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To assess the effects of crude oil spills on marine microbial communities, 10 L outdoor microcosms were manipulated over an exposure period of 8 days. The responses of microbial organisms exposed to five crude oil concentrations in 10 to 10,000 ppm (v/v) were monitored in the microcosms. The abundance of microalgae and copepods decreased rapidly upon the addition of crude oil at concentrations over 1,000 ppm, whereas the total density of heterotrophic bacteria increased dramatically at the higher concentrations. Bacterial diversity, determined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, was increased at higher concentrations. In particular, the intensity of the bands representing Jannaschia sp. and Sulfitobacter brevis increased with the addition of oil. These results indicate that crude oil spills with concentrations over 1,000 ppm seriously affected the structure of the microbial communities.  相似文献   

The influence of diesel fuel and “Arabian light” crude oil contamination were investigated on the land fast ice located in the continental shelf of Terre Adélie, Antarctica, during the austral winter 1993. Autotrophic biomass exhibited a clear seasonal pattern. In uncontaminated sea ice, chlorophyll a concentration showed two maxima, one in April (50 mg m−3) during sea-ice formation, and the second one in spring just before the ice thaw (20 mg m−3). The crude oil and diesel fuel contamination induced a negative effect on ice-microalgae biomass, which remained at a weak level throughout the ice-covered period. However, the inhibitory effect of diesel contamination was immediate while the crude oil effect occurred after the autumn phytoplankton bloom. Addition of fertilizer (Inipol EAP-22) to diesel and crude oil had a clear favourable effect on ice-microalgae. Chlorophyll a biomass exhibited the same seasonal pattern in fertilized and uncontaminated areas. Accepted: 10 November 1998  相似文献   

Bioremediation, mainly by indigenous bacteria, has been regarded as an effective way to clean up oil pollution after an oil spill. In order to obtain a systematic understanding of the succession of bacterial communities associated with oil bioremediation, sediments collected from the Penglai 19-3 oil platform were co-incubated with crude oil. Oil biodegradation was assessed on the basis of changes in oil composition monitored by GC–MS. Changes in the bacterial community structure were detected by two 16S rRNA gene based culture-independent methods, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and clone library. The results suggested that crude oil was rapidly degraded during the 30-day bioremediation period. Bacteria affiliated with the genus Pseudomonas dominated all three clone libraries. But dramatic changes were also detected in the process of biodegradation of crude oil. The “professional hydrocarbonocastic bacteria” (e.g., Alcanivorax) became abundant in the two samples during the bioremediation period. Meanwhile, δ-proteobacteria was only detected in the two samples. Information on the bacterial community revealed in this study will be useful in developing strategies for bioremediation of crude oil dispersed in the marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

The high incidence of coral disease in shallow coastal marine environments suggests seawater depth and coastal pollution have an impact on the microbial communities inhabiting healthy coral tissues. A study was undertaken to determine how bacterial communities inhabiting tissues of the coral Montastraea annularis change at 5 m, 10 m and 20 m water depth in varying proximity to the urban centre and seaport of Willemstad, Cura?ao, Netherlands Antilles. Analyses of terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms (TRFLP) of 16S rRNA gene sequences show significant differences in bacterial communities of polluted and control localities only at the shallowest seawater depth. Furthermore, distinct differences in bacterial communities were found with increasing water depth. Comparisons of TRFLP peaks with sequenced clone libraries indicate the black band disease cyanobacterium clone CD1C11 is common and most abundant on healthy corals in less than 10 m water depth. Similarly, sequences belonging to a previously unrecognized group of likely phototrophic bacteria, herein referred to as CAB-I, were also more common in shallow water. To assess the influence of environmental and physiologic factors on bacterial community structure, canonical correspondence analysis was performed using explanatory variables associated with: (i) light availability; (ii) seawater pollution; (iii) coral mucus composition; (iv) the community structure of symbiotic algae; and (v) the photosynthetic activity of symbiotic algae. Eleven per cent of the variation in bacterial communities was accounted for by covariation with these variables; the most important being photosynthetically active radiation (sunlight) and the coral uptake of sewage-derived compounds as recorded by the delta(15)N of coral tissue.  相似文献   

Contamination of aquifers by organic pollutants threatens groundwater supplies and the environment. In situ biodegradation of organic pollutants by microbial communities is important for the remediation of contaminated sites, but our understanding of the relationship between microbial development and pollutant biodegradation is poor. A particular challenge is understanding the in situ status of microorganisms attached to solid surfaces, but not accessible via conventional sampling of groundwater. We have developed novel flow-through microcosms and examined dynamic changes in microbial community structure and function in a phenol-degrading system. Inoculation of these microcosms with a complex microbial community from a plume in a phenol-contaminated aquifer led to the initial establishment of a population dominated by a few species, most attached to the solid substratum. Initially, phenol biodegradation was incomplete, but as the microbial community structure became more complex, phenol biodegradation was more extensive and complete. These results were replicated between independent microcosms, indicating a deterministic succession of species. This work demonstrates the importance of examining community dynamics when assessing the potential for microbial biodegradation of organic pollutants. It provides a novel system in which such measurements can be made readily and reproducibly to study the temporal development and spatial succession of microbial communities during biodegradation of organic pollutants at interfaces within such environments.  相似文献   

