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Aims The positive relationship between plant biodiversity and community productivity is well established. However, our knowledge about the mechanisms underlying these positive biodiversity effects is still limited. One of the main hypotheses is that complementarity in resource uptake is responsible for the positive biodiversity effects: plant species differ in resource uptake strategy, which results in a more complete exploitation of the available resources in space and time when plant species are growing together. Recent studies suggest that functional diversity of the community, i.e. the diversity in functional characteristics ('traits') among species, rather than species richness per se, is important for positive biodiversity effects. However, experimental evidence for specific trait combinations underlying resource complementarity is scarce. As the root system is responsible for the uptake of nutrients and water, we hypothesize that diversity in root traits may underlie complementary resource use and contribute to the biodiversity effects.Methods In a common garden experiment, 16 grassland species were grown in monoculture, 4-species mixtures differing in root trait diversity and 16-species mixtures. The 4-species mixtures were designed to cover a gradient in average rooting depth. Above-ground biomass was cut after one growing season and used as a proxy for plant productivity to calculate biodiversity effects.Important findings Overall, plant mixtures showed a significant increase in biomass and complementarity effects, but this varied greatly between communities. However, diversity in root traits (measured in a separate greenhouse experiment and based on literature) could not explain this variation in complementarity effects. Instead, complementarity effects were strongly affected by the presence and competitive interactions of two particular species. The large variation in complementarity effects and significant effect of two species emphasizes the importance of community composition for positive biodiversity effects. Future research should focus on identifying the traits associated with the key role of particular species for complementarity effects. This may increase our understanding of the links between functional trait composition and biodiversity effects as well as the relative importance of resource complementarity and other underlying mechanisms for the positive biodiversity effects.  相似文献   

Does species diversity limit productivity in natural grassland communities?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Theoretical analyses and experimental studies of synthesized assemblages indicate that under particular circumstances species diversity can enhance community productivity through niche complementarity. It remains unclear whether this process has important effects in mature natural ecosystems where competitive feedbacks and complex environmental influences affect diversity–productivity relationships. In this study, we evaluated diversity–productivity relationships while statistically controlling for environmental influences in 12 natural grassland ecosystems. Because diversity–productivity relationships are conspicuously nonlinear, we developed a nonlinear structural equation modeling (SEM) methodology to separate the effects of diversity on productivity from the effects of productivity on diversity. Meta-analysis was used to summarize the SEM findings across studies. While competitive effects were readily detected, enhancement of production by diversity was not. These results suggest that the influence of small-scale diversity on productivity in mature natural systems is a weak force, both in absolute terms and relative to the effects of other controls on productivity.  相似文献   

Several multi-year biodiversity experiments have shown positive species richness–productivity relationships which strengthen over time, but the mechanisms which control productivity are not well understood. We used experimental grasslands (Jena Experiment) with mixtures containing different numbers of species (4, 8, 16 and 60) and plant functional groups (1–4; grasses, legumes, small herbs, tall herbs) to explore patterns of variation in functional trait composition as well as climatic variables as predictors for community biomass production across several years (from 2003 to 2009). Over this time span, high community mean trait values shifted from the dominance of trait values associated with fast growth to trait values suggesting a conservation of growth-related resources and successful reproduction. Increasing between-community convergence in means of several productivity-related traits indicated that environmental filtering and exclusion of competitively weaker species played a role during community assembly. A general trend for increasing functional trait diversity within and convergence among communities suggested niche differentiation through limiting similarity in the longer term and that similar mechanisms operated in communities sown with different diversity. Community biomass production was primarily explained by a few key mean traits (tall growth, large seed mass and leaf nitrogen concentration) and to a smaller extent by functional diversity in nitrogen acquisition strategies, functional richness in multiple traits and functional evenness in light-acquisition traits. Increasing species richness, presence of an exceptionally productive legume species (Onobrychis viciifolia) and climatic variables explained an additional proportion of variation in community biomass. In general, community biomass production decreased through time, but communities with higher functional richness in multiple traits had high productivities over several years. Our results suggest that assembly processes within communities with an artificially maintained species composition maximize functional diversity through niche differentiation and exclusion of weaker competitors, thereby maintaining their potential for high productivity.  相似文献   

