollinator groups and floral traits across a sample of Bayesian trees using different models of trait evolution. Multivariate analyses were also employed to identify suites of traits associated with each pollinator group. We found that nonphylogenetic models typically fit the data better than phylogenetic models (Brownian motion, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck), and thus results varied little across trees. Our results indicated that species with high nectar reward and large displays are significantly more likely to be pollinated by hummingbirds and less likely to be pollinated by all groups of insects. Corolla length and flower color did not show any consistently significant associations with pollinator groups. For these two traits, we discuss alternative evolutionary forces, including phylogenetic inertia and community-level factors.  相似文献   

The geographic distribution, host range and prevalence of Capillaria hepatica were recorded in 4629 house mice, Mus domesticus, 263 black rats, Rattus rattus, and 58 Norway rats, R. norvegicus. The parasite was found at five localities, all in or near large towns along the coast. The two Rattus species appeared to be the primary hosts of C. hepatica in Australia. Published and unpublished data on helminth infections of Australian native mammals from 1162 murids (26 species), 3018 marsupials (67 species) and 99 monotremes (two species) were compiled. Only seven animals from three murid species were infected with C. hepatica; all were from the same rainforest in northern Queensland. C. hepatica was distributed widely, occurring in the house mouse, black rat and Norway rat on a 10,850 ha farm but there was no infection in cattle, sheep or goats (abattoir records). Also, 52 rabbits, four cats and one fox (shot samples) and 27 marsupial mice, Sminthopsis crassicaudata (museum specimens), had no sign of C. hepatica infection. Overall, the results indicate that transmission of C. hepatica to native, domestic and feral mammals is rare, presumably because of ecological constraints on egg embryonation and survival. In the light of these findings, the potential use of C. hepatica as a biological agent to control mouse plagues in Australia is discussed.  相似文献   

云南主要有害实蝇种类及区划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈旭  刘晓飞  叶辉 《生态学报》2010,30(3):717-725
采用诱剂诱捕辅以受害瓜果调查的方法,系统梳理了云南有害实蝇类群,确定主要有害种类25种。基于云南自然地理特征,采用聚类分析法深入探讨了云南实蝇区系,提出云南实蝇地理区划可分为德宏、版纳盆谷区,南部边缘中低山宽谷区,滇西南山原峡谷区,中东部高原、岩溶山原区以及北部高原山地区等5大区域。研究发现,受热量条件制约,云南主要有害实蝇类群呈南北向梯度递减;受纵向岭谷区"通道-阻隔"综合作用影响,云南西南部河谷地区是实蝇危害较为严重的区域。首次系统揭示了云南主要有害实蝇的地理分布规律。  相似文献   

We have previously analysed the genetic architecture of host-associated performance differences between stocks of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Homoptera: Delphacidae), derived from two host plants: cultivated rice variety TN1 and the semi-aquatic weed Leersia hexandra. It has been established that performance is influenced by a small effective number of loci (1 to 3), with dominance in the direction of the rice population. The results reported here show that, like performance, oviposition preference has a simple genetic basis, but in this case there is no evidence of directional dominance, sex linkage, non-allelic interaction or genotype–environment interaction. The simple genetic architecture of host-associated performance and oviposition preference are as expected if there was a sympatric host shift, most probably from Leersia to rice. However, contrary to the theoretical expectation from models of sympatric host-race formation, there was no detectable genetic association between the traits. The fact that individual females tend to distribute their eggs between plants may have helped to promote a host shift despite this lack of association.  相似文献   

In a previous study we demonstrated that Ceratitis capitata larvae show a superior performance when they feed on the apical portion of papaya compared to larvae that feed on the basal portion, probably due to the higher levels of sugars in the apical portion. In the present study we carried out experiments to determine if larval feeding on the basal or apical portion of the fruit influences ovarian development and egg production by adult C. capitata females. The results indicate that females that feed on the apical portion during the larval stage have more developed ovaries and produce more eggs than females who feed on the basal portion during the larval stage. We also compared artificial diets of quantitatively similar chemical composition to the apical and basal portions of the papaya fruit. In this last experiment, no differences were detected in any of the parameters studied, i.e. percent emergence, time to pupation, adult size, larval preference, ovary size, egg production and estimated ingestion.  相似文献   

