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Purine-rich (GA)- and (GT)-containing oligophosphorothioates were investigated for their triplex-forming potential on a 23 bp DNA duplex target. In our system, GA-containing oligophosphorothioates (23mer GA-PS) were capable of triplex formation with binding affinities lower than (GA)-containing oligophosphodiesters (23mer GA-PO). The orientation of the third strand 23mers GA-PS and GA-PO was antiparallel to the purine strand of the duplex DNA target. In contrast, (GT)-containing oligophosphorothioates (23mer GT-PS) did not support triplex formation in either orientation, whereas the 23mer GT-PO oligophosphodiester demonstrated triplex formation in the antiparallel orientation. GA-PS oligonucleotides, in contrast to GT-PS oligonucleotides, were capable of self-association, but these self-associated structures exhibited lower stabilities than those formed with GA-PO oligonucleotides, suggesting that homoduplex formation (previously described for the 23mer GA-PO sequence by Noonberg et al.) could not fully account for the decrease in triplex stability when phosphorothioate linkages were used. The 23mer GA-PS oligonucleotide was covalently linked via its 5'-end to an acridine derivative (23mer Acr-GA-PS). In the presence of potassium cations, this conjugate demonstrated triplex formation with higher binding affinity than the unmodified 23mer GA-PS oligonucleotide and even than the 23mer GA-PO oligonucleotide. A (GA)-containing oligophosphodiester with two phosphorothioate linkages at both the 5'- and 3'-ends exhibited similar binding affinity to duplex DNA compared with the unmodified GA-PO oligophosphodiester. This capped oligonucleotide was more resistant to nucleases than the GA-PO oligomer and thus represents a good alternative for ex vivo applications of (GA)-containing, triplex-forming oligonucleotides, allowing a higher binding affinity for its duplex target without rapid cellular degradation.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide conjugates containing acridine and quindoline derivatives linked through a threoninol molecule were synthesized. We showed that these conjugates formed duplexes and quadruplexes with higher thermal stability than the corresponding unmodified oligonucleotides. When acridine is located in the middle of the sequence, DNA duplexes have a similar stability independently of the natural base present in front of acridine. Self-complementary oligonucleotides and thrombin binding aptamers (TBA) carrying the acridine and quindoline molecules are studied by NMR.  相似文献   

Psoralen (pso) was attached via its C-5 position to the 5'-phosphate group of an oligodeoxynucleotide d(TAAGCCG) by a hexamethylene linker (m6). Complex formation between pso-m6-d(TAAGCCG) and the complementary strands d(CGGCTTA)[7-7mer] or d(CGGCTTAT)[7-8mer] was investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance in aqueous solution. Structural informations derived from DQF-COSY and NOESY maps, revealed that the mini double helix adopts a B-form conformation and that the deoxyriboses preferentially adopt a C2'-endo conformation. The nOe connectivities observed between the protons of the bases or the sugars in each duplex, and the protons of the psoralen and the hexamethylene chain, led us to propose a model involving an equilibrium between two conformations due to different locations of the psoralen. Upon UV-irradiation, the psoralen moiety cross-linked the two DNA strands at the level of 5'TpA3' sequences. NMR studies of the single major photo-cross-linked duplex pso-m6-d(TAAGCCG) and d(CGGCTTA) were performed. The stereochemistry of the diadduct is indeed cis-syn at both cyclobutane rings. In addition, the effects of this diadduct on the helical structure are analyzed in detail.  相似文献   

Oligothymidylates involving alternating alkyl phosphotriester-phosphodiester or methylphosphonate-phosphodiester backbones and covalently linked to an acridine derivative have been studied using circular dichroism. Two isomers with the same diastereoisomeric configuration for all the phosphotriesters (ethyl triester and neopentyl triester) or the methylphosphonate linkages were studied. These six compounds were compared to the parent oligonucleotide with unmodified phosphodiester bonds. Intramolecular interactions between the acridine and the bases of the oligonucleotides were revealed by the induced circular dichroism of the acridine dye. Binding to poly(rA) and poly(dA) induced large changes in the circular dichroism signal. All oligothymidylates formed double-stranded complexes with poly(rA). Substitution of phosphotriesters and methylphosphonates to phosphates allowed both double- and triple-stranded structures to be formed with with poly(dA). The double-stranded structures formed with poly(rA) and poly(dA) were characterized by different environments of the acridine dye. The circular dichroism spectra of the complexes with poly(dA) and the thermal stabilities of the complexes formed with both poly(rA) and poly(dA) were drastically dependent of the diastereoisomeric configuration of the phosphate modification. For the complexes formed with the pseudoequatorial stereoisomer the modification of the phosphate groups increased the stability of the complexes as compared with the oligothymidylate containing only phosphodiester linkages whereas it decreased it for pseudoaxial modifications.  相似文献   

