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Macrophage activation factor (MAF) was isolated from PPD-stimulated, BCG-immune mouse spleen cell culture fluids. In nine gel filtration runs on Sephadex G-100 or G-200, MAF was eluted in a single peak corresponding to a MW of 55,000 ± 1600. Recovery of activity was about 65%. Since the relative concentration curve of eluted MAF was wider than that of a single protein, MAF activity may be due to more than one protein with similar molecular weights. This possibility is strengthened by a broad elution range on DEAE cellulose chromatography, from a specific conductance of 3.5 to 8.5 mmho/cm, at pH 7.9. MAF was labile at both pH 4 and 10, and was destroyed by proteolytic enzymes. Eighty percent was destroyed by heating at 56 °C for 30 min. In affinity chromatography experiments, MAF did not bind to Con-A Sepharose; but it was bound to insolubilized Cibacron-blue and was eluted by an increase in ionic strength.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that the human thymus is composed of several discrete compartments. Cortical thymocytes are reactive with the monoclonal antibody anti-T6, whereas most medullary cells, unreactive with anti-T6, stain brightly with anti-T3 antibody, which defines mature T cell populations. By using an indirect immune rosette method, we isolated the minor thymocyte population (1 to 2% of all thymocytes) lacking both T3 and T6 but expressing T11 antigens. These cells could be maintained in culture supplemented with recombinant IL 2 (Rec-IL 2) for several days. Under these conditions, T3-T6- cells were shown to undergo phenotypic changes. In the absence of thymic macrophage (Mo), T3+ and T8+ thymocytes appeared in culture, whereas the development of T4+ cells strictly required the presence of Mo. The expression of T4 antigen could be largely prevented by the addition of anti-HLA-DR antibody, further indicating that Ia+ accessory cells had the ability to promote in vitro development of T4+ thymocytes. In the presence of Mo, not only T4+ but also T8+ cells were obtained. Double fluorescence staining with anti-T8-FITC and anti-T4-biotin demonstrated that after 12 days of culture, T4 and T8 antigens were mutually exclusive. Furthermore, during the course of these studies, we observed that under the culture conditions utilized (e.g., presence or absence of Mo), T3-T6-thymocytes failed to express the T6 antigen. Thus, the in vitro development of T cells bearing a mature phenotype could be obtained in the absence of intermediate expression of cortical (T6+) thymocytes.  相似文献   

Influenza A viruses possess two virion surface proteins, hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA). The HA binds to sialyloligosaccharide viral receptors, while the NA removes sialic acids from the host cell and viral sialyloligosaccarides. Alterations of the HA occur during adaptation of influenza viruses to new host species, as in the 1957 and 1968 influenza pandemics. To gain a better understanding of the contributions of the HA and possibly the NA to this process, we generated cell lines expressing reduced levels of the influenza virus receptor determinant, sialic acid, by selecting Madin-Darby canine kidney cells resistant to a lectin specific for sialic acid linked to galactose by alpha(2-3) or alpha(2-6) linkages. One of these cell lines had less than 1/10 as much N-acetylneuraminic acid as its parent cell line. When serially passaged in this cell line, human H3N2 viruses lost sialidase activity due to a large internal deletion in the NA gene, without alteration of the HA gene. These findings indicate that NA mutations can contribute to the adaptation of influenza A virus to new host environments and hence may play a role in the transmission of virus across species.  相似文献   

When A/J mice are injected subcutaneously with azobenzenearsonate- (ABA) coupled spleen cells, their splenocytes contain primed ABA-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) precursors. Animals that are not primed in vivo do not develop vigorous CTL activity when assessed after in vitro culture with ABA-coupled stimulators. Suppressor molecules derived from ligand-induced first-order ABA-specific suppressor T cells were evaluated for their ability to limit cytolytic T cell development. We have shown that an idiotype-bearing, hapten-specific suppressor factor suppresses priming for CTL in an H-2-unrestricted but allotype-restricted manner. The implication of these studies to regulatory networks is discussed.  相似文献   

