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The uptake and incorporation of adenosine and thymidine by infective larvae, 10-day-old juvenile, and adult stages of Brugia pahangi were investigated using scintillation counting and autoradiographic techniques. No evidence of thymidine incorporation by the worm was obtained in this study. Scintillation counting methods demonstrated that 14C-labeled adenosine was incorporated by all three stages of this filarial worm. Autoradiography, performed on worms incubated in [3H] adenosine from 5 min through 2 hr, revealed that following 5–15 min incubation the greatest degree of adenosine incorporation occurred in the hypodermis and somatic cords. Adenosine incorporation into the deeper body tissues, including the gut, increased significantly with longer periods of incubation. The results obtained further support the concept that nutrient uptake in B. pahangi occurs by a transcuticular route.  相似文献   

The localization and distribution of some cytoskeletal protein components were studied by immunostaining methods in normal and ostosclerotic osteoblast-like cells. The protein components investigated were microtubules (beta-tubulin), intermediate filaments (vimentin), microfilaments (actin and myosin) and structural proteins (alpha-actinin and fibronectin). Although the mechanism is not yet clear, the alterations observed in the pathological cells could well play a role in the expression of otosclerosis.  相似文献   

In the rodent uterus, estrogen elicits a biphasic response i.e. an early phase (Phase I) and a late phase (Phase II). Estradiol-17 beta (E2) and estriol (E3), as well as triphenylethylene (TPE) compounds, CI-628 and clomiphene citrate (CC), were used to characterize Phase I and Phase II responses in uterine preparation for implantation in the mouse. While uterine macromolecular uptake (vascular permeability), a Phase I response, was studied in progesterone (P4)-primed animals, uterine [3H]thymidine incorporation (DNA synthesis), a Phase II response, was investigated with and without P4-priming. In the P4-primed uterus, all compounds, except CC, significantly increased uterine macromolecular uptake as determined by interstitial tissue accumulation of [125I]bovine serum albumin [( 125I]BSA). DNA synthesis as determined by cellular incorporation of [3H]thymidine was modulated by P4, estrogens and TPE compounds in a cell-type specific and temporal manner. As a single injection and in the absence of P4, E2 induced [3H]thymidine incorporation in the luminal and glandular epithelium at 18 and 24 h. E3 was inferior to E2 in this response. On the other hand, treatment with P4 for 1 day or 4 days induced [3H]thymidine incorporation primarily in stromal cells. However, stromal cell incorporation was potentiated when P4 treatment was combined with estrogens or TPE compounds. These results reveal the relative importance of Phase I and cell-type specific Phase II responses in uterine preparation for implantation.  相似文献   

Three mouse tumour cell lines grew continuously in 3 micro M 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR). One line (MC-2) produced a retrovirus and altered in morphology in the presence of BUdR or 5-iododeoxyuridine (IUdR). These effects, which could be reversed by growth in normal medium were similar to those reported for the B-16 mouse melanoma line. The B-16 line used in this study, however, as well as a variety of human cells (six melanoma lines and three fibroblast strains), were much more sensitive to BUdR, 0.03-0.1 micro M being the maximum tolerated levels for continuous growth. No virus production or changes in morphology were induced in these cells by BUdR, deoxyuridine (UdR), 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (FUdR) or thymidine (TdR). The results of cell labelling and growth studies showed a correlation of incorporation of BUdR into DNA with toxicity. Compared on a competitive basis with 1 micro M TdR, the order of incorporation of 1 micro M nucleosides by two human cell lines was TdR = BUdR = IUdR greater than UdR greater than FUdR. In contrast to previous reports that FUdR is incorporated into RNA but not into DNA, half of the FUdR label was found in alkalistable, DNase-sensitive material. Over 90% of the other compounds was incorporated into DNA. All of the UdR and 60% of the IUdR label was incorporated as thymidine; this conversion could be inhibited by labelling in the presence of FUdR.  相似文献   

