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高通量测序技术的快速发展催生了涵盖各层次细胞生命活动的组学数据,如转录组学数据、蛋白质组学数据和互作组学数据等。同时,全基因组代谢网络模型在不断完善和增多。整合组学数据,对生物细胞的代谢网络进行更深入的模拟分析成为目前微生物系统生物学研究的热点。目前整合转录组学数据进行全基因组代谢网络分析的方法主要以流量平衡分析(FBA)为基础,通过辨识不同条件下基因表达的变化,进而优化目标函数以得到相应的流量分布或代谢模型。本文对整合转录组学数据的FBA分析方法进行总结和比较,并详细阐述了不同方法的优缺点,为分析特定问题选择合适的方法提供参考。  相似文献   

Metabolic-flux analyses in microorganisms are increasingly based on (13)C-labeling data. In this paper a new approach for the measurement of (13)C-label distributions is presented: rapid sampling and quenching of microorganisms from a cultivation, followed by extraction and detection by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry of free intracellular metabolites. This approach allows the direct assessment of mass isotopomer distributions of primary metabolites. The method is applied to the glycolytic and pentose phosphate pathways of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain CEN.PK113-7D grown in an aerobic, glucose-limited chemostat culture. Detailed investigations of the measured mass isotopomer distributions demonstrate the accuracy and information-richness of the obtained data. The mass fractions are fitted with a cumomer model to yield the metabolic fluxes. It is estimated that 24% of the consumed glucose is catabolized via the pentose phosphate pathway. Furthermore, it is found that turnover of storage carbohydrates occurs. Inclusion of this turnover in the model leads to a large confidence interval of the estimated split ratio.  相似文献   

Recent genomic analyses on the cellular metabolic network show that reaction flux across enzymes are diverse and exhibit power-law behavior in its distribution. While intuition might suggest that the reactions with larger fluxes are more likely to be lethal under the blockade of its catalysing gene products or gene knockouts, we find, by in silico flux analysis, that the lethality rarely has correlations with the flux level owing to the widespread backup pathways innate in the genome-wide metabolism of Escherichia coli. Lethal reactions, of which the deletion generates cascading failure of following reactions up to the biomass reaction, are identified in terms of the Boolean network scheme as well as the flux balance analysis. The avalanche size of a reaction, defined as the number of subsequently blocked reactions after its removal, turns out to be a useful measure of lethality. As a means to elucidate phenotypic robustness to a single deletion, we investigate synthetic lethality in reaction level, where simultaneous deletion of a pair of nonlethal reactions leads to the failure of the biomass reaction. Synthetic lethals identified via flux balance and Boolean scheme are consistently shown to act in parallel pathways, working in such a way that the backup machinery is compromised.  相似文献   

13C metabolic flux analysis (13C-MFA) is a widely used tool for quantitative analysis of microbial and mammalian metabolism. Until now, 13C-MFA was based mainly on measurements of isotopic labeling of amino acids derived from hydrolyzed biomass proteins and isotopic labeling of extracted intracellular metabolites. Here, we demonstrate that isotopic labeling of glycogen and RNA, measured with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), provides valuable additional information for 13C-MFA. Specifically, we demonstrate that isotopic labeling of glucose moiety of glycogen and ribose moiety of RNA greatly enhances resolution of metabolic fluxes in the upper part of metabolism; importantly, these measurements allow precise quantification of net and exchange fluxes in the pentose phosphate pathway. To demonstrate the practical importance of these measurements for 13C-MFA, we have used Escherichia coli as a model microbial system and CHO cells as a model mammalian system. Additionally, we have applied this approach to determine metabolic fluxes of glucose and xylose co-utilization in the E. coli ΔptsG mutant. The convenience of measuring glycogen and RNA, which are stable and abundant in microbial and mammalian cells, offers the following key advantages: reduced sample size, no quenching required, no extractions required, and GC-MS can be used instead of more costly LC-MS/MS techniques. Overall, the presented approach for 13C-MFA will have widespread applicability in metabolic engineering and biomedical research.  相似文献   

The pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) is a fundamental component of cellular metabolism. It provides precursors for the biosynthesis of nucleotides and contributes to the production of reducing power in the form of NADPH. It has been hypothesized that mammalian cells may contain a hidden reaction in PPP catalyzed by transketolase-like protein 1 (TKTL1) that is closely related to the classical transketolase enzyme; however, until now there has been no direct experimental evidence for this reaction. In this work, we have applied state-of-the-art techniques in 13C metabolic flux analysis (13C-MFA) based on parallel labeling experiments and integrated flux fitting to estimate the TKTL1 flux in CHO cells. We identified a set of three parallel labeling experiments with [1-13C]glucose+[4,5,6-13C]glucose, [2-13C]glucose+[4,5,6-13C]glucose, and [3-13C]glucose+[4,5,6-13C]glucose and developed a new method to measure 13C-labeling of fructose 6-phosphate by GC-MS that allows intuitive interpretation of mass isotopomer distributions to determine key fluxes in the model, including glycolysis, oxidative PPP, non-oxidative PPP, and the TKTL1 flux. Using these tracers we detected a significant TKTL1 flux in CHO cells at the stationary phase. The flux results suggest that the main function of oxidative PPP in CHO cells at the stationary phase is to fuel the TKTL1 reaction. Overall, this study demonstrates for the first time that carbon atoms can be lost in the PPP, by means other than the oxidative PPP, and that this loss of carbon atoms is consistent with the hypothesized TKTL1 reaction in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The growth and product formation of Saccharomyces kluyveri was characterized in aerobic batch cultivation on glucose. At these conditions it was found that ethyl acetate was a major overflow metabolite in S. kluyveri. During the exponential-growth phase on glucose ethyl acetate was produced at a constant specific rate of 0.12 g ethyl acetate per g dry weight per hour. The aerobic glucose metabolism in S. kluyveri was found to be less fermentative than in S. cerevisiae, as illustrated by the comparably low yield of ethanol on glucose (0.08 +/- 0.02 g/g), and high yield of biomass on glucose (0.29 +/- 0.01 g/g). The glucose metabolism of S. kluyveri was further characterized by the new and powerful techniques of metabolic network analysis. Flux distributions in the central carbon metabolism were estimated for respiro-fermentative growth in aerobic batch cultivation on glucose and respiratory growth in aerobic glucose-limited continuous cultivation. It was found that in S. kluyveri the flux into the pentose phosphate pathway was 18.8 mmole per 100 mmole glucose consumed during respiratory growth in aerobic glucose-limited continuous cultivation. Such a low flux into the pentose phosphate pathway cannot provide the cell with enough NADPH for biomass formation which is why the remaining NADPH will have to be provided by another pathway. During batch cultivation of S. kluyveri the tricarboxylic acid cycle was working as a cycle with a considerable flux, that is in sharp contrast to what has previously been observed in S. cerevisiae at the same growth conditions, where the tricarboxylic acid cycle operates as two branches. This indicates that the respiratory system was not significantly repressed in S. kluyveri during batch cultivation on glucose.  相似文献   

Enzyme activities were determined quantitatively in individual rat oocytes to study their energy metabolism during maturation. Low hexokinase activity and high activities of lactate dehydrogenase and enzymes in the phosphate pathway, i.e., glucose 6-P and 6-P gluconate dehydrogenases, were characteristic of immature oocytes. Hexokinase may be a rate-limiting enzyme that enables oocytes to use glucose as an energy source. During maturation, the activities of hexokinase, phosphofructokinase, and malate dehydrogenase increased significantly, suggesting that the glycolytic pathway, as well as the tricarboxylic acid cycle, developed as the first meiotic division proceeded. In contrast, the activities of glucose 6-P and 6-P gluconate dehydrogenases decreased in maturing oocytes. The observation that the enzyme pattern in mature oocytes resembles more closely that in somatic cells appears to be significant, especially in light of previous studies showing this developmental trend in preimplantation embryos.  相似文献   

