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Patterns of daily torpor were measured in response to photoperiod and food restriction at a constant temperature (18 °C) in two species of elephant shrew (Macroscelidea), Elephantulus rozeti (from Morocco) and Elephantulus myurus (from southern Africa). Body temperature was monitored continuously for ca. 3 months using temperature-sensitive telemeters. Under short photoperiods (8:16 L:D), both species entered spontaneous torpor on an ad libitum diet, but showed a higher frequency of induced torpor when food was restricted. Under long photoperiods (16:8 L:D), E. myurus could be induced to enter daily `summer' torpor. A total of 378 torpor bouts were measured, none of which were longer in duration than 18 h. Under short photoperiods, arousal from torpor was associated with the onset of the photoperiod, whereas the time of entry was variable throughout the scotophase. However, E. myurus tended to phase shift torpor from the photophase to the scotophase under long photoperiods, despite displaying weak circadian amplitudes of body temperature indicative of a photophase rest phase. Both species lacked well-defined circadian amplitudes of body temperature, a pattern thought to be associated with polyphasic activity cycles characteristic of several Elephantulus species. It was concluded that these and other patterns of torpor shown by Elephantulus show similarities with other small Afrotropical insectivores inhabiting semi-arid habitats or unpredictable environments. Accepted: 26 July 2000  相似文献   

Many birds and mammals drastically reduce their energy expenditure during times of cold exposure, food shortage, or drought, by temporarily abandoning euthermia, i.e. the maintenance of high body temperatures. Traditionally, two different types of heterothermy, i.e. hypometabolic states associated with low body temperature (torpor), have been distinguished: daily torpor, which lasts less than 24 h and is accompanied by continued foraging, versus hibernation, with torpor bouts lasting consecutive days to several weeks in animals that usually do not forage but rely on energy stores, either food caches or body energy reserves. This classification of torpor types has been challenged, suggesting that these phenotypes may merely represent extremes in a continuum of traits. Here, we investigate whether variables of torpor in 214 species (43 birds and 171 mammals) form a continuum or a bimodal distribution. We use Gaussian‐mixture cluster analysis as well as phylogenetically informed regressions to quantitatively assess the distinction between hibernation and daily torpor and to evaluate the impact of body mass and geographical distribution of species on torpor traits. Cluster analysis clearly confirmed the classical distinction between daily torpor and hibernation. Overall, heterothermic endotherms tend to be small; hibernators are significantly heavier than daily heterotherms and also are distributed at higher average latitudes (~35°) than daily heterotherms (~25°). Variables of torpor for an average 30 g heterotherm differed significantly between daily heterotherms and hibernators. Average maximum torpor bout duration was >30‐fold longer, and mean torpor bout duration >25‐fold longer in hibernators. Mean minimum body temperature differed by ~13°C, and the mean minimum torpor metabolic rate was ~35% of the basal metabolic rate (BMR) in daily heterotherms but only 6% of BMR in hibernators. Consequently, our analysis strongly supports the view that hibernators and daily heterotherms are functionally distinct groups that probably have been subject to disruptive selection. Arguably, the primary physiological difference between daily torpor and hibernation, which leads to a variety of derived further distinct characteristics, is the temporal control of entry into and arousal from torpor, which is governed by the circadian clock in daily heterotherms, but apparently not in hibernators.  相似文献   

Arousal from deep hibernation is accompanied by a transient rise of melatonin (Mel) in circulation; there are no comparable analyses of Mel concentrations in species that undergo much shallower, shorter duration episodes of daily torpor. Serum Mel concentrations were determined during arousal from both natural daily torpor and torpor induced by 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) treatment (2,500 mg/kg, intraperitoneal [IP]); blood samples were drawn from the retro-orbital sinus of anesthetized Siberian hamsters. For animals kept in darkness during torpor, Mel concentrations were highest during early arousal when thermogenesis is maximal, and they decreased as body temperature increased during arousal and returned to baseline once euthermia was reestablished. In hamsters kept in the light during the torpor bout, Mel concentrations were elevated above basal values during arousal, but the response was significantly blunted in comparison with values recorded in darkness. Increased Mel concentrations were detected in hamsters only during arousal from torpor (either natural or 2-DG induced) and were not simply a result of the drug treatment; hamsters that remained euthermic or manifested mild hypothermia after drug treatment maintained basal Mel concentrations. We propose that increased Mel production may reflect enhanced sympathetic activation associated with intense thermogenesis during arousal from torpor rather than an adjustment of the circadian rhythm of Mel secretion.  相似文献   

