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Many mammalian tissues contain cardiac glycoside-like steroids that inhibit the sodium pump. A ouabain-like compound has been described in the human circulation and suggested to be ouabain or a closely related isomer. Ouabain is a highly hydroxylated compound and one of the most potent inhibitors of the sodium pump. Trialkylsilyl derivatization of ouabain has been carried out to determine reagent selectivity among the eight hydroxy groups as a prelude to the synthesis of regiospecific isomers. Mono-, di-, tri-, and hexa-trialkylsilyl derivatives have been prepared with substitution at the 19-, the 3',19-, the 1,3',19-, and the 1,2',3',4',11, 19-positions, respectively. Mass spectrometry and NMR confirmed the substitutions. Selective protection of the hydroxy groups allows selective oxidation of the unprotected steroid ring alcohols without oxidation of the 2'- and 4'-rhamnoside alcohols. Pyridinium dichromate oxidation of the di-trialkylsilyl and tri-trialkylsilyl derivatives gave the 1,11-diketone and the 11-ketone analogues, respectively. These regioselective reactions open a route to the synthesis of a series of closely related isomers of ouabain and other derivatives that may have useful structure-activity relationships and utility in the elucidation of the biosynthesis of ouabain-like compounds.  相似文献   

In the equilibrium between B-DNA and Z-DNA in poly(dC-dG), the [Co(NH3)6]3+ ion stabilizes the Z form 4 orders of magnitude more effectively than the Mg2+ ion. The structural basis of this difference is revealed in Z-DNA crystal structures of d(CpGpCpGpCpG) stabilized by either Na+/Mg2+ or Na+/Mg2+ plus [Co(NH3)6]3+. The crystals diffract X-rays to high resolution, and the structures were refined at 1.25 A. The [Co(NH3)6]3+ ion forms five hydrogen bonds onto the surface of Z-DNA, bonding to a guanine O6 and N7 as well as to a phosphate group in the ZII conformation. The Mg2+ ion binds through its hydration shell with up to three hydrogen bonds to guanine N7 and O6. Higher charge, specific fitting of more hydrogen bonds, and a more stable complex all contribute to the great effectiveness of [Co(NH3)6]3+ in stabilizing Z-DNA.  相似文献   

Growth of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum on H2 and CO2 as sole energy and carbon sources was found to be dependent on Ni, Co, and Mo. At low concentrations of Ni (<100 nM), Co (<10 nM) and Mo (<10 nM) the amount of cells formed was roughly proportional to the amount of transition metal added to the medium; for the formation of 1 g cells (dry weight) approximately 150 nmol NiCl2, 20 nmol CoCl2 and 20 nmol Na2MoO4 were required. A dependence of growth on Cu, Mn, Zn, Ca, Al, and B could not be demonstrated. Conditions are described under which the bacterium grew exponentially with a doubling time of 1.8 h up to a cell density of 2 g cells (dry weight)/1.  相似文献   

We have studied the heme oxidation kinetics of purified human hemoglobin (Hb) in the presence of lipid vesicles of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine and bovine brain phosphatidylserine that exhibited minimal lipid peroxidation. We showed that the lipid vesicles enhanced Hb oxidation and that small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) exerted a larger effect than large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs). We have determined pseudo first-order rate constants for the initial disappearance of oxygenated ferrous Hb (k0) and for the initial formation of several ferric Hb species (methemoglobin, hemichrome, and choleglobin) in the presence of SUVs and LUVs. k0 and other rate constants depended linearly on lipid-to-hemoglobin molar ratio (lipid/Hb), with k0SUV (h-1) = k0auto (h-1) + 3.7 x 10(-3) x lipid/Hb, and k0LUV (h-1) = k0auto (h-1) + 0.2 x 10(-3) x lipid/hb, where k0auto is the rate constant for Hb autoxidation in the absence of vesicles. Thus, in the absence of lipid peroxidation products, lipid vesicles themselves promote Hb oxidation by enhancing the rate of Hb oxidation. The enhanced oxidation was inhibited by catalase, but not by butylated hydroxytoluene. The rate constants were independent of Hb concentration, in the range of about 3.1 to 100 microM. We suggest that the lipid surface properties, including surface curvature, surface energy, and hydrophobicity, promote hemoglobin oxidation.  相似文献   

