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Summary The kinetics of -mannanase (EC and -mannosidase (EC formation by a yeast cell wall lytic Arthrobacter species were studied. Growth () on yeast mannan was multiphasic and caused by mannose (=0.29 h–1) liberated by enzyme action from mannan. Early enzyme formation was soon repressed by mannose and depressed by its restricted availability during late exponential and stationary growth. Synthesis of -mannosidase occurred predominantly at the late stage of substrate utilization. Fructose was detected as an equally potent inducer for -mannanase formation as yeast mannan, being a simple and cheap substrate for large-scale cultivation. Growth on fructose was reduced (=0.20 h–1), enzyme synthesis being growth associated; nevertheless, comparable -mannanase levels [180 (U) units l–1] were formed. -Mannosidase activity was only detectable in small amounts. Continuous culture experiments gave values for maximal productivity of mannanase of 18 U h–1 g–1 and enzyme yield per biomass (Y EA/X) of 100 U g–1. Moreover, the substrate saturation constant (Monod constant) and maintenance coefficient were estimated for fructose as 115 mg l–1 and 4 mg h–1 g–1, respectively.  相似文献   

The Ediacara biota are an enigmatic group of Neoproterozoic soft-bodied fossils that mark the first major radiation of complex eukaryotic and macroscopic life. These fossils are thought to have been preserved via pyritic “death masks” mediated by seafloor microbial mats, though little about the chemical constraints of this preservational pathway is known, in particular surrounding the role of bioavailable iron in death mask formation and preservational fidelity. In this study, we perform decay experiments on both diploblastic and triploblastic animals under a range of simulated sedimentary iron concentrations, in order to characterize the role of iron in the preservation of Ediacaran organisms. After 28 days of decay, we demonstrate the first convincing “death masks” produced under experimental laboratory conditions composed of iron sulfide and probable oxide veneers. Moreover, our results demonstrate that the abundance of iron in experiments is not the sole control on death mask formation, but also tissue histology and the availability of nucleation sites. This illustrates that Ediacaran preservation via microbial death masks need not be a “perfect storm” of paleoenvironmental porewater and sediment chemistry, but instead can occur under a range of conditions.  相似文献   

Research on the distribution of oxylipins (3-hydroxy fatty acids) in flocculant strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae led to the uncovering of a novel ghosting phenomenon observed during assumed lectin-mediated aggregation. We found that intracellular oxylipin-containing osmiophilic layers migrate through yeast cell walls in a ghostlike fashion without visually affecting the cell wall structure or the layers. This migration resulted in the binding of these layers to cell walls of adjacent cells. Consequently, ghosting seems a prerequisite for flocculation to occur. However, ghosting alone may not be sufficient to ensure flocculation.  相似文献   

Summary Exchange isotherms of Cu2+ vs Zn2+-ions were performed on the cell wall of a fresh water alga,Nitella flexilis. The relevant thermodynamic parameters are calculated. The cell wall absorbs copper selectively. The selectivity is explained by a stronger chelation of the cupric ion, due to the Jahn-Teller effect. The wall acts like a two-site model, based on the nature of the ligands: a first group of aminesites reacts exothermically and a second of hydroxylic-carboxylic sites of lower affinity, reacts endothermically.  相似文献   

Comparison of the six editions of the Origin of Species reveals a definite change in Darwin's propounded theory.Although the tone of the statements seems to become more positive in later editions, the change of thought indicates a certain inability of the original theory to stand up to criticism.Up to the 5th edition, the alterations are mostly supportive to the theory of accumulation of modifications by natural selection, but in the last two editions non-selective forces come into play. Darwin himself was unwilling to admit a great structural change in his theory and although all the factors had been presented in earlier editions the importance of their role had so shifted by the 6th edition that it is difficult not to conclude that the basic axioms of the theory had changed.  相似文献   

