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G Desie  N Boens  F C De Schryver 《Biochemistry》1986,25(25):8301-8308
The tryptophan environments in crystalline alpha-chymotrypsin were investigated by fluorescence. The heterogeneous emission from this multitryptophan enzyme was resolved by time-correlated fluorescence spectroscopy. The fluorescence decays at 296-nm laser excitation and various emission wavelengths could be characterized by a triple-exponential function with decay times tau 1 = 150 +/- 50 ps, tau 2 = 1.45 +/- 0.25 ns, and tau 3 = 4.2 +/- 0.4 ns. The corresponding decay-associated emission spectra of the three components had maxima at about 325, 332, and 343 nm. The three decay components in this enzyme can be correlated with X-ray crystallographic data [Birktoft, J.J., & Blow, D.M. (1972) J. Mol. Biol. 68, 187-240]. Inter- and intramolecular tryptophan-tryptophan energy-transfer efficiencies in crystalline alpha-chymotrypsin were computed from the accurately known positions and orientations of all tryptophan residues. These calculations indicate that the three fluorescence decay components in crystalline alpha-chymotrypsin can be assigned to three distinct classes of tryptophyl residues. Because of the different proximity of tryptophan residues to neighboring internal quenching groups, the decay times of the three classes are different. Decay tau 1 can be assigned to Trp-172 and Trp-215 and tau 2 to Trp-51 and Trp-237, while the tryptophyl residues 27, 29, 141, and 207 all have decay time tau 3.  相似文献   

Fluorescence labeling of bacterial pathogens has a broad range of interesting applications including the observation of living bacteria within host cells. We constructed a novel vector based on the E. coli streptococcal shuttle plasmid pAT28 that can propagate in numerous bacterial species from different genera. The plasmid harbors a promoterless copy of the green fluorescent variant gene egfp under the control of the CAMP-factor gene (cfb) promoter of Streptococcus agalactiae and was designated pBSU101. Upon transfer of the plasmid into streptococci, the bacteria show a distinct and easily detectable fluorescence using a standard fluorescence microscope and quantification by FACS-analysis demonstrated values that were 10-50 times increased over the respective controls. To assess the suitability of the construct for high efficiency fluorescence labeling in different gram-positive pathogens, numerous species were transformed. We successfully labeled Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus anginosus and Staphylococcus aureus strains utilizing the EGFP reporter plasmid pBSU101. In all of these species the presence of the cfb promoter construct resulted in high-level EGFP expression that could be further increased by growing the streptococcal and enterococcal cultures under high oxygen conditions through continuous aeration.  相似文献   

alpha-Chymotrypsin (CT), spin-labeled at the active site by using an acylating label which constitutes a substrate for this protein, has been investigated in reverse micelles formed by AOT in isooctane. The electron spin resonance spectra provided information on conformation, dynamics and deacylation activity. The dynamics of the label bound to CT appears to be more hindered in reverse micelles than in aqueous solution, probably owing to the effect of the micellar environment on protein conformation. The deacylation rate in reverse micelles does not show the characteristic bell-shaped dependence on water content which is generally found for CT enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Detection of phosphoproteins plays an important role in understanding protein function in cellular signalling pathways. Improved methods for identification and quantification of phosphoproteins are research priorities. Near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence detection of a γ-modified ATP-biotin analog was used to detect protein phosphorylation, using both model kinase substrates and mammalian cell lysates. NIR signal intensity was dependent on substrate and ATP-biotin concentrations.  相似文献   

Application of 2-aminopyridine fluorescence labeling to glycosaminoglycans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A pyridylamination method was applied to glycosaminoglycans and the characteristics of the resulting pyridylamino glycosaminoglycans were examined. First, glycosaminoglycan chains, which uniformly possess a xylose residue at their reducing termini, were liberated from proteoglycan by successive digestion with protease and endo-beta-xylosidase. Then the glycosaminoglycan chains were coupled with 2-aminopyridine by reductive amination with sodium cyanoborohydride for 15 h according to the method of Hase, S. et al. [J. Biochem. 95, 197-203 (1984)]. The pyridylamination reaction caused neither depolymerization, de-N-acetylation, nor de-N- or de-O-sulfation. The pyridylamino glycosaminoglycan chains had an intact linkage region (GlcA-Gal-Gal-Xyl) between the carbohydrate chain and the peptide core of the proteoglycan. These pyridylamino glycosaminoglycans should be useful as substrates for endo-type glycosidases that act on glycosaminoglycan chains and as markers for studies of glycosaminoglycan metabolism.  相似文献   

