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Six highly inbred lines of Drosophila melanogaster extracted from an M strain (in the P/M system of hybrid dysgenesis) were studied for the evolution of the number and chromosomal location of complete and defective P elements through generations 52–200. These lines possessed full-sized P elements but differed in their cytotype (M or P). Three lines with P cytotype and full-sized P elements at site 1A had a constant P copy number over generations with low rates of insertion and excision. Three lines with M cytotype and at least one full-sized P element accumulated P copies over the generations and reached a plateau near generation 196, at which rates of transposition and excision were equal to 1.2 × 10–3 to 3 × 10–3 events per element per generation. At that time these three lines still presented an M cytotype, produced transposase, and were able to regulate P copy number. The similarity at equilibrium between insertion and excision rates was exactly what was expected from theoretical models for a self-regulated element. The large number of generations necessary to attain the equilibrium in copy number indicates, however, that caution may be de rigueur when testing theoretical models of copy-number containment based on transposition and excision-rate comparison.  相似文献   

Systemic fungal endophytes (Clavicipitaceae) of grasses reproduce sexually when the fungus forms stromata and contagious ascospores, or asexually by vertical transmission of hyphae into seeds and seedlings. Vertical transmission is predicted to favor reduced virulence compared with horizontal transmission in systems with both types of transmission. Here, variation in vertical and horizontal transmission and its potential heritability in a host grass-endophyte interaction, Elymus hystrix infected with Epichlo? elymi, were examined in natural populations and two common garden experiments using field-collected host tillers and seed progeny of maternal plants with known infection phenotypes. Transmission mode exhibited year-to-year variation in field and common garden environments. In the common garden there were consistent differences among maternal plant families in stroma production and significant correlations between stroma production in the common garden and in natural populations. Transmission mode differed among maternal families, spanning a continuum from pure vertical transmission to a high proportion of stroma production and horizontal transmission potential. Vertical transmission to seeds occurred at high rates in all maternal families regardless of their stroma production. Observed patterns of variation indicate that endophyte transmission mode and correlated changes in virulence can respond to selection by biotic and abiotic factors.  相似文献   

We studied the occurrence of O-type P elements in at least one species of each subgroup of the saltans group, in order to better understand the phylogenetic relationships among the elements within the saltans group and with those of species belonging to the willistoni group. We found that the O-type subfamily has a patchy distribution within the saltans group (it does not occur in D. neocordata and D. emarginata), low sequence divergence among species of the saltans group as well as in relation to species of the willistoni group, a lower rate of synonymous substitution for coding sequences compared to Adh, and phylogenetic incongruities. These findings suggest that the evolutionary history of the O-type subfamily within the saltans and willistoni groups follows the same model proposed for the canonical subfamily of P elements, i.e., events of horizontal transfer between species of the saltans and willistoni groups.  相似文献   

Environmental changes, immune status and treatment failure constitute the three major risk factors for the (re-)emergence and spread of leishmaniases. Except for Leishmania-HIV co-infection, these risk factors are not systematically monitored and their interaction is poorly studied and understood. Recently, the multidisciplinary network Leish-Med was launched to document this issue around the Mediterranean and to promote transborder control strategies.  相似文献   

The emerging antibiotic resistance genes in the aquatic environment have aroused public concern. As β-lactam is the most widely used group of antibiotics, β-lactam resistance genes were selected to investigate their distribution and diversity in the activated sludge from 15 geographically different sewage treatment plants (STPs) of China, Singapore, USA, and Canada. Specific PCR and quantitative real-time PCR (q-PCR) were used to investigate the occurrence and abundance of nine β-lactam resistance genes. Five genes (OXA-1, OXA-2, OXA-10, ampC, and TEM-1) were detected in most of the sludge collected, while three genes (mecA, CTX-M-1, and SME) were not found in any sludge sample. The total abundances of the six detected β-lactam resistance genes in the 15 STPs varied from 5.34?×?10(1) copies/ng DNA (ampC) to 5.49?×?10(4) copies/ng DNA (OXA-1). Overall, OXA-1 had the highest total concentration, followed by IMP and OXA-10. Noticeably, the abundances of TEM-1 in Chinese STPs were generally higher than those in the STPs of other countries, while the abundances of OXA-2 and IMP in the STPs of North America were much greater than those of East Asia. A total of 78 clones carrying β-lactam resistance genes were randomly selected from six clone libraries for phylogenetic diversity analysis; the similarity of these cloned genes to known β-lactam resistance genes with sequence identities ranged from 96% to 100%. Furthermore, OXA-1, ampC, and IMP were found to be more diverse than the other β-lactam resistance genes.  相似文献   

Genome size varies considerably between species, and transposable elements (TEs) are known to play an important role in this variability. However, it is far from clear whether TEs are involved in genome size differences between populations within a given species. We show here that in Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans the size of the genome varies among populations and is correlated with the TE copy number on the chromosome arms. The TEs embedded within the heterochromatin do not seem to be involved directly in this phenomenon, although they may contribute to differences in genome size. Furthermore, genome size and TE content variations parallel the worldwide colonization of D. melanogaster species. No such relationship exists for the more recently dispersed D. simulans species, which indicates that a quantitative increase in the TEs in local populations and fly migration are sufficient to account for the increase in genome size, with no need for an adaptation hypothesis.  相似文献   

