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Gut evacuation and its dependence on the temperature in bream Abramis brama , silver bream Blicca bjoerkna , roach Rutilus rutilus , gibel Carassius aurtaus gibelio and carp Cyprinus carpio , held in mesh cages in Lake Balaton, was best fitted by an exponential model in 18 of 36 trials, while in 14 and four trials, a linear and a square-root model, respectively, gave a better fit. Adjusted r 2 values, however, often did not differ markedly between the three models. The shape parameter, B , was 0.36 for carp and ranged from 0.81 to 1.24 for the other four cyprinids, according to the general evacuation model expanded with the temperature variable, and fitted to whole data sets. Relationships between the food evacuation rates obtained from the exponential models and the temperature were described by exponential functions for bream, silver bream, roach and gibel.  相似文献   

The temperature and mass dependence of maximum consumption rate was measured for larval and early juvenile spotted seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus . Maximum consumption ( C MAX) estimates were obtained from feeding and gut evacuation experiments on larvae (3·8–19 mm standard length, L S) at three temperatures (24, 28 and 32° C), and maximum consumption experiments on juveniles at three temperatures (20, 26 and 32° C). Feeding levels were determined for larvae fed live prey ( Brachionus plicatilis and Artemia salina ) ad libitum . The midgut and total evacuation times were estimated for fish feeding continuously and discontinuously using alternate meals of tagged and untagged live prey. Temperature and fish size had significant effects on gut evacuation and consumption. The gut evacuation time increased with increasing fish size, and decreased with increasing temperatures. Mass‐specific midgut contents increased for small larvae <0·156 mg dry mass ( M D)( c . 4 mm L S), and decreased for larger larvae and juveniles. Maximum consumption was modelled by fitting a polynomial function to a reduced dataset of individuals feeding at high levels. The C MAX model predicted an initial increase in specific feeding rate from 70 to 155% M D day−1 for small larvae, before declining for larger larvae and juveniles.  相似文献   

Fish larvae employ different feeding strategies depending on area and season of spawning and hatching of larvae. Feeding and growth of larvae of blue whiting Micromesistius poutassou and mackerel Scomber scombrus from Porcupine Bank and the Celtic Shelf Break, west of Ireland, were compared based on prey concentrations in the environment and larval feeding behaviour. Both species were adapted to different environmental conditions. The mesopelagic blue whiting spawned in oceanic water that was well mixed. It was characterized by low production and low prey densities with minimum prey densities <1.0 organism 1−1. Larvae of the Atlantic mackerel hatched later in the season in more productive water that was well stratified. Prey densities in the mackerel environment reached up to 1001−1. Blue whiting larvae displayed a rather random distribution in the water column. Mackerel larvae <7 mm standard length ( L s) were concentrated above the thermocline, while larvae >7 mm traversed the thermocline into deeper layers. Mackerel larvae >5mm L s displayed marked cannibalism, exceeding 70%. Daily ration calculated on the basis of gut contents was rather low in both species: between 2.6 and 5.0% in blue whiting, but only 0.6 to 5.4% in mackerel. The results are discussed in relation to the respective environment both species encounter during their early larval life.  相似文献   

A means of obtaining erythrocytes from larval fish and the blood of larvae of two fish species are described. Erythrocytes were obtained for cytological preparations from larvae of Urophycis chuss (Walbaum) and Scomber scombrus (Linnaeus) as small as 2.0 mm. Heart and gills were dissected from the larvae, stained, and flattened into a monolayer on a microscope slide. Mature erythrocytes were the only blood cell type observed in either heart or gill preparations, and these appeared to be the same as in the adult fish. Mature erythrocytes can be isolated from formalinfixed larvae, even as sorted from plankton, and prepared for cytological and cytogenetic study and for blood cell counts. Knowledge gained from the study of erythrocytes from larval teleosts can be important in assessing the normality and health of these early-life stages of fish in either laboratory assays or field studies. The method described is applicable to other fish species, even after years of storage in formalin fixative.  相似文献   

