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The magnetic map hypothesis proposes that animals can use spatial gradients in the Earth's magnetic field to help determine geographic location. This ability would permit true navigation--reaching a goal from an entirely unfamiliar site with no goal-emanating cues to assist. It is a highly contentious hypothesis since the geomagnetic field fluctuates in time and spatial gradients may be disturbed by geological anomalies. Nevertheless, a substantial body of evidence offers support for the hypothesis. Much of the evidence has been indirect in nature, such as the identification of avian magnetoreceptor mechanisms with functional properties that are consistent with those of a putative map detector or the patterns of orientation of animals exposed to temporal and/or spatial geomagnetic anomalies. However; the most important advances have been made in conducting direct tests of the magnetic map hypothesis by exposing experienced migrants to specific geomagnetic values representing simulated displacements. Appropriate shifts in the direction of orientation, which compensate for the simulated displacements, have been observed in newts, birds, sea turtles, and lobsters, and provide the strongest evidence to date for magnetic map navigation. Careful experimental design and interpretation of orientation data will be essential in the future to determine which components of the magnetic field are used to derive geographic position.  相似文献   

Reaching movements to spatial targets require motor patterns at the shoulder to be coordinated carefully with those at the elbow to smoothly move the hand through space. While the motor cortex is involved in this volitional task, considerable debate remains about how this cortical region participates in planning and controlling movement. This article reviews two opposing interpretations of motor cortical function during multi-joint movements. On the one hand, studies performed predominantly on single-joint movement generally support the notion that motor cortical activity is intimately involved in generating motor patterns at a given joint. In contrast, studies on reaching demonstrate correlations between motor cortical activity and features of movement related to the hand, suggesting that the motor cortex may be involved in more global features of the task. Although this latter paradigm involves a multi-joint motor task in which neural activity is correlated with features of movement related to the hand, this neural activity is also correlated to other movement variables. Therefore it is difficult to assess if and how the motor cortex contributes to the coordination of motor patterns at different joints. In particular, present paradigms cannot assess whether motor cortical activity contributes to the control of one joint or multiple joints during whole-arm tasks. The final point discussed in this article is the development of a new experimental device (KINARM) that can both monitor and manipulate the mechanics of the shoulder and elbow independently during multi-joint motor tasks. It is hoped that this new device will provide a new approach for examining how the motor cortex is involved in motor coordination.  相似文献   

The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was shown to be extremely sensitive to dehydration–rehydration treatments when stationary phase cells were subjected to conditions of severe oxygen limitation, unlike the same cells grown in aerobic conditions. The viability of dehydrated anaerobically grown yeast cells never exceeded 2 %. It was not possible to increase this viability using gradual rehydration of dry cells in water vapour, which usually strongly reduces damage to intracellular membranes. Specific pre-dehydration treatments significantly increased the resistance of anaerobic yeast to drying. Thus, incubation of cells with trehalose (100 mM), increased the viability of dehydrated cells after slow rehydration in water vapour to 30 %. Similarly, pre-incubation of cells in 1 M xylitol or glycerol enabled up to 50–60 % of cells to successfully enter a viable state of anhydrobiosis after subsequent rehydration. We presume that trehalose and sugar alcohols function mainly according to a water replacement hypothesis, as well as initiating various protective intracellular reactions.  相似文献   

In populations of northern European ancestry, hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is tightly linked to mutations within the hemochromatosis gene (HFE gene). Over 93% of Irish HH patients are homozygous for the HFE gene C282Y mutation, providing a reliable diagnostic marker of the disease in this population. However, the prevalence of the C282Y mutation and that of the second HFE gene mutation, H63D, have yet to be determined within the Irish population. The objective of this study was to identify the true prevalence of the genetic form of HH in the Irish population. DNA was extracted from 1002 randomly selected newborn screening cards and analyzed for the C282Y and H63D mutations within the HFE gene. Complete results were obtained from 800 cards. Mutations were identified in 364 (46%) neonates. Eight (1%) neonates were homozygous for C282Y and 8 (1%) were homozygous for H63D. One hundred and fifty-five (19%) neonates were C282Y heterozygous and 226 (28%) were H63D heterozygous. Of these, 33 (4%) carried one copy of both C282Y and H63D mutations, i.e., compound heterozygous. Allele frequencies for C282Y and H63D were 11% and 15%, respectively. The high C282Y allele frequency in the Irish population together with its close linkage to HH indicate that C282Y genotyping is the preferred screening strategy for this disease in Ireland.  相似文献   

P C Kind 《Current biology : CB》1999,9(17):R640-R643
Classical studies of plasticity in the visual cortex have been interpreted in terms of heterosynaptic competition between inputs. But an alternative type of 'homosynaptic' plasticity can explain many recent observations and has recently received experimental support. Perhaps both types of plasticity are important.  相似文献   

