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Palmitic acid was the main long chain fatty acids (LCFA) that accumulated onto the anaerobic sludge when oleic acid was fed to an EGSB reactor. The conversion between oleic and palmitic acid was linked to the biological activity. When palmitic acid was fed to an EGSB reactor it represented also the main LCFA that accumulated onto the sludge. The way of palmitic acid accumulation was different in the oleic and in the palmitic acid fed reactors. When oleic acid was fed, the biomass-associated LCFA (83% as palmitic acid) were mainly adsorbed and entrapped in the sludge that became "encapsulated" by an LCFA layer. However, when palmitic acid was fed, the biomass-associated LCFA (the totality as palmitic acid) was mainly precipitated in white spots like precipitates in between the sludge, which remained "non-encapsulated." The two sludges were compared in terms of the specific methanogenic activity (SMA) in the presence of acetate, propionate, butyrate, and H(2)CO(2), before and after the mineralization of similar amounts of biomass-associated LCFA (4.6 and 5.2 g COD-LCFA/g of volatile suspended solids (VSS), for the oleic and palmitic acid fed sludge, respectively). The "non-encapsulated," sludge exhibited a considerable initial methanogenic activity on all the tested substrates, with the single exception of butyrate. However, with the "encapsulated" sludge only methane production from ethanol and H(2)/CO(2) was detected, after a lag phase of about 50 h. After mineralization of the biomass-associated LCFA, both sludges exhibited activities of similar order of magnitude in the presence of the same individual substrates and significantly higher than before. The results evidenced that LCFA accumulation onto the sludge can create a physical barrier and hinder the transfer of substrates and products, inducing a delay on the initial methane production. Whatever the mechanism, metabolic or physical, that is behind this inhibition, it is reversible, being eliminated after the depletion of the biomass-associated LCFA.  相似文献   

Kinetics were determined for methanogenic activity and chlorinated ethylene dehalogenation by a methanol-enriched, anaerobic sediment consortium. The culture reductively dechlorinated perchloroethylene (PCE) to trichloroethylene (TCE), 1,1-dichloroethylene (1,1-DCE), vinylchloride (VC), and ethylene and ethane. The absence : of methanol or the addition of 2-bromoethanesulfonic. acid in the presence of methanol suppressed both methanogenic activity and dechlorination. In contrast, acetate production continued in the presence of 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid. These results suggest that dechlorination was strongly linked to methane formation and not to acetate production. A kinetic model, developed to describe both methanogenesis and dechlorination, successfully predicted experimentally measured concentrations of biomass, methane, substrate, and chlorinated ethylenes. The average maximum specific dehalogenation rates for PCE, TCE, 1,1-DCE, and VC were 0.9 +/- 0.6, 0.4 +/- 0.1, 12 +/- 0.1, and 2.5 +/- 1.7 mumol contaminant/ g. DW/day, respectively. This pattern for dechlorination rates is distinctly different than that reported for transition metal cofactors, where rates drop by approximately one order of magnitude as each successive chlorine is removed. The experimental results and kinetic analysis suggest that it will be impractical to targeting methanol consuming methanogenic organisms for in situ ground-water restoration. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Of four chlorinated guaiacols, tetrachloroguaiacol at 62 M inhibited acetate methanogenesis, the strongest decreasing activity by 50%. 4,5,6-Trichloroguaiacol, 4,5-dichloroguaiacol, and 4-chloroguaiacol showed 50% inhibition at 0.13, 0.32, and 1.50 mM, respectively. Degradation test results of volatile fatty acids (acetic, propionic, and butyric acid) by anaerobic digester sludge (stored 5 weeks) indicated that syntrophic butyrate degraders of this sludge were more sensitive to tetrachloroguaiacol than acetoclastic methanogens and syntrophic propionate degraders.  相似文献   

pH、温度和癸酸对厌氧颗粒污泥产甲烷毒性关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在间歇培养中研究了癸酸对UASB反应器厌氧颗粒污泥的产甲烷毒性,并考察了pH、温度和癸酸抑制的关系。结果表明,癸酸对厌氧颗粒污泥产甲烷活性有强烈的抑制,对厌氧颗粒污泥比产甲烷活性产生50%抑制的浓度为1.9mmol/L。pH影响癸酸在液相中的存在形式,pH越低,游离癸酸比例越大,对厌氧颗粒污泥的抑制越严重。高温条件下癸酸使厌氧颗粒污泥的结构变得松散,对厌氧颗粒污泥产甲烷毒性较中温和低温条件下严重。  相似文献   

