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R-phycoerythrin is one of the three phycobiliproteins which are extensively employed as fluorescent probes, and it is prepared from red macroalgae. Phycobiliproteins in the marine red macroalga Heterosiphonia japonica were extracted in 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) and precipitated by salting-out. The R-phycoerythrin was isolated by gel filtration with Sepharose CL-4B and Sephadex G-200. Then it was purified by ion exchange chromatography on DEAE Sepharose Fast Flow which was developed by linear ionic strength gradients. The purified R-phycoerythrin gave a ratio of A565 to A280 of 4.89. It showed a single band and a pI of 4.8 on the examination by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and isoelectric focusing. The polypeptide analysis of the purified R-phycoerythrin by SDS–PAGE demonstrated that it contains four chromophore-carrying subunits and no colorless polypeptide and has two hexameric aggregates. The preparative procedures of the R-phycoerythrin purification established based on the experiments exhibit advantages and can offer a reference for R-phycoerythrin preparation from other marine red macroalga.  相似文献   

R-藻红蛋白的结构、功能及其应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
R-藻红蛋白是最重要类型的藻红蛋白,为许多藻类的前级捕光色素蛋白,在光的激发下,能发出桔红色荧光。现对R-藻红蛋白的三维结构与功能的关系、R-藻红蛋白离体的光学活性在肿瘤光动力学治疗(PDT)中作为光敏剂和荧光免疫检测等领域作为荧光探针分子的应用进行综述。  相似文献   

以Phenyl-sepharose作为柱填料,用streamline柱层析技术从红藻(Palmaria palmata (Lannaeus) Kuntze)中规模分离捕光色素蛋白--R-藻红蛋白.由于不是传统的从层析柱上方进样,而是用泵将样品从streamline层析柱的下方加样(从下至上),因而解决了用一般层析柱分离R-藻红蛋白时海藻抽提液中大量的粘性多糖堵塞层析柱的难题.用P.palmata粗提液上样后,分别用0.2 mol/L、 0.1 mol/L和0.05 mol/L的(NH4)2SO4溶液从相反的方向(即从上到下)洗脱层析柱,发现这些洗脱液中的藻红蛋白纯度已经较高.然后将洗脱液透析去盐,用阴离子交换柱层析(Q-sepharose)进一步纯化.经过这两次柱层析后,R-藻红蛋白的纯度(OD565/OD280)超过3.5,高于一般认可的R-藻红蛋白的纯度标准3.2;产率为每克冷冻P.palmata可纯化0.122 mg高纯度的R-藻红蛋白,比使用一般分离方法的产率要高10倍.这些结果表明,使用本文报道的方法纯化藻红蛋白,将会使作为生化检测试剂的藻红蛋白市场价格大幅度下降.  相似文献   

Lu-Ning Liu  Shi-Gan Yan 《BBA》2009,1787(7):939-946
Crystal structures of phycobiliproteins have provided valuable information regarding the conformations and amino acid organizations of peptides and chromophores, and enable us to investigate their structural and functional relationships with respect to environmental variations. In this work, we explored the pH-induced conformational and functional dynamics of R-phycoerythrin (R-PE) by means of absorption, fluorescence and circular dichroism spectra, together with analysis of its crystal structure. R-PE presents stronger functional stability in the pH range of 3.5-10 compared to the structural stability. Beyond this range, pronounced functional and structural changes occur. Crystal structure analysis shows that the tertiary structure of R-PE is fixed by several key anchoring points of the protein. With this specific association, the fundamental structure of R-PE is stabilized to present physiological spectroscopic properties, while local variations in protein peptides are also allowed in response to environmental disturbances. The functional stability and relative structural sensitivity of R-PE allow environmental adaptation.  相似文献   

The effects of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and its antagonists bicuculline and 2-hydroxysaclofen on neuronal firings in the nucleus of basal optic root (nBOR) in pigeons were studied by using extracellular recording and microiontophoretic techniques. The results suggest that GABA may be an inhibitory neurotransmitter or modulator within nBOR, functioning by means of main mediation of GABAA receptors and of minor mediation of GABAB receptors. Furthermore, GABA and its GABAA receptors are involved in the modulation of directional selectivity in part of nBOR neurons. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Amherst College.  相似文献   