From a literature review of five wildlife ecology journals since 1937, we document how using indices to monitor ungulate body condition is common practice, with the kidney fat index (KFI = weight of fat around the kidneys/weight of kidneys without fat × 100) as the favoured tool (82% of studies). In this context, we highlight the problems of using indices when underlying statistical assumptions are not met (isometry, parallel slopes between treatments). We show, with real and simulated data for two cervids with contrasting fat storage strategies, how results from analysis of variance of KFI values differ from analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) of raw data. We conclude that the KFI is affected by the restrictions typically associated with derived index values, and as a consequence, statistical analysis of the KFI could generate spurious results leading to erroneous interpretations concerning variation in body condition of ungulate populations. Thus, we recommend analysing fat weight as an untransformed variable in ANCOVA (kidney weight as covariate) to describe body condition variation in ungulates. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Iguana iguana is native to Central and South America, and was introduced into Puerto Rico in the 1970s as a result of pet trade. The invasive biology of this reptile has not been studied in Puerto Rico, where its negative effects may threaten local biodiversity. The purposes of this study were to: (1) estimate population densities of I. iguana; (2) describe some aspects of its reproductive biology; and (3) assess its potential impacts. Visual-encounter surveys were performed at Parque Lineal in San Juan and Canal Blasina in Carolina, while nesting activity data were collected at Las Cabezas de San Juan in Fajardo. Densities of I. iguana in Puerto Rico reached a maximum of 223 individuals ha−1, higher than in any known locality in its native range, and showed fluctuations related to seasonality. Our 2008–2009 observations at the nesting sites document that this population of I. iguana is a reproductively successful species, producing more than 100 egg clutches and 2,558 eggs with a 91.4% egg viability. The ability to proliferate in a low predation environment and the absence of good competitors are the major drivers of the population densities observed in Puerto Rico. We found evidence that I. iguana is threatening native biodiversity and impacting infrastructure, agriculture and human safety. Thus, a management program to control the species must soon be developed to prevent this invasive reptile from becoming more widespread and dominant in other localities around the island.  相似文献   

Epidemiological data support the beneficial effect of plant flavonoids on human health including anti-inflammatory and cancer preventing actions. The phytoestrogen flavonoids might interfere with estrogen action. The possible relations between the steroid- and the flavonoid-signalling in animal and plant cells have been addressed in numerous studies in the past decade. In search for possible sites of conjunction between these phenomena the post-receptor targets must not be disregarded.

The estrogen-inducible type II estrogen binding sites of rat uteri have first been reported 25 years ago by Clark and coworkers [Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 81 (1978) 1]. These sites are known to bind catecholic flavonoids with considerable affinity. Behaviour of the tyrosinase-like enzymatic activity associated with these sites appeared reminiscent to the recently described dopachrome oxidase or tautomerase activity exhibited by the cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) inasmuch as it also accepts a broad range of catecholic melanogenic precursors. Therefore we assessed, whether the known type II ligand flavonoids interfere with the MIF tautomerase. We report here, that luteolin and quercetin have a biphasic effect on the enol–keto conversion of phenylpyruvate mediated by MIF tautomerase. We also demonstrate the presence of MIF immunoreactivity by Western blotting in rat uterine nuclear extracts prepared according to the method that yields high type II binding activity. These data support the possible participation of MIF in type II estrogen binding phenomena.  相似文献   


Usually, an age-specific calibration of detectors used for in vivo monitoring of 131I thyroid radioactivity is not performed in practice. This study aimed to investigate the reduction in uncertainty that one can expect if an age-specific calibration is performed. For this, voxel and stylized computational phantoms of the thyroid, corresponding to children at different age groups, were used to simulate the calibration process of 131I detectors used for thyroid monitoring. SCK?CEN physical phantoms were also used for this purpose. Both analytical and Monte Carlo methods (MCNPX version 2.6.0) were used to estimate the counting efficiencies of the considered detectors. The results show that the uncertainties in the assessment of thyroid activity at a distance of 20 cm would be reduced from a range of?+8% to?+30%, to a range from ? 6% to?+15% when age-specific calibration was performed. Using a calibration based on thyroids of adults would result in an overestimation of the thyroid activity for children by up to 30% at a detector-neck distance of about 20 cm; a larger overestimation may be expected at closer distances. It is concluded that age-specific calibration of in vivo monitoring systems for the thyroid is important and has to be taken into consideration to improve the reliability of thyroid dose assessment for children.


One of the major differences between protozoan differentiation and metazoan differentiation is that protozoan cells normally retain potency during differentiation, which need not, therefore, be considered altruistic. Altruism does, however, arise at the level of the organism and consequently, protozoons have the potential to evolve altruistic traits. This is particularly true when, as with Trypanosoma brucei parasitaemias, populations are genetically homogeneous. This essay argues that whilst reports of altruistic phenomena during the trypanosome life cycle remain controversial, the prospect of reagents able to instigate pathways of cell death or differentiation bears further investigation.  相似文献   

Osteoporosis is a disease that increases skeletal fracture risk and places a significant health and economic burden on patients, families, and health systems. Many treatment options exist, but patient use is suboptimal, thus undermining the potential cost-effectiveness of treatments. In the previous issue of Arthritis Research & Therapy, Hiligsmann and colleagues expanded the findings of previous studies to report, from a sample of 257 patients with osteoporosis, the preference to trade off clinical outcomes for the amenity provided by convenient dosing regimens. This editorial critiques the strengths and limitations of the methods, discusses the potential utility of patient treatment preferences, and suggests avenues for further research.  相似文献   

The economic and environmental viability of dedicated terrestrial energy crops is in doubt. The production of large scale biomass (macroalgae) for biofuels in the marine environment was first tested in the late 1960’s. The culture attempts failed due to the engineering challenges of farming offshore. However the energy conversion via anaerobic digestion was successful as the biochemical composition of macroalgae makes it an ideal feedstock. The technology for the mass production of macroalgae has developed principally in China and Asia over the last 50 years to such a degree that it is now the single largest product of aquaculture. There has also been significant technology transfer and macroalgal cultivation is now well tried and tested in Europe and America. The inherent advantage of production of biofuel feedstock in the marine environment is that it does not compete with food production for land or fresh water. Here we revisit the idea of the large scale cultivation of macroalgae at sea for subsequent anaerobic digestion to produce biogas as a source of renewable energy, using a European case study as an example.  相似文献   

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