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The harbour seal ( Phoca vitulina ) has delayed implantation, precise annual birth timing, and significant latitudinal variation in birth timing. The birth timing patterns of four distinct groups of seals, including colonies of P. v. vitulina and colonies and captive individuals of P. v. richardsi , were examined using population-based photoperiod analysis to assess the role of photoperiod in setting annual birth timing. This analysis simultaneously determined the time, relative to birth, at which photoperiod response was likely to occur and the critical photoperiod.
Despite marked differences in birth timing patterns, a high level of agreement was found among groups for the timing of photoperiod response. The two subspecies, however, demonstrated significantly divergent critical photoperiods. Eastern Atlantic harbour seals were exposed to a common critical photoperiod of 11.7 h/day on the 268th pre-partum day. Wild Pacific harbour seals were exposed to 14.3 h/day on the 283rd pre-partum day. These times corresponded to the estimated occurrence of blastocyst implantation.
Using the above information, three small captive populations were subjected to artificially prolonged photoperiods during the period of embryonic diapause to test whether subsequent birth timing could be delayed. Technical difficulties invalidated results at two sites. At the third and largest colony, the mean pupping date of six individuals was significantly delayed by 10.7days.
The precision and latitudinal variation of annual birth timing in the harbour seal are due to a response to photoperiod which occurs immediately prior to blastocyst implantation. The critical photoperiod, however, is divergent among subspecies and, thus, has probably evolved allowing seasonal adaptation. Similar environmental signalling has been described for California sea lions and northern fur seals and represents the likely timing mechanism for most pinniped species.  相似文献   

Organochlorine (OC) pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been detected in a variety of marine mammal species at levels associated with adverse health effects. Little is known about OC levels and impacts on health in pinnipeds with different life histories. We determined the health and levels of 18 OC pesticides and 16 PCB congeners in blubber samples from 20 Steller sea lions and 39 Pacific harbor seals stranded from Oregon and Southern Washington. The most commonly detected OC at the highest concentration was p,p′- dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE). PCBs were detected in all samples as well. Hypothesis testing indicated that diseased Steller sea lions (males and females combined) had higher contaminant concentrations than healthy Steller sea lions, and diseased Pacific harbor seals had higher concentrations of total OCs than healthy animals. Differences were also noted between diseased and healthy animals when looking at individual sexes of each species. Diseased Steller sea lions had higher mean contaminant levels than diseased harbor seals and healthy Steller sea lions had higher mean contaminant concentrations than healthy Pacific harbor seals. These results show that species differences exist in both contaminant loads and sensitivity to contaminants, which may be due to differences in life histories and physiology.  相似文献   

A population-based analysis was used to evaluate the role of photoperiod in regulating the precise annual birth timing of captive California sea lions. Latitudinal variation of 463 birth dates was explained by a response to a common photoperiod, 11.48 h/d, occurring 242 d pre-partum and immediately before blastocyst implantation. The lengths of the pupping seasons at the 18 largest captive colonies were significantly correlated to those estimated by the photoperiod model. Hence, the phenology of birth in this species is defined by photoperiod.  相似文献   

The effects of visitor presence on zoo and aquarium animals have become increasingly well studied, using measures such as behavioral responses and exhibit usage. Many taxa remain underrepresented in this literature; this is the case for marine mammals, despite widespread public concern for their welfare in managed care settings. The current study therefore used behavioral activity budgets and exhibit usage to assess the responses of California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) and harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) to visitors at the Seal Cove exhibit at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, Vallejo CA. Data was collected via focal follow video recordings over the summer season of 2016, and analyzed using MANCOVAs, discriminant analyses, and modified Spread of Participation Indices. The sea lions showed no significant changes in behavior when visitors were present, but did show greater preference for the water bordering visitor viewing areas during these times. Two sea lions gave birth during the study period, and showed greater preference for land areas both adjacent to and out of sight of visitors when nursing compared to while pregnant. In contrast, the harbor seals showed significant behavioral changes in the presence of visitors, including increased vigilance and feeding. This was associated with increased preferential use of water areas adjacent to the visitor viewing area. Visitors were able to purchase fish to throw to the animals, which likely contributed to the differences observed. Overall, this study found little evidence for negative visitor impacts on two pinniped species in a zoo setting.  相似文献   

