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An inventory of the fish species composition of the community from Baidaratskaya Bay in the Kara Sea was performed. On the basis of published data and the results of our own studies, the dynamics of changes in the species composition of marine ichthyocenosis of Baidaratskaya Bay from 1932 to 2007 was analyzed. Differences in qualitative (occurrence) and quantitative (proportion in catches) characteristics are shown.  相似文献   

Feeding of Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides in the northern Kara Sea was studied based on data collected in summer–autumn 2007–2013. The main food of all size groups of halibut were fish—up to 98% of weight of the food bolus. Larger individuals had lower intensity of feeding as compared to juveniles, which was probably owing to the lack of suitable food for large fish and, along with gonad maturation process, could be one of the reasons of their migration to the Barents Sea. The northern part of the Kara Sea, as well as the adjacent areas of Barents Sea, can be considered as an important area of habitation of juvenile Greenland halibut of the Norwegian–Barents Sea population.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2007,64(3-4):111-142
Recent ostracod assemblages were investigated from coretop sediment samples collected in the eastern Kara Sea from water depths down to 300 m. A total of 45 species were identified, 27 of them were reported for the Kara Sea for the first time. The Kara Sea data were compared with our results on the distribution of ostracods in the eastern Laptev Sea. The spatial distribution of recent taxa and the ecological groupings demonstrate a clear relation to dominant environmental factors which range from estuarine to full-marine conditions. Four assemblages related to average summer bottom water salinities were established: (1) a freshwater assemblage from the inner estuaries of the Ob' and Yenisei rivers with salinities less than 2 and from thermokarst lagoons of the southern Laptev Sea coast with strong salinization in winter; (2) a brackishwater assemblage of the outer estuaries of the Ob' and Yenisei rivers with salinities up to 26; (3) a mixed euryhaline–marine assemblage dominated by euryhaline species Paracyprideis pseudopunctillata and Heterocyprideis sorbyana from the inner shelf river-affected zone of the Kara and Laptev seas, where salinities range between 26 and 32; (4) a taxonomically diverse marine assemblage dominated by shallow-water marine taxa from the northern parts of the Kara and Laptev shelves and upper continental slope with stable bottom environments and a salinity higher than 32. Abundant euryhaline species found at greater water depths are identified as part of an ice-rafted assemblage. They are possibly entrained into the newly formed fast ice during autumn storms and freeze-up period and then transported to the distal open-sea areas during summer.  相似文献   

According to the bottom trawl-survey data, 97% of the ichthyomass in the southwestern region of the Kara Sea are composed of the Arctic cod Boreogadus saida; its stock is significantly higher than the previously registered resources. The Arctic cod is most unevenly distributed across the water area and capable to form the high-density aggregations, which can be caught by the targeted trawls. A wide range of the age composition (0+?6+), the size-age composition, and the growth rates of the Arctic cod in the trawl catches in the Kara Sea, which are different from those in the fish in the adjacent Barents Sea, can indicate their assignment of the Arctic cod in these seas to different populations.  相似文献   

The species composition of the polychaetes derived from ichthyological and Sigsbee trawls in the Pechora and Kara seas in 2012 was studied and compared with the grab survey data of 1993–1995. The distribution of the large sabellidae, nektobenthic, and bathypelagic species that are poorly caught by a grab has been determined for the first time. Changes that were observed in the biogeographical polychaete structure in the Kara Sea (a higher proportion of the boreal species and a lower proportion of the Arctic species) may reflect a response of zoobenthos to the Arctic warming in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - Visual observation data of the Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus in August–September 2017 in the Kara Sea specifying the species range in this Arctic region are...  相似文献   

