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Ricardo Rocha Diogo F. Ferreira Adrià López‐Baucells Fábio Z. Farneda João M. B. Carreiras Jorge M. Palmeirim Christoph F. J. Meyer 《Biotropica》2017,49(6):881-890
Understanding the consequences of habitat modification on wildlife communities is central to the development of conservation strategies. However, albeit male and female individuals of numerous species are known to exhibit differences in habitat use, sex‐specific responses to habitat modification remain little explored. Here, we used a landscape‐scale fragmentation experiment to assess, separately for males and females, the effects of fragmentation on the abundance of Carollia perspicillata and Rhinophylla pumilio, two widespread Neotropical frugivorous bats. We predicted that sex‐specific responses would arise from higher energetic requirements from pregnancy and lactation in females. Analyses were conducted independently for each season, and we further investigated the joint responses to local and landscape‐scale metrics of habitat quality, composition, and configuration. Although males and females responded similarly to a fragmentation gradient composed by continuous forest, fragment interiors, edges, and matrix habitats, we found marked differences between sexes in habitat use for at least one of the seasons. Whereas the sex ratio varied little in continuous forest and fragment interiors, females were found to be more abundant than males in edge and matrix habitats. This difference was more prominent in the dry season, the reproductive season of both species. For both species, abundance responses to local‐ and landscape‐scale predictors differed between sexes and again, differences were more pronounced in the dry season. The results suggest considerable sex‐mediated responses to forest disruption and degradation in tropical bats and complement our understanding of the impacts of fragmentation on tropical forest vertebrate communities. 相似文献
Animal vocalizations convey multiple pieces of information about the sender. Some of them are stable, such as identity or sex, but others are labile like the emotional or motivational state. Only a few studies have examined the acoustic expression of emotional state in non-human animals and related vocal cues to physiological parameters. In this paper, we examined the vocal expression of isolation-induced stress in a songbird, the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). Although songbirds use acoustic communication extensively, nothing is known to date on how they might encode physiological states in their vocalizations. We tested the hypothesis that social isolation in zebra finches induces a rise of plasma corticosterone that modifies the vocal behavior. We monitored plasma corticosterone, as well as call rate and acoustic structure of calls of males in response to the playback of female calls of varied saliences (familiar versus stranger) in two situations: social isolation and social housing. Social isolation induced both a rise in plasma corticosterone, and a range of modifications in males' vocal behavior. Isolated birds showed a lower vocal activity, an abolition of the difference of response between the two stimuli, and evoked calls with longer duration and higher pitch. Because some of these effects were mimicked after oral administration of corticosterone in socially housed subjects, we conclude that corticosterone could be partly responsible for the isolation-related modifications of calls in male zebra finches. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of the direct implication of glucocorticoids in the modulation of the structure of vocal sounds. 相似文献
Muhammad A 《Journal of biosocial science》2009,41(1):39-50
Preference for children of either sex is considered a constraint on fertility decline as it induces many couples to keep adding on surviving children in the hope of having a desired sex composition of children. However, preferences for children of a particular sex may differ in relation to demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of women, traditional values and cultural practices, such as propagating a family name, providing economic advantages, and obtaining a medium of social and economic security in times of illness, unemployment and old age. Utilizing the Pakistan Integrated Household Survey (2001-02), this paper aims at investigating the existence of sex preference and examines sex preference differentials by different attributes of women in Pakistan. The results reveal that there is a desire to have another child in the presence of all children of one sex, either sons or daughters. The desire to have a son with only or mostly daughters, however, is stronger than the desire to have a daughter with only or mostly sons. This behaviour will retard fertility decline unless there is a shift in the desire to have children of both sexes in Pakistan. 相似文献
Xisca Timoner Miriam Colls Samia M. Salomón Francesc Oliva Vicenç Acuña Sergi Sabater 《Freshwater Biology》2020,65(3):514-523
- In some regions, climate change is increasing the variability of rainfall and the frequency of extreme events such as drought. Consequently, non-flow periods have grown in length and frequency, both in temporary and in formerly permanent streams. Water abstraction for human use may further prolong these dry periods.
- We analysed the resistance and resilience of biofilms from permanent and temporary streams to non-flow conditions. This was achieved by exposing cobbles (collected from permanent and temporary streams) with intact biofilm to 31 days of non-flow, followed by 20 days of stream flow in artificial stream channels. Biofilm resistance and resilience were assessed at a structural (algal biomass, pigment composition, and algae and cyanobacteria composition) and functional level (photosynthetic efficiency and community metabolism).
