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The intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded bichromophoric tetrapyrrole pigments, bilirubin-IX alpha and mesobilirubin-XIII alpha, adopt either of two folded, intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded, enantiomeric conformations which are in dynamic equilibrium in solution. Added human serum albumin binds preferentially, although not necessarily exclusively, to one conformational enantiomer, and the solutions exhibit bisignate circular dichroism Cotton effects in the region of the pigment's long wavelength electronic transition. In contrast, the bichromophoric tetrapyrrole pigment mesobilirubin-IV alpha, which is incapable of adopting intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded folded conformations, and the monochromophoric pyrromethenone, xanthobilirubic acid, show only monosignate induced circular dichroism Cotton effects under the same conditions. Application of exciton coupling theory indicates a preference for complexation of the right-handed (or positive) chirality conformational enantiomer of bilirubin-IX alpha or mesobilirubin-XIII alpha to human serum albumin at physiologic pH.  相似文献   

The role of internal lysine residues of different serum albumins, viz. from human, rabbit, goat, sheep and buffalo (HSA, RbSA, GSA, SSA and BuSA), in conformational stability and bilirubin binding was investigated after blocking them using acetylation, succinylation and guanidination reactions. No significant change in the secondary structure was noticed whereas the tertiary structure of these proteins was slightly altered upon acetylation or succinylation as revealed by circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence and gel filtration results. Guanidination did not affect the native protein conformation to a measurable extent. Scatchard analysis, CD and absorption spectroscopic results showed marked reductions (5-21-fold decrease in K(a) and approximately 50% decrease in the CD Cotton effect intensity) in the affinity of albumins for bilirubin upon acetylation or succinylation whereas guanidination produced a small change. Interestingly, monosignate CD spectra of bilirubin complexed with GSA, SSA and BuSA were transformed to bisignate CD spectra upon acetylation or succinylation of internal lysine residues whereas spectra remained bisignate in the case of bilirubin bound to acetylated or succinylated derivatives of HSA and RbSA. When probed by CD spectroscopy, bilirubin bound to acetylated or succinylated derivatives of GSA and SSA rapidly switched over to native albumins and not vice versa. These results suggested that salt linkage(s) contributed by internal lysine residue(s) play an important role in the high-affinity binding of bilirubin to albumin and provide stability to the native three-dimensional conformation of the bound pigment. Chloroform severely decreased the intensity of both positive and negative CD Cotton effects of bilirubin complexed with acetylated or succinylated derivatives of all albumins which otherwise increased significantly in the case of bilirubin complexed with native and guanidinated albumin derivatives, except the bilirubin-RbSA complex which showed a small decrease in intensity. These results suggest that the presence of salt linkage(s) in bilirubin-albumin complexation is(are) crucial to bring about effective and efficient stereochemical changes in the bound pigment by co-binding of chloroform which seems to have at least one conserved binding site on these albumins that is shared with bilirubin.  相似文献   

Photoinduced electron transfer (PET) is the most common mechanism proposed to account for quenching of fluorophores. Herein, the intrinsic fluorescence of dapoxetine (DPX) hydrochloride is in the “OFF” state, owing to the deactivation effect of PET. When the amine moiety is protonated, the fluorescence is restored. Protonation of the nitrogen atom of the tertiary amine moiety in DPX leads to “ON” state of fluorescence due to hindrance of the deactivating effect of PET by protonation of the amine moiety. This permits specific and sensitive determination of DPX in human plasma [lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) = 30.0  ng mL 1 ]. The suggested method adopts protonation of DPX using 0.25 M hydrochloric acid in anionic micelles [6.94 mM sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)] leads to a marked enhancement of DPX-fluorescence, after excitation at 290 nm.  相似文献   

