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西双版纳热带山地常绿阔叶林蕨类植物的组成及生态特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李保贵  朱华  周仕顺  张强 《广西植物》2008,28(5):608-614
根据4个50m×50m样地(400个5m×5m小样方,共计1hm2取样面积)的详细调查及对各样地外蕨类植物区系的采集调查,研究了西双版纳热带山地常绿阔叶林蕨类组成特点及其数量特征等。结果表明:在所调查的5hm2滇南热带山地常绿阔叶林里记录有蕨类植物64种;在生活型组成上,以地面芽和地下芽为主;在叶特征上,以革质和纸质叶居多,叶形以一回羽状和二回羽状叶占优势;在森林群落中蕨类植物有明显的季相变化;在重要值上,狗脊、疏叶蹄盖蕨、苏铁蕨、光叶鳞盖蕨、清秀复叶耳蕨和假稀羽鳞毛蕨的重要值之和占重要值总和的84.02%,其中,狗脊的重要值占重要值总和的1/3以上,它们是该森林群落中占优势的蕨类种类,在生态分布上为该森林群落的"适宜种";研究还发现,勐腊凤尾蕨为该森林群落的确限种。  相似文献   

李保贵  朱华   《广西植物》2005,25(6):497-503,554
勐腊南贡山季风常绿阔叶林(山坡类型)1 hm2面积样地上有蕨类31种,在该森林群落草本层中占有 极其显著的地位。这些蕨类植物的地理成分分析表明它们属于亚洲热带的印度——马来西亚植物区系的一 部分,表现为东南亚热带北缘植物区系的性质,并有热带山地向亚热带山地过渡的特点。在生态表现上,它们 的生活型组成是高位芽蕨类(地生蕨种)占6.45%;地上芽蕨类12.90%;地面芽蕨类32.26%;地下芽蕨类 32.26%;附生蕨类16.13%。由于该地区的季节性干旱气候,高位芽蕨类较少和几种附生蕨类的附生高度也 相对较低,蕨类植物种群的数量与林下空气湿度及土壤表层的湿度一般成正相关。  相似文献   

海南尖峰岭自然保护区蕨类植物区系分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对海南尖峰岭国家级自然保护区的蕨类植物区系进行了分析。结果表明:自然保护区内共有蕨类植物165种,隶属于41科84属,优势科有7科,分别为水龙骨科、铁角蕨科、金星蕨科、蹄盖蕨科、叉蕨科、膜蕨科、鳞毛蕨科,含5种以上的优势属有7属,分别为铁角蕨属Asplenium、卷柏属Selaginella、观音座莲属Angiopteris、鳞始蕨属Lindsaea、凤尾蕨属Pteris、短肠蕨属Allantodia、鳞毛蕨属Dryopteris;根据植物的现代地理分布,本区蕨类植物科、属、种的热带成分分别占非世界分布的96.6%、90.4%、72.2%,表明本区蕨类植物区系具有较强的热带性质;本区蕨类植物的属内种类贫乏,含1种的属占63.1%,含2~3种的属占21.4%;生态类型多样,主要有土生蕨类、石生和附生蕨类;苏铁蕨Brainea insignis、水蕨Certopteris thalictroides、金毛狗Cibotium barometz、桫椤Alsophila spinulosa、黑桫椤Gymnasphaera podophylla、大叶黑桫椤Gymnasphaera gigantea是本区国家重点二级保护珍稀濒危蕨类植物,应采取措施加强保护。  相似文献   

对海南铜铁岭热带低地雨林地区的蕨类植物区系进行了研究,结果表明铜铁岭共有蕨类植物117种,隶属40科、71属.含6种以上的科有水龙骨科、金星蕨科、铁角蕨科、叉蕨科、陵齿蕨科、膜蕨科和凤尾蕨科,它们是组成铜铁岭蕨类植物的优势科.根据植物的现代地理分布,本区的蕨类植物属和种的分布区类型中热带成分分别占非世界分布的95.31%和75.21%,说明了该地区蕨类植物区系与热带植物区系有着广泛的联系,热带性较强;本区蕨类植物大多数是林荫湿生或附生类型.七指蕨种群是该区珍稀蕨类植物,应该加强保护.  相似文献   

