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Abstract. Although the reproductive biology and early life‐history stages of deep‐sea corals are poorly understood, such data are crucial for their conservation and management. Here, we describe the timing of larval release, planula behavior, metamorphosis, settlement, and early juvenile growth of two species of deep‐sea soft corals from the northwest Atlantic. Live colonies of Gersemia fruticosa maintained under flow‐through laboratory conditions released 79 planulae (1.5–2.5 mm long) between April and early June 2007. Peak planulation in G. fruticosa coincided with peaks in the chlorophyll concentration and deposition rates of planktic matter. Metamorphosis and settlement occurred 3–70 d post‐release. The eight primary mesenteries typically appeared within 24 h, and primary polyps grew to a height of ~6–10 mm and a stalk diameter of ~1 mm within 2–3 months. Planulae of Duva florida (1.5–2.5 mm long) were extracted surgically from several colonies and were successfully reared in culture. Primary polyps reached a height of ~3–4 mm within 2–3 months. No budding of primary polyps was observed in either species over 11–13 months of monitoring, suggesting a very slow growth rate.  相似文献   

Asterocheres flustrae n. sp. is described from Flustra foliacea L. (Bryozoa) found in the Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea. This is the first siphonostomatoid copepod to be reported in association with a bryozoan. Distinctive features of the new species are: (1) a female with 21- and male with 18-segmented antennules; (2) five setae on the inner lobe of the maxillule with one much reduced; (3) an aesthetasc on the syncoxa of the maxilla; (4) a 6-segmented maxilliped with a distal claw; and (5) the armature of endopodal segments 2, 1, 1 and 1. Sexual dimorphism was observed not only on the antennules, but also for maxilliped and legs 1–6. By using SEM some new fine structures were revealed, including: one seta on each of antennulary segments 1 to 4, 6 and 8 with a nipple-like tip and an apical pore surrounded at its base by a circlet of cuticular denticles; a rostral region having a circular area ornamented with minute cuticular protuberances; and the labrum ornamented with fine hair-like setules on either side of its apex.  相似文献   

A new genus, Mandobius gen.n, containing a new species, M. regalis sp.n., is associated with the coral Pectinia lactuca in New Caledonia. The new copepod differs conspicuously from the allied genus Paramolgus in having only one seta on the first segment of the first antenna, in the formula 1,11,3 for the third segment of the endopodite of leg 1, and in the formula 11,1,5 for the third segment of the exopodite of leg 4.  相似文献   

A new species of planktonic copepod, Oncaea praeclara, is describedfrom a depth of 2003–2635 m at the East Pacific Rise,the Galapagos Rift, and the Guaymas Basin in the Gulf of California.The species may be recognized by a combination of characters:its relatively large size; the long caudal ramus, which is abouttwo times longer than the anal segment and has a ratio of 4.96–6.7:1;the sexual dimorphism in the armature of the fourth segmentof the second antenna; and the labrum with a nearly straightposteroventral margin having four median teeth and lateral setules.  相似文献   

Two new Oncaea species, O.umerus and O.hawii, are describedfrom females taken in the central Red Sea. They are closelyrelated to each other and to a group of Oncaea similis-likespecies, whose morphological characteristics are reviewed forcomparison.  相似文献   

A new pennatulacean species, Crassophyllum thessalonicae sp.n. is described from the Mediterranean (North Aegean Sea). This is the first record of a Crassophyllum Tixier-Duri vault, 1961 species from the Mediterranean Sea. The differences between the new species and C. cristatum Tixier-Durivault, 1961, the other known species of the genus, are discussed, and the genus Crassophyllum is critically compared with the other two related genera Pteroeides Herklots, 1858 and Sarcoptilus Gray, 1848.  相似文献   

The chemical structures and contents of 68 molecular species of ethanolamine glycerophospholipids (PE), choline glycerophospholipids (PC), serine glycerophospholipids (PS), and inositol glycerophospholipids (PI) were determined in the asymbiotic soft coral Gercemia rubiformis (Ehrenberg, 1834) from the Sea of Okhotsk by the method of tandem high-resolution mass spectrometry. The major molecular species were 16:1e/20:4 PE, 16:0e/20:4 PC, 20:1/24:5 PS, and 16:0/24:5 PI. This study showed a significant similarity of the polar lipidomes of G. rubiformis and tropical species of alcyonarians with symbiotic microalgae and revealed the basic characteristic of the polar lipidome of these alcyonarians. It was found that the 24:5n-6 and 24:6n-3 acids (chemotaxonomic markers of soft corals) concentrate in the acyl groups of the molecular species of PS and PI, which can be used as molecular lipid markers in the study of the symbiotic and trophic relationships of soft corals.  相似文献   