The most common hosts for the West Indian fruit fly, Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart) (Diptera: Tephritidae) are fruit in the family Anacardiaceae (mango [Mangifera L.] and mombin [Spondias L.] species). However, similar to many of the tropical fruit flies of major economic importance, this species attacks several other families of crop fruit, including Annonaceae (cherimoya, Annona cherimola Mill.), Myrtaceae (guava, Psidium L.), Oxalidaceae (carambola, Averrhoa carambola L.), Passifloraceae (granadilla, Passiflora quadrangularis Mill.), and Sapotaceae [mamey sapote, Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H. E. Moore & Steam]. In the family Rutaceae the economically important genus Citrus has been reported and until recently considered a host for this fruit fly. In this study, we reviewed the taxonomy of A. obliqua, tested specific chemicals that may inhibit oviposition, compared egg-to-adult survival of A. obliqua on preferred hosts and on grapefruit (Citrus X paradisi Macfad.), and measured fruit tissue-specific developmental rates of A. obliqua and the known citrus breeding Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae), from egg to pupae. Our literature review shows much confusion concerning the taxonomy of this and related Anastrepha species, including synonymies and confusion with other species. The deterrent effect of the highest concentration of flavonoids for oviposition, although significant, was not absolute. Experiments carried out under laboratory conditions showed 15-40 times greater survival of A. ludens (whose preferred hosts include Rutaceae) on grapefruit compared with A. obliqua for both tree attached and harvested fruit. Experiments of survival of developing stages over time showed that the two species oviposit into different tissues in the fruit, and mortality is much higher for the West Indian fruit fly in the flavedo and albedo of the fruit compared with the Mexican fruit fly.  相似文献   

The microevolutionary process of adaptive phenotypic differentiation of quantitative traits between populations or closely‐related taxa depends on the response of populations to the action of natural selection. However, this response can be constrained by the structure of the matrix of additive genetic variance and covariance between traits in each population ( G matrix). In the present study, we obtained additive genetic variance and narrow sense heritability for 25 floral and vegetative traits of three subspecies of Aquilegia vulgaris, and one subspecies of Aquilegia pyrenaica through a common garden crossing experiment. For two vegetative and one floral trait, we also obtained the G matrix and genetic correlations between traits in each subspecies. The amount of genetic variation available in wild populations is not responsible for the larger differentiation of vegetative than floral traits found in this group of columbines. However, the low heritability of some traits constrained their evolution because phenotypic variability among taxa was larger for traits with larger heritability. We confirmed that the process of diversification of the studied taxa involved shifts in the G matrix, mainly determined by changes in the genetic covariance between floral and vegetative traits, probably caused by linkage disequilibrium in narrow endemic taxa. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 252–261.  相似文献   

Tropical herbivorous insects are astonishingly diverse, and many are highly host‐specific. Much evidence suggests that herbivorous insect diversity is a function of host plant diversity; yet, the diversity of some lineages exceeds the diversity of plants. Although most species of herbivorous fruit flies in the Neotropical genus Blepharoneura are strongly host‐specific (they deposit their eggs in a single host plant species and flower sex), some species are collected from multiple hosts or flowers and these may represent examples of lineages that are diversifying via changes in host use. Here, we investigate patterns of diversification within six geographically widespread Blepharoneura species that have been collected and reared from at least two host plant species or host plant parts. We use microsatellites to (1) test for evidence of local genetic differentiation associated with different sympatric hosts (different plant species or flower sexes) and (2) examine geographic patterns of genetic differentiation across multiple South American collection sites. In four of the six fly species, we find evidence of local genetic differences between flies collected from different hosts. All six species show evidence of geographic structure, with consistent differences between flies collected in the Guiana Shield and flies collected in Amazonia. Continent‐wide analyses reveal – in all but one instance – that genetically differentiated flies collected in sympatry from different host species or different sex flowers are not one another's closest relatives, indicating that genetic differences often arise in allopatry before, or at least coincident with, the evolution of novel host use.  相似文献   