据记载秦岭有288种蕨类植物。本文在前人研究基础上,对秦岭蕨类的垂直分布和生态特点做了初步研究,以阐明蕨类植物与生态环境间的相互关系。(一)秦岭蕨类植物的垂直分布按秦岭地理位置、气候条件、温度变化以及林型分布,可将秦岭蕨类植物划为四个带。南坡1.海拔1300m以下的落叶、常绿阔叶林。主要分布一些喜温暖、阴湿的亚热带种类。如金星蕨科、里白科、鳞始蕨科、海金沙蕨科、凤尾蕨属(Pteris)、狗脊蕨属(Woo-  相似文献   

广州市蕨类植物物种多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据文献、标本与野外调查,简要回顾了历史上记录的广州蕨类植物,阐明了广州目前分布的蕨类植物的种类、区系特点、生态与地理分布、以及珍稀蕨类植物的种类与保护现状.广州地区有蕨类植物37科82属176种,其中乔芒萁(Dicranopteris gigantea)、刺边膜蕨(Hymenophyllm spinosum)和裸果鳞毛蕨(Dryopteris gymnosora)为广东分布新记录.广州蕨类植物区系以金星蕨科(Thelypteridaceae)、鳞毛蕨科(Dryopteridaceae)、水龙骨科(Polypo-diaceae)、蹄盖蕨科(Athyriaceae)和风尾蕨科(Pteridaceae)的植物最为丰富,没有本地特有种,亚洲热带亚热带分布成分和东亚分布成分占绝对优势.这176种蕨类植物中,约80%的种类生活在密林阴湿生境,约20%生活在疏林或灌草丛干旱生境,只有2种水生蕨类植物.在水平分布上,广州蕨类植物呈北多南少的分布格局,约90%的种类汇集在广州东北部的从化山区,74种在广州仅见于该山区.从物种多度上看,个体数量多(Cop2)的有33种,尚多(Cop1)的有48种,稀少(Sp)的有53种,很少(So1)的有41种.华南马尾杉(Phlegmariurus austrosbzicus)、福建观音座莲(Angiopteris fokiensis)、刺边膜蕨(Hymenophy llum spmosum)、粗齿桫椤(Alsophila denticulata)、小黑桫椤(A.m etteniana)、黑桫椤(A.podophylla)、桫椤(A.spinulosa)、水蕨(Ceratopteris thdictroides)、羽裂叶双盖蕨(Diplazium tomitaroanum)、闽浙圣蕨(Dictyocline mingchegensts)、微毛凸轴蕨(Metathelypteris adscendens)、峨眉茯蕨(Leptogramma scdlanll)、苏铁蕨(Brainea insignis)、珠芽狗脊(Woodwardia prolifera)和黑鳞复叶耳蕨(Arachniodes nigrospinosa)等15种被评估为广州的珍稀植物,它们亟待有效的保护.  相似文献   

正安徽大别山区位于皖中西部,面积8 200 km2,为山地丘陵区,植被区划较为复杂,北部为北亚热带落叶与常绿阔叶混交林带,南部为中亚热带常绿阔叶林带[1-3]。该区域的植物区系属于中国-日本森林植物区系的华东区系,物种丰富,其中,蕨类植物142种(含种下分类单位),鳞毛蕨科(Dryopteridaceae)、水龙骨科(Polypodiaceae)和蹄盖蕨科(Athyriaceae)的种类较多,占据优势[4]。从2015年6月起,作者对皖西大别山进行了野外调查,  相似文献   

深圳市大鹏半岛蕨类植物区系及其生态特点   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
深圳市大鹏半岛的蕨类植物共有105种,它们隶属于35科、65属。其中含5种以上的科有水龙骨科(Dryopteridaceae)、金星蕨科(Thely pteridaceae)、凤尾蕨科(Pteridaceae)、卷柏科(Selaginellaceae)、鳞毛蕨科(Dryopteridaceae)、蹄盖蕨科(Athy riaceae)、铁角蕨科(Aspleniaceae)、鳞始蕨科(Lindsaeaceae)。其区系具有较强的热带性质,科、属、种的分布区类型均以热带至亚热带为主,分别占总科数的54.26%,总属数的92.86%以及总种数的70.87%。单属科和单种属的比例较高,分别占总科数的54.26%,总属数的69.23%。按生长基质的不同,将大鹏半岛的蕨类植物划为土生、石生、水生和附生四种生态类型,其中以土生类型为主。  相似文献   

