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Understanding the earliest events in speciation remains a major challenge in evolutionary biology. Thus identifying species whose populations are beginning to diverge can provide useful systems to study the process of speciation. Drosophila aldrichi, a cactophilic fruit fly species with a broad distribution in North America, has long been assumed to be a single species owing to its morphological uniformity. While previous reports either of genetic divergence or reproductive isolation among different D. aldrichi strains have hinted at the existence of cryptic species, the evolutionary relationships of this species across its range have not been thoroughly investigated. Here we show that D. aldrichi actually is paraphyletic with respect to its closest relative, Drosophila wheeleri, and that divergent D. aldrichi lineages show complete hybrid male sterility when crossed. Our data support the interpretation that there are at least two species of D. aldrichi, making these flies particularly attractive for studies of speciation in an ecological and geographical context.  相似文献   

Multilocus genomic data sets can be used to infer a rich set of information about the evolutionary history of a lineage, including gene trees, species trees, and phylogenetic networks. However, user‐friendly tools to run such integrated analyses are lacking, and workflows often require tedious reformatting and handling time to shepherd data through a series of individual programs. Here, we present a tool written in Python—TREEasy—that performs automated sequence alignment (with MAFFT), gene tree inference (with IQ‐Tree), species inference from concatenated data (with IQ‐Tree and RaxML‐NG), species tree inference from gene trees (with ASTRAL, MP‐EST, and STELLS2), and phylogenetic network inference (with SNaQ and PhyloNet). The tool only requires FASTA files and nine parameters as inputs. The tool can be run as command line or through a Graphical User Interface (GUI). As examples, we reproduced a recent analysis of staghorn coral evolution, and performed a new analysis on the evolution of the “WGD clade” of yeast. The latter revealed novel patterns that were not identified by previous analyses. TREEasy represents a reliable and simple tool to accelerate research in systematic biology ( https://github.com/MaoYafei/TREEasy ).  相似文献   

Two new approaches to detecting potential incongruence between a protein family tree and a species tree are considered. The first approach is based on the substitution of a known mapping of the gene tree G into the species tree S with a somewhat analogous multivalued G-into-S mapping. The second approach is based on the elementary concepts of the fuzzy set theory. Two algorithms corresponding to these approaches are described in detail, and their implementation is shown using a simulation example and three protein families from the database of clusters of orthologous protein groups (COGs).  相似文献   

Studies of gene flow between recently diverged species can illuminate the role of natural selection in the formation of new species. Drosophila santomea and D. yakuba are recently diverged, partially reproductively isolated species that continue to hybridize in the wild, and appear to be reproductively isolated from the more distantly related species D. teissieri. We examine patterns of nucleotide polymorphism and divergence in these three species at multiple X-linked, Y-linked, and mitochondrial markers. All three species harbor drastically reduced variability on the Y chromosome relative to the X, as expected for a nonrecombining chromosome subject to variation-reducing selection. The three species are generally well differentiated at the nuclear markers, with little evidence for recent introgression for either the X- or Y-linked genes. Based on the nuclear genes, we estimate that D. santomea and D. yakuba diverged about one-half million years ago and split from D. teissieri about one million years ago. In contrast to the pattern at nuclear loci, all three species share a very similar mtDNA haplotype. We show that the mtDNA must have recently introgressed across species boundaries in the D. yakuba subgroup and that its fixation was driven by either selection on the mitochondria itself or other cytoplasmic factors. These results demonstrate that different regions of the genome can have distinct evolutionary dynamics in the context of species formation. Although natural selection is usually thought of as accentuating divergence between species, our results imply that it can also act as a homogenizing force.  相似文献   

Species are generally described from morphological features, but there is growing recognition of sister forms that show substantial genetic differentiation without obvious morphological variation and may therefore be considered ‘cryptic species’. Here, we investigate the field vole (Microtus agrestis), a Eurasian mammal with little apparent morphological differentiation but which, on the basis of previous sex‐linked nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analyses, is subdivided into a Northern and a Southern lineage, sufficiently divergent that they may represent two cryptic species. These earlier studies also provided limited evidence for two major mtDNA lineages within Iberia. In our present study, we extend these findings through a multilocus approach. We sampled 163 individuals from 46 localities, mainly in Iberia, and sequenced seven loci, maternally, paternally and biparentally inherited. Our results show that the mtDNA lineage identified in Portugal is indeed a distinct third lineage on the basis of other markers as well. In fact, multilocus coalescent‐based methods clearly support three separate evolutionary units that may represent cryptic species: Northern, Southern and Portuguese. Divergence among these units was inferred to have occurred during the last glacial period; the Portuguese lineage split occurred first (estimated at c. 70 000 bp ), and the Northern and Southern lineages separated at around the last glacial maximum (estimated at c. 18 500 bp ). Such recent formation of evolutionary units that might be considered species has repercussions in terms of understanding evolutionary processes and the diversity of small mammals in a European context.  相似文献   

