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Book reviews in this article:
Another defence of pattern cladistics!
Transformed cladistics, taxonomy, and evolution .—N. R. S cott -R am .
Quaternary evolution and biogeography of the large South American Canidae (Mammalia: Carnivora) —A. Berta.  相似文献   

Demography of the Dobe !Kung . Nancy Howell
The Bushmen A. P. Wannenburgh, Peter Johnson, and Anthony Bannister.
The !Kung San: Men, Women, and Work in a Foraging Society Richard B. Lee  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《American anthropologist》1991,93(2):507-509
Book reviewed in this article:
Linguistic Anthropology: Dominant Languages: Language and Hierarchy in Britain and France . R. D. Grillo.
"We Are Not French!": Language, Culture and Identity in Brittany . Maryon McDonald.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1962,61(3):356-369
Book reviewed in this article:
Lower Upper Cretaceous Plant Microfossils from Minnesota . By R ichard L. P ierce .
Rubber: Botany, Production and Utilization . By L oren G. P olhamus .
Manipulations de Botanique . By L. G enèves .
Chromosome Numbers of Central and Northwest European Plant Species . Opera Botanica (Botaniska Notiser supplement) Vol. 5. By A. and D. L öve .
Synthesis of Molecular and Cellular Structure . Edited by D orothea R udnick .
Contemporary Botanical Thought . Edited by A. M. M acleod and L. S. C obley .
Flora of New Zealand . Vol. I. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons. By H. H. A llan .
A Review of Nitrogen in the Tropics with Particular Reference to Pastures— A Symposium . Bulletin No. 46 of the Commonwealth Bureau of Pastures and Field Crops. Edited by a Committee of the Division of Tropical Pastures, C.S.I.R.O., Australia.
Control Mechanisms in Cellular Processes . The Seventh Annual Symposium publication of the Society of General Physiologists. Edited by D avid M. B onner .
Recent Advances in Botany . From lectures and symposia presented to the IX International Botanical Congress, Montreal 1959. Vols. I and II.
Encyclopaedia of Plant Physiology . Edited by W. R uhland . Vol. XVI. External factors Affecting Growth and Development. Sub-editor: G. Melchers.
Advances in Genetics . Vol. X. Edited by E. W. C aspari and J. M. T hoday .
Soil Micro-organisms and Higher Plants . By N. A. K rasilnikov . Translated by Y. Halperin.
An Introduction to the Cytogenetics of Polvploids . By G. W. P. D awson .
Plant Pathology: An Advanced Treatise . Vol. III: The Diseased Population, Epidemics and Control. Edited by J. G. H orsfall and A. E. D imond .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1961,60(2):211-218
Book reviewed in this article:
The Handling of Chromosomes . By C. D. D arlington and L. F. L a C our .
Plant Physiology , volume 1B: Photosynthesis and Chemosynthesis. Edited by F. C. S teward .
Agriculture and Ecology in Africa . A study of actual and potential development south of the Sahara by J ohn P hillips
Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States , vol. IV. By L. A brams and R. S. F erris .
The Anatomy of the Monocotyledons , vol. 1. Gramineae. By C. R. M etcalfe .
Vitamine und Antivitamine. Protoplasmatologia II , B 2 b β. By A lfred P ongratz .
Plant Disease Handbook . By C ynthia W estcott .
An Introduction to the Biology of Micro-organisms . By L ilian E. H awker , A. H. L inton , B. F. F olkes and M. J. C arlile .
Ainsworth and Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi . Fifth Edition by G. C. A insworth .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Marine fish larvae-morphology, ecology and relation to fisheries , edited by Reuben Lasker.
Environmental Physiology of Plants , by A. H. Fitter & R. K. M. Hay.
Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics , by Clive A.
Dinosaurs , by L. B. Halstead &Jenny Halstead.
Large White Butterfly. The biology, biochemistry and physiolosy of Pieris brassicae ( Linnaeaus ), by John Feltwell.