Summary Plasma glucose concentrations were increased in torpidCitellus lateralis to test the hypothesis that plasma glucose depletion stimulates periodic arousals from torpor during hibernation.It was found that plasma glucose depletion is not the stimulus for arousal inC. lateralis (Figs. 1 and 2). Plasma glucose and hepatic and skeletal muscle glycogen remain stable during torpor in this species (Figs. 2–4), in marked contrast to the carbohydrate depletion reported forCitellus undulatus. The significance of the differences in carbohydrate status during torpor betweenC. lateralis andC. undulatus is discussed.  相似文献   

Ground squirrels undergo extreme body temperature fluctuations during hibernation. The effect of low body temperatures on the mammalian circadian system is still under debate. Using implanted temperature loggers, we recorded body temperature patterns in European ground squirrels kept in an enclosure under natural conditions. Although hibernation onset was delayed, hibernation end corresponded closely to that measured in a field population. Circadian body temperature fluctuations were not detected during deep torpor, but indications of circadian timing of arousal episodes at higher temperatures were found at the beginning and end of hibernation. One male exhibited synchronised arousals to a relatively constant phase of the day throughout hibernation. All animals first entered torpor in the afternoon. Daily body temperature fluctuations were decreased or distorted during the first days after hibernation. We hypothesise that hibernation may affect the circadian system by either decreasing the expression of the circadian oscillator, or by decreasing the amplitude of the circadian oscillator itself. possibly due to gradual, temperature dependent, internal desynchronisation. The latter mechanism may be beneficial because it might facilitate post-hibernation re-entrainment rates.  相似文献   

The characteristics of daily torpor were measured in the round-eared elephant shrew Macroscelides proboscideus (Macroscelidea) in response to ambient temperature and food deprivation. Elephant shrews are an ancient mammal order within a superordinal African clade including hyraxes, elephants, dugongs and the aardvark. M. proboscideus only employed torpor when deprived of food; torpor did not occur under an ad libitum diet at ambient temperatures of 10, 15 and 25?°C. Torpor bout duration ranged from <1?h to ca. 18?h. The times of entry into torpor were restricted to the scotophase, despite normothermic body temperature patterns indicating a rest phase coincident with the photophase. Full arousal was always achieved within the first 3?h of the photophase. When food deprived, the onset of the rest phase, and hence torpor, advanced with respect to the experimental photoperiod. The lowest torpor body temperature measured was 9.41?°C. Daily torpor in M. proboscideus confirms a pleisiomorphic origin of daily heterothermy. Torpor facilitates risk-averse foraging behaviour in these small omnivores by overcoming long-term energy shortfalls generated by the inherent variability of food availability in their semi-arid, El Niño-afflicted habitats.  相似文献   

Mammals and birds have evolved the ability to maintain a high and constant body temperature Tb over a wide range of ambient temperatures Ta using endogenous heat production. In many, especially small endotherms, cost for thermoregulatory heat production can exceed available energy; to overcome these energetic bottlenecks, they enter a state of torpor (a regulated reduction of Tb and metabolic rate). Since the occurrence of torpor in many species is a seasonal event and occurs at certain times of the day, we review whether circadian and circannual rhythms, important in the timing of biological events in active animals, also play an important role during torpor when Tb is reduced substantially and may even fall below 0°C. The two distinct patterns of torpor, hibernation (prolonged torpor) and daily torpor, differ substantially in their interaction with the circadian system. Daily torpor appears to be integrated into the normal circadian rhythm of activity and rest, although torpor is not restricted only to the normal rest phase of an animal. In contrast, hibernation can last for several days or even weeks, although torpor never spans the entire hibernation season, but is interrupted by periodic arousals and brief normothermic periods. Clearly, a day is no longer divided in activity and rest, and at first glance the role of the circadian system appears negligible. However, in several hibernators, arousals not only follow a regular pattern consistent with a circadian rhythm, but also are entrainable by external stimuli such as photoperiod and Ta. The extent of the interaction between the circadian and circannual system and hibernation varies among species. Biological rhythms of hibernators for which food availability appears to be predictable seasonally and that hibernate in deep and sealed burrows show little sensitivity to external stimuli during hibernation and hence little entrainability of arousal events. In contrast, opportunistic hibernators, which some times use arousals for foraging and hibernate in open and accessible hibernacula, are susceptible to external zeitgebers. In opportunistic hibernators, the circadian system plays a major role in maintaining synchrony between the normal day-night cycle and occasional foraging. Although the daily routine of activity and rest is abandoned during hibernation, the circadian system appears to remain functional, and there is little evidence it is significantly affected by low Tb. (Chronobiology International, 17(2), 103–128, 2000)  相似文献   