Replenishment of medium after 72 hr of growth of HeLa-S3 cells in dense suspension cultures increased [3H]-thymidine uptake into cells and incorporation into DNA, with the levels reaching a peak ~ 12 hr following medium change; β interferon inhibits the enhanced uptake of [3H]-thymidine and labeling of DNA in a dose-dependent manner. Some reduction in these processes is observed at a concentration as low as 1 u/ml, and ~ 75% inhibition at 640 u/ml. Kinetic analysis has revealed that the rate of labeling of the acid-soluble pool with [3H]-thymidine, measured either at 22°C, or 37°C, is reduced in interferon-treated (640 u/ml, 24 hr) HeLa-S3 cells. At 22°C, the initial rate of thymidine transport at a high (500 μM) thymidine concentration, determined within the first 30 sec of [3H]-thymidine addition was depressed by 44% in interferon-treated HeLa cells. At 37°C, labeled precursors accumulate in acid-soluble material for ~ 8 min after the addition of [3H]-thymidine, after which an apparent equilibrium level is attained. At this temperature, the rate of thymidine uptake and the apparent equilibrium level attained were depressed by 70% in interferon-treated HeLa cells. The reduced incorporation of [3H]-thymidine into DNA in interferon-treated HeLa-S3 cells can be largely explained by interferon inhibition of thymidine transport and phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Some biosynthetic activities of normal and otosclerotic temporal bone cultures have been studied. Bone cells were cultured for 24 hrs. in medium containing 3H-glucosamine, 35SO4 or 3H-proline. Labelled glycosaminoglycans (GAG) and proteins were precipitated from cells and media. In otosclerotic bone cells there was an evident reduction in the synthesis and secretion of radiolabelled macromolecules. The inhibitory effect was always greater in the extracellular than in the intracellular compartment. Some glycosidases were also studied. Otosclerosis decreased the activity of all enzymes examined, indicating that the lower GAG synthesis and secretion in otosclerotic bone cells were not due to an increased degradation.  相似文献   

One assumption made in bacterial production estimates from [3H]thymidine incorporation is that all heterotrophic bacteria can incorporate exogenous thymidine into DNA. Heterotrophic marine bacterium isolates from Tampa Bay, Fla., Chesapeake Bay, Md., and a coral surface microlayer were examined for thymidine uptake (transport), thymidine incorporation, the presence of thymidine kinase genes, and thymidine kinase enzyme activity. Of the 41 isolates tested, 37 were capable of thymidine incorporation into DNA. The four organisms that could not incorporate thymidine also transported thymidine poorly and lacked thymidine kinase activity. Attempts to detect thymidine kinase genes in the marine isolates by molecular probing with gene probes made from Escherichia coli and herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase genes proved unsuccessful. To determine if the inability to incorporate thymidine was due to the lack of thymidine kinase, one organism, Vibrio sp. strain D19, was transformed with a plasmid (pGQ3) that contained an E. coli thymidine kinase gene. Although enzyme assays indicated high levels of thymidine kinase activity in transformants, these cells still failed to incorporate exogenous thymidine into DNA or to transport thymidine into the cells. These results indicate that the inability of certain marine bacteria to incorporate thymidine may not be solely due to the lack of thymidine kinase activity but may also be due to the absence of thymidine transport systems.  相似文献   

We examined the changes induced by daily treadmill exercise on body weights, plantaris muscle weights, plantaris protein concentrations, and L-leucine-4,5-3H incorporation into plantaris muscles of normal and castrated young male guinea pigs and of castrated animals receiving testosterone replacement therapy, and compared the testosterone-1,2-3H uptake by plantaris muscles of trained normal guinea pigs to that of untrained animals. Trained animals exhibited significantly lower body and muscle weights and greater labeled leucine incorporation into sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins but did not show significant changes in protein concentrations or labeled testosterone uptake. The level of physical activity of the young animals studied appeared to be more important than gonadal endocrine function in altering protein metabolism and muscle and body weights. Because hypertrophy did not occur in the trained plantaris muscles, which had elevated rates of labeled leucine incorporation, it appears that the trained animals had a higher muscle protein turnover rate. It seems unlikely that testosterone plays an important role in these activity-related phenomena.  相似文献   

