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125I-labeled porcine relaxin was injected into 27-day-old rats treated with pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and known target tissues for relaxin, the myometrium, endometrium and cervix, and putative control tissues, heart, thigh muscle and duodenum, examined for binding by autoradiography. Specific binding in the target tissues was demonstrated by simultaneous injection of excess unlabeled relaxin. Radioactivity was located and quantified by grain counts predominantly over the inner, circular muscle layer of the myometrium and the cervix and to a lesser extent over the outer longitudinal muscle layer of the myometrium and the endometrium. The route of injection, the circulation time, or counting grains in transverse or longitudinal sections of myometrium made little difference in these results. Ovariectomy decreased, but not significantly, the grain count in all of the target tissues studied and estrogen treatment of ovariectomized animals restored the numbers of grains to approximately that of intact PMSG-treated rats. The degree of binding of the cervix was approximately that of the circular myometrial muscle. This work confirms the presence of specific receptors for relaxin in the rat uterus and cervix of primed rats and it also suggests that the inhibitory action of relaxin upon the myometrium is primarily on the inner circular muscle layer.  相似文献   

The relationship between relaxant actions of relaxin in the uterus and changes in uterine cAMP concentrations was assessed in anaesthetized bilaterally ovariectomized nonpregnant rats. Relaxin i.v. bolus (5 micrograms kg-1) did not change cAMP concentrations but inhibited uterine contractions with rapid onset. Uterine contractions were significantly reduced by 30-70% for 60 min. Relaxin (50 micrograms kg-1) produced a short-lived (up to 5 min) and small (up to 3.2-fold) increase in cAMP concentrations plus a marked (90%) and prolonged inhibition of uterine contractions (70-90% over 60 min). Salbutamol (an agonist at beta 2-adrenoceptors, 100 and 500 micrograms kg-1) produced a similar degree and time course of inhibition of uterine contractions to that of relaxin but a more marked (19-fold) increase in cAMP concentrations. Glibenclamide, a blocker of ATP-sensitive potassium channels, which has been shown to antagonize relaxin as a uterine relaxant, did not prevent the relaxin-induced rise in cAMP concentrations. It is suggested that the uterine relaxant action of relaxin may not result from an increase in uterine cAMP concentrations.  相似文献   

Cyclic guanosine 3',5' monophosphate (cGMP), cGMP-dependent protein kinase, calmodulin and cyclic adenosine 3',5' monophosphate (cAMP) were localized in the uterus of the immature rat by an indirect immunofluorescence technique. cGMP, cGMP-dependent protein kinase and calmodulin were detected predominantly along epithelial and myometrial plasma membranes and in the adjacent cytoplasm. In contrast, cAMP immunoreactive material was found principally in the cytoplasm of connective tissue. After administration of 17 beta-estradiol, similar time-dependent changes were observed in the localization of cGMP, cGMP-dependent protein kinase and calmodulin in all uterine cell types. For the three compounds, nucleolar-like distribution of the immunofluorescence appeared approximately 12 h after treatment. A more dispersed, reticular distribution of the nuclear fluorescent staining was observed 20-24 h after hormonal treatment. Estrogen did not affect the localization of cAMP. The simultaneous mobilization of cGMP, cGMP-dependent protein kinase and calmodulin towards the same nuclear loci suggests concerted roles for these three molecules in nuclear metabolic processes during the development of the uterotrophic action of estrogens.  相似文献   

A protein kinase has been characterized among the proteins tightly bound to DNA. It is not extracted with 1 M NaCl and is released by extensive DNase I digestion. This enzyme is able to phosphorylate nucleosomal histones, essentially H2B and H3, and several non-histone proteins associated with DNA, on serine residue(s). It does not phosphorylate protamine, casein, phosvitin and the chromosomal non-histone proteins extracted with 1 M NaCl and is cAMP independent. This protein kinase can be distinguished from the previously described enzymes.  相似文献   

