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The reproductive biology of the guitarfish Rhinobatos percellens was studied from 751 specimens caught by bottom pair trawlers off the coast of São Paulo, Brazil, between c. 24° 00′ S; 45° 15′ W and c. 25° 10′ S; 47° 52′ W, from September 2007 to August 2009. The total length (LT) and total mass (MT) relationship for males and females combined was MT = 1·29E‐06 LT3·15 (r = 0·99, n = 751). The mean LT of sexually mature specimens was 548 mm for males and 583 mm for females. Clasper growth was allometric and showed three distinct phases. Most claspers were calcified in specimens of c. 550 mm LT. The mean diameter of the largest oocyte was 29·8 mm, the mean ovarian fecundity was seven oocytes and ovulation occurred between August and November. Uterine fecundity ranged from two to 13 embryos (mean of five embryos). Larger females had higher litter sizes and larger embryos; the size‐at‐birth was c. 200 mm LT. The hepato‐somatic index oscillated seasonally for males and females; the gonado‐somatic index had little variation in males, but varied seasonally in females. The presence of many non‐pregnant adult females and of encapsulated eggs during two consecutive seasons suggests a resting period between gestations and the possibility of diapause.  相似文献   

The age, growth and cohort composition of young-of-the-year (0+) carp, Cyprinus carpio from the River Murray in South Australia were investigated. Daily otolith microincrement formation was validated for the first 5 weeks of life in tetracycline-marked, laboratory-reared fish. Estimation of hatching dates from otolith microincrement counts corroborated the validation method and revealed two major peaks of spawning activity in October and in November. Two main cohorts of carp were distinguished, each consisting of several subcohorts showing variable growth rates. A simple linear regression and a logistic curve best described growth in length and weight, respectively, of wild larvae and juveniles. Two breakpoints, at 16·8 and 26·9 mm Ls , were identified in the length—weight relationship, depending on the procedure followed in fitting a piecewise regression model to the log-transformed variables. The insertion of an additional step of development in the larva period of the early ontogeny of carp is proposed.  相似文献   

The spawning areas and early development of long spiky-head carp, Luciobrama macrocephalus (Lacépède), an endemic fish species in China, were investigated in the Yangtze River and Pearl River of central and southeastern China between 1961 and 1993. The potamodromous fish migrated upstream to spawn between May and July as the floodwater began to rise. The water-hardened eggs drifted down the river, and the embryos and larvae developed in the course of drifting. The spawning areas of the fish were widely found in the upper and middle main channels and large tributaries. Two large dams (Gezhouba dam and Danjiangkou dam) did not significantly impact on the reproduction of the fish. Fifty stages of the early development from one cell to the juvenile with fully formed fins were observed and characterized pictorially. The larvae of long spiky-head carp could be distinguished from the larvae of other co-occurring species by counting the number of somites and comparing the proportion of sizes of eye to otic capsule.  相似文献   

The present study validates age estimates from a suite of calcified structures (scales, opercular bones and otoliths), assesses the consistency of age interpretations and evaluates growth models in common carp from the lower Murray River, Australia. Marginal increment analysis was used to validate annulus counts, with attention to the 'edge interpretation problem'. The formation of annuli occurred annually after pooling annulus groups, and in carp 4 and 5 years old. The regular alternation of opaque and translucent zones in opercular bones and whole otoliths of younger and older carp was also suggestive of annual periodicity. From systematic comparisons, the use of both opercular bones and whole otoliths in routine age determinations is recommended. Six growth models, including the von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF) and five polynomial curves were tested to describe growth in length. A log-log quadratic function, by virtue of its precision, and the VBGF, with wider applicability and more biological realism, were chosen.  相似文献   

Burns  Adrienne  Walker  Keith F. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,437(1-3):83-90
Stable water levels and turbidity associated with flow regulation in the River Murray have promoted the growth of filamentous green algae and Cyanobacteria in biofilms on submerged wood. We investigated the assimilation of biofilm algae by two dominant consumers, the decapod crustaceans Macrobrachium australiense (Palaemonidae) and Paratya australiensis (Atyidae), in two river reaches differing in the extent of floodplain development, hence wetland connectivity. Filamentous Cyanobacteria, a major part of the biofilms assimilated in combination with other foods, were up to 83% of the algal component of the gut content volume of P. australiensis and 44% that of M. australiense. Cyanobacteria have not previously been reported as a major source of nutrition for adult decapods. There was little difference between the stable isotopic signatures (13C/12C, 15N/14N) of the two decapod species, or between decapods in the two reaches. Coarse and fine particulate organic matter from the gorge had similar isotopic signatures to those from upstream and so were likely derived from macrophyte detritus rather than local willows. Red gum leaves and wood were too depleted in both 13C and 15N to register in the diets of either decapod in gorge or floodplain reaches. The most likely food sources for the decapods are littoral plants in the gorge reach and fine particulate organic matter material processed upstream. This is consistent with current hypotheses of organic matter flux in large river systems.  相似文献   

