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Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology - The objective of the study is to ascertain the biological potential and to identify the bioactive compounds of the four crude extract hexane,...  相似文献   

The main objective of the present study was to improve the quality of pulp and paper industrial wastewater of two local mills RAKTA and El-Ahlia, Alexandria, Egypt, and to bring their pollutant contents to safe discharge levels. Quality improvement was carried out using integrated chemical and biological treatment approaches after their optimization. Chemical treatment (alum, lime, and ferric chloride) was followed by oxidation using hydrogen peroxide and finally biological treatment using activated sludge (90 min for RAKTA and 60 min for El-Ahlia effluents). Chemical coagulation produced low-quality effluents, while pH adjustment during coagulation treatment did not enhance the quality of the effluents. Maximum removal of the tested pollutants was achieved using the integrated treatment and the pollutants recorded residual concentrations (RCs) of 34.67, 17.33, 0.13, and 0.43 mg/l and 15.0, 11.0, 0.0, and 0.13 mg/l for chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), tannin and lignin, and silica in RAKTA and El-Ahlia effluents, respectively, all of which were below their maximum permissible limits (MPLs) for the safe discharge into water courses. Specific oxygen uptake rate (SOUR) and sludge volume index (SVI) values reflect good conditions and healthy activated sludge. Based on the previous results, optimized conditions were applied as bench scale on the raw effluents of RAKTA and El-Ahlia via the batch chemical and the biological treatment sequences proposed. For RAKTA effluents, the sequence was as follows: (1) coagulation with 375 mg/l FeCl3, (2) oxidation with 50 mg/l hydrogen peroxide, and (3) biological treatment using activated sludge with 2,000 mg/l initial concentration and 90 min hydraulic retention time (HRT), while for El-Ahlia raw effluents, the sequence was (1) coagulation with 250 mg/l FeCl3, (2) oxidation with 45 mg/l hydrogen peroxide, and (3) biological treatment using activated sludge with 2,000 mg/l initial concentration and 60 min HRT. In conclusion, results confirmed that the application of the proposed sequential treatments removed almost all COD, BOD5, high molecular weight compounds, and silica from RAKTA and El-Ahlia influents and produced high-quality effluents, thus achieving the main objective of this study.  相似文献   

Acid mine drainage (AMD) represents a serious environmental problem related to sulfide minerals and coal mining. High content of toxic metals and high acidity in AMD adversely affects surface water, groundwater and soil. The abandoned mine of the Smolník deposit in Slovakia is a typical example in this respect. The quality of AMD needs to be monitored and suitable treatment methods need to be developed.The aim of this paper was to demonstrate the technical feasibility of heavy metals removal from AMD using physical–chemical and biological–chemical methods. The base of the physical–chemical method was electrowinning. The principle of the biological–chemical method was the selective sequential precipitation (SSP) of metals with the application of hydrogen sulfide produced by sulfate-reducing bacteria and sodium hydroxide solution. Both the electrowinning and SSP processes decrease the content of heavy metals in AMD. The pre-treatment of AMD by chemical iron–aluminum precipitation (in the case of electrowinning tests) and chemical iron precipitation (in the case of SSP tests) improved the selectivity of the processes. A further aim of the work was the improvement of the SSP.During the electrochemical experiments, 99% Zn removal – under metallic form – and 94% Mn removal – under MnO2 form – both with a high degree of purity, were achieved. The SSP process reached the selective precipitation of chosen metals with 99% efficiency – Fe, Al and Mn in the form of metal hydroxides, Cu and Zn as metal sulfides. The results achieved may be used for designing a process appropriate for the selective recovery of metals from the AMD discharged from the Smolník deposit.  相似文献   

We developed “fractionation profiling,” a method for rapid proteomic analysis of membrane vesicles and protein particles. The approach combines quantitative proteomics with subcellular fractionation to generate signature protein abundance distribution profiles. Functionally associated groups of proteins are revealed through cluster analysis. To validate the method, we first profiled >3500 proteins from HeLa cells and identified known clathrin-coated vesicle proteins with >90% accuracy. We then profiled >2400 proteins from Drosophila S2 cells, and we report the first comprehensive insect clathrin-coated vesicle proteome. Of importance, the cluster analysis extends to all profiled proteins and thus identifies a diverse range of known and novel cytosolic and membrane-associated protein complexes. We show that it also allows the detailed compositional characterization of complexes, including the delineation of subcomplexes and subunit stoichiometry. Our predictions are presented in an interactive database. Fractionation profiling is a universal method for defining the clathrin-coated vesicle proteome and may be adapted for the analysis of other types of vesicles and particles. In addition, it provides a versatile tool for the rapid generation of large-scale protein interaction maps.  相似文献   

