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It is not clear whether matK evolves under Darwinian selection. In this study, 70 plant groups, representing 2,279 species at various evolutionary levels, were used to illustrate the molecular adaptation and evolutionary dynamics of gene divergence in matKs. Selective influences were investigated using standard dN/dS ratio methods. Analyses revealed the presence of positive selection in matKs of 32 plant groups. More positively selected sites were detected in the N-terminal region than in the RT domain and domain X of matK. Moreover, removing amino acid sites that are under positive selection has a significant effect on the bootstrap values of phylogenetic reconstruction. Our results suggest that the rapidly evolving matK evolves under positive selection in some lineages of land plants. Several regions of matK have experienced molecular adaptation, which fine-tunes maturase performance.  相似文献   

Slow evolution of conservative segments of coding and non-coding DNA is caused by the action of negative selection, which removes new mutations. However, the mode of selection that affects the few substitutions that do occur within such segments remains unclear. Here, we show that the fraction of allele replacements that were driven by positive selection, and the strength of this selection, is the highest within the conservative segments of Drosophila protein-coding genes. The McDonald-Kreitman test, applied to the data on variation in Drosophila melanogaster and in Drosophila simulans, indicates that within the most conservative protein segments, approximately 72 per cent (approx. 80%) of allele replacements were driven by positive selection, as opposed to only approximately 44 per cent (approx. 53%) at rapidly evolving segments. Data on multiple non-synonymous substitutions at a codon lead to the same conclusion and additionally indicate that positive selection driving allele replacements at conservative sites is the strongest, as it accelerates evolution by a factor of approximately 40, as opposed to a factor of approximately 5 at rapidly evolving sites. Thus, random drift plays only a minor role in the evolution of conservative DNA segments, and those relatively rare allele replacements that occur within such segments are mostly driven by substantial positive selection.  相似文献   

Sexual selection and the adaptive evolution of mammalian ejaculate proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An elevated rate of substitution characterizes the molecular evolution of reproductive proteins from a wide range of taxa. Although the selective pressures explaining this rapid evolution are yet to be resolved, recent evidence implicates sexual selection as a potentially important explanatory factor. To investigate this hypothesis, we sought evidence of a high rate of adaptive gene evolution linked to postcopulatory sexual selection in muroid rodents, a model vertebrate group displaying a broad range of mating systems. Specifically, we sequenced 7 genes from diverse rodents that are expressed in the testes, prostate, or seminal vesicles, products of which have the potential to act in sperm competition. We inferred positive Darwinian selection in these genes by estimation of the ratio of nonsynonymous (d(N), amino acid changing) to synonymous (d(S), amino acid retaining) substitution rates (omega = d(N)/d(S)). Next, we tested whether variation in this ratio among lineages could be attributed to interspecific variation in mating systems, as inferred from the variation in these rodents' relative testis sizes (RTS). Four of the 7 genes examined (Prm1, Sva, Acrv1, and Svs2, but not Svp2, Msmb, or Spink3) exhibit unambiguous evidence of positive selection. One of these, the seminal vesicle-derived protein Svs2, also shows some evidence for a concentration of positive selection in those lineages in which sperm competition is common. However, this was not a general trend among all the rodent genes we examined. Using the same methods, we then reanalyzed previously published data on 2 primate genes, SEMG1 and SEMG2. Although SEMG2 also shows evidence of positive selection concentrated in lineages subject to high levels of sperm competition, no such trend was found for SEMG1. Overall, despite a high rate of positive selection being a feature of many ejaculate proteins, these results indicate that the action of sexual selection potentially responsible for elevated evolutionary rates may be difficult to detect on a gene-by-gene basis. Although the extreme diversity of reproductive phenotypes exhibited in nature attests to the power of sexual selection, the extent to which this force predominates in driving the rapid molecular evolution of reproductive genes therefore remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Cetaceans have most likely experienced metabolic shifts since evolutionarily diverging from their terrestrial ancestors, shifts that may be reflected in the proteins such as cytochrome b that are responsible for metabolic efficiency. However, accepted statistical methods for detecting molecular adaptation are largely biased against even moderately conservative proteins because the primary criterion involves a comparison of nonsynonymous and synonymous substitution rates (dN/dS); they do not allow for the possibility that adaptation may come in the form of very few amino acid changes. We apply the MM01 model to the possible molecular adaptation of cytochrome b among cetaceans because it does not rely on a dN/dS ratio, instead evaluating positive selection in terms of the amino acid properties that comprise protein phenotypes that selection at the molecular level may act upon. We also apply the codon-degeneracy model (CDM), which focuses on evaluating overall patterns of nucleotide substitution in terms of base exchange, codon position, and synonymy to estimate the overall effect of selection. Using these relatively new models, we characterize the molecular adaptation that has occurred in the cetacean cytochrome b protein by comparing revealed amino acid replacement patterns to those found among artiodactyls, the modern terrestrial mammals found to be most closely related to cetaceans. Our findings suggest that several regions of the cetacean cytochrome b protein have experienced molecular adaptation. Also, these adaptations are spatially associated with domain structure, protein function, and the structure and function of the cytochrome bc(1) complex and its constituents. We also have found a general correlation between the results of the analytical software programs TreeSAAP (which implements the MM01 model) and CDM (which implements the codon-degeneracy model).  相似文献   