Omnivorous primates: Gathering and hunting in human evolution , edited by Robert S. O. Harding and Geza Teleki.
Handbook of Zoo Medicine , by Heinz George Klös & Ernst Lang.
Cetacean behaviour: Mechanisms and functions , edited by L. M. Herman Wiley  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1972,71(4):763-771
Books reviewed in this article:
Plant Anatomy: Experiment and Interpretation , Part II, Organs. By E lizabeth G. C utter .
Genetics. By D. J. C ove .
The Structure and Life of Bryophytes. By E. V. W atson .
Underwater Science. Ed. by J. D. W oods and J. J. L ythgoe .
8ème Symposium Européen sur les Maladies à Virus des Arbres Fruitiers.
Evolution and Plants of the Past. By H. P. B anks .
Project Aqua. A Source Book of Inland Waters Proposed for Conservation. IBP Handbook No. 21. By H. L uther and J. R zóska .
Variation and Adaptation in Plant Species. By D. A. J ones and D. A. W ilkins .
Flora of Lesotho (Basutoland). By A my J acot G uillarmod .
Introduction to Biogeography. By B rian S eddon .
Trees: Structure and Function. By M. H. Z immerman and C. L. B rown ;
Flora of New Zealand , Volume II. By L. B. M oore and E. E dgar .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1960,59(1):116-128
Review in this article:
Protoplasmatologia—Handbuch der Protoplasmaforschung . Band II, CI. The Viscosity of Protoplasm. By L. V. H eilbrunn .
Trace Element Problems in Nature . A Symposium in the Botany Department, University of Cape Town. Edited by D r . K. H. S chütte .
Cell, Organism and Milieu. (Seventeenth Growth Symposium). Edited by D orothea R udnick .
Subcellular Particles . Edited by T. H ayashi .
Plant Growth Substances . By L. J. A udus .
Uredineana. Receuil d': études systematiques et biologiques sur les Urédinées du Globe . Tome 5. By A. L. G uyot .
A Textbook of General Physiology . By H. D avson .
Protoplasmatologia . Vol. Ill AI. Le Chondriome de la Cellule Végétale: Morphologie du Chondriome; by P. D angeard .
Analytical Cytology . Edited by R obert C. M ellors .
Blakeslee: The Genus Datura . By A. G. A very , S. S atina and J. R ietsema .
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Past and Present . By W. B. T urrill .
Drawings of British Plants . Part XIII. Umbelliferae (2), Araliaceae, Cornaceae. By S tella R oss -C raig .
Physiology of Fungi. By V incent W. C ochrane .
Illustrated Moss Flora of Fennoscandia . Vol. II. Musci. Fasc. III. By E lsa N yholm .
An Outline of General Plant Geography . By W. S zafer .
Protoplasmatologia. Handbuch der Protoplasmaforschung . Ed. L. V. Heilbrunn and F. Weber. Vol. VIII; 9a. Polaritút und Inäquale Teilung des pflanzlichen Protoplasten . By Erwin Bünning, Tübingen.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1960,59(2):263-272
Review in this article:
British Parasitic Fungi . By W. C. M oore .
Chemistry and Biology of the Starch Granule . By N. P. B adenhuizen .
Plant Pathology: an Advanced Treatise . Vol. 1. The Diseased Plant. Edited by J. G. H orsfall and A. E. D imond .
Protoplasmatologia. Handbuch der Protoplasmaforschung . Edited by L. V. H eilbrunn and F. W eber .
Papierchromatographie in der Botanik . Second edition. By N. F. L inskens and others.
Morphology and Physiology of Plant Tumours . By A rmin C. B raun and T om S tonier .
Exchange of Genetic Material: Mechanisms and Consequences . Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume 23.
Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology (Handbuch der Pflanzenphysiologie). Volume XI. Heterotrophy. Edited by W. R uhland .