Lead poisoning constitutes one of most detrimental environmental hazards to all living organisms. Plants developed a variety of avoidance and tolerance mechanisms that are activated in response to lead exposure. Plant cell walls were suggested to play important role in these reactions by creating an efficient barrier to lead entry to the protoplasts, but the molecular mechanisms involved in such shielding reaction have not been elucidated. Tip growing protomemata of Funaria hygrometrica (Hedw.) were used as model for studying effects of lead exposure on plant cell walls (CWs). Forty-eight hour-treatment 4 μM PbCl2 resulted in the appearance of cell wall thickenings (CWTs) at the tip of the apical cell, which is the lead entry site to the cell protoplast [Krzes?owska, M., Wo?ny, A., 1996. Lead uptake localization and changes in cell ultrastructure of Funaria hygrometrica protonemata. Biol. Plant. 38, 253–259]. The nature of these thickenings differed from the one of cell wall in unexposed plants as revealed by immunolabelling with monoclonal antibodies and histochemical analyses. The most striking difference was the appearance high amount of low-esterified (JIM5 epitope) and unesterified (PAM1 epitope) homogalacturonan, which were absent from the tip cell wall of control protonemata and are known as the compounds able to bind and immobilise Pb2+. Furthermore, the cell wall thickenings commonly contained callose and at least two kinds of lipid compounds known as the substances preventing metal ions entry to the protoplast.Observations in transmission electron microscope (TEM) showed that CWTs contained a few distinct, varied structurally regions. The dominant one was the region of a granular structure—never found in the control CW. This region contained both the highest amount of JIM5 pectins—and the most numerous lead deposits. In many cases gold particles, identifying JIM5 pectins, appeared to be bound to lead deposits. It indicated that JIM5 pectins which accumulated in CWTs were involved in immobilisation of high amounts of Pb2+. Because the region of lead accumulation occupied the largest volume of the CWTs, we concluded that CWTs appear to be a very important repository for Pb2+ in protonemata cells. Thus, we postulate that, CWTs localized at the tip of the apical cell—the main region of lead uptake [Krzes?owska, M., Wo?ny, A., 1996. Lead uptake localization and changes in cell ultrastructure of Funaria hygrometrica protonemata. Biol. Plant. 38, 253–259] rich in JIM5 pectins, callose and lipids function as the effective barrier against lead ions penetration into the protonema protoplast.The findings substantiate previous hypotheses that lead ions can be sequestered in cell walls and point to the possibility that capacity for lead binding might increase in cell response to lead.  相似文献   

The binary nucleation of phase-separated Lennard-Jones clusters was analysed under various system conditions using molecular dynamics simulations. The modified potential model provides a simple gateway to observe non-wetting behaviour and imitates the more complex interactions of non-miscible substances. Thus, not only the transition from ideally mixed clusters to so-called ‘Janus’ particles, but also the structural aspects and dynamic formation processes of nanoscopic droplets are directly observable from the gas phase. Various shapes and sizes of these inhomogeneous clusters have been found via simple tuning of system parameters. From this analysis, we gained further insight into the direct formation of ‘Janus’ particles from the gas phase.  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of an extrakaryotic mutation conferring temperature-sensitive growth on nonfermentable substrates and a high frequency of mutation to rho has been studied. Multifactorial crosses (rho+xrho+) involving this mutation T 8 S and mitochondrial mutations conferring resistance to chloramphenicol, erythromycin, oligomycin or paromomycin revealed: a) Mutation T 8 S is localized on the mitDNA, referring to a new gene locus TSM1. b) Locus TSM1 appears to be weakly linked to the locus PAR1 and to the loci RIB1 and RIB3 but unlinked to the locus OLI1. c) The position of TSM1 is between PAR1 and the two closely linked loci RIB1 and RIB3, OLI1 is outside and not linked to the segment PAR-TSM-RIB. d) Mutation T 8 S does not significantly influence the process of mitochondrial recombination and its control by the mitochondrial locus .  相似文献   