In hibernation season during torpor bouts, the spleen weight and the hemoglobin level, as well as the total and extracted protein contents in the spleen of the ground squirrel Spermophilus undulatus are increased when animals enter torpor and reach maximum values when the body temperature drops below 25°C. All these parameters return to the characteristic values of the euthermic animals during arousal, before the body temperature increases to 20°C. There were no significant differences in the numbers of splenocytes between ground squirrels in interbout euthermia and torpor. The minimum number of splenocytes was observed in animals that entered torpor when the core body temperature was approximately 18°C. The activity of ornithine decarboxylase, a key enzyme in polyamine synthesis, which is correlated with the functional and proliferative status of lymphoid tissue, was the same for the euthermic and summer ground squirrels and decreased monotonically during torpor. Upon arousal of the animals when body temperature was below 29°C, no resumption of the spleen ornithine decarboxylase activity was observed.  相似文献   

The costs of arousal from induced torpor were measured in the striped-faced dunnart (Sminthopsis macroura; ca. 25 g) under two experimental ambient temperature cycles. The sinusoidal-type temperature cycles were designed to evaluate the effects of passive, ambient temperature heating during arousal from torpor in these insectivorous marsupials. It was hypothesised that diel ambient temperature cycles may offer significant energy savings during arousal in animals that employ daily torpor in summer as a response to unpredictable food availability. The cost of arousal in animals in which passive, exogenous heating occurred was significantly lower than that in animals not exposed to an ambient temperature cycle. The total cost of all three phases of torpor (entry, maintenance and arousal) was almost halved when animals were exposed to an ambient heating cycle from 15 °C to 25 °C over a 24-h period. In all animals, irrespective of the experimental ambient temperature cycle employed, the minimum torpor body temperature was 17–18 °C. The body temperature (Tb) of animals exposed to exogenous heating increased from the torpor Tb minimum to a mean value of 22.59 °C before endogenous heat production commenced. This relatively small increase in Tb of ca. 5 °C through `free' passive heating was sufficient to account for the significant ca. three-fold decrease in the cost of arousal and may represent an important energetic aid to free-ranging animals. Accepted: 4 October 1998  相似文献   

Mammals and birds have evolved the ability to maintain a high and constant body temperature Tb over a wide range of ambient temperatures Ta using endogenous heat production. In many, especially small endotherms, cost for thermoregulatory heat production can exceed available energy; to overcome these energetic bottlenecks, they enter a state of torpor (a regulated reduction of Tb and metabolic rate). Since the occurrence of torpor in many species is a seasonal event and occurs at certain times of the day, we review whether circadian and circannual rhythms, important in the timing of biological events in active animals, also play an important role during torpor when Tb is reduced substantially and may even fall below 0°C. The two distinct patterns of torpor, hibernation (prolonged torpor) and daily torpor, differ substantially in their interaction with the circadian system. Daily torpor appears to be integrated into the normal circadian rhythm of activity and rest, although torpor is not restricted only to the normal rest phase of an animal. In contrast, hibernation can last for several days or even weeks, although torpor never spans the entire hibernation season, but is interrupted by periodic arousals and brief normothermic periods. Clearly, a day is no longer divided in activity and rest, and at first glance the role of the circadian system appears negligible. However, in several hibernators, arousals not only follow a regular pattern consistent with a circadian rhythm, but also are entrainable by external stimuli such as photoperiod and Ta. The extent of the interaction between the circadian and circannual system and hibernation varies among species. Biological rhythms of hibernators for which food availability appears to be predictable seasonally and that hibernate in deep and sealed burrows show little sensitivity to external stimuli during hibernation and hence little entrainability of arousal events. In contrast, opportunistic hibernators, which some times use arousals for foraging and hibernate in open and accessible hibernacula, are susceptible to external zeitgebers. In opportunistic hibernators, the circadian system plays a major role in maintaining synchrony between the normal day-night cycle and occasional foraging. Although the daily routine of activity and rest is abandoned during hibernation, the circadian system appears to remain functional, and there is little evidence it is significantly affected by low Tb. (Chronobiology International, 17(2), 103-128, 2000)  相似文献   