The Biology of Mycorrhiza . By J. L. H arley .
Cold Spring Harbor Svmposia on Quantitative Biology . Vol. XXIV.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1994,128(4):807-807
books reviewed in this article:
Crop Evolution, Adaptation and Yield. By L. T. E vans .
Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry. Vol. 21. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants IV. Ed. by Y. P. S. B ajaj .
Procedures in Electron Microscopy . Ed. by A. W. R obards and A. J. W ilson .
Pests and Pathogens: Plant Responses to Foliar Attack. Ed. by P. G. A yres .
The Grass Genera of the World. By L. W atson and M.J.D allwitz .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1964,63(1):119-133
Plant Communities of the Scottish Highlands. A Study of Scottish Mountain, Moorland and Forest Vegetation . (Monographs of the Nature Conservancy, No. 1.) By D onald McV ean and D erek A. R atcliffe .
* L unde , T. (1962). An investigation into the pH-amplitudes of some mountain plants in the county of Trorns. Acta borealia. A: Scientia , Nr. 20.
Physiology and Biochemistry of Algae . Edited by R alph A. L ewin .
Fungal Genetics . By J. R. S. F incham and P. R. D ay .
The Young Botanist . By C. T. P rime .
Organization in Plants . By W. M. M. B aron .
Chromosome Marker . By K. R. L ewis and B. J ohn .
Symbiotic Associations . Thirteenth Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology. Edited by P. S. N utman and B arbara M osse .
The Developmental Anatomy of Isoetes. By D ominick J. P aolillo , Jr.
Cucurbits: Botany, Cultivation and Utilization . By T homas W. W hitaker and G len N. D avis .
Common Malayan Plants . By H. B. Gilliland.
Sierra Nevada Natural History . By T racey L. S torer and R obert R. U singer .
Croissance et Développement des Plantes . By L ucie K ofler .
Modern Methods of Plant Analysis , vol. VI. Founded by K. P aech and M. V. T racey , continued by H. F. L inskens and M. V. T racey in co-operation with B. D. S anwal .
Enzyme Chemistry of Phenolic Compounds . Edited by J. B. P ridham .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1989,113(3):423-430
The Flavonoids. Advances in Research since 1980. Ed. by J. B. H arborne .
Hungry crops : a guide to nutrient deficiencies in field crops By N. J. G rundon .
Microbial ecology: organisms, habitats, activities. By H einz S tolp .
Evolutionary Biology of the Fungi. Ed. by A. D. M. R ayner , C. M. B rasier and D. M oore .
Micro-algal Biotechnology . Edited by M.A. B orowitzka and L. J. B orowitzka and L. J. B orowitzka .
Experimental Phycology: A laboratory manual Edited by C hristopher S. L obban , D avid J. C hapman , and B runo P. K remer .
100 Families of Flowering Plants. By M. H ickey and C. K ing .
Differentiation Patterns in Higher Plants. Edited by K. M. U rbanska .
The Living Tundra. By Yu. I. C hernov , Translated by D. L öve .
North American Terrestrial Vegetation. Edited by M. G. B arbour & W. D. B illings .
Biogeography and Quaternary History in Tropical Latin America. By T. C. W hitmore and G. T. P rance (Editors).
Biogeographical Evolution of the Malay Archipelago . By T. C. W hitmore (Editor).
Postglacial Vegetation of Canada. By J. C. R ichie .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1985,99(4):623-629
Nature's Second Kingdom. By F. D elaporte . Translated by Arthur Goldhammer.
Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology , New Series, Volume 10. Hormonal regulation of development II. The functions of hormones from the level of the cell to the whole plant. Edited by T. K. S cott .
Cell Culture and Somatic Cell Genetics of Plants , Volume 1. Laboratory procedures and their applications. Edited by I. K. V asil .
Databases in Systematics. Edited by R. A llkin and F. A. B isby .
