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Changes in the presynaptic inhibition of spinal α motoneurons were studied in athletes during motor activities of different types. In the state where muscles were at relative rest, the presynaptic inhibition of spinal α motoneurons of the m. soleus was stronger in samboists (athletes specializing in the martial art of sambo) and sprinters than in long-distance runners. In samboists performing repeated static efforts, the presynaptic inhibition of spinal α motoneurons became stronger from one trial to the next. Both technique training and strength training enhanced the presynaptic inhibition of spinal α motoneurons, this enhancement being greater after strength training.  相似文献   

Background: In the Middle East region, consanguinity remains to be a central feature where it has shown an increasing trend. Breast cancer is an extremely complex disease, characterized by a progressive multistep process caused by interactions of both environmental and genetic factors. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the possible effect of consanguinity on the risk of breast cancer in a population with a high rate of consanguinity and find the associated risk-modifying factors. Subjects and methods: The study included 167 Qatari and other Arab expatriates women with breast cancer and 341 age and ethnicity matched control women. A questionnaire that included the socio-demographic information, type of consanguinity, medical history, life style habits, dietary intake and tumor grade was designed to collect, the information of cases and controls. A total number of 214 breast cancer patients were approached and 167 cases completed the questionnaires with a response rate of 78%. Of the 417 healthy women who agreed to participate in this study, 341 responded to the questionnaire (81.8%). Results: The study revealed that the rate of parental consanguinity was lower in breast cancer patients (24%) than in controls (32.3%) (p = 0.062). Female controls were slightly younger (46.5 ± 11.9) than breast cancer patients (48.4 ± 10.7). Breast cancer incidence was significantly higher in Qatari women (34.1%) compared to other Arab women (65.9%) (p = 0.034). A significant difference was noted only in occupation of the studied women between cases and controls (p < 0.001). Overweight (46.7%) and obesity (32.9%) were significantly higher in female breast cancer patients compared to controls (p = 0.028). Overall, the mean coefficient of consanguinity was lower in breast cancer patients (0.014) than in controls (0.018) (p = 0.0125). Family history of breast cancer was significantly more often in breast cancer patients (14.4%) than in controls (6.2%) (p = 0.002). However, the family history of breast cancer was more often positive in cases of non-consanguineous parents (15.7%) than cases of consanguineous parents (10.0%). Conclusion: The present study revealed the lack of association between of breast cancer and the parental consanguinity in Arab women residing in Qatar. The family history of breast cancer and the body mass index (BMI) are highly associated with breast cancer.  相似文献   

A long‐standing question in biology and economics is whether individual organisms evolve to behave as if they were striving to maximize some goal function. We here formalize this “as if” question in a patch‐structured population in which individuals obtain material payoffs from (perhaps very complex multimove) social interactions. These material payoffs determine personal fitness and, ultimately, invasion fitness. We ask whether individuals in uninvadable population states will appear to be maximizing conventional goal functions (with population‐structure coefficients exogenous to the individual's behavior), when what is really being maximized is invasion fitness at the genetic level. We reach two broad conclusions. First, no simple and general individual‐centered goal function emerges from the analysis. This stems from the fact that invasion fitness is a gene‐centered multigenerational measure of evolutionary success. Second, when selection is weak, all multigenerational effects of selection can be summarized in a neutral type‐distribution quantifying identity‐by‐descent between individuals within patches. Individuals then behave as if they were striving to maximize a weighted sum of material payoffs (own and others). At an uninvadable state it is as if individuals would freely choose their actions and play a Nash equilibrium of a game with a goal function that combines self‐interest (own material payoff), group interest (group material payoff if everyone does the same), and local rivalry (material payoff differences).  相似文献   

Spatial aggregation of plants of high nectar production, receiving an enhanced pollinator service is known to occur in Echium vulgare. Moreover, an emanating effect of nectar production on pollinator visits may occur, i.e. many pollinator visits may be observed around high nectar patches. Consequently, gene flow within patches of plants of high nectar production and their close neighbours may result in genetic structure. In this study, we investigated whether aggregation of total nectar production (nectar production per flower×number of flowers) and its emanating effect resulted in genetic structure in a natural E. vulgare population. We compared the spatial structure of total nectar production, pollinator visits and microsatellite markers using spatial autocorrelation analysis. Increased geitonogamy, caused by longer boutlengths in plants of high nectar production may generate genetic structure. We estimated selfing rates of plants of the highest and lowest total nectar production. Spatial aggregation of total nectar production occurred on a relatively small scale up to 2.83 m. A significant emanating correlation between total nectar production and pollinator visits was observed on a relatively large scale up to a 4.24 m. Thus, around patches of high nectar production numbers of pollinator visits were relatively high, while few visits were observed around patches of low nectar production. Weak genetic structure was present on a small scale up to 2.20 m. This corresponded with the scale of aggregation of total nectar production. High gene flow around the patches of high nectar production seems to weaken genetic structure. This is supported by the relatively low selfing rates. The average selfing rate of the plants of highest nectar production was 8.8% and that of the plants of lowest nectar production 5.0%. Low gene flow within and around low nectar patches sustain a weak genetic structure or, conversely, may have caused it in the first instance. Results indicate the importance of spatial structure of nectar production for pollinator movement.  相似文献   