Starting from the conceptual premises of Garrod, who as long ago as 1902 spoke of chemical individuality, and of Burnet (1949), who recognized as self one's own molecular antigenic structures (as opposed to the antigenic alien: the non- self), the discovery and understanding of HLA antigens and of their extraordinarily individual and differentiated polymorphisms have gained universal recognition. Transplant medicine has now dramatically stressed, within man's knowledge of himself, the characteristic of his biological uniqueness. Today man, having become aware of being a biological antigenic-molecular individuality which is unique and different from that of all of his fellow men (except for monozygotic twins), can therefore easily consider himself a true biological Ego.Abbreviations BMT bone marrow transplantation - GVHD graft versus host disease - HLA human leukocyte antigens - MHC major histocompatibility complex - MLC mixed lymphocyte culture - MLR mixed lymphocyte reaction  相似文献   

Staining of tissues by dyes is accomplished through various types of bonds, some of which have been poorly defined in traditional biological literature. Here, basic principles of bonding are reviewed to establish uniform terminology and definitions consistent with the field of chemistry. The concept of charge – its presence or absence, magnitude, extent of delocalization and potential for being displaced by outside forces – underlies all bonding phenomena. These same attributes influence solubility and resistance to extraction during dehydration of tissue sections. Covalent bonds involve shared electrons; they are very strong and essentially irreversible under conditions encountered during staining. Polar covalent bonds within dye molecules generate partial atomic charges that create the potential for hydrogen bonding. This is measured by the hydrogen bonding parameter (h), the number of groups bearing charges within the ranges ?0.15 to ?0.50 eV or +0.15 to +0.30 eV. The potential for ionic bonding is indicated by net charge (Z), while the strength of such bonds is a function of charge site geometry on both bonding partners. Charge delocalization owing to conjugation, electron influencing groups, and resonance creates soft charge sites in which the ionic charge is spread over a large volume. Poorly delocalized charges or point charges are hard (small in volume). Firm bonds result from hard-hard or soft-soft pairs. Hard-soft combinations are weak, readily displaced in competitive interactions, and disrupted by solvents. Coordinate bonds with certain metals are involved with mordant staining and metal chelation dyes. Three different van der Waals attractions comprise the remainder of bonding types, all involving dipoles: Keesom (dipole-dipole) forces, Debye (dipole-induced dipole) forces and London (induced dipole-induced dipole) forces. Potentials for engaging in any of these is quantified by measures of polarity (dipole moment, d), polarizability (crudely with π atoms describing the size of the conjugated system, or more directly with α), hydrophobicity (with the octanol-water partition coefficient, log P or the more convenient Hydrophobic Index, HI), and the number of halogen atoms (X). By using molecular modeling software, quantitative measures of bonding potential (bonding parameters) have been determined for over 400 dyes.  相似文献   

Developmental biology and evolutionary studies have merged into evolutionary developmental biology (“evo-devo”). This synthesis already influenced and still continues to change the conceptual framework of structural biology. One of the cornerstones of structural biology is the concept of homology. But the search for homology (“sameness”) of biological structures depends on our favourite perspectives (axioms, paradigms). Five levels of homology (“sameness”) can be identified in the literature, although they overlap to some degree: (i) serial homology (homonomy) within modular organisms, (ii) historical homology (synapomorphy), which is taken as the only acceptable homology by many biologists, (iii) underlying homology (i.e., parallelism) in closely related taxa, (iv) deep evolutionary homology due to the “same” master genes in distantly related phyla, and (v) molecular homology exclusively at gene level. The following essay gives emphasis on the heuristic advantages of seemingly opposing perspectives in structural biology, with examples mainly from comparative plant morphology. The organization of the plant body in the majority of angiosperms led to the recognition of the classical root–shoot model. In some lineages bauplan rules were transcended during evolution and development. This resulted in morphological misfits such as the Podostemaceae, peculiar eudicots adapted to submerged river rocks. Their transformed “roots” and “shoots” fit only to a limited degree into the classical model which is based on either–or thinking. It has to be widened into a continuum model by taking over elements of fuzzy logic and fractal geometry to accommodate for lineages such as the Podostemaceae.  相似文献   



The majority of experimentally verified molecular interaction and biological pathway data are present in the unstructured text of biomedical journal articles where they are inaccessible to computational methods. The Biomolecular interaction network database (BIND) seeks to capture these data in a machine-readable format. We hypothesized that the formidable task-size of backfilling the database could be reduced by using Support Vector Machine technology to first locate interaction information in the literature. We present an information extraction system that was designed to locate protein-protein interaction data in the literature and present these data to curators and the public for review and entry into BIND.


