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An extensive mixed population of Ranunculus ficaria polyplotypeswas mapped, sampled, and examined cytologically. The presenceand relative abundance of different polyplotypes was as follows:31 per cent diploid (2n = 16), 40 per cent tetraploid (2n =32), and 29 per cent presumed intermediate triploid (2n = 24).It was demonstrated that there is no simple character for distinguishingall polyplotypes in the field and chromosome counts must beused for this purpose. The action of winter flood water on bulbildissemination and differences in ecological preference of thepolyplotypes is proposed to account for differences in distributionover the population area. There is some indication that triploidseeds may be produced under a situation of excessive numbersof tetraploid plants relative to diploids which reduces diploid/tetraploidpollen competition on diploid stigmas. Diploid plants with 1–8B-chromosomes were found to occur frequently but no consistenteffect of these B's on vigour, fertility, and meiosis was evident.B-chromosomes were entirely absent from triploid and tetraploidkaryotypes.  相似文献   

MURFET  I. C. 《Annals of botany》1985,55(5):675-683
The effect of genes ar (violet flowers, small hilum) and n (thick,fleshy pod wall) on whole plant in senescence peas was examinedby comparing Ar- with arar and N- with nn plants in segregatingprogenies. Homozygosity for ar or n significantly delayed the time whenthe plants were ready for harvest of their entire seed crop.These genes did not delay either the onset of reproduction orthe onset of apical arrest in the first instance. However, whereasAr- N- plants almost invariably senesced and died as the firstseed crop matured, the majority of arar and/or nn plants entereda period of secondary growth and a further fruiting cycle. Comparedwith Ar- plants, arar plants had over twice as many pods andseeds but individual seeds were 58 per cent lighter and totalseed yield (wt) was 19 per cent less. Pod length was unaffected.Compared with N-plants, nn plants had shorter pods (16 per cent),fewer seeds per pod (21 per cent), smaller seeds (20 per cent)and a lower total seed yield (wt 14 per cent less). It appearsthat ar and n impose a lower metabolic drain per reproductivenode as a consequence of their effects on hilum anatomy andpod morphology, respectively. These mutants disrupt the normalpattern of monocarpic senescence by breaking the coordinationbetween apical arrest and subsequent events. The developingseed crop delimited by the first arrest fails to cause plantdeath, possibly because sink size is less than in normal counterparts. Pisum sativum L, garden pea, senescence, hilum, pod, seed size, genetics  相似文献   

Haploid plantlets were obtained in large numbers in three diploid,24-chromosome species of Nicotiana by culture of anthers ator just past the first pollen mitosis. The three species wereN. Knightiana, N. raimondii, and N. attentiata. Efficiency ofhaploid production varied from about 10 per cent in N. attenuatacultures to 30 and 38 per cent respectively in cultures of N.raimondii and N. Knightiana. H-medium without hormones and standardcultural conditions were used. N. Knightiana appeared to beespecially suitable for haploid studies on account of its highplantlet productivity, low chromosome number, and distinctivekaryotype.  相似文献   

Ash and silica contents and their depositional patterns in differenttissues of 27 plants growing in the Ocean Springs area of Mississippi(many grow elsewhere), were determined. Silica content of driedplant parts varied from no more than 0 per cent in Borrichiafrutescens (L.) D.C. stems to 18.76 per cent in Arundinariagigantea (Walt.) Muhl. leaves. Ash content varied from 0·73per cent in Cliftonia monophylla (Lam.) Britt. ex Sarg. stemsto 44·02 per cent in Batis maritima L. leaves. Plantssuch as Batis maritima L., Borrichia frutescens (L.) D.C., Salicorniabigelovii Torr. and Salicornia virginica L. which grew in salinemarshes had high ash contents due NaCl in their tissues. Morusrubra L. leaves had a high silica content for a dicotyledonousplant (3·12 per cent). Energy-dispersive X-ray analysisshows that the distribution of the element silicon is clearlyrelated to certain epidermal structures such as ridges, cellwalls, rows of irregular shaped structures lengthwise of theleaf, dumb-bell shaped ones and especially in trichomes. Therewas a high concentration of silica containing trichomes alongthe veins on the underside of Morus rubra L. leaves and thiswould protect them from insects. The outer parts of the inflorescencesof Ctenium aromaticum (Walt.) Wood, Elymus virginicus L., Juncuspolycephalus Michx. and phragmites communis Trin. were highlysilicified. This should give the seed some protection from insects.The sharp particles would be irritating to oesophageal tissuesand might be implicated in such a cancer.  相似文献   

