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Cancer detection examinations by physicians in their private offices were performed as a county medical society project for a period of one year.In a series of 6,765 patients examined, approximately 600 were found to have lesions clinically suspect for tumor. The total number of proven cancers discovered was 280 and the number of lesions classified as precancerous was 87.This percentage of tumors discovered compares favorably with reports from special cancer detection centers formerly utilized in other parts of the country.The Cancer Commission believes that periodic health examinations of persons over the age of 40 in the offices of private physicians is a practical approach to the problem of earlier detection of tumors at accessible sites—the tumors that are the most readily curable by current surgical and radiotherapeutic techniques.  相似文献   

Cancer detection examinations by physicians in their private offices were performed as a county medical society project for a period of one year.In a series of 6,765 patients examined, approximately 600 were found to have lesions clinically suspect for tumor. The total number of proven cancers discovered was 280 and the number of lesions classified as precancerous was 87. This percentage of tumors discovered compares favorably with reports from special cancer detection centers formerly utilized in other parts of the country. The Cancer Commission believes that periodic health examinations of persons over the age of 40 in the offices of private physicians is a practical approach to the problem of earlier detection of tumors at accessible sites-the tumors that are the most readily curable by current surgical and radiotherapeutic techniques.  相似文献   

This article reports on the sensitivity and positive predictive value of clinical diagnosis of benign and malignant skin tumors by expert plastic surgeons in an Israeli clinic. Most published reports have focused on the sensitivity of clinicians' diagnoses, a general measure of the physician's skill that does not predict the rate of accuracy of a physician's diagnoses. Our study of 835 lesions in 778 patients, one of the largest Israeli series, assesses the clinical diagnosis of malignant and benign skin tumors and is one of the few that provide information on the positive predictive value, the measure that is of interest to both physicians and patients. The majority of tumors were benign (56.8 percent), 31.6 percent were malignant, and 11.6 percent were premalignant. Among the 474 benign lesions, 46 percent were nevi. The most common nevi subclass was compound nevi (53 percent), 9 percent of the nevi were dysplastic, and 5 percent were blue nevi. The most common malignant tumor was basal cell carcinoma, accounting for 78 percent of malignant tumors.Although sensitivity for clinical diagnosis of malignancy was 91.3 percent, the positive predictive value for clinical diagnosis of malignancy was 71.3 percent. The sensitivity rate for clinically diagnosing premalignant tumors was 42.3 percent, whereas the positive predictive value for these diagnoses was higher (64.1 percent). The sensitivity rate for diagnosis of all benign lesions was 85.9 percent, and the positive predictive value was 94.2 percent. The sensitivity rate for diagnosis of all nevi was 87.6 percent, and the positive predictive value was 85.7 percent: i.e., only seven of the 218 pathologically proven diagnoses of nevi (3.2 percent) were falsely diagnosed as malignant lesions. Even more interestingly, five of the 223 clinical diagnoses of nevi (2.2 percent) were pathologically proven to be malignant melanomas, and seven were found to be premalignant lesions (3.1 percent). It was concluded that publications which report only on the sensitivity neglect to provide information of interest regarding the positive predictive value. Often, positive predictive value is qualitatively different from the sensitivity, and thus relying only on the sensitivity may lead to incorrect evaluation of a clinical judgment, which may result in erroneous surgical decisions.  相似文献   

Analysis of the records of the last 450 outpatients referred to me showed that the basic disorder of at least one in three lay in the psyche, and there was a large emotional element in many of the others. None were put on a waiting list for admission. Not only should physicians be generalists most of the time (whether or not they have a special interest) but most medical problems are best dealt with by the GP. Only occasionally can the physician attach a precise diagnosis to a patient who has been an obscure problem to his GP, and the physician''s most important function is to reassure the patient and explain his symptoms. Routine investigations seldom benefit the patient. If there could be a more equitable distribution of GPs of high quality with good back-up facilities fewer general and many fewer specialist physicians would be needed.  相似文献   