For temperate endotherms (i.e., mammals and birds) energy costs are highest during winter but food availability is lowest and many mammals depend on hibernation as a result. Hibernation is made up of energy-saving torpor bouts [periods of controlled reduction in body temperature (T b)], which are interrupted by brief periodic arousals to normothermic T b. What triggers these arousals in free-ranging hibernators is not well understood. Some temperate bats with intermittent access to flying insects during winter synchronize arousals with sunset, which suggests that, in some species, feeding opportunities influence arousal timing. We tested whether hibernating bats from a cold climate without access to food during winter also maintain a circadian rhythm for arousals or whether cues from conspecifics in the same cluster are more important. We used temperature telemetry to monitor skin temperature (T sk) of free-ranging little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) hibernating in central Manitoba, Canada, where temperatures from 22 October to 22 March were too cold for flying insects. We found no evidence bats synchronized arousals with photoperiod but they did arouse synchronously with other bats in the same cluster. Thus, in the northern part of their range where flying insects are almost never available during winter, little brown bats exhibit no circadian pattern to arousals. Warming synchronously with others could reduce the energetic costs of arousal for individuals or could reflect disturbance of torpid bats by cluster-mates.  相似文献   

Hibernating ground squirrels maintain homeostasis despite extreme physiological challenges. In winter, these circannual hibernators fast for months while cycling between prolonged periods of low blood flow and body temperature, known as torpor, and short interbout arousals (IBA), where more typical mammalian parameters are rapidly restored. Here we examined the kidney proteome for changes that support the dramatically different physiological demands of the hibernator's year. We identified proteins in 150 two-dimensional gel spots that altered by at least 1.5-fold using liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry. These data successfully classified individuals by physiological state and revealed three dynamic patterns of relative protein abundance that dominated the hibernating kidney: 1) a large group of proteins generally involved with capturing and storing energy were most abundant in summer; 2) a select subset of these also increased during each arousal from torpor; and 3) 14 spots increased in torpor and early arousal were enriched for plasma proteins that enter cells via the endocytic pathway. Immunohistochemistry identified α(2)-macroglobulin and albumin in kidney blood vessels during late torpor and early arousal; both exhibited regional heterogeneity consistent with highly localized control of blood flow in the glomeruli. Furthermore, albumin, but not α(2)-macroglobulin, was detected in the proximal tubules during torpor and early arousal but not in IBA or summer animals. Taken together, our findings indicate that normal glomerular filtration barriers remain intact throughout torpor-arousal cycles but endocytosis, and hence renal function, is compromised at low body temperature during torpor and then recovers with rewarming during arousal.  相似文献   