Wild-caught flies of Drosophila melanogaster from seven natural populations of extreme regions of Brazil (São Luís, MA; Teresina, PI; Rio Cipó, MG; Maringá, PR; São José do Rio Preto, SP; Joinville, SC; and Porto Alegre, RS) were studied with the purpose of evaluating hybrid dysgenesis due to mobilization of P elements and the regulatory capacity of the strains' cytotypes. Diagnostic crosses were made and the strains classified according to their P–M phenotypes. Four strains were classified as moderate P (MA, MG, PI, and SP), two as Q (PR and RS) and one as M′ (SC). Females of southern strains (PR, SC, and RS) presented in A crosses lower degrees of gonadal dysgenesis scores than those from northern strains (MA and PI).  相似文献   

Brain microdialysis has become a frequently used method to study the extracellular concentrations of neurotransmitters in specific areas of the brain. For years, and this is still the case today, dialysate concentrations and hence extracellular concentrations of neurotransmitters have been interpreted as a direct index of the neuronal release of these specific neurotransmitter systems. Although this seems to be the case for neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and acetylcholine, the extracellular concentrations of glutamate and GABA do not provide a reliable index of their synaptic exocytotic release. However, many microdialysis studies show changes in extracellular concentrations of glutamate and GABA under specific pharmacological and behavioural stimuli that could be interpreted as a consequence of the activation of specific neurochemical circuits. Despite this, we still do not know the origin and physiological significance of these changes of glutamate and GABA in the extracellular space. Here we propose that the changes in dialysate concentrations of these two neurotransmitters found under specific treatments could be an expression of the activity of the neurone-astrocyte unit in specific circuits of the brain. It is further proposed that dialysate changes of glutamate and GABA could be used as an index of volume transmission mediated actions of these two neurotransmitters in the brain. This hypothesis is based firstly on the assumption that the activity of neurones is functionally linked to the activity of astrocytes, which can release glutamate and GABA to the extracellular space; secondly, on the existence of extrasynaptic glutamate and GABA receptors with functional properties different from those of GABA receptors located at the synapse; and thirdly, on the experimental evidence reporting specific electrophysiological and neurochemical effects of glutamate and GABA when their levels are increased in the extracellular space. According to this concept, glutamate and GABA, once released into the extracellular compartment, could diffuse and have long-lasting effects modulating glutamatergic and/or GABAergic neurone-astrocytic networks and their interactions with other neurotransmitter neurone networks in the same areas of the brain.  相似文献   

Summary A comparison of the EPOS leg 3 material of Weddell Sea Isopoda with the known literature data revealed some new results for the horizontal and vertical distribution of isopods in the eastern Weddell Sea. The number of isopod species known for the Weddell Sea almost doubled to 118 species. New results on the vertical distribution of 11 isopod genera are presented.Data presented here were collected during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   

Management and sustainability of fisheries has been guided by theories and models derived from modern ecological science. Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) has been ignored in all spheres of decision-making for management and sustainability of fisheries in East Africa. TEK guided African communities in the way they associated and interacted with the natural environment around them. Spiritual rituals, religious practices, social taboos and sacred animal totems guided the peoples on how and when to utilize the available natural resources. In the advent of modern scientific knowledge, the African traditional knowledge quickly faded away and is generally seen as irrelevant. Today the potential of TEK in the management and sustainability of fisheries in East Africa has not been realized and its status and future is unknown. TEK should be complementary to modern scientific knowledge in the management and sustainability of fisheries. This paper therefore focuses on the potential application of TEK in the management and sustainability of fisheries in East Africa and the issues that impede its application.  相似文献   

Sponges (phylum Porifera) of the classes Hexactinellida and Demospongiae possess a skeleton composed of siliceous spicules, which are synthesized enzymatically. The longest spicules are found among the Hexactinellida, with the stalk spicules (length: 30 cm; diameter: 300 microm) of Hyalonema sieboldi as prominent examples. These spicules are constructed around a central axial filament, which is formed by approximately 40 siliceous layers. The stratified spicules function as optical glass fibers with unique properties. If free-spaced coupled with a white light source (WLS), the entire fiber is illuminated. Special features of the light transmission: (i) only wavelengths between 615 and 1310 nm can pass through the fibers and (ii) light below wavelengths of 615 nm and above 1310 nm is completely cut-off. The transmission efficiency is around 60% (measured at 1080-1100 nm [length of the fiber: 5 cm]). The spicules acts as sharp high- and low-pass filters, suggesting that these silica-based fibers might be involved in a photoreception system. This assumption is supported by the finding that sponges are provided with a bioluminescent system. It is hypothesized that the spicules/siliceous fibers might be involved in a photoreception system in these animals.  相似文献   