A hammerhead ribozyme has been labeled with a fluorescein reporter dye which enables the nucleic acid to detect binding of small organic compounds such as neomycin. The fluorescent changes are associated with conformational changes in the RNA and can be used to determine the binding modes of the drugs.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry-based hydrogen/deuterium exchange (H/DX) has been used to define the polypeptide backbone dynamics of full-length methyl CpG binding protein 2 (MeCP2) when free in solution and when bound to unmethylated and methylated DNA. Essentially the entire MeCP2 polypeptide chain underwent H/DX at rates faster than could be measured (i.e. complete exchange in ≤10 s), with the exception of the methyl DNA binding domain (MBD). Even the H/DX of the MBD was rapid compared with that of a typical globular protein. Thus, there is no single tertiary structure of MeCP2. Rather, the full-length protein rapidly samples many different conformations when free in solution. When MeCP2 binds to unmethylated DNA, H/DX is slowed several orders of magnitude throughout the MBD. Binding of MeCP2 to methylated DNA led to additional minor H/DX protection, and only locally within the N-terminal portion of the MBD. H/DX also was used to examine the structural dynamics of the isolated MBD carrying three frequent mutations associated with Rett syndrome. The effects of the mutations ranged from very little (R106W) to a substantial increase in conformational sampling (F155S). Our H/DX results have yielded fine resolution mapping of the structure of full-length MeCP2 in the absence and presence of DNA, provided a biochemical basis for understanding MeCP2 function in normal cells, and predicted potential approaches for the treatment of a subset of RTT cases caused by point mutations that destabilize the MBD.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin Ypsilanti (HbY) is a stable tetrameric hemoglobin that binds oxygen with little or no cooperativity and with high affinity [Doyle, M. L., et al. (1992) Proteins: Struct., Funct., Genet. 14, 351-362]. It displays an especially large quaternary enhancement effect. An X-ray crystallographic study [Smith, F. R., et al. (1991) Proteins: Struct., Funct., Genet. 10, 81-91] of the carboxy derivative of this hemoglobin (COHbY) revealed a new quaternary structure that partially resembles the recently described R2 structure [Silva, M. M., et al. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 17248-17256]. Very little is known about either the solution phase conformations of the liganded and deoxy forms of HbY or the molecular basis for the large quaternary enhancement effect (Doyle et al., 1992). In this study, near-IR absorption, Soret-enhanced Raman, and UV (229 nm) resonance Raman spectroscopies are used to probe the liganded and deoxy derivatives of HbY in solution. Nanosecond time-resolved near-IR absorption measurements are used to expose the relaxation properties of the photoproduct of COHbY. Time-resolved (Soret band) absorption is used to generate the geminate and solvent phase ligand rebinding curves for photodissociated COHbY. The spectroscopic results indicate that COHbY has an R-like conformation with respect to both the proximal heme pocket and the hinge region of the alpha 1 beta 2 interface. The deoxy derivative of HbY has spectroscopic features that are very similar to those observed for species assigned to the deoxy R or half-liganded R conformations of human adult hemoglobin (HbA). The 10 ns to 100 micros relaxation properties of the photoproduct of COHbY are distinctly different from those of HbA in that for HbY, little if any tertiary or quaternary relaxation is observed. The near-absence of relaxation in the HbY photoproduct explains the differences in the geminate and solvent phase CO recombination between HbA and HbY. The impact of the conformational and relaxation properties of HbY on the geminate rebinding process forms the basis of a model that accounts for the large quaternary enhancement effect reported for HbY (Doyle et al., 1992). In addition, the spectroscopic data and the X-ray crystallographic results explain the slow relaxation for HbY and the near-absence of cooperative ligand binding for this protein based on the behavior of the penultimate tyrosines.  相似文献   

Giuseppe Graziano 《Biopolymers》2015,103(12):711-718
The model developed for cold denaturation (Graziano, PCCP 2010, 12, 14245‐14252) is extended to rationalize the dependence of protein conformational stability upon hydrostatic pressure, at room temperature. A pressure− volume work is associated with the process of cavity creation for the need to enlarge the liquid volume against hydrostatic pressure. This contribution destabilizes the native state that has a molecular volume slightly larger than the denatured state due to voids existing in the protein core. Therefore, there is a hydrostatic pressure value at which the pressure−volume contribution plus the conformational entropy loss of the polypeptide chain are able to overwhelm the stabilizing gain in translational entropy of water molecules, due to the decrease in water accessible surface area upon folding, causing denaturation. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 103: 711–718, 2015.  相似文献   