A variety of definitions involving body temperature (Tb), metabolic rate and behavior have been used to define torpor in mammals and birds. This problem is confounded in some studies of free-ranging animals that employ only skin temperature (Tsk), a measure that approximates but may not precisely reflect Tb. We assess the accuracy of Tsk in the context of a recent definition for torpor called active temperature. We compared the active temperatures of individual big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus), which aggregate in cavities, with solitary, foliage-roosting hoary bats (Lasiurus cinereus). In captive big brown bats, we compared Tsk and core Tb at a range of ambient temperatures for clustered and solitary roosting animals, compared Tsk and Tb during arousal from torpor, and quantified the effect of flight on warming from torpor. Hoary bats had significantly lower active temperatures than big brown bats despite having the same normothermic Tsk. Tsk was significantly lower than Tb during normothermia but often greater than Tb during torpor. Flight increased the rate of warming from torpor. This effect was more pronounced for Tsk than Tb. This suggests that bats could rely on heat generated by flight muscles to complete the final stages of arousal. Using active temperature to define torpor may underestimate torpor due to ambient cooling of external transmitters or animals leaving roosts while still torpid. Conversely, active temperature may also overestimate shallow torpor use if it is recorded during active arousal when shivering and non-shivering thermogenesis warm external transmitters. Our findings illuminate the need for laboratory studies that quantify the relationship between metabolic rate and Tsk over a range of ambient temperatures.  相似文献   

Thermoregulation, energetics and patterns of torpor in the pygmy mouse lemur, Microcebus myoxinus, were investigated under natural conditions of photoperiod and temperature in the Kirindy/CFPF Forest in western Madagascar. M. myoxinus entered torpor spontaneously during the cool dry season. Torpor only occurred on a daily basis and torpor bout duration was on average 9.6 h, and ranged from 4.6 h to 19.2 h. Metabolic rates during torpor were reduced to about 86% of the normothermic value. Minimum body temperature during daily torpor was 6.8 °C at an ambient temperature of 6.3 °C. Entry into torpor occurred randomly between 2000 and 0620 hours, whereas arousals from torpor were clustered around 1300 hours within a narrow time window of less than 4 h. Arousal from torpor was a two-step process with a first passive climb of body temperature to a mean of 27 °C, carried by the daily increase of ambient temperature when oxygen consumption remained more or less constant, followed by a second active increase of oxygen consumption to further raise the body temperature to normothermic values. In conclusion, daily body temperature rhythms in M. myoxinus further reduce the energetic costs of daily torpor seen in other species: they extend to unusually low body temperatures and consequently low metabolic rates in torpor, and they employ passive warming to reduce the energetic costs of arousal. Thus, these energy-conserving adaptations may represent an important energetic aid to the pygmy mouse lemur and help to promote their individual fitness. Accepted: 2 November 1999  相似文献   

We undertook a study to determine presence of circadian rhythms during woodchuck hibernation using continuously monitored body temperatures. Males had shorter torpor and longer euthermic periods than females. Circular statistics revealed a significant mean vector for males entering into torpor (10:21 h), but not for females. No significant mean vector was found for male or female arousal from torpor. A contingency test was applied to the torpor bout durations. All 7 males tested had significant τ’s between 24 and 26 h, while 6 of the 13 females tested had significant τ’s with a range of 22–27 h. These results implicate a free-running circadian clock during torpor bouts. Overall, the data support the existence of biological rhythms during hibernation in woodchucks, especially for males during arousals. Since entries into torpor appear to be synchronized for males, arousal periods may be used to resynchronize their circadian system. The persistence of biological rhythms during hibernation may help to insure successful mating in the spring after emergence.  相似文献   


We measured oxygen consumption of hedgehogs from Dunedin during normothermy, torpor, and arousal from torpor during the winter. Basal oxygen consumption and minimum thermal conductance were not significantly different from expected values for an average mammal of the same body mass. Torpid oxygen consumption at 5°C was only 0.5% of resting normothermic oxygen consumption at the same temperature. Oxygen consumption during arousal was not significantly different to that predicted theoretically or to that recorded during resting normothermy over the same time period. Using previous measures of pre‐hibernal body fat content, we build a simple model showing the relative energetic implications for a hedgehog of entering or not entering hibernation, and suggest that, at low temperatures, body fat stores would be depleted in <1 day and >100 days in non‐hibernating and hibernating hedgehogs, respectively.  相似文献   

