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This paper considers the sensitivity of population growth to small changes in birth, growth, survival, and migration probabilities for an arbitrary population classification (i.e., age, instar, size, developmental stage, age, and spatial location, etc.). The stage-specific life history parameters are expressed in a discrete-time system of linear difference equations, the dominant eigenvalue of which defines the population growth rate. The sensitivity of this eigenvalue to production of class i by class j individuals is shown to be proportional to the product of the reproductive value of stage i and the abundance of stage j in the stable stage distribution. This formula is readily computable, and several examples are presented. For the special case of age-structured populations, this formula reduces to those derived by Hamilton, Emlen, and Goodman.  相似文献   

The mealy plum aphid, Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is a pest of prune trees in California. The impact of aphids as pests is well characterized by their population growth rate, a parameter integrating their age-specific development, survivorship, and fecundity. These population parameters were measured at five constants temperatures on potted prune trees. Development rates increased with temperature up to an optimum. The relationship between development rate and temperature was described by linear and nonlinear models. Developmental threshold temperature was greater for the nonlinear model than for the linear model. Thermal requirement for development and maximum lethal temperature determined by these models were similar to those for other aphids. The greatest proportional survivorship of nymphs occurred at 26 degrees C. Mean daily fecundity was lowest at 14 degrees C and highest at 22 degrees C. Adult longevity decreased with temperature. Population growth rates for H. pruni were estimated from measurements of fecundity and development time and were highest at 22 degrees C. This is the first study to document the temperature dependence of the life history parameters for H. pruni and the first to generate a degree-day model for the prediction of phenological events.  相似文献   

Cross‐ecosystem transfers of resources could alter the life history traits of consumers in adjacent systems by changing the nature and availability of prey. However, large‐scale influences, such as natural disturbances, that control the magnitude of prey subsidies are likely to modify these effects. To investigate impacts of cross‐ecosystem subsidies on the life history traits of a riparian predator we measured the size, sex and condition of riparian fishing spiders (Dolomedes aquaticus) across a gradient of flooding frequency and intensity. These spiders rely on adult aquatic insects for a large proportion of their diet and previous research demonstrated that increased flooding decreased the abundance of aquatic insect prey. In this study, laboratory experiments indicated that increased prey availability hastened the first moult of the spiders after winter and decreased the propensity for cannibalistic interactions of individuals of the same size. However, despite the likely positive influences of increased food supply, in the field the highest abundance and proportion of large, potentially reproductive females occurred at the most flood‐prone rivers, where aquatic prey availability was the lowest. It is likely that other factors modified by the disturbance regime, such as habitat availability, flood‐related mortality and intra‐specific interaction rates, altered the influence of cross‐ecosystem subsidies on the life history traits of these spiders. Thus, our results indicate that disturbance‐related effects can flow across ecosystem boundaries and alter the life history traits of predators relying on allochthonous resources.  相似文献   

Despite long‐standing interest in the forms and mechanisms of density dependence, these are still imperfectly understood. However, in a constant environment an increase in density must reduce per capita resource availability, which in turn leads to reduced survival, fecundity and somatic growth rate. Here we report two population experiments examining the density dependent responses under controlled conditions of an important indicator species, Chironomus riparius. The first experiment was run for 35 weeks and was started at low density with replicate populations being fed three different rations. Increased ration reduced generation time and increased population growth rate (pgr) but had no effect on survival, fecundity and female body weight in the first generation. In the second generation there was a six‐fold increase in generation time, presumably due to the greatly reduced per capita resource availability as the estimated initial densities of the second generation were 300 times greater than the first. Juvenile survival to emergence, fecundity, adult body weight and pgr declined by 90%, 75%, 35% and 99%, respectively. These large between‐generation effects may have obscured the effects of the threefold variation in ration, as only survival to emergence significantly increased with ration in the second generation. These results suggest that some chironomid larvae survive a reduction in resource availability by growing more slowly. In the ephemeral habitats sometimes occupied by C. riparius, the effects of population density may depend crucially on the longevity of the environment. A second experiment was therefore performed to measure pgr from six different starting densities over an eight‐week period. The relationship between pgr and density was concave, viewed from above. At densities above 16 larvae per cm2, less than 1% of the population emerged and no offspring were produced. Under the conditions of experiment 2 – an 8‐week habitat lifespan – carrying capacity was estimated as 8 larvae per cm2.  相似文献   