- Algal taxa in biofilms from permanent and temporary streams differed throughout the experiment. Biofilms from permanent streams were less resistant to non-flow than those from temporary streams at structural level. Permanent stream biofilms also presented lower resilience at a structural level, but responded similarly to temporary stream biofilms at a functional level.
- Our investigation shows how the non-flow period disturbed permanent stream biofilms, and suggests that temporary stream biofilms will have greater adaptive capacity as hydroperiod becomes shorter due to climate change.
S. F. Volman 《Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology》1996,178(6):849-862
- Auditory responses in the zebra finch (Taenopygia guttata) song-system nucleus HVc were assessed at 54 recording sites by 3 different methods: discriminated action potentials; excitatory summed responses; and excitatory minus inhibitory summed responses. Four standard stimuli were presented at each site: the bird's own song; this song reversed; a conspecific song; and a noise burst. Responses were quantified by calculating a relative response index that partitioned the response, to provide a response profile, across the stimuli.
- Regardless of analysis method, the strongest response was most often to the bird's own song (78–82%, depending on method). The predominant rank order of response strength across the remaining three stimuli was conspecific song > reversed song > noise.
- The distribution of relative response magnitude was sensitive to analysis method. Discriminated spikes captured the heterogeneity of HVc neurons, whereas the excitatory summed responses reflected the overall trends more consistently. When inhibition was subtracted from excitation in the summed responses, the variance of the relative responses increased, but this method presented some problems for statistical analysis.
- A small sample of neurons in other forebrain auditory areas was used for comparative analyses. At these recording sites, the bird's own song did not consistently elicit the best response and there were generally smaller differences in the relative responses to the four stimuli. The smaller degree of stimulus selectivity among these cells resulted in less sensitivity to differences in the assessment methods.
V. B. Meyer-Rochow W. A. Reid 《Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology》1996,166(5):319-324
Fifty randomly selected publications dealing with aspects of crustacean vision had their Materials and methods sections examined. In half of the articles gleaned, only the name of the animal under study was given; the other half mentioned “adult” or “mature” animals; twelve papers provided information on size or age of the experimental animal and six gave the sex. In Petrolisthes elongatus, rhabdom microvilli not only become more regular in outline as the animal grows, but also decrease in diameter from 90.4±21.2 nm in crabs of 5.0–8.9 mm carapace length via 86.6±13 nm in crabs of 9.0–12.9 mm carapace length to 79.7±7 nm in crabs of 13.0–16.9 mm carapace length. Approximately 400 cross sectional diameters of microvilli from identical regions in four eyes of each size class were measured and provided the basis for Anova-, Levene-, and t-tests. The three size classes possess microvilli of significantly different diameters and standard deviations. Our observations show that investigators of the crustacean photoreceptor have frequently neglected to consider the size of their experimental animals, but that this practice should not be continued as the now documented changes in microvillus diameters may influence the amount of visual pigment present and, thus, the photoreceptor’s sensitivity to light. Accepted: 7 May 1996 相似文献
In recent years an increasing number of studies have shown shrubs to be reliable proxies of environmental conditions in regions where Trees − due to harsh climate conditions − are absent. Although many shrubs are monoecious, some are dioecious, which poses certain questions related to gender-specific growth as observed for trees in previous studies. Here, we address the questions whether dioecious shrubs, similar to trees, show growth differences between male and female plants, and − if so − whether this difference needs to be considered in terms of sample selection. We chose Juniperus communis. L., the most widely distributed woody plant, and a common and well-studied dioecious shrub species in the northern hemisphere, especially in the Boreal, Subarctic tundra and Alpine regions. Our samples were collected from four sites − three from the Ural Mountains and one site from Kirkenes in Norway. To see if there were differences in radial growth between sexes we performed four different analyses. First, we used multivariate explorative statistics to see if there were gender biased sub-populations and generally found no differences. Secondly, to compare growth over the lifetime of shrubs we computed cumulative annual increments of basal area which revealed no gender-specific growth patterns. Thirdly, to test if differences in radial growth between male and female shrubs affect the resulting site-chronology, we compared individual shrub chronologies with the site-chronology and found a significant differentiation between normalized correlations of gender-specific chronologies to the site-chronology. This significant difference was restricted to an overall comparison, but not evident at individual site-level. Lastly, we compared correlations of gender-specific chronologies and a mean site-chronology with monthly climate records to find only very few meaningful differences in their responses. In summary, we could not detect any clear gender-specific growth pattern in Juniperus communis but observed a trend towards more non-climatic signals in female junipers which may affect the resulting site-chronology. 相似文献