Sialic acid contents of low cancer (P 4 BIS) high cancer (P 4 BIS T) cells and their normal (PB) mouse lung counterparts have been determined. This content is 5 to 10 fold higher for cells in logarithmic phase growth than for confluent cells, as well for normal cells as for transformed derived cells lines. Growing normal PB cells contain a large amount of sialic acid (21.2 μg/106 cells): it is reported that cellular sialic acid content decreases dramatically with the tumor producing capacities of the cells (3.4 μg/106 P 4 BIS cells; 2.1 μg/106 P 4 BIS T cells).It has been found in conditions which maintain cell viability that transformed neuraminidase treated cells or trypsin treated cells liberate large percentages of sialic acid, or sialoglycoproteins, whereas small percentages are liberated from normal cells, indicating that transformed cell surface glycoproteins may be reached more easy by enzymes that normal cells: in that aspect low cancer cells (P 4 BIS) appear transitory between normal (PB) and high cancer cells (P 4 BIS T) in the same way they are transitory in tumor producing capacities.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the participation of carbohydrate residues in the adhesion of spermatozoa to the oviductal epithelium in the rat. We first examined, by lectin labeling, the distribution of glycoconjugates in rat oviducts obtained under various hormonal environments. Several classes of glycoconjugates were abundant in the epithelium, and the expression of some of these molecules varied differentially in ampulla and isthmus, along the estrous cycle and with estradiol and progesterone treatment. Proestrous rats were intraoviductally injected with lectins Dolichos biflorus, Erythrina cristagalli, Helix pomatia, Arachis hypogea, Ulex europaeus I, Triticum vulgaris, or Tritrichomonas mobilensis and were inseminated with 10-20 million epididymal spermatozoa in each uterine horn. Three hours later, the total number of spermatozoa present in the oviduct and the proportion adhering to the epithelium were determined. Intraoviductal administration of lectins did not affect the total number of spermatozoa recovered from the oviduct and only the sialic acid-binding lectin TML decreased the percentage of sperm cells adhering to the epithelium. The involvement of sialic acid in sperm-oviduct adhesion was further explored, inseminating spermatozoa preincubated with mannose, galactose, sialic acid, fucose, fetuin, or asialofetuin. Sialic acid and fetuin inhibited sperm-oviduct binding while other carbohydrates had no effect. Using TML lectin immunohistochemistry, we found that sialic acid-rich glycoconjugates are equally localized in the epithelium of ampulla and isthmus of proestrous rats. The electrophoretic pattern of sialic acid-rich glycoproteins of the epithelium showed 15 major protein bands, for which molecular mass ranged from 200 to 50 kDa with no difference between ampulla and isthmus or between estrous cycle stages. Binding sites for sialic acid-fluorescein isothiocyanate were demonstrated on the surface of rat spermatozoa, and biotinylated sialic acid recognized 11 plasma membrane proteins of sperm cells. These groups of sialic acid-rich glycoproteins in the oviductal epithelium and of sialic acid-binding proteins in the plasma membrane of sperm cells are good candidates for further studies to characterize the molecules responsible for sperm binding. We conclude that there are segment-specific changes of sugar residues present in the oviductal epithelium associated with different endocrine environments. Sperm-oviduct adhesion in the rat occurs by interaction of sialoglycoconjugates present in the epithelial cells with sialic acid-binding proteins on the sperm surface. This replicates the situation previously found in hamsters, disclosing for the first time that species-specificity in the sugar involved in sperm binding is not absolute.  相似文献   

We have examined the parameters of target cell cross-sectional area and surface H-2 concentration in relation to their susceptibility to cytotoxic T-cell-mediated lysis, using a series of commonly used murine target cells of the H-2k haplotype. We used a sensitive immunoferritin labeling technique and electron microscopy to estimate relative cell diameter and H-2 concentration combined with standard 51Cr-release assays for cytotoxicity. We found that susceptibility to cytotoxic T-cell lysis was not related consistently to either factor alone, but was related to a combination of the two, such that above a certain value for the product of the two factors, no further increase in cytotoxic T-cell efficiency was seen. The information presented here should be of value to workers seeking to select a target cell type that will maximize the sensitivity of 51Cr-release-based assays for the detection of cytotoxic T cells.  相似文献   

