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Enveloped animal viruses enter host cells either by direct fusion at neutral pH or by endocytosis. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is believed to fuse with the plasma membrane of cells at neutral pH, and the glycoproteins gB and gD have been implicated in virus entry and cell fusion. Using cloned gB or gD genes, we show that cells expressing HSV-1 glycoproteins gB or gD can undergo fusion to form polykaryons by exposure only to acidic pH. The low pH-induced cell fusion was blocked in the presence of monoclonal antibodies specific to the glycoproteins. Infection of cells expressing gB or gD glycoproteins with HSV-1 inhibited the low pH-induced cell fusion. The results suggest that although the glycoproteins gB and gD possess fusogenic activity at acidic pH, other HSV proteins may regulate it such that in the virus-infected cell, this fusion activity is blocked.  相似文献   

Multiple amino acid changes within herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) gB and gK cause extensive virus-induced cell fusion and the formation of multinucleated cells (syncytia). Early reports established that syncytial mutations in gK could not cause cell-to-cell fusion in the absence of gB. To investigate the interdependence of gB, gK, and UL20p in virus-induced cell fusion and virion de-envelopment from perinuclear spaces as well as to compare the ultrastructural phenotypes of the different mutant viruses in a syngeneic HSV-1 (F) genetic background, gB-null, gK-null, UL20-null, gB/gK double-null, and gB/UL20 double-null viruses were constructed with the HSV-1 (F) bacterial artificial chromosome pYEBac102. The gK/gB double-null virus YEbacDeltagBDeltagK was used to isolate the recombinant viruses gBsyn3DeltagK and gBamb1511DeltagK, which lack the gK gene and carry the gBsyn3 or gBamb1511 syncytial mutation, respectively. Both viruses formed small nonsyncytial plaques on noncomplementing Vero cells and large syncytial plaques on gK-complementing cells, indicating that gK expression was necessary for gBsyn3- and gBamb1511-induced cell fusion. Lack of virus-induced cell fusion was not due to defects in virion egress, since recombinant viruses specifying the gBsyn3 or gKsyn20 mutation in the UL19/UL20 double-null genetic background caused extensive cell fusion on UL20-complementing cells. As expected, the gB-null virus failed to produce infectious virus, but enveloped virion particles egressed efficiently out of infected cells. The gK-null and UL20-null viruses exhibited cytoplasmic defects in virion morphogenesis like those of the corresponding HSV-1 (KOS) mutant viruses. Similarly, the gB/gK double-null and gB/UL20 double-null viruses accumulated capsids in the cytoplasm, indicating that gB, gK, and UL20p do not function redundantly in membrane fusion during virion de-envelopment at the outer nuclear lamellae.  相似文献   

A Myc epitope was inserted at residue 283 of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein K (gK), a position previously shown not to interfere with gK activity. The Myc-tagged gK localized predominantly to the endoplasmic reticulum, both in uninfected and in HSV-infected cells. gK, coexpressed with the four HSV fusogenic glycoproteins, gD, gB, gH, and gL, inhibited cell-cell fusion. The effect was partially dose dependent and was observed both in baby hamster kidney (BHK) and in Vero cells, indicating that the antifusion activity of gK may be cell line independent. The antifusion activity of gK did not require viral proteins other than the four fusogenic glycoproteins. A syncytial (syn) allele of gK (syn-gK) carrying the A40V substitution present in HSV-1(MP) did not block fusion to the extent seen with the wild-type (wt) gK, indicating that the syn mutation ablated, at least in part, the antifusogenic activity of wt gK. We conclude that gK is part of the mechanism whereby HSV negatively regulates its own fusion activity. Its effect accounts for the notion that cells infected with wt HSV do not fuse with adjacent, uninfected cells into multinucleated giant cells or syncytia. gK may also function to preclude fusion between virion envelope and the virion-encasing vesicles during virus transport to the extracellular compartment, thus preventing nucleocapsid de-envelopment in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The interactions between herpes simplex virus gD and its nectin1 receptor or between gD, gB, and gH were analyzed by complementation of the N and C portions of split enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) fused to the glycoproteins. The gD(N)-Nect(C) complex was readily detected; the gD(N)-gC(C) complex was undetectable, highlighting the specificity of the assay. Split EGFP complementation was detected between proteins designated gD(N)+gH(C), gD(N)+gB(C), and gH(N)+gB(C)+wtgD (gB was deleted of endocytosis motifs), both in cells transfected with two-tree glycoproteins and in syncytia. The in situ assay provides evidence that gD interacts with gH and gB independently of each other and supports a model whereby gH and gB in complex exert their activities to gD.  相似文献   