Using different maximum-likelihood models of adaptive evolution, signatures of natural selective pressure, operating across the naphthalene family of dioxygenases, were examined. A lineage- and branch-site specific combined analysis revealed that purifying selection pressure dominated the evolutionary history of the enzyme family. Specifically, episodic positive Darwinian selection pressure, affecting only a few sites in a subset of lineages, was found to be responsible for the evolution of nitroarene dioxygenases (NArDO) from naphthalene dioxygenase (NDO). Site-specific analysis confirmed the absence of diversifying selection pressure at any particular site. Different sets of positively selected residues, obtained from branch-site specific analysis, were detected for the evolution of each NArDO. They were mainly located around the active site, the catalytic pocket and their adjacent regions, when mapped onto the 3D structure of the α-subunit of NDO. The present analysis enriches the current understanding of adaptive evolution and also broadens the scope for rational alteration of substrate specificity of enzyme by directed evolution.  相似文献   

Living gymnosperms represent the survivors of ancient seed plant lineages whose fossil record reaches back 270 million years. Two recent studies find that recent pulses of extinction and speciation have shaped today's gymnosperm diversity, contradicting the widespread assumption that gymnosperms have remained largely unchanged for tens of millions of years.  相似文献   

The Rickettsia genus is a group of obligate intracellular parasitic alpha-proteobacteria that includes human pathogens responsible for the typhus disease and various types of spotted fevers. rOmpA and rOmpB are two members of the "surface cell antigen" (Sca) autotransporter (AT) protein family that may play key roles in the adhesion of the Rickettsia cells to the host tissue. These molecules are likely determinants for the pathogenicity of the Rickettsia and represent good candidates for vaccine development. We identified the 17 members of this family of outer-membrane proteins in nine fully sequenced Rickettsia genomes. The typical architecture of the Sca proteins is composed of an N-terminal signal peptide and a C-terminal AT domain that promote the export of the central passenger domain to the outside of the bacteria. A characteristic of this family is the frequent degradation of the genes, which results in different subsets of the sca genes being expressed among Rickettsia species. Here, we present a detailed analysis of their phylogenetic relationships and evolution. We provide strong evidence that rOmpA and rOmpB as well as three other members of the Sca protein family--Sca1, Sca2, and Sca4--have evolved under positive selection. The exclusive distribution of the predicted positively selected sites within the passenger domains of these proteins argues that these regions are involved in the interaction with the host and may be locked in "arms race" coevolutionary conflicts.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies in both vertebrates and invertebrates show that the evolution of antimicrobial peptides is driven by positive selection. Because these diverse molecules show potential for therapeutic applications, they are currently the targets of much structural and functional research, providing extensive background data for evolutionary studies. In this paper, patterns of molecular evolution in antimicrobial peptide genes are reviewed. Evidence for positive selection on antimicrobial peptides includes an excess of nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions, an excess of charge-changing amino acid substitutions, nonneutral patterns of allelic variation, and functional assays in vivo and in vitro that show improved antimicrobial effects for derived sequence variants. Positive selection on antimicrobial peptides may be as common as, but perhaps weaker than, selection on the best-known example of adaptively evolving immunity genes, the major histocompatibility complex. Thus, antimicrobial peptides present a useful and underutilized model for the study of adaptive molecular evolution.  相似文献   