《Ecological Indicators》2007,7(3):665-678
A classification system of macroalgae and angiosperms for the inner coastal waters of the Baltic coast of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany) was developed according to the guidelines of the European Water Framework Directive. These guidelines ask for a five-step classification scheme (high, good, moderate, poor, bad) of the ecological state based on submerged macrophytes.The approach is based on the comparison of the occurrence and distribution of plant communities in 1999–2003 with historical data of submerged macrophytes and their community structure. Due to the lack of appropriate data, historical depth distribution limits of plant communities were calculated based on modelled historical underwater light climate.Despite the fact of very heterogeneous salinities (0.5–20.0 practical salinity units, psu) and substrate types (silty–sandy) in the study area, two general main criteria were identified as appropriate indicators of eutrophic degradation of the inner coastal waters: (1) the lower distribution depth of plant communities and (2) the loss of charophyte-dominated plant communities. Based on these two criteria, a five-step classification scheme is proposed for the characterisation of the ecological state. The depth limit boundaries between the ecological classes were calculated by 5, 25, 50 and 75% reduction of the water transparency. Based on this calculation, the ecological status is described by the gradual upward shift of the vegetation depth limit. Complementary to the decrease of depth limits the loss of charophyte-dominated plant communities characterises the border between moderate and poor ecological conditions.  相似文献   

In lakes, fish and invertebrate predation are recognized asstrong structuring forces on zooplankton communities. The objectof this investigation was to study whether predation has a similarpotential in a coastal area of the brackish Baltic Sea and ifit could explain observed differences in zooplankton communitystructure between a reference area and an eutrophied area. Speciescomposition and daily vertical migration of zooplankton andzooplanktivores, and the diets of the latter, were studied inJuly and August at two 30 m deep stations differing in primaryproductivity. The biomass of zooplankton >35 µm wasdominated by copepods, but cladocerans and rotifers also occurredin significant numbers. The dominating zooplanktivores wereherring (Clupea harengus) and the mysid shrimp Mysis mixta.They fed almost exclusively on zooplankton, mainly copepods,and their estimated food consumption equalled or exceeded thesummer copepodite production. The structure of the zooplanktoncommunity cannot be explained by effects of predation or byfeeding conditions alone. Increases in rotifer and cladoceranabundances with increased primary production suggests effectsof food supply. However, a generally rapid decline in the annualsummer peak of cladocerans may be caused by predation. The totalabundance of copepods did not increase with improved feedingconditions, but there was a shift in species dominance. Thecopepod Ewytemora affinis hirundoides, which was intensivelypreyed upon, increased with increased phytoplankton production,while Acartia bifilosa and/or A.longiremis, which was less eaten,decreased. Predation may explain a pronounced daily verticalmigration of the most predated copepods. They occurred in deeperwater during the day, when the visually feeding herring wereactive, and moved closer to the surface at night when M.mixtaleft the bottom, to forage in the water column.  相似文献   

Long-term changes in the macrofauna of the Pomeranian Bay were studied by comparing survey data from the 1950s, 1980s, and 1990s. The study area has undergone significant eutrophication during the period of investigation. Biomass of filter-feeding bivalves increased significantly. Spatial distribution patterns of several species have changed. Strong decreases in species richness were caused by oxygen depletion at stations deeper than 15 m.Saduria entomon, Monoporeia affinis, andPontoporeia femorata vanished entirely between 1981 and 1993. Although a causal relationship between simultaneous increases of nutrient levels and macrobenthic biomass cannot be verified, eutrophication is proposed to be the major process affecing changes in macrofauna assemblages. In addition, changes in hydrography and climate increased frequency and severity of oxygen depletion events in the Pomeranian Bay since the mid 1980s.  相似文献   

