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  • The performance of seedlings is crucial for the survival and persistence of plant populations. Although drought frequently occurs in floodplains and can cause seedling mortality, studies on the effects of drought on seedlings of floodplain grasslands are scarce. We tested the hypotheses that drought reduces aboveground biomass, total biomass, plant height, number of leaves, leaf area and specific leaf area (SLA), and increases root biomass and root‐mass fraction (RMF) and that seedlings from species of wet floodplain grasslands are more affected by drought than species of dry grasslands.
  • In a greenhouse study, we exposed seedlings of three confamilial pairs of species (Pimpinella saxifraga, Selinum carvifolia, Veronica teucrium, Veronica maritima, Sanguisorba minor, Sanguisorba officinalis) to increasing drought treatments. Within each plant family, one species is characteristic of wet and one of dry floodplain grasslands, confamilial in order to avoid phylogenetic bias of the results.
  • In accordance with our hypotheses, drought conditions reduced aboveground biomass, total biomass, plant height, number of leaves and leaf area. Contrary to our hypotheses, drought conditions increased SLA and decreased root biomass and RMF of seedlings. Beyond the effects of the families, the results were species‐specific (V. maritima being the most sensitive species) and habitat‐specific. Species indicative of wet floodplain grasslands appear to be more sensitive to drought than species indicative of dry grasslands.
  • Because of species‐ and habitat‐specific responses to reduced water availability, future drought periods due to climate change may severely affect some species from dry and wet habitats, while others may be unaffected.

We investigate multilocus patterns of differentiation between parental populations of two swallowtail butterfly species that differ at a number of ecologically important sex-linked traits. Using a new coalescent-based approach, we show that there is significant heterogeneity in estimated divergence times among five Z-linked markers, rejecting a purely allopatric speciation model. We infer that the Z chromosome is a mosaic of regions that differ in the extent of historical gene flow, potentially due to isolating barriers that prevent the introgression of species-specific traits that result in hybrid incompatibilities. Surprisingly, a candidate region for a strong barrier to introgression, Ldh, does not show a significantly deeper divergence time than other markers on the Z chromosome. Our approach can be used to test alternative models of speciation and can potentially assign chronological order to the appearance of factors contributing to reproductive isolation between species.  相似文献   

Da Matta  F.M.  Maestri  M.  Barros  R.S. 《Photosynthetica》1998,34(2):257-264
Coffea arabica cv. Red Catuaí and C. canephora cv. Kouillou were grown in pots beneath a plastic shelter. When they were 14 months old, irrigation was withheld until the leaf pre-dawn water potential was about -1.5 and -2.7 MPa (designated mild and severe water stress, respectively). Under mild stress, net photosynthetic rate (PN) decreased mainly as a consequence of stomatal limitations in Kouillou, whereas such decreases were dominated by non-stomatal limitations in Catuaí. Under severe drought, further decreases in PN and apparent quantum yield were not associated to any changes in stomatal conductance in either cultivar. Decreases were much more pronounced in Catuaí than in Kouillou, the latter maintained carbon gain at the expense of water conservation. In both cultivars the initial chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence slightly increased with no changes in the quantum efficiency of photosystem 2. In response to rapidly imposed drought, the Chl content did not change while saccharide content increased and starch content decreased. Photoinhibition and recovery of photosynthesis, as evaluated by the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence and by the photosynthetic O2 evolution, were unaffected by mild drought stress. Photoinhibition was enhanced under severe water deficit, especially in Catuaí. In this cultivar the O2 evolution did not resume upon reversal from photoinhibition, in contrast to the complete recovery in Kouillou.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic performance of two coffee species under drought   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Coffea arabica cv. Red Catuaí and C. canephora cv. Kouillou were grown in pots beneath a plastic shelter. When they were 14 months old, irrigation was withheld until the leaf pre-dawn water potential was about -1.5 and -2.7 MPa (designated mild and severe water stress, respectively). Under mild stress, net photosynthetic rate (PN) decreased mainly as a consequence of stomatal limitations in Kouillou, whereas such decreases were dominated by non-stomatal limitations in Catuaí. Under severe drought, further decreases in PN and apparent quantum yield were not associated to any changes in stomatal conductance in either cultivar. Decreases were much more pronounced in Catuaí than in Kouillou, the latter maintained carbon gain at the expense of water conservation. In both cultivars the initial chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence slightly increased with no changes in the quantum efficiency of photosystem 2. In response to rapidly imposed drought, the Chl content did not change while saccharide content increased and starch content decreased. Photoinhibition and recovery of photosynthesis, as evaluated by the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence and by the photosynthetic O2 evolution, were unaffected by mild drought stress. Photoinhibition was enhanced under severe water deficit, especially in Catuaí. In this cultivar the O2 evolution did not resume upon reversal from photoinhibition, in contrast to the complete recovery in Kouillou. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