Thiazole orange label was coupled to the eighth phosphate of a pentadeca-2'-deoxyriboadenylate via a phosphoramidate linkage using different linkers. The stereoisomers were separated, and their absolute configurations were determined. Finally, the thiazole orange moiety was also linked to the tenth phosphate of icosathymidylates in both the alpha and the beta series via a phosphoramidate linkage. Once again, the thiazole orange-icosathymidylate conjugates were obtained as pure stereoisomers. The binding properties of these oligo-2'-deoxyribonucleotide-thiazole orange conjugates with their complementary sequences were studied by absorption spectroscopy. The covalent attachment of the thiazole orange derivatives to the oligoadenylates stabilizes the complexes formed with both the DNA and RNA targets. On the contrary, when the thiazole orange is tethered to the oligo-alpha-thymidylate or oligo-beta-thymidylate, no significant stabilization of the duplexes formed with poly r(A) can be observed.  相似文献   

An oligodeoxynucleotide containing four thymines and covalently attached to an acridine derivative through its 3'-phosphate [(Tp)4(CH2)5Acr] was synthesized. Its conformation in solution was investigated by proton magnetic resonance. Both intramolecular interactions between the acridine dye and thymines and intermolecular interactions were demonstrated. Both proton and phosphorus magnetic resonances were used to study the specific interaction of (Tp)4(CH2)5Acr with poly(rA) and (Ap)3A. The results were compared to those obtained when the acridine-containing substituent was replaced by an ethyl group attached to the 3'-phosphate of the oligothymidylate. The acridine dye strongly stabilized the complexes formed with both poly(rA) and (Ap)3A. Upfield shifts of both adenine and acridine proton resonances were observed in the complexes. These results were ascribed to an intercalation of the acridine ring between A X T base pairs of the duplex structure formed by the oligothymidylate with its complementary oligoadenylate sequence. An analysis of proton and phosphorus chemical shifts as well as measurements of T1 relaxation times at different temperatures allowed us to propose several structures for the complexes formed by (Tp)4(CH2)5Acr with its complementary sequence.  相似文献   

Procedures are described for synthesis via solid support methodology of oligonucleotide analogues derived in part from 3'-amino-3'-deoxythymidine or 5'-amino-5'-deoxythymidine. Oligothymidylate decamers terminated with a 3'-amino group or containing a 3'-NHP(O)(O-)O-5' internucleoside link are found to form unusually stable complexes with poly(dA), poly(A), and oligo(dA). For related derivatives of 5'-amino-5'-deoxythymidine enhancement is less or absent, and in the case of multiple substitution destabilization of the heteroduplex may be observed. That the effect of the 3'-amino group is general for oligonucleotide derivatives is indicated by enhanced Tm values for heteroduplex complexes of the mixed-base oligomer, d(TATTCAGTCAT(NH2)), and the methyl phosphonate derivatives, TmTmTmTmTmTmTmTmTmT(NH2) and d(TmAmTmTmCmAmGmTmCmAmT(NH2)).  相似文献   

31P NMR was used to study the specific interaction of an oligodeoxynucleotide containing four thymines and covalently attached to an acridine derivative through its 3'-phosphate [(Tp)4(CH2)5Acr] with a complementary oligoribonucleotide (Ap)3A. 31P-1H and 1H-1H chemical shift correlation spectroscopies were jointly used to provide the assignment of the phosphorus resonances. A downfield shift of two phosphorus resonances of (Tp)4(CH2)5Acr and of two phosphorus resonances of (Ap)3A was observed upon complex formation. The assignment of the phosphorus resonances which are downfield shifted allowed us to propose a model involving an equilibrium between several 1:1 complexes where the acridine ring is intercalated between different A.T base pairs.  相似文献   