The generation and interpretation of positional information are key processes in developmental systems. In this issue, Chen et?al. report discoveries made in the Drosophila embryo that give new insights into how positional information can be produced by patterning gradients. 相似文献
Juliane Riechert Olivier Chastel Peter H. Becker 《Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology》2013,199(9):799-805
Sex ratio of progeny should be balanced if costs and benefits of rearing sons and daughters are equal. However, shifts in sex ratio have been demonstrated across bird species and it was suggested that females are able to adjust the primary sex ratio. One possible mechanism is the glucocorticoid corticosterone which rises under stressful conditions and can be deposited into egg yolk by mothers. We analysed primary sex ratio of common terns Sterna hirundo from 2006 to 2008 and related it to maternal baseline corticosterone level, laying date and year. Therefore, we took 101 blood samples of 71 breeding females via blood sucking bugs, a method with negligible stress for the birds. Sex ratio did not differ from parity in any of the analysed years, which were characterized by poor food availability and breeding success. Only within 1 year there was a tendency for more females in the last hatched chick. Neither corticosterone level nor laying date or year showed an influence on hatching sex ratio. The negative result concerning primary sex ratio and maternal baseline corticosterone level might suggest conditions to be good enough for mothers to prevent them from depositing high levels of corticosterone into eggs. 相似文献
Neurons in the song system nuclei of songbirds exhibit a strong preference for the sound of the birds own song relative to that of conspecific songs. This selectivity is observed in the high vocal center and the nucleus interface of the nidopallium, two song nuclei that receive input from the birds auditory system. To investigate the role of the auditory system in generating the selective responses observed in the song system, we recorded auditory responses in the zebra finch primary auditory forebrain, field L, and in a secondary auditory area, the caudal mesopallium. Field L and caudal mesopallium project directly or indirectly to the high vocal center and nucleus interface of the nidopallium and are presumed to provide substantial auditory input to the song system. We found that, on average, neurons in field L and caudal mesopallium did not show positive selective responses for the birds own song or tutor song relative to conspecific song. Moreover, there were no particular sub-areas in the auditory telencephalon that were relatively more selective than the average. The selectivity for the birds own song would therefore be restricted to song nuclei and would arise in one processing step, potentially found at the interface between the auditory and the song systems.Abbreviations BOS birds own song - CM caudal mesopallium (older term: caudal hyperstriatum ventrale or cHV) - Con conspecific song - HVC high vocal center - LMAN lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium (older term: lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum) - LPS pallial-subpallial lamina (older term: lamina medularis dorsalis or LMD) - NCM caudal medial nidopallium (older term: caudo-medial neostriatum) - NIf nucleus interface of the nidopallium (older term: nucleus interface of the neostriatum) - RA robust nucleus of arcopallium (older term: robust nucleus of the archistriatum) - Rev reverse BOS - Revorder reverse order of BOS - Uva nucleus uvaeformis of the thalamusNew avian brain terminology has been used in this paper (). Older terms are given in parentheses in the list of abbreviations 相似文献
Edward J. Narayan John F. Cockrem Jean-Marc Hero 《Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology》2013,164(1):21-28
Amphibians respond to environmental stressors by secreting corticosterone, a stress hormone which promotes physiological and behavioral responses. Capture handling can be used to stimulate physiological stress response in amphibians. The use of single blood sampling and presentation of mean data often limits the quantification of within and between individual variation in baseline and short-term corticosterone stress responses in amphibians. It is important for studies of amphibian physiological ecology to determine whether baseline and short-term corticosterone stress responses are consistent or not. We quantified repeatability (r), a statistical measure of consistency, in baseline and short-term corticosterone stress responses to a standard capture and handling stress protocol in free-living adult male cane toads (Rhinella marina). Corticosterone metabolite concentrations were measured entirely non-invasively in male toad urine samples via an enzyme-immunoassay. During the first sampling occasion, urine samples were collected manually from individual male toads (n = 20) immediately upon field capture. Toads were handled for 5 min then transferred to plastic bags (constituting a mild stressor), and urine samples were collected hourly over 8 h in the field. The toads were resampled for baseline (0 h) urine corticosterone with hourly urine sampling over 8 h (for quantification of the stress induced corticosterone) at 14 day intervals on three consecutive occasions. Within and between sample variations in urinary corticosterone metabolite concentrations were also quantified. All toads expressed a corticosterone stress response over 8 h to our standard capture and handling stress protocol. Variations both within and between toads was higher for corrected integrated corticosterone concentrations than corticosterone concentrations at baseline, 3 or 6 h. Baseline urinary corticosterone metabolite concentration of the male toads was highly repeatable (r = 0.877) together with high statistical repeatabilities for 3 h (r = 0.695), 6 h (r = 0.428) and 8 h (r = 0.775) corticosterone metabolite concentrations, and for the total and corrected integrated corticosterone responses (r = 0.807; r = 0.743 respectively). This study highlights that baseline and short-term corticosterone stress responses are repeatable in free-living amphibians. Future studies should utilize this non-invasive tool to explore repeatability among seasons and across years, and determine its functional significance in relation to behavioral ecology and reproduction in amphibians generally. 相似文献