The chromosome numbers of 889 plants from 222 British populationsof Ranunculus ficaria were counted. 66.1 per cent of the populationscontained diploids (49.1 per cent of plants), 4.1 per cent containedtriploids (5.5 per cent of plants) and 43.2 per cent tetraploids(45.4 per cent of plants); 13.1 per cent of the populationscontained two or more polyplotypes. At the fruiting stage, tetraploidplants can be reliably distinguished from diploids by the presenceof axillary bulbils in the tetraploids and their absence inthe diploids. The production of well-developed heads of achenes,which is more characteristic of the diploids than of the tetraploids,is a less reliable character. Diploid plants are widespreadthroughout the British Isles but tetraploids are more commonin the east than in the west; 17.6 per cent of the diploid plantshad B-chromosomes and these plants were virtually confined tosouthern England and the Midlands. The occurrence of triploidsand of mixed populations of diploids and tetraploids are bothshown to be more common than previously supposed.  相似文献   

Ash and silica contents and their depositional patterns in differenttissues of 44 Mississippi coastal plants were determined. Silicacontent of dried plants varied from no more than a trace inChenopodium album L. leaves to 7.37 per cent in Zizanopsis miliacea(Michx) Doell & Aschers leaves. Ash content varied from2.50 per cent in Lythrum lineare L. stems to 28.24 per centin Borrichia frutescens (L.) DC leaves. Plants in the same familytend to be alike in their ability to absorb or not absorb silica.Poaceae and Cyperaceae had consistently high concentrationsof silica. In contrast, the Asteraceae studied had very lowsilica contents but often had high contents of other minerals.Dicotyledonous plants studied had consistently lower silicacontents than the monocotyledons. Plants growing in salt watercontained considerable sodium chloride. Spectra were obtainedfor major elements in four different plants. Energy-dispersiveX-ray analysis shows that distribution of the element siliconis clearly related to certain epidermal structures such as guardcells, ridges, dumb-bells and balls that appear in electronmicrographs. Silica was deposited differently in each type ofplant studied. In many of the plants silica was deposited inrows of irregular-shaped particles running lengthwise of theleaf and in guard cells. In others, like Zizanopsis miliacea(Michx) Doell & Aschers, the deposit was sheet-like. Zizaniaaquatica L. not only had a sheet-like deposit, but the depositwas ridged and there were rows of dumb-bell-shaped silica cells.Related plants had similar structures. Euchlaena mexicana Schrad.,Tripsacum dactyloides (L.) L and Manisuris rugosa (Nutt.) Kuntzeall had irregular phytoliths similar to those in Zea mays L. coastal plants, marsh plants, ash content, silica deposition, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray analysis, silicon distribution, X-ray diffraction patterns, spectra of elements in plants  相似文献   

The maceration medium comprised a basal nutrient medium (BM)containing an optimum concentration of 3% (w/v) sucrose. Mannitoland sorbitol were inferior osmotica. Addition of potassium dextransulphate adversely affected maceration. ‘Macerozyme’was not as effective as ‘Macerase’ in the productionof single cells. The optimal concentration of ‘Macerase’was found to be 2–3% (w/v). Single cells obtained by filtering the macerate were rinsedwith BM and cultured in, and on, agar media comprising: BM;BM + 500 mg 1–1 malt extract (ME); and BM + 10% (v/v)coconut milk (CM). No growth or organization was observed incultures where cells were mixed in with warm medium prior togelling. When spread on the surface of gelled media supplementedwith ME and CM, proliferation and organization occurred. Manymicroscopic globular proembryoids developed within 3 weeks onthe supplemented media. Microscopic torpedo-shaped embryoidswere frequently observed on BM + CM, rarely on BM + ME, andnot at all on unsupplemented BM. The high frequency of microscopic globular proembryoids, andlater of macroscopic pseudo-bulbils, formed on BM + ME leadsus to postulate that pseudobulbils are derived from globularproembryoids in which polarity is not established by the 16to 32-cell stage. Microscopic torpedo-shaped embryoids probablygive rise to macroscopic heart-shaped embryoids which developinto plantlets. The technique reported in this article provides an ideal systemfor examining embryogenesis per se and for studying the effectsof various treatments on embryogenesis and organ differentiationin vitro. It also affords excellent opportunities for the breedingof solid mutant plants.  相似文献   

