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The effects of oligopeptides on the secondary structures of Abeta and NAC, a fragment of alpha-synuclein protein, were studied by circular dichroism (CD) spectra. The effects of oligopeptides on the amyloid fibril formation were also studied by fluorescence spectra due to thioflavine-T. The oligopeptides were composed of a fragment of Abeta or NAC and were interposed by acidic or basic amino acid residues. The peptide, Ac-ELVFFAKK-NH2, which involved a fragment Leu-Val-Phe-Phe-Ala at Abeta(17-21), had no effect on the secondary structures of Abeta(1-28) in 60% or 90% trifluoroethanol (TFE) solutions at both pH 3.2 and pH 7.2. However, it showed pronounced effects on the secondary structure of Abeta(1-28) at pH 5.4. The Ac-ELVFFAKK-NH2 reduced the alpha-helical content, while it increased the beta-sheet content of Abeta(1-28). In phosphate buffer solutions at pH 7.0, Ac-ELVFFAKK-NH2 had little effect on the secondary structures of Abeta(1-28). However, it accelerated amyloid fibril formation when monitored by fluorescence spectra due to thioflavine-T. On the other hand, LPFFD, a peptide known as a beta-sheet breaker, caused neither an appreciable extent of change in the secondary structure nor amyloid fibril formation in the same buffer solution. The peptide, Ac-ETVK-NH2, which involved a fragment Thr-Val at NAC(21-22), had no effect on the secondary structure of NAC in 90% TFE and in isotonic phosphate buffer. However, Ac-ETVK-NH2 in water with small amounts of NaN3 and hexafluoroisopropanol greatly increased the beta-sheet content of NAC after standing the solution for more than 1 week. Interestingly, in this solution. Ac-ETVK-NH2, accelerated the fibril formation of NAC. It was concluded that an oligopeptide that involves a fragment of amyloidogenic proteins could be a trigger for the formation of amyloid plaques of the proteins even when it had little effect on the secondary structures of the proteins as monitored by CD spectra for a short incubation time.  相似文献   

A series of N-terminus benzamides of glycine-based symmetric peptides, linked to m-xylylenediamine and 3,4′-oxydianiline spacers, were prepared and tested as inhibitors of β-amyloid peptide Aβ1–40 aggregation in vitro. Compounds with good anti-aggregating activity were detected. Polyphenolic amides showed the highest anti-aggregating activity, with IC50 values in the micromolar range. Structure–activity relationships suggested that π–π stacking and hydrogen-bonding interactions play a key role in the inhibition of Aβ1–40 self-assembly leading to amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

Lin SY  Wei YS  Hsieh TF  Li MJ 《Biopolymers》2004,75(5):393-402
We used Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy to investigate pressure-induced conformational changes in secondary structure of fibrinogen (FBG). Solid state FBG was compressed on a KBr pellet (1KBr method) or between two KBr pellets (2KBr method). The peak positions of the original and second-derivative ir spectra of compressed FBG samples prepared by the 1KBr method were similar to FBG sample without pressure. When FBG was prepared by the 2KBr method and pressure was increased up to 400 kg/cm(2), peaks at 1625 (intermolecular beta-sheet) and 1611 (beta-sheet aggregates structure and/or the side-chain absorption of the tyrosine residues) cm(-1) were enhanced. The peaks near 1661 (beta-sheet) and 1652 (alpha-helix) cm(-1) also exhibited a marked change with pressure. A linear correlation was found between the peak intensity ratio of 1611/1652 cm(-1) (r = 0.9879) or 1625/1652 cm(-1) (r = 0.9752) and applied pressure. The curve-fitted compositional changes in secondary structure of FBG also indicate that the composition of the alpha-helix structure (1657-1659 cm(-1)) was gradually reduced with the increase in compression pressure, but the composition of the beta-sheet structure (1681, 1629, and 1609 cm(-1)) gradually increased. This indicates that pressure-induced conformational changes in FBG include not only transformations from alpha-helix to beta-sheet structure, but also unfolding and denaturation of FBG and the formation of aggregates.  相似文献   

