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A new generation of HIV vaccines   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
WHO estimates that currently there are 40 million individuals living with HIV and there are 16000 new infections daily, worldwide. The best strategy to control the AIDS epidemic would be the development of an effective vaccine. New strategies for vaccine development have gained momentum over the past decade, some of which show greater promise in macaque models than did earlier protein-subunit or recombinant-canarypox strategies. These new vaccines include DNA vaccines and live viral vectors, and have been based on the generation of high levels of antiviral T cells. These vaccines do not prevent infection, but rather control virus replication with a rapid expansion and then contraction of antiviral T cells in response to the challenge infection. These recent vaccine successes in macaques raise hope that a vaccine can be developed that will successfully limit both the development of AIDS and viral transmission.  相似文献   

Phage-display technology is probably the best available strategy to produce antibodies directed against various carbohydrate moieties since conventional hybridoma technologies have yielded mostly low-affinity antibodies against a limited number of carbohydrate antigens. Because of difficulties in immobilization of carbohydrate antigens onto plastic plates, however, the same procedures used for protein antigens cannot be readily applied. We adapted phage-display technology to generate human single chain antibodies (scFvs) using neoglycolipids as antigens. This study describes the isolation and characterization of phage-displayed antibodies (phage Abs) that recognized nonreducing terminal mannose residues. We first constructed a phage Ab library with a large repertoire using CDR shuffling and VL/VH shuffling methods with unique vector constructs. The library was subjected to four rounds of panning against neoglycolipids synthesized from mannotriose (Man3) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DPPE) by reductive amination. Of 672 clones screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using Man3-DPPE as an antigen, 25 positive clones encoding scFvs with unique amino acid sequences were isolated as candidates for phage Abs against Man3 residues. TLC-overlay assays and surface plasmon resonance analyses revealed that selected phage Abs bound to neoglycolipids bearing mannose residues at nonreducing termini. In addition, binding of the phage Ab to RNase B carrying high mannose type oligosaccharides but not to fetuin carrying complex type and O-linked oligosaccharides was confirmed. Furthermore, first round characterization of scFvs expressed from respective phages indicated good affinity and specificity for nonreducing terminal mannose residues. These results demonstrated the usefulness of this strategy in constructing human scFv against various carbohydrate antigens. Further studies on the purification and characterization of these scFvs are presented in an accompanying paper in this issue.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody directed against double stranded DNA obtained by fusion between myeloma cells and spleen cells from auto-immune B/W Mice, binds to protein(s) at the plasma membrane of human B lymphoblastoid cell lines Raji.  相似文献   

Progesterone receptor (PR) modulators have evolved both structurally and mechanistically over the past half-century. Classical steroidal PR agonists continue to play an important role in women's health such as in oral contraception and post-menopausal hormone therapy whereas steroid-based PR antagonists and selective PR modulators are being evaluated clinically in a wide range of gynecologic conditions. This review will focus primarily on the newer generation of PR modulators derived from structurally unique chemical scaffolds. For example, tanaproget (TNPR) is described as a non-steroidal PR agonist with high affinity and selectivity for the PR that is significantly more potent than many of its steroidal counterparts in a variety of pre-clinical efficacy models. Similarly, we present numerous examples of unique non-steroidal PR antagonists in various stages of characterization and development. A basic understanding of the structural determinants for high affinity binding of these new PR modulators to the PR ligand-binding domain (LBD) is also discussed. Finally, as the biology of the PR becomes further defined, we speculate on the future development of novel PR modulators.  相似文献   



Retroviral vectors are valuable tools for gene transfer. Particularly convenient are IRES-containing retroviral vectors expressing both the protein of interest and a marker protein from a single bicistronic mRNA. This coupled expression increases the relevance of tracking and/or selection of transduced cells based on the detection of a marker protein. pAP2 is a retroviral vector containing eGFP downstream of a modified IRES element of EMCV origin, and a CMV enhancer-promoter instead of the U3 region of the 5'LTR, which increases its efficiency in transient transfection. However, pAP2 contains a limited multicloning site (MCS) and shows weak eGFP expression, which previously led us to engineer an improved version, termed pPRIG, harboring: i) the wild-type ECMV IRES sequence, thereby restoring its full activity; ii) an optimized MCS flanked by T7 and SP6 sequences; and iii) a HA tag encoding sequence 5' of the MCS (pPRIG HAa/b/c).  相似文献   