California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) and northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) are each believed to host distinct hookworm species (Uncinaria spp.). However, a recent morphometric analysis suggested that a single species parasitizes multiple pinniped hosts, and that the observed differences are host-induced. To explore the systematics of these hookworms and test these competing hypotheses, we obtained nucleotide sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA (D2/D3 28S, D18/D19 28S, and internal transcribed spacer [ITS] regions) from 20 individual hookworms parasitizing California sea lion and northern fur seal pups where their breeding grounds are sympatric. Five individuals from an allopatric population of California sea lions were also sampled for ITS-1 and D18/D19 28S sequences. The 28S D2/D3 sequences showed no diagnostic differences among hookworms sampled from individual sea lions and fur seals, whereas the 28S D18/D19 sequences had one derived (apomorphic) character demarcating hookworms from northern fur seals. ITS sequences were variable for 7 characters, with 4 derived (apomorphic) states in ITS-1 demarcating hookworms from California sea lions. Multivariate analysis of morphometric data also revealed significant differences between nematodes representing these 2 host-associated lineages. These results indicate that these hookworms represent 2 species that are not distributed indiscriminately between these host species, but instead exhibit host fidelity, evolving independently with each respective host species. This evolutionary approach to analyzing sequence data for species delimitation is contrasted with similarity-based methods that have been applied to numerous diagnostic studies of nematode parasites.  相似文献   

Infrared thermography (IRT) was assessed as a non-invasive tool to evaluate body condition in juvenile female harbor seals (Phoca vitulina), (n=6) and adult female Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus), (n=2). Surface temperature determined by IRT and blubber depth assessed with portable imaging ultrasound were monitored concurrently at eight body sites over the course of a year in long-term captive individuals under controlled conditions. Site-specific differences in surface temperature were noted between winter and summer in both species. Overall, surface temperature was slightly higher and more variable in harbor seals (9.8±0.6 °C) than Steller sea lions (9.1±0.5 °C). Limited site-specific relationships were found between surface temperature and blubber thickness, however, insulation level alone explained a very small portion of the variance. Therefore, while validated IRT data collection can potentially provide valuable information on the health, condition and metabolic state of an animal, it cannot provide a generalized proxy for blubber depth.  相似文献   

Leptospirosis was identified in six northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) that were stranded in 1995 along the coast of California (USA). Histologic lesions in all seals included tubulointerstitial nephritis with tubular degeneration and necrosis. Infection was confirmed through identification of spirochetes using an immunohistochemical stain for Leptospira sp. antigens. One affected seal had an elevated titer to Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona. Four of the six seals developed leptospirosis during rehabilitation, and two seals had evidence of exposure in the wild. Potential sources of infection during rehabilitation include other elephant seals, California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardsii), or free-ranging wildlife. These results indicate that northern elephant seals are susceptible to leptospirosis and can develop disease both in the natural environment and in a rehabilitation setting.  相似文献   

The evolution of resource specializations is poorly understood, especially in marine systems. The southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) is the largest of the phocid seals, sexually dimorphic, and thought to prey predominantly on fish and squid. We collected vibrissae from male and female southern elephant seals, and assessed stable C and N isotope ratios along the length of the vibrissae. Given that whiskers grow slowly, this sampling strategy reflects any variation in feeding behaviour over a period of time. We found that isotopic variation among females was relatively small, and that the apparent prey choice and trophic level of females was different from that for males. Further, males showed a very broad range of trophic/prey choice positions, grouped into several clusters, and this included isotopic values too low to match a broad range of potential fish and cephalopod prey tested. One of these clusters overlapped with data for South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens), which were measured for comparison. Both male southern elephant seals and southern sea lions forage over the continental shelf, providing the potential for competition. We discuss the possibility that individual southern elephant seals are pursuing specialist foraging strategies to avoid competition, both with one another, and with the South American sea lions that breed nearby.  相似文献   

