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The cultural facies called Final Gravettian is rare, restricted only to four reference sites located in the south half of France. Three of them yielded rectangular beads, which constitute a category of ornaments that seems to be characteristic of this late phase of the Gravettian. The series of 85 rectangular beads from the level 2 of the Abri Pataud (Dordogne) was the object of a targeted study aiming first at determining in which raw material these beads were made that turned out to be mammoth ivory for the great part. Therefore, the question of what are the techniques used to make these beads. In order to answer an experimental approach was managed with a constant dialogue with the archaeological context. This allow us to contribute to an enlarged discussion about the lifestyles of people who lived during the Final Gravettian and more precisely about the role played by the mammoth within a nomadic hunter-gatherer society with an economy essentially based on the exploitation of the reindeer.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2003,2(6-7):423-433
The macroevolutionary debate. Several historical as well as more recent aspects of macroevolutionary theory are discussed, in connection with a research program initiated by several working groups over the last ten years: it consists in dividing the taxonomic (diversity) and morphologic (disparity) components of biodiversity when studying its fluctuations through time. Studies have frequently shown a dissociation between the two metrics through the history of clades. Comparing diversity and disparity is a productive approach, which is leading to an exploration of large-scale biodiversity fluctuations in terms of both patterns and processes. To cite this article: P. Neige, C.R. Palevol 2 (2003).  相似文献   

La prise en charge par le biologiste de certaines analyses délocalisées se trouve grandement facilitée par la mise en place d’un système informatique reliant l’analyseur délocalisé et le laboratorie. Elle apporte un niveau de sécurité nécessaire pour la prise de responsabilité du laboratoire dans l’acte de biologie délocalisé. L’architecture réseau de la plupart de h?pitaux permet maintenant de transmettre très facilement et de manière fiable des données entre plusieurs services voire entre établissements. Les analyseurs de gazométrie sanguine permettent cette connexion, de plus en plus d’industriels développent d’autres paramètres en plus des simples gaz du sang comme dernièrement l’urée et la créatinine. Les analyseurs permettant de doser les marqueurs cardiaques, ceux réalisant l’hémostase sont désormais fréquemment connectables. Chaque industriel du diagnostic proposant des analyseurs de glycémie a ou va prochainement commercialiser un modèle connectable. Il en est de même pour les bandelettes urinaires. Il est donc probable, et les biologistes sont les premiers demandeurs, que la connexion informatique d’analyseurs de biologie installés dans les unités de soins, soit un pré-requis pour la gestion des analyses délocalisées par le biologiste, et sa prise de responsabilité dans les résultats biologiques issus de ces analyseurs.  相似文献   

Résumé Dans 4 familles où se trouvait un malade atteint de poliomyélite on a examiné les sérums de la phase aiguë et de la phase de convalescence des malades et des autres membres de famille pour chercher la présence d'anticorps neutralisant trois souches du virus poliomyélitique (Lansing, SK et MM) et le virus de la chorioméningite lymphocytaire. Dans deux familles au moins, les recherches indiquent que les anticorps contre la souche Lansing ne se forment que comme conséquence spécifique d'une infection, éventuellement asymptomatique, par un virus poliomyélitique d'une structure antigène apparentée à celle de la souche Lansing. Dans une famille le sérum de la phase aiguë d'un malade et le sérum de sa mère, contenaient des anticorps tandis que le sérum de son père et d'une soeur ne neutralisait pas la souche Lansing. Dix semaines après, les sérums du père et de la soeur avaient obtenu un pouvoir neutralisant contre cette souche, bien que ni l'un ni l'autre n'aient été malades. Ceci pourrait indiquer la possibilité d'une infection par contact direct dans la famille.  相似文献   

S. Mouchabac 《PSN》2008,6(4):188-196
Darwinian medicine considers that many symptoms are the organism’s defence mechanisms and adaptations that have been inherited and shaped by natural selection. But in many cases, signs and symptoms of disease are of no benefit to human survival and are in fact deregulations of normal mechanisms. Evolutionary explanations help us understand how some human affective and emotional processes could have an adaptive value and enable us to cope with a wide spectrum of situations. But the wide range of intensity levels and different forms, ranging from low moods to major depression with psychotic features, suggest that these symptoms cannot always be explained by adaptation: where is the cut-off point? In this paper, we describe the evolutionary concepts related to adaptation as applied to the emotions, particularly focusing on low mood and depression, and discuss their possible functional and adaptive role.  相似文献   

D. Anxolabéhère 《Genetica》1980,51(3):161-165
Sans résuméEquipe de Recherche Associée du C.N.R.S. No 406 Analyse et mécanismes de maintien du polymorphisme.  相似文献   