海南岛甘什岭热带低地次生雨林物种组成与地理成分   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海南岛热带低地次生雨林是不同于热带山地雨林的重要森林类型。在南部甘什岭自然保护区选择典型次生雨林建立3000 m2固定样地,研究了其物种组成和地理成分特征。结果表明:经种-面积曲线印证的2700~3000 m2的取样面积能够反映该雨林类型植被的分布特点。维管植物隶属于64科128属163种,其中蕨类植物6科7属8种,单子叶植物9科16属17种,双子叶植物49科105属138种。优势科明显,单种科和寡种科占总科数的87.50%;属内种数的变化范围为1~5,且单种属最多(105属,占82.03%)。物种丰富度明显低于尖峰岭热带山地雨林,也显著低于云南片断热带雨林,科、属、种的分布区类型均以热带性质占绝对优势,种子植物科、属的热带成分所占比例分别为75.87%和92.56%,种的热带成分高达93.87%,这不同于尖峰岭山地雨林由热带向亚热带/暖温带的过渡性质。  相似文献   

西双版纳热带山地季风常绿阔叶林的群落生态学研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
依据5个25m×20m样地的调查资料, 对西双版纳热带山地的季风常绿阔叶林的群落结构、种类组成、生活型构成、多样性、种面积关系等进行了分析研究,结果显示西双版纳热带山地的季风常绿阔叶林主要由壳斗科、大戟科、茶科和樟科等树种组成; 乔木树种种类丰富,灌木、草本、藤本种类相对较少;随乔木径级的增大,个体/种的数量逐渐减小;群落中以中叶、全缘、革质、非尾尖、常绿植物占优势; 群落种-面积关系曲线在取样面积为1 500m2时开始趋于平缓,意味着该取样面积可以考虑作为群落最小表现面积.  相似文献   

 西双版纳热带雨林是中国生物多样性最丰富的生态系统之一,西双版纳也被公认为国际上重要的生物多样性保护的热点地区之一。2007年,在中国科学院生物多样性委员会、加拿大Alberta大学和中国台湾东海大学等相关单位的支持下,由中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园和西双版纳州自然保护区管理局在西双版纳州勐腊县补蚌村的望天树(Shorea wantianshuea)林中建立了一块面积为 20 hm2的热带森林动态监测样地,该样地是中国森林生物多样性动态监测网络建设的重要组成部分之一,其建设技术是按照美国史密森热带研究所的热带森林研究中心(Center for Tropical Forest Science, CTFS) 1980年在巴拿马Barro Colorado Island建立50 hm2样地的技术规范进行的。我们逐一测量并记录了样地中所有树干胸径大于1 cm树木的胸围,并对其挂牌标记、鉴定种名和确定坐标位置。并应用Ripley’s L-Function分析了样地内4种上层优势种和12个稀有种的空间分布格局。研究结果表明:样地内共含有胸径 ≥ 1 cm的乔木95 834株,其中已经鉴定的有95 498株,占总个体数的99.65%;有乔木种类468种 ,隶属于213个属和70个科;另外有336个个体没有鉴定出来,仅占总个体数的0.35%。上层乔木中的望天树重要值排名第2,但具有最大的胸高断面积;中、下层的假海桐(Pittospo ropsiskerrii)个体数最多,占样地内已鉴定乔木个体总数的21.90%。样地内4个上层优势种的小径阶个体数量较多, 而大径阶个体数量较少,径阶分布呈倒“J”型,因此这4个种群可以维持自我更新。在分布格局上,样地内的4个上层优势树种的幼树和中龄树以聚集分布为主,而成年树则以随机分布为主。另外,大多数稀有物种也表现出聚集分布的格局。  相似文献   

Yong Tang  Min Cao  Xianhui Fu 《Biotropica》2006,38(3):328-333
Dipterocarp rain forest reaches its northern latitudinal limit in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. We studied the soil seedbank of dipterocarp rain forest in Xishuangbanna during the dry and wet seasons. Results showed that there were large seed accumulations in both the dry (mean ± SD; 3925 ± 2533 seeds/m2) and wet seasons (5415 ± 3232 seeds/m2). One hundred and sixteen species of seed plants were identified from germination, 66 percent of which were woody species. Weed or pioneer species dominated the seedbank. The soil seedbank in Xishuangbanna had similar species composition as compared to those in tropical Asia, but higher seed storage reflects the intense disturbance and forest fragmentation in this area.  相似文献   

