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In silico analyses of previously sequenced strains of Escherichia coli O157:H7, EDL933 and Sakai, localized the gene cluster for the utilization of N-acetyl-D-galactosamine (Aga) and D-galactosamine (Gam). This gene cluster encodes the Aga phosphoenolpyruvate:carbohydrate phosphotransferase system (PTS) and other catabolic enzymes responsible for transport and catabolism of Aga. As the complete coding sequences for enzyme IIA (EIIA)(Aga/Gam), EIIB(Aga), EIIC(Aga), and EIID(Aga) of the Aga PTS are present, E. coli O157:H7 strains normally are able to utilize Aga as a sole carbon source. The Gam PTS complex, in contrast, lacks EIIC(Gam), and consequently, E. coli O157:H7 strains cannot utilize Gam. Phenotypic analyses of 120 independent isolates of E. coli O157:H7 from our culture collection revealed that the overwhelming majority (118/120) displayed the expected Aga+ Gam- phenotype. Yet, when 194 individual isolates, derived from a 2006 spinach-associated E. coli O157:H7 outbreak, were analyzed, all (194/194) displayed an Aga- Gam- phenotype. Comparison of aga/gam sequences from two spinach isolates with those of EDL933 and Sakai revealed a single nucleotide change (G:C-->A:T) in the agaF gene in the spinach-associated isolates. The base substitution in agaF, which encodes EIIA(Aga/Gam) of the PTS, changes a conserved glycine residue to serine (Gly91Ser). Pyrosequencing of this region showed that all spinach-associated E. coli O157:H7 isolates harbored this same G:C-->A:T substitution. Notably, when agaF+ was cloned into an expression vector and transformed into six spinach isolates, all (6/6) were able to grow on Aga, thus demonstrating that the Gly91Ser substitution underlies the Aga- phenotype in these isolates.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: An outbreak of Escherichia coli O157:H7 infection was identified in the spring of 1998, with a 7-fold increase in the number of laboratory-confirmed E. coli O157:H7 cases in southern Ontario. This prompted an intensive investigation by local, provincial and federal public health officials. METHODS: Case interviews of 25 people from southern Ontario were conducted using a broad food history and environmental exposure survey. Laboratory investigations involved both case and food sampling. Specimens of foods sold locally and reportedly consumed by those affected were tested. Common suppliers of suspected foods were identified by cross-referencing suppliers'' lists with stores frequented by those who fell ill. A case-control study involving 25 cases and 49 age-matched controls was conducted. This was followed by a comprehensive environmental investigation of the meat processing plant identified as the source of the E. coli. RESULTS: Thirty-nine outbreak-related cases occurred between April 3 and June 2, 1998. Of the 36 case specimens tested all were positive for E. coli O157:H7. The case-control study identified Genoa salami as the most probable (odds ratio 8 [confidence interval 2-35]) source of the outbreak. Samples of Genoa salami produced by the most commonly identified supplier later tested positive for E. coli O157:H7, and the pathogen matched the same pulsed-field gel electrophoresis pattern and phage type of the case specimens. INTERPRETATION: Our investigation, which led to a national recall of the brand of dry fermented Genoa salami identified as the source of the outbreak, supports an adherence to stringent manufacturing requirements for fermented meat products. A review of the Canadian standards for fermented meat processing and the effectiveness of their implementation is warranted.  相似文献   

The insertion sequence IS629, which is highly prevalent in Escherichia coli O157:H7 genomes, was found to be absent in O157:H- strains, which are on a divergent pathway in the emergence of O157:H7. Although O157:H- is deficient in IS629, it permits IS629 transposition, with an excision frequency higher than that of ancestral O55:H7 strains but significantly lower than that of pathogenic O157:H7 strains.  相似文献   