Transferrins are iron-binding proteins that are involved in iron storage and resistance to bacterial disease. Previous work has shown that nonsynonymous-to-synonymous-site substitution ratios (d(n)/d(s) ratios) between transferrin genes from some salmonid species were significantly greater than 1.0, providing evidence for positive selection at the transferrin gene. The purpose of the current study was to put these earlier results in a broader evolutionary context by examining variation among 25 previously published transferrin sequences from fish, amphibians, and mammals. The results of the study show that evidence for positive selection at transferrin is limited to salmonids-d(n)/d(s) ratios estimated for nonsalmonid lineages were generally less than 1.0. Within the salmonids, approximately 13% of the transferrin codon sites are estimated to be subject to positive selection, with an estimated d(n)/d(s) ratio of approximately 7. The three- dimensional locations of some of the selected sites were inferred by comparing these sites to homologous sites in the bovine lactoferrin crystallographic structure. The selected sites generally fall on the outside of the molecule, within and near areas that are bound by transferrin-binding proteins from human pathogenic bacteria. The physical locations of sites estimated to be subject to positive selection support previous speculation that competition for iron from pathogenic bacteria could be the source of positive selection.  相似文献   

Chloroplast gene matK sequence data were used to estimate the phylogeny of 112 species of Crassulaceae sampled from 33 genera and all six recognized subfamilies. Our analyses suggest that five of six subfamilies recognized in the most recent comprehensive classification of the family are not monophyletic. Instead, we recovered a basal split in Crassulaceae between the southern African CRASSULA: clade (Crassuloideae) and the rest of the family (Sedoideae). These results are compatible with recent studies of cpDNA restriction site analyses. Within Sedoideae, four subclades were also recovered: KALANCHOE:, Leucosedum, Acre, and AEONIUM:; evidence also exists for a TELEPHIUM: clade and SEMPERVIVUM: clade. The genus SEDUM: is highly polyphyletic with representatives spread throughout the large Sedoideae clade. Sympetaly and polymerous flowers have arisen multiple times in Crassulaceae and thus are not appropriate characters upon which to base subfamilial limits, as has been done in the past. One floral character, haplostemy, appears to be confined to the well-supported CRASSULA: clade. Our analyses suggest a southern African origin of the family, with subsequent dispersal northward into the Mediterranean region. From there, the family spread to Asia/eastern Europe and northern Europe; two separate lineages of European Crassulaceae subsequently dispersed to North America and underwent substantial diversification. Our analyses also suggest that the original base chromosome number in Crassulaceae is x = 8 and that polyploidy has played an important role in seven clades. Three of these clades are exclusively polyploid (SEMPERVIVUM: clade and two subclades within the KALANCHOE: and AEONIUM: clades), whereas four (Crassula, Telephium, Leucosedum, and ACRE: clades) comprise both diploid and polyploid taxa. Polyploidy is particularly rampant and cytological evolution especially complex in the ACRE: clade.  相似文献   

Lin K  Li H  Schlötterer C  Futschik A 《Genetics》2011,187(1):229-244
Summary statistics are widely used in population genetics, but they suffer from the drawback that no simple sufficient summary statistic exists, which captures all information required to distinguish different evolutionary hypotheses. Here, we apply boosting, a recent statistical method that combines simple classification rules to maximize their joint predictive performance. We show that our implementation of boosting has a high power to detect selective sweeps. Demographic events, such as bottlenecks, do not result in a large excess of false positives. A comparison to other neutrality tests shows that our boosting implementation performs well compared to other neutrality tests. Furthermore, we evaluated the relative contribution of different summary statistics to the identification of selection and found that for recent sweeps integrated haplotype homozygosity is very informative whereas older sweeps are better detected by Tajima's π. Overall, Watterson's was found to contribute the most information for distinguishing between bottlenecks and selection.  相似文献   