This study assessed benthic macroinvertebrates and periphyton and its responses to managed river-flows, in riffles downstream of three dams on the Cotter River, Australian Capital Territory. Benthic macroinvertebrates and periphyton were also assessed in adjacent tributaries of the river, as well as in a nearby unregulated river and its tributaries. Food sources of four macroinvertebrate taxa (Leptophlebiidae, Elmidae, Glossosomatidae and Orthocladiinae) were determined by stable isotope analysis of the invertebrates and their potential food, in conjunction with examination of the gut contents of individual invertebrates. Components of benthic periphyton were the main food source for the selected taxa. Orthocladiinae consumed primarily amorphous detritus, while Elmidae, Glossosomatidae and Leptophlebiidae consumed diatoms. Enclosed benthic chambers were used to measure the response of benthic metabolism to monthly flow spikes released from one of the dams. The balance of benthic metabolism as measured by the Production/Respiration ratio (P/R) showed a shift towards production after the release of flow spikes. At sites downstream of the dams, there was more periphyton chlorophyll-a in the form of filamentous green algae than at sites in the unregulated river and the tributaries, and macroinvertebrate taxa using periphyton as a food resource were missing or reduced in abundance relative to sites without dams. However, the site downstream of the dam with environmental flow releases had more macroinvertebrate taxa and less periphyton cholorophyll-a content than sites downstream of dams without managed environmental flows, suggesting that a more suitable food supply resulting from environmental flow releases shifted macroinvertebrate communities towards those of unregulated streams.  相似文献   

Environmental flow releases have been advocated as a useful rehabilitation strategy for improving river condition but assessments of their success have typically focused on surface water quality and biota. In this study, we investigated the impacts of an environmental flow release on water temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and nitrate concentrations in surface and subsurface (hyporheic) water at upwelling and downwelling zones in three sites along the Hunter River, New South Wales, Australia. We hypothesised that the flow pulse would ‘flush’ the sediments with oxygenated water, stimulating hyporheic microbial activity and nitrification, enhancing nitrate concentrations over time. Surface and subsurface samples were collected before, 7 days after, and 49 days after an environmental flow release of 5000 Ml for a period of 3 days. No lasting effects on dissolved oxygen or conductivity were evident at most sites although dissolved oxygen declined over time at the downwelling site at Bowmans Crossing. At the downwelling zones at all sites, hyporheic nitrate concentrations declined initially following the release, but then rose or leveled off by Day 49. This initial drop in concentration was attributed to flushing of nitrate from the sediments. At two sites, nitrate concentrations had increased by Day 49 in the upwelling zones while at the third site, it fell significantly, associated with very low dissolved oxygen and likely reductive loss of nitrate. Electrical conductivity data indicate that potential inputs of agriculturally enriched groundwater may contribute to the nitrogen dynamics of the Hunter River. This study highlights the spatial heterogeneity that occurs in the hyporheic zone within and among sites of a regulated river, and emphasises the need for multiple-site surveys and an understanding of groundwater dynamics to assess physicochemical responses of the hyporheic zone to environmental flow releases.  相似文献   

Testes from carp, Cyprinus carpio L., at five different maturational stages from immature through to spermiation and regression were incubated with or without addition of carp hypophysial homogenate (chh) for 8 or 20 h. Concentrations of steroids and spermatozoa were measured in the medium and the residual tissue examined histologically. There was an increase in the area of the germinal cysts containing spermatozoa, the percentage of the testis which they occupied and in the production of spermatozoa as the gonadosomatic index (GSI) increased, but this was unaffected either by incubation or by pretreatment with chh. The major steroid in plasma and in in vitro testicular cultures from all of the maturing fish captured in winter was 1 I-ketotestosterone. The production rate of this steroid in virro was unaffected by GSI, while plasma levels tended to increase with GSI. 17.20β-Dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one was detectable in significant amounts in only a few spermiating fish in summer, but was stimulated more in incubations with chh in maturing winter than in summer spermiating or post-spawning fish. 17,20a-Dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one was not detectable in incubations, but plasma concentrations tended to increase towards spermiation and were positively correlated with the size of the cyst. After spawning, fish had low plasma steroid levels and failed to respond in vitro to pituitary extract, indicating a testicular post-spawning refractoriness.  相似文献   