1. The mucin of the Cowper's gland of the boar is a sialomucoprotein similar to submaxillary-gland mucin. When a solution of either mucin has been incubated for 5min or less with a particulate fraction from homogenized uterine endometriumplus-myometrium of the rabbit, 10-20% of sialyl residues (N-acetylneuraminic acid) give a positive Warren reaction for free N-acetylneuraminic acid. The particulate fraction is devoid of neuraminidase and no free (diffusible) N-acetylneuraminic acid appears during incubation. The factor that catalyses the formation of directreading non-diffusible N-acetylneuraminic acid occurs also in liver, kidney and intestinal mucosa of the rabbit. The factor is present in very small (;microsomal') particles and has not yet been solubilized. Homogenates of boar Cowper's gland contain both factor and mucin; thus direct-reading non-diffusible N-acetylneuraminic acid appears when such homogenates are stored. 2. Under optimum conditions 1mg of uterine protein catalyses the formation of 0.05-0.1mumol of direct-reading non-diffusible N-acetylneuraminic acid/min. This activity is considerably higher than the neuraminidase activities of comparable homogenates of animal tissues or of liver lysosomes. The factor is thermostable and its activity shows little variation within (i) the pH range 3-10, (ii) the temperature range 20-37 degrees C. Activity is inhibited strongly by 2,2'-bipyridyl and by ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate but is unaffected by EDTA. Its action can be simulated by low concentrations of Fe(2+). From this it may be inferred that the factor is a protein-bound from of bivalent iron. A number of pure iron-containing proteins and haemoproteins were completely inactive. The following substrates were not sources of direct-reading non-diffusible N-acetylneuraminic acid: methoxyneuraminic acid, sialyl-lactose, brain gangliosides, and sialoproteins in which N-acetylneuraminic acid is linked to galactose residues. 3. It is proposed that the factor (or Fe(2+)) reacts with the mucin in a manner that renders the C-4-C-5 bond of sialyl residues susceptible to periodate oxidation.  相似文献   

rIL-6/B cell stimulatory factor 2 was found to augment CTL generation from mature as well as immature human T cells stimulated with UV-treated allogeneic cells. rIL-6 also acted on peanut agglutinin-positive murine thymocytes and Lyt-2-positive splenic T cells to give rise to CTL. rIL-6 alone could not induce CTL generation, the presence of IL-2 during the early phase of culture period was found to be essential for the IL-6 activity in the induction of CTL. The effect of rIL-6 was not mediated by the induction of IL-2 inasmuch as rIL-6 did not augment IL-2 production in MLC and anti-IL-2 antibody could not neutralize IL-6 activity. rIL-6 augmented CTL generation even when added 72 h after the initiation of cultures. The enhancing activity of rIL-6 could be neutralized with anti-IL-6 antibodies even when added 72 h after the initiation of cultures. The present data indicate that IL-6 acts in the late phase of CTL generation.  相似文献   

DNP-specific, class II-restricted cloned T cells were shown to kill DNP-bearing A20.2J (A20-DNP) antigen-presenting cells. This killing was DNP-specific and was restricted by IA. Results from bystander cytotoxicity, cold-target inhibition, and protein and lymphokine inhibition experiments indicated that killing of A20-DNP targets was mediated by direct lysis. In addition to the direct lysis, antigen stimulation of the T cells also resulted in production of a soluble cytolytic factor which killed bystander L929 fibroblast cells. This killing was sensitive to inhibition of protein synthesis and lymphokine production but was not affected by the addition of cold A20-DNP target cells. Additional studies showed that other antigen-presenting cells, i.e., DNP-bearing P388D1 and splenic macrophages, were also lysed by the cloned T cells. These findings may indicate that lysis of target cells by nominal antigen-specific, class II-restricted T cells plays a role in immune regulation and/or immune protection.  相似文献   