The cardiac-specific Nkx2.5 homeodomain has been expressed as a 79-residue protein with the oxidizable Cys(56) replaced with Ser. The Nkx2.5 or Nkx2.5(C56S) homeodomain is 73% identical in sequence to and has the same NMR structure as the vnd (ventral nervous system defective)/NK-2 homeodomain of Drosophila when bound to the same specific DNA. The thermal unfolding of Nkx2.5(C56S) at pH 6.0 or 7.4 is a reversible, two-state process with unit cooperativity, as measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and far-UV circular dichroism. Adding 100 mM NaCl to Nkx2.5(C56S) at pH 7.4 increases T(m) from 44 to 54 +/- 0.2 degrees C and DeltaH from 34 to 45 +/- 2 kcal/mol (giving a DeltaC(p) of approximately 1.2 kcal K(-)(1) mol(-)(1) for homeodomain unfolding). DSC profiles of Nkx2.5 indicate fluctuating nativelike structures at <37 degrees C. Titrations of specific 18 bp DNA with Nkx2.5(C56S) in buffer at pH 7.4 with 100 mM NaCl yield binding constants of 2-6 x 10(8) M(-)(1) from 10 to 37 degrees C and a stoichiometry of 1:1 for homeodomain binding DNA, using isothermal titration calorimetry. The DNA binding reaction of Nkx2.5 is enthalpically controlled, and the temperature dependence of DeltaH gives a DeltaC(p) of -0.18 +/- 0.01 kcal K(-)(1) mol(-)(1). This corresponds to 648 +/- 36 A(2) of buried apolar surface upon Nkx2.5(C56S) binding duplex B-DNA. Thermodynamic parameters differ for Nkx2.5 and vnd/NK-2 homeodomains binding specific DNA. Unbound NK-2 is more flexible than Nkx2.5.  相似文献   

F Vanstapel  N Blanckaert 《Biochemistry》1987,26(19):6074-6082
Hepatic glucuronidation of the asymmetrical natural bilirubin molecule results in formation of two different positional isomers, bilirubin C-8 monoglucuronide and bilirubin C-12 monoglucuronide. In view of the existence of multiple isoforms of UDPglucuronyltransferase, which is the microsomal enzyme system responsible for bilirubin esterification, we performed kinetic analysis of microsomal glucuronidation of bilirubin and a number of its structural congeners to determine whether synthesis of the two monoglucuronide isomers involved two distinct substrate-binding sites or reflected two different modes of binding to a single catalytic site. Both isomers were found in all tested species (man, rat, guinea pig, sheep), but there were marked species differences in the C-8/C-12 ratio of monoglucuronide found in bile or formed by liver microsomes. Correspondence between in vivo and in vitro results for such regioselectivity of glucuronidation was excellent in each species. On the basis of our results of kinetic analysis of bilirubin esterification at variable pigment substrate concentrations and inhibition studies with alternative substrates, we postulate that both natural monoglucuronide isomers are synthesized at a single binding site. Possible mechanisms responsible for the markedly regioselective esterification of bilirubin by rat and sheep liver were investigated by study of glucuronidation of selected structural analogues of the pigment. Our results do not support explanations of regioselectivity of bilirubin glucuronidation in terms of (i) preferential binding of either the C-8- or C-12-containing dipyrrolic half of the asymmetrical bilirubin molecule or (ii) enantioselective complexation of bilirubin UDPglucuronyltransferase to one of the two chirality enantiomers of intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded bilirubin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

While mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathways constitute highly regulated networks of protein-protein interactions, little quantitative information for these interactions is available. Here we highlight recent fluorescence anisotropy binding studies that focus on the interactions of ERK1 and ERK2 with PEA-15 (antiapoptotic phosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes-15 kDa), a small protein that sequesters ERK2 in the cytoplasm. The regulation of ERK2 by PEA-15 is appraised in the light of a simple equilibrium-binding model for reversible ERK2 nucleoplasmic-cytoplasmic shuttling, which elaborates on the theory of Burack and Shaw (J. Biol. Chem. 280, 3832-3837; 2005). Also highlighted is the recent observation that the peptide N-QKGKPRDLELPLSPSL-C, derived from the docking site for ERK/JNK and LEL (DEJL) in Elk-1, displaces PEA-15 from ERK2. It is proposed that the C-terminus of PEA-15 ((121)LXLXXXXKK(129)) is a reverse DEJL domain [which has a general consensus of R/K-phi(A)-X(3/4)-phi(B), where phi(A) and phi(B) are hydrophobic residues (Leu, Ile, or Val)], which mediates one arm of a bidentate PEA-15 interaction with ERK2. The notion that PEA-15 is a potent inhibitor of many ERK2-mediated phosphorylations, by virtue of its ability to block ERK2-DEJL domain interactions, is proposed.  相似文献   

