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Cytological analysis of (Allium cepa L.×Allium fistulosum L.)×A. cepa L. F1BC3 plants revealed most plants were diploid with 16 chromosomes. Karyotypes of these plants showed recombinant chromosomes. Fluorescence and genomic in situ hybridization patterns of interspecific F1 hybrid and F1BC3 plants revealed A. fistulosum chromosomes or chromosomal segments. A highly repetitive 376-bp DNA sequence and genomic DNA of A. fistulosum revealed similar telomeric hybridization sites when hybridized onto A. fistulosum chromosomes. Cytogenetic evidence showed that A. fistulosum DNA has recombined into the A. cepa genome. Received: 20 October 1999 / Accepted: 11 November 1999  相似文献   

Eleusine coracana, commonly called finger millet, is an important cereal of semi-arid regions, cultivated in parts of Africa and India for its grain. It is reported to be an allotetraploid with a chromosome number 2n = 4x = 36, and diploid species E. indica, with chromosome number 2n = 2x = 18, is considered to be one of its genome donors. In situ hybridization of the E. coracana genome with the genomic DNA of various diploid species of the genus confirmed that E. indica is one of the genome donors to E. coracana and that E. floccifolia is another genome contributor to this allotetraploid species. In situ hybridization also showed a close genomic relationship between 4 diploid species, E. indica, E. floccifolia, E. tristachya and E. intermedia, and also between these and tetraploid species E. coracana. The common genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) signals of the genomic DNA of E. indica and E. tristachya on 15–18 chromosomes of E. coracana clearly indicated that these 2 species have a close genomic similarity. GISH on 25–27 chromosomes of E. coracana withthe genomic DNA of E. intermedia and cross in situ hybridization signals on the chromosomes of E. coracana with genomic DNA of E. intermedia and E. indica or E. intermedia and E. floccifolia has showed that E. intermedia may be an intermediate species of E. indica and E. floccifolia. Received: 15 May 2000 / Accepted: 4 September 2000  相似文献   

 An effective method has been developed for the stable transformation and regeneration of Cavendish banana (Musa spp. AAA group) cv 'Grand Nain' by microprojectile bombardment. Embryogenic cell suspensions were initiated using immature male flowers as the explant. Cells were co-bombarded with the neomycin phosphotransferase (nptII) selectable marker gene under the control of a banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) promoter or the CaMV 35S promoter, and either the β-glucuronidase (uidA) reporter gene or BBTV genes under the control of the maize polyubiquitin promoter. Plants were regenerated, under selection with kanamycin, that were co-transformed with nptII and either the uidA or BBTV genes. Molecular characterisation of transformants demonstrated that the transgenes had been stably integrated into the banana genome. Received: 22 June 1998 / Revision received: 29 March 1999 / Accepted 1 May 1999  相似文献   

In situ hybridization in Actinidia using repeat DNA and genomic probes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 In situ hybridization has been used to probe chromosome spreads of hexaploid Actinidia deliciosa (kiwifruit; 2n=6x=174) and tetraploid A. chinensis (2n=4x=116). When a species-specific repeat sequence, pKIWI516, was used, six hybridization sites were observed in some accessions of tetraploid A. chinensis and all of A. deliciosa. Southern analysis with the pKIWI516 probe revealed that there are two types of tetraploid A. chinensis. Genomic probes from diploid A. chinensis (2n=2x=58) did not differentiate the genomes of hexaploid A. deliciosa and tetraploid A. chinensis, irrespective of the presence or absence of blocking DNA. The results indicate that the genomes of polyploid Actinidia species are similar but not identical. The origin of A. deliciosa is discussed. Received: 29 June 1996 / Accepted: 5 July 1996  相似文献   