Cross-validation estimated the support vector machine's test-set precision, accuracy and recall for classifying abstracts describing interaction information was 92%, 90% and 92% respectively. We estimated that the system would be able to recall up to 60% of all non-high throughput interactions present in another yeast-protein interaction database. Finally, this system was applied to a real-world curation problem and its use was found to reduce the task duration by 70% thus saving 176 days.


Machine learning methods are useful as tools to direct interaction and pathway database back-filling; however, this potential can only be realized if these techniques are coupled with human review and entry into a factual database such as BIND. The PreBIND system described here is available to the public at http://bind.ca. Current capabilities allow searching for human, mouse and yeast protein-interaction information.  相似文献   

Auxetics (materials or structures) are systems with a negative Poisson's ratio, a property that arises from the way various geometric features in the structure (or internal structure in the case of materials) deform when subjected to uniaxial loads. Such systems are normally studied by examining the behaviour of idealised representations of structures, which deform in a controlled fashion (e.g. deforming solely through hinging or stretching). Methods used for the analysis typically involve construction of real physical macro-models and/or derivation of analytical expressions for the mechanical properties. This paper proposes an alternative method for analysing such structures whereby idealised “hinging” or “stretching” structures are constructed within a molecular modelling environment using dummy atoms and examined using standard molecular mechanics techniques. We will show that this methodology of “empirical modelling using dummy atoms” (EMUDA) successfully reproduces the known properties of 2D conventional and auxetic hexagonal honeycombs hence confirming the suitability of this technique for studying auxetic structures.  相似文献   

The dependence between the anomeric carbon chemical shift and the glycosidic bond , dihedral angles in oligosaccharide and glycopeptide model compounds was studied by Gauge-Including Atomic Orbital (GIAO) ab initio calculations. Complete chemical shift surfaces versus and for d-Glcp-d-Glcp disaccharides with (11), (12), (13), and (14) linkages in both - and -configurations were computed using a 3-21G basis set, and scaled to reference results from calculations at the 6-311G** level of theory. Similar surfaces were obtained for GlcNAcThr and GlcNAcSer model glycopeptides in - and -configurations, using in this case different conformations for the peptide moiety. The results obtained for both families of model compounds are discussed. We also present the determination of empirical formulas of the form 13C=f(,) obtained by fitting the raw ab initio data to trigonometric series expansions suitable for use in molecular mechanics and dynamics simulations. Our investigations are consistent with experimental observations and earlier calculations performed on smaller glycosidic bond models, and show the applicability of chemical shift surfaces in the study of the conformational behavior of oligosaccharides and glycopeptides.  相似文献   



The anti-malarial activity of maslinic acid (MA), a natural triterpene which has been previously shown to exert a parasitostatic action on Plasmodium falciparum cultures, was analysed in vivo by using the Plasmodium yoelii 17XL murine model.


ICR mice were infected with P. yoelii and treated with a single dose of MA by a intraperitoneal injection of MA (40 mg kg-1 day-1) followed by identical dose administration for the following three days. Parasitaemia and accumulation of intraerythrocytic stages was monitored microscopically. To assess protective immunity, cured mice were challenged with the same dose of parasites 40 days after recovery from the primary infection and parasitaemia was further monitored for 30 days. Humoral response was tested by ELISA and visualization of specific anti-P. yoelii antibodies was performed by Western-blotting.


ICR mice treated with MA increased the survival rate from 20% to 80%, showing an arrest of parasite maturation from day 3 to 7 after infection and leading to synchronization of the intraerythrocytic cycle and accumulation of schizonts by day 6, proving that MA also behaves as a parasitostatic agent in vivo. Mice which survived the primary infection displayed lower rates of parasitic growth, showing a decline of parasitaemia after day 15, and complete clearance at day 20. These mice remained immunoprotected, showing not malaria symptoms or detectable parasitaemia after rechallenge with the same lethal strain. The analysis of specific antibodies against P. yoelii, present in mice which survived the infection, showed a significant increase in the number and intensity of immunoreactive proteins, suggesting that the protected mice may trigger a strong humoral response.