The relative antigenicity of the individual herpes simplex virus type 1 (KOS) glycoproteins gC and gB was analyzed in BALB/c mice by using KOS mutants altered in their ability to present these antigens on cell surface membranes during infection. The mutants employed were as follows: syn LD70 , a non-temperature-sensitive mutant defective in the synthesis of cell surface membrane gC; tsF13 , a temperature-sensitive mutant defective in the processing of the precursor form of gB to the mature cell surface form at 39 degrees C; and ts606 , an immediate early temperature-sensitive mutant defective in the production of all early and late proteins including the glycoproteins. By comparing the relative susceptibility to immunolysis of mouse 3T3 cells infected at 39 degrees C with wild-type virus, presenting the full complement of the glycoprotein antigens, gC, gB, and gD, with target cells infected with mutants presenting only subsets of these antigens, we determined that a major portion of cytolytic antibody contained in hyperimmune anti-herpes simplex virus type 1 (KOS) mouse antiserum was directed against glycoproteins gC and gB. The relative immunogenicity of wild-type and mutant virus-infected cells also was compared in BALB/c mice. Immunogen lacking the mature form of gB induced a cytolytic antibody titer comparable to that of the wild-type virus, whereas that lacking the mature form of gC showed a 70% reduction in titer. The absence of the mature cell surface forms of gB and gC in immunogen preparations resulted in a 4- to 15-fold reduction in in virus neutralizing titer. Animals immunized with ts606 -infected cells (39 degrees C) induced relatively little virus-specific cytolytic and neutralizing antibody. Analysis of the glycoprotein specificities of these antisera by radioimmunoprecipitation showed that the antigens immunoprecipitated reflected the viral plasma membrane glycoprotein profiles of the immunogens. The absence of the mature forms of gC or gB in the immunizing preparation did not appreciably affect the immunoprecipitating antibody response to other antigens. Mice immunized with wild-type and mutant virus-infected cells were tested for their resistance to intracranial and intraperitoneal challenge with the highly virulent WAL strain of herpes simplex virus type 1. Despite the observed alterations in serum virus-specific antibody induced with the individual immunogens, all animals survived an intraperitoneal challenge of 10 50% lethal doses. However, differences in the survival of animals were obtained upon intracranial challenge.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Most spontaneously occurring mutations that cause extensive herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1)-induced cell fusion are single amino acid changes within glycoprotein K (gK). Despite the strong genetic association of gK with virus-induced cell fusion, its direct involvement in cellular membrane fusion has been controversial, largely due to previously unsuccessful efforts to detect gK expression on virion and cellular surfaces. Recently, we showed that gK is expressed on HSV-1 virions and functioned in virus entry (T. P. Foster, G. V. Rybachuk, and K. G. Kousoulas, J. Virol. 75:12431-12438, 2001). To determine whether gK is expressed on cellular surfaces, as well as its membrane topology, we generated the recombinant viruses gKV5DI, gKV5DII, gKV5DIII, and gKV5DIVcontaining insertions of the V5 antigenic epitope within each of four domains of gK predicted to localize either in the cytoplasmic side or in the extracytoplasmic side of cellular membranes. Immunohistochemical and confocal microscopy analyses of infected cells showed that both wild-type and syncytial forms of gK were expressed on cell surfaces. Analysis of the topology of the V5-tagged gK revealed that gK domains I and IV were located extracellularly, whereas domains II and III were localized intracellularly. Transiently expressed gK failed to localize in cellular plasma membranes. In contrast, infection of gK-transfected cells with the gK-null virus DeltagK enabled expression of gK on cell surfaces, as well as gK-mediated membrane fusion. Transient-coexpression experiments revealed that the UL20 protein enabled cell surface expression of gK, but not gK-mediated cell-to-cell fusion, indicating that additional viral proteins are required for expression of the gK syncytial phenotype.  相似文献   