A histological study of the reproductive cycle of male and female shore crabs, Carcinus maenas (Linnaeus), was performed monthly on the South West coast of Ireland (from December 2006 to July 2008). The calculated sex ratio deviated from equality, 1:0.53, revealing a strong male bias. A system was devised, based on screening of tissue sections, to describe and stage gametogenic development. Histological examinations revealed that ovarian development occurred biannually, with a primary winter cycle in which the larger crabs reproduced and a secondary summer cycle, when smaller crabs reproduced. An association was observed where more of the larger specimens were caught in the summer months and the smaller specimens in the winter months, which inversely correlated with the segregated breeding cycles. There was strong evidence that mature male crabs could potentially copulate year round since all mature specimens, collected throughout the year, contained viable spermatozoa. Developmental stages of oogenesis and spermatogenesis were described to develop a practical gonadal index for this portunid crab, providing information on the biology of this species, which will be of benefit for fisheries management.  相似文献   

The littoral nematode fauna of the Murray River, South Australia, above and below the barrages that control the outflow of the river into the Southern Ocean has been investigated by taking cores of the sediment at monthly intervals for one year. Samples of river water were taken at the same time for chemical analysis and sediment particle size has also been investigated.At two sites below the barrages the salinity varied depending on the volume of water discharged through the barrages. It rose almost to that of sea water while they remained closed, but fell to that of the river water when they were all open and discharging large volumes of river water. The nematode population fluctuated from about 12 200 to 180 000 m-2 for nine months, but the numbers of live nematodes fell sharply in July through to September, accompanied by heavy nematode mortality, reaching 100% at one site in August. We attribute the mortality to a prolonged discharge of river water. More than 40 genera have been identified, most with cosmopolitan distributions.Above the barrages, at Mundoo and on Lake Alexandrina the water is fresh river water. The fauna was less dense than that below the barrages; with a maximum of 10000 m-2. It comprised genera typical of freshwaters overseas (no comparable studies of Australian freshwater nematodes have been reported), such as Eutobrilus, Tripyla and Ironus, together with two species from typical marine genera, i.e. Mesacanthion and Enoploides. The latter species is very similar to E. fuviatilis from the Volga river.It is suggested that low population density below the barrages, when compared with other estuaries, reflects periodic mortality in estuarine nematodes when salinity falls drastically, whilst above the barrages there is a mixture of tolerant estuarine and typical freshwater nematodes.  相似文献   

Little is known about the reproductive biology of the exotic bighead carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis and silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix in the Missouri River. In order to fill this gap in understanding, herein is described the reproductive condition of these Asian carps. Evidence is presented which indicates that bighead and silver carp in the Missouri River have a protracted spawning period that extends from early spring through fall and some individual bighead and silver carp are spawning multiple times during a reproductive season. Although bighead and silver carps are successfully maturing and spawning in the Missouri River some reproductive abnormalities such as intersex, atresia, and sterility were observed. Knowledge of the reproductive activity of these invasive carps may be useful to resource managers tasked with their control. Furthermore, the reproductive abnormalities observed should be considered when evaluating the environmental condition of the Missouri River relative to supporting a healthy fish fauna.  相似文献   

There is much interest in managing invasive freshwater fish, but little is known about the dynamics of these populations following establishment. We used annual commercial catch-per-unit-effort data at multiple spatio-temporal scales to test hypotheses about the population dynamics of invading common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. We hypothesised that following establishment of the Boolara strain of this species in the Murray-Darling Basin in 1961/1962: (1) carp would undergo exponential or logistic-type population growth; and (2) carp population growth rates would be highest following over-bank flood events that provided extensive off-channel spawning and feeding habitats. The logistic (w i  = 0.73) and delayed-logistic (w i  = 0.27) models best explained the population dynamics of common carp in the Murray-Darling Basin during 1962/1963–2001/2002; there was negligible support for exponential growth (w i  ≤ 0.01). Although we cannot exclude the possibility that floods may have been important in the early years of the invasion we found little evidence that carp population growth rates increased following flood events. Our logistic-type model-based estimates of the maximum annual population growth rate (r m; 0.378 and 0.384) indicate that >0.315 or 0.319 of the adult population would need to be removed annually to achieve eradication. We conclude that the rapid spread of the Boolara strain of common carp through the Murray-Darling Basin was facilitated by high initial population growth rates. More generally, we suggest that the lag period between an invader establishing and increasing to high abundances will be characterised by logistic-type population growth. We encourage others to investigate the long-term population dynamics of invading freshwater fish using time series and models such as those reported here.  相似文献   