To demonstrate that a given change in the environment has contributed to the emergence of a given genotypic and phenotypic shift during the course of evolution, one should ask to what extent such shifts would have occurred without environmental change. Of course, such tests are rarely practical but phenotypic novelties can still be correlated to genomic shifts in response to environmental changes if enough information is available. We surveyed and re-evaluated the published data in order to estimate the role of environmental changes on the course of species and genomic evolution. Only a few published examples clearly demonstrate a causal link between a given environmental change and the fixation of a genomic variant resulting in functional modification (gain, loss or alteration of function). Many others suggested a link between a given phenotypic shift and a given environmental change but failed to identify the underlying genomic determinant(s) and/or the associated functional consequence(s). The proportion of genotypic and phenotypic variation that is fixed concomitantly with environmental changes is often considered adaptive and hence, the result of positive selection, even though alternative causes, such as genetic drift, are rarely investigated. Therefore, the second aim herein is to review evidence for the mechanisms leading to fixation.  相似文献   



Nod26-like intrinsic proteins (NIPs) that belong to the aquaporin superfamily are unique to plants. According to homology modeling and phylogenetic analysis, the NIP subfamily can be further divided into three subgroups with distinct biological functions (NIP I, NIP II, and NIP III). In some grasses, the NIP III subgroup proteins (NIP2s) were demonstrated to be permeable to solutes with larger diameter, such as silicic acid and arsenous acids. However, to date there is no data-mining or direct experimental evidences for the permeability of such larger solutes for dicot NIP2s, although they exhibit similar three-dimensional structures as those in grasses. It is therefore intriguing to investigate the molecular mechanisms that drive the evolution of plant NIP2s.  相似文献   

HIV-1 co-receptor tropism is central for understanding the transmission and pathogenesis of HIV-1 infection. We performed a genome-wide comparison between the adaptive evolution of R5 and X4 variants from HIV-1 subtypes B and C. The results showed that R5 and X4 variants experienced differential evolutionary patterns and different HIV-1 genes encountered various positive selection pressures, suggesting that complex selection pressures are driving HIV-1 evolution. Compared with other hypervariable regions of Gp120, significantly more positively selected sites were detected in the V3 region of subtype B X4 variants, V2 region of subtype B R5 variants, and V1 and V4 regions of subtype C X4 variants, indicating an association of positive selection with co-receptor recognition/binding. Intriguingly, a significantly higher proportion (33.3% and 55.6%, P<0.05) of positively selected sites were identified in the C3 region than other conserved regions of Gp120 in all the analyzed HIV-1 variants, indicating that the C3 region might be more important to HIV-1 adaptation than previously thought. Approximately half of the positively selected sites identified in the env gene were identical between R5 and X4 variants. There were three common positively selected sites (96, 113 and 281) identified in Gp41 of all X4 and R5 variants from subtypes B and C. These sites might not only suggest a functional importance in viral survival and adaptation, but also imply a potential cross-immunogenicity between HIV-1 R5 and X4 variants, which has important implications for AIDS vaccine development.  相似文献   

核糖体展示及体外分子选择与进化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
核糖体展示是20世纪90年代中期发展起来的一种简便而有效的体外分子选择与进化技术。它也是第一种完全在体外进行蛋白质或多肽分子选择与进化的方法。本主要概述了体外核糖体展示技术的建立基础、基本原理和技术特点等,并跟踪了目前该领域的最新研究进展和发展前景。  相似文献   



The evolution of bacterial organelles involved in host-pathogen interactions is subject to intense and competing selective pressures due to the need to maintain function while escaping the host immune response. To characterize the interplay of these forces in an important pathogen, we sequenced the rlrA islet, a chromosomal region encoding for a pilus-like structure involved in adherence to lung epithelial cells in vitro and in colonization in a murine model of infection, in 44 clinical isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae.


We found that the rrgA and rrgB genes, encoding the main structural components of the pilus, are under the action of positive selection. In contrast, the rrgC gene, coding for a component present in low quantities in the assembled pilus, and the srtB, srtC and srtD genes, coding for three sortase enzymes essential for pilus assembly but probably not directly exposed to the host immune system, show no evidence of positive selection. We found several events of homologous recombination in the region containing these genes, identifying 4 major recombination hotspots. An analysis of the most recent recombination events shows a high level of mosaicism of the region coding for the rrgC, srtB, srtC and srtD genes.