Therapeutic antibody IgG1 has two N-linked oligosaccharide chains bound to the Fc region. The oligosaccharides are of the complex biantennary type, composed of a trimannosyl core structure with the presence or absence of core fucose, bisecting N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), galactose, and terminal sialic acid, which gives rise to structural heterogeneity. Both human serum IgG and therapeutic antibodies are well known to be heavily fucosylated. Recently, antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), a lytic attack on antibody-targeted cells, has been found to be one of the critical effector functions responsible for the clinical efficacy of therapeutic antibodies such as anti-CD20 IgG1 rituximab (Rituxan®) and anti-Her2/neu IgG1 trastuzumab (Herceptin®). ADCC is triggered upon the binding of lymphocyte receptors (FcγRs) to the antibody Fc region. The activity is dependent on the amount of fucose attached to the innermost GlcNAc of N-linked Fc oligosaccharide via an α-1,6-linkage, and is dramatically enhanced by a reduction in fucose. Non-fucosylated therapeutic antibodies show more potent efficacy than their fucosylated counterparts both in vitro and in vivo, and are not likely to be immunogenic because their carbohydrate structures are a normal component of natural human serum IgG. Thus, the application of non-fucosylated antibodies is expected to be a powerful and elegant approach to the design of the next generation therapeutic antibodies with improved efficacy. In this review, we discuss the importance of the oligosaccharides attached to the Fc region of therapeutic antibodies, especially regarding the inhibitory effect of fucosylated therapeutic antibodies on the efficacy of non-fucosylated counterparts in one medical agent. The impact of completely non-fucosylated therapeutic antibodies on therapeutic fields will be also discussed.  相似文献   

A new generation of scanners for DNA chips   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Today, most of the DNA chips are used with fluorescent markers. Associated with fluorescence confocal scanners, this technology achieves remarkable performances in terms of sensitivity and accuracy. The main technical issues related to these scanners have already been reviewed. However, these scanners are costly, especially when high density chips are used. In this case, a mechanical precision of 1 microm or less is required to achieve the measurement precision required. This cost level prevents the spread of this technology in the diagnostic market. We will present a new concept for scanners with equivalent or superior performances, with a cost cut of 5-10. This concept is inspired from the field of optical disk and reader. Basically, an optical format is added to the chip, before DNA deposition. This format contains tracks which are superimposed to the DNA features. These tracks define the path that an optical head of a CD player must follow in order to scan the surface of the DNA chip. Such a head is a very cheap component, and has a precision of less than 100 nm thanks to real-time focus and tracking. These functions are fulfilled by electromagnetic actuators mounted on the support of the frontal lens. We show here that it is possible to use such a head to build a fluorescence confocal scanner with equivalent or even better performances than conventional scanners.  相似文献   

一种新的制备多克隆抗体的方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用亲和色谱纯化的rhEPO作为抗原免疫KM小鼠和Bal b/c小鼠,然后腹腔注射S180细胞或SP2/0细胞。S180细胞可刺激KM小鼠产生腹水,腹水量大,抗体效价高。而直接注射SP2/0细胞既未能使KM小鼠产生腹水,也未能使Bal b/c小鼠产生腹水。实验提供了一种新的简便、快速、经济地制备高效价多克隆抗体的方法。  相似文献   

Human antibodies as next generation therapeutics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Antibodies and antibody derivatives constitute twenty five percent of therapeutics currently in development, and a number of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies have recently reached the market. All antibodies approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, however, contain mouse protein sequences. These partially murine antibodies, therefore, have the potential to elicit allergic or other complications when used in human patients. Recent developments aim to reduce or eliminate murine components, and fully human antibodies are rapidly becoming the norm. A number of technologies exist which enable the development of 100% human antibodies.  相似文献   

A new technology has been developed by immunologix that allows human antibodies to be quickly generated against virtually any antigen. Using a novel process, naïve human B cells are isolated from tonsil tissue and transformed with efficiency up to 85%, thus utilizing a large portion of the human VDJ/VJ repertoire. Through ex vivo stimulation, the B cells class switch and may undergo somatic hypermutation, thus producing a human “library” of different IgG antibodies that can then be screened against any antigen. Since diversity is generated ex vivo, sampling immunized or previously exposed individuals is not necessary. Cells producing the antibody of interest can be isolated through limiting dilution cloning and the human antibody from the cells can be tested for biological activity. No humanization is necessary because the antibodies are produced from human B cells. By eliminating immunization and humanization steps and screening a broadly diverse library, this platform should reduce both the cost and time involved in producing therapeutic monoclonal antibody candidates.Key words: human, antibody, monoclonal, novel platform, naïve, B cell, therapeutic  相似文献   