Effects of gibberellic acid and kinetic on α-amylase production during the germination of barley. - The action of gibberellic acid and kinetin, alone or combined at different concentrations, has been studied on α-amylase production in whole barley seedlings and in embryoless endosperms in course of the six first days of development in the dark. The classic activation of α-amylase synthesis by gibberellic acid has been confirmed both in whole seeds and in embryoless endosperms. Kinetin inhibits α-amylase synthesis after the third day of germination but has no effect on isolated endosperms. When gibberellic acid and kinetin are given simultaneously gibberellic acid stimulated during the three first days just as it does alone, kinetin inhibits after the third day also as it was alone so that the two regulators act, without interactions, at different stages in the time. These effects of kinetin are be independent. A critical examination of the techniques used in the literature in the stud of amylase is made.  相似文献   

Localized prostate cancer is characterized by a tumor confined to the prostate gland at clinical evaluation. Since the onset of PSA screening, the detection of localized prostate cancer has increased. Prognosis factors are clinical stadification, PSA value, PSA doubling time, tumor volume related to needle biopsy pathologic findings (Gleason score, percentage biopsies involved). Treatment depends on tumor prognosis, symptoms and performance status of the patient. Localized prostate cancer can be treated by surgery (radical prostatectomy, high intensity focused ultrasound) or radiotherapy (conformational radiation therapy, brachytherapy). Active follow-up can be proposed to very low risk patients.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(6):359-364
D’Orbigny was more interested in the discontinuities of life history than in the origin of species. He looked for reference points to correlate geological strata and to reconstruct their history. This allowed him to formalise the concept of stratigraphic stage and to propose the first geological time scale. Therefore, one of the results was that he was unjustly considered as one of the leaders of the creationism school, because he used the ambiguous term ‘creation’ to designate the renewal of fauna after catastrophic events, but without providing a definition and with a meaning that was probably different from those of his successors.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2007,31(11):610-612
Coronary angiography often remains an unavoidable gold standard in cardiology practice for determining the severity, extent and prognosis of coronary artery disease and for therapeutic decision making, although established non-invasive testing – such as myocardial perfusion imaging or stress echocardiography – have demonstrated their diagnostic value and their incremental pronostic value over coronary angiography. Newer noninvasive techniques, such as multidetector computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, are currently being validated and will very soon be considered as alternatives to these imaging modalities in clinical practice. Facing this wide choice of tests, the cardiology community has the difficult task to determine the role and place of these various investigating techniques and to evaluate their resource implications, in other words, to optimize the cost-efficacy and ratios in the management of coronary artery disease.  相似文献   

R. Mieusset 《Andrologie》2010,20(3):179-189
Cryptorchidism, a non-descended testis in its physiological intrascrotal location, is one of the most frequent congenital anomalies of the male genital system. The mechanisms of the normal descent of the testis are still unclear. Several etiological hypotheses have been proposed for cryptorchidism. Cryptorchidism is associated with a greater risk of testis cancer, and is also a cause of impairment in sperm parameters and fertility in the adult age. In this article, we review the cellular and hormonal events occurring from birth to puberty in isolated cases of congenital cryptorchidism that will later, in adulthood, alter both spermatogenesis and fertility.  相似文献   

Summary This study considers the earlier growth stages of Coccidium Coelotropha durchoni in its host, Nereis diversicolor. Before evolving into free trophozoites and gamontes in coeliac fluid, the parasites remain in muscular and coeliac cells in microscopic intracellular form. Electron microscope reveals that these stages show an intermediary fine structure between that of a sporozoite — from which they keep some typical characteristics such as the conoid, the fibers and the involuted tubuli — and that of the future free trophozoites. The wall consisting in two clear membrans is provided with one or several micropores. The classical cytoplasmic organites clearly stand out: dictyosomes show constant relationship with ergastoplasm, the mitochondria contain short inner tubuli. Besides the paraglycogen granules and lipoid vacuoles, at least three types of vacuoles may be observed. Peculiar topographic relationship connects mitochondria and paraglycogen granules probably in formation. In the nucleus with classical membrane and heterogeneous structure, a rather voluminous nucleolus may be seen.  相似文献   