Three new monotypic genera of copepods (Poecilostomatoida) are associated with the hermatypic shallow-water coral Psammocora (Stephanaria) logianensis near Noumea, New Caledonia: in the Anchimolgidae, Lipochaetes extrusus (antenna 4-segmented, endopods absent in legs 3 and 4) and Dumbeana undulatipes (antenna 3-segmcntcd, endopod of leg 3 with formula 0 1; 0–2; 1,11,2; leg 4 endopod with 0 1:1); and in the Rhynchomolgidae; Emunoa proknta (leg 4 endopod with 0 1;II, antenna 4-segmented, mandible witli outer pointed process and inner row of spines). Copepoda (primarily Poecilostomatoida and Siphonostomatoida, but also relatively few Cyclopoida and Harpacticoida) are very frequent associates or parasites of Scleractinia. At present 245 species from 48 scleractinian coral genera are known. Species of these copepod associates, their host genera, and localities, described since (and those not included in) previous publications of the author are listed.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, the synthesis of prostaglandin hormones is catalyzed by cyclooxygenase (COX)-1, a constitutively expressed enzyme with physiological functions, and COX-2, induced in inflammation and cancer. Prostaglandins have been detected in high concentrations in certain corals, and previous evidence suggested their biosynthesis through a lipoxygenase-allene oxide pathway. Here we describe the discovery of an ancestor of cyclooxygenases that is responsible for prostaglandin biosynthesis in coral. Using a homology-based polymerase chain reaction cloning strategy, the cDNA encoding a polypeptide with approximately 50% amino acid identity to both mammalian COX-1 and COX-2 was cloned and sequenced from the Arctic soft coral Gersemia fruticosa. Nearly all the amino acids essential for substrate binding and catalysis as determined in the mammalian enzymes are represented in coral COX: the arachidonate-binding Arg(120) and Tyr(355) are present, as are the heme-coordinating His(207) and His(388); the catalytic Tyr(385); and the target of aspirin attack, Ser(530). A key amino acid that determines the sensitivity to selective COX-2 inhibitors (Ile(523) in COX-1 and Val(523) in COX-2) is present in coral COX as isoleucine. The conserved Glu(524), implicated in the binding of certain COX inhibitors, is represented as alanine. Expression of the G. fruticosa cDNA afforded a functional cyclooxygenase that converted exogenous arachidonic acid to prostaglandins. The biosynthesis was inhibited by indomethacin, whereas the selective COX-2 inhibitor nimesulide was ineffective. We conclude that the cyclooxygenase occurs widely in the animal kingdom and that vertebrate COX-1 and COX-2 are evolutionary derivatives of the invertebrate precursor.  相似文献   

Hemicyclops columnaris sp.n. is described from the scleractinian coral Porites lobata Dana on the Pacific coast of Panama. The new species may be distinguished from its 23 congeners by a combination of the body size and the shape of the genital segment in the female. Although certain members of the genus Hemicyclops are associated with crustaceans, polychaetes and other marine invertebrates, this is the first record of a species of this genus from a hard coral.  相似文献   

A new species of Mesaiokeras is described from the hyperbenthosof Veliko Jezero, a marine lake on the island of Mljet, Croatia.This is the first species of this genus and family (Mesaiokeratidae)reported from the Adriatic and Mediterranean seas. It is characterizedby small body length (an average 361 µm for females and337 µm for males), the low number of free segments (21)and the armature of the antennules, very long spine (a2) ofexopodite I of female right leg 4, the presence of long processeson the ventroposterior area of the female genital double-somite,the form and surface ornamentation of the genital area, theform and ornamentation of male and female leg 5, and the formand armature of caudal rami. This species was found in shallowwater with very stable hydrographic conditions and at a populationdensity from 1 to 26 ind. m-3.  相似文献   