Participation of adenylyl cyclase signaling mechanisms of relaxin and insulin action in their regulating influence on the process of relaxation of the rat uterine and tracheal smooth muscles and human myometrium was shown. The study was based on the discovery of novel adenylyl cyclase signaling mechanisms of relaxin and insulin action in the muscle of vertebrates which involve: receptor --> Gi protein (betagamma dimer) --> phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase --> protein kinase Csigma (zeta) --> Gs protein --> adenylyl cyclase --> cAMP. In the rat uterus, trachea and human myometrium, relaxin, insulin and isoproterenol induced relaxation of KCl-contraction. The order of efficiency of the agents based upon their ability to induce the inhibiting effect on the KCl-contraction was as follows: relaxin = insulin > isoproterenol. The hormones induce activating effect on adenylyl cyclase leading to production of cAMP in the rat uterine and tracheal smooth muscles and human myometrium. It is shown that cAMP reproduces relaxing effect of the hormones under study. Thus, the involvement of novel adenylyl cyclase signaling mechanisms of relaxin and insulin action in realization of their relaxation effect on rat uterus, trachea and human myometrium was revealed for the first time.  相似文献   

Previous investigations suggest that lanthanum might enter uterine smooth muscle cells and work as intracellular calcium displacing agent. The present investigation had been carried out in order to confirm if lanthanum develops an intracellular effect. Experiments show that lanthanum brings about a marked increase of the intracellular calcium; the comparison of the uptake and of the wash-out curve of 45Ca shows that lanthanum induces a lowering of the rapid phase of 45Ca release from rat uterus, while the uptake of the labelled ion is not modified or is even enhanced. The present data demonstrate that the action of lanthanum in rat uterus is limited to the cell membrane, whose calcium extruding properties are inhibited.  相似文献   

We intended to use the rat model to study the effect of autoantibodies on implantation and fetal viability. However, we have since found an effect of normal rat serum on fetal resorption rate and fetal viability. The objective of this study was to determine the consistency of this effect. Wistar strain albino rats were used for injection of 150 μl normal rat serum into the lumen of uterine horn on days L2–L6. The other uterine horn, used as a control, was injected with 150 μl normal saline. Percent implantation, fetal resorption rate and fetal viability were determined following the intrauterine injection of normal rat serum as compared with normal saline. A significant increase in fetal resorption rate was observed following the injection of rat serum on days L4 and L5 (P = 0.003 and P = 0.001, respectively). A significant decrease in fetal viability was demonstrated following the injection of rat serum on day L5 (P = 0.01). The rat can provide a suitable animal model for further studies.  相似文献   

Relaxin is a member of the insulin family of polypeptide hormones and is known to exert its biological effects on various parts of the mammalian reproductive system. Biologically active human relaxin has been chemically synthesized based on the nucleotide sequence obtained from an ovarian cDNA clone. In the present study synthetic human relaxin was radiolabled by phosphorylation with cAMP-dependent protein kinase and [gamma-32P]ATP to a specific activity of 5000 Ci/mmol. The phosphorylated relaxin was purified on cation exchange high performance liquid chromatography and was shown to co-migrate with relaxin on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Mass spectrometry revealed a single phosphorylated site on the B chain of relaxin. The 32P-relaxin was able to bind to a goat anti-relaxin antibody, and this binding could be displaced by unlabeled relaxin in a concentration-dependent manner. A comparison of the concentration responses of cellular cAMP production stimulated by relaxin and phosphorylated relaxin in a primary human uterine cell line showed that phosphorylation did not affect the in vitro biological efficacy of relaxin. This made it suitable for in situ autoradiographic localization of relaxin binding sites in rat uterine, cervical, and brain tissue sections. Displacement of the binding of 100 pM 32P-relaxin by 100, 10, and 3 nM unlabeled relaxin, but not by 100 nM insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I, and an insulin-like growth factor-I analog, demonstrated the high affinity and specificity of such binding. We conclude that 32P-labeled human relaxin is biologically and immunologically active and that this novel probe binds reversibly and with high affinity to classical (e.g. uterus) and unpredicted (e.g. brain) tissues.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) content is increased in vivo in the heart as a result of exercise at a time when there is rapid cardiac glycogen utilization. Rats were run to exhaustion on a treadmill for a period of 164.5 +/- 9.5 min. Blood norepinephrine and epinephrine were significantly elevated approximately 2.5-fold above resting levels at the end of the treadmill run. Myocardial glycogen was reduced by 54.7% at exhaustion compared with control values. Myocardial cAMP was significantly elevated 88% above control levels as a result of the run. Associated with the depletion of myocardial glycogen and the elevation of cAMP was an activation of phosphorylase to its a form. These data suggest that myocardial glycogen metabolism during exercise is, in part, mediated by hormonal influences that are associated with increases in cAMP.  相似文献   