Design of chemically modified oligonucleotides for regulation of gene expression has attracted considerable attention over the past decades. One actively pursued approach involves antisense or antigene oligonucleotide constructs carrying reactive groups, many of these based on transition metal complexes. The complexes of Fe(II) and Co(II) with phthalocyanines are extremely good catalysts of oxidation of organic compounds with molecular oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. The binding of positively charged Fe(II) and Co(II) phthalocyanines with single- and double-stranded DNA was investigated. It was shown that these phthalocyanines interact with nucleic acids through an outside binding mode. The site-directed modification of single-stranded DNA by O2 and H2O2 in the presence of dimeric complexes of negatively and positively charged Fe(II) and Co(II) phthalocyanines was investigated. These complexes were formed directly on single-stranded DNA through interaction between negatively charged phthalocyanine in conjugate and positively charged phthalocyanine in solution. The resulting oppositely charged phthalocyanine complexes showed significant increase of catalytic activity compared with monomeric forms of phthalocyanines Fe(II) and Co(II). These complexes catalyzed the DNA oxidation with high efficacy and led to direct DNA strand cleavage. It was determined that oxidation of DNA by molecular oxygen catalyzed by complex of Fe(II)-phthalocyanines proceeds with higher rate than in the case of Co(II)-phthalocyanines but the latter led to a greater extent of target DNA modification.  相似文献   

A new set of molecules made of an intercalating agent (oxazolopyridocarbazole, OPC) covalently linked through a polymethylene chain of various length to the 3' end of alpha-anomeric or beta-anomeric tetradeoxynucleotides (alpha- or beta-T4) have been synthesized. The beta-thymidylate modified compound (beta-T4C5OPC) is able to interact with the complementary sequence, beta-poly (rA); this interaction is strongly stabilized compared to the parent compound, beta-oligo(dT)4 and is specific for poly (rA). The molecule synthesized from the unnatural alpha-anomer, alpha-T4C5OPC, is also able to interact with poly (rA) leading to the formation of an alpha-beta hybrid stabilized by the energy provided by the OPC moiety. The stoechiometry of the binding reaction shows that an A-T pairing occurs in the alpha-beta heterohybrids. Tm studies reveal that the alpha-beta heterohybrids are more stable than their beta-beta counterparts.  相似文献   

Oligo-heptathymidylates covalently linked to porphyrins bind to complementary sequences and can induce local damages on the target molecule. In dark reactions, iron porphyrin derivatives exhibited various chemical reactivities resulting in base oxidation, crosslinking and chain scission reactions. Reactions induced by reductants, such as ascorbic acid, dithiothreitol or mercapto-propionic acid, led to very localised reactions. A single base was the target for more than 50% of the damages. Oxidising agents such as H2O2 and its alkyl derivatives induced reactions that extended to a wider range of altered bases. The specificity of the chemical modifications observed in these systems is discussed from a mechanistic point of view.  相似文献   

A modified nucleoside was synthesized with adenine and a 6-membered azasugar, and it was converted to the phosphoramidite which was used for the incorporation into oligonucleotides. The hybridization properties of the modified oligonucleotides with DNA and RNA were studied.  相似文献   

G Lancelot  N T Thuong 《Biochemistry》1986,25(19):5357-5363
The oligodeoxynucleotide d(TATC) was covalently attached to the 9-amino group of 2-methoxy-6-chloro-9-aminoacridine (Acr) through its 3'-phosphate via a pentamethylene linker (m5). Complex formation between d(TATC)m5Acr and the complementary strand d(GATA) in aqueous solution was investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance. The COSY and NOESY connectivities allowed us to assign all the proton resonances of the bases, the sugars (except the overlapping 5'/5' resonances), the acridine, and the pentamethylene chain. Structural informations derived from relative intensities of COSY and NOESY maps revealed that the duplex d(TATC)-d(GATA) adopts a B-type conformation and that the deoxyriboses preferentially adopt a 2'-endo conformation. The NOE connectivities observed between the protons of the bases or of the sugars and the protons of the dye and of the pentamethylene chain led us to propose a model involving an equilibrium between two families of configurations. In the first family, the acridine derivative is intercalated between base pairs C4-G4 and T3-A3. In the second family, the acridine derivative is sandwiched between two aggregated duplexes. The structure of the intercalated complex as well as that of the aggregated species is discussed.  相似文献   

The oligodeoxynucleotide d(TTCTGT) was covalently attached to the 9-amino group of 2-methoxy-6-chloro-9-aminoacridine (Acr) through its 3'-phOsphate via a pentamethylene linker (m5). In order to avoid its hydrolysis by nucleases inside the cel., one of its phosphates (TpT) was substituTed with a neopentyl group. Complex formation between each of the two purified isomers and the complementary strand d(GCACAGAA) was investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance. The COSY and NOESY connectivities allowed us to assign all the proton resonances of the bases, the sugars (except the overlapping 5'-5' resonances), the acridine, and the pentamethylene chain. Structural information derived from the relative intensity of COSY and NOESY maps revealed that the duplex d(T*TCTGT).d(GCACAGAA) adopts a B-type conformation and that the deoxyriboses preferentially adopt a 2'-endo conformation. The NOE connectivities observed between the protons of the bases or the sugars and the protons of the dye show the intercalation of the acridine between the base pairs. NOE connectivities as well as imino proton resonances show that, at room temperature, the C7 base and the G8 base belonging to two different duplexes are paired. The pseudoaxial and pseudoequatorial isomers were assigned, and the differences in stability of their complex with the complementary strand are discussed.  相似文献   