L.E. Fridland  V.L. Kaler 《BBA》1984,766(2):343-353
A simple kinetic model for the reductive pentose phosphate cycle is suggested and analyzed. The changes in ATP/NADPH ratio caused by light wavelength alterations have been shown to result in the specific redistribution of metabolites in the cycle. The redistribution permits an explanation of the kinetic patterns of the enhancement effect and chromatic transients of photosynthesis. The spectra of relative ATP concentration have been calculated using enhancement values for green plants and cyanobacteria. Relative changes in quantum yield of photosynthesis were also calculated using data from spectra of relative ATP concentration changes. It is shown that changes in the quantum yield of photosynthesis may be fully explained by means of the spectral dependence of the relative ATP concentration in chloroplasts. It is concluded that the enhancement effect, chromatic transients and the ‘red drop’ of photosynthetic efficiency are not to be considered as exhaustive arguments for the Z-scheme of photosynthesis, although they do not contradict it.  相似文献   

The physiological and metabolic responses to gnd knockout in Escherichia coli K-12 was quantitatively investigated by using the (13)C tracer experiment (GC-MS/NMR) together with the enzyme activity analysis. It was shown that the general response to the gene knockout was the local flux rerouting via Entner-Doudoroff pathway and the direction reversing via non-oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (PPP). The mutant was found to direct higher flux to phosphoglucose isomerase reaction as compared to the wild-type, but the respiratory metabolism was comparable in both strains. The anaplerotic pathway catalyzed by malic enzyme was identified in the mutant, which was accompanied with an up-regulation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and down-regulation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. The presented results provide first evidence that compensatory mechanism existed in PPP and anaplerotic pathway in response to the gnd deletion.  相似文献   

The field of metabolic engineering is primarily concerned with improving the biological production of value-added chemicals, fuels and pharmaceuticals through the design, construction and optimization of metabolic pathways, redirection of intracellular fluxes, and refinement of cellular properties relevant for industrial bioprocess implementation. Metabolic network models and metabolic fluxes are central concepts in metabolic engineering, as was emphasized in the first paper published in this journal, “Metabolic fluxes and metabolic engineering” (Metabolic Engineering, 1: 1–11, 1999). In the past two decades, a wide range of computational, analytical and experimental approaches have been developed to interrogate the capabilities of biological systems through analysis of metabolic network models using techniques such as flux balance analysis (FBA), and quantify metabolic fluxes using constrained-based modeling approaches such as metabolic flux analysis (MFA) and more advanced experimental techniques based on the use of stable-isotope tracers, i.e. 13C-metabolic flux analysis (13C-MFA). In this review, we describe the basic principles of metabolic flux analysis, discuss current best practices in flux quantification, highlight potential pitfalls and alternative approaches in the application of these tools, and give a broad overview of pragmatic applications of flux analysis in metabolic engineering practice.  相似文献   

Fermentative hydrogen production (FHP) has received a great R & D interest in recent decades, as it offers a potential means of producing H2 from a variety of renewable resources, even wastewater via a low energy continuous process. Various extracellular metabolites including ethanol, acetate, butyrate and lactate can be produced during the fermentation, building a complex metabolic network of the FHP. Except for the recognition of its complexity, the metabolic flux network has not been well understood. Studies on biochemical reactions and metabolic flux network associated with the FHP in anaerobic fermentation system have only been drawn attention in recent years. This review summarizes the biochemical reactions taking place in the metabolic network of FHP. We discuss how the key operation factors influence metabolism in the FHP process. Recently developed and applied technologies for metabolic flux analysis have been described. Future studies on the metabolic network to enhance fermentative hydrogen production by strict anaerobes are recommended. It is expected that this review can provide useful information in terms of fundamental knowledge and update technology for scientists and research engineers in the field of biological hydrogen production.  相似文献   

The cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) were obtained from local abattoir. After aspiration, the COCs were allotted into four treatments to evaluation of brilliant cresyl blue (BCB) test. Control treatment (C): oocytes were cultured directly (without exposure to BCB) after recovery in in vitro production (IVP) process. Oocyte treatment (OBCB): immediately after aspiration, COCs were incubated in modified Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline (mDPBS) supplemented with 26 μM of BCB for 90 min and classified into two classes: oocytes with blue cytoplasm coloration (OBCB+: more competent oocytes) and oocytes without blue cytoplasm coloration (OBCB−: low competent oocytes). Directly after classification, the oocytes were maintained undisrupted in the IVP process. Zygote treatment (ZBCB): After oocyte collection, maturation and fertilization, zygotes were stained with BCB for 10 min and categorized into three ways, according to whether they were highly stained (ZBCB++: low competent zygotes), moderately stained (ZBCB+: moderate competent zygotes) and unstained (ZBCB−: more competent zygotes). Directly after classification, the zygotes were maintained undisrupted in the culture process. Oocyte and zygote treatments (OBCB/ZBCB): COCs were stained with BCB after recovery and classified into two classes (OBCB+ and OBCB−). After fertilization, the zygotes produced from OBCB+ and OBCB− oocytes were further stained with BCB for 10 min and categorized six ways (OBCB+/ZBCB++, OBCB+/ZBCB+, OBCB+/ZBCB−, OBCB−/ZBCB++, OBCB−/ZBCB+ and OBCB−/ZBCB−). Directly after classification, the zygotes were maintained undisrupted in the culture process. The selection rate produced from OBCB treatment (OBCB+; 54.3%) was greater (P < 0.05) than ZBCB treatment (ZBCB−; 44.3%). In addition, the selection rate produced from double application (combination of oocyte and zygote selection) of BCB test (OBCB+/ZBCB−: 28.8%) was less (P < 0.01) than single application of BCB test (ZBCB−: 44.3%or OBCB+: 54.3%). The percentage of blastocyst production from OBCB+ oocytes (35.7%) and ZBCB− zygotes (36.6%) were greater (P < 0.05) than that from C oocytes (25.7%), OBCB− oocytes (16.5%), ZBCB++ (13.5%) and ZBCB+ zygotes (21.3%). However, there were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in the percentages of blastocyst production between OBCB+ oocytes (35.7%) and ZBCB− zygotes (36.6%). The proportion of blastocyst production from double application of BCB test (OBCB+/ZBCB−: 48.0%) was greater (P < 0.05) than that from single application of BCB test (OBCB+: 35.7% or ZBCB−: 36.6%). In conclusion, current results confirmed that combination of oocyte and zygote selection by BCB test enhanced the efficiency of selecting for high quality embryos, compared to the single BCB test.  相似文献   

Current (13)C labeling experiments for metabolic flux analysis (MFA) are mostly limited by either the requirement of isotopic steady state or the extremely high computational effort due to the size and complexity of large metabolic networks. The presented novel approach circumvents these limitations by applying the isotopic non-stationary approach to a local metabolic network. The procedure is demonstrated in a study of the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) split-ratio of Penicillium chrysogenum in a penicillin-G producing chemostat-culture grown aerobically at a dilution rate of 0.06h(-1) on glucose, using a tracer amount of uniformly labeled [U-(13)C(6)] gluconate. The rate of labeling inflow can be controlled by using different cell densities and/or different fractions of the labeled tracer in the feed. Due to the simplicity of the local metabolic network structure around the 6-phosphogluconate (6pg) node, only three metabolites need to be measured for the pool size and isotopomer distribution. Furthermore, the mathematical modeling of isotopomer distributions for the flux estimation has been reduced from large scale differential equations to algebraic equations. Under the studied cultivation condition, the estimated split-ratio (41.2+/-0.6%) using the novel approach, shows statistically no difference with the split-ratio obtained from the originally proposed isotopic stationary gluconate tracing method.  相似文献   

