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Mesodermal metamerism in the teleost, Oryzias latipes (the medaka)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies of the metameric pattern in mesodermal tissues of chick, mouse, turtle, and amphibian embryos have indicated that segmental characteristics exist along the entire length of the embryo. This paper describes this phenomenon in a fish embryo, for some differences in the cranial segmental plan exist between the anamniote and the amniote embryos hitherto studied. Embryos of the cyprinodont, Oryzias latipes, were fixed at various times, the examined by means of stereo scanning electron microscopy. As in other vertebrate embryos, the first indication of mesodermal metamerism in this fish embryo is the occurrence of somitomeres, which are orderly, tandemly arranged units of uncondensed mesenchymal cells in the paraxial mesoderm. As many as ten somitomeres can be observed caudal to the last formed somite to the elongating tail region. In addition, 7 somitomeres are present rostral to the first definitive somite, which is segment number eight. As in other vertebrate embryos examined, somitomeres in Oryzias embryos are circular, bilaminar arrays of paraxial mesoderm that form before any indications of segmentation can be seen with the light microscope. In the trunk region these mesodermal units condense to give rise to definitive somites, but in the head they eventually disperse. Despite a fundamentally different mode of gastrulation and a relatively small number of cells in the newly formed somitomeres, cranial segmentation in Oryzias embryos was found to be more similar in number to the metameric pattern of the embryos of the bird, reptile, and mammal than to the situation found in the two amphibians studied thus far.  相似文献   

The mesoblast of the primary organizer region of the developing chick embryo at the early head process stage was examined with the scanning electron microscope. It was found that the mesoblast layer is patterned from its inception at the primitive streak. Viewed dorsally, the mesoblast region most recently traversed by Hensen's node is metameric. Each segment consists of two 175-μm-diameter circular buttons of paraxial mesoblast (somitomeres) and an enclosed axial region. These tripartite segments are stacked tandemly and mark precisely, in the ectoderm above, the limit of neural plate formation. Viewed ventrally, the metameric pattern of the mesoblast is most closely mimicked by underlying endoblast, which shows corresponding radially arranged wedge-shaped cells in somitomere-sized circular patches. At this stage of development, each paraxial somitomere is a slightly hollowed, squat cylinder, composed of tapering mesenchymal cells whose long axes are directed toward the core center. Closely timed with neurulation, somitomeres undergo morphogenesis, being first converted to triangular wedges and, finally, condensed into cubes. Anteriorly, somitomeres participate in branchiomeric development, while posteriorly, they develop into somites. Examination of segmental plates shows that they consist of about 11 tandem somitomeres not visible by light microscopy. The most mature somitomeres, closest to the emerging somites, are delineated from one another by cellular orientations and the progressive buildup of fibrous extracellular matrix. The least mature somitomeres are not as well defined, but appear initially just posterior to Hensen's node and merge medially with the notochordal process. The observations suggest that the emergence of somitomeres from the paraxial mesoblast of the primitive streak is the result of its association with nodal cells. Further, this combined association of the mesoblast heralds primary induction and establishes the metameric pattern of the basic body plan.  相似文献   

Orthotopic grafts of wheat germ agglutinin-colloidal gold conjugate (WGA-gold) labelled cells were used to demonstrate differences in the segmental fate of cells in the presomitic mesoderm of the early-somite-stage mouse embryos developing in vitro. Labelled cells in the anterior region of the presomitic mesoderm colonized the first three somites formed after grafting, while those grafted to the middle region of this tissue were found mostly in the 4th-7th newly formed somites. Labelled cells grafted to the posterior region were incorporated into somites whose somitomeres were not yet present in the presomitic mesoderm at the time of grafting. There was therefore an apparent posterior displacement of the grafted cells in the presomitic mesoderm. Colonization of somites by WGA-gold labelled cells was usually limited to two to three consecutive somites in the chimaera. The distribution of cells derived from a single graft to two somites was most likely due to the segregation of the labelled population when cells were allocated to adjacent meristic units during somite formation. Further spreading of the labelled cells to several somites in some cases was probably the result of a more extensive mixing of mesodermal cells among the somitomeres prior to somite segmentation.  相似文献   

