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J.E. TURNER AND N. ALLISON. 1995. A newly-isolated strain of Pseudomonas putida (HVA-1) utilized homovanillic acid as sole carbon and energy source. Homovanillate-grown bacteria oxidized homovanillate and homoprotocatechuate but monohydroxylated and other methoxylated phenylacetic acids were oxidized poorly; methoxy-substituted benzoates were not oxidized. Extracts of homovanillate-grown cells contained homoprotocatechuate 2,3-dioxygenase but the primary homovanillate-degrading enzyme could not be detected. No other methoxylated phenylacetic acid supported growth of the organism but vanillate was utilized as a carbon and energy source. When homovanillate-grown cells were used to inoculate media containing vanillate a 26 h lag period occurred before growth commenced. Vanillate-grown bacteria oxidized vanillate and protocatechuate but no significant oxygen uptake was obtained with homovanillate and other phenylacetic acid derivatives. Analysis of pathway intermediates revealed that homovanillate-grown bacteria produced homoprotocatechuate, formaldehyde and the ring-cleavage product 5-carboxymethyl 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde (CHMS) when incubated with homovanillate but monohydroxylated or monomethoxylated phenylacetic acids were not detected. These results suggest that homovanillate is degraded directly to the ring-cleavage substrate homoprotocatechuate by an unstable but highly specific demethylase and then undergoes extradiol cleavage to CHMS. It would also appear that the uptake/degradatory pathways for homovanillate and vanillate in this organism are entirely separate and independently controlled. If stabilization of the homovanillate demethylase can be achieved, there is potential for exploiting the substrate specificity of this enzyme in both medical diagnosis and in the paper industry.  相似文献   

Production of methanol from aromatic acids by Pseudomonas putida.   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
When grown at the expense of 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoic acid, a strain of Pseudomonas putida oxidized this compound and also 3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxybenzoic (syringic) and 3,4-dihydroxy-5-methoxybenzoic (3-O-methylgallic) acids; but other hydroxy- or methoxy-benzoic acids were oxidized slowly or not at all. Radioactivity appeared exclusively in carbon dioxide when cells were incubated with [4-methoxyl-14C]trimethoxybenzoic acid, but was found mainly in methanol when[methoxyl-14C]3-O-methylgallic acid was metabolized. The identity of methanol was proved by analyzing the product from [methoxyl-13C]3-O-methylgallic acid by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and by isolating the labeled 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid methyl ester, which was examined by mass spectrometry. These results, together with measurements of oxygen consumed in demethylations catalyzed by cell extracts, showed that two methoxyl groups of 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate and one of syringate were oxidized to give carbon dioxide and 3-O-methylgallate. This was then metabolized to pyruvate; the other product was presumed to be the 4-methyl ester of oxalacetic acid, for which cell extracts contained an inducible, specific esterase. P. putida did not metabolize the methanol released from this compound by hydrolysis. Support for the proposed reaction sequence was obtained by isolating mutants which, although able to convert 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoic acid into 3-O-methylgallic acid, were unable to use either compound for growth.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida CSV86, a naphthalene-degrading organism, exhibited diauxic growth on aromatic compounds plus glucose, with utilization of aromatics in the first log phase and of glucose in the second log phase. Glucose supplementation did not suppress the activity of degrading enzymes, which were induced upon addition of aromatic compounds. The induction was inhibited by chloramphenicol, suggesting that de novo protein synthesis was essential. Cells showed cometabolism of aromatic compounds and organic acids; however, organic acids suppressed glucose utilization.  相似文献   

Plants are an attractive sourceof renewable carbon for conversion to biofuels and bio-based chemicals. Conversion strategies often use a fraction of the biomass, focusing on sugars from cellulose and hemicellulose. Strategies that use plant components, such as aromatics and amino acids, may improve the efficiency of biomass conversion. Pseudomonas putida is a promising host for its ability to metabolize a wide variety of organic compounds. P. putida was engineered to produce methyl ketones, which are promising diesel blendstocks and potential platform chemicals, from glucose and lignin-related aromatics. Unexpectedly, P. putida methyl ketone production using Arabidopsis thaliana hydrolysates was enhanced 2–5-fold compared with sugar controls derived from engineered plants that overproduce lignin-related aromatics. This enhancement was more pronounced (~seven-fold increase) with hydrolysates from nonengineered switchgrass. Proteomic analysis of the methyl ketone-producing P. putida suggested that plant-derived amino acids may be the source of this enhancement. Mass spectrometry-based measurements of plant-derived amino acids demonstrated a high correlation between methyl ketone production and amino acid concentration in plant hydrolysates. Amendment of glucose-containing minimal media with a defined mixture of amino acids similar to those found in the hydrolysates studied led to a nine-fold increase in methyl ketone titer (1.1 g/L).  相似文献   