The origin and meaning of echolocation call frequency variation within rhinolophid bats is not well understood despite an increasing number of allopatric and sympatric examples being documented. A bimodal distribution of mean regional call frequency within the Okinawa‐jima Island population of Rhinolophus cornutus pumilus (Rhinolophidae) provided a unique opportunity to investigate geographic call frequency variation early in its development. Individual resting echolocation frequencies, partial mitochondrial DNA D‐loop sequences and genotypes from six microsatellite loci were obtained from 288 individuals in 11 colonies across the entire length of the island, and nearby Kume‐jima Island. Acoustic differences (5–8 kHz) observed between the north and south regions have been maintained despite evidence of sufficient nuclear gene flow across the middle of the island. Significant subdivision of maternally inherited D‐loop haplotypes suggested a limitation of movement of females between regions, but not within the regions, and was evidence of female philopatry. These results support a ‘maternal transmission’ hypothesis whereby the difference in the constant frequency (CF) component between the regions is maintained by mother–offspring transmission of CF, the restricted dispersal of females between regions and small effective population size. We suggest that the mean 5–8 kHz call frequency difference between the regions might develop through random cultural drift.  相似文献   

The telomeric P elements TP5 and TP6 are associated with the P cytotype, a maternally inherited condition that represses P-element-induced hybrid dysgenesis in the Drosophila germ line. To see if cytotype repression by TP5 and TP6 might be mediated by the polypeptides they could encode, hobo transgenes carrying these elements were tested for expression of mRNA in the female germ line and for repression of hybrid dysgenesis. The TP5 and TP6 transgenes expressed more germ-line mRNA than the native telomeric P elements, but they were decidedly inferior to the native elements in their ability to repress hybrid dysgenesis. These paradoxical results are inconsistent with the repressor polypeptide model of cytotype. An alternative model based on the destruction of P transposase mRNA by Piwi-interacting (pi) RNAs was supported by finding reduced P mRNA levels in flies that carried the native telomeric P elements, which are inserted in a known major piRNA locus.  相似文献   

Zooplankton vertical migratory patterns are a classic example of optimal habitat choice. We hypothesize that zooplankton distribute themselves vertically in the water column according to an ideal free distribution (IFD) with costs such as to optimize their fitness. In lakes with a deep-water chlorophyll maximum, zooplankton are faced with a trade-off, either experiencing high food (high reproductive potential) but low temperature (slow development) in the hypolimnion or high temperature and low food in the epilimnion. Thus, in the absence of fish predation (e.g. at night) they should allocate the time spent in the different habitats according to fitness gain dependent on the temperature gradient and distribution of food. We tested this hypothesis with a Daphnia hyalina x galeata clone in large indoor columns (Plön Plankton Towers) and with a dynamic energy budget model. In the tower experiments, we simulated a deep-water algal maximum below the thermocline with epilimnetic/hypolimnetic temperature differences of 2, 5 and 10 degrees C. Experimental data supported the model. We found a significantly larger proportion of daphniids in the hypolimnion when the temperature difference was smaller. Our results are consistent with the concept of IFD with costs originally developed for stream fishes. This concept can be applied to predict the vertical distribution of zooplankton in habitats where fish predation is of minor importance.  相似文献   

In order to understand and moderate the effects of the accelerating rate of global environmental change land managers and ecologists must not only think beyond their local environment but also put their problems into a historical context. It is intuitively obvious that historians should be natural allies of ecologists and land managers as they struggle to maintain biodiversity and landscape health. Indeed, ‘environmental history’ is an emerging field where the previously disparate intellectual traditions of ecology and history intersect to create a new and fundamentally interdisciplinary field of inquiry. Environmental history is rapidly becoming an important field displacing many older environmentally focused academic disciplines as well as capturing the public imagination. By drawing on Australian experience I explore the role of ‘environmental history’ in managing biodiversity. First I consider some of the similarities and differences of the ecological and historical approaches to the history of the environment. Then I review two central questions in Australian environment history: landscape‐scale changes in woody vegetation cover since European settlement and the extinction of the marsupials in both historical and pre‐historical time. These case studies demonstrate that environmental historians can reach conflicting interpretations despite using essentially the same data. The popular success of some environmental histories hinges on the fact that they narrate a compelling story concerning human relationships and human value judgements about landscape change. Ecologists must learn to harness the power of environmental history narratives to bolster land management practices designed to conserve biological heritage. They can do this by using various currently popular environmental histories as a point of departure for future research, for instance by testing the veracity of competing interpretations of landscape‐scale change in woody vegetation cover. They also need to learn how to write parables that communicate their research findings to land managers and the general public. However, no matter how sociologically or psychologically satisfying a particular environmental historical narrative might be, it must be willing to be superseded with new stories that incorporate the latest research discoveries and that reflects changing social values of nature. It is contrary to a rational and publicly acceptable approach to land management to read a particular story as revealing the absolute truth.  相似文献   

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