Population genetic structures of the mackerel (Scomber scombrus) and chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) were studied in the Mediterranean Sea. Fragments of 272 bp (S. scomber) and 387 bp (S. japonicus) of the 5'-end of the mitochondrial control region were sequenced from spawning individuals collected off the coasts of Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. High levels of mitochondrial control region haplotypic diversity (> 0.98) were found for both Scomber species. Nucleotide diversity was higher in the mackerel (0.022) than in the chub mackerel (0.017). Global F(ST) values were also higher and significant in the mackerel (0.024, P < 0.0001) as opposed to the chub mackerel (0.003, P > 0.05). Molecular variance analyses showed differential genetic structuring for these two closely related species. There is extensive gene flow between Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean populations of chub mackerel, which are organized into a larger panmictic unit. In contrast, Mediterranean Sea populations of mackerel show some degree of genetic differentiation and are structured along an east-west axis. The analysed eastern Mediterranean Sea mackerel populations (Greece, Italy) are clearly separated from that of the western Mediterranean Sea (Barcelona), which forms a panmictic unit with eastern Atlantic Ocean populations. The genetic structures of both species showed asymmetric migration patterns and indicated population expansion.  相似文献   

Research evaluating the toxicity of the harmful dinoflagellate Cochlodinium (a.k.a. Margalefidinium) polykrikoides has been dominated by acute bioassays while the sublethal effects remain less well understood. This study examined the sublethal effects of C. polykrikoides exposure on the feeding behavior of larval estuarine fish. Sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus) larvae were used in feeding experiments which assessed the total consumption of zooplankton prey (i.e., Artemia nauplii) over defined time periods. Larvae exposed to intermediate concentrations (i.e., 102 cells ml−1) of clonal cultures of C. polykrikoides saw statistically significant reductions (range = 10%–81%) in the Artemia consumed compared to controls (i.e., filtered seawater, culture media or nontoxin producing dinoflagellate). These reductions were found independent of whether the larvae were fed or starved prior to experimentation. As these concentrations are similar to those typically found during mild blooms or at the periphery of dense blooms, these findings have significant implications for the feeding behavior of ichthyoplankton.  相似文献   

Mangrove gastropods are largely recognised for their roles as benthic deposit feeders that consume macrophyte-derived detritus. However, microalgae may also make a significant contribution towards the diet of these snails. Here we provide the first report on the rates at which microphytobenthos (MPB) is consumed by Terebralia palustris, an Indo-Pacific mangrove gastropod. Although juvenile T. palustris are generally detritivorous, there is increasing evidence that their occurrence on the seaward edge of the mangrove habitat allows them to incorporate a more nutritious food source to their diets in the form of microalgae. Using an experimental approach that incorporated fluorometric techniques, we found that the feeding activity of T. palustris on MPB was not clearly related to diel and tidal cycles at the subtropical location of Kosi Bay, South Africa during two sampling occasions in February and July 2015. However, a faster ingestion rate and higher consumption/digestion efficiency were recorded during experiments carried out in July. On this sampling occasion a higher percentage consumption of the available MPB was recorded, which corresponded to a lower per-capita availability in this resource. As T. palustris is able to consume MPB at variable rates, the impact of this species on benthic primary productivity within Indo-Pacific mangroves should not be overlooked when considering its integral ecological role within these threatened habitats.  相似文献   

黑鲷的胃排空率   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在实验室内,18℃条件下测量了体重在20-40g的黑鲷的胃排空率,并用3种数学模型拟合了黑鲷的排空率,结果表明,3种模型都能很好地拟合实验数据,但通过统计学分析发现不论是用湿重还是用于重表示胃含物,线性模型都拟合得最好。用湿重表示时模型为Y=1.14-0.06t(r^2=0.82,p〈0.001);而用干重表示时模型为Y=1.36-0.07T(r^2=0.62,p〈0.001),实验还得出体重20  相似文献   

Summary Atrial and ventricular muscle in the pike and mackerel hearts consists of narrow, branching cells. The atrial cells in the two species are similar whereas the ventricular cells differ. The sarcolemma is attached to the Z and M lines of the sarcomere. Intercalated discs are common, and the transverse parts display desmosomes and intermediate junctions. Nexuses are uncommon and only occur in the longitudinal parts of the intercalated discs. The sarcoplasmic reticulum forms a regular hexagonal network on the myofibrillar surface. Subsarcolemmal cisternae form peripheral couplings at the I-A level. Junctional processes are usually inconspicuous, but an electron dense substance is present between the sarcolemma and the Junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum. Specific heart granules are common in atrial cells of both species and in ventricular cells of the pike, but are very scarce in mackerel ventricular muscle.This work was supported by grants from the Norwegian Research Council for Sciences and the Humanities  相似文献   