Sequence-specific nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) assignments have been determined for the peptide alphaS2-CN(2-20) containing the multiphosphorylated motif-8Ser(P)-Ser(P)-Ser(P)-Glu-Glu12- in the presence of molar excess Ca2+. The secondary structure of the peptide was characterized by sequential (i,i + 1), medium-range (i,i + 2/3/4) nOes and H alpha chemical shifts. Molecular modelling of the peptide based on these constraints suggests a nascent helix for residues Ser(P)9 to Glu12. The spectral data for alphaS2-CN(2-20) were compared with those of other casein phosphopeptides beta-CN(1-25) and alphaS1-CN(59-79) that also contain the multiphosphorylated motif. This comparison revealed a similar pattern of secondary amide chemical shifts in the multiphosphorylated motif. However, the patterns of medium-range nOe connectivities in the three peptides suggests they have distinctly different conformations in the presence of Ca2+ despite having a high degree of sequential similarity.  相似文献   

An efficient 'O-acyl isopeptide method' for the synthesis of difficult sequence-containing peptides was applied successfully to the synthesis of amyloid beta peptide (Abeta) 1-42 via a water-soluble O-acyl isopeptide of Abeta1-42, i.e. '26-O-acyl isoAbeta1-42' (6). This paper describes the detailed synthesis of Abeta1-42 focusing on the importance of resin selection and the analysis of side reactions in the O-acyl isopeptide method. Protected '26-O-acyl isoAbeta1-42' peptide resin was synthesized using 2-chlorotrityl chloride resin with minimum side reactions in comparison with other resins and deprotected crude 26-O-acyl isoAbeta1-42 was easily purified by HPLC due to its relatively good purity and narrow elution with reasonable water solubility. This suggests that only one insertion of the isopeptide structure into the sequence of the 42-residue peptide can suppress the unfavourable nature of its difficult sequence. The migration of O-acyl isopeptide to intact Abeta1-42 under physiological conditions (pH 7.4) via O--N intramolecular acyl migration reaction was very rapid and no other by-product formation was observed while 6 was stable under storage conditions. These results concluded that our strategy not only overcomes the solubility problem in the synthesis of Abeta1-42 and can provide intact Abeta1-42 efficiently, but is also applicable in the synthesis of large difficult sequence-containing peptides at least up to 50 amino acids. This synthesis method would provide a biological evaluation system in Alzheimer's disease research, in which 26-O-acyl isoAbeta1-42 can be stored in a solubilized form before use and then rapidly produces intact Abeta1-42 in situ during biological experiments.  相似文献   

The N-terminal portion of HIV-1 Tat covering residues 1-9 is a competitive inhibitor of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DP IV). We have used 1H NMR techniques, coupled with molecular dynamics methods, to determine the conformation of this peptide in the three diverse media: DMSO-d6, water (pH 2.7) and 40% HFA solution. The results indicate that in both DMSO-d6 and HFA the peptide has a tendency to acquire a type I beta-turn around the segment Asp5-Pro6-Asn7-IIe8. The N-terminal end is seen to be as a random coil. In water, the structure is best described as a left-handed polyproline type II (PPII) helix for the mid segment region Asp2 to Pro6. The structures obtained in this study have been compared with an earlier report on Tat (1-9).  相似文献   

The effect of pressure on the conformational structure of amyloid beta (1-40) peptide (A beta(1-40)), exacerbated with or without temperature, was determined by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) microspectroscopy. The result indicates the shift of the maximum peak of amide I band of intact solid A beta(1-40) from 1655 cm(-1) (alpha-helix) to 1647-1643 cm(-1) (random coil) with the increase of the mechanical pressure. A new peak at 1634 cm(-1) assigned to beta-antiparallel sheet structure was also evident. Furthermore, the peak at 1540 cm(- 1) also shifted to 1527 (1529) cm(-1) in amide II band. The former was assigned to the combination of alpha-helix and random coil structures, and the latter was due to beta-sheet structure. Changes in the composition of each component in the deconvoluted and curve-fitted amide I band of the compressed A beta(1-40) samples were obtained from 33% to 22% for alpha-helix/random coil structures and from 47% to 57% for beta-sheet structure with the increase of pressure, respectively. This demonstrates that pressure might induce the conformational transition from alpha-helix to random coil and to beta- sheet structure. The structural transformation of the compressed A beta(1-40) samples was synergistically influenced by the combined effects of pressure and temperature. The thermal-induced formation of beta-sheet structure was significantly dependent on the pressures applied. The smaller the pressure applied the faster the beta-sheet structure transformed. The thermal-dependent transition temperatures of solid A beta(1-40) prepared by different pressures were near 55-60 degrees C.  相似文献   