A repetitive DNA sequence, ZmCR2.6c, was isolated from maize based on centromeric sequence CCS1 of the wild grass Brachypodium sylvaticum. ZmCR2.6c is 309 bp in length and shares 65% homology to bases 421–721 of the sorghum centromeric sequence pSau3A9. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) localized ZmCR2.6c to the primary constrictions of pachytene bivalents and to the stretched regions of MI/AI chromosomes, indicating that ZmCR2.6c is an important part of the centromere. Based on measurements of chromosome lengths and the positions of FISH signals of several cells, a pachytene karyotype was constructed for maize inbred line KYS. The karyotype agrees well with those derived from traditional analyses. Four classes of tandemly repeated sequences were mapped to the karyotype by FISH. Repeats 180 bp long are present in cytologically detectable knobs on 5L, 6S, 6L, 7L, and 9S, as well as at the termini and in the interstitial regions of many chromosomes not reported previously. A most interesting finding is the presence of 180-bp repeats in the NOR-secondary constriction. TR-1 elements co-exist with 180-bp repeats in the knob on 6S and form alone a small cluster in 4L. 26S and 5S rRNA genes are located in the NOR and at 2L.88, respectively. The combination of chromosome length, centromere position, and distribution of the tandem repeats allows all chromosomes to be identified unambiguously. The results presented form an important basis for using FISH for physical mapping and for investigating genome organization in maize. Received: 29 June 1999 / Accepted: 10 November 1999  相似文献   

To investigate phylogenetic relationships in Nicotiana, the intergenic spacer sequences of 5S rDNA were analyzed in species with 2n=18, 20 or 24, and amphidiploid species with 2n=48. The chromosomal localization of the 5S rDNA was determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In species with 2n=24 and their descendants, a major 5S rDNA-specific PCR fragment of 400–650 bp was obtained. The amphidiploid species contained similar length of 5S rDNA units derived from putative diploid progenitors. Among the five clones from each representative PCR fragment, some nucleotide exchanges and length heterogeneity were observed. The latter was due to variation in the spacer region, such as differences in the length of poly A and/or poly T tracts as well as insertions/deletions. Interspecific comparisons of each 5S rDNA sequence demonstrated that the spacer sequence could be divided into three regions. Excluding gaps from the aligned spacer sequences of 5S rDNA, phylogenetic trees were constructed. Each phylogenetic tree showed an almost identical topology even if different algorithms were applied. The chromosomal locations of the 5S rDNA in each species correlated with the phylogenetic topology. The phylogenetic trees were generally in agreement with the current classification. Received: 15 January 2001 / Accepted: 15 February 2001  相似文献   

Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) methods were used to detect different genome components within Brassica amphidiploid species and to identify donor chromatin in hybrids between Brassica napus and Raphanus sativus. In Brassica juncea and Brassica carinata the respective diploid donor genomes could be reliably distinguished by GISH, as could all R-genome chromosomes in the intergeneric hybrids. The A- and C-genome components in B. napus could not be clearly distinguished from one another using GISH, confirming the considerable homoeology between these genomes. GISH methods will be extremely beneficial for monitoring chromatin transfer and introgression in interspecific Brassica hybrids. Received: 20 May 1997 / Accepted: 28 July 1997  相似文献   

Distribution of rDNA loci in the genus Glycine Willd.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The objective of this study was to examine the distribution of rDNA loci in the genus Glycine Willd. by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA as a probe. The hybridized rDNA probe produced two distinct yellow signals on reddish chromosomes representing two NORs in 16 diploid (2n=40) species. Aneudiploid (2n=38) and aneutetraploid (2n=78) Glycine tomentella Hayata also exhibited two rDNA sites. However, the probe hybridized with four chromosomes as evidenced by four signals in two diploid species (Glycine curvata Tind. and Glycine cyrtoloba Tind.) and tetraploid (2n=80) G. tabacina (Labill.) Benth. and G. tomentella. Synthesized amphiploids (2n=80) of Glycine canescens F. J. Herm. (2n=40) and the 40-chromosome G. tomentella also showed four signals. This study demonstrates that the distribution of the rDNA gene in the 16 Glycine species studied is highly conserved and that silence of the rDNA locus may be attributed to amphiplasty during diploidization and speciation. Received: 10 October 2000 / Accepted: 6 December 2000  相似文献   