A large proportion of drinking water is abstracted for treatment from lowland rivers—about 30% in the UK—and this water is at particular risk from sudden and poisonous industrial or agricultural pollution. To cover the range of potential pollutants it may be possible to use biosensors as broadband monitors for toxins. The underlying assumption is that some biological processes, when challenged with a toxin, will be affected in a way analogous to that of man, and that therefore on-line scrutiny of such processes will provide early warning of substances liable to be detrimental to human health. Suitable processes for study might involve multi-cellular organisms, whole cells or enzymes. To date, most practical work has concentrated on fish, but enzymes and single cells hold out the promise of quicker response and, possibly, easier maintenance.  相似文献   

Recent meta-analyses and simulation studies have suggested that the relationship between soil resource heterogeneity and plant diversity (heterogeneity–diversity relationship; HDR) may be negative when heterogeneity occurs at small spatial scales. To explore different mechanisms that can explain a negative HDR, we conducted a mesocosm experiment combining a gradient of soil nutrient availability (low, medium, high) and scale of heterogeneity (homogeneous, large-scale heterogeneous, small-scale heterogeneous). The two heterogeneous treatments were created using chessboard combinations of low and high fertility patches, and had the same overall fertility as the homogeneous medium treatment. Soil patches were designed to be relatively larger (156 cm2) and smaller (39 cm2) than plant root extent. We found plant diversity was significantly lower in the small-scale heterogeneous treatment compared to the homogeneous treatment of the same fertility. Additionally, low fertility patches in the small-scale heterogeneous treatment had lower diversity than patches of the same size in the low fertility treatment. Shoot and root biomass were larger in the small-scale heterogeneous treatment than in the homogeneous treatment of the same fertility. Further, we found that soil resource heterogeneity may reduce diversity indirectly by increasing shoot biomass, thereby enhancing asymmetric competition for light resources. When soil resource heterogeneity occurs at small spatial scales it can lower plant diversity by increasing asymmetric competition belowground, since plants with large root systems can forage among patches and exploit soil resources. Additionally, small-scale soil heterogeneity may lower diversity indirectly, through increasing light competition, when nutrient uptake by competitive species increases shoot biomass production.  相似文献   

A bird's ground speed is influenced by the wind conditions it encounters. Wind conditions, although variable, are not entirely random. Instead, wind exhibits persistent spatial and temporal dynamics described by the general circulation of the atmosphere. As such, in certain geographical areas wind's assistance (or hindrance) on migratory flight is also persistent, being dependent upon the bird's migratory direction in relation to prevailing wind conditions. We propose that, considering the western migration route of nocturnal migrants through Europe, winds should be more supportive in spring than in autumn. Thus, we expect higher ground speeds, contributing to higher overall migration speeds, in spring. To test whether winds were more supportive in spring than autumn, we quantified monthly wind conditions within western Europe relative to the seasonal direction of migration using 30 years (1978–2008) of wind data from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis dataset. We found that supporting winds were significantly more frequent for spring migration compared to autumn and up to twice as frequent at higher altitudes. We then analyzed three years (2006–2008) of nocturnal migratory ground speeds measured with radar in the Netherlands which confirmed higher ground speeds in spring than autumn. This seasonal difference in ground speed suggests a 16.9% increase in migration speed from autumn to spring. These results stress the importance of considering the specific wind conditions experienced by birds when interpreting migration speed. We provide a simple methodological approach enabling researchers to quantify regional wind conditions for any geographic area and time period of interest.  相似文献   

生物和非生物因素决定高山草甸物种多样性-生产力相互关系自然条件下物种多样性-生产力相互关系取决于生物和非生物因素,但其相对重要性及相互作用仍不清晰,特别是在未来的气候变化情景下。为此,我们在中国玉龙雪山3处不同海拔的高山草甸开展了模拟气候变暖和大气氮沉降的完全随机组块析因试验。除物种多样性外,我们根据株高、比叶面积、叶片碳、氮、磷含量计算了实验处理下草甸植物群落的功能多样性,并将其作为关键生物因素。此外,我们测量了气温、降雨以及土壤的化学属性作为潜在重要的非生物因素。我们利用广义线性混合模型研究了物种多样性和植物生产力对海拔、增温、施肥及其可能的交互作用的响应,同时评估了上述生物和非生物因素对物种多样性-生产力相互关系的影响。研究结果表明,物种多样性随海拔升高而降低并且在增温处理下有下降趋势且在中间海拔最为强烈。相对而言,植物生产力仅随海拔升高而下降。功能丰富度、最高气温、土壤pH对物种多样性-生产力相互关系表现出强烈的负交互作用,即物种多样性-生产力相互关系随着这些因素的增加从正相互关系变为中性关系,然后变为轻微的负相互关系。我们的研究指出短期增温对高山草甸物种多样性的负面影响,并强调生物和非生物因素决定了自然条件下物种多样性-生产力相互关系。  相似文献   