The mycobiota of bottom sediments at depths of 128?472 m was investigated in Barents and Kara sea areas remote from the shore. The species composition and fungal abundance, that is, the number of fungal colony-forming units (CFUs), were determined in 5 samples from the Kara Sea and in 14 samples of the Barents Sea. For the first time for the Arctic seas, the fungal biomass was determined in 12 samples of the bottom sediments from the Barents Sea. It was found that fungal abundance in the bottom sediments of the both seas did not exceed 13 CFUs per 1 g of dry substrate weight. In total, only 58 colonies of filamentous fungi belonging to 22 morphotypes, 8 of which were sterile, were isolated from all the samples. No more than six morphotypes were contained in 1 g of dried substrate; they were mostly species of the genus Cladosporium and sterile isolates. The study of the fungal biomass detected both spores and fungal mycelium in the bottom sediments. The total biomass was extremely low and ranged from 0.1 to 0.620 mg/g of the studied substrate. Small spores (with a diameter less than 3 μm) absolutely predominated (from 88 to 99.7% of the biomass).  相似文献   

The present study was performed to determine the infection status of anisakid larvae in marine fish collected from 3 sea areas of the Republic of Korea. Total 86 marine fish (8 species) collected from the East Sea (Goseong-gun, Gangwon-do), 171 fish (10 species) from the South Sea (Sacheon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do), and 92 fish (7 species) from the Yellow Sea (Incheon Metropolitan City) were examined by both naked eyes and artificial digestion method. Among the total of 349 fish examined, 213 (61.0%) were infected with 8 species of anisakid larvae, i.e., Anisakis simplex, 6 types of Contracaecum spp., and Raphidascaris sp., and the mean larval density was 13.8 per infected fish. Anisakid larvae were detected in 45 fish (52.3%) from the East Sea, 131 fish (76.6%) from the South Sea, and 37 fish (40.2%) from the Yellow Sea. The average numbers of larvae detected were 4.0, 16.6, and 15.9, respectively. Anisakis simplex larvae were detected in 149 fish (42.7%), and the mean larval density was 9.0 per infected fish. They were found in 26 fish (30.2%) collected from the East Sea, 96 fish (56.1%) from the South Sea, and 27 fish (29.3%) from the Yellow Sea. The average numbers of larvae detected were 2.9, 10.3, and 10.5, respectively. Conclusively, the present study suggests that the infection rate and density of anisakid larvae are more or less higher in the fish from the South Sea than those from the East Sea or the Yellow Sea.  相似文献   

In the Arctic Ocean, sea-ice habitats are undergoing rapid environmental change. Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) is the most abundant fish known to reside under the pack-ice. The under-ice distribution, association with sea-ice habitat properties and origins of polar cod in the central Arctic Ocean, however, are largely unknown. During the RV Polarstern expedition ARK XXVII/3 in the Eurasian Basin in 2012, we used for the first time in Arctic waters a Surface and Under Ice Trawl with an integrated bio-environmental sensor array. Polar cod was ubiquitous throughout the Eurasian Basin with a median abundance of 5000 ind. km?2. The under-ice population consisted of young specimens with a total length between 52 and 140 mm, dominated by 1-year-old fish. Higher fish abundance was associated with thicker ice, higher ice coverage and lower surface salinity, or with higher densities of the ice-amphipod Apherusa glacialis. The fish were in good condition and well fed according to various indices. Back-tracking of the sea-ice indicated that sea-ice sampled in the Amundsen Basin originated from the Laptev Sea coast, while sea-ice sampled in the Nansen Basin originated from the Kara Sea. Assuming that fish were following the ice drift, this suggests that under-ice polar cod distribution in the Eurasian Basin is dependent on the coastal populations where the sea-ice originates. The omnipresence of polar cod in the Eurasian Basin, in a good body condition, suggests that the central Arctic under-ice habitats may constitute a favourable environment for this species survival, a potential vector of genetic exchange and a recruitment source for coastal populations around the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - In December 2019, European flounder (Platichthys flesus) individuals were caught for the first time in the southwestern part of the Kara Sea in the apex of the Kara Bay....  相似文献   