To determine which viral molecule(s) is recognized by herpes simplex virus (HSV)-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), target cells were constructed which express individual HSV glycoproteins. A mouse L cell line, Z4/6, which constitutively expressed high levels of HSV type 2 (HSV-2) gD (gD-2) was isolated and characterized previously (D. C. Johnson and J. R. Smiley, J. Virol. 54:682-689, 1985). Despite the expression of gD on the surface of Z4/6 cells, these cells were not killed by anti-HSV-2 CTL generated following intravaginal infection of syngeneic mice. In contrast, parental Z4 or Z4/6 cells infected with HSV-2 were lysed. Furthermore, unlabeled Z4/6 cells were unable to block the lysis of HSV-2-infected labeled target cells. Cells which express HSV-1 gB (gB-1) were isolated by transfecting L cells with the recombinant plasmid pSV2gBneo, which contains the HSV-1 gB structural sequences and the neomycin resistance gene coupled to the simian virus 40 early promoter and selecting G418-resistant cell lines. One such cell line, Lta/gB15, expressed gB which was detected by immunoprecipitation and at the cell surface by immunofluorescence. Additionally, cells expressing HSV-1 gC (gC-1) or gE (gE-1) were isolated by transfecting Z4 cells, which are L cells expressing ICP4 and ICP47, with either the recombinant plasmid pGE15neo, which contains the gE structural sequences and the neomycin resistance gene, or pDC17, which contains the gC structural gene coupled to the gD-1 promoter. A number of G418-resistant cell lines were isolated which expressed gC-1 or gE-1 at the cell surface. Anti-HSV-1 CTL generated following footpad infection of syngeneic mice were unable to lyse target cells expressing gB-1 or gE-1. In contrast, target cells expressing very low levels of gC-1 were killed as well as HSV-1-infected target cells. Furthermore, infection of gC-1-transformed target cells with wild-type HSV-1 or a strain of HSV-1 that does not express gC did not result in a marked increase in susceptibility to lysis. These results suggest that murine class I major histocompatibility complex-restricted anti-HSV CTL recognize gC-1 but do not recognize gB, gD, or gE as these molecules are expressed in transfected syngeneic target cells. The results are discussed in terms of recent evidence concerning the specificity of antiviral CTL.  相似文献   

Antipeptide sera were used to identify a novel glycoprotein encoded by the UL53 gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). The UL53 gene product is thought to play a central role in regulating membrane fusion because mutations giving rise to the syncytial phenotype, wherein cells are extensively fused, frequently map to this gene. A single 40-kDa protein, designated gK (the ninth HSV-1 glycoprotein to be described), was detected with antipeptide sera in cells infected with both wild-type and syncytial strains of HSV-1 which were labelled with [35S]methionine and [35S]cysteine or with [3H]glucosamine, and this protein was sensitive to treatment of cells with tunicamycin. With all other HSV glycoproteins studied to date, at least two glycosylated species, often differing substantially in electrophoretic mobility, have been observed in infected cells; thus, gK is unusual in this respect. The 40-kDa gK protein was also immunoprecipitated from cells infected with a recombinant adenovirus vector carrying the UL53 gene. Two glycosylated species of 39 and 41 kDa were produced when UL53 mRNA was translated in vitro in the presence of microsomes, and these proteins differed from gK produced in infected cells not only because they possessed different electrophoretic mobilities but also because they were unable to enter gels after being heated. In addition, a 36-kDa protein was detected in extracts from cells infected with HSV-2 with use of these sera.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) UL20 protein is an important determinant for virion morphogenesis and virus-induced cell fusion. A precise deletion of the UL20 gene in the HSV-1 KOS strain was constructed without affecting the adjacent UL20.5 gene. The resultant KOS/UL20-null virus produced small plaques of 8 to 15 cells in Vero cells while it produced wild-type plaques on the complementing cell line G5. Electron microscopic examination of infected cells revealed that the KOS/UL20-null virions predominantly accumulated capsids in the cytoplasm while a small percentage of virions were found as enveloped virions within cytoplasmic vacuoles. Recently, it was shown that UL20 expression was necessary and sufficient for cell surface expression of gK (T. P. Foster, X. Alvarez, and K. G. Kousoulas, J. Virol. 77:499-510, 2003). Therefore, we investigated the effect of UL20 on virus-induced cell fusion caused by syncytial mutations in gB and gK by constructing recombinant viruses containing the gBsyn3 or gKsyn1 mutations in a UL20-null genetic background. Both recombinant viruses failed to cause virus-induced cell fusion in Vero cells while they readily caused fusion of UL20-null complementing G5 cells. Ultrastructural examination of UL20-null viruses carrying the gBsyn3 or gKsyn1 mutation revealed a similar distribution of virions as the KOS/UL20-null virus. However, cytoplasmic vacuoles contained aberrant virions having multiple capsids within a single envelope. These multicapsid virions may have been formed either by fusion of viral envelopes or by the concurrent reenvelopment of multiple capsids. These results suggest that the UL20 protein regulates membrane fusion phenomena involved in virion morphogenesis and virus-induced cell fusion.  相似文献   