We measured stable-nitrogen (δ15N) and stable-carbon (δ13C) isotope ratios in muscle and hair from 7 northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) from the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, and 27 Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus), and 14 harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from the Gulf of Alaska and coast of Washington State, in order to contrast dietary information derived from isotopic vs. available conventional dietary studies. Stable-nitrogen-isotope analysis of muscle revealed that harbor seals were enriched over sea lions (mean δ15N = 18.6‰vs. 17.5‰) which were in turn enriched over northern fur seals (mean δ15N = 16.6‰). Trophic segregation among these species likely results primarily from differential reliance on herring (Clupea harengus), Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus monopterygius), and large vs. small walleye pollock (Theregra chalcogramma). According to their δ15N values, adult male Steller sea lions showed a higher trophic position than adult females (mean δ15N: 18.0‰vs. 17.2‰), whereas adult female northern fur seals were trophically higher than juvenile male fur seals (mean δ15N: 16.5‰vs. 15.0‰). Each of these observed differences likely resulted from differential reliance on squid or differences in the size range of pollock consumed. Three northern fur seal pups showed higher δ15N enrichment over adults (mean 17.7‰vs. 15.8‰) due to their reliance on their mother's milk. Stable-carbon isotope measurements of hair revealed a cline toward more negative values with latitude. Segregation in hair δ13C between Steller sea lions and harbor seals off the coast of Washington (mean δ13C: ?13.6‰vs.?15.0‰) reflected the greater association of harbor seals with freshwater input from the Columbia River. Our study demonstrates the utility of the stable isotope approach to augment conventional dietary analyses of pinnipeds and other marine mammals.  相似文献   

Seventeen biochemical constituents were assayed in the blood plasma of clinically-normal Australian sea lions (Neophoca cinerea). The sea lions formed part of a breeding colony which inhabits the southern coast of Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Little variation was found in any of the values obtained from animals of different age and sex. The results were compared with values published for California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), Northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus), Harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) and Northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris).  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of foraging location (nearshore vs offshore) and foraging latitude (high vs middle) on the carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope compositions of bone collagen of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus), harbor seals (Phoca vitulina), California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), and northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris). Nearshore-foraging harbor seals from California had δ13C values 2.0‰ higher than female northern elephant seals foraging offshore at similar latitudes. Likewise, nearshore-foraging harbor seals from Alaska had values 1.7‰ higher than male northern fur seals, which forage offshore at high latitudes. Middle-latitude pinnipeds foraging in either the nearshore or offshore were 13C enriched by ∼1.0‰ over similar populations from high latitudes. Male northern elephant seals migrate between middle and high latitudes, but they had δ13C values similar to high-latitude, nearshore foragers. Female northern fur seal δ13C values were intermediate between those of high- and middle-latitude offshore foragers, reflecting their migration between high- and middle-latitude waters. The δ13C values of California sea lions were intermediate between nearshore- and offshore-foraging pinnipeds at middle latitudes, yet there was no observational support for the suggestion that they use offshore food webs. We suggest that their “intermediate” values reflect migration between highly productive and less-productive, nearshore ecosystems on the Pacific coasts of California and Mexico. The relative uniformity among all of these pinnipeds in δ15N values, which are strongly sensitive to trophic level, reveals that the carbon isotope patterns result from differences in the δ13C of organic carbon at the base of the food web, rather than differences in trophic structure, among these regions. Finally, the magnitude and direction of the observed nearshore-offshore and high-to middle-latitude differences in δ13C values suggest that these gradients may chiefly reflect differences in rates and magnitudes of phytoplankton production as well as the δ13C value of inorganic carbon available for photosynthesis, rather than the input of 13C-enriched macroalgal carbon to nearshore food webs. Received: 8 September 1998 / Accepted: 24 February 1999  相似文献   

Genetic substructure among groups of Pacific harbor seals, Phoca vitulina richardsi , along the western coast of the United States was investigated using mitochondrial DNA sequences. Blood and tissue samples were removed from 86 seals inhabiting Puget Sound and the Pacific coasts of Washington, Oregon, and California. A 320 base-pair segment of the control region was amplified using the polymerase chain reaction and directly sequenced. These data indicated a high level of diversity. Thirty variable sites were found that define 47 mitochondrial haplotypes. Among groups of P. v. richardsi sampled, 5 haplotypes were shared, but most (42) were unique to a locality. Haplotypic frequency and an Analysis of Molecular Variance (A mova ) revealed significant differences ( P = 0.001) among regions. Phylogenetic analysis indicated Puget Sound seals possess unique divergent lineages not found in seals from the coasts of Washington, Oregon, and California. These lineages may represent haplotypes from north of Washington, which is consistent with late reproductive timing of harbor seals from Puget Sound.  相似文献   