Résumé L'analyse de la structure fine des chromatides obtenue par dénaturation ménagée par la chaleur permet de rapporter un nouveau cas de trisomie pour le bras court du chromosome 9.Un nouvel examen, avec cette même technique, des cas précédemment publiés a permis d'identifier les chromosomes impliqués dans les diverses translocations familiales, de localiser les points de cassure et, par là, de préciser les diverses trisomies ou monosomies associées à la trisomie 9p observée chez les patients.La confrontation des données cytologiques ainsi recueillies et des données phénotypiques observées chez dix patients permet de dégager l'ensemble malformatif correspondant à la trisomie du bras court du chromosome 9 à savoir: Un syndrome dysmorphique: microcéphalie modérée, énophtalmie, obliquité en bas et en dehors des fentes palpébrales, hypertélorisme modéré, oreilles décollées, nez charnu, coins de la bouche tombants, hypoplasie de certaines phalanges. Une particularité des dermatoglyphes: pli palmaire transverse, absence ou fusion de b et c. Une débilité mentale sévère.
Giemsa-R-banding analysis of the trisomy 9p and report of a new case
Summary Analysis of the chromatid fine structure after heat denaturation led to the identification of another case of trisomy of the short arm of chromosome 9. Reexamination of cases already published by means of this technique permitted identification of the chromosomes involved in the various familial translocations, localization of the breakage sites, and, consequently, detailed statements on the respective trisomies or monosomies occurring in connection with trisomy 9p in the patients.Comparison of the chromosomal findings and the clinical phenotypes of 10 patients reveals that a characteristic clinical entity corresponds to the trisomy of the short arm of chromosome 9 consisting of the combination of the following features: A Malformation Syndrome. Moderate microcephaliy, enophthalmus, antimongoloid slant of palpebral fissures, mild hypertelorism, protruding ears, globulous nose, downward slanting mouth hypoplasia of phalanges. A Peculiarity in the Dermal Ridge System. Transverse palamar flexion crease, absence of a digital triradius or fusion of the triradii b and c. Severe Mental Retardation.

Zusammenfassung Die Analyse der Feinstruktur der Chromatiden nach Hitzedenaturierung erlaubte die Identifizierung eines neuen Falles einer Trisomie des kurzen Armes von Chromosom 9. Die Nachuntersuchung bereits publizierter Fälle mit dieser Technik ermöglichte die Identifizierung der an den verschiedenen familiären Translokationen beteiligten Chromosomen, die Lokalisierung der Bruchstellen und damit auch genauere Angaben über die unterschiedlichen Trisomien oder Monosomien, die im Zusammenhang mit der bei den Patienten beobachteten Trisomie 9p auftraten.Die Gegenüberstellung der Chromosomenbefunde und der phänotypischen Merkmale bei 10 Patienten erlaubt die Angrenzung der folgenden Kombination klinischer Merkmale, die der Trisomie des kurzen Armes von Chromosom 9 entspricht: Ein Mißbildungssyndrom. Mäßige Mikrocephalie, Enophthalmie, schräg nach außen und unten gerichtete Lidachsenstellung, mäßiger Hypertelorismus, abstehende Ohren, fleischige Nase, abfallende Mundwinkel, Hypoplasie einiger Phalangen. Eine Eigentümlichkeit im Hautleisten- und-furchensystem. Transverse palmare Beugefurche, Fehlen eines digitalen Triradius oder Fusion der Triradien b und c. Schwere geistige Retardierung.

Maître de Recherches à l'Inserm.

Chargé de Recherches au C.N.R.S.  相似文献   

Annick Isaia 《Planta》1971,96(2):175-182
Summary The activities of (±)-abscisic acid and a number of compounds derived from p-coumaric acid and coumarin and their interaction with gibberellic acid in the control of the elongation of the first wheat leaf are examined. (±)-Abscisic acid strongly inhibits leaf growth in the presence as well as in the absence of gibberellic acid, but the inhibition is greater in the presence of gibberellic acid (3 g/l already have an observable effect). Among other compounds, only ferulic acid and coumarin significantly reduce leaf elongation, and they are effective only at high concentrations (1.44 · 10-4 M/l).  相似文献   

E. Deniau  D. Cohen 《PSN》2007,5(2):109-116
European and US drug regulatory authorities have recently warned against the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in childhood and adolescent depression. Through an extensive literature review on the use of SSRIs to treat depression in children and adolescents — including psychiatric clinical trials, pharmacology, and drug safety data — we will: i) describe the main arguments justifying various regulatory decisions; ii) present published data and subsequent meta-analyses; iii) discuss how to integrate the recommendations into daily clinical practice, freeing professionals from a Manichean approach. We reach the limits of evidence-based medicine, which provide the basis of the scientific work of the regulatory authorities.  相似文献   

La biologie délocalisée prend une importance croissante dans le fonctionnement des services traitant les urgences à l’h?pital. Elle devrait représenter une réele évolution pour la prise en charge du patient tout en améliorant l’organisation interne des unités de soins. Le biologiste occupe un r?le clé pour mener un tel projet et la mise en place d’un système d’assurance qualité adapté à cette pratique est indispensable.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2007,31(9):473-477
Recent advances in multislice computed tomography (MSCT), which might represent a minimally invasive alternative to coronary angiography (CA), have allowed the ability to analyze coronary arteries. In this review, we present the current diagnostic performance of MSCT, as compared with the reference standard (CA), for the assessment of native coronary arteries, coronary in-stent restenosis and coronary artery bypass graft.  相似文献   

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