Plant community productivity generally increases with biodiversity, but the strength of this relationship exhibits strong empirical variation. In meta-food-web simulations, we addressed if the spatial overlap in plants' resource access and animal space-use can explain such variability. We found that spatial overlap of plant resource access is a prerequisite for positive diversity–productivity relationships, but causes exploitative competition that can lead to competitive exclusion. Space-use of herbivores causes apparent competition among plants, resulting in negative relationships. However, space-use of larger top predators integrates sub-food webs composed of smaller species, offsetting the negative effects of exploitative and apparent competition and leading to strongly positive diversity–productivity relationships. Overall, our results show that spatial overlap of plants' resource access and animal space-use can greatly alter the strength and sign of such relationships. In particular, the scaling of animal space-use effects opens new perspectives for linking landscape processes without effects on biodiversity to productivity patterns.  相似文献   

The global decline in biodiversity is causing increasing concern about the effects of biodiversity loss on ecosystem services such as productivity. Biodiversity has been hypothesised to be important in maintaining productivity of biological assemblages because niche complementarity and facilitation among the constituent species can result in more efficient use of resources. However, these conclusions are primarily based on studies with plant communities, and the relationship between diversity and productivity at higher trophic levels is largely unknown, especially in the marine environment. Here, we used a manipulative field experiment to test the effects of species richness and species identity on biomass accumulation in coral reef fish assemblages at Lizard Island. Small patch reefs were stocked with a total of 30 juveniles belonging to three planktivorous damselfish (genus Pomacentrus) according to three different levels of fish species richness (one, two and three species) and seven different combinations of fish species. Species richness had no effect on the relative growth in this assemblage after 18 days, but relative growth differed among individual fish species and the different combinations of species. Patterns of increase in biomass were best explained by species-specific differences and variable effects of intra- and interspecific competition on growth. These results suggest that niche complementarity and facilitation are not the most influential drivers of total productivity within this guild of planktivorous fishes. Total productivity may be resilient to declining reef fish biodiversity, but this will depend on which species are lost and on the life-history traits of remaining species.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts that herbivorous insects should lay eggs on plants in a way that reflects the suitability of each plant species for larval development. Empirical studies, however, often fail to find any relationship between an adult insect's choice of host-plant and offspring fitness, and in such cases, it is generally assumed that other 'missing' factors (e.g. predation, host-plant abundance, learning and adult feeding sites) must be contributing to overall host suitability. Here, I consider an alternative theory - that a fitness cost inherent in the olfactory mechanism could constrain the evolution of insect host selection. I begin by reviewing current knowledge of odour processing in the insect antennal lobe with the aid of a simple schematic: the aim being to explain the workings of this mechanism to scientists who do not have prior knowledge in this field. I then use the schematic to explore how an insect's perception of host and non-host odours is governed by a set of processing rules, or algorithm. Under the assumptions of this mechanistic view, the perception of every plant odour is interrelated, and seemingly bad host choices can still arise as part of an overall adaptive behavioural strategy. I discuss how an understanding of mechanism can improve the interpretation of theoretical and empirical studies in insect behaviour and evolution.  相似文献   

Unlike other macroecological principles, relationships between productivity and diversity have not been effectively tested for microbial communities. Here we describe an experiment in which the availability of resources to soil bacterial communities was manipulated in a model system, the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. Mannitol additions were used to simulate a productivity gradient such that a response in bacterial biomass production, taxonomic diversity and functioning (e.g., enzyme activity) were induced. Resource amendment induced a positive linear response in microbial productivity (P < 0.001) but a unimodal (hump-shaped) response in microbial diversity at multiple taxonomic scales (P = 0.035). Putative oligotrophic (e.g., phyla Nitrospirae and Cyanobacteria) and copiotrophic (e.g., phylum Proteobacteria) taxa were apparent through substantial community turnover along the resource gradient. Soil enzyme activity was inversely related to bacterial biomass but positively related to diversity, suggesting the latter may be a stronger control over enzyme-mediated decomposition. The mechanisms behind this pattern are consistent with macroecological theory of a shift from environmental (e.g., stress tolerance) to biotic (e.g., competition) drivers with increasing resource availability. This evidence is among the first of its kind to document a significant unimodal productivity–diversity relationship for soil bacteria.  相似文献   