Rabbitfish Siganus fuscescens preferences for Lyngbya majuscula collected from three bloom locations in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, were tested along with a range of local plant species in the laboratory. Consumption of L. majuscula by fish did not differ between wild and captive‐bred fish ( P  = 0·152) but did differ between bloom location ( P  = 0·039). No relationship was found between consumption rates and lyngbyatoxin‐a concentration ( r 2 = 0·035, P  = 0·814). No correlation existed between C : N and proportion of food consumed when all food types were analysed statistically, whereas a clear correlation was observed when L. majuscula was removed from the calculations. In simulated bloom conditions, fish avoided ingestion of L. majuscula by feeding through gaps in the L. majuscula coverage. Both wild and captive‐bred S. fuscescens showed a distinct feeding pattern in 10 day no‐choice feeding assays, with less L. majuscula being consumed than the preferred red alga Acanthophora spicifera . Lyngbya majuscula however, was consumed in equal quantities to A. spicifera by wild S. fuscescens when lyngbyatoxin‐a was not detectable. Wild fish probably do not preferentially feed on L. majuscula when secondary metabolites are present and are not severely impacted by large L. majuscula blooms in Moreton Bay. Furthermore, poor feeding performance in both captive‐bred and wild S. fuscescens suggests that they would exert little pressure as a top‐down control agent of toxic L. majuscula blooms within Moreton Bay.  相似文献   

Floodplain lakes along the lower River Murray are subject to a wide range of human impacts including regulation, abstraction, elevated saline groundwater tables, increased nutrient and sediment fluxes and introduced biota. These perturbations are superimposed on those arising from high inter-annual rainfall variability, driven, at least in part, by variations in the southern oscillation. Sediment-based archives from two lakes within a complex of wetlands, situated near to the first site of irrigation development in the lower River Murray, reveal substantial changes over the last 800 years. While high levels of salinity are not foreign to the sites, the recent trend is towards sustained high salinity levels. As a result of European impact, freshwater diatom plankton now dominates Loch Luna, whilst Loveday Wetland is both more saline and nutrient rich than in the pre-European period. In Loveday Wetland, the post-1960 increase in Haslea spicula (Hickie) Lange-Bertalot, may be driven by increases in sulphur salt concentrations that are believed to be a cause of recent acidification episodes. A recent increase in more salt tolerant diatoms in Loch Luna suggests that this site, which has been largely buffered from substantial change, is becoming more vulnerable to perturbation. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We examined 1567 carp caught in rice field drainage canals in the estuary of the Guadalquivir river (37° N, 6° 25 W). The stock was comprised of a small number of age groups, among which 0+ and 1+ were dominant. Growth was divided in four periods: rapid (June–July); slow (August–November), no growth (December–March), and resumed growth in April when an annulus was formed. A classification based on 12 wild carp populations revealed that growth depends on latitude, and that growth of the studied stock was mediocre, probably due to high salinity. A decrease in somatic condition coincided with an increase in gonadosomatic index (GSI). Specimens of the same stock, age and/or length showed considerable difference in development of the gonads. Gonadal activity began in September and by late Autumn some gonads had reached up to 20% of body weight. The situation remained static during Winter till April, when most reproduction occurred. Later, GSI values decreased to reach a minimum in September.Maximum average GSI values in females were twice those in males. Both sexes achieved maturity during the third growing season (2+ age-group) at a minimum fork length (F.L.) of 110 mm. Fecundity, before reproduction, was expressed by Fec = 241.701 F.L. (mm) – 26776.2. The sex ratio did not differ significantly from 1 : 1.  相似文献   