Summary The incorporation and uptake of (3H) thymidine into HeLa cells markedly decreased in the presence of nuclear homogenates and DNA extracts that have been derived from normal diploid cell cultures. On the other hand, uridine uptake and incorporation were stimulated under the same conditions. The inhibition could be reversed immediately upon removal of the exogenous fraction from the culture medium. The inhibitory properties of the extracts are propagated by excreted cellular components as well as after DNAase treatment. The inhibitory factor is thermostable, resistant to pronase treatment, and seems to be related to nucleic acid. The material herein represents part of a dissertation presented by the senior author in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Tel Aviv University, Israel. This work was partially supported by a grant from the Israel Ministry of Health.  相似文献   

In autoradiographic and scintillation counting studies, tritiated tyrosine, thymidine, and adenosine were found to be absorbed and incorporated by Gorgoderina attenuata in in vitro exposures of up to 12 hr. Tyrosine was incorporated into all tissues with the highest levels found in the intestinal epithelium. No evidence for selective incorporation of tyrosine into vitellaria was found. Thymidine was incorporated mainly into nuclei of gonial cells of the reproductive system and developing miracidia within eggs. Autoradiograms indicated assimilation of tyrosine and thymidine was highly variable among individual worms of a treatment group. Adenosine was absorbed and incorporated by worm tissues in large amounts within 3 hr. Variability of labeling on autoradiograms was not as great as with tyrosine and thymidine. Results of scintillation counting and grain counts of autoradiograms on ligated worms indicated all three compounds can enter the worm through the tegument. Adenosine was considered the best possible compound of the three to use for labeling cells for studies on the reproductive system.  相似文献   

Five strains each ofEscherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, andStaphylococcus aureus were grown in Trypticase soy broth (TSB) with or without penicillin, oxacillin, ampicillin, amoxicillin, or cefamandole. [3H]Thymidine incorporation and the optical density of the cultures were determined at an hourly interval for the duration of incubation. All strains ofP. mirabilis showed after 2 and 3 h of incubation of 5-to 16-fold increase in the specific activity of [3H]thymidine incorporated in the presence of MIC of the antibiotics as compared to controls grown without the drugs.E. coli andS. aureus showed smaller increases in thymidine incorporation than didP. mirabilis. After 4–5 h the antibiotics produced an inhibition of [3H]thymidine incorporation. At the MAC, the responses were of a smaller magnitude. Regardless of whether these changes are the result of specific interference or just lack of [3H]thymidine incorporation, they are directly related to the antibiotic activity of agents known not to affect DNA synthesis. The monitoring of [3H]thymidine incorporation detects early antibiotic activity probably earlier than other current systems which are used for this purpose.  相似文献   

The effects of the lysophospholipids, sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) and lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) were studied in human primary osteoblastic cells and the human osteosarcomal cell lines, G292 and MG-63. The studies focused on the role of the Gi protein in the regulation of S1P and LPA-induced proliferation, the effects of the phospholipids on alkaline phosphatase, an early marker of osteoblastic cell proliferation, and the presence of edg receptors. Proliferation was assessed by 3H-thymidine incorporation. Short-term incubation with S1P or LPA induced increases in proliferation that were attenuated in the presence of the Gi inhibitor, pertussis toxin. Alkaline phosphatase activity was measured with a spectrophotometric assay. Biphasic effects of S1P and LPA were observed with the nature of the response dependent upon the cell type, concentration of test agent and the time period of incubation. RTPCR studies revealed that edg-1,2,4,5 receptors are present in the primary normal osteoblastic cells, the MG63 and G292 cells. Only the G292 cells expressed the edg-3 receptor to any significant extent.  相似文献   

The effect of various dietary sugars on the uptake of 1 mM leucine and 1 mM lysine by intestinal cells isolated from stock-fed and sucrose-fed rats was determined. Leucine uptake was activated by 10 mM fructose and inhibited by 10 mM glucose or 20 mM sucrose on both diets. The major dietary effect noted was a significant increase in the inhibition of leucine by glucose in the sucrose-fed rats. The uptake of lysine was minimally affected by the sugars irrespective of the diet fed. These results demonstrate an important dichotomy in the properties of glucose and fructose transport in the intestine and suggest that dietary fructose may increase the transport of certain amino acids.  相似文献   

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