The cycad Cycas armstrongii is endemic to the north-western corner of the Northern Territory in Australia. Here we provide data on its life history and population structure from four populations across its range. Few plants reproduced before they were 1 m in height. There was considerable variation in the proportion of reproductive plants between sites and years, but the sex ratio in all populations was close to 1:1. The growth rate of plants was approximately 4.5 cm year−1 which indicates that most plants are less than 100 years old and that the tallest individuals are likely to be little older than this. The annual fecundity of female plants ranged from 12 to 80 seeds; there was no evidence that fecundity varied with plant height. Dispersal was restricted generally to less than 1 m and the distribution of dispersal distances was fitted well by a gamma distribution. Recruitment occurred through both seedlings and vegetative sprouts and the proportion of juveniles (plants without trunks) in the populations varied between one-quarter and two-thirds. The data indicate that recruitment is episodic, but occurs more frequently under the current fire regime than amongst the canopy trees. It is shown that there is considerable variation in the dynamics of populations between sites and that the long term dynamics of a population cannot readily be inferred from an examination of the size structure at a single point in time. Received: 4 January 1997 / Accepted: 1 March 1997  相似文献   

Summary This study examined the long term effects of predation by larvae of the midge Chaoborus and simulated fish predation on experimental Daphnia longispina populations. Chaoborus predation, relative to fish predation, led to populations composed of larger individuals as a whole, larger egg-bearing individuals, and a larger primiparous instar. Daphnia retained helmets beyond the first instar in response to the presence of Chaoborus. Both types of predation, relative to predator-free controls, reduced prey population size and rates of increase, but increased population death rates. The reduction in population size due to predation led to increased resource availability for individuals remaining in the populations and increased individual fecundity in the predation treatments. The differences noted between the Chaoborus, fish, and control treatments increased with predation intensity.  相似文献   

A plant species' genetic population structure is the result of a complex combination of its life history, ecological preferences, position in the ecosystem and historical factors. As a result, many different statistical methods exist that measure different aspects of species' genetic structure. However, little is known about how these methods are interrelated and how they are related to a species' ecology and life history. In this study, we used the IntraBioDiv amplified fragment length polymorphisms data set from 27 high-alpine species to calculate eight genetic summary statistics that we jointly correlate to a set of six ecological and life-history traits. We found that there is a large amount of redundancy among the calculated summary statistics and that there is a significant association with the matrix of species traits. In a multivariate analysis, two main aspects of population structure were visible among the 27 species. The first aspect is related to the species' dispersal capacities and the second is most likely related to the species' postglacial recolonization of the Alps. Furthermore, we found that some summary statistics, most importantly Mantel's r and Jost's D, show different behaviour than expected based on theory. We therefore advise caution in drawing too strong conclusions from these statistics.  相似文献   

A large size variation amongst life histories for stream-dwelling Atlantic salmon Salmo salar was found and the relative effect of life histories on size varied over time. As early as December (age 0+ years), fish that later smolted at age 2+ years were significantly larger than fish that did not smolt at age 2+ years. In contrast, there were no mass differences at age 0+ years between fish that would mature or not at age 1+ years (October). The mass differences between smolts and non-smolts persisted until smolting, and differences between mature and immature fish first appeared in May (age 1+ years). Following September (age 1+ years), there was also a significant interaction between smolting and maturity. Previously mature and immature age 2+ year smolts were not significantly different in size, but immature age 2+ year non-smolts were much lighter than mature age 2+ year non-smolts. Based on mass differences, the apparent 'decision' to smolt occurred c . 5 months before (winter, age 0+ years) the decision to mature (late spring, age 1+ years). In addition to strong seasonal growth variation, sizes of freshwater Atlantic salmon were largely structured by the complex interaction between smolt-age and maturity.  相似文献   