Major cyanobacterial blooms (biovolume > 4 mm3 L−1) occurred in the main water reservoirs on the upper Murray River, Australia during February and March 2010. Cyanobacterial-infested water was released and contaminated rivers downstream. River flow velocities were sufficiently high that in-stream bloom development was unlikely. The location has a temperate climate but experienced drought in 2010, causing river flows that were well below the long-term median values. This coupled with very low bed gradients meant turbulence was insufficient to destroy the cyanobacteria in-stream. Blooms in the upper 500 km of the Murray and Edward Rivers persisted for 5 weeks, but in the mid and lower Murray blooms were confined to a small package of water that moved progressively downstream for another 650 km. Anabaena circinalis was the dominant species present, confirmed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, but other potentially toxic species were also present in smaller amounts. Saxitoxin (sxtA), microcystin (mcyE) and cylindrospermopsin (aoaA) biosynthesis genes were also detected, although water sample analysis rarely detected these toxins. River water temperature and nutrient concentrations were optimal for bloom survival. The operational design of weirs and retention times within weir pools, as well as tributary inflows to and diversions from the Murray River all influenced the distribution and persistence of the blooms. Similar flow, water quality and river regulation factors were underlying causes of another bloom in these rivers in 2009. Global climate change is likely to promote future blooms in this and other lowland rivers.  相似文献   

Common carp Cyprinus carpio were introduced into Australia on several occasions and are now the dominant fish in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB), the continent's largest river system. In this study, variability at 14 microsatellite loci was examined in C. carpio ( n = 1037) from 34 sites throughout the major rivers in the MDB, from 3 cultured populations, from Prospect Reservoir in the Sydney Basin and from Lake Sorrell in Tasmania. Consistent with previous studies, assignment testing indicated that the Boolara, Yanco and koi strains of C. carpio are present in the MDB. Unique to this study, however, the Prospect strain was widely distributed throughout the MDB. Significant genetic structuring of populations (Fisher's exact test, AMOVA and distribution of the different strains) amongst the MDB sub-drainages was detected, and was strongly associated with contemporary barriers to dispersal and population history. The distributions of the strains were used to infer the history of introduction and spread of C. carpio in the MDB. Fifteen management units are proposed for control programmes that have high levels of genetic diversity, contain multiple interbreeding strains and show no evidence of founder effects or recent population bottlenecks.  相似文献   

The Rogue River, Oregon represents one of three important spawning systems for green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, in North America. In this paper we describe the spawning migration, spawning periodicity, and size at maturity for green sturgeon caught in the Rogue River during 2000–2004. Green sturgeon were caught by gill net or angling; 103 individuals were tagged with radio or sonic transmitters (externally or internally). Green sturgeon caught by gill net and angling ranged from 145 cm to 225 cm total length. Histological and visual examinations of gonad tissues indicated that most green sturgeon were spawning or post-spawning adults that entered the Rogue River to spawn. Ripe individuals were caught when water temperature was 10–18°C. Specimens carrying transmitters migrated 17–105 km up river; reaches consisting of likely spawning sites were identified based on sturgeon migratory behavior. Most green sturgeon remained in the Rogue River until late fall or early winter when flows increased, after which they returned to the ocean. Eight green sturgeon (males and females) returned to the Rogue River 2–4 years after leaving, entering the river during March, April, and May when water temperatures ranged from 9°C to 16°C. None of the 103-tagged individuals entered the Rogue River during successive years. There appear to be few known natural threats to adult green sturgeon in the Rogue River. However, our data suggest that a high percentage of adults that spawn in the Rogue River (particularly males) were susceptible to harvest by commercial, Tribal, and sport fisheries after leaving the system because they were not adequately protected by maximum size limits during the period of this study. The implications of maximum size limits (or lack of size limits) to green sturgeon are discussed, and recent actions taken by Oregon and Washington Fish and Wildlife Commissions to manage green sturgeon more conservatively are presented.  相似文献   

Abstract  The timing of host-seeking behaviour was studied in two mosquito species, Anopheles annulipes sensu lato and Coquillettidia linealis at Mundic Creek, near the Upper River Murray in South Australia. Hourly sampling using carbon dioxide-baited traps revealed consistent patterns in the timing of host-seeking. Coquillettidia linealis displayed a very large peak in host-seeking activity at sunset, followed by a much reduced level throughout the night and a smaller peak at sunrise. Anopheles annulipes s.l. differed by displaying a significantly smaller peak at sunset, followed by higher amount of activity throughout the night compared with Cq. linealis . The two taxa, while both crepuscular and nocturnal, spread their host-seeking effort out differently throughout the night, indicating that they have different resource requirements.  相似文献   

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