Actin sequences are conserved to a much greater degree than those of almost any other proteins, such that two cytoplasmic isoforms differ by only 4 out of 374 amino acid residues. Nevertheless, the results of biochemical, immunocytochemical, and molecular biology experiments demonstrate that the appearance, amount, and localization of actin isoforms are strongly controlled by the cellular machinery. Although at the early stages of cell differentiation expression of any actin gene is potentially possible, under normal physiological conditions, while differentiation proceeds, synthesis of specific actin isoforms is temporally regulated and the produced proteins are segregated spatially. Pathological situations of a tissue injury or a mammalian disease correlate either with up-and down-regulation of distinct actin genes returning to a fetal gene program or with a failure to sort actin isoforms. Different actin isoforms cannot substitute for each other, and changes in the expression of specific actin genes are accompanied by alterations in cell structure and function, suggesting that specific actin isoforms perform unique cellular functions. This article summarizes the data on the segregation of actin isoforms in cell compartments and analyzes the mechanisms suggested to explain spatial segregation of cytoplasmic actin isoforms in the cell.  相似文献   

Abstract: The regional distributions of the G protein β subunits (Gβ1–β5) and of the Gγ3 subunit were examined by immunohistochemical methods in the adult rat brain. In general, the Gβ and Gγ3 subunits were widely distributed throughout the brain, with most regions containing several Gβ subunits within their neuronal networks. The olfactory bulb, neocortex, hippocampus, striatum, thalamus, cerebellum, and brainstem exhibited light to intense Gβ immunostaining. Negative immunostaining was observed in cortical layer I for Gβ1 and layer IV for Gβ4. The hippocampal dentate granular and CA1–CA3 pyramidal cells displayed little or no positive immunostaining for Gβ2 or Gβ4. No anti-Gβ4 immunostaining was observed in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra or in the cerebellar granule cell layer and Purkinje cells. Immunoreactivity for Gβ1 was absent from the cerebellar molecular layer, and Gβ2 was not detected in the Purkinje cells. No positive Gγ3 immunoreactivity was observed in the lateral habenula, lateral septal nucleus, or Purkinje cells. Double-fluorescence immunostaining with anti-Gγ3 antibody and individual anti-Gβ1–β5 antibodies displayed regional selectivity with Gβ1 (cortical layers V–VI) and Gβ2 (cortical layer I). In conclusion, despite the widespread overlapping distributions of Gβ1–β5 with Gγ3, specific dimeric associations in situ were observed within discrete brain regions.  相似文献   

The gamma-aminobutyric acid type C (GABA(C)) receptor is a ligand-gated chloride channel with distinct physiological and pharmacological properties. Although the exact subunit composition of native GABA(C) receptors has yet to be firmly established, there is general agreement that GABA rho subunits participate in their formation. Recent studies on white perch suggest that certain GABA rho subunits can co-assemble with the GABA(A) receptor gamma2 subunit to form a heteromeric receptor with electrophysiological properties that correspond more closely to the native GABA(C) receptor on retinal neurons than any of the homomeric rho receptors. In the present study we examined the interactions among various perch GABA rho and gamma2 subunits. When co-expressed in Xenopus oocytes, the gamma2 subunit co-immunoprecipitated with Flag-tagged perch rho1A, rho1B, and rho2B subunits, but not with the Flag-tagged perch rho2A subunit. Immunocytochemical studies indicated that the membrane surface expression of the gamma2 subunit was detected only when it was co-expressed with perch rho1A, rho1B, or rho2B subunit, but not with the perch rho2A subunit or when expressed alone. In addition, co-immunoprecipitation of perch rho1B and gamma2 subunits was also detected in protein samples of the teleost retina. Taken together, these findings suggest that a heteromeric rho(gamma2) receptor could represent one form of GABA(C) receptor on retinal neurons.  相似文献   