The metameric organization of the vertebrate trunk is a characteristic feature of all members of this phylum. The origin of this metamerism can be traced to the division of paraxial mesoderm into individual units, termed somites, during embryonic development. Despite the identification of somites as the first overt sign of segmentation in vertebrates well over 100 years ago, the mechanism(s) underlying somite formation remain poorly understood. Recently, however, several genes have been identified which play prominent roles in orchestrating segmentation, including the novel secreted factor lunatic fringe. To gain further insight into the mechanism by which lunatic fringe controls somite development, we have conducted a thorough analysis of lunatic fringe expression in the unsegmented paraxial mesoderm of chick embryos. Here we report that lunatic fringe is expressed predominantly in somite -II, where somite I corresponds to the most recently formed somite and somite -I corresponds to the group of cells which will form the next somite. In addition, we show that lunatic fringe is expressed in a highly dynamic manner in the chick segmental plate prior to somite formation and that lunatic fringe expression cycles autonomously with a periodicity of somite formation. Moreover, the murine ortholog of lunatic fringe undergoes a similar cycling expression pattern in the presomitic mesoderm of somite stage mouse embryos. The demonstration of a dynamic periodic expression pattern suggests that lunatic fringe may function to integrate notch signaling to a cellular oscillator controlling somite segmentation.  相似文献   

Recent studies of the heads of vertebrates have shown a primitive pattern of segmentation in the mesoderm and neural plate not previously recognized. The role of this pattern in the subsequent distribution of cranial crest and the development of branchial arches and cranial nerves, may resolve century-old arguments about the evolution of vertebrate segmentation. In this study, we examine the early embryonic development of the cranium of a primitive amniote, the snapping turtle, with the SEM. We show that the paraxial mesoderm cranial to the first-formed somites is segmented and that this pattern is based on somitomeres, similar to those described in the embryos of chick and mouse. Seven contiguous pairs of somitomeres comprise the “head mesoderm”; the first pair of somites actually arise from the eighth pair of somitomeres added to the axis. Cranial somitomeres are associated with specific brain regions, in that the first pair lie adjacent to prosencephalon, the second and third pair are adjacent to the mesencephalon, and the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh pair of somitomeres lie adjacent to individual neuromeres of the rhombencephalon. Prior to the closure of the anterior neuropore, cranial neural crest cells first emerge from the mesencephalon and migrate onto the second and third somitomeres. Shortly thereafter, neural crest cells emerge at more caudal levels of the rhombencephalon, beginning at the juncture of the fifth and sixth somitomeres. Eventually, neural crest originating from the mesencephalon spreads caudally as far as the fourth somitomere, leaving a gap in crest emigration adjacent to the fifth somitomere. The otic placode develops from the surface ectoderm covering the sixth and seventh somitomeres, and the adjacent rhombencephalic neural crest moves around the cranial and caudal edge of the placode. At more caudal levels, rhombencephalic crest cells merge with cervical crest populations to form a continuous sheet over the somites. By the time the anterior neuropore closes, some of the mesencephalic crest cells return from the paraxial mesoderm to spread onto the rostral wall of the optic vesicle and future telencephalon. The segmentation of the mesoderm and patterned distribution of cranial neural crest seen in snapping turtle embryos, further strengthens the argument that the heads of amniotes are derived from a common metameric pattern established early during gastrulation.  相似文献   