Members of the Nanorana genus (family Dicroglossidae) are often referred to as excellent model species with which to study amphibian adaptations to extreme environments and also as excellent keystone taxa for providing insights into the evolution of the Dicroglossidae. However, a complete mitochondrial genome is currently only available for Nanorana pleskei. Thus, we analyzed the complete mitochondrial genomes of Nanorana parkeri and Nanorana ventripunctata to investigate their evolutionary relationships within Nanorana and their phylogenetic position in the family Dicroglossidae. Our results showed that the genomes of N. parkeri (17,837 bp) and N. ventripunctata (18,373 bp) encode 13 protein‐coding genes (PCGs), two ribosomal RNA genes, 23 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, and a noncoding control region. Overall sequences and genome structure of the two species showed high degree of similarity with N. pleskei, although the motif structures and repeat sequences of the putative control region showed clear differences among these three Nanorana species. In addition, a tandem repeat of the tRNA‐Met gene was found located between the tRNA‐Gln and ND2 genes. On both the 5′ and 3′‐sides, the control region possessed distinct repeat regions; however, the CSB‐2 motif was not found in N. pleskei. Based on the nucleotide sequences of 13 PCGs, our phylogenetic analyses, using Bayesian inference and maximum‐likelihood methods, illustrate the taxonomic status of Nanorana with robust support showing that N. ventripunctata and N. pleskei are more closely related than they are to N. parkeri. In conclusion, our analyses provide a more robust and reliable perspective on the evolutionary history of Dicroglossidae than earlier analyses, which used only a single species (N. pleskei).  相似文献   

Spatial genetic structure (SGS) of plants mainly depends on the effective population size and gene dispersal. Maternally inherited loci are expected to have higher genetic differentiation between populations and more intensive SGS within populations than biparentally inherited loci because of smaller effective population sizes and fewer opportunities of gene dispersal in the maternally inherited loci. We investigated biparentally inherited nuclear genotypes and maternally inherited chloroplast haplotypes of microsatellites in 17 tree populations of three wild cherry species under different conditions of tree distribution and seed dispersal. As expected, interpopulation genetic differentiation was 6–9 times higher in chloroplast haplotypes than in nuclear genotypes. This difference indicated that pollen flow 4–7 times exceeded seed flow between populations. However, no difference between nuclear and chloroplast loci was detected in within‐population SGS intensity due to their substantial variation among the populations. The SGS intensity tended to increase as trees became more aggregated, suggesting that tree aggregation biased pollen and seed dispersal distances toward shorter. The loss of effective seed dispersers, Asian black bears, did not affect the SGS intensity probably because of mitigation of the bear loss by other vertebrate dispersers and too few tree generations after the bear loss to alter SGS. The findings suggest that SGS is more variable in smaller spatial scales due to various ecological factors in local populations.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic methods can produce biased estimates of phylogeny when base composition varies along different lineages. Pettigrew (1994, Curr. Biol. 4:277-280) has suggested that base composition bias is responsible for the apparent support for the monophyly of bats (Chiroptera: megabats and microbats) from several different nuclear and mitochondrial genes. Pettigrew's "flying DNA" hypothesis makes several predictions: (1) that metabolic constraints associated with flying result in elevated levels of adenine and thymine throughout the genome of both megabats and microbats, (2) that the resulting base compositional bias in bats is sufficient to mislead phylogenetic methods and account for the support for bat monophyly from several nuclear and mitochondrial genes, and (3) that phylogenetic analysis using pairwise distances corrected for compositional bias should eliminate the support for bat monophyly. We tested these predictions by analyzing DNA sequences from two nuclear and three mitochondrial genes. The predicted base compositional bias does not appear to exist in some of the genes, and in other genes the differences in AT content are very small. Analyses under a wide diversity of criteria and models of evolution, including analyses that take base composition into account (using log-determinant distances), all strongly support bat monophyly. Moreover, simulation analyses indicate that even extreme bias toward AT-base composition in bats would be insufficient to explain the observed levels of support for bat monophyly. These analyses provide no support for the "flying DNA" hypothesis, whereas the monophyly of bats appears to be well supported by the DNA sequence data.  相似文献   