The kinetic properties of acetate-degrading methanogenic granular sludge of different mean diameters were assessed at different up-flow velocities (V(up)). Using this approach, the influence of internal and external mass transfer could be estimated. First, the apparent Monod constant (K(S)) for each data set was calculated by means of a curve-fitting procedure. The experimental results revealed that variations in the V(up) did not affect the apparent K(S)-value, indicating that external mass-transport resistance normally can be neglected. With regard to the granule size, a clear increase in K(S) was found at increasing granule diameters. The experimental data were further used to validate a dynamic mathematical biofilm model. The biofilm model was able to describe reaction-diffusion kinetics in anaerobic granules, using a single value for the effective diffusion coefficient in the granules. This suggests that biogas formation did not influence the diffusion-rates in the granular biomass.  相似文献   

An unadapted mixed methanogenic sludge transformed formaldehyde into methanol and formate. The methanol to formate ratio obtained was 1:1. Formaldehyde conversion proceeded without any lag phase, suggesting the constitutive character of the formaldehyde conversion enzymes involved. Because the rate of formaldehyde conversion declined at increased formaldehyde additions, we hypothesized that some enzymes and/or cofactors might become denatured as a result of the excess of formaldehyde. Furthermore, formaldehyde was found to be toxic to acetoclastic methanogenesis in a dual character. Formaldehyde toxicity was partly reversible because once the formaldehyde concentration was extremely low or virtually removed from the system, the methane production rate was partially recovered. Because the degree of this recovery was not complete, we conclude that formaldehyde toxicity was partly irreversible as well. The irreversible toxicity likely can be attributed to biomass formaldehyde-related decay. Independent of the mode of formaldehyde addition (i.e., slug or continuous), the irreversible toxicity was dependent on the total amount of formaldehyde added to the system. This finding suggests that to treat formaldehyde-containing waste streams, a balance between formaldehyde-related decay and biomass growth should be attained.  相似文献   

Arsanilic acid (4-aminophenylarsonic acid) is widely used in the poultry and animal industries as a feed additive in the diets. Nearly all the added arsanilic acid is excreted unchanged in manure resulting in the risk of arsenic contamination. In this study, the effects of arsanilic acid on the kinetics, inhibition of methanogenic process and its biotransformation were investigated. The methane yield was not affected by arsanilic acid loading at concentration <0.46 mM, while the methane production was completely inhibited at concentration of 0.92 mM. The IC50 of arsanilic acid in this study was 0.47 mM. After 115 days of incubation, 37–59% of the added arsanilic acid was degraded. The species analysis indicated that at lower initial arsanilic acid concentration, the soluble inorganic arsenic mainly existed in the species of arsenate (As(V)), while at higher initial arsanilic acid concentration (>0.460 mM), the soluble inorganic arsenic mainly existed in the species of arsenite (As(III)), which explains why higher arsanilic acid concentration has severe inhibition to methanogens.  相似文献   

The effect of electrodialytic treatment in terms of a current density, pH and Na2H2EDTA addition on the methanogenic activity of copper-amended anaerobic granular sludge taken from the UASB reactor from paper mill was evaluated. Moreover, the specific energy consumption and simplified operational and treatment costs were calculated. Addition of Na2H2EDTA (at pH 7.7) to copper-amended sludge resulted in the highest microbial activity (62 mg CH4-COD g VSS−1 day−1) suggesting that Na2H2EDTA decreased the toxic effects of copper on the methanogenic activity of the anaerobic granular sludge. The highest methane production (159 %) was also observed upon Na2H2EDTA addition and simultaneous electricity application (pH 7.7). The energy consumption during the treatment was 560, 840, 1400 and 1680 kW h m−3 at current densities of 0.23, 0.34, 0.57 and 0.69 mA cm−2, respectively. This corresponded to a treatment costs in terms of electricity expenditure from 39.2 to 117.6 € per cubic meter of sludge.  相似文献   

The acidification of mesophilic (30 degrees C) methanol-fed upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) reactors induced by cobalt deprivation from the influent was investigated by coupling the reactor performance (pH 7.0; organic loading rate 4.5 g COD . L(-1) . d(-1)) to the microbial ecology of the bioreactor sludge. The latter was investigated by specific methanogenic activity (SMA) measurements and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to quantify the abundance of key organisms over time. This study hypothesized that under cobalt limiting conditions, the SMA on methanol of the sludge gradually decreases, which ultimately results in methanol accumulation in the reactor effluent. Once the methanol accumulation surpasses a threshold value (about 8.5 mM for the sludge investigated), reactor acidification occurs because acetogens outcompete methylothrophic methanogens at these elevated methanol concentrations. Methanogens present in granular sludge at the time of the acidification do not use methanol as the direct substrate and are unable to degrade acetate. Methylotrophic/acetoclastic methanogenic activity was found to be lost within 10 days of reactor operation, coinciding with the disappearance of the Methanosarcina population. The loss of SMA on methanol can thus be used as an accurate parameter to predict reactor acidification of methanol-fed UASB reactors operating under cobalt limiting conditions.  相似文献   