Cattle comprise a main reservoir of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 (STEC). The significant differences in host prevalence, transmissibility, and virulence phenotypes among strains from bovine and human sources are of major interest to the public health community and livestock industry. Genomic analysis revealed divergence into three lineages: lineage I and lineage I/II strains are commonly associated with human disease, while lineage II strains are overrepresented in the asymptomatic bovine host reservoir. Growing evidence suggests that genotypic differences between these lineages, such as polymorphisms in Shiga toxin subtypes and synergistically acting virulence factors, are correlated with phenotypic differences in virulence, host ecology, and epidemiology. To assess the genomic plasticity on a genome-wide scale, we have sequenced the whole genome of strain EC869, a bovine-associated E. coli O157:H7 isolate. Comparative phylogenomic analysis of this key isolate enabled us to place accurately bovine lineage II strains within the genetically homogenous E. coli O157:H7 clade. Identification of polymorphic loci that are anchored both in the chromosomal backbone and horizontally acquired regions allowed us to associate bovine genotypes with altered virulence phenotypes and host prevalence. This study catalogued numerous novel lineage II-specific genome signatures, some of which appear to be associated intimately with the altered pathogenic potential and niche adaptation within the bovine rumen. The presented extended list of polymorphic markers is valuable in the development of a robust typing system critical for forensic, diagnostic, and epidemiological studies of this emerging human pathogen.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli O157:H7 is an emerging food and waterborne pathogen in the U.S. and internationally. The objective of this work was to develop a dose-response model for illness by this organism that bounds the uncertainty in the dose-response relationship. No human clinical trial data are available for E. coli O157:H7, but such data are available for two surrogate pathogens: enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and Shigella dysenteriae. E. coli O157:H7 outbreak data provide an initial estimate of the most likely value of the dose-response relationship within the bounds of an envelope defined by beta-Poisson dose-response models fit to the EPEC and S. dysenteriae data. The most likely value of the median effective dose for E. coli O157:H7 is estimated to be approximately 190[emsp4 ]000 colony forming units (cfu). At a dose level of 100[emsp4 ]cfu, the median response predicted by the model is six percent.  相似文献   

Genomic DNAs of Escherichia coli O157:H7 strains isolated from patients and food samples were analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The rare-cutting endonucleases SfiI and XbaI generated 6 and 10 distinct genomic profiles, respectively, for the 22 strains analyzed, indicating that this technique may find application for epidemiologic studies. Summation of XbaI fragments from five E. coli O157:H7 strains estimated the genomic length at ca. 4.7 Mb.  相似文献   