The possible role of calmodulin in solute transport was examined in the kidney of the rat. Utilizing a radioimmunoassay, calmodulin was identified and quantitated in homogenates of the cortex of the kidney. The physiologic significance of these findings was examined utilizing in vivo microperfusion techniques applied to the proximal convoluted tubule of the thyroparathyroidectomized rat. The addition of dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) to the luminal perfusion solution resulted in a lower rate of water absorption of 1.67 +/- 0.09 nl min-1 mm-1 as compared to 2.46 +/- 0.11 in controls. The addition of either of two compounds with affinity for calmodulin, trifluoperazine (TFP) or W-13, reversed the cAMP-induced inhibition of water absorption. In the absence of cAMP, neither agent affected water absorption. Analogs of TFP and W-13 with lower binding affinities for calmodulin had no effect on water absorption and did not reverse the cAMP effect. None of the above experimental maneuvers affected the absorption of phosphate. These results demonstrate the presence of calmodulin in the kidney of the rat and suggest that calmodulin may be involved in cAMP-associated inhibition of water and electrolyte transport in the proximal tubule of the rat.  相似文献   

Estrogen receptor-containing cells were identified in uteri of mature and senescent rats by means of quantitative autoradiography. Cell numbers and density were assessed in the various uterine layers. It was determined that despite decreases in receptor concentrations in endometrium, endometrial stroma, myometrium, and epithelium, no significant cell loss occurred in any region. Receptor content per cell clearly decreased with age in the endometrial stroma, while only in the myometrium was there any suggestion of cell loss in the absence of receptor loss from individual cells. Thus, age-related reductions in uterine estradiol receptor levels may be due to different mechanisms in different tissue regions.  相似文献   

Summary A novel relaxin sensitive cell line of apparent smooth muscle origin has been established from a newborn rhesus monkey uterus (NRMU). NRMU cells respond to relaxin, in the presence of 1 μM forskolin, by producing intracellular adenosine 3′, 5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP). The increase in cAMP levels is dose, time and cell density dependent, reaching peak levels at 10 min when cells are seeded at 1×105 cells/well. Specificity was demonstrated by neutralization of the relaxin activity with anti-relaxin monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, degradation of cAMP in the presence of phosphodiesterase, and confirmation of the absence of cGMP. Three synthetic analogs of human relaxin generated a dose-related cAMP response as did synthetic native human relaxin. Natural relaxin purified from human corpora lutea tissue also generated a response similar to synthetic human relaxin. Porcine and rat relaxins also increased levels of cAMP. Insulin, but not IGF I or IGF II, was capable of increasing cAMP levels in NRMU cells, however, 200 ng/mL were required to achieve cAMP levels comparable to 6.25 ng/ml relaxin. Combinations of relaxin with insulin, IGF I or IGF II did not increase cAMP levels above levels obtained with relaxin alone. The effect on NRMU cells of other hormones, growth factors and drugs potentially present in cell culture systems or serum samples was evaluated. In combination with relaxin, oxytocin significantly decreased the cAMP production below the levels induced by relaxin alone, whereas progesterone and prostaglandin E2 resulted in additive increases in cAMP. These data suggest that the NRMU cell line is an appropriate target tissue for studying relaxin-mediated biological responsesin vitro as well as functioning as the primary component of a relaxinin vitro bioassay. Editor's statement This paper details a smooth muscle cell line that is responsive to relaxin and provides a useful assay system for the hormone, as well as providing a model system for the study of the mechanisms of relaxin action.  相似文献   