 Many studies have shown that molecular markers can improve the efficiency of the selection of quantitative traits in plant breeding provided that large population sizes are used. As a way to limit experimental costs it appears that the use of unreplicated trials may be more valuable than the use of replicated plots in one trial. In this particular context of unreplicated large trials, spatial heterogeneity within the field may reduce the efficiency of the selection. The problem of controlling spatial heterogeneity was seldom considered in the case of marker-assisted selection (MAS). Here, we propose an integrated method to predict genetic values considering simultaneously marker information and possible spatial heterogeneity. This method was applied to a population of 300 F3 lines of maize evaluated in 11 unreplicated trials for grain yield. We show that when spatial field heterogeneity is considered through appropriate statistical models the accuracy of genetic value predictions is improved and the same genetic gain can be achieved with a reduced number of trials. Received: 7 January 1998 / Accepted: 20 July 1998  相似文献   

Porphyridium cruentum was grown in 10 L batch culture at 18°C, pH 8.0 and 28‰ salinity. The cells were harvested in the stationary phase and the fatty acid composition analysed by GC and tocopherol content by HPLC. A total of 14 fatty acids were identified including saturated fatty acids (13:0, 14:0, 14:0 iso, 15:0, 16:0, 16:0iso) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs; 16:1(n-7), 18:1(n-7), 18:1(n-9). Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were the predominant fatty acids detected, reaching 43.7% of total fatty acids in the stationary phase of culture. Among the PUFAs, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5(n-3)) was dominant (25.4%), followed by 12.8% arachidonic acid (AA, 20:4(n-6)). α-Tocopherol and γ-tocopherol contents were 55.2 μg g−1 dry weight and 51.3 μg g−1 dry weight respectively.  相似文献   

The light-harvesting pigment-protein complex B-phycoerythrin from the red alga Porphyridium sordidum has been isolated and crystallized. B-Phycoerythrin consists of three different subunits forming an (alpha beta)6 gamma aggregate. The three-dimensional structure of the (alpha beta)6 hexamer was solved by Patterson search techniques using the molecular model of C-phycocyanin from Fremyella diplosiphon. The asymmetric unit of the crystal cell (space group P3, with a = b = 111.2 A, c = 59.9 A, alpha = beta = 90 degrees, gamma = 120 degrees) contains two (alpha beta) monomers related by a local dyad. Three asymmetric units are arranged around the crystallographic 3-fold axis building an (alpha beta)6 hexamer, as in C-phycocyanin. The crystal structure has been refined by energy-restrained crystallographic refinement and model building. The conventional R-factor of the final model was 18.9% with data to 2.2 A resolution. The molecular structures of the alpha and beta-subunits resemble those of C-phycocyanin. Major changes in comparison to phycocyanin are caused by deletion or insertion of segments involved in protein-chromophore interactions. The singly linked phycoerythrobilin chromophores alpha-84, alpha-140a, beta-84 and beta-155 are each covalently bound to a cysteine by ring A. The doubly linked chromophore beta-50/beta-61 is attached at cysteine beta-50 through ring A and at cysteine beta-61 through ring D. B-Phycoerythrin contains additionally a 30 kDa gamma-subunit, which is presumably located in the central cavity of the hexamer. It is disordered, as a consequence of crystal and local symmetry averaging.  相似文献   