Algal fuel sources promise unsurpassed yields in a carbon neutral manner that minimizes resource competition between agriculture and fuel crops. Many challenges must be addressed before algal biofuels can be accepted as a component of the fossil fuel replacement strategy. One significant challenge is that the cost of algal fuel production must become competitive with existing fuel alternatives. Algal biofuel production presents the opportunity to fine-tune microbial metabolic machinery for an optimal blend of biomass constituents and desired fuel molecules. Genome-scale model-driven algal metabolic design promises to facilitate both goals by directing the utilization of metabolites in the complex, interconnected metabolic networks to optimize production of the compounds of interest. Network analysis can direct microbial development efforts towards successful strategies and enable quantitative fine-tuning of the network for optimal product yields while maintaining the robustness of the production microbe. Metabolic modeling yields insights into microbial function, guides experiments by generating testable hypotheses, and enables the refinement of knowledge on the specific organism. While the application of such analytical approaches to algal systems is limited to date, metabolic network analysis can improve understanding of algal metabolic systems and play an important role in expediting the adoption of new biofuel technologies.  相似文献   

Pea chloroplastic phosphoribulokinase and yeast phosphoriboisomerase partition independently of one another in a two-phase polyethyleneglycol, dextran system, but apparent interaction is seen when ribose-5-phosphate is added to the two-phase system. It appears that the pea leaf of kinase recognizes yeast isomerase when it is carrying metabolite.  相似文献   

Abstract: Catecholamines added in vitro in rat brain synaptosomes activate the decarboxylation of glucose radioactively labelled on carbon 1, suggesting an effective activation of the pentose phosphate pathway. Stimulation also occurred with phenazine methosulphate, reduced glutathione and hydrogen peroxide. The activation of the pentose phosphate pathway by 5-hydroxytryptamine, noradrenaline and dopamine is ascribed to the activation of monoamine oxidase, producing both the respective biogenic aldehyde and hydrogen peroxide. Evidence is presented that the further metabolism of the aldehyde by aldehyde reductase and the removal of hydrogen peroxide by glutathione peroxidase both release the limitation of N ADP+ availability for the pentose phosphate pathway by leading to the oxidation of NADPH. The relevance of the maintenance of reduced NADP+ on brain is discussed in relation to the metabolism of glutathione and to lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

Selective estrogen receptor (ER) modulators are highly successful breast cancer therapies, but they are not effective in patients with ER negative and selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM)-resistant tumors. Understanding the mechanisms of estrogen-stimulated proliferation may provide a route to design estrogen-independent therapies that would be effective in these patients. In this study, metabolic flux analysis was used to determine the intracellular fluxes that are significantly affected by estradiol stimulation in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Intracellular fluxes were calculated from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-generated isotope enrichment data and extracellular metabolite fluxes, using a specific flux analysis algorithm. The metabolic pathway model used by the algorithm includes glycolysis, the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle), the pentose phosphate pathway, glutamine catabolism, pyruvate carboxylase, and malic enzyme. The pathway model also incorporates mitochondrial compartmentalization and reversible trans-mitochondrial membrane reactions to more accurately describe the role of mitochondria in cancer cell proliferation. Flux results indicate that estradiol significantly increases carbon flow through the pentose phosphate pathway and increases glutamine consumption. In addition, intra-mitochondrial malic enzyme was found to be inactive and the malate-aspartate shuttle (MAS) was only minimally active. The inactivity of these enzymes indicates that glutamine is not oxidized within mitochondria, but is consumed primarily to provide biosynthetic precursors. The excretion of glutamine carbons from the mitochondria has the secondary effect of limiting nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) recycle, resulting in NADH buildup in the cytosol and the excretion of lactate. The observed dependence of breast cancer cells on pentose phosphate pathway activity and glutamine consumption for estradiol-stimulated biosynthesis suggests that these pathways may be targets for estrogen-independent breast cancer therapies.  相似文献   

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