Gündüz  Ertunç 《Hydrobiologia》1998,368(1-3):193-199
Eudiaptomus anatolicus n.sp. displays similarity to E. transylvanicus (Daday, 1890) by possessing an outer marginal spine located proximally on the second exopodite segment of the male right P5, but it differs from this closest species in the presence of a chitinous projection on the second exopodite segment of the male right P5, and in the typical shape of the female's thoracic wings. E. transylvanicus (Daday, 1890) has three chitinous processes located on the basipodite segment of the male right P5, whereas Eudiaptomus anatolicus n.sp. has only one small process on this part. This new species is living in lake Poyraz, which is small and shallow. Some cladoceran species, namely, Pleuroxus truncatus (O.F. Müller, 1785), Pleuroxus laevis (Sars, 1862), Pleuroxus trigonellus (O.F. Müller, 1785), Simocephalus exspinosus (Koch, 1841), Eurycercus lamellatus (O.F. Müller, 1785), Alonella excisa (Fischer, 1854), Lathonura rectirostris (O.F. Müller, 1785), Pseudochydorus globosus (Baird, 1843) and two cyclopoid copepods, Megacyclops viridis (Jurine, 1820) and Eucyclops serrulatus (Fischer, 1851) share the same habitat. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary A new species of notodelphid copepod infesting the solitary ascidian Rodosoma turcium (Savigny, 1816) from the Gulf of Cariaco, Venezuela, is described and illustrated. This is the first record of Lonchidiopsis Vanhöffen. 1917, from the Caribbean. ac]19801201  相似文献   

The structure of 24-methylenecholest-5-en-3beta,7beta,19-triol (II) isolated from the soft coral Litophyton viridis, has been established by X-ray diffraction analysis. The compound is accompanied by its 7-monoacetate derivative.  相似文献   

A new species of Bryocamptus from North America, B. pilosus n. sp., is described and illustrated. Some remarks are made on the occurrence of a specific piliform seta on the ventral side of the caudal ramus in the vejdovskyi species group.  相似文献   

A new species of Neodiaptomus, N. intermedius n. sp. is described and illustrated. It is compared with related species of the strigilipes — physalipus species group.  相似文献   

Pseudolernentoma, a new chondracanthid genus was proposed to accommodate Pseudolernentoma brasiliensis n. g., n. sp., parasitic on the pink cusk-eel Genypterus brasiliensis Regan, from off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The new genus can be differentiated from the other genera of the Chondracanthidae by the presence of an inflated head with lateral expansions and anteroventral bifurcate processes on the trunk.  相似文献   

Within morphotype B of the genus Botryllophilus Hesse, 1864, there are four recognisable species. In this paper, B. conicus n. sp. is described and illustrated from material associated with Aplidium conicum (Olivi, 1792). The new species is compared with congeneric species of this morphotype.  相似文献   

The female of Ergasilus thatcheri n. sp. (Copepoda, Poecilostomatoida, Ergasilidae) is described from the gills of the "jundiá," Rhamdia quelen (Teleostei, Siluriformes, Pimelodidae), from fish ponds in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The new species has a falciform semipinnate terminal seta on the first exopod, which suggests phylogenetic affinity to 10 other congeners, all from fishes of the Amazon Basin. Based on general morphology, the new species shows great similarity to E. callophysus Thatcher and Boeger, 1984, a parasite of another pimelodid fish Callophysus macropterus. Ergasilus thatcheri n. sp., however, can be easily differentiated from E. callophysus in its possession of a more distal sensillum not located on a cuticular elevation, and a row of spinules on the inner margin of the second antennal segment (first endopodal segment).  相似文献   

We conducted the first ever survey of xeniid octocorals in the Indonesian Archipelago, centre of the highly biodiverse Coral Triangle region of the Indo-Pacific. Among 48 xeniid specimens collected from Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, we identified 26 morphospecies belonging to six genera based on assessment of the morphological characters traditionally used for xeniid taxonomy. Multilocus DNA barcodes obtained from 23 morphospecies clustered into 21 molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs) separated by average genetic distance values >0.3%. The overall concordance between morphospecies and MOTUs was 91%; just one pair and one trio of morphospecies were not distinguished by the DNA barcodes. A molecular phylogenetic reconstruction of family Xeniidae based on four loci (COI, mtMutS, ND2, 28S rDNA) supported the distinction of Anthelia and Cespitularia+Efflatounaria from all other xeniid genera. Although the remaining genera for which molecular data were available (Asterospicularia, Heteroxenia, Ovabunda, Sansibia, Sarcothelia, Sympodium, Xenia) belonged to a single, well-supported clade, the phylogenetic relationships among them were poorly resolved. Species of Xenia were distributed among three different sub-clades within which they were paraphyletic with Ovabunda (clade X1), Heteroxenia (clade X2) and Sansibia plus Sarcothelia (clade X3). No morphological characters have yet been identified that differentiate these three phylogenetically distinct clades of Xenia. Use of molecular barcodes to discriminate species will facilitate future ecological studies of Xeniidae, a group that has been shown to opportunistically monopolize disturbed reef habitat.  相似文献   

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