In the summer–autumn period of 2007, 2010, and 2013, the peculiarities of Polar cod feeding Boreogadus saida in the Kara Sea were considered. In these years, the intensity of feeding of adult individuals was quite similar. Spatial and interannual differences in the composition of the food have been observed. Copepoda, Euphausiacea, and tunicates (Oikopleura sp.) dominated in the food of young fish. The main preys of adult individuals are Hyperiidea, Copepoda, Euphausiacea, and fish. As the length of Polar cod increases, the weight percentage of copepods decreases and the portion of fish increases.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes data on the state of the pelagic microalgae community of the Kara Sea for all hydrological seasons. The data were obtained during complex in situ observations in 1996–2006. Four phases in the annual succession cycle of the phytoplankton of the nearshore continental area of the Kara Sea were identified: a prevernal phase (cryoflora bloom), vernal phase (ice-edge bloom), summer-fall phase (mixed synthesis phase), and winter phase (dormant phase). These periods are clearly distinguished from each other in their composition of dominating species complexes and quantitative characteristics, i.e., the numbers and biomasses of microalgae. In the investigated region, which is completely covered by ice during most of the year, the primary production processes begin at the same time as in ice-free coastal areas. Growth and blooming of cryoflora occur under the ice cover long before it breaks down. The peak development of the pelagic microalgae community, which is comparable to the spring peak of microalgae in ice-free coastal areas, is observed in the summer, when freshwater runoff from large rivers increases sharply.  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton distribution was investigated under the sea ice in the Kara Sea at five stations in February of 2002 by Juday net hauls. Copepods dominated the mesozooplankton community, accounting for 46–88% of the total abundance and 68–99% of the biomass. Oithona similis was the most abundant species in Yenisei Bay, being present with all age stages (including egg-carrying females). For the first time, Oithona atlantica (CIII–CV copepodites, females and males) were found in the southeastern Kara Sea. In the southern part, Copepoda nauplii prevailed in terms of total abundance while the mesozooplankton in the northwestern part was entirely dominated by older stages of Pseudocalanus minutus. The mesozooplankton structure appears to be determined by available food resources and increased water temperature due to a strong influence of warm Atlantic waters.  相似文献   

The 72 most important commercial fish species as well as nine unidentified fish groups representing hundreds of fish species as the major and minor target species caught in waters off Taiwan and the East China Sea were selected from the ‘Fisheries Yearbook Taiwan Area.’ All available published and grey literature as well as the Fish Database of Taiwan and Fishbase websites were thoroughly reviewed for a total of 108 fish species, including 51 out of 72 major and 57 minor target fish species, on their reproductive periods in waters off Taiwan and the East China Sea. The spawning periods from these commercial fish species were then summarized. An imperative adjustment was recommended for the established fishing season closure, i.e. for an earlier start, from April to June, in the southern East China Sea. This suggested correction corresponded with the spawning period of most fishes so as to maximize the protection of spawning cohorts for at least 68 major and minor target fish species, which would account for over 53% of the total fish yield in Taiwanese offshore fisheries.  相似文献   

The literature and original data on the primary production of phytoplankton in the White Sea are analyzed. By this parameter, the White Sea is significantly inferior only to the Chukchi Sea; it is similar to the Barents Sea, and exceeds other Russian Arctic seas by two to three times (the Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, and East Siberian Sea).  相似文献   

Species movements in relation with global warming may increase the spatial overlap between exotic and endemic species, which is a critical issue for the conservation of biodiversity. The Mediterranean Sea, which is a receptacle for exotic species while being a hotspot for endemism, provides exceptional material for a case study. The aim of our study was to quantify (i) the increasing invasion from southern fish exotic species (Red Sea and Atlantic Ocean) that the Mediterranean biota is experiencing and (ii) the spatial overlap between exotic and endemic Mediterranean fish fauna following the northward movement of exotic species within the Mediterranean Sea in the context of global warming. The historical invasion dynamic of exotic fish species and the sea surface temperature series were reconstructed from 1810 to 2006 in order to estimate the correlation between invasion rate and climate. The geographical distributions of exotic and endemic fish richness before and after the period of global warming were used to assess the dynamic of spatial congruence. The results revealed (i) an acceleration of successful introductions from the Red Sea and (ii) the introduction of Atlantic species from lower latitudes in correlation with the increasing temperature of the Mediterranean Sea. We also showed an increasing overlap between the spatial distributions of endemic and exotic species richness. Taken together, our results suggest that endemic fish species are facing a growing number of exotic species because the Mediterranean Sea is acting as a catchment basin for southern species.  相似文献   