Culture of cells of Pogostemon cablin Benth. on both solid andliquid media is described. In these cultures no free, volatilesesquiterpenes typical of the parent plant were detected bycapillary gas liquid chromatography and combined gas liquidchromatography-mass spectrometry using methods sensitive to4 x 10–10 g sesquiterpene per mg fresh weight of planttissue. Under the culture conditions used, cultures freshlyinitiated from explants regenerated shoot-like structures. Thesewere developed into autotrophic plantlets. The morphology ofthese plantlets was unlike that of the parent plant, althoughglandular trichomes were present as in the parent plant. Onlyunidentifiable trace amounts of mass fragmentation patternstypical of sesquiterpenes could be detected in these plantlets,even when grown under similar conditions to the parent plants.  相似文献   

DELAP  ANNE V. 《Annals of botany》1964,28(4):591-605
Rooted one-year shoots were grown for one season by sprayingtheir roots with nutrient solution. Iron supplied as Fe-EDTAat four concentrations resulted in plants which were respectively(a) severely chlorotic, (b) mildly chlorotic, (c) dark greenand healthy (controls), and (d) dark green but with slight reductionin growth. Severely deficient plants showed 40–70 per cent reductionsin growth as measured by fresh weight, shoot length, diameterincrease, leaf area, net assimilation and relative growth-rates.Dry weights were reduced 70–80 per cent and of the totaldry-weight increment a greater proportion remained in the leaves,which had a lower dry weight and higher water content per unitarea. However, because the initial old stem formed a greaterproportion of the total dry weight, the leaf area ratio remainedabout 11 per cent lower than in the controls. Severely deficientplants had, per unit of chlorophyll, a higher dry-weight increaseand net assimilation rate than the controls. Mild deficiency caused 10–20 per cent reductions in growthand net assimilation rate; the leaf area ratio was normal. Possible mechanisms of the effects of low iron supply are discussed,while the small growth reduction at the highest Fe-EDTA concentrationis attributed to chelate toxicity  相似文献   

MER  C. L. 《Annals of botany》1953,17(4):569-578
Experiments were carried out on the effect of rate of air-flowand of humidity on the growth of Avena seedlings. The experimentalmethods used are described in some detail. The effect of air-flow on mesocoryl growth was considerablewhen unsaturated air was used, but with saturated air growthwas independent of air-flow. The effect must therefore be dueto variation in transpiration rate. A 10 per cent, variationin relative humidity, at a constant rate of flow, caused a 30per cent, variation in mesocotyl length. The coleoptiles showedless pronounced effects, but even in saturated air variabilitywas not eliminated. Under the conditions used a difference of 2·3 mm. inmesocotyl length (per 50 plants), i.e. 8 per cent., was significantat P = 0·05; for the coleoptiles a difference of 1 mm.(8 per cent.) was significant at this level.  相似文献   

GRAVES  C. J. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(1):117-125
The effects of various levels of copper on the uptake and distributionof copper in Chrysanthemum morifolium grown in solution cultureand peat-sand have been examined. Whole plants growing in shortdays were sampled at regular intervals, divided into roots,stem, leaves and lateral shoots, and analysed for copper. Thepartitioning of copper between these tissues showed that a relativelylarge proportion (30–40 per cent) of the total plant copperwas accumulated in the roots of normal plants during the harvestingperiod, compared with approximately 10 per cent in the rootsof copper deficient plants. Whilst the copper content (ug g–1) of leaves and stemfrom normal plants was negatively correlated with the amountof dry matter produced (P < 0·001), the correspondingcopper deficient tissues showed little variation in copper contentwith increases in tissue dry weight. A more detailed investigationof the copper content of leaves from normal plants showed thatgradients existed within the plant with respect to both leafposition and time of harvest which could be described by a singlecubic surface equation (P < 0·001).  相似文献   