In order to examine the effects of serum proteins on the biologic activity of estrogens, we superfused uteri from ovariectomized rats with Krebs-Ringer phosphate buffer (KRP), 4% human serum albumin (HSA) in KR or charcoal-stripped human plasma (HP), alone or with estradiol (E2), estrone (E1) or estriol (E3), 5 x 10(-10), 10(-9) and 10(-8) M. Following superfusion, the uteri were homogenized and the cytosol and nuclear receptors were measured by an exchange technique. Since we could detect no significant difference in the percent of receptors in the nucleus when the time of superfusion was varied from 30-120 min, all studies were done using a 30 min superfusion at a flow rate of 0.6 ml/min. In control studies using KRP alone (n = 12) 23.8 +/- 1.8 (mean +/- SEM) of the receptors were present in the nucleus at the end of the 30 min superfusion. Addition of E1, E2 or E3 5 x 10(-10) M resulted in a significant increase compared to controls in the percent of receptors in the nucleus. The percent of nuclear receptors was significantly greater for E2 and E3 (46.5 +/- 3.2% and 43.6 +/- 1.8%) compared to E1 (34.0 +/- 0.9%). Superfusions of uteri with either E2 or E3 at 10(-9) M or 10(-8) M resulted in a significantly greater percent of nuclear receptors compared to equimolar infusions of E1. When uteri were superfused with E1 at 5 x 10(-10), 10(-9) or 10(-8) M or with E3 at 5 x 10(-10) or 10(-9) M in HSA or HP the percent of nuclear receptors was not different compared to the respective infusion of equimolar concentrations of E1 or E3 in KR. However, superfusions of E2 5 x 10(-10), 10(-9) or 10(-8) M in HSA or HP resulted in a significant decrease in the percent nuclear receptors compared to the percent after equimolar superfusions of E2 in KR. Superfusions of E2 in HSA or HP resulted in the same percent of receptors in the nucleus. The percent of receptors in the nucleus increased with increasing concentrations of E2, but at each concentration the percent of receptors was the same with HA as with HP. Using the percent of nuclear receptors as an index of biological activity, E1 has less activity than either E2 or E3. Interaction with serum proteins does not modulate the activities of either E1 or E3, except at the concentration of 10(-8) M for E3.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The influence was studied in vitro of certain agents (adenosine, ADP, ATP, theophylline, together with F- ions) on the cAMP concentrations in the nuclear (N) and mitochondrial (M) fractions from different areas of rat brain. F- ions caused a slight decrease of the cAMP concentrations in nuclear fractions of the thalamus with hypothalamus and a marked decrease of this cyclic nucleotide in M fractions from the cerebral cortex. After incubation with adenosine and F- ions a distinct decrease of cAMP level was observed in N fractions from the midbrain and thalamus with hypothalamus and in mitochondrial fractions obtained from all the investigated regions. The incubation with ATP and F- ions resulted in a distinct decrease of cAMP values in the nuclear fractions from all regions. The concentrations of cAMP in the mitochondria of the midbrain and thalamus with hypothalamus incubated with ATP and F- ions increased 2-3 times. The incubation of the nuclear fraction with theophylline and F- ions caused an increase of cAMP concentration in the cortex and a decrease of cAMP values in the midbrain. The level of cAMP after the incubation with theophylline and fluoride on the mitochondrial fraction is increased in the cortex and decreased in the thalamus with hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Purified pig relaxin (3000 U/mg) was injected i.m. into pregnant Holstein dairy heifers on Day 276 or 277 to determine its effect on parturition and sequential measurements of the pelvic area, cervical dilatation, and peripheral blood-plasma concentrations of progesterone and relaxin. Treatments included phosphate-buffer saline (2 ml, Group C, N = 7), relaxin once (1 mg, Group 1R, N = 7), and twice (2 mg, 12 h apart; Group 2R, N = 7). Intervals (mean +/- s.e.) between the first injection of relaxin or PBS and calving were 64 +/- 17, 80 +/- 19 and 125 +/- 34 h for Groups 2R, 1R and C, respectively. The calving intervals were reduced in Groups 2R (P less than 0.01) and 1R (P less than 0.05) compared with Group C. The incidence of dystocia was 29% (2 of 7) in Group 2R and 43% (3 of 7) in Group 1R compared with 57% (4 of 7) in Group C (P less than 0.01). Body weights and ratios of males to females of the calves were similar (P greater than 0.05) between groups. Progesterone plasma concentrations decreased (P less than 0.01) earlier in Groups 1R and 2R compared with Group C, and this acute decrease began within 6 h of treatment. At 24 h after relaxin or PBS injection, progesterone concentrations were 2.7 +/- 1.1 ng/ml for Group 2R, 3.5 +/- 0.9 ng/ml for Group 1R, and 6.0 +/- 0.1 ng/ml for Group C. Relaxin reached peak blood-plasma levels of 19 +/- 2.2 ng/ml 1 h after injection of relaxin, but remained unchanged, 0.3 +/- 0.01 ng/ml, in Group C. Pelvic area was increased 26%, 22% and 14% and cervical dilatation was increased 109%, 76% and 53% 48 h after injection in Groups 2R, 1R and C, respectively, but these responses were similar among groups at the time of parturition. We conclude that two i.m. injections of relaxin facilitated earlier calving, acutely decreased progesterone secretion, increased cervical dilatation and pelvic area expansion, and decreased the incidence of dystocia in dairy heifers.  相似文献   

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