To study mechanisms of peripheral self-tolerance, we injected small numbers of naive CD4(+) TCR-transgenic T cells into mice expressing the MHC/peptide ligand under the control of an MHC class II promoter. The donor T cells expand rapidly to very large numbers, acquire memory markers, and go out into tissues, but the animals remain healthy, and the accumulated T cells are profoundly anergic to restimulation with Ag in vitro. Provision of a costimulatory signal by coinjection of an agonist Ab to OX40 (CD134), a TNFR family member expressed on activated CD4 T cells, results in death of the mice within 12 days. TCR-transgenic T cells recovered at 5 days from anti-OX40-treated mice have a unique phenotype: they remain unresponsive to Ag in vitro, but they are larger, more granular, and strongly IL-2R positive. Some spontaneously secrete IFN-gamma directly ex vivo, and the majority make IFN-gamma in response to PMA and ionomycin. Although they are anergic by conventional tests requiring Ag recognition, they respond vigorously to cytokines, proliferating in response to IL-2, and secreting IFN-gamma when TCR signaling is bypassed with IL-12 and IL-18. We conclude that the costimulatory signal through OX40 allows otherwise harmless, proliferating, autoreactive T cells to acquire effector cell functions. The ability of these T cells to respond to cytokines by synthesizing additional inflammatory cytokines without a TCR signal may drive the fatal pathogenic process in vivo.  相似文献   

Regulatory T cells can be obtained from primary mixed lymphocyte cultures of CBA spleen cells responding to BALB/c stimulators. At day 3 of culture, T cells are generated which can either help or suppress the generation of cytotoxic T cells in a second primary MLC culture. The regulatory activity observed depends on the conditions employed in the assay system allowing independent assay of different functional cell types which coexist in the cultures. Both the helper activity and the suppressor activity are mediated by differentiated antigen-specific T cells whose function is radioresistant. The Ly phenotype of these regulatory cells was tested. At day 3 of the first-step culture, the phenotype of the helper cells is Ly 1.1+ Ly 2.1-, whereas the inhibitory cells are Ly 1.1 Ly 2.1+. At day 5 of M LC culture, suppressor activity and helper activity are also observed. However, at this point, a suppressor cell which is Ly 1.1-Ly 2.1+ represents the major inhibitory activity. It is not clear whether this change in suppressor cell phenotype as a function of time in culture represents one differentiation pathway or cells derived from two different precursor cells. The Ly phenotype of helper or cytotoxic T cells did not change as a function of time in culture. In day 5 first-step cells, the cytotoxic cells were typed as Ly 1.1+ 2.1+, whereas the inhibitory cells present in aliquots of the same treated cell population expressed the Ly 1.1- Ly 2.1 phenotype. Taken together, these observations show that the antigen-specific suppressor cells and helper cells which regulate the generation of cytotoxicity, and the cytotoxic cells themselves represent physically distinct subclasses of T cells.  相似文献   

Using scanning electron microscopy, a study was made of the surface topography of the Swiss 3T3 cells whose proliferation was arrested in the serum-less (0.5%) medium due to the application of the epidermal growth factor and insulin for, respectively, 10 and 30 minutes. The early cell response on the growth factors was diminishing the number of microvilli and appearance of plasma membrane invaginations. The degree of quiescent cell spreading under the action of the two above factors was different, since the epidermal growth factor, unlike insulin, induced cell reaction.  相似文献   