Synopsis Sea surface temperatures across Cabot Strait (Gulf of St. Lawrence) ranged from 6 to 9°C on June 3, 1989, but only from 3 to 5°C on June 2, 1990. Periods of peak commercial landings of mackerel in eastern Cape Breton Island extended from May 22 to June 3 in 1989, and from May 28 to June 2 in 1990. In late May 1990, Atlantic mackerel were captured with a purse-seiner during exploratory fishing in Cabot Strait; commercial quantities were caught in water as cold as 2.8°C. The presence of mackerel in water a full 4°C colder than its reported lower tolerance limit indicates that the development of the 7°C isotherm is not a requirement for the vernal appearing of mackerel. The overlap of the periods of peak commercial landings between 1989 and 1990, despite: marked differences in warming chronology, suggests that the movements of mackerel are not as closely linked to water temperature as previously reported. The fish's thermal preferences could be subordinate to their reproductive requirements at this stage of their spawning migration.  相似文献   

在实验室内,18℃条件下测量了体重在 2 0~40g的黑鲷的胃排空率,并用 3种数学模型拟合了黑鲷的排空率.结果表明,3种模型都能很好地拟合实验数据,但通过统计学分析发现不论是用湿重还是用干重表示胃含物,线性模型都拟合得最好.用湿重表示时模型为Y=1.14-0.06t(r2=0 82,p<0.001);而用干重表示时模型为Y=1.36-0.07t(r2=0.62,p<0.001).实验还得出体重20~40g的黑鲷在 18℃的胃排空率为每小时排出摄入食物量的 6%~7%.  相似文献   

This study aimed to parameterize the effects of body and meal sizes on the gastric evacuation (GE) of farmed Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) fed on live food (whiting fish) or commercial pellets. The radiography technique was used to monitor the evacuation of food from the stomach into the intestine at postprandial time. Acipenser gueldenstaedtii of different body sizes (total length ranged 82–105 cm) were fed on meal sizes ranged from 23 to 72 g composed of either live food or commercial pellets (had a 20% of BaSO4 as a radiopaque material). The square root model was found to adequality describe the process of GE in A. gueldenstaedtii independently of meal type and size. The effects of fish size on GER was described by simple power model and can be summarized by , where ρL was 0.000053 for live food and 0.000062 for commercial pellets (estimated from combined GE data), St is stomach contents (g), L is fish total length (cm) and t is time (h). The results of this study will provide a useful tool to estimate the stomach fullness of A. gueldenstaedtii at postprandial time t. Such information should assess the feeding strategy to minimize feed wastage and optimize the fish growth.  相似文献   

亚麻荠对小菜蛾幼虫取食和成虫行为反应的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
亚麻荠是一种很少有害虫危害的油料作物。用室内生测和Y 型嗅觉仪研究了亚麻荠对小菜蛾Plutella xylostella幼虫取食和成虫行 为反应的影响。以甘蓝作对照,用亚麻荠叶片喂养的小菜蛾初孵幼虫3天后校正死亡率为79 .2%,显示了较强的致死作用;喂养小菜蛾3龄幼虫至化蛹,其存活率、化蛹率、蛹重及成 虫寿命都显著降低,表明亚麻荠对小菜蛾幼虫的生长发育有不利影响。在幼虫的取食选择实 验中,有甘蓝叶供选择时,小菜蛾幼虫不取食亚麻荠;在无可选择的情况下,小菜蛾幼虫也 取 食亚麻荠叶片,但取食量很小,与取食甘蓝叶的量相比,差异极显著。行为反应测试表明, 小菜蛾成虫对甘蓝和亚麻荠植株的挥发物都有明显的趋性反应,与对照(净化空气)相比, 差异极显著,而在甘蓝和亚麻荠之间无选择性。说明小菜蛾成虫对亚麻荠植株的挥发物具有 较强的定向反应。  相似文献   