Pinnipeds, that is true seals (Phocidae), eared seals (Otariidae), and walruses (Odobenidae), possess highly developed vibrissal systems for mechanoreception. They can use their vibrissae to detect and discriminate objects by direct touch. At least in Phocidae and Otariidae, the vibrissae can also be used to detect and analyse water movements. Here, we review what is known about this ability, known as hydrodynamic perception, in pinnipeds. Hydrodynamic perception in pinnipeds developed convergently to the hydrodynamic perception with the lateral line system in fish and the sensory hairs in crustaceans. So far two species of pinnipeds, the harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) representing the Phocidae and the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) representing the Otariidae, have been studied for their ability to detect local water movements (dipole stimuli) and to follow hydrodynamic trails, that is the water movements left behind by objects that have passed by at an earlier point in time. Both species are highly sensitive to dipole stimuli and can follow hydrodynamic trails accurately. In the individuals tested, California sea lions were clearly more sensitive to dipole stimuli than harbour seals, and harbour seals showed a superior trail following ability as compared to California sea lions. Harbour seals have also been shown to derive additional information from hydrodynamic trails, such as motion direction, size and shape of the object that caused the trail (California sea lions have not yet been tested). The peculiar undulated shape of the harbour seals’ vibrissae appears to play a crucial role in trail following, as it suppresses self-generated noise while the animal is swimming.  相似文献   

California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) in otherwise good nutritional condition have been consistently affected by the marine biotoxin domoic acid since the late 1990s. In this study we evaluated the temporal and spatial stranding patterns of suspected and confirmed cases of domoic acid intoxicated sea lions from 1998 to 2006, using records of strandings along the California coast obtained from members of the California Marine Mammal Stranding Network. The majority of domoic acid cases were adult females (47%–82% of the total annual domoic acid cases), a contrast to strandings that were not related to domoic acid, which were generally dominated by juveniles and pups. Exposure to this biotoxin led to a 6.67‐fold increase in adult female strandings in 2000, and a 5.44‐fold increase in adult female deaths in 2006, relative to strandings and deaths of adult female not affected by domoic acid. Domoic acid cases have occurred annually since 1998 (except for 1999) between April and August, with clusters centered primarily at Pismo Beach (San Luis Obispo County), as well as at other beaches in San Luis Obispo, Monterey, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, Orange, and San Diego counties. The larger ecological and population level implications of increased domoic acid strandings and deaths, particularly among adult female sea lions, warrant further attention and need to be investigated.  相似文献   

We studied morphometric, hematology, and serum chemistry variables in 140 Hawaiian monk seals ( Monachus schauinslandi ) to establish normal baseline values for these variables among free-living seals. We compared seals at French Frigate Shoals (FFS), Midway Atoll (MID), and Pearl and Hermes Reef (PHR) because these subpopulations differ in their rates of population recovery. Dorsal standard length and axillary girth differed significantly between immature (1–4 yr old) and adult (≥5 yr old) seals among sex and island subgroups. Immature seals at FFS were shorter than those at MID and PHR; adult seals at FFS had smaller dorsal standard lengths and axillary girths compared to the other subpopulations. The differences in size were more pronounced among adult females. Significant differences were also found for hematology and serum chemistry variables among seals at FFS, MID, and PHR. Monk seals at FFS had an absolute lymphopenia and eosinopenia compared to those at MID and PHR, compatible with a stress response. Seals at FFS also had lower blood urea nitrogen than seals at PHR, and a lower plasma potassium than seals at MID or PHR. Monk seals had an absolute and relative eosinophilia compared to previously published values. Analysis of subpopulation differences is useful for population health assessment and for long-term monitoring of an endangered species.  相似文献   