The function of delayed greening in the seedlings of canopy tree species in a lowland tropical rain forest was examined in terms of its potential defensive value against herbivory. To explore the ecological and evolutionary backgrounds for delayed greening, we chose eight sympatric congeneric (Shorea) dipterocarp species that were either normal-greening or delayed-greening species. Expansion and toughening of leaves took approximately 30 days for all species, and did not differ between the normal- and delayed-greening species. The main factors that affected leaf damage during expansion were insect herbivory and fungal infection. Levels of leaf damage were significantly lower for delayed-greening species than for normal-greening species, but proportions of heavily damaged leaves and leaf abscission during expansion did not differ. In addition, no significant difference was found in damage levels on leaves (aged 1–2 months) of naturally occurring seedlings between normal- and delayed-greening species. Therefore, delayed greening may effectively reduce the level of leaf damage in young expanding leaves, but may not necessarily reduce leaf abscission and damage to mature leaves. The existence of delayed greening could not be simply explained by the phylogenetic and ecological backgrounds of the trees. Consequently, delayed greening may have a function in reducing damage during expansion, but more information (such as knowledge of the secondary metabolites involved in this phenomenon) is needed to explain fully why these species exhibit delayed greening.  相似文献   

This study builds upon past work investigating seedling leaf physiology and structure among tropical trees. We seek to explain how related and unrelated species and genera co‐occur in relation to varying amounts of shade. Seedlings of eight Sri Lankan rain forest tree species in three genera (Dipterocarpus, Mesua, Shorea section Doona) were grown for 2 years in four treatments that simulated a variety of shade environments across the understorey of a rain forest. All three genera comprise major canopy tree species of mixed dipterocarp forest, a widespread and important Asian tropical forest type. Compared with the other genera, Dipterocarpus spp. had the largest leaves, the thinnest leaf blades and relatively high rates of stomatal conductivity across all shade treatments, making them water‐loving species sensitive to droughty soils. Mesua spp. had intermediate sized leaves, with the thickest leaf blades and palisade mesophyll layers, the highest stomatal densities, the smallest aperture sizes and the lowest rates of stomatal conductance, making them the most water conservative. Shorea spp. were generally intermediate in blade and palisade mesophyll dimensions between Dipterocarpus spp. and Mesua spp., but they had the smallest leaves. Greater differences among genera than among species within genera were apparent, but species differences within genera were also apparent. Differences among genera and species conform to their known successional status and topographical affinities and provide a more comprehensive understanding of species site adaptation. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 167 , 332–343.  相似文献   

Abstract. Ecological and biogeographic analyses of the tropical rain forest in south Yunnan were made using data from seventeen sample plots and floristic inventories of about 1000 species of seed plants. The rain forest is shown to be a type of true tropical rain forest because it has almost the same profile, physiognomic characteristics, species richness per unit area, numbers of individuals in each tree species and diameter classes of trees as classic lowland tropical rain forests. As the area is at the northern margin of monsoonal tropics, the rain forest differs from equatorial lowland rain forests in having some deciduous trees in the canopy layer, fewer megaphanaerophytes and epiphytes but more species of lianas as well as more species of microphylls. In its floristic composition, about 80% of total families. 94% of total genera and more than 90% of total species are tropical, of which about 38% of genera and 74% of species are tropical Asian. Furthermore, the rain forest has not only almost the same families and genera, but also the same families rank in the top ten both in species richness and in dominance of stems, as lowland forests in southeast Asia. It is indisputable that the flora of the rain forest is part of the tropical Asian flora. However, most of the tropical families and genera have their northern limits in south Yunnan and most have their centre of species diversity in Malesia. More strictly tropical families and genera have relatively lower species richness and importance compared with lowland rain forests in tropical southeast Asia. Thus, the flora also shows characteristics of being at the margin of the tropics. Based mainly on physiognomy and floristic composition the tropical rain forest of Yunnan is classified into two types, i.e. seasonal rain forest and wet seasonal rain forest, the latter is further divided into two subtypes, i.e. mixed rain forest and dipterocarp rain forest. From analysis of geographic elements it is also shown that the tropical rain forest of Yunnan occurs at a geographical nexus with its flora coming mainly from four sources, i.e. Malesia, south Himalayas, Indochina and China.  相似文献   