We present here an optimized and cost-effective approach to saturation fluorescence labeling of protein thiols for proteomic analysis. We investigated a number of conditions and reagent concentrations, including the disulfide reducing agent tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP), pH, incubation time, linearity of labeling, and saturating dye/protein thiol ratio with protein standards to gauge specific and nonspecific labeling. Efficacy of labeling under these conditions was quantified using specific fluorescence estimation, defined as the ratio of fluorescence pixel intensities and Coomassie-stained pixel intensities of bands after digital imaging. Factors leading to specific versus nonspecific labeling in the presence of thiourea are also discussed. We found that reproducible saturation of available Cys residues of the proteins used as labeling standards (human carbonic anhydrase I, enolase, and α-lactalbumin) is achieved at 50- to 100-fold excess of the uncharged maleimide-functionalized BODIPY dyes over Cys. We confirmed our previous findings, and those of others, that the maleimide dyes are not affected by the presence of 2 M thiourea. Moreover, we established that 2 mM TCEP used as reductant is optimal. We also established that labeling is optimal at pH 7.5 and complete after 30 min. Low nonspecific labeling was gauged by the inclusion of non-Cys-containing proteins (horse myoglobin and bovine carbonic anhydrase) to the labeling mixture. We also showed that the dye exhibits little to no effect on the two-dimensional mobilities of labeled proteins derived from cells.  相似文献   

Here, we describe novel puromycin derivatives conjugated with iminobiotin and a fluorescent dye that can be linked covalently to the C-terminus of full-length proteins during cell-free translation. The iminobiotin-labeled proteins can be highly purified by affinity purification with streptavidin beads. We confirmed that the purified fluorescence-labeled proteins are useful for quantitative protein-protein interaction analysis based on fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS). The apparent dissociation constants of model protein pairs such as proto-oncogenes c-Fos/c-Jun and archetypes of the family of Ca2+-modulated calmodulin/related binding proteins were in accordance with the reported values. Further, detailed analysis of the interactions of the components of polycomb group complex, Bmi1, M33, Ring1A and RYBP, was successfully conducted by means of interaction assay for all combinatorial pairs. The results indicate that FCCS analysis with puromycin-based labeling and purification of proteins is effective and convenient for in vitro protein-protein interaction assay, and the method should contribute to a better understanding of protein functions by using the resource of available nucleotide sequences.  相似文献   

The kinetic activation parameters (activation free energy, activation free enthalpy, and activation free entropy change) of the conformational change of alpha-chymotrypsin from an inactive to the active conformation were determined after a pH jump from pH 11.0 to pH 6.8 by the fluorescence stopped-flow method. The conformational change was followed by measuring changes in the protein fluorescence. For the bovine wild-type protein, the same kinetic parameters are obtained as in the study of proflavin binding. Several mutants were made with the goal to accelerate or decelerate this conformational transition. The inspiration for the choice of the mutants came from a previous modelling study done on the bovine wild-type chymotrypsin. The results of the fluorescence stopped flow experiments show that several mutants behaved as was expected based on the information provided by the modeling study on the wild-type variant. For some mutants our assumptions were not correct, and therefore additional modeling studies of the activation pathways of these mutant proteins are necessary to be able to explain the observed kinetic behavior.  相似文献   

A new method based on fluorescence imaging and flow cytometry was developed to investigate the transformation process of Saccharomyces cerevisiae AY. Yeast and fluorescent-labeled plasmid pUC18 were used as models of cells and DNA molecules, respectively. Binding of DNA molecules to yeast cell surfaces was observed. Factors influencing DNA binding to cell surfaces were investigated. It has been found that poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) could induce DNA binding to yeast surfaces, while Li(+) showed a weak effect on the binding. When both Li(+) and PEG were used, synergetic effect occurred, resulting in the binding of pUC18 to the surface of more yeast cells compared with that in the presence of PEG or Li(+) only. It was also confirmed that heat shock, Li(+), and PEG all can increase the permeability of yeast cells. This simple method is helpful for understanding the process of yeast transformation and can be used to investigate the interaction of DNA with cell surfaces.  相似文献   