草木灰对四种松属种子发芽和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘发林 《生态学报》2017,37(17):5673-5680
火干扰不仅影响森林生态系统的结构与功能,而且影响群落更新与演替。为了研究草木灰对4种松属种子萌芽和幼苗生长的影响,在湖南省株洲市黄丰桥林场采集马尾松、云南松、湿地松和火炬松种子,以马尾松次生林火烧迹地的草木灰为基质,设置对照和3个草木灰处理,进行播种试验及生长观测。结果表明:(1)草木灰处理下4个物种的种子发芽率比对照试验低,并呈现随草木灰含量的增加而降低的趋势,低草木灰含量处理马尾松种子发芽率不及对照一半,中、高草木灰含量处理发芽率更低;云南松、湿地松和火炬松种子发芽率规律类似于马尾松,而高草木灰含量处理发芽率为0。(2)培养皿播种平均发芽时间比花盆播种长,无论草木灰处理还是培养条件(培养皿或花盆),马尾松和云南松种子平均发芽时间比湿地松和火炬松短。(3)4个物种种子播种14周后,对照试验中马尾松和云南松幼苗死亡率最低,而火炬松和湿地松幼苗死亡率相对增加。(4)播种14周后不同试验处理4个物种幼苗生长差异不明显。火炬松、湿地松、云南松和马尾松幼苗的单株平均干重分别达0.038、0.031、0.027、0.024 g。各物种叶干重按降序排列依次是火炬松(0.026 g)湿地松(0.019 g)云南松(0.017 g)马尾松(0.016 g),根和茎的干重比重相当,约占对应物种幼苗叶干重的三分之一。研究表明以草木灰为培养基质,马尾松和云南松种子的发芽率较高,平均发芽时间较短,更适合作为火烧迹地植被恢复先锋树种,为火干扰后选择人工促进天然更新树种提供参考。  相似文献   

NaCl胁迫对5个树种幼苗叶片叶绿素荧光参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用温室盆栽方法,研究了不同质量浓度(1、2和3 g·L-1)NaCl胁迫对香椿[Toona sinensis (A. Juss. ) Roem. ]、刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia L. )、楸树(Catalpa bungei C. A. Mey. )、北美红栎(Quercus rubra L. )和常绿白蜡(Fraxinus griffithii Clarke)1年生实生苗叶片叶绿素荧光参数的影响.结果表明,5个树种的PSⅡ最大光能转换效率(Fv/Fm)、稳态荧光参数(Fs)、PSⅡ有效光化学量子效率(F′ v/F′ m)、PSⅡ非循环光合电子传递速率(ETR)和PSⅡ实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)总体上均随NaCl质量浓度的提高而逐渐减小,不同处理间及不同树种间各参数均有极显著差异(P<0.01).常绿白蜡的Fv/Fm值在2或3 g·L-1NaCl胁迫条件下显著小于对照,刺槐、香椿和楸树的Fv/Fm值仅在3 g·L-1NaCl胁迫条件下显著小于对照,而北美红栎各处理组的Fv/Fm值均显著小于对照.随NaCl质量浓度的提高,刺槐的Fs值呈先减小后增大的趋势,且在3 g·L-1NaCl胁迫条件下高于对照,但差异不显著;其他4个树种各处理组的Fs值均小于对照.5个树种幼苗叶片的F′ v/F′ m值和ΦPSⅡ值的变化趋势与Fv/Fm值的变化趋势基本一致.随NaCl质量浓度的提高,香椿幼苗叶片的ETR值呈先减小后增大的趋势,且在3 g·L-1NaCl胁迫条件下高于对照;其他4个树种各处理组的ETR值均小于对照.不同树种的Fv/Fm值、Fs值、F′ v/F′ m值、ETR值和ΦPSⅡ值与NaCl质量浓度均呈极显著的负相关关系.研究结果显示,5个树种对NaCl胁迫的适应能力存在差异,刺槐、香椿和楸树对NaCl胁迫的耐性较强,常绿白蜡的耐性较弱,北美红栎对NaCl胁迫最敏感.  相似文献   