Plant Chemosystematics. By J. B. H arborne and B. L. T urner .
Current Concepts in Plant Taxonomy. Edited by V. H. H eywood and D. M. M oore .
Introduction to Principles of Plant Taxonomy. By V. V. S ivarajan .
Our Green and Living World: The Wisdom to Save It. By E. S. A yensu , V. H. H eywood , G.L. L ucas and R. A. D efillips .
Lipids in Plants and Microbes. By J. L. H arwood and N. J. R ussell .
The Role of Terrestrial Vegetation in the Global Carbon Cycle: Measurement by Remote Sensing. Edited by G. M. W oodwell .
Chromosomes Today , Volume 8. Edited by M. D. B ennett , A. G ropp and U. W olf .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1993,125(2):431-431
Inducible Plant Proteins. Their Biochemistry and Molecular Biology . Society for Experimental Biology Seminar Series, Vol. 49. Ed. by J. L. W ray .
The Action Plant. Movement and Nervous Behaviour in Plants . By P aul S imons .
Plants and Microclimate. A Quantitative Approach to Environmental Plant Physiology , 2nd edn. By H. G. J ones .
Acidic Deposition. Its Nature and Impacts . By F. T. L ast and R. W atling .
Biology of the Grapevine . By M ichael G. M ullins , A lain B ouquet and L arry E. W illiams .
Sweet Potato – An Untapped Food Resource . By J. A. W oolfe .
Algae and Symbioses: Plants, Animals, Fungi, Viruses, Interactions Explored . Ed. by W. R eisser .
Vegetation of New Zealand . By P. W ardle .
Microspores: Evolution and Ontogeny . Ed. by S. B lackmore and R. B. K nox .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Journal of neurochemistry》1985,44(4):1326-1329
Book reviews in this article:
Electrophysiological Techniques (Current Methods in Cellular Neurobiology, Vol. 3) edited by J. L. Barker and J. F. McKelvy.
Measurement of Neurotransmitter Release In Vivo edited by C. A. Marsden.
Effects of Aging on Regulation of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism (Monographs in Neural Sciences, Vol. 11) edited by C. Fieschi, G. L. Lenzi, and C. W. Loeb.
Glutamine, Glutamate, and GABA in the Central Nervous System (Neurology and Neurobiology, Vol. 7) edited by L. Hertz, E. Kvamme, E. G. McGeer, and A. Schousboe (General Editors: V. Chan-Palay and S. L. Palay).
Cyclic Necleotide Phosphodiesterases (Advances in Cyclic Nucleotide and Protein Phosphorylation Research, Vol. 16) edited by S. J. Strada and W. J. Thompson (General Editors: P. Greengard and G. A. Robison).  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1976,77(3):809-819
Book reviewed in this article:
Nitrogen Fixation by Free-living Micro-organisms. Ed. by W. D. P. S tewart .
International Biological Programme. Volume 7: Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Plants. Ed. by P. S. N utman .
Gibberellins and Plant Growth. Ed. by H. M. K rishnamoorthy .
Cytodifferentiation in Plants. By L. W. R oberts .
Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology, New Series. Ed. by A. P irson and M. H. Z immerman .
Traité de Paléobotanique : Volume 4, fascicle 2: Pteridophylla (ist part). By E. B oureau and J. D oubinger .
Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Volume 5. Ed. by P. H. D avis , assisted by V. A. M atthews , F. K. K upicha & B. S. P arris .
Physiological Plant Ecology. By W. L archer . Translated from the German by M. A. B iederman -T horson .
The Biology of Eucalypts , By L. D. P ryor .
The Morphology of Pteridophytes. By K. R. S porne .
European Floristic and Taxonomic Studies, B.S.B.I. Conference Report No. 15. Ed. by S. M. W alters (with the assistance of C. J. K ing ).  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1954,53(2):364-371
Plant Anatomy. By K atherine E sau .