In our previous study, HP(2-9)-MA(1-12), HP-MA for short, a hybrid peptide incorporating residues 2-9 of Helicobacter pylori ribosomal protein L1 (HP) and residues 1-12 of magainin 2 (MA) was shown to have strong antibacterial activity. In this study the antifungal activity of HP-MA was evaluated using various fungi, and it was shown that the activity was increased when compared with the parent peptides. In order to investigate the fungicidal mechanism(s) of HP-MA its action against fungal cell membranes was examined by the potassium-release test, which showed that HP-MA caused an increase in the amount of K+ released from the cells. Furthermore, HP-MA induced significant morphological changes. These facts suggested that the fungicidal effect of HP-MA involves damaging the fungal cell membranes. CD investigators suggested that the alpha-helical structure of these peptides plays an important role in their antibiotic effect, but that alpha-helicity is less directly correlated with the enhanced antibiotic activity of the hybrid.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is observed in Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain, including protein oxidation and lipid peroxidation. One of the major pathological hallmarks of AD is the brain deposition of amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta). This 42-mer peptide is derived from the beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) and is associated with oxidative stress in vitro and in vivo. Mutations in the PS-1 and APP genes, which increase production of the highly amyloidogenic amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta42), are the major causes of early onset familial AD. Several lines of evidence suggest that enhanced oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis play important roles in the pathogenesis of AD. In the present study, primary neuronal cultures from knock-in mice expressing mutant human PS-1 and APP were compared with those from wild-type mice, in the presence or absence of various oxidizing agents, viz, Abeta(1-42), H2O2 and kainic acid (KA). APP/PS-1 double mutant neurons displayed a significant basal increase in oxidative stress as measured by protein oxidation, lipid peroxidation, and 3-nitrotyrosine when compared with the wild-type neurons (p < 0.0005). Elevated levels of human APP, PS-1 and Abeta(1-42) were found in APP/PS-1 cultures compared with wild-type neurons. APP/PS-1 double mutant neuron cultures exhibited increased vulnerability to oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis induced by Abeta(1-42), H2O2 and KA compared with wild-type neuronal cultures. The results are consonant with the hypothesis that Abeta(1-42)-associated oxidative stress and increased vulnerability to oxidative stress may contribute significantly to neuronal apoptosis and death in familial early onset AD.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins (PGs) are generated by the enzymatic activity of cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 (COX-1/2) and modulate several functions in the CNS such as the generation of fever, the sleep/wake cycle, and the perception of pain. Moreover, the induction of COX-2 and the generation of PGs has been linked to neuroinflammatory aspects of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that block COX enzymatic activity have been shown to reduce the incidence of AD in various epidemiological studies. While several reports investigated the expression of COX-2 in neurons and microglia, expression of COX-2 in astroglial cells has not been investigated in detail. Here we show that amyloid β peptide 25–35 (Aβ25–35) induces COX-2 mRNA and protein synthesis and a subsequent release of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in primary midbrain astrocytes. We further demonstrate that protein kinase C (PKC) is involved in Aβ25–35-induced COX-2/PGE2 synthesis. PKC-inhibitors prevent Aβ25–35-induced COX-2 and PGE2 synthesis. Furthermore Aβ25–35 rapidly induces the phosphorylation and enzymatic activation of PKC in primary rat midbrain glial cells and in primary human astrocytes from post mortem tissue. Our data suggest that the PKC isoforms and/or β are most probably involved in Aβ25–35-induced expression of COX-2 in midbrain astrocytes. The potential role of astroglial cells in the phagocytosis of amyloid and the involvement of PGs in this process suggests that a modulation of PGs synthesis may be a putative target in the prevention of amyloid deposition.  相似文献   