Aqueous foliar sprays of N-dimethylaminosuccinamic acid (daminozide)at 2000 p.p.m. and gibberellic acid (GA) at 100 p.p.m. wereapplied 45, 59, 82 and 100 days after sowing to Chantenay carrotswith population densities of 244, 495 and 883 plants m–2.The plants were harvested on ten approximately weekly occasions;fresh weights were determined and d. wt estimates were obtainedfor the separated shoots (s) and roots (r). Allometric linearregressions of the logarithm of s on that of r at each harvestseparately, clearly showed that GA always increased shoot: rootratio and reduced root yield (by approximately 35 per cent)but could sometimes also increase whole-plant weight. Daminozideincreased root yield (by approximately 7 per cent from 80 tonnesha–1) and tended to have effects opposite to those ofGA. Daucus carota L., carrot, root weight, shoot weight, N-dimethylaminosuccinamic acid (daminozide), gibberellic acid  相似文献   

Single plants of white clover, grown in a controlled environmentand dependent for nitrogen on fixation in their root nodules,were defoliated once by removing approximately half their shoottissue. Their regrowth was compared with the growth of comparableundefoliated plants. Two similar experiments were carried out:in the first, plants were defoliated at 2.5 g, and in the secondat 1.2 g total plant d. wt. Defoliation reduced rate of N2 fixation by > 70 per cent,rate of photosynthesis by 83–96 per cent, and rate ofplant respiration by 30–40 per cent. Nodule weights initiallydeclined following defoliation as a result of loss of carbohydratesand other unidentified components. No immediate shedding ofnodules was observed but nodules on the most severely defoliatedplants exhibited accelerated senescence. The original rates of N2 fixation were re-attained after 5–6or 9 d regrowth, with increase in plant size at defoliation.In general, the rate of recovery of N2 fixation was relatedto the re-establishment and increase of the plant's photosyntheticcapacity. Throughout the growth of both defoliated and undefoliatedplants nodule respiration (metabolism) accounted for at least23 ± 2 per cent of gross photosynthesis. The unit ‘cost’of fixing N2 in root nodules, in terms of photosynthate, appearedto be unaffected by defoliation, except perhaps for plants veryrecently defoliated. Similarly, the percentage nitrogen contentsof shoot, root and nodules of defoliated plants became adaptedwithin a few days to those characteristic of undefoliated plants. Trifolium repens, white clover, N2 fixation, defoliation, photosynthesis, respiration  相似文献   