Larvae of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), have rich microbial communities inhabiting the gut, and these bacteria contribute to the fitness of the pest. In this study we evaluated the effects of five antibiotics (rifampicin, ampicillin, tetracycline, streptomycin sulfate and chloramphenicol) on the gut bacterial diversity of P. xylostella larvae. We screened five different concentrations for each antibiotic in a leaf disc assay, and found that rifampicin and streptomycin sulfate at 3 mg/mL significantly reduced the diversity of the bacterial community, and some bacterial species could be rapidly eliminated. The number of gut bacteria in the rifampicin group and streptomycin sulfate group decreased more rapidly than the others. With the increase of antibiotic concentration, the removal efficiency was improved, whereas toxic effects became more apparent. All antibiotics reduced larval growth and development, and eventually caused high mortality, malformation of the prepupae, and hindered pupation and adult emergence. Among the five antibiotics, tetracycline was the most toxic and streptomycin sulfate was a relatively mild one. Some dominant bacteria were not affected by feeding antibiotics alone. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis graph showed that the most abundant and diverse bacteria in P. xylostella larval gut appeared in the cabbage feeding group, and diet change and antibiotics intake influenced gut flora abundance. Species diversity was significantly reduced in the artificial diet and antibiotics treatment groups. After feeding on the artificial diet with rifampicin, streptomycin sulfate and their mixture for 10 days, larval gut bacteria could not be completely removed as detected with the agarose gel electrophoresis method.  相似文献   

Noninvasive sampling methods for studying intestinal microbiomes are widely applied in studies of endangered species and in those conducting temporal monitoring during manipulative experiments. Although existing studies show that noninvasive sampling methods among different taxa vary in their accuracy, no studies have yet been published comparing nonlethal sampling methods in adult amphibians. In this study, we compare microbiomes from two noninvasive sample types (faeces and cloacal swabs) to that of the large intestine in adult cane toads, Rhinella marina. We use 16S rRNA gene sequencing to investigate how microbial communities change along the digestive tract and which nonlethal sampling method better represents large intestinal microbiota. We found that cane toads' intestinal microbiota was dominated by Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria and Firmicutes and, interestingly, we also saw a high proportion of Fusobacteria, which has previously been associated with marine species and changes in frog immunity. The large and small intestine of cane toads had a similar microbial composition, but the large intestine showed higher diversity. Our results indicate that cloacal swabs were more similar to large intestine samples than were faecal samples, and small intestine samples were significantly different from both nonlethal sample types. Our study provides valuable information for future investigations of the cane toad gut microbiome and validates the use of cloacal swabs as a nonlethal method to study changes in the large intestine microbiome. These data provide insights for future studies requiring nonlethal sampling of amphibian gut microbiota.  相似文献   

1. Elevated allochthonous inputs of nutrients and sediments to aquatic ecosystems are associated with eutrophication and sedimentation. Reservoirs receive substantial subsidies of nutrients and sediments from catchments due to their large catchment : lake area ratios. We examined the effect of elevated subsidies of sediments and/or dissolved nutrients on the success (survival, growth, biomass and condition factor) of larval gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum), a widespread and dominant omnivorous fish in reservoir ecosystems. 2. We simulated allochthonous agricultural subsides by manipulating dissolved nutrients and sediment inputs in a 2 × 2 factorial design in experimental mesocosms. We predicted that larval fish success would be greater under elevated nutrients. However, we propose two alternative hypotheses with respect to the overall effect of allochthonous sediment inputs. If sediment inputs negatively affect larval gizzard feeding success, larval success would be highest when only nutrients are added and lowest when only sediments are added (+N > +N+S ≥ C > +S). If high turbidity enhances larval foraging activity (due to greater contrast between prey and background), we predict that larval success would be highest when both subsidy types (nutrients and sediment) are elevated, intermediate when either nutrients or sediments are added and the lowest when no subsidies are added (+N+S > +N ≥ +S > C). 3. Our results indicate that elevated nutrient and sediment conditions enhanced larval gizzard shad biomass, but the overall nutrient addition effect was greater than the sediment addition effect (+N ~ +N+S > +S > C). We observed differential effects of nutrient and sediment inputs on larval survival, growth and condition factors. 4. The enhancement of fish biomass in elevated nutrients (+N, +N+S) relative to control conditions was associated with improved gizzard shad survival and not greater growth. The enhancement of fish biomass in the elevated sediment treatment (+S) relative to the control conditions was caused by an increase in survival that more than compensated for a negative effect of sediment addition on growth. 5. Our findings support the recommendation that reservoir management practices must consider the links between land use practices and food web dynamics. Our results suggest that reduction of subsidies of nutrients and sediments to productive reservoirs would decrease survival of larval gizzard shad due to lower food availability.  相似文献   