Background and objectiveSelf-esteem refers to a degree to which a person esteem himself or herself, the summation in light of cognizant self-evaluative considerations and feeling or in short as global emotional placement of self. This study investigates the relationship between self-esteem, social factors, and academic achievement in the form of grade point average (GPA) standing for academic achievement in the health science colleges.MethodsThis study is a quantitative cross-sectional design. The study was conducted at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University (PNU), and the participants were health Science Colleges' undergraduate students. The questionnaire is composed of 24 questions in 4 main sections. The self-esteem was evaluated by using a validated Rosenberg Self-Esteem 7-questions Scale used only.ResultsA total of 551 questionnaires were distributed to the students, and 507 of them responded. Out of 507 responded, 7 were excluded due to a lack of the information. 47 (9.4%) were Foundation year students, 109 (21.8%) Medical students, 44 (8.8%) Dental students, 97 (19.4%) Pharmacy students, 101 (20.2%) Nursing students and 102 (20.4%) from Applied science. The students’ overall responses demonstrated that most of the health science students agreed in a positive way of self-esteem (1.68 ± 0.31).ConclusionThe findings from the current study contribute to the resources to better oversee projects to upgrade health sciences students' self-esteem, some short term courses (i.e. English, personality development and motivation) are requested to boost the academic career and confidence by lifting self-esteem; it indirectly helps to better academic performance. Students also need special counseling for how to deal with stress, anxiety and depression.  相似文献   

The hormonal stress response is flexible and can be modulated by individuals according to its costs and benefits. Therefore, it is predicted that parents in poor body condition should modify their hormonal stress response, and thus, redirect energy allocation processes from parental care to self-maintenance when stressors occur. To test this prediction, most studies on free-living vertebrates have only focused on the stress response while the stress recovery – how quickly hormonal levels return to baseline values – has been neglected. Moreover, most studies have only focused on corticosterone – the primary mediator of allostasis – without paying attention to prolactin despite its major role in mediating parental behaviors. Here, we examined the effect of a short-term fasting event on the corticosterone and prolactin stress responses and recoveries, and we subsequently explored their relationships with parental decision in the snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea). By comparing the hormonal profiles of fasting and non-fasting snow petrels, we showed that parents modulate their corticosterone (but not prolactin) stress response according to their energetic status. We also described for the first time the hormonal stress recoveries in wild birds and found that they did not differ between fasting and non-fasting birds. Importantly, egg neglect was negatively correlated with circulating prolactin but not corticosterone levels in this species, demonstrating therefore a complex link between body condition, parental behavior and circulating corticosterone and prolactin levels. We suggest that both corticosterone and prolactin play a major role in the way parents adjust to stressors. This multiple signaling may allow parents to fine-tune their response to stressors, and especially, to activate specific allostasis-related mechanisms in a timely manner.  相似文献   

A comparison of the vertebrate motor systems of the oldest group of now living vertebrates (lamprey) with that of mammals shows that there are striking similarities not only in the basic organization but also with regard to synaptic properties, transmitters and neuronal properties. The lamprey dorsal pallium (cortex) has a motor, a visual and a somatosensory area, and the basal ganglia, including the dopamine system, are organized in a virtually identical way in the lamprey and rodents. This also applies to the midbrain, brainstem and spinal cord. However, during evolution additional capabilities such as systems for the control of foreleg/arms, hands and fingers have evolved. The findings suggest that when the evolutionary lineages of mammals and lamprey became separate around 500 million years ago, the blueprint of the vertebrate motor system had already evolved.  相似文献   

Plicatamide is a modified octapeptide from the ascidian Styela plicata having the structure Phe-Phe-His-Leu-His-Phe-His-decarboxyDeltaDOPA (where decarboxyDeltaDOPA = decarboxy-(E)-alpha,beta-dehydro-3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine). Edman sequencing, tandem mass spectrometry, and proton NMR have been used to characterize 100 microg of the compound. Plicatamide represents an important link between two classes of biomolecules: the tunichromes which share an oxidatively decarboxylated C-terminus and higher molecular weight DOPA-polypeptides. The 8-residue sequence provides the first opportunity to investigate the biosynthetic origins of the tunichrome family by molecular biological techniques.  相似文献   

The tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antagonists are parenterally administered biologic response modifiers indicated for the management of rheumatoid arthritis. Although infliximab, etanercept, and adalimumab are all members of this class, they differ in route of administration and dosing regimen. In the USA and in Europe, infliximab, in combination with oral methotrexate, is administered intravenously, initially at a dose of 3 mg/kg at weeks 0, 2, and 6, then every 8 weeks thereafter. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has further approved that the dosage can be increased to 10 mg/kg and the doses can be given as often as every 4 weeks to optimize patient outcome (information based on the US package insert dated June 2002). Etanercept and adalimumab are given subcutaneously and can be self-injected. The FDA-approved dose of etanercept is 25 mg twice weekly, and of adalimumab is 40 mg every 2 weeks with methotrexate, or 40 mg alone. Medication adherence, possibly the most important factor in maintaining the benefits of anti-TNF therapy, is influenced by the interaction between the patient and his or her healthcare team, the patient's attitude toward the disease and medication regimen, and the choice of therapy.  相似文献   

Does male-biased predation lead to male scarcity in viviparous fish?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Male predation risk due to ornaments seldom reduces female mating opportunities because males escape costs through alternative mating strategies and/or females cease to select for highly ornamented males. Males of the Amarillo fish Girardinichthys multiradiatus (Goodeidae) have large sexually selected fins that impair attack-avoidance manoeuvres. This fish was used to seek evidence that intersexual selection for handicapping traits can result in a deficit of acceptable mating partners. Also it was examined whether, under male scarcity, females remain choosy to the point of missing mating opportunities, and that they can exert effective control over matings, which is a pre-condition of effective female choice. It was found that snakes prey disproportionately on males, that it leads to female-biased sex ratios, and that highly ornamented males are more scarce after predation than males with small ornaments. Females can avoid being fertilized by unattractive males, and that missing one reproductive period can lead to infertility. Thus it appears that females have promoted the exaggeration of a male trait that increases predation risk, remain choosy even when acceptable males are scarce, and pay a large cost when missing mating opportunities. A prediction from these results is that females enjoy substantial fitness benefits from mating with highly ornamented males, which override the occasional fatal costs of refusing to mate with sub–optimal males. One potential consequence of female selectivity and control over matings when males are scarce may be a reduced capability to colonize new habitats.  相似文献   

Mating systems are well known to influence the dispersing sex,but the magnitude of the sex-biased dispersal has not actuallybeen measured, whereas many theoretical predictions have beenmade. In this study, we tested a new prediction about the coevolutionbetween natal dispersal and sociality from a recent evolutionarilystable strategy (ESS) approach. From a comparative approach,we showed that, in agreement with the model, the male-biaseddispersal increases with increasing level of sociality in polygynousground-dwelling sciurids. In addition, the increase in male-biaseddispersal with increasing sociality results from an increasein male dispersal rates, whereas female dispersal rates remainconstant, contrary to what is expected from the ESS model. Althoughthe mating system through the level of polygyny could act asa confounding factor, our results strengthen previous work thatstates that inbreeding avoidance plays a major role in the evolutionof dispersal for the most social mammalian species.  相似文献   

Abstract. The ecological literature is ambiguous as to whether the initial diversity of a plant community facilitates or deters the diversity of colonizing species. We experimentally planted annual crop species in monoculture and polyculture, and examined the resulting weed communities. The species composition of weeds was similar among treatments, but the species richness of weeds was significantly higher in the polycultures than in the monocultures. This supports the ‘diversity begets diversity’ hypothesis. Environmental microheterogeneity, diversity promoters, and ecological equivalency do not seem able to explain the observed patterns.  相似文献   

Rise in the availability of fast-food restaurants has been blamed, at least partly, for the increasing obesity in the U.S. The existing studies of obesity have focused primarily on children, adolescents, and adults, and this paper extends the literature by raising a little-studied question and using nationally representative data to answer it. It examines the relationship between the supply of fast-food restaurants and weight gain of pregnant women and their newborns. I study prenatal weight gain because excessive weight gain has been linked to postpartum overweight/obesity and I study both tails of the birthweight distribution because the origin of obesity may be traced to the prenatal period and both tail outcomes have been associated with obesity later in life. I merge the 1998 and 2004 Natality Detail Files with the Area Resource File, and County Business Patterns, which provide data on the number of fast-food restaurants in the metropolitan area where the mother resides. The empirical model includes an extensive list of MSA characteristics and MSA fixed effects to control for factors that may be correlated with both health outcomes and restaurants’ location decision. Results reveal that the fast-food and weight gain relationship is robust to the inclusion of these controls but these controls greatly mitigate the fast food–infant health relationship. Greater access to fast-food restaurants is positively related to mothers’ probability of excessive weight gain but it does not share a statistically significant relationship with birthweight. These relationships hold in all the socioeconomic and demographic subgroups studied.  相似文献   

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