The danger of a petroleum hydrocarbon spillage in the polar, ice-covered regions is increasing due to oil exploration in Arctic offshore areas and a growing interest in using the Northern Sea Route (NSR) as an alternative transportation route for Arctic oil and gas. However, little is known about the potential impact of accidental oil spills on this environment. We investigated the impact of crude oil on microbial community composition in six different Arctic sea-ice samples incubated with crude oil at 1 degrees C in microcosms for one year. Alterations in the composition of bacterial communities were analyzed with the culture-independent molecular methods DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) and FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization). DGGE, FISH and cultivation methods revealed a strong shift in community composition toward the gamma-proteobacteria in sea-ice and melt pool samples incubated with crude oil. Marinobacter spp., Shewanella spp. and Pseudomonas spp. were the predominant phylotypes in the oil-treated microcosms. The ability of indigenous sea-ice bacteria to degrade hydrocarbons at low temperature (1 degrees C) was tested using four representative strains cultivated from sea-ice enriched with crude oil. [14C]Hexadecane was degraded by the sea-ice isolates at 20-50% capacity of the mesophilic type strain Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus, a known hydrocarbon degrader, incubated at 22 degrees C.  相似文献   

The performance and dynamics of the bacterial communities in the biofilm and suspended culture in the anode chamber of sucrose-fed microbial fuel cells (MFCs) were studied by using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of PCR-amplified partial 16S rRNA genes followed by species identification by sequencing. The power density of MFCs was correlated to the relative proportions of species obtained from DGGE analysis in order to detect bacterial species or taxonomic classes with important functional role in electricity production. Although replicate MFCs showed similarity in performance, cluster analysis of DGGE profiles revealed differences in the evolution of bacterial communities between replicate MFCs. No correlation was found between the proportion trends of specific species and the enhancement of power output. However, in all MFCs, putative exoelectrogenic denitrifiers and sulphate-reducers accounted for approximately 24% of the bacterial biofilm community at the end of the study. Pareto–Lorenz evenness distribution curves extracted from the DGGE patterns obtained from time course samples indicated community structures where shifts between functionally similar species occur, as observed within the predominant fermentative bacteria. These results suggest the presence of functional redundancy within the anodic communities, a probable indication that stable MFC performance can be maintained in changing environmental conditions. The capability of bacteria to adapt to electricity generation might be present among a wide range of bacteria.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial variation of coastal zooplankton in the Baltic Sea   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
When analysing temporal variation monthly mean abundances of zooplankton sampled at a eoastal station in the northern Baltic Sea between 1976 and 1988 showed the lowest between-year variation in the summers The coefficients of variation were estimated at 50% for rotifers in June. 70% for cladocerans in August and between 30 and 50% for different copepodite stages in August Moreover in the summers, all dominating zooplankton groups were abundant Estimates of yearly biomass or production of zooplankton must, however, be based on frequent sampling during the whole year because of large differences between months in zooplankton composition and abundance
In 1989. spatial variation was analyzed by sampling zooplankton on three occasions along a 9 8 km transect with 15 stations, 700 m apart All taxonomic/life-stage groupings of zooplankton were heterogeneously distributed Geostatistical analysis did not give a definite answer to what the minimum distance between stations should be to obtain independent samples but indicated that 700 to 1400 m would be sufficient in most cases For most of the zooplankton groupings the coefficients of variation in the sampled area were estimated at 20-40% on all sampling occasions  相似文献   

Hydrography, nutrient concentrations, primary production and sedimentation of particulate matter were studied during spring, late summer and autumn in the coastal area of the northern Baltic Sea, SW Finland. Vernal phytoplankton productivity peak and biomass maximum in early May were followed by high sedimentation rates of organic matter at the end of May. In summer, sedimentation rates of organic material were generally low. The decay rates of organic carbon in the sediment traps, estimated by measuring oxygen uptake of settled organic matter, varied between 0.005 to 0.08 d–1 and were on average 0.02 d–1. Decomposition of organic matter inside the sediment traps was mainly controlled by temperature, while also organic contents of settled material were significant. Microbial decomposition decreased sedimentation rates of organic carbon and nitrogen on average by 11% and 15%, respectively, during the whole study period of ca. 6 months. Resuspension of organic matter from sediment surface was estimated to contribute ca. 17 and 24% of the total sedimentation of organic carbon during spring and summer, respectively. Export production (i.e. primary sedimentation of organic carbon corrected by decomposition) was estimated to be 32% of the net primary production during the whole productive season and 42% in spring when the flux of primary settling material was greatest. Sedimentation of the spring bloom was the major annual supply of organic matter to the benthos (>80% of the total primary sedimentation).  相似文献   

Coastal fast ice and underlying water of the northern Baltic Sea were sampled throughout the entire ice winter from January to late March in 2002 to study the succession of bacterial biomass, secondary production and community structure. Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) and sequencing of TGGE fragments were applied in the community structure analysis. Chlorophyll-a and composition of autotrophic and heterotrophic assemblages were also examined. Overall succession of ice organism assemblages consisted of a low-productive stage, the main algal bloom, and a heterotrophic post-bloom situation, as typical for the study area. The most important groups of organisms in ice in terms of biomass were dinoflagellates, plasticidic flagellates, rotifers and ciliates. Ice bacteria showed a specific succession not directly dependent on the overall succession events of ice organisms. Sequenced 16S rDNA fragments were mainly affiliated to α-, β-, and γ-proteobacterial phyla and Cytophaga–Flavobacterium–Bacteroides-group, and related to sequences from cold environments, also from the Baltic Sea. Temporal clustering of the TGGE fingerprints was stronger than spatial, although lower ice and underlying water communities always clustered together, pointing to the importance of ice maturity and ice–water interactions in shaping the bacterial communities.  相似文献   