Curli are adhesive fimbriae of Enterobacteriaceae and are involved in surface attachment, cell aggregation, and biofilm formation. Here, we report that both inter- and intrastrain variations in curli production are widespread in enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7. The relative proportions of curli-producing variants (C(+)) and curli-deficient variants (C(-)) in an E. coli O157:H7 cell population varied depending on the growth conditions. In variants derived from the 2006 U.S. spinach outbreak strains, the shift between the C(+) and C(-) subpopulations occurred mostly in response to starvation and was unidirectional from C(-) to C(+); in variants derived from the 1993 hamburger outbreak strains, the shift occurred primarily in response to oxygen depletion and was bidirectional. Furthermore, curli variants derived from the same strain displayed marked differences in survival fitness: C(+) variants grew to higher concentrations in nutrient-limited conditions than C(-) variants, whereas C(-) variants were significantly more acid resistant than C(+) variants. This difference in acid resistance does not appear to be linked to the curli fimbriae per se, since a csgA deletion mutant in either a C(+) or a C(-) variant exhibited an acid resistance similar to that of its parental strain. Our data suggest that natural curli variants of E. coli O157:H7 carry several distinct physiological properties that are important for their environmental survival. Maintenance of curli variants in an E. coli O157:H7 population may provide a survival strategy in which C(+) variants are selected in a nutrient-limited environment, whereas C(-) variants are selected in an acidic environment, such as the stomach of an animal host, including that of a human.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic mobilities (EPMs) of a number of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and wild-type E. coli strains were measured. The effects of pH and ionic strength on the EPMs were investigated. The EPMs of E. coli O157:H7 strains differed from those of wild-type strains. As the suspension pH decreased, the EPMs of both types of strains increased.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation effectively inactivates Escherichia coli O157:H7, but the efficacy of the process against biofilm cells versus that against free-living planktonic cells is not well documented. The radiation sensitivity of planktonic or biofilm cells was determined for three isolates of E. coli O157:H7 (C9490, ATCC 35150, and ATCC 43894). Biofilms were formed on sterile glass slides incubated at 37 degrees C for either 24 h, 48 h, or 72 h. The biofilm and planktonic cultures were gamma irradiated at doses ranging from 0.0 (control) to 1.5 kGy. The dose of radiation value required to reduce the population by 90% (D10) was calculated for each isolate, culture, and maturity based on viable populations at each radiation dose. For each of the times sampled, the D10 values of isolate 43894 planktonic cells (0.454 to 0.479 kGy) were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those observed for biofilm cells (0.381 to 0.385 kGy), indicating a significantly increased sensitivity to irradiation for cells in the biofilm habitat. At the 24-h sampling time, isolate C9490 showed a similar pattern, in which the D10 values of planktonic cells (0.653 kGy) were significantly higher than those for biofilm cells (0.479 kGy), while isolate 35150 showed the reverse, with D10 values of planktonic cells (0.396 kGy) significantly lower than those for biofilm cells (0.526 kGy). At the 48-h and 72-h sampling times, there were no differences in radiation sensitivities based on biofilm habitat for C9490 or 35150. Biofilm-associated cells, therefore, show a response to irradiation which can differ from that of planktonic counterparts, depending on the isolate and the culture maturity. Culture maturity had a more significant influence on the irradiation efficacy of planktonic cells but not on biofilm-associated cells of E. coli O157:H7.  相似文献   



Escherichia coli O157:H7 is one cause of acute bacterial gastroenteritis, which can be devastating in outbreak situations. We studied the risk of cardiovascular disease following such an outbreak in Walkerton, Ontario, in May 2000.


In this community-based cohort study, we linked data from the Walkerton Health Study (2002–2008) to Ontario’s large healthcare databases. We included 4 groups of adults: 3 groups of Walkerton participants (153 with severe gastroenteritis, 414 with mild gastroenteritis, 331 with no gastroenteritis) and a group of 11 263 residents from the surrounding communities that were unaffected by the outbreak. The primary outcome was a composite of death or first major cardiovascular event (admission to hospital for acute myocardial infarction, stroke or congestive heart failure, or evidence of associated procedures). The secondary outcome was first major cardiovascular event censored for death. Adults were followed for an average of 7.4 years.


During the study period, 1174 adults (9.7%) died or experienced a major cardiovascular event. Compared with residents of the surrounding communities, the risk of death or cardiovascular event was not elevated among Walkerton participants with severe or mild gastroenteritis (hazard ratio [HR] for severe gastroenteritis 0.74, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.38–1.43, mild gastroenteritis HR 0.64, 95% CI 0.42–0.98). Compared with Walkerton participants who had no gastroenteritis, risk of death or cardiovascular event was not elevated among participants with severe or mild gastroenteritis.