自从Rich等在1979年首次发现左手螺旋的Z-DNA以后,人们对Z-DNA的研究不断深入,并推测它在基因转录、基因调控以及基因重组等方面有着重要的作用。最新研究表明Z-DNA与病毒的发病机制有关。这个研究结果可能蕴藏着关于这种另类DNA如何行使功能的答案,并可能由此成功研制能有效抗天花病毒的化合物。  相似文献   

The "photo-Fenton" reagent, 2-mercaptopyridine N-oxide (MPO), which releases a hydroxyl radical on ultraviolet irradiation, has been found to act as an antioxidant. In the peroxidation of linoleate initiated by a water-soluble azo-initiator, MPO has about one-third the activity of the water-soluble vitamin E analogue Trolox C. In contrast, the oxygen-containing analogue, 2-hydroxypyridine N-oxide (HPO), does not have measurable antioxidant activity in this system. Both reagents react with hydroxyl radical with second order rate constants very close to the diffusion-controlled limit. With the less oxidising dithiocyanate radical anion, MPO reacts approximately 50 times more rapidly than HPO at pH>7. The more reducing properties of MPO result in its activity as an antioxidant and make it less suitable than HPO as a source of hydroxyl radicals for investigation of oxidative stress in biological systems.  相似文献   

Z-DNA是一种处于高能状态、不稳定的DNA分子构象。形成Z-DNA的原因有很多:首先,转录过程中,移动的RNA聚合酶在模板DNA的5’端产生负超螺旋扭曲力,导致Z-DNA的形成;其次,含有d(GC)。序列的核酸分子在高浓度的NaCl、[Co(NH3)6]^2+盐溶液中也能够形成Z-DNA;最后,化学修饰也可以使DNA产生稳定的Z-DNA。Z-DNA是在体外首先发现的,但随着研究的不断深入,发现Z-DNA在体内也广泛存在并可能具有功能的多样性,包括参与基因表达调控、染色体断裂、基因重组、抗病毒、病毒发生等生物学过程。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of dopa and catecholamines on the generation of oxygen active species during oxidation of farmorubicin by "Fenton-like" reagents using chemiluminescent and spectrophotometric techniques. The tested catechols were found to reduce the light emission accompanying oxidation of farmorubicin by Co(II) + H2O2 and Cu(II) + H2O2 mixtures. The quenching effect was followed by their rapid oxidation to aminochromes possessing toxic activities.  相似文献   

The preparation of several model vinylsulfamides is described. Their excellent selective reactivity towards sulfhydryl group with regards to amino group has been demonstrated by the kinetics study between a model vinylsulfamide and cysteine or lysine at different pHs.  相似文献   

Spectral studies of cobalt (II)- and Nickel (II)-metallothionein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The zinc and cadmium of native rabbit metallothionein-1 were replaced stoichiometrically with either cobalt (II) or nickel (II). The electronic, magnetic circular dichroic (MCD), and electron spin resonance spectra of Co (II)-metallothionein reflect distorted tetrahedral coordination of the cobalt atoms. Both the d-d and charge-transfer spectral regions closely resemble those of simple cobalt-tetrathiolate complexes, implying that their coordination chemistry is analogous. Ni (II) complex ions and Ni (II)-metallothionein similarly exhibit analogous MCD bands in the d-d region. The circular dichroic bands associated with ligand-metal charge-transfer transitions in the non-d-d region of Co (II)- and Ni (II)-metallothionein afford additional evidence for the similarity in tetrahedral microsymmetry of the two metal derivatives. The known ratio of 20 thiolate ligands to 7 metal ions, in conjunction with the spectral evidence for tetrathiolate coordination in metallothionein, represents good evidence that these metal thiolates are organized in clusters.  相似文献   

The effects of four thiol reagents on the kinetics of polymerization of hemoglobin S have been studied in high phosphate buffer (1.8 M), in the presence (3 mM) or absence of sodium dithionite, depending on the reduction of mixed disulfides of Hb in the presence of this reducing agent. The effect of oxidized forms (methemoglobin) of HbS on the kinetics of aggregation of deoxyHbS was also studied because of the presence of 33% metHbS when HbS was modified by 4-aminophenyl disulfide. In the presence of sodium dithionite, the delay times prior to polymerization of deoxyHbS modified by N-ethylmaleimide, iodoacetamide and 4-aminophenyl disulfide were, respectively, 1.5-, 1.35- and 1.15-times longer than that of native deoxyHbS. The results indicate that the radicals bound to the cysteine beta 93 residue inhibit the contacts in the polymer formation to various extents but do not modify the size of the nuclei.  相似文献   