The segmental pattern of peripheral ganglia in higher vertebrates is generated by interactions between neural crest and somite cells. Each mesodermal somite is subdivided into at least two distinct domains represented by its rostral and caudal halves. Most migratory pathways taken by neural crest cells in trunk regions of the axis, as well as the outgrowth of motoneuron fibers are restricted to the rostral domain of each somite. Experimental modification of the somites, achieved by constructing a mesoderm composed of multiple rostral half-somites, results in the formation of continuous and unsegmented nerves, dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and sympathetic ganglia (SG). In contrast, both neurites and crest cells are absent from a mesoderm composed of multiple-caudal half somites. However, the mechanisms responsible for gangliogenesis within the rostral half of the somite, appear to be different for DRG and SG. Vertebral development from the somites is also segmental. In implants of either multiple rostral or caudal somite-halves, the grafted mesoderm dissociates normally into sclerotome and dermomyotome. However, the morphogenetic capabilities of each somitic half differ. The lateral vertebral arch is continuous in the presence of caudal half-somite grafts and is virtually absent in rostral half-somite implants. Therefore, the rostrocaudal subdivision of the sclerotome determines the segmental pattern of neural development and is also important for the proper metameric development of the vertebrae.  相似文献   

Metameric Pattern Development in the Embryonic Axis of the Mouse I   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The overall pattern of the mesoderm in the embryonic axis of the cranial region of mouse embryos was examined with the scanning electron microscope (SEM). A segmental organization was observed first in the paraxial mesodermal wings and midline axis of embryos at the late primitive streak stage. Each segmental unit consists of a somitomere in the paraxial region on each side of an enclosed stretch of midline notochord. Somitomeres appear initially as circular domains of radially arranged cells that swirl about the core center of the unit and are quite similar morphologically to those described recently in chick embryos [12]. Lying in tandem sequence, the segments comprise the chordamesoderm that underlies the neural plate. As additional pairs of somitomeres are added from the primitive streak at the caudal end of the axis, those established in the cranial region remain contiguous and undergo morphogenesis that is coordinate with neurulation. We divide the development of the cranial axis into five phases and associate somitomeres in the mesoderm with neuromeric segmentation in the neural plate. It was found that the first pair of somitomeres comes to underlie the prosencephalon, the second and third pairs underlie the mesencephalon, while the fifth, sixth, and seventh pairs of somitomeres underlie neuromeres of the metencephalon. The eighth pair of somitomeres are the first to separate themselves from the first seven and form the first pair of somites visible at the light microscope level. This study suggests that the cranial axis of the mouse embryo is initially organized into segments like the rest of the body and that subsequent cranial morphology is a consequence of differential development of these segments.  相似文献   

The influence of the axial structures on somite formation was investigated by culturing, on a nutritive agar substrate, segmental plates from chick embryos having 8 to 20 pairs of somites. In the first set of experiments, segmental plate was explanted together with adjacent notochord and approximately the lateral halves of the neural tube and node region. These explants formed 18 to 20 somites within 30 hr. In a second series of experiments, the notochord and neural tube were included as before, but further regression movements in the explants were prevented by removing the node region. These explants formed only 11.9 ± 1.1 somites. Finally, explants of segmental plate that included no neural tube, notochord, or node region were made. These explants had formed 10.7 ± 1.1 somites 14 to 17 hr later. When such explants were cultured for periods longer than 17 hr, there was a marked tendency for the more posterior somites to disperse and for all of the somites to develop a peculiar “hollow” morphology. It was concluded from these results that during the period of development when chick embryos possess 8 to 20 pairs of somites, the segmental plate mesoderm (1) represents about 12 prospective somites, (2) may segment into its full complement of somites without further contact with the axial structures, but (3) requires continued intimate contact with the axial structures for normal somite morphologic differentiation and stability.  相似文献   