Wolbachia pipientis is one of the most widely studied endosymbionts today, yet we know little about its short‐term adaptation and evolution. Here, using a set of 91 inbred Drosophila melanogaster lines from five populations, we explore patterns of diversity and recent evolution in the Wolbachia strain wMel. Within the D. melanogaster lines, we identify six major mitochondrial clades and four wMel clades. Concordant with past studies, the Wolbachia haplotypes contain an overall low level of nucleotide diversity, yet they still display geographic structuring. Using Bayesian analysis informed with demographic estimates of colonization times, we estimate that all extant D. melanogaster mitochondrial haplotypes coalesce to a Wolbachia‐infected ancestor approximately 2200 years ago. Finally, we measure wMel titre within the infected flies and find that titre varies across populations, an effect attributable to host genetic factors. This demonstration of local phenotypic divergence suggests that intraspecific host genetic variation plays a key role in shaping this model symbiotic system.  相似文献   

This is the first study to describe the mitochondrial genome of the Himalayan Griffon, Gyps himalayensis, which is an Old World vulture belonging to the family Accipitridae and occurring along the Himalayas and the adjoining Tibetan Plateau. Its mitogenome is a closed circular molecule 17,381 bp in size containing 13 protein‐coding genes, 22 tRNA coding genes, two rRNA‐coding genes, a control region (CR), and an extra pseudo‐control region (CCR) that are conserved in most Accipitridae mitogenomes. The overall base composition of the G. himalayensis mitogenome is 24.55% A, 29.49% T, 31.59% C, and 14.37% G, which is typical for bird mitochondrial genomes. The alignment of the Accipitridae species control regions showed high levels of genetic variation and abundant AT content. At the 5′ end of the domain I region, a long continuous poly‐C sequence was found. Two tandem repeats were found in the pseudo‐control regions. Phylogenetic analysis with Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood based on 13 protein‐coding genes indicated that the relationships at the family level were (Falconidae + (Cathartidae + (Sagittariidae + (Accipitridae + Pandionidae))). In the Accipitridae clade, G. himalayensis is more closely related to Aegypius monachus than to Spilornis cheela. The complete mitogenome of G. himalayensis provides a potentially useful resource for further exploration of the taxonomic status and phylogenetic history of Gyps species.  相似文献   

Small subunit (SSU) and large subunit (LSU) rDNA sequences have been commonly used to delineate the taxonomy and biogeography of the planktonic diatom genus Skeletonema, but the genes occur as multiple copies and are therefore not suitable for barcoding purposes. Here, we analyzed phylogenetic relationships of Skeletonema using the mitochondrial‐encoded cytochrome c oxidase I gene (cox1), as well as partial LSU rDNA (D1–D3) and SSU rDNA, to identify the factors that define species and to evaluate the utility of these three markers for this taxon. Twelve Skeletonema species were divided into six clades, I–VI, each of which comprised the same species by the three markers: clades I (S. japonicum, S. grethae, S. pseudocostatum, and S. tropicum), II (S. menzelii), III (S. dohrnii and S. marinoi), IV (S. costatum, S. potamos, and S. subsalsum), V (S. grevillei), and VI (S. ardens). However, the branching order among these clades was incongruent among the markers. In clade III, six S. marinoi strains had identical cox1 sequences. These S. marinoi strains branched along with S. dohrnii, except for strains from the Gulf of Naples, with high support in cox1. Species delimitation between S. dohrnii and S. marinoi was therefore not supported. In clade IV, S. costatum and S. subsalsum were robustly clustered, with S. potamos as a sister clade in the cox1 tree, not in the LSU and SSU trees. In clade II, cox1 also confirmed that S. menzelii includes three subclades potentially distinguishable from each other by morphological features. Cox1 proved to be the most useful marker for the identification of Skeletonema species because it gave a tree with highly supported clades, has sufficient variation within and among species, encodes a protein in a single copy, and requires relatively few primers.  相似文献   

Drosophila suzukii Matsumara (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is an invasive vinegar fly that infests ripe and ripening soft skinned fruits. In the south‐eastern United States, blackberry (Rubus spp.) crops are heavily impacted by D. suzukii, and current management tactics rely on the use of broad‐spectrum insecticides targeted to adult populations. An improved understanding of D. suzukii biology and ecology are necessary to create sustainable management options. Knowledge of how D. suzukii interacts with resources will enable targeted management actions in the future. In this present study, we monitored larval infestation throughout the blackberry canopy and found that infestation was highest in the inner portion of the canopy and lower in more exposed locations. We also documented higher humidity within the cane canopy relative to the edge of the field. A difference in abiotic conditions may create within‐crop microhabitats that D. suzukii is able to exploit. Future research will explore how to take advantage of these microhabitats in pest management programs.  相似文献   