研究了加州Santa Monica海湾鳍足类的生态学.从1997-2007年乘船调查了277次,发现海狮(Zalophus californianus)是最常见的动物(89%,见到的次数为1393次),其次是港海豹(Phoca vitulina richardsi,8%,n=131)和北象海豹(Mirounga angustirostris,1%,n=15).在29%的遇见次数(观察到瓶海豚205次)中,发现海狮(偶尔也发现港海豹)与瓶鼻海豚集群(Tursiops truncatus);短喙真海豚(Delphinus delphis)与长喙真海豚(D.capensis)在53% 的遇见次数(遇见真海豚次数n=155)中,发现短喙真海豚(Delphinus delphis)与长喙真海豚(D.capensis)集群;一般在沿岸水域(离岸边距离<500 m)见到海狮和港海豹,但在整个海湾也能见到,表现出这两个物种对海底峡谷的偏爱.北象海豹仅见于近海,主要在海底峡谷附近. 经常看到海狮、港海豹和北象海豹游动(50%,n=728)、进行热调节(14%,n=205)、以及取食(3.2%,n=47),但几乎见不到有社会性活动(0.21%,n=3).  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II DRB genotypes were examined in two geographically isolated populations of California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) (Gulf of California and California coastal Pacific Ocean). Genomic DNA from 227 California sea lions was examined using eight sequence-specific primer (SSP) pairs flanking the putative peptide-binding site. A total of 40 different Zaca-DRB genotype configurations were identified among the 227 individuals. Using SSP-PCR, significant differences were found between coastal California and Gulf of California Zalophus populations in numbers of DRB sequences per individual and configuration of sequences within individuals. Additionally, unique local patterns of MHC diversity were identified among the Midriff Island animals. These population differences are consistent with either ecologically distinct patterns of selection pressures and/or geographical isolation. The consequences of these partitioned MHC configurations at the population level are as yet unknown; however, the worldwide increase in emerging marine diseases lends urgency to their examination.  相似文献   

The sensitivity and specificity of the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) as a method for detection of exposure to Leptospira spp. in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) were determined. Sera came from individuals that demonstrated clinical signs of renal disease, had lesions suggestive of leptospirosis at necropsy, and had visible leptospires in silver stained kidney sections as positive controls. Sera from unexposed captive individuals were used as negative controls. The test was 100% sensitive at 1:3,200 for confirming renal infection and 100% specific at negative < 1:100 for detection of Leptospira interrogans scrovar pomona antibodies by MAT in California sea lions. Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona was used as a screening serovar because it has been isolated previously from the kidneys and placentas of California sea lions, and there appears to be cross-reactivity between serovar pomona and other serovars. Sera from 225 free-ranging California sea lions presented to one of three participating California (USA) coastal marine mammal rehabilitation centers in 1996 were then evaluated for antibodies to serovar pomona using the MAT. The overall seroprevalence was 38.2% (86/225), although the prevalence varied among locations from 100% (38/38) in animals at the Marine Mammal Care Center (Fort MacArthur, California, USA) to 0% (0/14) at SeaWorld California (San Diego, California). At The Marine Mammal Center (Sausalito, California) [prevalence 27.8% (48/173)], the majority of seropositive animals were subadults and adults, and males were 4.7 times more likely to be seropositive to serovar pomona than females. When combining results from all three centers, subadult and adult animals were more likely to be seropositive than pups and juvenile sea lions, and the highest proportion of seropositive animals presented during the autumn months. Serum elevations of blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, phosphorus, and/or calcium were associated with seropositivity to serovar pomona. We found no association between potassium or sodium levels and seropositivity.  相似文献   

Stable isotope and scat analyses were used in concert to determine trophic level and dietary overlap among California sea lions from different rookeries in the Gulf of California. Isotopic analysis of the fur of sea lion pups revealed differences in δ15N and δ13C values among rookeries during the breeding season. Mean δ15N and δ13C values varied from 20.2‰ to 22.4‰ and from −15.4‰ to −14.0‰, respectively. The pattern of differences among rookeries was similar between years in most cases. Isotopic variations among rookeries were associated with differences in prey consumption. There was a significant correlation between δ15N value and trophic level, as determined by scat analysis. Joint application of isotopic and scat analyses allowed us to identify how the feeding habits of sea lions vary with location. Our results suggest the presence of spatial structure in available prey as well as the localized use of prey by sea lions across the Gulf of California.  相似文献   

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