Animals have to adapt to seasonal variations in food resources and temperature. Hibernation is one of the most efficient means used by animals to cope with harsh winter conditions, wherein survival is achieved through a significant decrease in energy expenditure. The hibernation period is constituted by a succession of torpor bouts (hypometabolism and decrease in body temperature) and periodic arousals (eumetabolism and euthermia). Some species feed during these periodic arousals, and thus show different metabolic adaptations to fat-storing species that fast throughout the hibernation period. Our study aims to define these metabolic adaptations, including hormone (insulin, glucagon, leptin, adiponectin, GLP-1, GiP) and metabolite (glucose, free fatty acids, triglycerides, urea) profiles together with body composition adjustments. Syrian hamsters were exposed to varied photoperiod and temperature conditions mimicking different phases of the hibernation cycle: a long photoperiod at 20 °C (LP20 group), a short photoperiod at 20 °C (SP20 group), and a short photoperiod at 8 °C (SP8). SP8 animals were sampled either at the beginning of a torpor bout (Torpor group) or at the beginning of a periodic arousal (Arousal group). We show that fat store mobilization in hamsters during torpor bouts is associated with decreased circulating levels of glucagon, insulin, leptin, and an increase in adiponectin. Refeeding during periodic arousals results in a decreased free fatty acid plasma concentration and an increase in glycemia and plasma incretin concentrations. Reduced incretin and increased adiponectin levels are therefore in accordance with the changes in nutrient availability and feeding behavior observed during the hibernation cycle of Syrian hamsters.  相似文献   

Hibernation is an energy-conserving behavior in winter characterized by two phases: torpor and arousal. During torpor, markedly reduced metabolic activity results in inactivity and decreased body temperature. Arousal periods intersperse the torpor bouts and feature increased metabolism and euthermic body temperature. Alterations in physiological parameters, such as suppression of hemostasis, are thought to allow hibernators to survive periods of torpor and arousal without organ injury. While the state of torpor is potentially procoagulant, due to low blood flow, increased viscosity, immobility, hypoxia, and low body temperature, organ injury due to thromboembolism is absent. To investigate platelet dynamics during hibernation, we measured platelet count and function during and after natural torpor, pharmacologically induced torpor and forced hypothermia. Splenectomies were performed to unravel potential storage sites of platelets during torpor. Here we show that decreasing body temperature drives thrombocytopenia during torpor in hamster with maintained functionality of circulating platelets. Interestingly, hamster platelets during torpor do not express P-selectin, but expression is induced by treatment with ADP. Platelet count rapidly restores during arousal and rewarming. Platelet dynamics in hibernation are not affected by splenectomy before or during torpor. Reversible thrombocytopenia was also induced by forced hypothermia in both hibernating (hamster) and non-hibernating (rat and mouse) species without changing platelet function. Pharmacological torpor induced by injection of 5′-AMP in mice did not induce thrombocytopenia, possibly because 5′-AMP inhibits platelet function. The rapidness of changes in the numbers of circulating platelets, as well as marginal changes in immature platelet fractions upon arousal, strongly suggest that storage-and-release underlies the reversible thrombocytopenia during natural torpor. Possibly, margination of platelets, dependent on intrinsic platelet functionality, governs clearance of circulating platelets during torpor.  相似文献   

Hibernation elicits a major reduction in whole-animal O2 consumption that corresponds with active suppression of liver mitochondrial electron transport capacity at, or downstream of, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH). During arousal from the torpor phase of hibernation this suppression is reversed and metabolic rates rise dramatically. In this study, we used the 13-lined ground squirrel (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus) to assess isolated liver mitochondrial respiration during the torpor phase of hibernation and various stages of arousal to elucidate a potential role of SDH in metabolic suppression. State 3 and state 4 respiration rates were seven- and threefold lower in torpor compared with the summer-active and interbout euthermic states. Respiration rates increased during arousal so that when body temperature reached 30°C in late arousal, state 3 and state 4 respiration were 3.3- and 1.8-fold greater than during torpor, respectively. SDH activity was 72% higher in interbout euthermia than in torpor. Pre-incubating with isocitrate [to alleviate oxaloacetate (OAA) inhibition] increased state 3 respiration rate during torpor by 91%, but this rate was still fourfold lower than that measured in interbout euthermia. Isocitrate pre-incubation also eliminated differences in SDH activity among hibernation bout stages. OAA concentration correlated negatively with both respiration rates and SDH activity. These data suggest that OAA reversibly inhibits SDH in torpor, but cannot fully account for the drastic metabolic suppression observed during this hibernation phase.  相似文献   

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