Multicolor genomic in situ hybridization (McGISH) was applied to identify the genomic constitution of three tetraploid species (2n = 4x = 48) in the Oryza officinalis complex of the genus Oryza, i.e. Oryza malam-puzhaensis, Oryza minuta, and Oryza punctata. The genomic probes used were from three diploids, i.e. Oryza officinalis (CC), Oryza eichingeri (CC) and Oryza punctata (BB), respectively. The results indicated that all three tetraploids are allotetraploid with the genomic constitution of BBCC, and among them the genome constitution of O. malampuzhaensis was verified for the first time. Restoration of the independent taxonomic status of O. malampuzhaensis is suggested. One pair of satellite chromosomes belonging to the B genome was identified in O. malampuzhaensis, but no such satellite chromosomes were found in either O. minuta or the tetraploid O. punctata. The average chromosome length of the C genome was found to be slightly larger than that of the B-genome chromosomes of O. minuta, but not in the tetraploids O. punctata and O. malampuzhaensis. McGISH also revealed that the B genome of O. minuta and the B genome of diploid O. punctata showed clear differentiation from each other. Therefore, the suggestion was proposed that the B genome in diploid O. punctata was not the source of the B genome of O. minuta. The present results proved that multicolor GISH had high resolution in identifying the genomic constitution of polyploid Oryza species. Received: 14 February 2000 / Accepted: 13 November 2000  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Most cooking banana and several desert bananas are interspecific triploid hybrids between Musa acuminata (A genome) and Musa balbisiana (B genome). In addition, M. balbisiana has agronomical characteristics such as resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses that could be useful to improve monospecific acuminata cultivars. To develop efficient breeding strategies for improving Musa cultivars, it is therefore important to understand the possibility of chromosome exchange between these two species.


A protocol was developed to prepare chromosome at meiosis metaphase I suitable for genomic in situ hybridization. A series of technical challenges were encountered, the main ones being the hardness of the cell wall and the density of the microsporocyte''s cytoplasm, which hampers accessibility of the probes to the chromosomes. Key parameters in solving these problems were addition of macerozyme in the enzyme mix, the duration of digestion and temperature during the spreading phase.

Results and Conclusions

This method was applied to analyse chromosome pairing in metaphase from triploid interspecific cultivars, and it was clearly demonstrated that interspecific recombinations between M. acuminata and M. balbisiana chromosomes do occur and may be frequent in triploid hybrids. These results provide new insight into Musa cultivar evolution and have important implications for breeding.  相似文献   

 Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was applied to interphasic nuclei isolated from spores of four species of AM fungi : Scutellospora castanea, Glomus mosseae, Glomus intraradices and Gigaspora rosea. Ribosomal DNA loci were visualized using digoxigenin-labeled 25 S rDNA probes obtained by nested PCR. Several hybridization sites were detected per nucleus and an internuclear variability was observed in the number of loci. This is the first report of successful application of FISH to analyse the genomes of glomalean fungi. Accepted: 16 September 1998  相似文献   

Cultivated sugarcane clones (Saccharum spp., 2n=100 to 130) are derived from complex interspecific hybridizations between the speciesS. officinarum andS. spontaneum. Using comparative genomic DNA in situ hybridization, we demonstrated that it is possible to distinguish the chromosomes contributed by these two species in an interspecific F1 hybrid and a cultivated clone, R570. In the interspecific F1 studied, we observed n+n transmission of the parental chromosomes instead of the peculiar 2n+n transmission usually described in such crosses. Among the chromosomes of cultivar R570 (2n=107–115) about 10% were identified as originating fromS. spontaneum and about 10% were identified as recombinant chromosomes between the two speciesS. officinarum andS. spontaneum. This demonstrated for the first time the occurrence of recombination between the chromosomes of these two species. The rDNA sites were located by in situ hybridization in these two species and the cultivar R570. This supported different basic chromosome numbers and chromosome structural differences between the two species and provided a first bridge between physical and genetical mapping in sugarcane.  相似文献   