J. E. Devitt 《CMAJ》1983,129(1):43-47
A study of 501 new breast cancers in patients seen in a consulting surgical practice revealed that 87% were in patients 45 years of age or older. The patients had found 83% of the cancers. The distributions of size and stage were the same for the tumours found by the patients and those found by the referring physicians. Two thirds of the cancers had an associated visible clinical sign, demonstrating the importance of inspection in the examination of the breast. Dimpling, sometimes apparent only on manipulation of the tumour, was present with 264 of the cancers and was often associated with "minimal" lesions. Mammography was done for 63 of the breast cancers but it missed 27. Of the physician-found cancers 15 were in patients who had already had breast cancer, 4 were in patients presenting with symptomatic metastases and 14 were in women presenting with other disorders. Of the 52 cancers found by periodic examination 3 were locally advanced and 21 had axillary metastases, while among the 28 "early" cancers 12 were in women who were senile, mentally defective or psychotic. Only four of the cancers found by the physicians were in women under age 45; two were rapidly fatal, one had an axillary metastasis, and the fourth was in a woman who had had cancer of the opposite breast. The remaining 284 lesions found by periodic or routine examination in women under age 45 were benign. Thus, periodic or routine examination for unsuspected breast cancer in women under age 45 seems unjustified except in those who have already had breast cancer.  相似文献   

Patient nonadherence to therapeutic regimens is a serious issue in the practice of medicine. Empiric studies done by professionals from diverse backgrounds have shown that physicians who use educational strategies can be effective in gaining the cooperation of patients to follow their recommendations. The educational model that currently is most familiar to physicians and the one they use most frequently when educating patients is pedagogy, the theoretic basis for teaching children. Andragogy, a theoretic basis for teaching adults, is now being suggested by medical educators as an alternative model. To illustrate the clinical relevance and application of the andragogic approach, studies focusing on physician behaviors associated with behavioral measures of adherence were reviewed, analyzed, and categorized according to a framework called the "ADULT" model. Physicians in a postgraduate training program who have had exposure to this framework and have incorporated it into their practices report less difficulty functioning as patient educators. The systematic use of this approach can have a positive effect on patient adherence.  相似文献   

Hypertension is an important and common problem in family practice, but there is no general agreement on the systolic and diastolic pressures at which it should be diagnosed and treated. Responses from 273 family physicians surveyed by mail in Metropolitan Toronto showed a wide variation in the pressures used as cut-off points. The probability that in a given patient hypertension would be diagnosed or treated at different systolic and diastolic pressures varied considerably among the physicians, the variation increasing with the age of the patient. There was also wide variation in opinion among the surveyed physicians about how often patients should be screened for hypertension; depending on the patient''s age, up to 35% of the physicians stated that the blood pressure should be measured at every visit. Only one third reported using any one or more methods to ensure that patients with hypertension were not lost to follow-up. The family physicians with an academic appointment used higher cut-off points for diagnosis and treatment, and they screened and scheduled follow-up visits less frequently than those without an academic appointment.  相似文献   

Lesions were noted in 7.0 and 4.4% of mandible pairs collected from the Western Arctic caribou herd of northwestern Alaska in 1959-61 and 1975-77, respectively. The prevalence of mandibular lesions in the 1959-61 collection is believed to be the highest reported in wild caribou herds of North America. The frequency of occurrence of mandibular lesions was highest in caribou 7 years of age and older, and there was a higher prevalence in adult males than in adult females. Trauma, dental abscesses, and periodontal disease were the probably cause of most lesions. Pathogenic bacteria were not isolated from mandibular lesions from an 11 year-old female. Thirty-three of 98 (33.7%) mandibles with lesions were missing one tooth, while ten (10.2%) were missing more than one tooth. The first molar (M1) was the most common tooth lost in association with lesions, although the loss of two or more teeth was more common among premolars than among molars.  相似文献   

By studying 211 females by currently available radiation techniques, such as X-ray study, ultrasonography, and magnetic resonance imaging mammography (MRIM), the authors consider that the specificity of contrast-enhanced MRIM (CE MRIM) is greater than that of MRIM without administering magnetic resonance contrast agents (MRCA). CE MRIM reveals clinically suspicious early-stage breast lesions and defines the stage of a tumorous process, the patients being unexposed to ionizing irradiation. CE MRIM as an auxiliary technique becomes one of the most informative ones, particularly in girls, early reproductive-age females with developed glandular tissue, and pregnant females. In the authors' opinion, the total algorithm of a breast study in this group of patients in specialized medical centers where trained physicians work should differ from the generally accepted algorithm: instead of applying X-ray mammography (XRM) as a basic method of primary diagnosis, ultrasound mammography using Doppler color mapping, followed by MRIM or XRM should be employed.  相似文献   