Summary The structures of uniformly 13C-labeled -glucan octa- and undeca-oligosaccharides enzymatically prepared by the yeast cell wall glucanosyl transferase of Candida albicans were characterized by using a combination of HCCH-COSY, HCCH-TOCSY, and HMBC experiments. The oligosaccharide structures indicate that the cell wall glucanosyl transferase cleaves two glucosyl units from the reducing end of the initial linear (13) penta-oligosaccharide and subsequently transfers the remainder to another oligosaccharide at the nonreducing end via a (16) linkage. These results indicate that the combined action of cell wall glucanase and glucanosyl transferase activities could not only introduce intrachain (16) linkages within a single glucan strand, but also result in cross-linking of two initially separate glucan strands with concurrent introduction of intrachain (16) linkages. Since isolated fungal membranes only synthesize linear (13) glucan strands, wall-associated enzymes probably participate in the assembly of the final wall glucan structure during cell growth and division.  相似文献   

It is known that cell wall remodeling and the salvaging pathway act to compensate for an impaired or a damaged cell wall. Lately, it has been indicated that this mechanism is partly required for resistance to the glucan synthesis inhibitor echinocandin. While cell wall remodeling has been described in mutants of glucan or mannan synthesis, it has not yet been reported in a chitin synthesis mutant. Here, we describe a novel cell wall remodeling and salvaging pathway in chitin synthesis mutants, Δchs3A and Δchs3B, of the pathogenic yeast Candida glabrata. Electron microscopic analysis revealed a thickened mannoprotein layer in Δchs3A cells and a thickened chitin-glucan layer of Δchs3B cells, and it indicated the hypothesis that mannan synthase and chitin-glucan synthase indemnify Δchs3A and Δchs3B cells, respectively. The double-mutant CHS3A and MNN10, encoding α-1,6-mannosyltransferase, showed synergistic stress sensitization, and the Δchs3B strain showed supersensitivity to echinocandins. Hence, these findings support the above hypothesis of remodeling. Furthermore, unlike Δchs3A cells, Δchs3B cells showed supersensitivity to calcineurin inhibitor FK506 and Tor1p kinase inhibitor rapamycin, indicating that the Δchs3B strain uses the calcineurin pathway and a Tor1p kinase for cell wall remodeling.  相似文献   

Purification of biotechnologically important proteins is of vital interest to the biotech industry. β-Glucosidases, belonging to Family 1 and Family 3 of the glycosylhydrolases, have varied applications as carbohydrate hydrolyzing and synthesizing enzymes. Obtaining high quantities of these enzymes is important for exploring their biosynthetic potential, structural information and catalytic activities. Classical methods for their preparation fail to deliver high yields because of adoption of several/hydroxyapatite chromatography steps. We report here a preparative method for purification of large quantities of two closely related cell bound β-glucosidases (BGL I and BGL II) from Pichia etchellsii that belong to Family 3 glycosylhydrolases. A combination of ion-exchange and gel filtration chromatography was used to process milligram quantities of protein with recoveries of up to 53%. A simple affinity based separation resulted in resolution of BGL I and BGL II with high recovery and high specific activities of 74IU/mg and 32IU/mg protein respectively. Peptide sequences of BGL II indicated it to be a novel member of Family 3. Methods reported here present a successful strategy for obtaining large quantities of these enzymes.  相似文献   

BackgroundThere is an abundant link between the gut microbiota and human health and it plays a critical role in the clinic. It is recognized that microbial dysregulation contributes to the pathogenesis of tuberculosis (TB) but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. In this study, we investigated the association of gut microbiome composition with TB as well as its possible roles in the development of this disease.MethodsFecal samples were collected from 10 TB patients and 20 healthy control samples. DNA extracted from fecal samples was subjected to 16S rDNA gene sequencing analysis on the Illumina MiSeq platform.ResultsCompared with healthy control samples, the gut microbiome of patients with TB was characterized by the decreased Alpha diversity. Perhaps, the decrease of microbial diversity which results in microbial dysregulation is the reason for clinical patients with more symptoms. The PTB group showed the most unique microbiota by higher abundance of Bifidobacteriaceae, Bifidobacteriales, Coriobacteriaceae, Coriobacteriales, Actinobacteria, Caulobacteraceae, Phyllobacteriaceae, Rhizobiales, Burkholderiaceae, Burkholderiaceae. Inflammatory status in PTB patients may be associated with the increased abundance of Clostridia and decreased abundance of Prevotella. We found that the abundance of Solobacterium and Actinobacteria was higher in the patients. There were 4 significant differences (p < 0.05) in the two groups which belonged to four metabolic categories, including endocytosis, phosphotransferase system (PTS), toluene degradation, and amoebiasis.ConclusionWe applied the approach of metagenomic sequencing to characterize the features of gut microbiota in PTB patients. The present study provided a detailed analysis of the characterization of the gut microbiota in patients based on the clinic. According to the metagenome analysis, our results indicated that the gut microbiota in PTB patients was significantly different from healthy control samples as characterized by the bacteria and metabolic pathway. The richness of the gut microbiota in patients was revealed. It was hypothesized that the above-mentioned changes of the gut microbiota could exert an impact on the development of PTB through the downstream regulation of the immune status of the host by way of the gut–lung axis.  相似文献   