E J Sanders  E Cheung 《Teratology》1990,41(3):289-297
A repeatable somite anomaly is described that results from the incubation of cultured chick embryos in the presence of ethanol. The anomaly comprises a misalignment of approximately five consecutive pairs of somites such that one of each pair is displaced cranially by up to one-half a somite length. The appearance of the malformation is delayed by approximately six somite pairs after the beginning of treatment. These characteristics were shared by embryos treated at the stage of gastrulation (no somites yet present) up to embryos possessing ten pairs of somites at treatment time. The deleterious effect did not appear to result from a disruption in the mechanics of the segmentation process itself, since isolated segmental plates were able to form normal intersomitic clefts in the presence of ethanol. Similarly, there were apparently no alterations in the compaction process that occurs at the cranial end of the segmental plate, since both the contractile and adhesive components were unaffected, as judged by the distributions of actin and fibronectin. The potential mechanisms of the anomaly are discussed with reference to similar segmental defects produced by heat shock. In view of earlier results indicating that cells in the primitive streak at gastrulation are sensitive to the presence of ethanol, it is proposed that this somite anomaly is due to a disruption in the contribution of these mesoderm cells to the segmental plate.  相似文献   

The segmental body plan of vertebrates arises from the metameric organization of the paraxial mesoderm into somites. Each mesodermal somite is subdivided into at least two distinct domains: rostral and caudal. The segmental pattern of dorsal root ganglia, sympathetic ganglia and nerves is imposed by differential properties of either somitic domain. In the present work, we have extended these studies by investigating the contribution of rostral or caudal-half somites to vertebral development using grafts of multiple somite halves. In both rostral and caudal somitic implants, the grafted mesoderm dissociates normally into sclerotome and dermomyotome, and the sclerotome further develops into vertebrae. However, the morphogenetic capabilities of each somitic half differ. The pedicle of the vertebral arch is almost continuous in caudal half-somite grafts and is virtually absent in rostral half-somite implants. Similarly, the intervertebral disk is present in rostral half-somite chimeras, and much reduced or virtually absent in caudal somite chimeras. Thus, only the caudal half cells are committed to give rise to the vertebral pedicle, and only the rostral half cells are committed to give rise to the fibrocartilage of the intervertebral disk. Each vertebra is therefore composed of a pedicle-containing area, apparently formed by the caudal half-somite, followed by a pedicle-free zone, the intervertebral foramen, derived from the rostral somite. These data directly support the hypothesis of resegmentation, in which vertebrae arise by fusion of the caudal and rostral halves of two consecutive somites.  相似文献   

In higher vertebrates, the paraxial mesoderm undergoes a mesenchymal to epithelial transformation to form segmentally organised structures called somites. Experiments have shown that signals originating from the ectoderm overlying the somites or from midline structures are required for the formation of the somites, but their identity has yet to be determined. Wnt6 is a good candidate as a somite epithelialisation factor from the ectoderm since it is expressed in this tissue. In this study, we show that injection of Wnt6-producing cells beneath the ectoderm at the level of the segmental plate or lateral to the segmental plate leads to the formation of numerous small epithelial somites. Ectopic expression of Wnt6 leads to sustained expression of markers associated with the epithelial somites and reduced or delayed expression of markers associated with mesenchymally organised somitic tissue. More importantly, we show that Wnt6-producing cells are able to rescue somite formation after ectoderm ablation. Furthermore, injection of Wnt6-producing cells following the isolation of the neural tube/notochord from the segmental plate was able to rescue somite formation at both the structural (epithelialisation) and molecular level, as determined by the expression of marker genes like Paraxis or Pax-3. We show that Wnts are indeed responsible for the epithelialisation of somites by applying Wnt antagonists, which result in the segmental plate being unable to form somites. These results show that Wnt6, the only known member of this family to be localised to the chick paraxial ectoderm, is able to regulate the development of epithelial somites and that cellular organisation is pivotal in the execution of the differentiation programmes. We propose a model in which the localisation of Wnt6 and its antagonists regulates the process of epithelialisation in the paraxial mesoderm.  相似文献   