In the rlrA islet, the genes coding for proteins directly exposed to the host immune response are under the action of positive selection, and exist in distinct forms in the population of circulating strains. The genes coding for proteins not directly exposed on the surface of the bacterial cell are more conserved probably due to the homogenizing effect of recombination.  相似文献   

An excess of nonsynonymous substitutions over synonymous ones is an important indicator of positive selection at the molecular level. A lineage that underwent Darwinian selection may have a nonsynonymous/synonymous rate ratio (dN/dS) that is different from those of other lineages or greater than one. In this paper, several codon-based likelihood models that allow for variable dN/dS ratios among lineages were developed. They were then used to construct likelihood ratio tests to examine whether the dN/dS ratio is variable among evolutionary lineages, whether the ratio for a few lineages of interest is different from the background ratio for other lineages in the phylogeny, and whether the dN/dS ratio for the lineages of interest is greater than one. The tests were applied to the lysozyme genes of 24 primate species. The dN/dS ratios were found to differ significantly among lineages, indicating that the evolution of primate lysozymes is episodic, which is incompatible with the neutral theory. Maximum- likelihood estimates of parameters suggested that about nine nonsynonymous and zero synonymous nucleotide substitutions occurred in the lineage leading to hominoids, and the dN/dS ratio for that lineage is significantly greater than one. The corresponding estimates for the lineage ancestral to colobine monkeys were nine and one, and the dN/dS ratio for the lineage is not significantly greater than one, although it is significantly higher than the background ratio. The likelihood analysis thus confirmed most, but not all, conclusions Messier and Stewart reached using reconstructed ancestral sequences to estimate synonymous and nonsynonymous rates for different lineages.   相似文献   

The recent determination of the genetic basis for the biosynthesis of the neurotoxin, saxitoxin, produced by cyanobacteria, has revealed a highly complex sequence of reactions, involving over 30 biosynthetic steps encoded by up to 26 genes clustered at one genomic locus, sxt. Insights into evolutionary-ecological processes have been found through the study of such secondary metabolites because they consist of a measurable phenotype with clear ecological consequences, synthesized by known genes in a small number of species. However, the processes involved in and timing of the divergence of prokaryotic secondary metabolites have been difficult to determine due to their antiquity and the possible frequency of horizontal gene transfer and homologous recombination. Through analyses of gene synteny, phylogenies of individual genes, and analyses of recombination and selection, we identified the evolutionary processes of this cluster in five species of cyanobacteria. Here, we provide evidence that the sxt cluster appears to have been largely vertically inherited and was therefore likely present early in the divergence of the Nostocales, at least 2,100 Ma, the earliest reliably dated appearance of a secondary metabolite. The sxt cluster has been extraordinarily conserved through stabilizing selection. Genes have been lost and rearranged, have undergone intra- and interspecific recombination, and have been subject to duplication followed by positive selection along the duplicated lineage, with likely consequences for the toxin analogues produced. Several hypotheses exist as to the ecophysiological role of saxitoxin: as a method of chemical defense, cellular nitrogen storage, DNA metabolism, or chemical signaling. The antiquity of this gene cluster indicates that potassium channels, not sodium channels, may have been the original targets of this compound. The extraordinary conservation of the machinery for saxitoxin synthesis, under radically changing environmental conditions, shows that it has continued to play an important adaptive role in some cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c (cyt c) participates in two crucial cellular processes, energy production and apoptosis, and unsurprisingly is a highly conserved protein. However, previous studies have reported for the primate lineage (i) loss of the paralogous testis isoform, (ii) an acceleration and then a deceleration of the amino acid replacement rate of the cyt c somatic isoform, and (iii) atypical biochemical behavior of human cyt c. To gain insight into the cause of these major evolutionary events, we have retraced the history of cyt c loci among primates. For testis cyt c, all primate sequences examined carry the same nonsense mutation, which suggests that silencing occurred before the primates diversified. For somatic cyt c, maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses yielded the same tree topology. The evolutionary analyses show that a fast accumulation of non-synonymous mutations (suggesting positive selection) occurred specifically on the anthropoid lineage root and then continued in parallel on the early catarrhini and platyrrhini stems. Analysis of evolutionary changes using the 3D structure suggests they are focused on the respiratory chain rather than on apoptosis or other cyt c functions. In agreement with previous biochemical studies, our results suggest that silencing of the cyt c testis isoform could be linked with the decrease of primate reproduction rate. Finally, the evolution of cyt c in the two sister anthropoid groups leads us to propose that somatic cyt c evolution may be related both to COX evolution and to the convergent brain and body mass enlargement in these two anthropoid clades.  相似文献   

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