A class of reactive DNA circuits was adapted as erasable molecular imaging probes that allow fluorescent reporting complexes to be assembled and disassembled on a biological specimen. Circuit reactions are sequence-dependent and therefore facilitate multiplexed (multicolor) detection. Yet, the ability to disassemble reporting complexes also allows fluorophores to be removed and new circuit complexes to be used to label additional markers. Thus, these probes present opportunities to increase the total number of molecular targets that can be visualized on a biological sample by allowing multiple rounds of fluorescence microscopy to be performed.  相似文献   

Summary Endothelial cells are intimately involved in a variety of biological processes such as inflammatory disorders, wound healing, and tumor invasion. The finding of endothelial heterogeneity in various tissues has led to major efforts to isolate and culture microvascular endothelial cells in human and animal tissue. In this report we have used phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE)-labeled liposomes to fluorescently label the sheep lung microvasculature in situ. Using normotensive perfusion pressure, the PE-labeled liposomes did not extravasate into extravascular lung tissue. Mechanical and enzymatic digestion of the lung tissue demonstrated that the PE-labeled liposomes provided a stable label of the vascular lining cells during ex vivo processing. After digestion, the overwhelming majority of the fluorescent label appeared in cellular aggregates. Approximately 80% of these cells demonstrated an in vitro phenotype consistent with microvascular endothelium. A novel monoclonal antibody selective for sheep endothelial cells was developed to confirm the presence of lung endothelium in the fluorescently labeled cellular aggregates. We conclude that in situ fluorescence labeling of vascular lining cells provides an anatomic marker for relevant vascular lining cells and an opportunity to study these cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Shi X  Jung Y  Lin LJ  Liu C  Wu C  Cann IK  Ha T 《Nature methods》2012,9(5):499-503
A major hurdle for molecular mechanistic studies of many proteins is the lack of a general method for fluorescence labeling with high efficiency, specificity and speed. By incorporating an aldehyde motif genetically into a protein and improving the labeling kinetics substantially under mild conditions, we achieved fast, site-specific labeling of a protein with ~100% efficiency while maintaining the biological function. We show that an aldehyde-tagged protein can be specifically labeled in cell extracts without protein purification and then can be used in single-molecule pull-down analysis. We also show the unique power of our method in single-molecule studies on the transient interactions and switching between two quantitatively labeled DNA polymerases on their processivity factor.  相似文献   

A liquid chromatography procedure is described for the determination of some estrogens using fluorescence detection. The estrogens are labeled by precolumn derivatization with 5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonylchloride (dansyl chloride) and chromatographed on a reversed-phase, C-18 column with a mobile phase consisting of methanol, water, and acetic acid. The eluted analytes are measured with a fluorescence detector using excitation and emission wavelengths of 350 and 540 nm, respectively. The chief advantage of this new procedure is its sensitivity, requiring smaller amounts of sample to detect and quantitate estrogens in biological materials. We could detect less than 400 pg of estriol. With our procedure, this corresponded to about 25 ng in the final reaction mixture, before derivatization. The use of smaller sample volumes could improve this limit. Linearity for dansylated estriol, estrone, and estradiol was excellent over the estrogen range below 100 μg in the sample. This corresponds to approximately 1.7 μg on the column. Within-run precision was better than 5% for the full extraction and derivatization procedure for estriol from pregnancy urine samples. Chromatography is complete within 10 min for dansylated estriol, estrone, and estradiol.  相似文献   

We present an efficient method of introducing fluorophore labels at selected locations in a large RNA. The method is based on specific and highly efficient hybridization between a fluorophore-containing DNA oligonucleotide and a modular hairpin loop replacing a functionally unimportant hairpin loop in the RNA. We demonstrate its feasibility using a 255-nucleotide RNA derived from the catalytic domain of RNase P from Bacillus subtilis. Hybridization of the DNA oligonucleotide to the modular hairpin loop minimally perturbs the structure and function of this RNA. This labeling scheme should be applicable in studies of RNA conformational dynamics by ensemble and single molecule fluorescence methods.  相似文献   

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