Bennet L Booth LC Ahmed-Nasef N Dean JM Davidson J Quaedackers JS Gunn AJ 《American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology》2007,293(3):R1280-R1286
Clinically and experimentally male fetuses are at significantly greater risk of dying or suffering injury at birth, particularly after premature delivery. We undertook a retrospective cohort analysis of 60 female and 65 male singleton preterm fetal sheep (103-104 days, 0.7 gestation) with mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), heart rate, and carotid and femoral blood flow recordings during 25 min of umbilical cord occlusion in utero. Occlusions were stopped early if fetal MAP fell below 8 mmHg or if there was asystole for >20 s. Fetuses that were able to complete the full 25-min period of occlusion showed no differences between sexes for any cardiovascular responses. Similar numbers of occlusions were stopped early in males (mean: 21 min, n = 16) and females (mean: 23 min, n = 16); however, they showed different responses. Short-occlusion males (n = 16) showed a slower initial fall in femoral vascular conductance, followed by greater bradycardia, hypotension, and associated organ hypoperfusion compared with full-occlusion fetuses. In contrast, short-occlusion females (n = 16) showed a significantly more rapid early increase in femoral vascular conductance than the full-occlusion fetuses, followed by worsening of bradycardia and hypotension that was intermediate to the full-occlusion fetuses and short-occlusion males. Among all fetuses, MAP at 15 min of occlusion, corresponding with the time of the maximal rate of fall, was correlated with postmortem weight in males (R(2) = 0.07) but not females. In conclusion, male and female fetuses showed remarkably similar chemoreflex and hemodynamic responses to severe asphyxia, but some males did show impaired hemodynamic adaptation within the normal weight range. 相似文献
Vuilleumier S Possingham HP 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2006,273(1594):1637-1642
Despite the considerable evidence showing that dispersal between habitat patches is often asymmetric, most of the metapopulation models assume symmetric dispersal. In this paper, we develop a Monte Carlo simulation model to quantify the effect of asymmetric dispersal on metapopulation persistence. Our results suggest that metapopulation extinctions are more likely when dispersal is asymmetric. Metapopulation viability in systems with symmetric dispersal mirrors results from a mean field approximation, where the system persists if the expected per patch colonization probability exceeds the expected per patch local extinction rate. For asymmetric cases, the mean field approximation underestimates the number of patches necessary for maintaining population persistence. If we use a model assuming symmetric dispersal when dispersal is actually asymmetric, the estimation of metapopulation persistence is wrong in more than 50% of the cases. Metapopulation viability depends on patch connectivity in symmetric systems, whereas in the asymmetric case the number of patches is more important. These results have important implications for managing spatially structured populations, when asymmetric dispersal may occur. Future metapopulation models should account for asymmetric dispersal, while empirical work is needed to quantify the patterns and the consequences of asymmetric dispersal in natural metapopulations. 相似文献
Belden LK Rubbo MJ Wingfield JC Kiesecker JM 《Physiological and biochemical zoology : PBZ》2007,80(4):444-451
Density-dependent population regulation is important in many natural populations, and in those populations, high population density is a likely stressor. In amphibians, previous laboratory studies with tadpoles suggest that corticosterone, the main glucocorticoid stress hormone, is one of the key regulators of density-dependent growth. To test this relationship in natural settings, we manipulated wood frog (Rana sylvatica) tadpole density at three levels in outdoor mesocosms and used a capture stress protocol to examine the hormonal stress response. In addition, we used the same capture protocol in six natural ponds (three high density and three low density). In the mesocosms, there was an increase in corticosterone levels in tadpoles following 1 h of confinement at weeks 1, 2, and 5. However, while tadpoles maintained at higher densities were smaller after metamorphosis, density did not alter mean levels of corticosterone obtained during confinement, and baseline levels of corticosterone did not differ between the densities. Similarly, in natural ponds, density did not correlate with baseline corticosterone or mean corticosterone levels obtained during confinement. We suggest that the physiological response to density may vary across the range of natural densities and that the role of corticosterone may be limited to periods of extreme high density, such as during pond-drying events. 相似文献