铜尾矿对5种豆科植物种子萌发和幼苗生长影响的初步研究   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:13  
通过水培实验和土培实验,研究了铜陵铜尾矿对5种豆科植物种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,五种豆科植物种子在尾矿浸提液中均能萌发,但萌发率比对照组低,而且浸提液对种子萌发产生一定的阻滞作用,酸化尾矿浸提液对种子萌发初期的吸胀吸水有促进作用。尾矿与土壤5种不同改良方式的基质试验也发现铜尾矿对种子萌发着阻滞作用,其中大豆、赤豆、赤小豆在70d内未发现死苗现象。  相似文献   

This paper examines the application of maximum sustainable yield (MSY) policy in ecosystem and indicates when the ecosystem based fisheries management approach is required for conservation purpose. To describe the possible impacts of applying global MSY policy in an ecosystem, we have considered both specialist and generalist prey–predator models with different fishing efforts. It is found that harvesting both prey and predator species in specialist prey–predator systems, to achieve global maximum sustainable total yield (MSTY) under independent efforts, will cause the extinction of the predator species. In contrast, the global MSTY may exist in a generalist prey–predator system. If global MSTY does not exist, then it is due to the extinction of predator species. Hence, the prey species never goes to extinction under independent efforts and this scenario is quite different from the one found under combined harvesting effort.  相似文献   

干旱胁迫对木兰科5树种生理生化指标的影响   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
对乐昌含笑(Michelia chapensis Dandy)、金叶含笑(M. foreolate Merr. ex Dandy)、阔瓣含笑(M. platyetala Hand. -Mazz.)、观光木(Tsoongiodendron odorum Chun)和红花木莲[Manglietia insigis (Wall.) Blume]进行28 d干旱胁迫处理,测定了丙二醛(MDA)和可溶性糖含量;对除乐昌含笑以外的4个树种进行了7种脂肪酸成分即肉豆蔻酸、棕榈酸、棕榈油酸、硬脂酸、油酸、亚油酸、α-亚麻酸的测定.结果表明,干旱胁迫时MDA和可溶性糖含量均升高.在4个树种的处理组和对照组中,不饱和脂肪酸比例高于饱和脂肪酸;在干旱胁迫时,饱和脂肪酸比例升高,不饱和脂肪酸比例下降.综合各生理指标变化与田间观察结果,上述5树种按抗旱能力强弱依次排序为:阔瓣含笑、乐昌含笑、观光木、金叶含笑和红花木莲.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that larger seeds give rise to seedlings with better performance. On the other hand, the size that a seed reaches is genetically determined by at least two different traits ; the genetic variability of the developing embryo and the genetic variability of the maternal plant. Thus, the relative contributions of these two traits affect seedling performance by influencing seed size. In this paper, I investigate the effect of seed size on seedling performance in the Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris ). From eight maternal plants, 50 seeds were planted in each of two soil types (800 seeds in total), and seedling performance was monitored for 1 yr. Seed mass proved to be highly constant within maternal plants. Soil type influenced emergence and survival; however, the effect of soil type differed depending on maternal origin. Seed mass was positively correlated with seedling emergence, although this relationship was not found for seedling survival or date of emergence. The initial growth of the shoot was also positively correlated with seed mass. However, after one growing season, seed mass had no effect on seedling performance, which depended exclusively on maternal origin. Nevertheless, the mean mass of seeds produced by plants was positively correlated with mean values of growth parameters. Thus, first-year seedling performance seems to be a maternal trait indirectly associated with seed size.  相似文献   