The subfamily Crucigenioideae was traditionally classified within the well‐characterized family Scenedesmaceae (Chlorophyceae). Several morpho‐logical revisions and questionable taxonomic changes hampered the correct classification of crucigenoid species resulting in a high number of synonymous genera. We used a molecular approach to determine the phylogenetic position of several Tetrastrum and Crucigenia species. The molecular results were correlated with morphological and ontogenetic characters. Phylogenetic analyses of the SSU rDNA gene resolved the position of Tetrastrum heteracanthum and T. staurogeniaeforme as a new lineage within the Oocystis clade of the Trebouxiophyceae. Crucigenia tetrapedia, T. triangulare, T. punctatum, and T. komarekii were shown to be closely related to Botryococcus (Trebouxiophyceae) and were transferred to Lemmer‐mannia. Crucigenia lauterbornii was not closely related to the other Crucigenia strains, but was recovered within the Chlorella clade of the Trebouxiophyceae.  相似文献   

The pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) is an important pest of coniferous forests at the southern edge of its range in Maghreb. Based on mitochondrial markers, a strong genetic differentiation was previously found in this species between western (pityocampa clade) and eastern Maghreb populations (ENA clade), with the contact zone between the clades located in Algeria. We focused on the moth range in Algeria, using both mitochondrial (a 648 bp fragment of the tRNA‐cox2) and nuclear (11 microsatellite loci) markers. A further analysis using a shorter mtDNA fragment and the same microsatellite loci was carried out on a transect in the contact zone between the mitochondrial clades. Mitochondrial diversity showed a strong geographical structure and a well‐defined contact zone between the two clades. In particular, in the pityocampa clade, two inner subclades were found whereas ENA did not show any further structure. Microsatellite analysis outlined a different pattern of differentiation, with two main groups not overlapping with the mitochondrial clades. The inconsistency between mitochondrial and nuclear markers is probably explained by sex‐biased dispersal and recent afforestation efforts that have bridged isolated populations.  相似文献   

In many invertebrates, body size shows genetically based clines, with size increasing in colder climates. Large body size is typically associated with prolonged development times. We consider variation in the CNS‐specific gene neurofibromin 1 (Nf1) and its association with body size and development time. We identified two major Nf1 haplotypes in natural populations, Nf1‐insertion‐A and Nf1‐deletion‐G. These haplotypes are characterized by a 45‐base insertion/deletion (INDEL) in Nf1 intron 2 and an A/G synonymous substitution (locus L17277). Linkage disequilibrium (LD) between the INDEL and adjacent sites is high but appears to be restricted within the Nf1 gene interval. In Australia, the frequency of the Nf1‐insertion‐A haplotype increases with latitude where wing size is larger, independent of the chromosomal inversion In(3R)Payne. Unexpectedly, the Nf1‐insertion‐A haplotype is negatively associated with wing size. We found that the Nf1‐insertion‐A haplotype is enriched in females with shorter development time. This suggests that the Nf1 haplotype cline may be driven by selection for development time rather than size; females from southern (higher latitude) D. melanogaster populations maintain a rapid development time despite being relatively larger, and the higher incidence of Nf1‐insertion‐A in Southern Australia may contribute to this pattern, whereas the effects of the Nf1 haplotypes on size may be countered by other loci with antagonistic effects on size and development time. Our results point to the potential complexity involved in identifying selection on genetic variants exhibiting pleiotropic effects when studies are based on spatial patterns or association studies.  相似文献   