There was no increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease in the decade following acute infection during a major E. coli O157:H7 outbreak.Escherichia coli O157:H7 is one cause of acute bacterial gastroenteritis, causing 63 000 infections each year and 12 major outbreaks since 2006 in the United States alone.1,2 This strain was most recently implicated in the outbreak involving beef from XL Foods (September 2012), with 17 confirmed cases across Canada.3 A similar enterohemorrhagic strain E. coli O104:H4 was responsible for an outbreak in Germany in May 2011, causing 3792 cases of gastroenteritis and 43 deaths.4,5Most patients fully recover from acute gastroenteritis caused by E. coli. However, such an illness may predispose patients to long-term disease. Shiga toxin is produced by E. coli O157:H7; this toxin damages the microvasculature of the kidneys leading to hypertension613 and directly damages the systemic vasculature.1416 Infected people may progress from a state of acute inflammation of the vasculature to subclinical chronic inflammation, which could promote atherosclerosis.1720In Walkerton, Ontario, in May 2000, heavy rains transported bovine fecal matter into the town’s well, contaminating the inadequately chlorinated municipal water supply with E. coli O157:H7.21 Over 2300 people developed acute gastroenteritis, and 7 people died.22 The unique circumstances of this outbreak provided a rare opportunity to study the natural history following exposure to this pathogen in a single cohort.23 Other outbreaks have been geographically dispersed, making it difficult to track cases.24,25In Walkerton, affected individuals were followed annually in a clinic to assess their long-term outcomes (Walkerton Health Study, 2002–2008). We previously reported that adults who experienced acute gastroenteritis during the outbreak had a higher than expected incidence of hypertension, chronic kidney disease and self-reported cardiovascular disease in follow-up.23 However, 46% of participants were lost to follow-up by the end of the study, and there were limitations associated with the assessment of cardiovascular disease by participant recall. Thus, we conducted an expanded and extended follow-up study, linking the Walkerton study data to Ontario’s health care databases. Our objective was to more accurately determine the 10-year risk of major cardiovascular events after exposure to E. coli O157:H7.  相似文献   

A unique open reading frame (ORF) Z3276 was identified as a specific genetic marker for E. coli O157:H7. A qPCR assay was developed for detection of E. coli O157:H7 by targeting ORF Z3276. With this assay, we can detect as low as a few copies of the genome of DNA of E. coli O157:H7. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay were confirmed by intensive validation tests with a large number of E. coli O157:H7 strains (n = 369) and non-O157 strains (n = 112). Furthermore, we have combined propidium monoazide (PMA) procedure with the newly developed qPCR protocol for selective detection of live cells from dead cells. Amplification of DNA from PMA-treated dead cells was almost completely inhibited in contrast to virtually unaffected amplification of DNA from PMA-treated live cells. Additionally, the protocol has been modified and adapted to a 96-well plate format for an easy and consistent handling of a large number of samples. This method is expected to have an impact on accurate microbiological and epidemiological monitoring of food safety and environmental source.  相似文献   

Direct PCR detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
AIMS: This paper reports a simple, rapid approach for the detection of Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC). METHODS AND RESULTS: Direct PCR (DPCR) obviates the need for the recovery of cells from the sample or DNA extraction prior to PCR. Primers specific for Stx-encoding genes stx1 and stx2 were used in DPCR for the detection of E. coli O157:H7 added to environmental water samples and milk. CONCLUSIONS: PCR reactions containing one cell yielded a DPCR product. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This should provide an improved method to assess contamination of environmental and other samples by STEC and other pathogens.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine if stimulating the growth of meat starter culture (Pediococcus acidilactici) in a laboratory medium (Brain Heart Infusion broth +2.3% NaCl + 1.5% sucrose; LBHI) and during meat fermentation would control Escherichia coli O157:H7. In LBHI medium without P. acidilactici, the numbers of E. coli O157:H7 increased from 4.00 to 8.34 log10 cfu ml-1, whereas in the presence of P. acidilactici (approximately 6.0 log10 cfu ml-1) in LBHI, LBHIM (LBHI + 0.005% MnSO4), LBHIO (LBHI + 0.3 unit ml-1 Oxyrase), and LBHIMO (LBHI + M + O), the numbers of E. coli O157:H7 increased from 4.00 to 8.05, 7.50, 7.99, and 6.50 log10 cfu ml-1, respectively, after incubation at 40 degrees C for 15 h. During salami fermentation, the numbers of E. coli O157:H7 changed from 7.00 to 6.40 and 5.10 log10 cfu g-1 without and with P. acidilactici (approximately 7.0 log10 cfu g-1), respectively. Stimulated P. acidilactici by M, O, and MO further reduced the number of E. coli O157:H7 from 7.00 to 4.00, 4.80, and 3.65 log10 cfu g-1, respectively. The combination of MO was a better growth stimulator for P. acidilactici, which controlled E. coli O157:H7 in both systems (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