Cytochemistry: A Critical Approach. By J. F. D anielli .
Plant Diseases. By F. T. B rooks .
The Fungi. By E rnst A lbert G äumann , translated from the German and arranged as an American text by F rederick L yle W ynd .
Annual Review of Plant Physiology. Vol. iv. Edited by D aniel I. A rnon and L eonard M achlis .
South African Pollen Grains and Spores. Part I. By E. M. van Z inderen B arker .
Plant Growth Substances. By L. J. A udus .
Rice. By D. H. G rist .
The Metabolism of Algae. By E. G. F ogg .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1989,112(1):169-173
Advances in Botanical Research . Vol. 14. Ed. by J. A. C allow .
Inorganic Nitrogen Metabolism . Ed. by W. R. U llrich , P. J. A paricio , P. J. S yrett and F. C astillo .
A Centry od Nitrogen Fixation Research . Ed. by F. J. B ergersen and J. R. P ostgate .
Horizons in Lichenology . Ed. by D. H. D alby , D. L. H awksworth and S. L. J ury .
Introduction to Ecological Biochemistry , By J. B. H arborne .
Russell's Soil Conditions and Plant Growth, Ed. by A lan W ild .
Disease and Plant Population Biology . By J. J. B urdon.
Molecular Determinants of Plant Diseases . Ed. by S. N ishimura , C. P. V ance and N. D oke.
British Fungus Flora, Agrics and Boleti 5. Strophariaceae & Coprinaceae P.P.: Hypholoma, Melanotus, Psilocybe, Stropharia, Lacrymaria & Panaeolus, Psilocybe, Stropharia, Lacrymaria & Panaeolus, By R W atling and M. N. G regory .
Mechanisms of Woody Plant Defenses Against Insects . Ed. by W. J. M attson , J. L evieux and C. B ernard -D agan .
Air Pollution and Acid Rain. The Biological Impact . By A. W ellburn .
The Australian Paniceae (Paniceae) . By R. D. W erster .
Kew Index for 1986 . Compiled by R.A. D avies and K.M. L loyd .
Kew Index for 1987 . Compiled by R. A. D avies and K. M. L loyd .
Index Kewensis Supplement XVII . Compiled by J. L. M. P inner , T. A. B ence , R. A. D avies and K. M. L loyd .
Index Kewensis Supplement XVIII . Compiled by J. L. M. P inner , T. A. B ence , R. A. D avies and K. M. L loyd . Edited by R. A. D avies .
The Botany of Mangroves . By P. B. T omlinson .
Floweroing Plants in West Africa . By M argaret S teentoft .
Plants in Danger . By S. D. D avies  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1993,125(1):221-223
Book Reviewed in this article:
Carbon Partitioning within and between Organisms. Ed. by C.J. P ollock , J. F. F arrar & A. J. G ordon .
Mycorrhizas in Ecosystems. Ed. by D. J. R ead , D. H. L ewis , A. H. F itter & I. J. A lexander .
Methods in Comparative Ecology: a Laboratory Manual. Ed by G. A. F. H endry & J. P. G rime .
Climate Modes of the Phanerozoic. By L. A. F rakes , J. E. F rancis & J. A. S yktus .
The Evolution of Asexual Reproduction in Plants. By M. M ogie .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Beginning Lives , by Rosalind Hursthouse.
On Moral Medicine:Theological Perspectives in Medical Ethics , edited by Stephen E. Lammers and Allen Verhey.
Quantitative Risk Assessment , edited by James M. Humber and Robert F.
A Theory of Value and Obligation , by Robin Attfield.
Ethical Issues at the Outset of Life , edited by William B. Weil Jr. and Martin Benjamin.
Legal Frontiers of Death and Dying by Norman L. Cantor
Having Your Baby By Donor Insemination:A Complete Resource Guide , by Elizabeth Noble  相似文献   

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