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Hansen  Jonas  Reitzel  Kasper  Jensen  Henning S.  Andersen  Frede Ø. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,492(1-3):139-149
The effects of oxygen, aluminum, iron and nitrate additions on phosphate release from the sediment were evaluated in the softwater Lake Vedsted, Denmark, by a 34-day experiment with undisturbed sediment cores. Six treatments were applied: (1) Control - O2 (0–20% saturation), (2) O2 (100% saturation) (3) Al3+ – O2, (4) Fe3+ + O2, (5) Fe3+ – O2, and (6) NO3 – O2. Al2(SO4)3*18 H2O and FeCl3*4H2O were added in amounts that theoretically should immobilize the exchangeable P-pool in the top 5 cm of the sediment, while sodium nitrate concentrations were increased to 5 mg N l–1. The four treatments with metals or NO3 reduced the P efflux from the sediment significantly as compared to the suboxic control treatment. Mean accumulated P-release rates for suboxic treatments with Al3+, Fe3+, and NO3 were: –0.27 mmol m–2 (st. dev = 0.02 mmol m–2, N = 5), 0.58 mmol m–2 (st. dev = 0.30 mmol m–2, N = 5) and 1.40 mmol m–2 (st. dev = 0.14 mmol m–2, N = 5), respectively. The oxic treatment with Fe3+ had a P efflux of 0.36 mmol m–2 (st. dev = 0.08 mmol m–2, N = 5). The two highest P-release rates were observed in the control treatment and the treatment with O2 (14.50 mmol m–2 (st. dev = 3.90 mmol m–2, N = 5) and 2.31 mmol m–2 (st. dev = 0.80 mmol m–2, N = 5), respectively). In order to identify changes in the P and Fe binding sites in the sediment as caused by the treatments, a sequential P extraction procedure was applied on the sediment before and after the efflux experiment. Addition of O2, Fe3+ and NO3 to the sediment increased the amounts of oxidized Fe3+ and PBD. Al3+ addition resulted in a lower fraction of PBD but a correspondingly higher fraction of Al-bound P. Addition of Al3+ decreased the Fe-efflux from the suboxic sediment as well as the amount of oxidized Fe3+ in the sediment. This questions the use of Al compounds that contain sulfate because of the possible formation of FeS, which will restrict upward migration of Fe2+ and the formation of new Fe-oxides in the surface sediment. Instead, we suggest the use of AlCl3 for lake restoration purposes.  相似文献   

西藏达则错盐湖沉积背景与有机沉积结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以西藏拟溞(Daphniopsis tibetana Sars)为优势浮游动物物种的低盐度盐湖是西藏湖泊的一个重要类型,以达则错为代表,分析了其沉积背景及沉积物组成。结果如下:(1)湖泊敞水区无机沉积以内生化学沉积为主,可代表深水盐湖无机沉积物的自然沉积过程。(2)达则错盐湖浮游植物以蓝藻、硅藻、裸藻、绿藻为主,总生物量11.35 mg/L;浮游动物生物量为4.92 mg/L,其中西藏拟溞占 82.30%;浮游植物残体受盐梯度影响在盐梯度层之上聚集,而浮游动物残体及粪粒(Fecal pellets)因外表有碳酸盐附着可穿过盐梯度层沉积湖底,生物残体与浮游动物代谢产物构成了沉积有机物的物质基础。(3)表层沉积物平均含水量为66.70%,粒径0.004-0.02 mm范围内的颗粒物含量最大,占20.42%,其次为<0.004 mm的粘土,占4.53%。(4)表层沉积物总有机碳(TOC)平均含量为27.99 mg/g(干重),其中颗粒有机碳(POC)约为18.11 mg/g,占TOC的64.70%;在POC中,西藏拟溞粪粒贡献最大,约占POC的60.48%,占TOC的39.06%,占沉积物总量的1.12%,其次为西藏拟溞残体,占POC的38.85%。分析结果表明盐湖因其独特的水化学和生物学特征具有较强的沉积能力,以化学沉积为主的无机沉积及以西藏拟溞粪粒和残肢碎屑为主的有机沉积构成了该类型盐湖颗粒物沉降及沉积的主要过程。  相似文献   

The importance of Chironomus plumosus larvae onbenthic metabolism and nutrient exchange across thesediment–water interface was evaluated in a shalloweutrophic lake (Lake Arreskov, Denmark) following aphytoplankton sedimentation. Chironomus plumosuslarvae were added to laboratory sediment microcosms,corresponding to a density of 2825 larvae m−2.Non-inhabited microcosms served as controls. Asedimentation pulse of organic matter was simulated byadding fresh algal material (Chlamydomonasreinhardii) to sediment cores (36 g dryweight m−2). The mineralization was followed bymeasuring fluxes of O2, CO2, dissolvedinorganic nitrogen and phosphate. A rapid clearance ofalgae from the water column in faunated microcosmssuggested that chironomids may be of major importancein controlling phytoplankton concentrations in shalloweutrophic lakes. Chironomids increased the sedimentO2 uptake ≈ 3 times more than what wouldbe expected from their own respiration, indicating astimulation of microbial activity and decomposition oforganic matter in the sediment. Addition of algaeenhanced the release of CO2, NH+ 4 ando-P. The excess inorganic C, N and P released inamended non-inhabited sediment after 36 dayscorresponded to 65, 31 and 58% of the C, N and P inthe added algae. In sediment inhabited by Chironomus plumosus the corresponding numbers were147, 45 and 73%, indicating that mineralization oforganic matter also from the indigenous sediment poolwas stimulated by chironomids. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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