An F1 hybrid (n=4x=28) between the tetraploid species Festuca arundinacea var. glaucescens (GGG′G′) and a synthetic tetraploid Lolium multiflorum (LmLmLmLm) was backcrossed to diploid L. multiflorum to produce triploid (2n=3x=21) BC1 hybrids (LmLmG). At metaphase I of meiosis the triploids had a preponderance of ring bivalents and univalents with some linear and frying-pan trivalents. Genomic in situ hybridisation (GISH) differentiated the Festuca chromosomes from Lolium and revealed that the bivalents were exclusively between Lolium homologues, while the univalents were Festuca. Despite the limited amount of homoeologous chiasmata pairing in the triploids, some recombinant chromosomes were recovered in the second backcross when the hybrids were further crossed to diploid L. multiflorum. The progeny from the second backcross was predominantly diploid. Genotypes with recombinant chromosomes and chromosome additions involving an extra Festuca chromosome were identified using GISH. Changes in plant phenotype were related to the presence of Festuca chromatin. Received: 20 September 2000 / Accepted: 05 January 2001  相似文献   

 A multi-color genomic in situ hybridization (McGISH) method has been developed. Three different rice genomes, A, B and C, involved in rice somatic hybrids were distinguished using three different fluorescent signals. All the rice chromosomes from the different genomes could be identified by different fluorescent colors, and the distribution of each genome in the nucleus was clearly visualized under a fluorescence microscope. The relationship between chromosomal constitution and morphological variations observed in the somatic hybrids, and the utility of McGISH, are discussed based on the results currently obtained. Received: 21 November 1997 / Accepted: 9 December 1997  相似文献   

The multicolor genomic in situ hybridization (McGISH) method was used to study differentiation and relationships among the C, D and E genomes in the officinalis complex of the genus Oryza. The chromosomes of Oryza alta (CCDD genomes) were hybridized with labelled probes of the C genome (from diploid Oryza eichingeri and Oryza officinalis) and the E genome (from Oryza australiensis) simultaneously. By adjusting the post-hybri- dization washing stringency in a gradual series, differentiation between the genomes was detected according to the homology between the target genomes and the probes. The McGISH results indicate that the C, D and E genomes share a substantial amount of similar sequences, and differentiation between the D and C genomes of O. alta is less than that between the E genome and each of the C and D genomes. The differentiation within the C genomes of the diploid species (O. officinalis and O. eichingeri) and the C genome of O. alta was clearly discerned by McGISH, suggesting strongly that neither O. officinalis nor O. eichingeri was the direct C-genome donor of O. alta. The evidence of the GISH results also indicates that the E genome was considerably differentiated from the C and D genomes. Therefore, the E genome should not be the direct donor of O. alta; on the contrary, the E genome is closer to the C than to the D genome. McGISH is an efficient method in revealing the relationships among the genomes in question, particularly under the gradual stringent-washing condition. Received: 14 February 2000 / Accepted: 14 November 2000  相似文献   

The chromosomal positions of the 5S/25S rRNA genes of Hypericum perforatum (2n=32), H. maculatum (2n=16) and H. attenuatum (2n=32) were comparatively determined by FISH, and six, three and seven chromosome pairs of the respective karyotypes were subsequently distinguished. The rDNA loci between H. perforatum and H. maculatum seem to be identical (with respect to the ploidy difference), indicating that H. perforatum probably arose by autotetraploidization from an ancestor closely related to H. maculatum. The positional differences between the 5S rRNA gene loci of H. perforatum and H. maculatum on the one hand and H. attenuatum on the other argue against a previous hypothesis according to which H. perforatum originated from a remote interspecific hybridization between H. maculatum and H. attenuatum. Received: 7 October 1999 / Accepted: 23 November 1999  相似文献   