Two laboratory-scale expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) anaerobic bioreactors (R1 and R2) were inoculated with biomass from different mesophilic (37 °C) treatment plants, and used for the treatment of an organic solvent-based wastewater at 9–14 °C at applied organic loading rates (OLRs) of 1.2–3.6 kg chemical oxygen demand (COD) m−3 d−1. Replicated treatment performance was observed at 10–14 °C, which suggested the feasibility of the process at pilot-scale. Stable and efficient COD removal, along with high methane productivity, was demonstrated at 9 °C at an applied OLR of 2.4 kg COD m−3 d−1. Clonal libraries and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) indicated that the seed sludges were dominated (>60%) by acetoclastic Methanosaeta-like organisms. Specific methanogenic activity (SMA) profiles indicated shifts in the physiological profiles of R1 and R2 biomass, including the development of psychrotolerant methanogenic activity. Acetoclastic methanogenesis represented the primary route of methane production in R1 and R2, which is in contrast with several previous reports from low-temperature bioreactor trials. A reduction in the abundance of Methanosaeta-like clones (R2), along with the detection of hydrogenotrophic methanogenic species, coincided with altered granule (sludge) morphology and the development of hydrogenotrophic SMA after prolonged operation at 9 °C.  相似文献   

The effect of pre-loading and in situ loading of cobalt onto a cobalt-limited granular sludge on the performance of methanol fed bioreactors was investigated. One upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) reactor was inoculated with cobalt pre-loaded sludge (24h; 30 degrees C; 1 mM CoCl2) and a second UASB with unloaded sludge. The UASB reactors (30 degrees C; pH 7) were operated for 77 days at 8 h hydraulic retention time and organic loading rates ranging from 5 to 20 g COD.L reactor(-1).d(-1). Cobalt pre-loading clearly stimulated the methanogenic activity of the sludge with methanol as the substrate, e.g., after 30 days of reactor operation this activity was 5.8 times higher than that of the cobalt unloaded sludge. During the experiment, part of the cobalt leached from the pre-loaded sludge, i.e., 54% of the cobalt content was lost during the 77 days of reactor operation. Sequential metal extraction showed that losses mainly occurred from the exchangeable and carbonate fraction and in the sludge remaining cobalt was mainly present in the organic/sulfide fraction of the sludge. In situ loading of cobalt in the unloaded UASB reactor on day 57 by adding 31 microM cobalt to the influent for a 24-h period (16% of the cobalt present in the loaded sludge at day 11) resulted in a 4 time increase of the methanogenic activity of the sludge with methanol as the substrate at the end of the reactor experiment, while the accumulated amount of cobalt in the sludge only amounted to 6% of the cobalt accumulated in the loaded sludge (on day 11). This study showed that both pre-loading sludge and in situ loading are adequate for achieving an increased reactor performance of methanol fed UASB reactors operating under cobalt limitation. However, the in situ dosing procedure needs substantially lower amounts of cobalt, while it also gives significantly smaller losses of cobalt with the effluent.  相似文献   

The relationship between porosity, diameter and methanogenic activity of anaerobic granules has been investigated. Experiments with different granular sludges revealed that substrate transport limitations increase with the diameter of the granules. As a consequence, autolysis can occur in the core of the granule, producing hallow granules. The porosity measurements revealed that the hollow centre is not available for substrate transport. Possibly as an effect of bacterial lysis, the porosity decreases in the more interior layers of the granules. This results in a inactive inner part of the large granules, which is not involved in the treatment process; the specific methanogenic activity decreases with granule size. No marked difference in substrate affinity is observed between granules of different sizes, which probably indicates that for large granules only the exterior is biological active. Correspondence to: G. Lettinga  相似文献   