A series of stepped velocity tests were carried out in a Brett‐type swimming respirometer and the overall range in swimming performance for 12 Schizothoracinae species was measured. The relative critical swimming speed Ucrit and burst speed Uburst decreased with body length, while absolute Ucrit and Uburst increased with body length. Ucrit increased with temperature up to approximately 15° C and then decreased. Species with a high Ucrit also displayed a higher Uburst.  相似文献   

Background: We recently demonstrated that dwarf male plants are much more common among mosses than hitherto thought. Dwarf plants, producing functional male sexual organs occur in 10–20% of the moss species worldwide.

Aims: We investigated how an inadvertent omission of dwarf males affects estimates of male sex expression rates and sex ratios.

Methods: We recorded frequencies of specimens with female-expressing plants, male-expressing normal-sized and/or dwarf plants, and sporophytes in herbarium material of five model species from Macaronesia. We analysed how frequency estimates of male occurrence and sex ratios were affected by excluding dwarf males.

Results: Occurrence of dwarf males was positively associated with sporophyte formation. When dwarf males were excluded, male mate availability was missed in 51–61% of specimens (in 74–76% of sporophyte-containing specimens). Specimen-level sex ratio was balanced in material with sporophytes in the three species exhibiting male dwarfism, but strongly female biased if dwarf males were omitted.

Conclusions: We provide the first quantitative evidence that sex-expressing dwarf males are essential for sexual reproduction and sporophyte production in mosses that form such males. Considering its abundance, male dwarfism therefore deserves more attention among plant biologists. Innovative approaches are required to further study the minute male plants.  相似文献   

The pine shoot beetle Tomicus destruens (Wollaston) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) is one of the main pests of Mediterranean forests, where it is oligophagous on Mediterranean pines. However, possible global warming may make the insect move to higher latitudes and altitudes, allowing it to attack new pine species. In this respect, the aim of the present article was to assess both the acceptance and performance of T. destruens offered host and non‐host pine species. A no‐choice breeding experiment was set up under laboratory conditions, using logs of three Mediterranean (Pinus pinea L., Pinus pinaster Miller, and Pinus halepensis Aiton) and two continental (Pinus nigra Arnold and Pinus sylvestris L.) pine species. Log debarking at the end of adult emergence assessed parent fecundity, egg, and larval mortality. The quality of callow adults emerging from each tested pine was evaluated on the basis of their longevity on a semiartificial diet. Tomicus destruens colonised all tested pine species, but did not reproduce in Scots pine, taking about 79 days to complete development with no differences among pines tested. The best breeding performance, evaluated as female fecundity and adult production, was observed in P. halepensis, and the lowest in P. pinaster. On average, adults emerging from P. pinea survived longer (83 days) than from other pines, and adult longevity was the lowest in males emerging from P. nigra. Austrian pine, which under natural conditions is usually not a host of T. destruens, allowed insect development and adult production similar to P. pinea and P. pinaster.  相似文献   

Extensive tree mortality in forests can change the community composition of soil fungi altering seedling establishment, a process critical to forest restoration. Disturbances that result in the loss of ectomycorrhizal fungi, in particular, may impede the establishment of tree species reliant on these symbionts for their survival. Inoculation of seedlings with soil from intact forests may improve the establishment of seedlings in such disturbances but the method has rarely been tested in the field. Here, we assess whether soil inoculation improves lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) seedling performance in conspecific stands with high levels of tree mortality caused by a mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) outbreak and whether underlying soil type modifies inoculation effects. We first inoculated seedlings in a growth chamber with small amounts of soils (5% volume) originating from either intact (<10%) or “beetle-killed” (>70% pine basal area killed) conspecific stands or added no soil inoculum and, after 4 months, transplanted them into 15 beetle-killed stands. After two growing seasons, root-associated fungal communities of seedlings receiving inoculum from intact stands differed in composition from those receiving inoculum from beetle-killed stands or no inoculum. However, inoculation had no effect on seedling survival, height, or biomass. Site properties, including soil texture and the resident fungal community composition, overwhelmed the effect of soil inoculation on seedling performance. Seedling survival and shoot mass was higher in sandy than loamy soils. Restoration to improve seedling performance in beetle-killed stands should consider stand-level treatments as soil inoculation at the level evaluated was ineffective.  相似文献   