Population size and structure, as well as individual growth rates, condition, and reproductive output, respond to environmental factors, particularly in short-lived and fast-growing squid species. We need to understand the mechanisms through which populations respond to environmental conditions, to predict when or if established relationships, used as management tools to forecast recruitment strength, might break down completely. Identifying characteristics of successful recruits who have grown under different environmental scenarios may improve our understanding of the mechanistic connections between environmental conditions and the temporal variation in life history characteristics that ultimately affect recruitment. This 5-year study sought to determine the association between key life history characteristics of southern calamary Sepioteuthis australis (growth rate, body size, and patterns of repro-somatic energy allocation) and the environmental conditions experienced by individuals on the east coast of Tasmania, Australia. Among years, all population and individual parameters examined were highly variable, despite the environmental regime during the study not encompassing the extremes that may occur in this dynamic region. Temperature was not clearly associated with any of the individual or population differences observed. Populations of apparently similar abundance were composed of individuals with strikingly different biological characteristics, therefore seeking relationships between abundance and environmental parameters at gross levels did not shed light on the mechanisms responsible for population size. Importantly, inter-annual differences in squid size, condition, reproductive investment, and possibly growth rate, were sex-specific, indicating that males and females responded differently to similar factors. Among years differences in body size were extreme, both among the male component of the population and between genders. The relative importance of many size-based processes that contribute to population size and structure (e.g. predation, starvation, competition, and reproductive success) will therefore vary inter-annually.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Muskrats Ondatra zibethicus were studied at Old Crow flats Yukon Territory (68°05'N, 140°05W) and Tiny Marsh, Ontario (44°35'N, 79°52'W) during the summers of 1985 and 1986 Life–history traits of these two populations were compared Litter size was not significantly different between the two sites However average annual productivity was significantly greater at Tiny Marsh where individuals produced more litters per season Growth rates of juvenile and adult muskrats were significantly greater at Tiny Marsh, as was juvenile and adult weight However overwinter survival of juvenile muskrats was significantly greater at Old Crow than at Tiny Marsh We suggest that the shorter growing season and proximate energetic limitations on growth and reproduction favour a conservative reproductive strategy by the northern muskrat population For the southern muskrat population a long growing season and high quality food resources allow for a more productive reproductive strategy  相似文献   

Although life histories can be modelled with great generality using projection matrices, for organisms with life histories that can be accurately described by a simplified set of parameters, e.g. when adult fecundity and mortality are independent of age, more accurate estimates of life table parameters and of population growth rate and its standard error can be readily obtained. Here an analytic method for calculating approximate confidence intervals for population growth rate is given for two-stage life histories that can be described by four variables representing age at first breeding, fecundity per unit time, and juvenile and adult survivorships per unit time. The method is applied to experimental data on Capitella sp. I obtained by Hansen et al., and quite good agreement is found between the analytic and bootstrap estimates of the standard error of Λ. The analytic estimates were a little conservative, probably because of the way the action of mortality was modelled. Alternative life-history models are briefly discussed, and the desirability of formulating life-history models so that the variables involved are independent of each other is stressed. Analytic estimates of Λ may be biassed if an inappropriate model is chosen or if variables are not independent and the correlations between them are not measured. To allow for these possibilities, where necessary a conservative approach should be taken to significance testing using the analytic method.  相似文献   

The relative effect of survival and reproductive rates to population growth rate is expected to be similar across species with similar life-histories. We employed a matrix population model and sensitivity and elasticity analysis to assess the absolute and relative importance of age-specific survival and fertility to population growth rate of Didelphis aurita (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae) in a rural area of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil. The results were compared to expectations for mammals that mature early and have short generation time, such as D. aurita. Prospective analysis showed that changes in pouch young and juveniles survival would have large effects on population growth rate, relative to other vital rates, being the most critical time periods in the life cycle of D. aurita, whereas the effect of fertilities were always low. These findings do not fit to the observed pattern in mammals that mature early, where reproductive parameters have the largest relative influence on population growth rate. Although reproductive rates were characterized by a relatively small influence on population growth rate, they are still relevant because of their high variability and response to potential environmental disturbances. The first application of matrix population models to a neotropical rainforest marsupial provides information on marsupial demography and life-history strategy, increasing comprehension of this unknown group.  相似文献   