Adhesion molecules during somitogenesis in the avian embryo   总被引:20,自引:7,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
In avian embryos, somites constitute the morphological unit of the metameric pattern. Somites are epithelia formed from a mesenchyme, the segmental plate, and are subsequently reorganized into dermatome, myotome, and sclerotome. In this study, we used somitogenesis as a basis to examine tissue remodeling during early vertebrate morphogenesis. Particular emphasis was put on the distribution and possible complementary roles of adhesion-promoting molecules, neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM), N-cadherin, fibronectin, and laminin. Both segmental plate and somitic cells exhibited in vitro calcium-dependent and calcium-independent systems of cell aggregation that could be inhibited respectively by anti-N-cadherin and anti-N-CAM antibodies. In vivo, the spatio-temporal expression of N-cadherin was closely associated with both the formation and local disruption of the somites. In contrast, changes in the prevalence of N-CAM did not strictly accompany the remodeling of the somitic epithelium into dermamyotome and sclerotome. It was also observed that fibronectin and laminin were reorganized secondarily in the extracellular spaces after CAM-mediated contacts were modulated. In an in vitro culture system of somites, N-cadherin was lost on individual cells released from somite explants and was reexpressed when these cells reached confluence and established intercellular contacts. In an assay of tissue dissociation in vitro, antibodies to N-cadherin or medium devoid of calcium strongly and reversibly dissociated explants of segmental plates and somites. Antibodies to N-CAM exhibited a smaller disrupting effect only on segmental plate explants. In contrast, antibodies to fibronectin and laminin did not perturb the cohesion of cells within the explants. These results emphasize the possible role of cell surface modulation of CAMs during the formation and remodeling of some transient embryonic epithelia. It is suggested that N-cadherin plays a major role in the control of tissue remodeling, a process in which N-CAM is also involved but to a lesser extent. The substratum adhesion molecules, fibronectin and laminin, do not appear to play a primary role in the regulation of these processes but may participate in cell positioning and in the stabilization of the epithelial structures.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with establishing a morphological basis for the initiation of migration of putative myogenic cells from the somites into the presumptive wing bud in avian embryos. At the 22 somite stage (stage 14) vasculogenesis is a prevalent activity. By use of a quail specific monoclonal antibody to vascular endothelial cells, vascular cells are recognized in the lateral plate, on the intermediate mesoderm, and on somite surfaces. Cells that are found between the lateral plate mesoderm and somites are shown to be vascular endothelial cells. The lateral body folds progressively bring the lateral plate mesoderm close to the lateral margin of the somites and vascular elements disappear from surface view. It is not until the 24 somite stage (stage 15) that some cells in the ventral lateral margin of somites at the wing level can be seen in scanning electron micrographs to extend basal cell processes toward adjacent vascular tubes. These results provide a morphological basis for the early migratory behavior of myogenic cells and demonstrate their close proximity to the prepatterned vascular network.  相似文献   

Calcium dependence and contraction in somite formation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The existence of a calcium-dependent contractile process in the formation of somites from segmental plate mesoderm was investigated using a Ca2+ agonist and Ca2+ and calmodulin antagonists. The contribution of cell movement and apical constriction in the segmentation process were assessed using SEM of normal and drug-treated somite and segmental plate tissue. Explants that contained segmental plates of stage 14-15 chick embryos were cultured on vitelline membranes in calcium- and magnesium-free (CMF) Hands' solution, liquid culture medium, and medium containing drugs. Ca2+ ionophore A23187 promoted the rapid completion of one new somite pair. CMF halted segmentation. The Ca2+ antagonists verapamil and papaverine reversibly inhibited segmentation. Theophylline did not inhibit segmentation, suggesting that the effects of the Ca2+ antagonists are not due to inhibition of phosphodiesterase activity. These results suggest that somitogenesis is Ca2+-dependent. Two drugs that inhibit the binding of calmodulin, chlorpromazine and trifluoperazine (TFP), halted segmentation. The inhibitory effect of TFP was reversible. The effects of TFP on somites were compared with those of cytochalasin D. The contribution of microtubules to cell shape and movement in somitogenesis was examined by incubation with nocodazole, a reversible inhibitor of tubulin polymerization. Cell elongation and somitogenesis were inhibited.  相似文献   