Black seabream, Acanthopagrus schlegeli, and Japanese seaperch, Lateolabrax japonicus, are important commercial species in the coastal waters of western Pacific Ocean, including Japan, Korea and China. In Hong Kong, larvae and juveniles of these two species occur in bays and estuaries during late winter and spring. This study reports on the ontogenetic changes in food habits in larvae and juveniles of these species in an artificial rocky shore area. Copepods and cladocerans were the most numerous food items for black seabream. There was a shift to larger and benthic prey as the fishes grew. Japanese seaperch <2.1cm fed predominantly on copepods and cladocerans, while larger prey were added as fish size increased. Japanese seaperch >6.0cm were piscivorous. Maximum prey width increased with fish standard length and mouth gape width in both species. Overall, black seabream showed greater diet breadth than did Japanese seaperch. In black seabream, diet breadth increased with fish size. In Japanese seaperch, diet breadth increased with size for fishes <4.0cm, then decreased as the fishes became piscivorous. Prey selectivity in black seabream was determined using information on prey availability in plankton samples. In general, preference was stronger for cypris larvae, Penilia avirostris and decapod larvae than for copepods and podonids. In recent years, overfishing and environmental degradation have led to the decline of fish populations in Tolo Harbour. Absence of fishes with empty gut indicates that inner Tolo Harbour is still an important nursery area for these two commercial species.  相似文献   

为阐明抗生素对西花蓟马的作用,选用氨苄青霉素(AMP)、氯霉素(CAP)和硫酸链霉素(SM)等3种抗生素分别采用薄膜饲喂法和叶片浸渍法处理西花蓟马,研究3种抗生素对西花蓟马死亡率及对肠道可培养细菌的影响。结果表明抗生素对西花蓟马的死亡率有明显的影响,随着浓度的增加和处理时间的延长死亡率升高,在薄膜饲喂法和叶片浸渍法处理下,西花蓟马均是在3种抗生素浓度为50.00 mg/mL处理72 h时死亡率最大,薄膜饲喂法对西花蓟马死亡率的影响高于叶片浸渍法。在2种饲喂方式下,25.00 mg/mL氨苄青霉素和50.00 mg/mL硫酸链霉素处理72 h后对西花蓟马肠道内可培养细菌的去除效果最好;浓度为50.00 mg/mL氯霉素在薄膜饲喂法中处理24 h后对西花蓟马肠道细菌去除效果最好,但叶片浸渍法没有明显的作用。结果说明,西花蓟马死亡率及肠道细菌的去除效果与抗生素种类、浓度和处理时间相关,也与处理方法有关。  相似文献   

Mouthpart and alimentary canal development was examined in Lysmata amboinensis larvae using scanning electron microscopy and histology. The gross morphological features of external mouthparts and internal digestive tract structures of larvae at different developmental stages indicate that ingestive and digestive capabilities are well developed from early on. With increasing age of the larvae the mouthpart appendages increased in size, the hepatopancreas in tubular density and the midgut in length. The density of setae and robustness of teeth and spines of individual structures increased. The most pronounced changes from early to late stage larvae involved formation of pores on the paragnaths and labrum, transformation of the mandibular spine‐like teeth to molar cusps, development of the filter press in the proventriculus and of infoldings in the previously straight hindgut. The results suggest that early stage L. amboinensis larvae may benefit from soft, perhaps gelatinous prey, whereas later stages are better equipped to handle larger, muscular or more fibrous foods. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of the small‐bodied benthic naked goby Gobiosoma bosc, a western Atlantic species that occurs in estuaries and other inshore habitats from Connecticut to Texas U.S.A., was investigated in a total of four estuaries spanning South Carolina, North Carolina, Maryland and New Jersey. Gut content analysis of 391 individuals revealed that G. bosc is a benthic microcarnivore that feeds primarily on polychaetes, gammarid amphipods and harpacticoid copepods. Diet composition varied with body size, tidal creek within an estuary and geographic region. Analyses of gut fullness suggest that G. bosc is a daytime visual predator and that nest and egg guarding during the reproductive season reduce foraging activity in mature males. Additionally, G. bosc infected with adult digenean parasites of the gut foraged more intensely than uninfected individuals, a relationship that was strongest for reproductively mature males. Regionally, significant variation in dietary breadth was documented and may reflect a foraging response to a decrease in prey diversity moving from estuaries of higher salinity and lower latitude to estuaries of lower salinity and higher latitude. These results contribute to an understanding of the life history of G. bosc and the role played by this common species in estuarine food webs.  相似文献   

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