Formation of small polykaryons by cell-cell fusion is characteristic of herpes simplex virus (HSV) lesions, but the great majority of viruses isolated from such lesions produce only limited cell fusion in tissue culture. Because of this, HSV laboratory strains that produce extensive cell fusion (syncytium formation) in culture are regarded as variants or mutants. Furthermore, the rarity of clinical isolates able to produce syncytia in culture suggests that extensive cell fusion is deleterious in vivo. Mutations that confer a syncytial phenotype can then be regarded as bypassing a mechanism that normally limits cell fusion. Determination of how these mutations, some of which are in the cytoplasmic tail of glycoprotein B (gB), lead to syncytium formation will likely reveal how fusion is controlled. Here we show the following. (i) Truncation of the cytoplasmic tail of HSV type 2 gB (gB-2) by a minimum of 25 residues or a maximum of 49 residues produces a syncytial phenotype. (ii) Truncation by 20 to 49 residues increases cell fusion when gB-2 is coexpressed with only gD-2, gH-2, and gL-2. (iii) Truncation by 25 or more residues removes a potential endocytosis motif and increases gB-2 cell surface expression. (iv) Mutation of this motif increases gB-2 cell surface expression but does not increase fusogenic activity, whereas mutation of another potential endocytosis motif does not increase surface expression but does increase fusogenic activity. Therefore, syncytial mutations in the cytoplasmic tail of gB-2 do not act by increasing cell surface levels of the protein.  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that replication-defective mutant strains of herpes simplex virus (HSV) can induce protective immunity in animal systems against wild-type HSV challenge. However, all of those studies used viruses with single mutations. Because multiple, stable mutations provide optimal levels of safety for live vaccines, we felt that additional mutations needed to be engineered into a candidate vaccine strain for HSV-2 and genital herpes. We therefore isolated an HSV-2 strain with deletion mutations in two viral DNA replication protein genes, UL5 and UL29. The resulting double deletion mutant virus strain, dl5-29, fails to form plaques or to give any detectable single cycle yields in normal monkey or human cells. Nevertheless, dl5-29 expresses nearly the same pattern of gene products as the wild-type virus or the single mutant viruses and induces antibody titers in mice that are equivalent to those induced by single deletion mutant viruses. Therefore, it is feasible to isolate a mutant HSV strain with two mutations in essential genes and with an increased level of safety but which is still highly immunogenic.  相似文献   

HEp-2 cells or Vero cells infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 were exposed to the ionophore monensin, which is thought to block the transit of membrane vesicles from the Golgi apparatus to the cell surface. We found that yields of extracellular virus were reduced to less than 0.5% of control values by 0.2 microM monensin under conditions that permitted accumulation of cell-associated infectious virus at about 20% of control values. Viral protein synthesis was not inhibited by monensin, whereas late stages in the post-translational processing of the viral glycoproteins were blocked. The transport of viral glycoproteins to the cell surface was also blocked by monensin. Although the assembly of nucleocapsids appeared to be somewhat inhibited in monensin-treated cells, electron microscopy revealed that nucleocapsids were enveloped to yield virions, and electrophoretic analyses showed that the isolated virions contained immature forms of the envelope glycoproteins. Most of the virions which were assembled in monensin-treated cells accumulated in large intracytoplasmic vacuoles, whereas most of the virions produced by and associated with untreated cells were found attached to the cell surface. Our results implicate the Golgi apparatus in the egress of herpes simplex virus from infected cells and also suggest that complete processing of the viral envelope glycoproteins is not essential for nucleocapsid envelopment or for virion infectivity.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus specifies five glycoproteins which have been found on the surface of both the intact, infected cells and the virion envelope. In the presence of the drug tunicamycin, glycosylation of the herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoproteins is inhibited. We present in this report evidence that the immunologically specificity of the glycoproteins designated gA, gB, and gD resides mainly in the underglycosylated "core" proteins, as demonstrated by the immunoblotting technique. We showed also that tunicamycin prevented exposure of the viral glycoproteins on the cell surface, as the individual glycoproteins lost their ability to participate as targets for the specific antibodies applied in the antibody-dependent, cell-mediated cytotoxicity test. Immunocytolysis was reduced between 73 and 97%, depending on the specificity of the antibodies used. The intracellular processing of the herpes simplex virus type 1-specific glycoprotein designated gC differed from the processing of gA, gB, and GD, as evidenced by the identification of an underglycosylated but immunochemically modified form of gC on the surface of infected cells grown in the presence of tunicamycin.  相似文献   