Image analysis techniques are applied to monitor the morphological changes in granular sludge present in an expanded granular sludge blanket (EGSB) reactor fed with oleic acid. Deterioration of granular sludge was monitored along the trial period by measuring the percentage of aggregates smaller than 1 mm (in terms of Feret diameter) either in terms of projected area or in terms of number of aggregates. A good correlation was obtained between these values and the percentage of aggregates smaller than 1 mm were physically sorted and quantified by the volatile suspended solid content. The ratio of total filaments length to cross-sectional area of aggregates defined as LfA, was applied to quantify the dispersion level of the granular sludge, which increased until day 141 and remained almost invariant afterwards. LfA was sensitive to the sludge deterioration process and was able to indicate, with the anticipation of about 1 month, the most significant biomass washout episode that occurred in the trial period. A mechanism of filaments' release, detachment and selective washout was proposed to explain the action of LfA from this viewpoint. The equivalent diameter of the bottom aggregates larger than 1 mm increased with the increase on the amount of long chain fatty acids associated with the biomass by mechanisms of adsorption, precipitation, or entrapment. After a threshold value of about 200 mg COD-LCFA gVSS (COD = chemical oxygen demand; LCFA = long chain fatty acids; VSS = volatile suspended solids), a migration of granular sludge from the bottom to a top-floating layer was evident.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of substrate concentration and moisture content on the specific methanogenic activity (SMA) of a fresh dry mesophilic digestate from a municipal solid waste digester plant. For this purpose, SMA tests were performed under mesophilic conditions into glass bottles of 500 mL volume used as batch reactors, during a period of 20-25 days. Propionate was used as substrate at concentrations ranging from 1 to 10 gCOD/kg. Four moisture contents were studied: 65%, 75%, 80% and 82%. Experimental results showed that propionate concentration and moisture content strongly influenced the SMA. The highest SMA was observed at a substrate concentration of 10 gCOD/kg (11.3 mgCOD gVS−1 d−1 for the second dose of propionate) and at a moisture content of 82% (7.8 mgCOD gVS−1 d−1 for the second dose of propionate, at a concentration of 5 gCOD/kg). SMA was found to decrease linearly when decreasing the moisture content.  相似文献   

Two shock loads of a commercial detergent (I-150 mg chemical oxygen demand (COD)/L, fed for 56 h; II-300 mg COD/L fed for 222 h) were applied in a lab-scale Expanded Granular Sludge Blanket (EGSB) reactor, fed with 1,500 mg COD/L of ethanol. The impact of the surfactant was assessed in terms of granular sludge morphology, specific methanogenic activity (SMA) in the presence of individual substrates, and reactor performance. COD removal efficiency remained unaffected in the shock I, but 80 h after starting exposure to the shock II, the COD removal efficiency decreased drastically from 75 to 17%. In the first 8 h of operation of shock I, the SMA was stimulated and decreased afterwards, being recovered 5 days after the end of exposure time. Concerning to shock II, the SMA was immediately and persistently reduced during the exposure time, although, the inhibition of SMA in presence of H(2)/CO(2) showed a trend to increase after the exposure time. Acetoclastic bacteria were observed as the most sensitive to the toxic effects of surfactant whereas the hydrogenotrophic bacteria were less affected. The inhibitory effects were dependent on surfactant concentration and exposure time. The ratio filaments length per total aggregates area (LfA) was an early-warning indicator of biomass washout, since it increased 3 and 5 days before effluent volatile suspended solids (VSS) rise, respectively, in shocks I and II.  相似文献   

Carbon tetrachloride (CT) is an important groundwater pollutant which is only subject to biotransformation in the absence of oxygen. The anaerobic biotransformation of CT is influenced by electron shuttling compounds. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of redox active vitamins on CT (100 M) metabolism in a methanogenic sludge consortium (0.5 g VSSl-1) supplied with volatile fatty acids as electron donor (0.2 g CODl-1). The redox active vitamins, tested at concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 20 M, were riboflavin (RF) and two forms of vitamin B12, cyanocobalamin (CNB12) and hydroxycobalamin (HOB12), and these were compared with a redox mediating quinone, anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS). Substoichiometric concentrations of RF, CNB12, HOB12 at molar ratios of vitamin:CT as low as 0.005 significantly increased rates of CT-bioconversion. These are the lowest molar ratios of vitamin B12 reported having an impact on dechlorination. Additionally, this study constitutes the first report of RF having a role in reductive dechlorination. At molar ratios of 0.1 vitamin:CT, RF, CNB12, HOB12 increased the first order rate constant of CT bioconversion by 4.0-, 13.3-and 13.6-fold, respectively. The redox active vitamins also enhanced the rates of abiotic CT conversion in heat killed sludge treatments, but the rates were approximately 4- to 5-fold lower than the corresponding vitamin enhanced rates of biological CT conversion. The addition of CNB12 or HOB12 to the live methanogenic sludge consortium increased the yield of inorganic chloride (Cl-) from CT-converted. Chloroform was a transient intermediate in CNB12 or HOB12 supplemented cultures. In contrast, the addition of RF increased the yield of chloroform from CT-converted. Taken as a whole the results clearly demonstrate that very low concentrations of redox active vitamins could potentially play an important role in accelerating the anaerobic the bioremediation of CT as well as influencing the proportions of biotransformation products formed.  相似文献   