Ectodermal Wnt6 plays an important role during development of the somites and the lateral plate mesoderm. In the course of development, Wnt6 expression shows a dynamic pattern. At the level of the segmental plate and the epithelial somites, Wnt6 is expressed in the entire ectoderm overlying the neural tube, the paraxial mesoderm and the lateral plate mesoderm. With somite maturation, expression becomes restricted to the lateral ectoderm covering the ventrolateral lip of the dermomyotome and the lateral plate mesoderm. To study the regulation of Wnt6 expression, we have interfered with neighboring signaling pathways. We show that Wnt1 and Wnt3a signaling from the neural tube inhibit Wnt6 expression in the medial surface ectoderm via dermomyotomal Wnt11. We demonstrate that Wnt11 is an epithelialization factor acting on the medial dermomyotome, and present a model suggesting Wnt11 and Wnt6 as factors maintaining the epithelial nature of the dorsomedial and ventrolateral lips of the dermomyotome, respectively, during dermomyotomal growth.  相似文献   

The vertebrate peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of two groups of nerves that have a metamerical series of proximal roots along the body axis: the branchial and spinal nerves. Spinal nerve metamerism is brought about by the presence of somites, while that of the branchial nerves is, in part, intrinsic to rhombomeres, the segmental compartments of the hind-brain. As the distribution pattern of neural crest cells prefigures the morphology of the PNS, we constructed tissue-recombinant chick embryos in order to determine factors that might regulate the crest cell distribution pattern. When the segmental plate was transplanted between the hind-brain and the head mesoderm before crest cell emigration, it developed into ectopic somites that inhibited the dorsolateral migration of crest cells such that formation of the cranial nerve trunks was disturbed. Even so, proximal portions of the nerve roots were intact. An ectopic graft of lateral mesoderm did not inhibit the directional migration of the crest cells, but allowed their ectopic distribution, resulting in the fusion of cranial nerve trunks. When spinal neurectoderm was transplanted into the hind-brain, the graft behaved like an even-numbered rhombomere and caused the fusion of cranial nerve roots. The identity of the spinal neurectoderm was preserved in the ectopic site analyzed by the immunolocalization of Hoxb-5 protein, a spinal cord marker. We conclude that the spatial distribution of cephalic crest cells is regulated by successive processes that act on their proximal and distal distribution. The migratory behavior of crest cells is achieved partly by an embryonic environment that is dependent upon the presence of somitomeres, which do not epithelialize as somites, in the trunk.  相似文献   

The metameric structure of the vertebrate trunk is generated by repeated formation of somites from the unsegmented presomitic mesoderm (PSM). We report the initial characterization of nine different mutants affecting segmentation that were isolated in a large-scale mutagenesis screen in Medaka (Oryzias latipes). Four mutants were identified that show a complete or partial absence of somites or somite boundaries. In addition, five mutations were found that cause fused somites or somites with irregular sizes and shapes. In situ hybridization analysis using specific markers involved in the segmentation clock and antero-posterior (A-P) polarity of somites revealed that the nine mutants can be compiled into two groups. In group 1, mutants exhibit defects in tailbud formation and PSM prepatterning, whereas A-P identity in the somites is defective in group 2 mutants. Three mutants (planlos, pll; schnelles ende, sne; samidare, sam) have characteristic phenotypes that are similar to those in zebrafish mutants affected in the Delta/Notch signaling pathway. The majority of mutants, however, exhibit somitic phenotypes distinct from those found in zebrafish, such as individually fused somites and irregular somite sizes. Thus, these Medaka mutants can be expected to provide clues to uncovering novel components essential for somitogenesis.  相似文献   

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