Human impact diminishes seedling species richness in Kakamega Forest, Kenya   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anthropogenic forest fragmentation and other kinds of human disturbance, such as selective logging, can reduce the diversity of plant and animal species. To evaluate the impact of fragmentation and small-scale disturbance on forest regeneration, we assessed species richness and total abundance of adult trees in comparison with seedlings in the heavily fragmented and disturbed Kakamega Forest, western Kenya. In nine differently disturbed 1-ha study blocks distributed across the main forest and fragments, we mapped all trees >10 cm in diameter at breast height. Additionally, we established ninety 1-m2 seedling plots within these 1-ha study blocks which were monitored over 2.5 years. We recorded altogether 74 species of adult trees (30–43 per block) and 64 seedling species (24–41 per block). Neither fragmentation nor small-scale disturbance had an impact on adult tree species richness or total tree abundance. Yet, fragmentation and especially small-scale disturbance significantly reduced seedling species richness, particularly of late-successional species. While human impact did not affect diversity of adults, the impoverished species richness of seedlings suggests a reduced potential for regeneration and a loss of tree diversity in the long-term.  相似文献   

土壤干旱对黄土高原4个乡土树种生长及干物质分配的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
研究了不同土壤水分条件对黄土高原4个乡土树种幼苗生长及干物质分配的影响.结果表明,中度干旱(50%~55%θf)下虎榛子(Ostryopsis davidiana Decne.)和白刺花(Sophora viciifolin Hance)的生物量比适宜水分下(70%~75%θf)增加20.23%和3.93%,而大叶细裂槭(Acer stenolobum Rehd.var.megalophyllum Fang et Wu)和辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis Koidz.)生物量分别降低13.59%和35.25%;重度干旱(40%~45%θf)对幼苗生长均有明显抑制作用.白刺花地上部与地下部的生长受水分胁迫影响较小,较其他树种具有更强的耐旱性;干旱对辽东栎地上部生长的影响较地下部大,重度干旱下其生长明显受抑制.随干旱程度加剧幼苗的根冠比增大,在重度干旱下大叶细裂槭根冠比达2以上.虎榛子整体生长速度较慢,对干旱的适应可能更多表现在生理上的耐旱.  相似文献   

Water availability is one of the key environmental factors that affect plant establishment and distribution. In many regions water availability will decline with climate change, exposing small seedlings to a greater likelihood of drought. In this study, 17 leaves, stem, root, and whole-plant traits of ten woody Mediterranean species were measured under favourable growing conditions and seedling drought survival was evaluated during a simulated dry-down episode. The aims of this study were: i) to assess drought survival of different species, ii) to analyse which functional traits predict drought survival time, and iii) to explain species distribution in the field, based on species drought survival and drought strategies. Drought survival time varied ten-fold across species, from 19 to 192 days. Across species, drought survival was positively related to the rooting depth per leaf area, i.e., the ability to acquire water from deeper soil layers while reducing transpiring leaf area. Drought survival time was negatively related to species ability to grow quickly, as indicated by high relative growth and net assimilation rates. Drought survival also explained species distribution in the field. It was found that species were sorted along a continuum, ranging between two contrasting species functional extremes based on functional traits and drought performance. One extreme consisted of acquisitive fast-growing deciduous species, with thin, soft metabolically active leaves, with high resource use and vulnerability to drought. The opposite extreme consisted of conservative slow-growing evergreen species with sclerophyllous leaves, deep roots, a low transpiring area, and low water use, resulting in high drought survival and drought tolerance. The results show that these drought strategies shape species distribution in this Mediterranean area.  相似文献   

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