The survival increase observed in MA-treated mice can be explained considering that the parasitostatic effect exerted by this compound during the first days of infection increases the chances to develop effective innate and/or acquired immune responses. MA may represent a new class of anti-malarial compounds which, as a consequence of its parasitostatic action, favours the development of more effective sterilizing immune responses.  相似文献   

The physical and chemical parameters involved in the design and synthesis of biospecifically targeted nanoparticulate contrast media for magnetic resonance molecular imaging (MRMI) were explored in this pilot investigation. Latex nanoparticles 100, 400 and 900 nm in diameter were doubly derivatised, first with tomato lectin and then with gadoliniumIII-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (Gd-chelates) to target them to epithelial and endothelial glycocalyceal N-glycans and to generate contrast enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). After intravenous injection into mice, human placental cotyledons or human Vena saphena magna, contrasty images of the vascular structures were obtained in 1.5 T MRI with spatial resolution 0.1 mm in the imaging plane and 0.6 mm in the z axis, persisting >60 min and resistant to washing out by buffer rinses. Ultrastructural analysis of the nanoparticles revealed the targeting groups at the nanoparticle surfaces and the distribution of the Gd-chelates within the nanoparticles and enabled counts for use in determining relaxivity. The relaxivity values revealed were extremely high, accounting for the strong MR signals observed. Occasionally, nanoparticles larger than 100 nm were seen in close spatial association with disrupted regions of cell membrane or of collagen fibrils in the extracellular matrix. The data suggest that 100-nm nanoparticles generate adequate contrast for MRMI and cause least disruption to endothelial cell surfaces.  相似文献   

The glycan chains attached to cell surfaces or to single proteins are highly dynamic structures with various functions. The glycan chains of mammals and of some microorganisms often terminate in sialic acids or α-1,3-galactose. Although these two sugars are completely distinct, there are several similarities in their biological and medical importance. First, one type of sialic acid, N-glycolylneuraminic acid, and the galactose bound by an α-1,3-linkage to LacNAc, that forms an α-gal epitope, were both eliminated in human evolution, resulting in the production of antibodies to these sugars. Both of these evolutionary events have consequences connected with the consumption of foods of mammalian origin, causing medical complications of varying severity. In terms of ageing, sialic acids prevent the clearance of glycoproteins and circulating blood cells, whereas cryptic α-gal epitopes on senescent red blood cells contribute to their removal from circulation. The efficiency of therapeutic proteins can be increased by sialylation. Another common feature is the connection with microorganisms since sialic acids and α-gal epitopes serve as receptors on host cells and can also be expressed on the surfaces of some microorganisms. Whereas, the sialylation of IgG antibodies may help to treat inflammation, the expression of the α-gal epitope on microbial antigens increases the immunogenicity of the corresponding vaccines. Finally, sialic acids and the α-gal epitope have applications in cancer immunotherapy. N-glycolylneuraminic acid is a powerful target for cancer immunotherapy, and the α-gal epitope increases the efficiency of cancer vaccines. The final section of this article contains a brief overview of the methods for oligosaccharide chain synthesis and the characteristics of sialyltransferases and α-1,3-galactosyltransferase.  相似文献   

Cellular interactions with extracellular matrices (ECM) through the application of mechanical forces mediate numerous biological processes including developmental morphogenesis, wound healing and cancer metastasis. They also play a key role in the cellular repopulation and/or remodeling of engineered tissues and organs. While 2-D studies can provide important insights into many aspects of cellular mechanobiology, cells reside within 3-D ECMs in vivo, and matrix structure and dimensionality have been shown to impact cell morphology, protein organization and mechanical behavior. Global measurements of cell-induced compaction of 3-D collagen matrices can provide important insights into the regulation of overall cell contractility by various cytokines and signaling pathways. However, to understand how the mechanics of cell spreading, migration, contraction and matrix remodeling are regulated at the molecular level, these processes must also be studied in individual cells. Here we review the evolution and application of techniques for imaging and assessing local cell–matrix mechanical interactions in 3-D culture models, tissue explants and living animals.  相似文献   