Passiflora L. has more than 575 species distributed especially in the Neotropics. The chromosome number variation in the genus is highly congruent with its main subgenera, but its basic chromosome number (x) and the underlying events responsible for this variation have remained controversial. Here, we provide a robust and well-resolved time-calibrated phylogeny that includes 102 taxa, and by means of phylogenetic comparative methods (PCM) we tested the relative importance of polyploidy and dysploidy events to Passiflora karyotype evolution and diversification. Passiflora arose 42.9 Mya, with subgenus diversification at the end of the Palaeogene (Eocene-Oligocene). The basic chromosome number of the genus is proposed as x?=?6, and a strong recent diversification found in the Passiflora subgenus (Miocene) correlated to genome size increase and a chromosome change from n?=?6 to n?=?9 by ascending dysploidy. Polyploidy, conversely, appeared restricted to few lineages, such as Astrophea and Deidamioides subgenera, and did not lead to diversification increases. Our findings suggest that ascending dysploidy provided a great advantage for generating long-term persistent lineages and promoting species diversification. Thus, chromosome numbers/genome size changes may have contributed to morphological/ecological traits that explain the pattern of diversification observed in the genus Passiflora.  相似文献   

Two natural, hemiclonal hybrid strains were discovered in three Hexagrammos species. The natural hybrids, all of which were females that produced haploid eggs containing only the Hexagrammos octogrammus genome (maternal ancestor; hereafter Hoc), generated F1 hybrid‐type offspring by fertilization with haploid sperm of Hexagrammos agrammus or Hexagrammos otakii (paternal species; Hag and Hot, respectively). This study was performed to clarify the extent of diversification between the two hybrids and the maternal ancestor. Genealogical analysis using mtDNA revealed that all 38 Hoc/Hot hybrids formed a branch (Branch I) with 18 of the 33 Hoc/Hag hybrids. No haplotype sharing was observed with the maternal ancestor. Further, microsatellite DNA analysis suggested that the members of Branch I shared the same hemiclonal genome set. The results suggested that Hoc/Hot hybrids originated by anomalous hybridization, or “host switching,” between Hoc/Hag and Hot, and not from interspecific hybridization between Hoc and Hot. The remaining 9 of 11 Hoc/Hag haplotypes and all of the 27 Hoc haplotypes were mixed within the genealogical tree, as if they had originated from multiple mutations. However, Hoc/Hag could also mate with Hoc. Although offspring from this host switch (Backcross‐Hoc) have the same genome as normal Hoc, a part of their genome retains genetic factors capable of producing hemiclones. Consequently, when a descendant of a BC‐Hoc hybrid mates with Hag males, a new hemiclone lineage will arise. Multiple haplotype revival through host switching from a single mutation in hybrids is another possible hypothesis for the observed mixing of Hoc/Hag haplotypes within the mtDNA genealogical tree.  相似文献   

We examined the responses of oriental fruit flies, Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel, to the odors of different stages and types of fruit presented on potted trees in a field cage. Females were most attracted to odors of soft, ripe fruit. Odors of common guava were more attractive to females than papaya and starfruit, and equally as attractive as strawberry guava, orange, and mango. In field tests, McPhail traps baited with mango, common guava, and orange captured equal numbers of females. Traps baited with mango were compared with 2 commercially available fruit fly traps. McPhail traps baited with mango captured more females than visual fruit-mimicking sticky traps (Ladd traps) and equal numbers of females as McPhail traps baited with protein odors. Results from this study indicate that host fruit volatiles could be used as lures for capturing oriental fruit flies in orchards.  相似文献   