Fifteen years ago it was shown that an alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (Aib) residue is significantly more effective than an L-Pro or a D-amino acid residue in inducing beta-sheet disruption in short model peptides. As this secondary structure element is known to play a crucial role in the neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease, it was decided to check the effect of Aib (and other selected, helix inducer, C(alpha)-tetrasubstituted alpha-amino acids) on the beta-sheet conformation adopted by a protected pentapeptide related to the sequence 17-21 of the beta-amyloid peptide. By use of FT-IR absorption and 1H NMR techniques it was found that the strong self-association characterizing the pentapeptide molecules in weakly polar organic solvents is completely abolished by replacing a single residue with Aib or one of its congeners.  相似文献   

Han W  Wu YD 《Proteins》2007,66(3):575-587
To study the early stage of amyloid-beta peptide (Abeta) aggregation, hexamers of the wild-type (WT) Abeta(16-35) and its mutants with amyloid-like conformations have been studied by molecular dynamics simulations in explicit water for a total time of 1.7 micros. We found that the amyloid-like structures in the WT oligomers are destabilized by the solvation of ionic D23/K28 residues, which are buried in the fibrils. This means that the desolvation of D23/K28 residues may contribute to the kinetic barrier of aggregation in the early stage. In the E22Q/D23N, D23N/K28Q, and E22Q/D23N/K28Q mutants, hydration becomes much less significant because the mutated residues have neutral amide side-chains. These amide side-chains can form linear cross-strand hydrogen bond chains, or "polar zippers", if dehydrated. These "polar zippers" increase the stability of the amyloid-like conformation, reducing the barrier for the early-stage oligomerization. This is in accord with experimental observations that both the D23/K28 lactamization and the E22Q/D23N mutation promote aggregation. We also found that the E22Q/D23N mutant prefers an amyloid-like conformation that differs from the one found for WT Abeta. This suggests that different amyloid structures may be formed under different conditions.  相似文献   

The relative stability of alpha-helix and beta-sheet secondary structure in the solid state was investigated using poly(L-alanine) (PLA) as a model system. Protein folding and stability has been well studied in solution, but little is known about solid-state environments, such as the core of a folded protein, where peptide packing interactions are the dominant factor in determining structural stability. (13)C cross-polarization with magic angle spinning (CPMAS) NMR spectroscopy was used to determine the backbone conformation of solid powder samples of 15-kDa and 21.4-kDa PLA before and after various sample treatments. Reprecipitation from helix-inducing solvents traps the alpha-helical conformation of PLA, although the method of reprecipitation also affects the conformational distribution. Grinding converts the secondary structure of PLA to a final steady-state mixture of 55% beta-sheet and 45% alpha-helix at room temperature regardless of the initial secondary structure. Grinding PLA at liquid nitrogen temperatures leads to a similar steady-state mixture with 60% beta-sheet and 40% alpha-helix, indicating that mechanical shear force is sufficient to induce secondary structure interconversion. Cooling the sample in liquid nitrogen or subjecting it to high pressure has no effect on secondary structure. Heating the sample without grinding results in equilibration of secondary structure to 50% alpha-helix/50% beta-sheet at 100 degrees C when starting from a mostly alpha-helical state. No change was observed upon heating a beta-sheet sample, perhaps due to kinetic effects and the different heating rate used in the experiments. These results are consistent with beta-sheet approximately 260 J/mol more stable than alpha-helix in solid-state PLA.  相似文献   

The beta-amyloid (Abeta) is the major peptide constituent of neuritic plaques in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and its aggregation is believed to play a central role in the pathogenesis of the disease. Naturally occurring mutations resulting in changes in the Abeta sequence (pos. 21-23) are associated with familial AD-like diseases with extensive cerebrovascular pathology. It was proved that the mutations alter the aggregation ability of Abeta and its neurotoxicity. Among five mutations at positions 21-23 there are two mutations with distinct clinical characteristics and potentially distinct pathogenic mechanism-the Italian (E22K) and the Flemish (A21G) mutations. In our studies we have examined the structures of the 11-28 fragment of the Italian and Flemish Abeta variants. The fragment was chosen because it has been shown to be the most important for amyloid fibril formation. The detailed structure of both variants Abeta(11-28) was determined using CD, 2D NMR, and molecular dynamics techniques under water-SDS micelle conditions. The NMR analysis revealed two distinct sets of proton resonances for the peptides. The studies of both peptides pointed out the existence of well-defined alpha-helical conformation in the Italian mutant, whereas the Flemish was found to be unstructured with the possibility of a bent structure in the central part of the peptide.  相似文献   