Most fungal pathogens lack the capacity to search for their host but rather develop sit-and-wait strategies that favour contact with them. The success of these strategies depends upon the interactions of the pathogen with its host, the host plant and the environmental conditions, which altogether determine its transmissibility. Given the limited success that has characterized application of sustainable microbial control, particularly using Entomophthorales, interaction studies have been conducted with the entomophthoralean fungus Neozygites tanajoae, pathogenic to the cassava green mite (CGM), Mononychellus tanajoa, to help understand differences observed between laboratory and field performances of this pathogen. Reciprocal pathogen-host interactions as well as tritrophic interactions involving the host plant were studied. It was found that herbivory triggers the release of volatiles that promote sporulation of isolates of N. tanajoae, whereas the host mite avoids haloes of spores of this pathogen. However, the host mite does not avoid the pathogen when inside the mummified fungus-killed cadaver. The status of microbial control of CGM in Africa is reviewed and implications of these interactions are discussed for prospective application of microbial control using Entomophthorales.  相似文献   

A new series of peptidomimetic pseudo-prolyl-homophenylalanylketones were designed, synthesized and evaluated for inhibition of the Plasmodium falciparum cysteine proteases falcipain-2 (FP-2) and falcipain-3 (FP-3). In addition, the parasite killing activity of these compounds in human blood-cultured P. falciparum was examined. Of twenty-two (22) compounds synthesized, one peptidomimetic comprising a homophenylalanine-based α-hydroxyketone linked Cbz-protected hydroxyproline (39) showed the most potency (IC50 80 nM against FP-2 and 60 nM against FP-3). In silico analysis of these peptidomimetic analogs offered important protein–ligand structural insights including the role, by WaterMap, of water molecules in the active sites of these protease isoforms. The pseudo-dipeptide 39 and related compounds may serve as a promising direction forward in the design of competitive inhibitors of falcipains for the effective treatment of malaria.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for plant height in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were studied using a set of 168 doubled haploid (DH) lines, which were derived from the cross Huapei 3/Yumai 57. A genetic linkage map was constructed using 283 SSR and 22 EST-SSR markers. The DH population and the parents were evaluated for wheat plant height in 2005 and 2006 in Tai'an and 2006 in Suzhou. QTL analyses were performed using the software of QTLNetwork version 2.0 based on the mixed linear model. Four additive QTLs and five pairs of epistatic effects were detected, which were distributed on chromosomes 3A, 4B, 4D, 5A, 6A, 7B, and 7D. Among them, three additive QTLs and three pairs of epistatic QTLs showed QTLxenvironment interactions (QEs). Two major QTLs, QphAB and Qph4D, which accounted for 14.51 % and 20.22% of the phenotypic variation, were located similar to the reported locations of the dwarfing genes Rhtl and Rht2, respectively. The Qph3A-2 with additive effect was not reported in previous linkage mapping studies. The total QTL ef fects detected for the plant height explained 85.04% of the phenotypic variation, with additive effects 46.07%, epistatic effects 19.89%, and QEs 19.09%. The results showed that both additive effects and epistatic effects were important genetic bases of wheat plant height, which were subjected to environmental modifications, and caused dramatic changes in phenotypic effects. The information obtained in this study will be useful for manipulating the QTLs for wheat plant height by molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS).  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for plant height in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were studied using a set of 168 doubled haploid (DH) lines, which were derived from the cross Huapei 3/Yumai 57. A genetic linkage map was constructed using 283 SSR and 22 EST-SSR markers. The DH population and the parents were evaluated for wheat plant height in 2005 and 2006 in Tai’an and 2006 in Suzhou. QTL analyses were performed using the software of QTLNetwork version 2.0 based on the mixed linear model. Four additive QTLs and five pairs of epistatic effects were detected, which were distributed on chromosomes 3A, 4B, 4D, 5A, 6A, 7B, and 7D. Among them, three additive QTLs and three pairs of epistatic QTLs showed QTL×environment interactions (QEs). Two major QTLs, Qph4B and Qph4D, which accounted for 14.51% and 20.22% of the phenotypic variation, were located similar to the reported locations of the dwarfing genes Rht1 and Rht2, respectively. The Qph3A-2 with additive effect was not reported in previous linkage mapping studies. The total QTL effects detected for the plant height explained 85.04% of the phenotypic variation, with additive effects 46.07%, epistatic effects 19.89%, and QEs 19.09%. The results showed that both additive effects and epistatic effects were important genetic bases of wheat plant height, which were subjected to environmental modifications, and caused dramatic changes in phenotypic effects. The information obtained in this study will be useful for manipulating the QTLs for wheat plant height by molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS).  相似文献   

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