AIMS: Pseudomonas spp. are considered the most important milk spoilage organisms. Here we describe development of a fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probe specific for detection and enumeration of Pseudomonas spp. in milk. METHODS AND RESULTS: 16S rRNA sequences were analysed to develop specific oligonucleotide probe for the genus Pseudomonas. Twenty different Pseudomonas spp. and 23 bacterial species from genera other than Pseudomonas (as negative controls) were tested. All tested Pseudomonas spp. yielded a positive FISH reaction, whereas negative controls showed no FISH reaction except for Burkholderia cepacia that showed a relatively weak FISH reaction. The FISH assay specifically stains Pseudomonas in milk when the milk contains a mixture of other bacterial species. The FISH assay takes 2 h and compares favourably with current culturing methods, which take a minimum of 48 h. Specificity of the probe was validated using polymerase chain reaction to selectively amplifying the Pseudomonas rDNA gene and sequencing the gene products. CONCLUSIONS: The method presented in this study allows simultaneously detection, identification and enumeration of Pseudomonas spp. in milk. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Rapid and accurate enumeration of Pseudomonas facilitates the identification of specific contamination sources in dairy plants, the accurate validation of pasteurization treatments and the prediction of shelf life of processed milk.  相似文献   

Xiong ZY  Tan GX  He GY  He GC  Song YC 《Cell research》2006,16(3):260-266
The genomic structures of Oryza sativa (A genome) and O. meyeriana (G genome) were comparatively studied using bicolor genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). GISH was clearly able to discriminate between the chromosomes of O. sativa and O. meyeriana in the interspecific F1 hybrids without blocking DNA, and co-hybridization was hardly detected. The average mitotic chromosome length of O. meyeriana was found to be 1.69 times that of O. sativa. A comparison of 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole staining showed that the chromosomes of O. meyeriana were more extensively labelled, suggesting that the G genome is amplified with more repetitive sequences than the A genome. In interphase nuclei, 9-12 chromocenters were normally detected and nearly all the chromocenters constituted the G genome-specific DNA. More and larger chromocenters formed by chromatin compaction corresponding to the G genome were detected in the hybrid compared with its parents. During pachytene of the F1 hybrid, most chromosomes of A and G did not synapse each other except for 1-2 chromosomes paired at the end of their arms. At meiotic metaphase I, three types of chromosomal associations, i.e.O, sativa-O, sativa (A-A), O. sativa-O, meyeriana (A-G) and O. meyeriana-O, meyeriana (G-G), were observed in the F1 hybrid. The A-G chromosome pairing configurations included bivalents and trivalents. The results provided a foundation toward studying genome organization and evolution of O. meyeriana.  相似文献   

 Three lines of the tetraploid wheat Aegilops ventricosa Tausch (2n=4x=28), which contains good resistance to eyespot, were analysed using fluorescent in situ hybridization. Probes used included rDNA, cloned repeated sequences from wheat and rye, simple-sequence repeats (SSRs) and total genomic DNA. The banding patterns produced could be used to distinguish most chromosome arms and will aid in the identification of Ae. ventricosa chromosomes or chromosome segments in breeding programmes. All lines had a single major 18S-25S rDNA site, the nucleolar organizing region (NOR) in chromosome 5N and several minor sites of 18S-25S rDNA and 5S rDNA. A 1NL.3DL, 1NS.3DS translocation was identified, and other minor differences were found between the lines. Received: 11 August 1998 / Accepted: 28 November 1998  相似文献   

Homozygous wheat/rye (1BL/1RS or 1AS/ 1RL) translocation lines have significantly contributed to wheat production, and several other wheat/rye translocation lines show a potential promise against biotic and abiotic stresses. Detecting the presence of rye at the chromosome level is feasible by C-banding and isozyme protocols, but the diagnostic strength of genomic in situ hybridization for eventually analyzing smaller DNA introgressions has greater significance. As a first step we have applied the genomic in situ hybridization technique to detect rye chromosomes in a wheat background using germ plasm of agricultural significance. By this method rye contributions to the translocations 1BL/1RS, 1AL/1RS, 5AS/5RL and 6BS/6RL could be identified. Differential labelling has further enabled the detection of rye and Thinopyrum bessarabicum chromosomes in a trigeneric hybrid of Triticum aestivum/Th. bessarabicum//Secale cereale.  相似文献   

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