We reported previously that stabilized beta-amyloid peptide dimers were derived from mutant amyloid precursor protein with a single cysteine in the ectodomain juxtamembrane position. In vivo studies revealed that two forms of SDS-stable A beta homodimers exist, species ending at A beta 40 and A beta 42. The phenomenon of the transformation of the initially deposited 42-residue beta-amyloid peptide into the amyloid fibrils of Alzheimer's disease plaques remains to be explained in physical terms, i.e. energetically and structurally. We therefore performed spectroscopic analyses revealing that engineered dimeric peptides ending at residue 42 displayed a much more pronounced beta-structural transition than corresponding monomers. Specifically, the single chemically induced dimerization of A beta peptides significantly increased the beta-sheet content by a factor of 2. The C-terminal residues Ile-41 and Ala-42 of dimeric forms further increased the beta-sheet content by roughly one-third. In contrast to A beta 42, the beta-sheet content of the alpha- and gamma-secretase-generated p3 fragments did not necessarily correlate with the tendency to form fibrils, although p3/17-42 had a pronounced thread forming character with fibril lengths of up to 2.5 microM. Electron microscopic images show that forms of p3/17-42 generated smaller granular particles than forms ending at residue 40. We discuss these findings in terms of A beta 1-42 dimers representing paranuclei, which self-aggregate into ribbon-like ordered fibrils by elongation. Based on A beta 42 dimer-specific titers of a polyclonal antiserum we propose that the A beta homodimer represents a nidus for plaque formation and a well defined novel therapeutic target.  相似文献   

Conventional methods for immunization of laboratory animals against human spermatozoa proved not to be efficient enough to identify phylogenetically conserved sperm-specific antigens. A combination of vasectomy and subcutaneous administration of autologous testis homogenates was tested in 5 New-Zealand rabbits, and in 7 Long-Evans and 8 Spraque-Dawley rats in an attempt to induce an autoimmune response against such antigens. This experimental procedure resulted in a generation of sperm autoantibodies cross-reactive with human, rabbit and rat spermatozoa, as demonstrated by sperm-agglutination, ELISA and flow cytometry (FCM). No specific binding to human seminal plasma was detected by ELISA, indicating that intrinsic sperm membrane antigens rather than sperm-coating antigens were involved in establishing cross-reactivity with human spermatozoa. This suggestion was confirmed by the finding that rabbit autoantisera reacted more strongly against epididymal than against ejaculated human spermatozoa as shown by FCM. Humoral antispermatozoal response correlated well with impaired spermatogenesis in rabbits. The autoimmunized rats revealed severe alterations in reproductive tissues, including testicular and epididymal sperm granulomas; however, they showed a lower incidence of circulating antibodies. The results indicate that the established experimental model in rabbits can be further used to identify and characterize evolutionary preserved intrinsic sperm membrane autoantigens, which are desirable candidates for contraceptive vaccine development.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies provide a powerful tool for the identification and analysis of novel cell-surface molecules. We present here a method for antigen preparation and an immunization protocol that facilitates generation of mAb reactive with cell-surface molecules of low abundance and/or low antigenicity. The procedure involves isolation and extensive fractionation of cell-surface and detergent-soluble extracellular-matrix molecules prior to immunization. Cell-surface proteins on intact tissue are biotin-labeled using a reagent that does not penetrate cells. Avidin affinity chromatography is then used to purify these biotinylated molecules. Size-exclusion HPLC is used to separate these surface molecules on the basis of apparent molecular mass. Finally, immunization with antigen coupled to keyhole-limpet hemocyanin is combined with long-term booster immunizations to generate a hyperimmune response resulting in high-affinity IgG. A test application of this approach was aimed at the generation of mAb against cell-surface molecules of approximately 135 kDa in the developing chicken retinotectal system. Immunochemical analyses using antibodies produced by this approach which showed restricted patterns of tissue staining reveal that mAb were generated against all previously identified immunoglobulin superfamily molecules of this size in this system. Furthermore, we produced many additional antibodies that labeled retinotectal tissue in novel staining patterns. In the two cases analyzed in detail, these new patterns reflect the distributions of previously uncharacterized members of the immunoglobulin superfamily. The success of this initial study suggests that this method may represent a broadly applicable approach towards the preparation of extensive libraries of antibodies against cell-surface molecules expressed on cells from numerous sources.  相似文献   

High-level generation of polyclonal antibodies by genetic immunization   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Antibodies are important tools for investigating the proteome, but current methods for producing them have become a rate-limiting step. A primary obstacle in most methods for generating antibodies or antibody-like molecules is the requirement for at least microgram quantities of purified protein. We have developed a technology for producing antibodies using genetic immunization. Genetic immunization-based antibody production offers several advantages, including high throughput and high specificity. Moreover, antibodies produced from genetically immunized animals are more likely to recognize the native protein. Here we show that a genetic immunization-based system can be used to efficiently raise useful antibodies to a wide range of antigens. We accomplished this by linking the antigen gene to various elements that enhance antigenicity and by codelivering plasmids encoding genetic adjuvants. Our system, which was tested by immunizing mice with >130 antigens, has shown a final success rate of 84%.  相似文献   

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