Ecological theory about the dynamics of interacting populations is mainly based on unstructured models that account for species abundances only. In turn, these models constitute the basis for our understanding of the functioning of ecological communities and ecosystems and their responses to environmental change, natural disturbances and human impacts. Structured models that take into account differences between individuals in age, stage or size have been shown to sometimes make predictions that run counter to the predictions of unstructured analogues. It is however unclear which biological mechanisms that are accounted for in the structured models give rise to these contrasting predictions. Focusing on two particular rules-of-thumb that generally hold in unstructured consumer-resource models, one relating to the relationship between mortality and equilibrium density of the consumer and the other relating to the stability of the equilibrium, I investigate the necessary conditions under which accounting for juvenile-adult stage structure can lead to qualitatively different model predictions. In particular, juvenile-adult stage structure is shown to overturn the two rules-of-thumb in case the model also accounts for the energetic requirements for basic metabolic maintenance. Given the fundamental nature of both juvenile-adult stage structure as well as metabolic maintenance requirements, these results call into question the generality of the predictions derived from unstructured models.  相似文献   

Invasive success of many fleshy-fruited plants has been linked to opportunistic interactions with generalist frugivores. Prunus mahaleb is a small tree, producing large quantities of little, bright black, sugary drupes that are consumed by vertebrates. It is native to the Mediterranean region but has become invasive in several countries. This study was carried out at a nature reserve including remnant mountain grasslands of high conservation value in the southern Argentine Pampas. Our aim is to reconstruct the colonization history of invading populations proposing a generalized model to describe the invasion process: colonization events result in the establishment of a founder tree followed by a lag phase until it reaches massive seed production and enables an increase in local recruitment and plant density. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed population age structures and contrasted them with those predicted using a Leslie matrix growth model. We found that matrix model predictions fit well to actual age structures. Our results reveal the existence of an 8–18-year lag period between the establishment of the founder tree and local effective recruitment. The end of this lag coincides with an abrupt increase in individual fruit production that may have a strong effect on bird attraction and successful seed dispersal. This lag phase represents an opportunity for preventing further spread of P. mahaleb. Early detection and rapid eradication of new invasion focuses should be targeted as a principal aim of an effective control strategy.  相似文献   

We study some exact properties of supercritical branching processes. A proper rescaling of the relevant variable allows us to determine the distribution of population sizes after a number of generations have elapsed. Both time-continuous and discrete processes are analysed and compared. The obtained results are of relevance for the growth of populations that are not resource limited (a typical situation in some biological processes that can be modelled by laboratory experiments). Large fluctuations inherent to the process play a main role when bottlenecks occur.  相似文献   

The population consequences of life history phenomena   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  

This study examines the causes of emigration from small fragments of suitable habitat in a species that has a distinct metapopulation structure, frequent turnover of local populations, and substantial migration among local populations and currently unoccupied habitat fragments. We conducted a field experiment in which 727 individuals of the Glanville fritillary butterfly ( Melitaea cinxia ) originating from four regions were marked and released simultaneously in a natural environment. In three of the four source regions, larvae for the experiment were collected from dozens of small local populations, some of which had been established in the previous summer (new populations), whereas the remaining populations were older. In two of the source regions, female butterflies prefer a host plant ( Veronica spicata ) that is not present in the release area, where there is only Plantago lanceolata , the preferred host plant of females from the other two source regions. We found that migration rate of males was unrelated to any of the factors studied in this experiment. In contrast, two factors influenced the migration rate of females. First, Veronica -preferring females had higher emigration rate than Plantago- preferring females from the Plantago -containing release patches, demonstrating that the individual perception of habitat quality significantly influences the migration rate of females. Second, females from newly-established populations were more dispersive than females from older populations, supporting the notion that metapopulation processes (recurrent colonizations) select for increased migration. The observed migration rate was not correlated with any body size measurements, and thus the observed differences in migration rate were apparently caused by differences in the behaviour of female butterflies rather than in their flight capacity.  相似文献   

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