The fragmentation of natural habitat is considered to be a major threat to biodiversity. Decreasing habitat quality and quantity caused by fragmentation may lead to a disruption of plant–pollinator interactions and to a reduction in sexual reproduction in plant species. We conducted a 6-year field experiment to investigate the effects of small-scale fragmentation on plant–pollinator interactions and genetic diversity in the self-compatible Betonica officinalis. We examined the abundance and composition of pollinators, the foraging behaviour of bumblebees and the performance, outcrossing rate and genetic diversity of B. officinalis after 2 and 6 years in experimentally fragmented nutrient-poor, calcareous grassland in the northern Swiss Jura mountains. Fragments of different size (2.25 and 20.25 m2) were isolated by a 5-m-wide strip of frequently mown vegetation. Control plots of corresponding size were situated in adjacent undisturbed grassland. Experimental grassland fragmentation altered the composition of B. officinalis pollinators and reduced their flower visitation rate. Furthermore, the foraging behaviour of bumblebees was changed in the fragments. After 6 years of fragmentation seed weight was higher in fragments than in control plots. However, the densities of B. officinalis rosettes and inflorescences, plant height and inflorescence length were not affected by fragmentation. The outcrossing frequency of B. officinalis growing in fragments was reduced by 15% after 2 years and by 33% after 6 years of experimental fragmentation. This resulted in a significant reduction of the genetic diversity in seedlings emerging in fragments after 6 years. Our study shows that small-scale habitat fragmentation can disturb the interaction between B. officinalis and pollinators resulting in a reduced outcrossing frequency and genetic diversity in plants growing in fragments. However, the response to fragmentation was considerably delayed. This finding strengthens the claim for long-term field experiments with proper replications and controls to assess delayed effects of habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Long‐term effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on the ammonia‐oxidizing and denitrifying bacteria in a grassland soil were investigated to test whether a shift in abundance of these N‐cycling microorganisms was responsible for enhanced N2O emissions under elevated atmospheric CO2. Soil samples (7.5 cm increments to 45 cm depth) were collected in 2008 from the University of Giessen Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment (GiFACE), a permanent grassland exposed to moderately elevated atmospheric CO2 (+20%) since 1998. GiFACE plots lay on a soil moisture gradient because of gradually changing depth to the underlying water table and labeled as the DRY block (furthest from water table), MED block (intermediate to water table), and WET block (nearest to water table). Mean N2O emissions measured since 1998 have been significantly higher under elevated CO2. This study sought to identify microbial and biochemical parameters that might explain higher N2O emissions under elevated CO2. Soil biochemical parameters [extractable organic carbon (EOC), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), NH4+, NO3?], and abundances of genes encoding the key enzymes involved in ammonia oxidation (amoA) and denitrification (nirK, nirS, nosZ) depended more on soil depth and block (underlying soil moisture gradient) than on elevated CO2. Ammonia oxidation and denitrification gene abundances, relative abundances (ratios) of nirS to nirK, of nosZ to both nirS and to nirK, and of the measured soil biochemical properties DON and NO3? tended to be lower in elevated CO2 plots as compared with ambient plots in the MED and WET blocks while the DRY block exhibited an opposite trend. High N2O emissions under elevated CO2 in the MED and WET blocks correlated with lower nosZ to nirK ratios, suggesting that increased N2O emissions under elevated CO2 might be caused by a higher proportion of N2O‐producing rather than N2O consuming (N2 producing) denitrifiers.  相似文献   

降水-生产力的空间关系是否稳定不变? 降水是全球陆地生态系统中植被生长和净初级生产力的主要驱动因素。因此,探究降水和生产力关系有助于深入了解气候变化如何改变生态系统功能。降水-生产力的空间关系在全球不同草地上非常相似,但在连续多年气候异常的情况下,这种关系是否会发生变化以及如何变化尚不清楚。本研究利用 利用中国北方温带草地长达10年低于多年平均降水的时期,基于遥感植被指数数据,量化了区域尺度上降水-植被生产力关系在持续多年的干湿期之间将如何变化。结果表明,在连续10年的干期,降水-生产力空间相关性急剧下降,而该空间关系的下降主要是由于不同草原类型对干旱的响应在空间上存在高度的异质性,即不同生态系统对干旱的响应程度存在差异。因此,如果未来气候变化进一步加剧全球草地的干旱,那么基于历史时期(平水期)得到的降水-生产力空间关系推测区域尺度植被生产力可能导致误差。  相似文献   