AIMS: To assess a collection of 96 Escherichia coli O157:H7 strains for their resistance potential against a set of colicinogenic E. coli developed as a probiotic for use in cattle. METHODS AND RESULTS: Escherichia coli O157:H7 strains were screened for colicin production, types of colicins produced, presence of colicin resistance and potential for resistance development. Thirteen of 14 previously characterized colicinogenic E. coli strains were able to inhibit 74 serotype O157:H7 strains. Thirteen E. coli O157:H7 strains were found to be colicinogenic and 11 had colicin D genes. PCR products for colicins B, E-type, Ia/Ib and M were also detected. During in vitro experiments, the ability to develop colicin resistance against single-colicin producing E. coli strains was observed, but rarely against multiple-colicinogenic strains. The ability of serotype O157:H7 strains to acquire colicin plasmids or resistance was not observed during a cattle experiment. CONCLUSIONS: Escherichia coli O157:H7 has the potential to develop single-colicin resistance, but simultaneous resistance against multiple colicins appears to be unlikely. Colicin D is the predominant colicin produced by colicinogenic E. coli O157:H7 strains. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The potential for resistance development against colicin-based strategies for E. coli O157:H7 control may be very limited if more than one colicin type is used.  相似文献   

Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) of serotype O157:H7 has been implicated in food-borne illnesses worldwide. An evolutionary model was proposed in which the highly pathogenic EHEC O157:H7 serotype arose from its ancestor, enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) O55:H7 (sorbitol fermenting [SOR(+)] and β-glucuronidase positive [GUD(+)]), through sequential gain of virulence, phenotypic traits, and serotype change. Here we report six draft genomes of strains belonging to this evolutionary model: two EPEC O55:H7 (SOR(+) GUD(+)) strains, two nonmotile EHEC O157:H(-) strains (SOR(+) GUD(+)) containing plasmid pSFO157, one EHEC O157:H7 (SOR(-) GUD(+)) strain, and one O157:H7 strain containing plasmid pSFO157 (SOR(+) GUD(+)).  相似文献   

There are 29 E. coli genome sequences available, mostly related to studies of species diversity or mode of pathogenicity, including two genomes of the well-known O157:H7 clone. However, there have been no genome studies of closely related clones aimed at exposing the details of evolutionary change. Here we sequenced the genome of an O55:H7 strain, closely related to the major pathogenic O157:H7 clone, with published genome sequences, and undertook comparative genomic and proteomic analysis. We were able to allocate most differences between the genomes to individual mutations, recombination events, or lateral gene transfer events, in specific lineages. Major differences include a type II secretion system present only in the O55:H7 chromosome, fewer type III secretion system effectors in O55:H7, and 19 phage genomes or phagelike elements in O55:H7 compared to 23 in O157:H7, with only three common to both. Many other changes were found in both O55:H7 and O157:H7 lineages, but in general there has been more change in the O157:H7 lineages. For example, we found 50% more synonymous mutational substitutions in O157:H7 compared to O55:H7. The two strains also diverged at the proteomic level. Mutational synonymous SNPs were used to estimate a divergence time of 400 years using a new clock rate, in contrast to 14,000 to 70,000 years using the traditional clock rates. The same approaches were applied to three closely related extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli genomes, and similar levels of mutation and recombination were found. This study revealed for the first time the full range of events involved in the evolution of the O157:H7 clone from its O55:H7 ancestor, and suggested that O157:H7 arose quite recently. Our findings also suggest that E. coli has a much lower frequency of recombination relative to mutation than was observed in a comparable study of a Vibrio cholerae lineage.  相似文献   

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