We report here the synthesis and binding properties of oligonucleotides involving a perylene unit linked to the anomeric position of a 2'-deoxyribose residue. Both anomers were separated and incorporated separately at either the 5'-end or the internal position of a pyrimidine sequence. In any case the presence of the perylene unit stabilizes the complexes formed with either the single or the double-stranded target.  相似文献   

Acridine orange (AO) a fluorescent cationic dye used for the management of human musculoskeletal sarcomas, due to its strong tumoricidal action and accumulation in the acidic environment typical of hypoxic tumors, was used for the preparation of a primary sulfonamide derivative. The rationale behind the drug design is the fact that hypoxic, acidic tumors overexpress carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC isoforms, such as CA IX, which is involved in pH regulation, proliferation, cell migration and invasion, and this enzyme is strongly inhibited by primary sulfonamides. The AO-sulfonamide derivative was indeed a potent, low nanomolar CA IX inhibitor whereas its inhibition of the cytosolic isoforms CA I and II was in the micromolar range. A second transmembrane, tumor-associated isoform, CA XII, was also effectively inhibited by the AO-sulfonamide derivative, making this compound an interesting theranostic agent for the management of hypoxic tumors.  相似文献   

Phosphorothioate oligonucleotide analogs conjugated to cholesteryl by a neutral, 6 atom linker are more effective inhibitors of HIV-1 in cell culture than the corresponding analogs conjugated via a phosphorothioate group. The antiviral activity correlates with the hydrophobic character of the oligonucleotide. Some new synthetic methodology is also discussed.  相似文献   

A 3-azidoproflavine derivative was covalently linked to the 5'-end of an octathymidylate synthesized with the [alpha]-anomers of the nucleoside. Two target nucleic acids were used for this substituted oligo-[alpha]-thymidylate: a 27-mer single-stranded DNA fragment containing an octadeoxyadenylate sequence and a 27-mer duplex containing eight contiguous A.T base pairs with all adenines on the same strand. Upon visible light irradiation the octa-[alpha]-thymidylate was photocrosslinked to the single-stranded 27-mer. Chain breaks were induced at the crosslinked sites upon piperidine treatment. From the location of the cleavage sites on the 27-mer sequence it was concluded that a triple helix was formed by the azidoproflavine-substituted oligo-[alpha]-thymidylate with its complementary oligodeoxyadenylate sequence. When the 27-mer duplex was used as a substrate cleavage sites were observed on both strands after piperidine treatment of the irradiated sample. They were located at well defined positions which indicated that the octathymidylate was bound to the (dA)8.(dT)8 sequence in parallel orientation with respect to the (dA)8-containing strand. Specific binding of the [alpha]-octathymidylate involved local triple strand formation with the duplex (dA)8.(dT)8 sequence. This result shows that it is possible to synthesize sequence-specific molecules which specifically bind oligopurine-oligopyrimidine sequences in double-stranded DNA via recognition of the major groove hydrogen bonding sites of the purines.  相似文献   

Tricyclic (T, 3,9-dihydro-9-oxo-SH-imidazo[g2-c]purine) analogues of acyclovir (ACV, 1), substituted in the 6 position with pyrid-4-yl, 4-(pyrid-4'-yl)Ph, 4-(pyrimidin-5-yl)Ph and 4-(thiazol-2'-yl)Ph units were synthesized. For the synthesis of the heteroarylphenyl derivatives, a convenient general route was developed, ie., Suzuki cross-coupling between protected 6-(4-dihydroxyborylphenyl) TACV and easily available bromoheterocycles. Fluorescent properties of newly synthesized TACV aoalogues strongly depend on the nature of a solvent. This sensitivity of fluorescence makes the compounds promising probes of H-bonding in the environment.  相似文献   

The synthesis of adenine and thymine cyclopentylethyl nucleosides is presented. This novel constrained monomeric building block is very difficult to incorporate into oligonucleotides. It was introduced in 13mer oligodeoxynucleotide sequences at a single position using H-phosphonate chemistry. Phosphoramidite chemistry completely failed in this particular case. The H-phosphonate building blocks were obtained starting from the corresponding phosphoramidites. Stability of duplexes with RNA and DNA is significantly reduced.  相似文献   

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