Several mechanisms for biological invasions have been proposed, yet to date there is no common framework that can broadly explain patterns of invasion success among ecosystems with different resource availabilities. Ecological stoichiometry (ES) is the study of the balance of energy and elements in ecological interactions. This framework uses a multi‐nutrient approach to mass‐balance models, linking the biochemical composition of organisms to their growth and reproduction, which consequently influences ecosystem structure and functioning. We proposed a conceptual model that integrates hypotheses of biological invasions within a framework structured by fundamental principles of ES. We then performed meta‐analyses to compare the growth and production performances of native and invasive organisms under low‐ and high‐nutrient conditions in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Growth and production rates of invasive organisms (plants and invertebrates) under both low‐ and high‐nutrient availability were generally larger than those of natives. Nevertheless, native plants outperformed invasives in aquatic ecosystems under low‐nutrient conditions. We suggest several distinct stoichiometry‐based mechanisms to explain invasion success in low‐ versus high‐nutrient conditions; low‐nutrient conditions: higher resource‐use efficiency (RUE; C:nutrient ratios), threshold elemental ratios (TERs), and trait plasticity (e.g. ability of an organism to change its nutrient requirements in response to varying nutrient environmental supply); high‐nutrient conditions: higher growth rates and reproductive output related to lower tissue C:nutrient ratios, and increased trait plasticity. Interactions of mechanisms may also yield synergistic effects, whereby nutrient enrichment and enemy release have a disproportionate effect on invasion success. To that end, ES provides a framework that can help explain how chemical elements and energy constrain key physiological and ecological processes, which can ultimately determine the success of invasive organisms.  相似文献   

Restoring small-scale habitat heterogeneity in highly diverse systems, like tropical forests, is a conservation challenge and offers an excellent opportunity to test factors affecting community assembly. We investigated whether (1) the applied nucleation restoration strategy (planting tree islands) resulted in higher habitat heterogeneity than more homogeneous forest restoration approaches, (2) increased heterogeneity resulted in more diverse tree recruitment, and (3) the mean or coefficient of variation of habitat variables best explained tree recruitment. We measured soil nutrients, overstory and understory vegetation structure, and tree recruitment at six sites with three 5- to 7-year-old restoration treatments: control (no planting), planted tree islands, and conventional, mixed-species tree plantations. Canopy openness and soil base saturation were more variable in island treatments than in controls and plantations, whereas most soil nutrients had similar coefficients of variation across treatments, and bare ground was more variable in control plots. Seedling and sapling species density were equivalent in plantations and islands, and were substantially higher than in controls. Species spatial turnover, diversity, and richness were similar in island and plantation treatments. Mean canopy openness, rather than heterogeneity, explained the largest proportion of variance in species density. Our results show that, whereas canopy openness and soil base saturation are more heterogeneous with the applied nucleation restoration strategy, this pattern does not translate into greater tree diversity. The lack of a heterogeneity–diversity relationship is likely due to the fact that recruits respond more strongly to mean resource gradients than variability at this early stage in succession, and that seed dispersal limitation likely reduces the available species pool. Results show that planting tree islands facilitates tree recruitment to a similar degree as intensive plantation-style restoration strategies.  相似文献   

Concerns about the impact of species diversity loss has heightened the importance of determining what limits local diversity and the relative roles of the available species pool and local interactions. Recent theory suggests that local diversity may exhibit linear or asymptotic responses to regional variation in species pools depending resource supply rates. We tested this idea by augmenting species pools in three sites along a natural productivity gradient (a surrogate for resource supply) in a mid-successional old-field. Augmentation of the species pool, enhanced local diversity more at medium than low productivity sites in this field and seed addition had no effect at high productivity, suggesting that diversity was saturated in high resource areas of this field. These results suggest that resource supply rates may mediate species pool-richness relationships. Species additions into cleared plots demonstrated that the observed differences in species recruitment along this gradient were largely driven by abiotic filtering at low and competitive filtering at high productivity. Furthermore, we observed that augmentation of the species pool shifted the productivity–diversity relationship from a negative linear to unimodal suggesting that species pools may influence reported productivity–diversity patterns.  相似文献   

Pilot-scale and larger bioreactors differ from small laboratory-scale reactors in terms of a greater occurrence of noise and incomplete mixing of the broth. Conventional control tries to induce good mixing and to filter out the noise as completely as possible. As such an 'ideal' operation is difficult to achieve, recent work has tried to exploit the non-ideal features to improve the performance. Using artificial neural networks, the degree of mixing, the extent of filtering of noise and the distribution of plasmid copy number (in a recombinant fermentation) can be controlled effectively on-line. This strategy generates better productivities than well-mixed noise-free operations, which suggests that deviations from ideal behaviour should be gainfully harnessed and not suppressed.  相似文献   

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