The EcoRV DNA methyltransferase methylates the first adenine in the GATATC recognition sequence. It is presumed that methylation proceeds by a nucleotide flipping mechanism but no crystal structure is available to confirm this. A popular solution-phase assay for nucleotide flipping employs the fluorescent adenine analogue, 2-aminopurine (2AP), substituted at the methylation target site; a substantial increase in fluorescence intensity on enzyme binding indicates flipping. However, this appeared to fail for M.EcoRV, since 2AP substituted for the non-target adenine in the recognition sequence showed a much greater intensity increase than 2AP at the target site. This anomaly is resolved by recording the fluorescence decay of 2AP which shows that the target 2AP is indeed flipped by the enzyme, but its fluorescence is quenched by interaction with aromatic residues in the catalytic site, whereas bending of the duplex at the non-target site alleviates inter-base quenching and exposes the 2AP to solvent.  相似文献   

The calcium-binding protein isolated from the sarcoplasm of the muscles of the sand worm Nereis diversicolor has four EF-hands and three active binding sites for Ca(2+) or Mg(2+). Nereis diversicolor sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein contains three tryptophan residues at positions 4, 57, and 170, respectively. The Wt protein shows a very limited fluorescence increase upon binding of Ca(2+) or Mg(2+). Single-tryptophan-containing mutants were produced and purified. The fluorescence titrations of these mutants show a limited decrease of the affinity for calcium, but no alterations of the cooperativity. Upon adding calcium, Trp170 shows a strong fluorescence increase, Trp57 an extensive fluorescence decrease, and Trp4 shows no fluorescence change. Therefore mutant W4F/W170F is ideally suited to analyze the fluorescence titrations and to study the binding mechanism. Mutations of the calcium ligands at the z-position in the three binding sites show no effect at site I and a total loss of cooperativity at sites III and IV. The quenching of Trp57 upon calcium binding is dependent on the presence of arginine R25, but this residue is not just a simple dynamic quencher. The role of the salt bridge R25-D58 is also investigated.  相似文献   

Detailed circular dichroism and fluorescence studies at different pHs have been carried out to monitor thermal unfolding of horseradish peroxidase isoenzyme c (HRPc). The change in CD in the 222 nm region corresponds to changes in the overall secondary structure of the enzyme, while that in the 400 nm region (Soret region) corresponds to changes in the tertiary structure around the heme in the enzyme. The temperature dependence of the tertiary structure around the heme also affected the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence emission spectrum of the enzyme. The results suggested that melting of the tertiary structure to a pre-molten globule form takes place at 45 degrees C, which is much lower than the temperature (T(m) = 74 degrees C) at which depletion of heme from the heme cavity takes place. The melting of the tertiary structure was found to be associated with a pK(a) of approximately 5, indicating that this phase possibly involves breaking of the hydrogen-bonding network of the heme pocket, keeping the heme moiety still inside it. The stability of the secondary structure of the enzyme was also found to decrease at pH below 4.5. A 'high temperature' unfolding phase was observed which was, however, independent of pH. The stability of the secondary structure was found to drastically decrease in the presence of DTT (dithiothreitol), indicating that the 'high temperature' form is possibly stabilized due to interhelical disulfide bonds. Depletion of Ca(2+) ions resulted in a marked decrease in the stability of the secondary structure of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Sodium citrate has previously been shown to convert native alpha(1)-antitrypsin into the inactive latent state and cause alpha(1)-antitrypsin to polymerize via the C-sheet pathway instead of the more common A-sheet pathway. In order to begin to understand these dramatic effects, we have examined the influence of low concentrations of sodium citrate upon the structure, stability and function of alpha(1)-antitrypsin. In 0.5 M citrate, the midpoint of guanidine hydrochloride-induced unfolding was increased by 1.8 M and the rate of heat inactivation was decreased approximately 30-fold compared with Tris or phosphate buffer. alpha(1)-Antitrypsin was fully active in the presence of a range of citrate concentrations (0. 1-0.5 M), forming a stable 1:1 complex with chymotrypsin. The association rate constant between alpha(1)-antitrypsin and chymotrypsin was decreased with increasing citrate concentration. Fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy demonstrated no significant changes in the tertiary structure due to the presence of citrate. However, the insertion rate of exogenous reactive-center loop peptide increased with increasing citrate concentration, indicating some structural changes in the A beta-sheet region. Taken together, these data suggest that in the presence of 0.5 M citrate alpha(1)-antitrypsin adopts a highly stable but active conformation.  相似文献   