Questions: To what extent are the distributions of tropical rain forest tree ferns (Cyatheaceae) related to environmental variation, and is habitat specialization likely to play a role in their local coexistence? Location: Lowland rain forest at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Methods: Generalized linear (GLM) and generalized additive (GAM) logistic regression were used to model the incidence of four tree fern species in relation to environmental and neighbourhood variables in 1154 inventory plots regularly distributed across 6 km2 of old‐growth forest. Small and large size classes of the two most abundant species were modelled separately to see whether habitat associations change with ontogeny. Results: GLM and GAM model results were similar. All species had significant distributional biases with respect to micro‐habitat. Environmental variables describing soil variation were included in the models most often, followed by topographic and forest structural variables. The distributions of small individuals were more strongly related to environmental variation than those of larger individuals. Significant neighbourhood effects (spatial autocorrelation in intraspecific distributions and non‐random overlaps in the distributions of certain species pairs) were also identified. Overlaps between congeners did not differ from random, but there was a highly significant overlap in the distributions of the two most common species. Conclusions: Our results support the view that habitat specialization is an important determinant of where on the rain forest landscape tree ferns grow, especially for juvenile plants. However, other factors, such as dispersal limitation, may also contribute to their local coexistence.  相似文献   

西双版纳青梅林的群落学研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
朱华   《广西植物》1993,13(1):48-60
本文对分布在西双版纳勐腊县南部以龙脑香科植物版纳青梅为标志树种的热带森林作了群落学分析,认为它具有热带雨林的结构和基本特征,在性质上属于热带季节雨林。由于分布海拔偏高和生境特殊,它的上层乔木几乎常绿,在外貌上与望天树林和本地区典型的季节雨林有一定差异,在区系组成上向山地雨林过渡,它表现为一种季节雨林向山地雨林过渡的类型,同时也是一种热带北缘地区季节雨林的海拔极限类型。  相似文献   

林华  曹敏  张建侯 《植物生态学报》2007,31(6):1103-1110
能量分配格局是研究生态系统能量流动的基础,但是由于热带森林结构的高度复杂性和物种多样性,对它的热值和能量分配格局的全面研究还很少。该文研究的热带季节雨林位于西双版纳,是分布于热带亚洲北缘的一种森林类型;山地常绿阔叶林位于云南省中部的哀牢山,属于我国西部亚热带地区的山地常绿阔叶林。该研究的目的是探讨这两种重要森林类型的热值和能量分配格局,验证Golley(1961,1969)提出的世界范围内植被的热值由低纬度向高纬度、由低海拔向高海拔升高的规律。热值的测定采用SDCM-Ⅲa氧弹测量仪。两个森林样地面积都是1 hm2,能量分配格局及年固定量根据生物量和生物量增量计算。研究结果表明,热带季节雨林样地的热值低于山地常绿阔叶林,乔木层的热值>灌木层>草本层,所有器官中叶片的热值较高。由于以前种植砂仁(Amomum villosum)的影响,热带季节雨林样地的能量现存量小于山地常绿阔叶林,但是因为地处高温高湿、光照充足的地区,热带季节雨林的能量年固定量高于山地常绿阔叶林。对于热带季节雨林样地来说,97%的能量储存在乔木层中;山地常绿阔叶林样地的乔木层储存了88%的能量,可见乔木层是维持森林能量结构的关键层。研究结果为Golley的结论提供了更加丰富的实验证据。  相似文献   

西双版纳热带季节雨林的生物量及其分配特征   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
 根据3块1 hm2 样地的调查资料,利用123株样木数据建立以胸径(D)为单变量的生物量预测方程。采用样木回归分析法(乔木层、木质藤本)和样 方收获法(灌木层、草本层), 获取西双版纳热带季节雨林的生物量,并分析了其组成和分配特征。结果表明,西双版纳热带季节雨林的总生物 量为423.908±109.702 Mg•hm-2(平均值±标准差,n=3) ,其中活体植物生物量占95.28%,粗死木质残体占4.07%,地上凋落物占 0.64%。在 其层次分配方面:乔木层优势明显,占98.09%±0.60%;其次为木质藤本,占0.83%±0.31%;灌木层和草本层生物量均小于木质藤本的生物量; 附生植物最低,仅为0.06%±0.03%。总生物量的器官分配以茎所占比例最高,达68.33%;根、枝、叶的比例分别为18.91%、11.07%和1.65 %。 乔木层生物量的径级分配主要集中于中等径级和最大径级。大树(D>70 cm)具有较高的生物量,占整个乔木层的43.67%±12.67%。树种分配方 面,生物量排序前10位的树种占乔木层总生物量的63.43%±4.09%,生物量集中分配于少量优势树种。西双版纳热带季节雨林乔木层叶面积指数 为6.39±0.85。西双版纳热带季节雨林乔木层的地上生物量位于世界热带湿润森林的中下范围。  相似文献   

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