The effects of diesel fuel and three lubricating oils on microbial communities in marine sediment were investigated in a field experiment at Casey Station, Antarctica. Sediment from a pristine site in Antarctica was treated with either Special Antarctic Blend (SAB) diesel, a synthetic lubricant (Mobil 0W-40), the same lubricant after use in a vehicle or an equivalent unused biodegradable lubricant (Titan GT1). The sediment was re-deployed in trays on the seabed for 5 weeks during the austral summer. The microbial community structure in the sediment upon collection, deployment and retrieval was investigated using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), most probable number (MPN) counts and direct microscopic counting. It was found that only minor changes occurred in the microbial communities due to the experimental protocol. After 5 weeks however, there were significant differences between the communities in the SAB and clean and used lubricant (Mobil 0W-40) as compared to the control treatment. There was no significant difference between the control and biodegradable oil (Titan GT1) treatment. These results indicate that SAB and synthetic lubricants have a measurable effect on sediment microbial communities in the short-term. The biodegradable oil did not produce such an effect and we conclude that the use of such an oil could reduce the risks associated with oil spills in the Antarctic environment.  相似文献   

The Baltic Sea is a large, shallow, and strongly stratified brackish water basin. It suffers from eutrophication, toxic cyanobacterial blooms, and oxygen depletion, all of which pose a threat to local marine communities. In this study, the diversity and community structure of the northern Baltic Sea bacterial communities in the water column were, for the first time, thoroughly studied by 454 sequencing. The spring and autumn bacterial communities were one order of magnitude less diverse than those in recently studied oceanic habitats. Patchiness and strong stratification were clearly detectable; <1% of operational taxonomic units were shared among 11 samples. The community composition was more uniform horizontally (at a fixed depth) between different sites than vertically within one sampling site, implying that the community structure was affected by prevailing physical and hydrochemical conditions. Taxonomic affiliations revealed a total of 23 bacterial classes and 169 genera, while 5% of the sequences remained unclassified. The cyanobacteria accounted for <2% of the sequences, and potentially toxic cyanobacterial genera were essentially absent during the sampling seasons.  相似文献   

Although algal growth in the iron-deficient Southern Ocean surface waters is generally low, there is considerable evidence that winter sea ice contains high amounts of iron and organic matter leading to ice-edge blooms during austral spring. We used field observations and ship-based microcosm experiments to study the effect of the seeding by sea ice microorganisms, and the fertilization by organic matter and iron on the planktonic community at the onset of spring/summer in the Weddell Sea. Pack ice was a major source of autotrophs resulting in a ninefold to 27-fold increase in the sea ice-fertilized seawater microcosm compared to the ice-free seawater microcosm. However, heterotrophs were released in lower numbers (only a 2- to 6-fold increase). Pack ice was also an important source of dissolved organic matter for the planktonic community. Small algae (<10 μm) and bacteria released from melting sea ice were able to thrive in seawater. Field observations show that the supply of iron from melting sea ice had occurred well before our arrival onsite, and the supply of iron to the microcosms was therefore low. We finally ran a “sequential melting” experiment to monitor the release of ice constituents in seawater. Brine drainage occurred first and was associated with the release of dissolved elements (salts, dissolved organic carbon and dissolved iron). Particulate organic carbon and particulate iron were released with low-salinity waters at a later stage.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine top-down effects of cursorial spiders in subsidized coastal food webs. Top-down effects were examined by selectively removing cursorial spiders, mainly wolf spiders, from small islands (26–1834 m2) during 2004–2007. The removal success varied among islands and years, and spider densities were reduced by 30–65%. To examine treatment effects, arthropods were sampled using a vacuum sampling device at three occasions each summer. The densities of other arthropod predators, especially web spiders and carabids, were higher on islands where cursorial spiders had been removed compared to control islands. This treatment effect probably occurred through a combination of competitive release and reduced intraguild predation from cursorial spiders. No treatment effects were found on herbivore or detritivore densities and plant biomass. This lack of effect may either be because spiders indeed have fairly weak effects on herbivore and detritivore densities on Baltic shorelines or that the removal success of spiders was insufficient for observing such effects. Treatment effects may also be weak because negative effects exerted by spiders on herbivore and detritivore populations were balanced by increased predation by insect predators.  相似文献   

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