The DNA sequence specific interaction of the high mobility group non-histone protein HMG-I (Y) with the 3' untranslated region of the bovine interleukin-2 cDNA has been studied. Circular dichroism and thermal denaturation studies suggest that HMG-I (Y) alters the conformational state and increases the thermal stability of the DNA. Additionally, amino acid sequence analysis suggests that the previously identified non-histone protein HMG-Y is an isoform of HMG-I.  相似文献   

PicoGreen is a fluorescent probe that binds dsDNA and forms a highly luminescent complex when compared to the free dye in solution. This unique probe is widely used in DNA quantitation assays but has limited application in biophysical analysis of DNA and DNA-protein systems due to limited knowledge pertaining to its physical properties and characteristics of DNA binding. Here we have investigated PicoGreen binding to DNA to reveal the origin and mode of PicoGreen/DNA interactions, in particular the role of electrostatic and nonelectrostatic interactions in formation of the complex, as well as demonstrating minor groove binding specificity. Analysis of the fluorescence properties of free PicoGreen, the diffusion properties of PG/DNA complexes, and the excited-state lifetime changes upon DNA binding and change in solvent polarity, as well as the viscosity, reveal that quenching of PicoGreen in the free state results from its intramolecular dynamic fluctuations. On binding to DNA, intercalation and electrostatic interactions immobilize the dye molecule, resulting in a >1000-fold enhancement in its fluorescence. Based on the results of this study, a model of PicoGreen/DNA complex formation is proposed.  相似文献   

The essential role of human dual oxidase 2 (hDUOX2) in thyroid hormone biosynthesis defines this member of the NOX/DUOX family, whose absence due to mutation has been directly related to disease, specifically hypothyroidism. Both human DUOX isoforms, hDUOX1 and hDUOX2, are expressed in thyroid tissue; however, hDUOX1 cannot compensate for inactivation of hDUOX2, suggesting that each enzyme is differentially regulated and/or functions in a unique manner. In efforts to uncover relevant structural and functional differences we have expressed and purified the peroxidase domain of hDUOX21–599 for direct comparison with the previously studied hDUOX11–593. As was shown for hDUOX1, the truncated hDUOX2 domain purifies without a bound heme co-factor and displays no peroxidase activity. However, hDUOX21–599 displays greater stability than hDUOX11–593. Surprisingly, upon titration with heme, both isoforms bind heme with a low micromolar affinity, demonstrating that they retain a heme binding site. A conformational difference in the full-length protein and/or a protein–protein interaction may be required to increase the heme binding affinity.  相似文献   

The RAG1 and RAG2 proteins together constitute the nuclease that initiates the assembly of immunoglobulin and T cell receptor genes in a reaction known as V(D)J recombination. RAG1 plays a central role in recognition of the recombination signal sequence (RSS) by the RAG1/2 complex. To investigate the parameters governing the RAG1-RSS interaction, the murine core RAG1 protein (amino acids 377-1008) fused to a short Strep tag has been purified to homogeneity from bacteria. The Strep-RAG1 (StrRAG1) protein exists as a dimer at a wide range of protein concentrations (25-500 nM) in the absence of DNA and binds with reasonably high affinity and specificity (apparent K(D) = 41 nM) to the RSS. Both electrophoretic mobility shift assays and polarization anisotropy experiments indicate that only a single StrRAG1-DNA species exists in solution. Anisotropy decay measured by frequency domain spectroscopy suggests that the complex contains a dimer of StrRAG1 bound to a single DNA molecule. Using measurements of protein intrinsic fluorescence and circular dichroism, we demonstrate that StrRAG1 undergoes a major conformational change upon binding the RSS. Steady-state fluorescence and acrylamide quenching studies reveal that this conformational change is associated with a repositioning of intrinsic protein fluorophores from a hydrophobic to a solvent-exposed environment. RSS-induced conformational changes of StrRAG1 may influence the interaction of RAG1 with RAG2 and synaptic complex formation.  相似文献   

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