We have constructed recombinant baculoviruses individually expressing seven of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoproteins (gB, gC, gD, gE, gG, gH, and gI). Vaccination of mice with gB, gC, gD, gE, or gI resulted in production of high neutralizing antibody titers to HSV-1 and protection against intraperitoneal and ocular challenge with lethal doses of HSV-1. This protection was statistically significant and similar to the protection provided by vaccination with live nonvirulent HSV-1 (90 to 100% survival). In contrast, vaccination with gH produced low neutralizing antibody titers and no protection against lethal HSV-1 challenge. Vaccination with gG produced no significant neutralizing antibody titer and no protection against ocular challenge. However, gG did provide modest, but statistically significant, protection against lethal intraperitoneal challenge (75% protection). Compared with the other glycoproteins, gG and gH were also inefficient in preventing the establishment of latency. Delayed-type hypersensitivity responses to HSV-1 at day 3 were highest in gG-, gH-, and gE-vaccinated mice, while on day 6 mice vaccinated with gC, gE, and gI had the highest delayed-type hypersensitivity responses. All seven glycoproteins produced lymphocyte proliferation responses, with the highest response being seen with gG. The same five glycoproteins (gB, gC, gD, gE, and gI) that induced the highest neutralization titers and protection against lethal challenge also induced some killer cell activity. The results reported here therefore suggest that in the mouse protection against lethal HSV-1 challenge and the establishment of latency correlate best with high preexisting neutralizing antibody titers, although there may also be a correlation with killer cell activity.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 UL20 protein (UL20p) is an important determinant for cytoplasmic virion morphogenesis and virus-induced cell fusion. To delineate the functional domains of the UL20 protein, we generated a panel of single and multiple (cluster) alanine substitutions as well as UL20p carboxyl-terminal truncations. The UL20 mutant genes could be broadly categorized into four main groups: Group I UL20 mutant genes complemented for both virus production and virus-induced cell fusion; Group II UL20 mutant genes did not complement for either virus-induced cell fusion or infectious virus production; Group III UL20 mutant genes complemented for virus-induced cell fusion to variable extents but exhibited substantially decreased ability to complement UL20-null infectious virus production; Group IV mutant genes complemented for infectious virus production but had variable effects on virus-induced cell fusion; this group included two mutants that efficiently complemented for gBsyn3, but not for gKsyn1, virus-induced cell fusion. In addition, certain recombinant viruses with mutations in either the amino or carboxyl termini of UL20p produced partially syncytial plaques on Vero cells in the absence of any other virally encoded syncytial mutations. These studies indicated that the amino and carboxyl termini of UL20p contained domains that functioned both in infectious virus production and virus-induced cell fusion. Moreover, the data suggested that the UL20p's role in virus-induced cell fusion can be functionally separated from its role in cytoplasmic virion morphogenesis and that certain UL20p domains that function in gB-syn3 virus-induced cell fusion are distinct from those functioning in gKsyn1 virus-induced cell fusion.  相似文献   