Rhynchocypris oxycephalus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) is a typical small cold water fish, which is distributed widely and mainly inhabits in East Asia. Here, we sequenced and determined the complete mitochondrial genome of R. oxycephalus and studied its phylogenetic implication. R. oxycephalus mitogenome is 16,609 bp in length (GenBank accession no.: MH885043), and it contains 13 protein‐coding genes (PCGs), two rRNA genes, 22 tRNA genes, and two noncoding regions (the control region and the putative origin of light‐strand replication). 12 PCGs started with ATG, while COI used GTG as the start codon. The secondary structure of tRNA‐Ser (AGN) lacks the dihydrouracil (DHU) arm. The control region is 943bp in length, with a termination‐associated sequence, six conserved sequence blocks (CSB‐1, CSB‐2, CSB‐3, CSB‐D, CSB‐E, CSB‐F), and a repetitive sequence. Phylogenetic analysis was performed with maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods based on the concatenated nucleotide sequence of 13 PCGs and the complete sequence without control region, and the result revealed that the relationship between R. oxycephalus and R. percnurus is closest, while the relationship with R. kumgangensis is farthest. The genus Rhynchocypris is revealed as a polyphyletic group, and R. kumgangensis had distant relationship with other Rhynchocypris species. In addition, COI and ND2 genes are considered as the fittest DNA barcoding gene in genus Rhynchocypris. This work provides additional molecular information for studying R. oxycephalus conservation genetics and evolutionary relationships.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among genera of the subfamily Ariantinae (Pulmonata, Helicidae), especially the sister‐group relationship of Cylindrus obtusus, were investigated with three mitochondrial (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) and two nuclear marker genes (Histone H4 and H3). Within Ariantinae, C. obtusus stands out because of its aberrant cylindrical shell shape. Here, we present phylogenetic trees based on these five marker sequences and discuss the position of C. obtusus and phylogeographical scenarios in comparison with previously published results. Our results provide strong support for the sister‐group relationship between Cylindrus and Arianta confirming previous studies and imply that the split between the two genera is quite old. The tree reveals a phylogeographical pattern of Ariantinae with a well‐supported clade comprising the Balkan taxa which is the sister group to a clade with individuals from Alpine localities. Additional lineages representing samples from southern Alpine localities as well as from Slovakia split from more basal nodes, but their relationships are not clearly resolved. To achieve more definitive conclusions concerning the geographical origin of Ariantinae, still more sequence data are needed to obtain a tree with better resolution of basal nodes. The genetic data also provided new insights concerning the genus Cepaea, which was used as one of the outgroup taxa. Cepaea vindobonensis is only distantly related to Cepaea nemoralis and Cepaea hortensis, the latter two being more closely related to Eobania vermiculata. Thus, in our tree, the genus Cepaea is paraphyletic.  相似文献   

The satyrine butterfly Coenonympha tullia (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) displays a deep split between two mitochondrial clades, one restricted to northern Alberta, Canada, and the other found throughout Alberta and across North America. We confirm this deep divide and test hypotheses explaining its phylogeographic structure. Neither genitalia morphology nor nuclear gene sequence supports cryptic species as an explanation, instead indicating differences between nuclear and mitochondrial genome histories. Sex‐biased dispersal is unlikely to cause such mito‐nuclear differences; however, selective sweeps by reproductive parasites could have led to this conflict. About half of the tested samples were infected by Wolbachia bacteria. Using multilocus strain typing for three Wolbachia genes, we show that the divergent mitochondrial clades are associated with two different Wolbachia strains, supporting the hypothesis that the mito‐nuclear differences resulted from selection on the mitochondrial genome due to selective sweeps by Wolbachia strains.  相似文献   

Species maintain their identity through reproductive isolating mechanisms, which are broadly classified into prezygotic and postzygotic isolating mechanisms. In the Drosophila bipectinata species complex, investigations were made on the degree of crossability (a prezygotic isolating mechanism) and the causes of hybrid male sterility (a postzygotic isolating mechanism) to analyse the phylogenetic relationship. Among the four species, D. bipectinata crosses with Drosophila parabipectinata freely in one direction and both of them also cross with Drosophila malerkotliana easily but it is difficult to cross all the three species with Drosophila pseudoananassae . In the hybrids involving D. pseudoananassae , no sperm were observed indicating high degree of perturbance during spermatogenesis while in the other hybrids immotile sperm were present indicating comparatively less disturbance during spermatogenesis. Testis size, which is an indicator of degree of perturbance during spermatogenesis and used as a proxy for sterility was measured in the four species and their hybrids. It was of same size in D. bipectinata , D. parabipectinata and D. malerkotliana but larger in D. pseudoananassae . In the hybrids involving D. pseudoananassae , testes were atrophied while in other hybrids it was larger. Since, the size of testis does not exhibit uniform pattern of variation in hybrids, it cannot be used as a good indicator for sterility. Therefore, we also measured the size of seminal vesicles (storing organ of sperm) in the four species and their hybrids. Interestingly, the size of seminal vesicles was reduced uniformly in all the hybrids indicating its use as better proxy for sterility. Further, the seminal vesicle size in D. pseudoananassae was smaller than that in the other three species. These observations provide evidence for phylogenetic proximity of D. bipectinata , D. parabipectinata and D. malerkotliana and their remote relationships with D. pseudoananassae .  相似文献   

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