The local variation of torsional angles and helical parameters in Z-DNA was analyzed. The sugar phosphate backbone is fairly rigid but the angles at GpC linkage are more changeable than those at CpG linkage in order to form a variety of structures. The water channel at minor groove is important to stabilize and retain the novel Z-DNA helix.  相似文献   

The RNA-dependent protein kinase PKR plays a central role in the antiviral defense of vertebrates by shutting down protein translation upon detection of viral dsRNA in the cytoplasm. In some teleost fish, PKZ, a homolog of PKR, performs the same function, but surprisingly, instead of dsRNA binding domains, it harbors two Z-DNA/Z-RNA-binding domains belonging to the Zalpha domain family. Zalpha domains have also been found in other proteins, which have key roles in the regulation of interferon responses such as ADAR1 and DNA-dependent activator of IFN-regulatory factors (DAI) and in viral proteins involved in immune response evasion such as the poxviral E3L and the Cyprinid Herpesvirus 3 ORF112. The underlying mechanism of nucleic acids binding and stabilization by Zalpha domains is still unclear. Here, we present two crystal structures of the zebrafish PKZ Zalpha domain (DrZalphaPKZ) in alternatively organized complexes with a (CG)6 DNA oligonucleotide at 2 and 1.8 Å resolution. These structures reveal novel aspects of the Zalpha interaction with DNA, and they give insights on the arrangement of multiple Zalpha domains on DNA helices longer than the minimal binding site.  相似文献   

Radiolytic signature of Z-DNA.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Ionizing radiations induce various damages in DNA via the hydroxyl radical OH. generated by the radiolysis of water. We compare here the radiosensitivity of B- and Z-DNA, by using a Z-prone stretch included in a plasmid. In the supercoiled plasmid, the stretch is in the Z-form, whereas it is in the B-form when the plasmid is relaxed. Frank strand breaks (FSB) and alkali-revealed breaks (ARB) were located and quantified using sequencing gel electrophoresis. We show that B- and Z-DNA have the same mean sensitivity towards radiolytic attack, for both FSB and ARB. Nevertheless, the guanine sites are more sensitive, and the cytosine sites less sensitive in Z- than in B-DNA, leading to a characteristic signature of the Z-form. The comparison of experiments with the outcome of a Monte Carlo simulation of OH. radical attack suggests that transfer of initial damage from a guanine base to its attached sugar or the adjacent 3' cytosine is more important in Z-DNA than in B-DNA.  相似文献   

Abstract From enrichment cultures in the presence of 1 mM NiCl2 200 strains of aerobic bacteria were isolated from 50 samples collected in the metal-processing industry, waste water treatment plants and from solid waste, highly polluted by heavy metals. The strains isolated were characterized with respect to their substrate spectrum and resistance to nickel, cobalt, zinc and cadmium salts and assigned to 21 groups. One representative of each group was described with respect to cell morphology. All strains were Gram-negative, non-sporing rods or cocci. The highest concentrations of nickel, cobalt, zinc, cadmium, copper, mercury, and silver allowing growth on solid media were estimated. Two strains were able to grow at 20 mM NiCl2 and CoCl2, one strain tolerated 12 mM and one 7.5 mM concentrations of these salts.
Fifteen out of 21 strains contained at least one plasmid two contained two plasmids. The plasmid sizes varied between 50 and 340 kbp, except strain 10A, which contained a miniplasmid (2.6 kbp). Attempts to cure four selected strains by exposure to mitomycin C or growth at elevated temperature failed.
By helper-assisted and unassisted conjugation the plasmids of strain 31A were shown to carry nickel and cobalt resistance determinants. Alcaligenes eutrophus strains H16 and N9A and denative of strain CH34 lacking one or both of its native metal resistance plasmids were used as recipients. Both plasmids, p TOM8 and pTOM9, of strain 31A carried resistance properties which were expressed in all recipients except. A. eutrophus H16, in which only nickel resistance was expressed.
Plasmid pTOM3 residing in strain 10A could not be transferred as such. However, transconjugants derived from helper (pULB113)-assisted matings carried co-integrates of various sizes and were resistant to nickel and cobalt.  相似文献   

Zavarykina  T. M.  Atkarskaya  M. V.  Zhizhina  G. P. 《Biophysics》2019,64(5):671-682
Biophysics - This review covers the stages of studying left-helical Z-DNA form, from its discovery in 1979 until the present time. The repetitive nucleotide sequences that are capable of the...  相似文献   

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