The tsB5 mutant of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) strain HFEM was shown previously to be temperature sensitive for accumulation of the mature form of glycoprotein gB, for production or activity of a factor required in virus-induced cell fusion, and for production of virions with normal levels of infectivity. In addition, a previous study showed that virions produced by tsB5 at permissive temperature were more thermolabile than HFEM virions and contained altered gB that did not assume the dimeric conformation characteristic of HFEM. Results presented here demonstrate that, at permissive temperature, tsB5 differs from HFEM in another respect: plaques formed by tsB5 are syncytial on Vero cells (but not on HEp-2 cells), whereas plaques formed by HFEM are nonsyncytial on both cell types. In addition, our results indicate that tsB5 produces an oligomeric form of gB, but that it differs in electrophoretic mobility and stability from the gB dimers of HFEM. The major purpose of this study was to investigate the dependence of the various tsB5 mutant phenotypes on the temperature sensitivity of gB accumulation and on the alterations in oligomeric conformation of gB produced at permissive temperature. For this work the following HSV-1 strains related to tsB5 or HFEM were analyzed: (i) phenotypic revertants selected from tsB5 stocks for nonsyncytial plaque morphology on Vero cells or for ability to form plaques at restrictive temperature (38.5°C); (ii) a plaque morphology variant of HFEM selected for its syncytial phenotype on Vero cells; (iii) temperature-sensitive recombinants previously isolated from a cross between tsB5 and the non-temperature-sensitive syncytial strain HSV-1(MP); and (iv) a phenotypic revertant selected from one of the recombinant stocks for its ability to form plaques at 39°C. These strains were all compared with tsB5 and HFEM at three different temperatures in two different cell lines with respect to plaque formation, yield of infectious progeny, virus-induced cell fusion, and accumulation of gB. The results of our analyses on all the strains tested revealed the following correlations between mutant phenotypes and the accumulation and oligomeric conformation of gB. (i) There was a direct and quantitative relationship between the accumulation in infected cells of infectious progeny and of the mature form of gB, providing strong support for the hypothesis that this form of gB is necessary to the production of infectious virions. The oligomeric conformation of gB characteristic of HFEM is apparently not required for virion infectivity; nor was virion thermostability necessarily related to the presence of the HFEM-like oligomeric form of gB. (ii) The previously reported correlation between temperature sensitivity of gB accumulation and virus-induced cell fusion was confirmed for tsB5 and extended to other virus strains, and coordinate reversion of these traits was also demonstrated, providing support for the hypothesis that gB has a role in virus-induced cell fusion. At 37°C, intermediate between permissive and restrictive temperatures, some of the mutants and partial revertants induced cell fusion despite reduced accumulations of the mature form of gB, suggesting that the amount of mature gB present did not determine the extent of fusion and that other forms of gB as well as other factors should be investigated with regard to the process of cell fusion. (iii) Some of the mutants and partial revertants could form plaques at 38.5°C despite reduced ccumulations of gB and infectious progeny, indicating that the cell-to-cell transmission of viral infection may be at least in part independent of these factors.  相似文献   

2-Deoxyglucose and glucosamine were found to inhibit cell fusion caused by a syncytial mutant of herpes simplex virus and to inhibit the glycosylation of viral glycoproteins in the infected cells. The inhibition of fusion and the inhibition of glycosylation caused by 2-deoxyglucose were substantially prevented when mannose was also present during infection. When glycosylation was inhibited, three new bands were found in major glycoprotein region on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. These bands may be precursors to the normal glycoproteins. The correlation between fusion and glycosylation in the presence of 2-deoxyglucose, glucosamine, and mannose suggests that the cells cannot fuse if their glycoproteins have a considerably reduced carbohydrate content.  相似文献   

The Golgi apparatus is fragmented and dispersed in Vero cells but not in human 143TK- cells infected with wild-type herpes simplex virus 1. Moreover, a recombinant virus lacking the gene encoding the membrane protein UL20 (UL20- virus) accumulates in the space between the inner and outer nuclear membranes of Vero cells but is exported and spreads from cell to cell in 143TK- cell cultures. Here we report that in Vero cells infected with UL20- virus, the virion envelope glycoproteins were of the immature type, whereas the viral glycoproteins associated with cell membranes were fully processed up to the addition of sialic acid, a trans-Golgi function. Moreover, the amounts of viral glycoproteins accumulating in the plasma membranes were considerably smaller than those detected on the surface of Vero cells infected with wild-type virus. In contrast, the amounts of viral glycoproteins present on the plasma membranes of 143TK- cells infected with wild-type or UL20- virus were nearly identical. We conclude that (i) in Vero cells infected with UL20- virus the block in the export of virions is at the entry into the exocytic pathway, and a second block in the exocytosis of viral glycoproteins associated with cytoplasmic membranes is due to an impairment of transport beyond Golgi fragments containing trans-Golgi enzymes and not to a failure of the Golgi oligosaccharide-processing functions; (ii) these defects are manifested in cells in which the Golgi apparatus is fragmented; and (iii) the UL20 protein compensates for these defects by enabling transport to and from the fragmented Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

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