The Production and Distribution of Dry Matter in Maize after Flowering   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An experiment in which different groups of leaf laminae wereremoved, or ears shaded, shortly after silking showed that mostof the dry-matter increase after flowering was produced by upperleaves. The top five, the middle four, and the bottom six laminaeaccounted, respectively, for 26 per cent, 42 per cent, and 32per cent of the leaf area duration (D) of the laminae afterflowering; the estimated contributions of the three groups todry-matter production by the laminae after flowering were about40 per cent, 35–50 per cent, and 5–25 per cent,respectively. The sheaths provided about one-fifth of the totalleaf area and probably contributed about one-fifth, and laminaefour-fifths, of the total dry matter produced after flowering.The contribution from photosynthesis by the ear was negligible,presumably because its surface area was only 2 per cent of thatof the leaves. Leaf efficiency (dry matter produced per unitarea) decreased greatly from the top to the base of the shoot.When laminae were removed, the grain received a larger fractionof the dry matter accumulated after flowering, less dry matterremained in the stem, and the photosynthetic efficiency of theremaining leaves was apparently increased. When alternate laminae were removed at the time of silking (half-defoliation)D was decreased by 40 per cent, and the subsequent productionof dry matter decreased nearly proportionately, so that netassimilation rate (E) was not affected but grain dry weightwas decreased by only 32 per cent. At the final harvest, thegrain of half-defoliated plants constituted 80 per cent of thedry matter accumulated after flowering, compared with 65 percent for intact plants. Stem weight decreased from two weeksafter flowering in half-defoliated plants, but remained nearlyconstant in intact plants. When pollination was prevented andno grains formed, E during the first month after flowering wasunaffected; the dry matter that would have passed into the grainaccumulated in the stem and husks, not in the leaves. The decrease in stem weight caused by defoliation suggests thatpreviously stored dry matter was moved to the grain. That suchmovement is possible was shown by keeping prematurely harvestedshoots in the dark for two weeks with their cut ends in water;the dry weight of the grain increased and that of the stem,laminae, husks, and core decreased. Nevertheless, dry-matterproduction after flowering was more than sufficient for graingrowth, and previous photosynthesis probably contributed littleto the grain.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight-day-old plants of Silene coeli-rosa L. were maintainedin short days (SD) for 9 d (0–8) or exposed to 7 longdays (LD), or 7 SD with a 5 min exposure at 1700 h of each dayto far-red (FR), red (R) or 5 min FR/5 min R, or 7 dark-interrupted(di = 1700–1720 h) LD. Treatments were followed by twofurther SD. The mitotic index and G1 and G2 proportions weremeasured in the shoot apices of plants sampled at 2000 h ofeach day of each replicated treatment. Exposure to 7 LD (= 100per cent flowering) resulted in significant increases, relativeto the SD controls, in both the G2 proportion and the mitoticindex on d 0 to 3, 7 and 8. Five minute FR (= 0 per cent flowering)resulted in cell cycle responses similar to those in LD onlyfrom d 0 to 2. R and FR/R (both = 0 per cent flowering) didnot result in any increases in the G2 proportion in the apexapart from d 3 of FR/R. However 5 min FR/5 min R, and to a lesserextent 5 min R, did result in significant increases in the mitoticindex on d 0, 1, 7, and 8. diLD (= 8–10 per cent flowering)also prevented any significant increases in the G2 proportionon d 0 to 3, and 5 to 8 but the mitotic index was again higheron these days compared with control data. Thus the transitionto floral growth for 90 per cent of the plants is associatedwith changes in the cell cycle in the shoot apex measured asincreases in the G2 proportion at 2000 h of LD 0 to 3 and 7to 8. Silene coeli-rosa L., cell cycle, flowering, phytochrome, shoot apex  相似文献   

The effect of advanced meristem age on growth and accumulationof plant nitrogen (N) in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) was studied.Etiolated plantlets, excised from sprouted, single-eye-containingcores from 7 and 19-month-old seed-tubers, were transplantedinto aerated nutrient culture. Rates of shoot and root dry matterand shoot soluble-N (which included nitrate-N) accumulationwere similar for plants from both meristem ages over a 30 dinterval of log-linear growth. The rate at which nitrate-N accumulatedwas consistently 17 per cent higher in shoots from 19-month-oldcompared to those from 7-month-old meristems. However, accumulationof free amino-N and soluble protein-N were 21 and 15 per centlower, respectively in shoots from 19-month-old meristems. Abuild-up of shoot nitrate, along with lower rates of accumulationof amino-N and soluble protein-N, suggests a lower capacityfor nitrate reduction during early growth of plants from oldermeristems. Furthermore, these effects can be attributed to age-inducedchanges in the meristem or bud tissue as the plants were separatedfrom the tuber tissue initially in the study. Long-term ageingof seed-potatoes apparently affects changes within meristemsthat translate into a lower capacity to accumulate reduced formsof nitrogen during early plant growth. Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.), meristem age, nitrogen metabolism, plant growth potential  相似文献   