The stoichiometries and the affinity toward simple and paired metal ions of synthetic amyloid-β(1-40) peptide (Aβ1-40) were investigated by electrospray ion trap mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), circular dichroism (CD), and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The results lead to the working hypothesis that pH-dependent metal binding to Aβ1-40 may induce conformational changes, which affect the affinity toward other metals. A significant copper and zinc binding to Aβ1-40 peptide at pH 5.5 was found, whereas nickel ions commonly bind to each molecule of β-amyloid peptide. Some complexes of Aβ1-40 with more than one nickel ion were identified by ESI-MS. In addition, nickel ions proved to enhance Aβ oligomerization. On increasing pH, up to 12 ions of zinc may bind to a single Aβ molecule. Under the same pH and concentration conditions, the binding pattern of the independent copper and silver ions to Aβ1-40 was different from that of the equimolecular mixture of the two metal ions. One might assume that some conformational changes due to water loss altered the capacity of Aβ peptide to bind certain heavy metal ions. As a consequence, copper–silver interaction with the binding process to Aβ1-40 became highly complex. A competition between silver and nickel ions for Aβ1-40 binding sites at high pH was also observed. New strategies were proposed to identify the characteristic signals for some important metal ion–peptide complexes in the spectra recorded at high pH or high concentrations of metal ions. To explain the formation of such a large number of high metal ion–Aβ complexes, we took into consideration the participation of both histidine residues and free amino groups as well as carboxylate ones in the binding process. Finally, CD and AFM studies supported the mass spectrometric data.  相似文献   

Nishino M  Sugita Y  Yoda T  Okamoto Y 《FEBS letters》2005,579(24):5425-5429
We investigate in detail the structural properties of the monomeric peptide fragment that corresponds to residues 21-31 of beta(2)-microglobulin. As a first step towards the understanding of the mechanism of the amyloid formation, we have performed a replica-exchange molecular dynamics simulation of this peptide with explicit water molecules. We analyze various structural properties as functions of temperature. Although the corresponding part of the native protein is a fully extended beta-strand, our results show that beta-hairpin structures are formed with high frequency around 310 K. We conjecture that this beta-hairpin formation is closely related to the amyloid fibrillogenesis.  相似文献   

β-Secretase (BACE1) is an attractive drug target for Alzheimer disease. However, the design of clinical useful inhibitors targeting its active site has been extremely challenging. To identify alternative drug targeting sites we have generated a panel of BACE1 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that interfere with BACE1 activity in various assays and determined their binding epitopes. mAb 1A11 inhibited BACE1 in vitro using a large APP sequence based substrate (IC(50) ~0.76 nm), in primary neurons (EC(50) ~1.8 nm), and in mouse brain after stereotactic injection. Paradoxically, mAb 1A11 increased BACE1 activity in vitro when a short synthetic peptide was used as substrate, indicating that mAb 1A11 does not occupy the active-site. Epitope mapping revealed that mAb 1A11 binds to adjacent loops D and F, which together with nearby helix A, distinguishes BACE1 from other aspartyl proteases. Interestingly, mutagenesis of loop F and helix A decreased or increased BACE1 activity, identifying them as enzymatic regulatory elements and as potential alternative sites for inhibitor design. In contrast, mAb 5G7 was a potent BACE1 inhibitor in cell-free enzymatic assays (IC(50) ~0.47 nm) but displayed no inhibitory effect in primary neurons. Its epitope, a surface helix 299-312, is inaccessible in membrane-anchored BACE1. Remarkably, mutagenesis of helix 299-312 strongly reduced BACE1 ectodomain shedding, suggesting that this helix plays a role in BACE1 cellular biology. In conclusion, this study generated highly selective and potent BACE1 inhibitory mAbs, which recognize unique structural and functional elements in BACE1, and uncovered interesting alternative sites on BACE1 that could become targets for drug development.  相似文献   