The onset of rapid cell elongation occurred at different distances from the apex in various tissues of the primary root of maize (Zea mays L.). Furthermore, the comparison of these distances with those determined for the cessation of mitotic divisions revealed a considerable discrepancy. The onset of rapid cell elongation was realized much farther from the root apex than the cessation of cell divisions and therefore a distinct region could be distinguished in every examined maize root tissue. This region was denoted the region of postmitotic isodiametric cell growth. Cells in this region grew in width as well as in length and obtained approximately a square-isodiametric shape. They were also characterized, as are cells in the meristem, by intense nucleic-acid metabolism. This prominent postmitotic isodiametric cell growth was observed in both polyploid and diploid tissues, and indicates that postmitotic isodiametric cell growth, like mitotic division and cell elongation growth, represents an important developmental stage in plant cell ontogeny.The authors dedicate this paper to Dr. M. Luxová on the occasion of her 65th birthday  相似文献   

Xiao  Zhuoxi  Yan  Guochao  Ye  Mujun  Liang  Yongchao 《Plant and Soil》2021,460(1-2):189-209
Plant and Soil - We propose a thorough study of the succulent halophyte Sarcocornia carinata endemic to the saline lagoons of the center of the Iberian Peninsula. We describe its elemental...  相似文献   

This study tested several aspects of a model proposed by Williamson (1990, 1991) in which stresses in plant cell walls, detected by stress-receptive portions of inelastic cellulose microfibrils, orient microtubules via interactions with cell wall-linked transmembrane proteins. Young expanding cells of pea root tips have highly ordered transverse arrays of microtubules oriented perpendicular to the direction of cell expansion. The recovery of these ordered MT arrays after depolymerisation with oryzalin was assessed. It was shown that treating roots with disruptors of microfibril synthesis (2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile and calcofluor white) or the disruption of Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD)-mediated wall-membrane links did not affect the orientation of recovering microtubule arrays. Furthermore, cell wall stresses themselves appeared unnecessary for regeneration of transverse arrays. The relevance of these findings to Williamson's hypothesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Cells sequester neutral lipids in bodies called lipid droplets. Thus, the formation and breakdown of the droplets are important for cellular metabolism; unfortunately, these processes are difficult to quantify. Here, we used time-lapse confocal microscopy to track the formation, movement and size changes of lipid droplets throughout the cell cycle in fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. In theory, the number of lipid droplets in these cells must increase for daughter cells to have the same number of droplets as the parent at a reference point in the cell cycle. We observed stable droplet formation events in G2 phase that were divided evenly between de novo formation of nascent droplets and fission of preexisting droplets. The observations that lipid droplet number is linked to the cell cycle and that droplets can form via fission were both new discoveries. Thus, we scrutinized each fission event for multiple signatures to eliminate possible artifacts from our microscopy. We augmented our time-lapse confocal microscopy with electron microscopy, which showed lipid droplet 'intermediates': droplets shaped like dumbbells that are potentially in transition states between two spherical droplets. Using these complementary microscopy techniques and also dynamic simulations, we show that lipid droplets can form by fission.  相似文献   

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