The feasibility was studied of anaerobic treatment of wastewater generated during purified terephthalic acid (PTA) production in two-stage upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor system. The artificial influent of the system contained the main organic substrates of PTA-wastewater: acetate, benzoate, and terephthalate. Three parallel operated reactors were used for the second stage, and seeded with a suspended terephthalate degrading culture, with and without additional methanogenic granular sludge (two different types). The first stage UASB-reactor was seeded with methanogenic granular sludge. Reactors were operated at 37 degrees C and pH 7. During the first 300 days of operation a clear distinction between the biomass grown in both reactor stages was obtained. In the first stage, acetate and benzoate were degraded at a volumetric loading rate of 40 g-COD/L . day at a COD-removal efficiency of 95% within the first 25 days of operation. No degradation of terephthalate was obtained in the first stage during the first 300 days of operation despite operation of the reactor at a decreased volumetric loading rate with acetate and benzoate of 9 g-COD/L . day from day 150. Batch incubation of biomass from the reactor with terephthalate showed that the lag-phase prior to terephthalate degradation remained largely unchanged, indicating that no net growth of terephthalate degrading biomass occurred in the first stage reactor. From day 300, however, terephthalate degradation was observed in the first stage, and the biomass in this reactor could successfully be enriched with terephthalate degrading biomass, resulting in terephthalate removal capacities of 15 g-COD/L . day. Even though no single reason could be identified why (suddenly) terephthalate degradation was obtained after such a long period of operation, it is suggested that the solid retention time as well the prevailing reactor concentrations acetate and benzoate may have played an important role. From day 1 of operation, terephthalate was degraded in the second stage. In presence of methanogenic granular biomass, high terephthalate removal capacities were obtained in these reactors (15 g-COD/L . day) after approximately 125 days of operation. From the results obtained it is concluded that terephthalate degradation is the bottleneck during anaerobic treatment of PTA-wastewater. Pre-removal of acetate and benzoate in staged bioreactor reduces the lag-phase prior to terephthalate degradation in latter stages, and enables high rate treatment of PTA-wastewater.  相似文献   

The various problems associated with treating sulphate-containing wastewaters stem inherently from successful competitive interactions between sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) and other bacteria involved in the process, resulting in the formation of H2S. Prevention of in-reactor sulphide generation by use of specific SRB inhibitors presents a potential solution. Nitrite has been reported to be a specific inhibitor of SRB but its possible toxicity to syntrophic and methanogenic members of the anaerobic consortium has not been investigated. In batch activity and toxicity tests, under both mesophilic and thermophilic conditions, nitrite, at concentrations of up to 150 mg L–1, was found to be ineffective as a specific inhibitor of SRB, and was also shown to have an inhibitory effect on the activity of syntrophic and methane-producing bacteria in mesophilic and thermophilic digester sludge samples.  相似文献   

Image analysis techniques were developed and applied to quantify the process of anaerobic granulation in an expanded granular sludge blanket reactor (EGSB) fed with a synthetic substrate based on glucose [60-30% COD (chemical oxygen demand)] and volatile fatty acids (40-70% COD) over 376 days. In a first operation period that lasted 177 days, the aggregation of dispersed sludge was quantitatively monitored through the recognition and quantification of aggregates and filaments. A parameter defined as the ratio between the filaments' length and the aggregates projected area (LfA) has proven to be sensitive to detect changes in the aggregation status of the anaerobic sludge. The aggregation time-defined as the moment when a balance between filaments' length and aggregates' size was established-was recognized through the LfA. The percentage of projected area of aggregates within three size ranges (0.01-0.1 mm, 0.1-1 mm, and >1 mm, equivalent diameter) reflected the granular size spectrum during the aggregation process. When sudden increases on the upflow velocity and on the organic loading rate were applied to the previously formed granules, the developed image analysis techniques revealed to be good indicators of granular sludge stability, since they were sensitive to detected filaments release, fragmentation, and erosion that usually leads to washout. The specific methanogenic activities in the presence of acetate, propionate, butyrate, and H(2)/CO(2) increased along the operation, particularly relevant was the sudden increase in the specific hydrogenophilic activity, immediately after the moment recognized as aggregation time.  相似文献   

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