SIMKIN-SILVERMAN, LAUREY R, RENA R WING. Management of obesity in primary care. Obesity is one of the most common presenting chronic medical conditions in primary care, yet it is not adequately treated. Physicians are often reluctant to counsel patients because of their limited training in treating chronic weight problems and negative attitudes toward obese patients. This study evaluated the feasibility of training physicians to provide weight control counseling to their patients. Eleven physicians were randomly assigned to either an obesity-counseling skills training group or to a control group. Physicians in the counseling skills group received training in behavioral and motivational weight control techniques using a five-step patient-centered model; they were also given patient materials for use in their practice. To evaluate pretraining to posttraining changes in physician counseling behavior, independent samples of patients with obesity were surveyed immediately after their visit to the physician's office. Physicians in both the counseling skills training and the control groups discussed weight with 42% to 47% of their patients at baseline. This increased to 89% in physicians who received training, whereas it remained at 42% in control physicians. Scores on a counseling measure also significantly increased from a mean of 2. 7 to 9. 9 in the counseling group, whereas scores in the control group remained low and stable (2. 3 and 1. 9, respectively). The training program was effective in improving the frequency and quality of counseling that physicians delivered to their patients with obesity. Future research is needed to evaluate the effect of physician counseling on the weight and physical activity level of their patients.  相似文献   

Although cigarette smoking is the number one public health problem in the United States, physicians have failed to take the lead either in convincing youngsters not to begin smoking or in aiding adults to quit smoking. To be most effective and convincing in combating the smoking epidemic, practicing physicians must have the same basic fund of knowledge about the short- and long-term consequences of smoking as they do about other commonly encountered medical problems. By acting on such knowledge and adopting a definite set of attitudes and activities in their offices and with patients, physicians can make a significant contribution to their patients and to the entire community in which they practice.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is a widely accepted safe, simple and rapid diagnostic procedure used in the examination of neoplastic and non‐neoplastic lesions of various locations. Since its introduction, FNAC has developed into an effective diagnostic tool practiced in a large majority of medical centres evaluating and treating oncological patients. The role of FNAC has been limited in the examination of primary soft tissue lesions, however, as many physicians working in this area recommended against using FNAC. An increasing use of minimally invasive diagnostic procedures in the last decade has resulted in a better acceptance of FNAC as a first‐line approach or as a complementary tool to core needle biopsy in the diagnosis of musculoskeletal lesions. This review discusses the role and value of FNAC in the evaluation and treatment of soft tissue tumours based on the experience gathered over the course of 48 years at the Sarcoma Center in Lund, Sweden. FNAC reports most often provide diagnostic information allowing the initiation of treatment or, when definitive diagnosis cannot be rendered from a cytological examination, guiding the continued diagnostic investigation. The main advantages of soft tissue FNAC are good sensitivity and specificity, low morbidity, speed of diagnosis, and low cost/benefit ratio. The most important disadvantages stem from limited experience in cytological diagnosis of soft tissue tumours and a lack of standardised and uniform reporting system for soft tissue FNAC.  相似文献   

We describe practical, effective, office-based methods for physicians to use to assist patients to stop smoking that do not require special training or support personnel. Brief counseling achieves smoking cessation in a small percent of well patients but is more effective in patients with smoking-related illnesses or abnormal laboratory test results. Routine prescribing of nicotine gum without participation by the patient in a smoking-cessation program does not increase smoking cessation, and we do not recommend it. The prevention of smoking relapse can probably be enhanced by scheduling follow-up office visits after the patient has quit. Failure to quit on initial attempts should not discourage physicians and patients, since most successful abstainers usually must make several attempts to quit. We outline for physicians two approaches, one brief and one more intensive, to help patients stop smoking.  相似文献   

C A Woodward  W Rosser 《CMAJ》1989,141(4):291-299
As part of the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Review on Liability and Compensation Issues in Health Care, in 1988 we surveyed Canadian general practitioners and family physicians to determine the effect of liability concerns on their practices in the previous 5 years. Questionnaires were sent to a random, stratified national sample of 1295 physicians, with a response rate of 64.6%. However, a high proportion of the returned questionnaires were ineligible because the physicians were not in general or family practice, were not involved in direct patient care, or had died or moved; thus, the corrected response rate was 50.8%. The newsletter of the Canadian Medical Protective Association was the source of information on liability most frequently cited (by 88.1% of the physicians) and most influential (to 62.4%). Only 15.5% of the physicians cited personal involvement with medicolegal issues as a source of information; the rate was higher for Ontario physicians and those in urban areas generally. A total of 74.6% of the respondents had altered their style of practice in the previous 5 years, and 56.3% reported changes in the scope of their practice. Concern about litigation was the most important reason for changing style of practice and reducing or eliminating administration of anesthesia, whereas lifestyle and other issues along with liability concerns most influenced decisions to reduce obstetric care and emergency department work. Our findings suggest that physicians'' perceptions of liability issues have had a profound influence on primary care practice in Canada in the past several years.  相似文献   