The genetics of host selection, in terms of oviposition behavior, was investigated in two species of monophagous gall-forming flies. The existence of a single major allele difference in the genetic basis of host selection was established by a series of hybrid crosses between these flies. The complimentary role of conditioning was also investigated. The appaently simple genetic change required to produce a change in host selection suggests a mechanism of sympatric speciation applicable to these insects.
Zusammenfassung Das Problem der sympatrischen Artbildung bei phytophagen Insekten konzentriert sich auf den Mechanismus, durch welchen solche Tiere im Verlauf ihrer Evolution von einem Wirt zu einem anderen überzugehen vermögen. Gewöhnung (conditioning) ist eine der Methoden, mittels welcher solche Verschiebungen auftreten können, doch wird sie im allgemeinen nicht für genügend wirksam angesehen, um die zur Artbildung nötige Isolation zu erzeugen. Genmutationen, die solche Übergänge zu anderen Wirten bewirken könnten, sind bisher nur wenig verstanden.Die vorliegende Untersuchung benutzt die Kreuzung eines Paares sympatrischer Geschwisterarten, um die natürliche genetische Variabilität im Wirtswahlverhalten der beiden Arten aufzudecken. Ein einzelner Genort, der in der einen Art ein Allel und in der zweiten Art ein anderes trägt, wird postuliert.Diese Allele befähigen die Insektenarten, welche sie besitzen, ihre Wirte zum Zwecke der Eiablage zu finden. Außerdem scheinen diese Allele die Insekten in die Lage zu versetzen, sich an den Wirt anzupassen, auf welchem sie sich entwickelten. Mit anderen Worten, P. australis trägt das Allel p1, das sie befähight, irgendeinen Reiz, vielleicht eine bestimmte chemische Verbindung, an ihrer Wirtspflanze, Heterotheca, wahrzunehmen. Spezies A trägt ein zweites Allel, p2, welches sie befähigt, einen andersartigen Reiz, vielleicht eine zweite Verbindung, an ihrer Wirtspflanze, Machaeranthera, wahrzunehmen. Die heterozygoten Hybriden p1p2 können dann beide Wirtspflanzen erkennen. Zusätzlich können sie aber auf den Wirt eingestellt (conditioned) werden, an dem sie aufwuchsen. Eine Bestätigung dafür scheint zu sein, daß beispielsweise p2p2-Fliegen, die an Heterotheca aufwuchsen, diese Pflanzen nicht als Wirt erkennen, daher nicht an sie angepaßt werden können und daher ihre Eier vorzugsweise an Machaeranthera ablegen. Aus diesen Beobachtungen wird ein. Modell für die sympatrische Entstehung dieses Artenpaares abgeleitet.

Sex allocation theory and empirical evidence both suggest that natural selection should favour maternal control of offspring sex ratio in relation to their ability to invest in the offspring. Generalist parasites constitute a particularly interesting group to test this theory as different females commonly utilize different host species showing large variation in provisioning ability. The common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is a generalist brood parasite that lays its eggs in the nest of many different passerine birds, but each female tends to specialize on one particular host species giving rise to highly specialized host races. The different host species show large variation in their ability to invest in the parasitic offspring, presenting an opportunity for female cuckoos to bias offspring sex ratio in relation to host species quality. Here, we investigate host-race specific sex allocation controlling for maternal identity in the common cuckoo. We found no evidence of any significant relationship between host race and sex ratio in one sympatric population harbouring three different host races, or in a total of five geographically separated populations. There was also no significant association between host quality, as determined by species-specific female host body mass, and cuckoo sex ratio. Finally, we found no significant relationship between individual cuckoo maternal quality, as determined by her egg volume, and sex ratio within each host race. We conclude that the generalist brood-parasitic common cuckoo show no significant sex-ratio bias in relation to host race and discuss this finding in light of gene flow and host adaptations.  相似文献   

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