Hormonal control of flower induction and inflorescence development in vitro was investigated in Spathiphyllum. The effects of gibberellic acid (GA3) and sucrose on inflorescence development were studied in plantlets regenerated in tissue culture. GA3 was mandatory for the shift from the vegetative to the reproductive stage. The effect of sucrose concentration on inflorescence bud development was studied in plantlets cultured in MS medium supplemented with 10 mg l−1 GA3. Sucrose concentration at 3 or 6% induced inflorescence development in, respectively, 83–85% of the plantlets. The effect of GA3 and sucrose on inflorescence differentiation and development were also recorded in liquid culture using air-lift bioreactor. The best response was found in the same medium which was standardized as an optimum for solid culture, but the results were better than solid culture. In order to study the relationship between glutathione (GSH) and flowering, we also measured the oxidized and reduced GSH content in leaves throughout the culture period on 2 weeks interval. The GSH accumulation was more after 4 weeks until 6 weeks in GA3 treated plantlets. Similarly, glutathione reductase which is involved in the recycling of reduced GSH providing a constant intracellular level of GSH, was also higher in GA3 treated plantlets. The transient increase in GSH contents also correlated with the changes in measured γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase (γ-ECS) activity over the same period. The antioxidant enzyme activity in GA3 treated plantlets also suggests that the plants suffered increased oxidative stress during the period of GA3 treatment which subsequently increases GSH synthesis through activation of γ-ECS and this promotes flowering by increasing endogenous GSH.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas cichorii strainS, isolated by soil enrichment technique, utilized santonin as the sole source of carbon, forming chromatographically destinguishable transformation products. One of the intermediary transformation products was identified as 1,2-dihydro α-santonin.  相似文献   

The town of Carquefou, some 10 km northeast of Nantes on the left bank of the river Erdre, occupies a site long associated with human activity. During road construction east of the town, ditches, enclosures and post holes characteristic of the late la Tène were discovered at the locality of “Le Clouet”, which led us to obtain core samples from a nearby peat bog. These investigations indicated the changes in vegetation since 3915±95 uncal B.P., [2828 (2459) 2074 cal B.C.]. The slopes in the surroundings of the bog have been relatively treeless since the Bronze Age, but a very open woodland vegetation composed of Tilia, Corylus and Quercus has been maintained until the present day. In the area around the bog, and Alnus wood with an undergrowth of Cyperaceae was the dominant vegetation, despite some changes probably related to human occupation since the Bronze Age. Beginning at 955±35 uncal B.P. [1004 (1036, 1144, 1146) 1181 cal A.D.], in the Middle Ages, the alders disappeared almost totally, apparently because of clearance or an increase in water level. Human presence led to intensified cultivation of different crops including Cannabis and especially Cerealia. Finally, the presence of a variety of anthropogenic indicator plants (Cichorioideae, Asteraceae, Plantago lanceolata, etc.) suggests that cattle were reared in the vicinity of the site. Received May 22, 2000 / Accepted March 29, 2001  相似文献   

Roots and tubers, together with other plant storage organs such as rhizomes, bulbs, corms, etc. are known to be a source of human food. Until very recently, however, remains of root foods were rarely identified from archaeological contexts in temperate Europe. New evidence for the use of root foods has been recently recovered from the early Erteb?lle settlement at Halsskov in Denmark. Remains included charred bulbs of Allium cf. ursinum and tubers of Conopodium majus. They were accompanied by charred remains of parenchymatous tissues derived from underground parts of other plants. All parenchymatous remains were recovered from features that could be interpreted as pit-cooking depressions. A minimum of two periods of root food gathering can be assumed, spring to early summer and autumn. The presence of charred seeds of Nuphar pumilum suggests that either the seeds or rhizomes (or both) were use as food. Received September 4, 2001 / Accepted February 27, 2002  相似文献   

The monotremes, the duck-billed platypus and the echidnas, are characterized by a number of unique morphological characteristics, which have led to the common belief that they represent the living survivors of an ancestral stock of mammals. Analysis of new data from the complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes of a second monotreme, the spiny anteater, and another marsupial, the wombat, yielded clear support for the Marsupionta hypothesis. According to this hypothesis marsupials are more closely related to monotremes than to eutherians, consistent with a basal split between eutherians and marsupials/monotremes among extant mammals. This finding was also supported by analysis of new sequences from a nuclear gene—18S rRNA. The mt genome of the wombat shares some unique features with previously described marsupial mtDNAs (tRNA rearrangement, a missing tRNALys, and evidence for RNA editing of the tRNAAsp). Molecular estimates of genetic divergence suggest that the divergence between the platypus and the spiny anteater took place ≈34 million years before present (MYBP), and that between South American and Australian marsupials ≈72 MYBP. Received: 28 October 2000 / Accepted: 23 March 2001  相似文献   

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