The Crc protein is involved in the repression of several catabolic pathways for the assimilation of some sugars, nitrogenated compounds, and hydrocarbons in Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas aeruginosa when other preferred carbon sources are present in the culture medium (catabolic repression). Crc appears to be a component of a signal transduction pathway modulating carbon metabolism in pseudomonads, although its mode of action is unknown. To better understand the role of Crc, the proteome profile of two otherwise isogenic P. putida strains containing either a wild-type or an inactivated crc allele was compared. The results showed that Crc is involved in the catabolic repression of the hpd and hmgA genes from the homogentisate pathway, one of the central catabolic pathways for aromatic compounds that is used to assimilate intermediates derived from the oxidation of phenylalanine, tyrosine, and several aromatic hydrocarbons. This led us to analyze whether Crc also regulates the expression of the other central catabolic pathways for aromatic compounds present in P. putida. It was found that genes required to assimilate benzoate through the catechol pathway (benA and catBCA) and 4-OH-benzoate through the protocatechuate pathway (pobA and pcaHG) are also negatively modulated by Crc. However, the pathway for phenylacetate appeared to be unaffected by Crc. These results expand the influence of Crc to pathways used to assimilate several aromatic compounds, which highlights its importance as a master regulator of carbon metabolism in P. putida.  相似文献   

The influence of different process kinetics on the course of phenol degradation has been studied as well as the influence of axial dispersion in the liquid phase on the reactor height with relatively large biofilm thickness in a conventional fluidized bed and air-lift bioreactor. The object of this was to achieve a high conversion of substrate in a device of real size in real process time. For calculating the mathematical model, the method of orthogonal collocation with the STIFF integration routine has been used.  相似文献   

The majority of the world’s crude oil reserves consist of highly biodegraded heavy and super heavy crude oils and oil sands that have not yet been fully exploited. These vast resources contain complex mixtures of carboxylic acids known as naphthenic acids (NAs). NAs cause major environmental and economic problems, as they are recalcitrant, corrosive and toxic. Although aromatic acids make up a small proportion of most NA mixtures, they have demonstrable toxicities to some organisms (e.g. some bacteria and algae) and ideally need to be removed or reduced by remediation. The present study analysed the ability of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 to degrade highly recalcitrant aromatic acids, as exemplified by the alkyl phenylalkanoic acid (4′-t-butylphenyl)-4-butanoic acid (t-BPBA) and the more degradable (4′-n-butylphenyl)-4-butanoic acid (n-BPBA). n-BPBA was completely metabolized after 14 days, with the production of a persistent metabolite identified as (4′-n-butylphenyl)ethanoic acid (BPEA) which resulted from removal of two carbon atoms from the carboxyl side chain (beta-oxidation) as observed previously with a mixed consortium. However, when n-BPBA concentration was increased two-fold, degradation decreased by 56% with a concomitant six-fold decrease in cell numbers, suggesting that at greater concentrations, n-BPBA may be toxic to P. putida KT2440. In contrast, P. putida KT2440 was unable to degrade the highly recalcitrant t-BPBA even after 49 days. These findings have implications for NA bioremediation in the environment.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida assimilates peptides and hydrolyses them with intracellular peptidases. Amino acid auxotrophs (his, trp, thr or met) grew on a variety of di- and tripeptides up to twice as slowly as with free amino acids. Pseudomonas putida has separate uptake systems for both dipeptides and oligopeptides (three or more residues). Although the dipeptide system transported a variety of structurally diverse dipeptides it did not transport peptides having either unprotonatable N-terminal amino groups, blocked C-terminal carboxyl groups, D-residues, three or more residues, N-methylated peptide bonds, or beta-amino acids. Oligopeptide uptake lacked amino acid side-chain specificity, required a free N-terminal L-residue and had an upper size limit. Glycylglycyl-D,L-p-fluorophenylalanine inhibited growth of P. putida. Uptake of glycylglycyl[I-14C]alanine was rapid and inhibited by 2,4-dinitrophenol. Both dipeptide and oligopeptide uptake were constitutive. Dipeptides competed with oligopeptides for oligopeptide uptake, but oligopeptides did not compete in the dipeptide system. Final bacterial yields were 5 to 10 times greater when P. putida his was grown on histidyl di- or tripeptides rather than on free histidine because the histidyl residue was protected from catabolism by L-histidine ammonia-lyase. Methionine peptides could satisfy the methionine requirements of P. maltophilia. Generation times on glycylmethionine and glycylmethionylglycine were equal to those obtained with free methionine. Methionylglycylmethionylmethionine gave a generation time twice that of free methionine. Growth of P. maltophilia was inhibited by glycylglycyl-D,L-p-fluorophenylalanine.  相似文献   