The 224 species of fish reported from the North Sea are regarded as being composed of elements of three faunas—Boreal, Lusitanian and Atlantic, and they can be grouped accordingly on both a number of species and a biomass basis. The estimation of biomass of more than 10 important species is based on stock estimates obtained from population data. For 65 non-standard species the estimate is based on a comparison of catch rates for 'standard'and non-standard species from groundfish survey data. This involves assumption about the relative catchability of different sets of species. For the other species the biomass are computed in different ways. An analysis of the dominant fish fauna in the North Sea is attempted. The fish fauna in the area is analysed in two ways: by the conventional total number of species from each zoogeographic area, and by the biomass of the representatives of each fauna. It is concluded that for establishing the dominant faunal element of fish, biomass is a better index than is the number of species. The dominant faunal element of fish in the North Sea is Boreal.  相似文献   

Analysis of trawl catches in the southeastern Barents Sea was performed for the period of 1980–2008. One lamprey and 48 fish species were defined, including 38 marine fish species, 8 anadromous and amphidromous species, and 1 freshwater species. The ichthyofauna of several areas of the southeastern Barents Sea was described (Cheshskaya Inlet, Pomorskiy Strait, southeastern Pechora Sea, Pechora Sea, Khaipudyrskaya Inlet and adjacent areas). Biodiversity indexes and Shannon Index were applied to describe the species diversity. Cluster analysis was applied to compare the species lists from different areas. Multiyear dynamics of ichthyofauna was studied. The tendency of geographical range expansion eastward was observed for boreal species.  相似文献   

Data on the distribution of marine mammals, including beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas Pallas, 1766), in the Arctic are scarce because of various causes and conditions, including the vast expanses of the region, its poor accessibility, severe climate, long polar night, and high cost of research. Nevertheless, the results of aerial observations during ice reconnaissance and onboard observations during sea voyages (Kleinenberg et al., 1964; Geptner et al., 1976; Belikov, Boltunov, and Gorbunov, 2002; Belikov and Boltunov, 2002; Ezhov, 2005; Matishov and Ognetov, 2006; Biologiya i okeanografiya??, 2007; Lukin and Ognetov, 2009) have provided a general idea of the distribution pattern of beluga whales in the Russian Arctic seas. More detailed data concern the distribution of these whales in the White Sea, where aerial surveys of the water area were performed previously and have been resumed in recent years (Nazarenko et al., 2008; Glazov et al., 2010, 2011). The relevant data on the Barents, Kara, Laptev, and East Siberian seas are much poorer. In the summer (ice-free) period, beluga whales concentrate in coastal waters. They have been recorded most frequently off Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Vaygach Island, and in Czech Bay in the Barents Sea; in Baydaratskaya Bay, Gulf of Ob, and Yenisei Gulf in the Kara Sea; off the northeastern coast of Taimyr and in estuaries of the Anabar, Olenyok, and Lena rivers in the Laptev Sea; and in the estuaries of the Indigirka (where the whales come from the west) and the Kolyma and Ked??ma rivers (where they come from the east) in the East Siberian Sea. The amount of information obtained in other seasons is very limited. In autumn, mass migration of beluga whales from the Kara Sea to the Barents Sea have been recorded in the Karskie Vorota Strait and off Cape Zhelaniya in the north of Novaya Zemlya. In winter, almost no records of these whales have been made in the Kara, Laptev, and East Siberian seas. These data are based on previous observations and have practically not been complemented in recent years.  相似文献   

Many species are locally rare (have low occurrences in a given region). The method is proposed for the analysis of spatial distribution of such species. The procedure is based on the comparison of actual mean distances between records with Monte-Carlo-simulated mean distances expected for random occurrence pattern. The method was applied to two datasets: benthic macrofauna from the Barents and Kara Seas (Kucheruk, Kotov, 2002) and the Black Sea interstitial ciliates (original data). For both datasets, the number of rare species positively correlates with number of common species per site and with the total number of species. Furthermore (and irrespectively of total diversity pattern), rare species usually were locally clumped in their distribution: each of the species was mostly found at sites that were close together. This tendency, however, was significant for the macrofauna species but not for ciliates.  相似文献   

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