Thymocytes undergo a vigorous proliferative response when stimulated with a combination of IL-4 and PMA. We have found that conA-induced supernatants from a number of Th cell clones could enhance the level of IL-4/PMA-induced proliferation of unseparated thymocytes 0.5- to 2-fold and of peanut agglutinin-positive thymocytes 2- to 10-fold. These supernatants did not contain IL-2 or IFN-gamma, and the enhancing activity could be chromatographically separated from IL-3, -4, -5, and granulocyte/macrophage CSF. The possibility that the thymocyte enhancement factor contained in these supernatants was IL-6 was suggested when murine rIL-6 was found to have similar activity. Further evidence for the identity of these two factors was obtained when an IL-6 assay, based on plasmacytoma growth, was used to test column fractions showing thymocyte enhancement. All fractions active in the thymocyte enhancement assay also had activity in the plasmacytoma growth assay. These observations suggest that the thymocyte-stimulating activity present in the T cell supernatants was due to IL-6.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the levels of expression of sialic acid and N-acetylgalactosamine residues on the cell surface of a normal intestinal epithelium cell line, IEC-6, and in two colon adenocarcinoma cell lines with different metastatic potential, Caco-2 and HCT-116. Glycoprotein expression was estimated initially by cytochemistry with WGA and HPA lectins and biochemistry with isolated plasma membrane fractions of the cells. Fluorescence and electron microscopic analyses revealed differences in the expression profile of carbohydrates recognized by the lectins used on the cell surface of IEC-6, Caco-2, and HCT-116 cells. Lectin blotting identified a range of eight HPA-binding glycoprotein bands with molecular weights of 16-66 kD in Caco-2 cells, six glycoproteins of 16-36 kD, and three protein bands of 35, 24, and 21 kD in IEC-6 cells. A minor band of 66 kD and a major one of 50 kD for WGA-binding glycoproteins were observed in IEC-6 cells and seven glycoproteins of 18-97 kD in Caco-2 and HCT-116 cells but with a visible higher expression of these glycoproteins in the latter. Furthermore, significant quantitative difference in levels of expression of WGA- but not of HPA-binding glycoconjugates was noted, as analyzed by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy using backscattered electron images of cells incubated with gold-labeled lectins.  相似文献   

Two Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell mutants selected for resistance to wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) have been shown to exhibit defective sialylation of membrane glycoproteins and a membrane glycolipid, GM3. The mutants (termed WgaRII and WgaRIII) have been previously shown to belong to different genetic complementation groups and to exhibit different WGA-binding abilities. These mutants and a WGA-resistant CHO cell mutant termed WgaRI (which also possesses a surface sialylation defect arising from a deficient N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity), have enabled us to investigate the role of sialic acid in WGA binding at the cell surface. Scatchard plots of the binding of 125I- WGA (1 ng/ml to 1 mg/ml) to parental and WgaR CHO cells before and after a brief treatment with neuraminidase provide evidence for several different groups of sialic acid residues at the CHO cell surface which may be distinquished by their differential involvement in WGA binding to CHO cells.  相似文献   

The expression of membrane-associated forms of lymphotoxin (LT) and TNF were examined on cell lines of T, B, and myeloid origin, IL-2 dependent T cell clones, and peripheral blood lymphocytes. Inducible and constitutive patterns of surface LT expression were found on T cells as exemplified by the II-23.D7, a CD4+T cell hybridoma, and HUT-78, a T cell lymphoma. Phorbol ester induced surface LT expression on Ramos, an EBV transformed B cell line, but at a slower rate of appearance when compared to the II-23.D7. Secretion of LT was rapidly inducible by phorbol ester in II-23.D7 and also in HUT-78 but with slower kinetics; surface LT expression continued in both lines after secretion had ceased. Low levels of membrane TNF were transiently induced on II-23.D7 and HUT-78, but none was observed on Ramos. Peripheral blood monocytes and some myeloid tumor lines did not express surface LT. Several T cell clones expressed surface LT after Ag-specific stimulation, and expression persisted several days. Stimulation through the TCR or by IL-2 rapidly induced surface LT on resting peripheral T cells and CD56+ NK cells; pokeweed mitogen activation induced expression on CD20+ B cells. Consistent with previous results, immunoprecipitation with anti-LT mAb showed that LT was complexed with a distinct 33 kDa glycoprotein (p33) on cells that expressed surface LT, whereas secreted LT was not associated with p33. Surface and secreted modes of LT expression by activated T, B, and NK cells suggests that LT can be utilized as either a localized or diffusible mediator in immune responses.  相似文献   

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