Pieces of stem, leaf, ovary, sepals, and bulb scale of Ornithogalumall gave rise to adventitious plantlets when placed on basicMurashige and Skoog medium containing no added growth hormones.When one of the auxins, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), -naphthaleneaceticacid (NAA), or 2, 4-diehlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D) wereadded to the medium, stem and leaf gave rise to callus fromwhich plantlets could be recovered by transfer to low auxinmedium or basic medium. Plants derived from parent tissue were diploid (2n = 12). Plantsderived from NAA callus were at first diploid but during seven5-week passages on NAA medium an increasing proportion of tetraploidplants, up to 50 per cent or more, were produced while the numberof plantlets recovered from the same amount of callus declined.  相似文献   

Wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Warigal) were subjectedto 20 d of water deficit during the period of endosperm celldivision. Drought accentuated the differences in final grainweight between spikelets and between grains within spikelets.The distal grains of top spikelets were most affected by drought.The maximum number of endosperm cells was, respectively, 30and 40 per cent lower in basal grains and distal grains of draughtedplants. In basal grains of middle spikelets, the number of largestarch granules per cell was unaffected but the number of smallstarch granules per cell was 45 per cent lower in grains ofdraughted plants. The initiation of small starch granules wasmore affected than cell division because severe water deficitoccurred earlier during the former process than the latter.Final dry weight appeared to correlate well with the maximumnumber of endosperm cells, but depended also on the number ofstarch granules per cell. Consequently, the amount of dry matterper cell was not constant in both treatments. The concentration of sucrose per endosperm cell was lower onlyin the droughted distal grains of top spikelets. The supplyof sucrose to endosperm cells did not regulate the initiationof small starch granules. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, drought, grain growth, cell division, starch  相似文献   

A method suitable for the large-scale isolation of cereal protoplastsfrom up to 50 g of leaf material is described. Surface-sterilizedleaves from cultivars of wheat, barley, maize, sorghum, andTriticale were diced and vacuum infiltrated with enzyme mixturecomposed of cellulysin (1 per cent w/v), hemicellulase (1 percent w/v), and macerozyme (0.5 per cent w/v). With this procedure,yields of between 106 to 107 protoplasts per gram of leavescan be reproducibly obtained after only 1.5–3 h of enzymatictreatment. These protoplasts were almost 100 per cent viable(as determined by fluorescein diacetate staining) and incorporationof 3H-uridine and 14C-leucine into an acid-insoluble fractionwas demonstrated. Almost one-third of the ribosomes of theseisolated protoplasts were present as polysomes. cereals, leaf mesophyll, protoplast isolation  相似文献   

Temperature-stress Pretreatment in Barley Anther Culture   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Methods of pretreating anthers at different temperatures priorto culture have been tested, with respect to pollen-callus productionand plant regeneration, in Hordeum vulgare cv. Sabarlis. For callus production, pretreatment of excised spikes (in sealedPetri dishes) was more effective than pretreatment of excisedtillers (in water or in polythene) at both 4 and 25 °C.Pretreatment of individual anthers at these temperatures wasdeleterious. Greater callus yields resulted from pretreatmentat 4 than at 25 °C, both for spikes and tillers, 3–5weeks being required for maximal yields at 4 °C and 3–5days at 25 °C. At 4 °C, a shorter pretreatment was requiredfor spikes than for tillers. Pretreatment of spikes was alsomore effective at 4 than at 7, 14 or 20 °C. Pretreatmentof individual spikelets at 4 °C was as effective as thatof whole spikes. For plant regeneration, calluses derived from pretreatment ofspikes were more effective than those derived from pretreatmentof tillers. More plants resulted from pretreatment at 4 thanat 25 °C, both for spikes and tillers. Maximal pretreatmenttimes for plant regeneration generally exceeded those for callusproduction. Following spike pretreatment at 4 °C the maximumfor plant regeneration exceeded that for callus production byabout 2 weeks. With this optimal pretreatment approximately60 per cent of the calluses gave rise to plantlets. Among this60 per cent, for every three calluses giving albinos, two gavegreen plantlets, equivalent to five green plantlets on averagefor every 100 anthers (= two spikes) cultured. The ratio ofgreen to albino plantlets was lower for all other pretreatments. Hordeum vulgare L., barley, anther culture, pollen callus, pollen plant-production, temperature stress  相似文献   

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