Sarcoidosis is a multisystem granulomatous disorder of unknown cause that presents most frequently in young adults with bilateral hilar adenopathy, pulmonary infiltrates, and skin or eye lesions. The multisystem clinical manifestations of this disease are a diagnostic challenge to all physicians. Although the clinical and pathologic characteristics of sarcoidosis are well described, the decision to treat and the optimal therapy are less well defined. This review focuses on the natural history, clinical manifestations, controversies in therapy, including steroid-sparing agents, and current concepts of how the disease''s activity can be monitored.  相似文献   

Patients with inflammatory rheumatisms, such as rheumatoid arthritis, are more prone to develop skin cancers than the general population, with an additional increased incidence when receiving TNF blockers. There is therefore a need that physicians treating patients affected with inflammatory rheumatisms with TNF blockers recognize malignant skin lesions, requiring an urgent referral to the dermatologist and a potential withdrawal or modification of the immunomodulatory treatment. We aimed to demonstrate that an online training dedicated to skin tumors increase the abilities of rheumatologists to discriminate skin cancers from benign skin tumors. A nationwide randomized web-based survey involving 141 French rheumatologists was conducted. The baseline evaluation included short cases with skin lesion pictures and multiple choice questions assessing basic knowledge on skin cancers. For each case, rheumatologists had to indicate the nature of skin lesion (benign; premalignant/malignant), their level of confidence in this diagnosis (10-points Likert scale), and the precise dermatological diagnosis among 5 propositions. Different scores were established. After randomization, only one group had access to the online formation consisting in 4 e-learning modules on skin tumors, of 15 minutes each (online training group). After reevaluation, the trained and the non-trained group (control group) were compared. The primary end-point was the number of adequate diagnoses of the nature of the skin lesions. The mean number of adequate diagnosis for the benign versus premalignant/malignant nature of the lesions was higher in the online training group (13.4 vs. 11.2 points; p value <0.0001). While the other knowledge scores were also significantly higher, no statistical difference was observed on the level of self-confidence between the 2 groups. In conclusion, the online formation was effective to improve the rheumatologists’ ability to diagnose skin cancer.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to explore if nursing home physicians act by law, when they doubt the natural cause of death. In May 1999, a questionnaire was sent to 153 nursing home physicians in the region of Utrecht and Nijmegen. They were asked if they consult the coroner when they have doubts about the natural cause of death. Eighty-six percent (104) returned the questionnaire. Thirty-two percent of the nursing home physicians always consult the coroner and 52% does so most of the time. Only 12% does not consult the coroner most of the time and 2% never does. The main reasons for not consulting the coroner were that nursing home physicians judge a death after a fall as an incident that fits in the descending lifeline of patients and that some nursing home physicians had bad experiences consulting the coroner. We conclude that this policy may lead to underregistration of unnatural deaths. Changing the definition or changing the law may reduce this problem. Education and information can also contribute to change in physician's attitudes.  相似文献   

To determine the reasons some family physicians continue to practice obstetrics when most of their colleagues do not, we surveyed family physicians in 26 counties of northern California whose practices include obstetrics and those who have recently discontinued it. In all, 70% of family physicians practicing obstetrics cited enjoying it as a reason for continuing this practice. Over a third of family physicians practicing obstetrics thought that obstetric practice was a responsibility to the community. Only 1 in 6 reported obstetrics to be important in terms of financial implications. Despite this, family physicians practicing obstetrics had a mean gross income derived from obstetric practice of $30,000 above the cost of their total malpractice premium. In contrast, a comparison group of family physicians who had recently discontinued obstetrics cited malpractice insurance costs most frequently as the reason for discontinuing it. Nearly 40% of these physicians indicated that they would be willing to return to obstetrics if circumstances were to change substantially. The most frequently cited change necessary for these physicians to return to obstetrics was a reduction in malpractice insurance rates.  相似文献   

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