Ma QF  Hu J  Wu WH  Liu HD  Du JT  Fu Y  Wu YW  Lei P  Zhao YF  Li YM 《Biopolymers》2006,83(1):20-31
Amyloid-beta peptide (Abeta) is the principal constituent of plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and is thought to be responsible for the neurotoxicity associated with the disease. Copper binding to Abeta has been hypothesized to play an important role in the neruotoxicity of Abeta and free radical damage, and Cu2+ chelators represent a possible therapy for AD. However, many properties of copper binding to Abeta have not been elucidated clearly, and the location of copper binding sites on Abeta is also in controversy. Here we have used a range of spectroscopic techniques to characterize the coordination of Cu2+ to Abeta(1-16) in solution. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry shows that copper binds to Abeta(1-16) at pH 6.0 and 7.0. The mode of copper binding is highly pH dependent. Circular dichroism results indicate that copper chelation causes a structural transition of Abeta(1-16). UV-visible absorption spectra suggest that three nitrogen donor ligands and one oxygen donor ligand (3N1O) in Abeta(1-16) may form a type II square-planar coordination geometry with Cu2+. By means of fluorescence spectroscopy, competition studies with glycine and L-histidine show that copper binds to Abeta(1-16) with an affinity of Ka approximately 10(7) M(-1) at pH 7.8. Besides His6, His13, and His14, Tyr10 is also involved in the coordination of Abeta(1-16) with Cu2+, which is supported by 1H NMR and UV-visible absorption spectra. Evidence for the link between Cu2+ and AD is growing, and this work has made a significant contribution to understanding the mode of copper binding to Abeta(1-16) in solution.  相似文献   

The interaction of endogenous and exogenous stimulators of innate immunity was examined in primary cultures of mouse microglial cells and macrophages after application of defined Toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists [lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (TLR4), the synthetic lipopeptide Pam3Cys-Ser-Lys4 (Pam3Cys) (TLR2) and single-stranded unmethylated CpG-DNA (CpG) (TLR9)] alone and in combination with amyloid beta peptide (Abeta) 1-40. Abeta1-40 stimulated microglial cells and macrophages primed by interferon-gamma in a dose-dependent manner. Co-administration of Abeta1-40 with LPS or Pam3Cys led to an additive release of nitric oxide (NO) and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha). This may be one reason for the clinical deterioration frequently observed in patients with Alzheimer's disease during infections. In contrast, co-application of Abeta1-40 with CpG led to a substantial decrease of NO and TNF-alpha release compared with stimulation with CpG alone. Abeta1-40 and CpG did not co-localize within the same subcellular compartment, making a direct physicochemical interaction as the cause of the observed antagonism very unlikely. This suggests that not all TLR agonists enhance the stimulatory effect of A beta on innate immunity.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) from astrocytes is one of the signalers used by the brain's extensive glial-neuronal-vascular network, but its excessive production by pro-inflammatory cytokine-stimulated glial cells can be cytodestructive. Here, we show how three pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1beta, TNF-alpha, and IFN-gamma) together stimulated the activation, but not the prior expression, of NOS-2 protein via a mechanism involving MEK-ERKs protein kinases in astrocytes from adult human cerebral temporal cortex. The cytokines triggered a transient burst of p38 MAPK activity and the production of NOS-2 mRNA which were followed by bursts of MEK-ERK activities, synthesis of the NOS-2 co-factor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH(4)), a build-up of NOS-2 protein and from it active NOS-2 enzyme. Selectively inhibiting MEK1/MEK2, but not the earlier burst of p38 MAPK activity, with a brief exposure to U0126 between 24 and 24.5 h after adding the cytokine triad affected neither NOS-2 expression nor NOS-2 protein accumulation but stopped BH(4) synthesis and the assembly of the NOS-2 protein into active NOS-2 enzyme. The complete blockage of active NOS-2 production by the brief exposure to U0126 was bypassed by simply adding BH(4) to the culture medium. Therefore, this cytokine triad triggered two completely separable, tandem operating mechanisms in normal human astrocytes, the first being NOS-2 gene expression and accumulation of NOS-2 protein and the second being the synthesis of the BH(4) factor needed to dimerize the NOS-2 protein into active, NO-making NOS-2 enzyme.  相似文献   

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