Two-phase partitioning bioreactors (TPPBs) comprise an aqueous phase containing all non-carbon nutrients necessary for microbial growth and a solvent phase containing high concentrations of inhibitory or toxic substrates that partition at sub-inhibitory levels to the aqueous phase in response to cellular demand. This work aimed at eliminating the growth of Pseudomonas putida ATCC 11172 on medium-chain-length (C8-C12) aliphatic alcohols, hence enabling their use as xenobiotic delivery solvents within two-phase partitioning bioreactors. Experiments resulted in the isolation of a mini-Tn5 mutant unable to utilize these alcohols. The mutation, which also eliminated growth on glycerol and ethanol, was identified to be within a homologue of the P aeruginosa agmR gene, which encodes a response regulator. Enzyme analysis of the agmR::Tn5Km mutant cell extracts revealed a 10-fold decrease in pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase activity. A knockout in a gene (exaA) encoding a PQQ-linked alcohol dehydrogenase slowed but did not eliminate growth on medium-chain-length alcohols or ethanol, suggesting metabolic redundancy within P. putida ATCC 11172. Analysis of P. putida KT2440 genome sequence data indicated the presence of two PQQ-linked alcohol dehydrogenase-encoding genes. The successful elimination of alcohol utilization in the agmR mutant indicates control by AgmR on multiple pathways and presents a useful strain for biotechnological applications requiring alcohol non-utilizing microbial catalysts.  相似文献   

An organism identified as Pseudomonas putida was found to utilize citronellol or geraniol as the sole carbon and energy source. The ability to degrade these acyclic isoprenols was associated with pSRQ50, a 50-megadalton transmissible plasmid.  相似文献   

During the oxidation of various mixtures of glucose and aromatic substrates by four strains of Pseudomonas putida, diauxic growth was not observed. Strain A3.12 grew faster on benzoate than on glucose, whereas three other strains showed faster growth on glucose than on the aromatic test substrates. Growth rates on mixtures of glucose and aromatics were intermediate between those on the single substrates.The presence of glucose in media containing aromatic substrates accelerated in the bacteria the appearance of the ability to oxidize aromatic substrates. During growth of the organisms on binary mixtures of aromatics, simultaneous utilization of these compounds occurred, the utilization ratio depending on the quality of the compounds as carbon and energy sources. Addition of glucose to dual aromatic substrate media greatly increased the utilization ratio in favour of the better aromatic substrate.With decreasing concentration of glucose in relation to that of aromatic substrates, the rate of carbon assimilation from glucose increased. Enzymological and radiochemical studies demonstrated that even in the presence of an excess of aromatic substrates, glucose was exclusively catabolized via the 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate pathway. In contrast, the rate of carbon assimilation from 14C-ring-labelled benzoate and anisate was unaffected by the presence of an excess of glucose.Abbreviations KDPG 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate - PP pentose-phosphate - OD optical density  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida KT2440, a saprophytic soil bacterium that colonizes the plant root, is a suitable microorganism for the removal of pollutants and a stable host for foreign genes used in biotransformation processes. Because of its potential use in agriculture and industry, we investigated the conditions for the optimal preservation of the strain and its derivatives for long-term storage. The highest survival rates were achieved with cells that had reached the stationary phase and which had been subjected to freeze-drying in the presence of disaccharides (trehalose, maltose, and lactose) as lyoprotectants. Using fluorescence polarization techniques, we show that cell membranes of KT2440 were more rigid in the stationary phase than in the exponential phase of growth. This is consistent with the fact that cells grown in the stationary phase exhibited a higher proportion of C17:cyclopropane as a fatty acid than cells in the exponential phase. Mutants for the cfaB gene, which encodes the main C17:cyclopropane synthase, and for the cfaA gene, which encodes a minor C17:cyclopropane synthase, were constructed. These mutants were more sensitive to freeze-drying than wild-type cells, particularly the mutant with a knockout in the cfaB gene that produced less than 2% of the amount of C17:cyclopropane produced by the parental strain.  相似文献   

The genome of the soil bacterium Pseudomonas putida KT2440 encodes singular orthologues of genes crp (encoding the catabolite repression protein, Crp) and cyaA (adenylate cyclase) of Escherichia coli. The levels of cAMP formed by P. putida cells were below detection with a Dictyostelium biosensor in vivo. The cyaA(P. putida) gene was transcribed in vivo but failed to complement the lack of maltose consumption of a cyaA mutant of E. coli, thereby indicating that cyaA(P. putida) was poorly translated or rendered non-functional in the heterologous host. Yet, generation of cAMP by CyaA(P. putida) could be verified by expressing the cyaA(P. putida) gene in a hypersensitive E. coli strain. On the other hand, the crp(P. putida) gene restored the metabolic capacities of an equivalent crp mutant of E. coli, but not in a double crp/cyaA strain, suggesting that the ability to regulate such functions required cAMP. In order to clarify the breadth of the Crp/cAMP system in P. putida, crp and cyaA mutants were generated and passed through a battery of phenotypic tests for recognition of gross metabolic properties and stress-endurance abilities. These assays revealed that the loss of each gene led in most (but not all) cases to the same phenotypic behaviour, indicating a concerted functionality. Unexpectedly, none of the mutations affected the panel of carbon compounds that can be used by P. putida as growth substrates, the mutants being impaired only in the use of various dipeptides as N sources. Furthermore, the lack of crp or cyaA had little influence on the gross growth fingerprinting of the cells. The poor physiological profile of the Crp-cAMP system of P. putida when compared with E. coli exposes a case of regulatory exaptation, i.e. the process through which a property evolved for a particular function is co-opted for a new use.  相似文献   

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