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Cuttings were taken from 4-week-old seedlings of Norway spruce ( Picea abies L. Karst.) raised at two different irradiation levels. Rooting experiments showed that root formation was increased by the ethylene formed by adding 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid ACC or Ethrel, especially in the slowly rooting cuttings grown under high light (HL). Cobaltousion. an ethylene synthesis inhibitor, delayed rooting, especially in the easily rooted cuttings grown under low light (LL).
Compounds isolated from the cuttings using immunoaffinity chromatography, on a column with antibodies against cytokinins, and separated by HPLC decreased in amount during the first week of the rooting period. An increase in ethylene production accelerated this process, especially in cuttings grown under HL, whereas cobaltous ion delayed it. We suggest that ethylene stimulates rooting by enhancing the degradation of cytokinins.  相似文献   

Short photoperiod induces growth cessation in seedlings of Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.] Karst.). Application of different gibberellins (GAS) to seedlings growing under a short photoperiod show that GA9 and GA20 can not induce growth. In contrast application of GA, and GA4 induced shoot elongation. The results indicate that 3β-hydroxylation of GA9 to GA4 and of GA20 to GA1 is under photoperiodic control. To confirm that conclusion, both qualitative and quantitative analyses of endogenous GAs were performed. GA1, GA3, GA4, GA7, GA9, GA12, GA15, GA15, GA20, GA29, GA34 and GA51 were identified by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in shoots of Norway spruce seedlings. The effect of photoperiod on GA levels was determined by using deuterated and 14C-labelled GAs as intermal standards. In short days, the amounts of GA9, GA4 and GA1 are less than in plants grown in continuous light. There is no significant difference in the amounts of GA3, GA12, and GA20 between the different photoperiods. The lack of accumulation of GA9 and GA20 under short days is discussed.  相似文献   

Non-mycorrhizal spruce seedlings (Picea abies Karst.) and spruce seedlings colonized with Lactarius rufus (Scop.) Fr. or two strains of Paxillits involutus (Batsch) Fr. were grown in an axenic silica sand culture system with frequently renewed nutrient solution. After successful mycorrhizal colonization, the seedlings were exposed to 1 μM PbCI2 for 19 weeks. The degree of infection in all of the mycorrhizal treatments approached 100% during the experiment and was not affected by exposure to Pb. However, the number of root tips per root dry weight and the shoot: root ratio, both in the non-mycorrhizal and the mycorrhizal seedlings, had decreased after the 19 week treatment with PbCl2 Using X-ray microanalysis, the distribution and concentration of Pb in the tissues of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal root tips were compared. In the mycorrhizae of seedlings exposed to Pb no significant accumulation of Pb in the hyphal mantle or in fungal cell walls of the Hartig net were detected. Lead accumulated primarily in the cortex cell walls both of non-mycorrhizal and mycorrhizal root tips. No significant difference of Pb concentrations in root cortex cell walls of non-mycorrhizal and mycorrhizal seedlings was found; except for seedlings colonized with Paxillus involutus strain 537. However, at the endodermis no effect of mycorrhizal fungal colonization on the Pb tissue concentration was detected. The presence of the fungal sheath did not prevent Pb from reaching the root cortex. The endodermis acted as a barrier to Pb radial transport in both mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal seedling roots.  相似文献   

Külla  Tiit  Lõhmus  Krista 《Plant and Soil》1999,217(1-2):91-100
Root grafting is the process by which a functional union of two or more roots subsequent to their formation is formed. The above- and below-ground parts of three Norway spruce stands (natural stand, Umbric Luvisol; row-culture and group-culture, Planosol; stand ages 40, 43 and 43, respectively) of high site quality (I) were investigated. Stand densities were 1550, 1783 and 1722 stems ha-1, respectively. In all investigated stands, root grafting was most sensitive to tree spacing. Grafts were observed in case the distance between the trees was 0.7–1.2 m. Grafts occurred always in areas of higher rooting density, in a row of the row-culture and within a tree group in the group-culture. Root grafting was enhanced in case of a narrower humus horizon in the group culture compared with the row-culture, 16.5 and 30 cm, respectively; the humus horizon contained 99% and 95% of conducting roots with d ≥ 5 mm, respectively. Root graftings occurred in 75% of excavated trees in the group-culture, in 37.5% of excavated trees in the row-culture and in 33.3% of excavated trees in the natural stand. Stand age was 24 years in the row-culture and 22 years in the group-culture at the beginning of root grafting. No grafts occurred between two suppressed trees, whereas in 86–100% of all cases, at least one tree was dominant or codominant. In row- and group-cultivated Norway spruce stands, the initial minimum diameter of the grafted root without bark was from 1 to 3 cm in 63% of cases. Grafting of roots with d < 1 cm or d > 10 cm was rare or absent. Root grafting had usually begun at the root age of 10–20 years (46% of cases). This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Four pot experiments are reported in which Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) Karst) seedlings, of different nutrient status, were treated with acid mist for one growing season in open-top chambers (OTCs). Combinations of H+, SO42−, NH4+ and NO3 were applied at different frequencies of application and supplying different doses of S and N kg ha−1. Plant growth, visible injury, frost hardiness and nutrient status were observed. These experiments were undertaken to improve our understanding of the interaction of environmental factors such as nutrition and mist-exposure frequency on seedling response to N and S deposition.
Both acidity (pH 2·7) and SO42− ions were necessary to induce visible injury. Mist containing SO42−, H+ and to a lesser extent NH4+ significantly reduced winter frost hardiness. Increasing the misting frequency, and to a lesser extent the overall dose, increased the likelihood of acid mist causing visible injury and reducing frost hardiness. Post-planting stress, low N status and needle juvenility increased the likelihood of acid mist causing visible injury. Increased plant vitality, adequate N status and growth rate reduced the likelihood of acid-mist-induced reductions in frost hardiness.
Principles underlying the responses of spruce seedlings treated in controlled conditions to acid mist are discussed.  相似文献   

In vivo 15N and 14N nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to investigate the assimilation of nitrate and ammonium in seedlings of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.). The main objective was to study accumulation of free NH+4 and examine to what extent the nitrogen source affects the composition of the free amino acid pools in roots, stems and needles. NH+4 concentrations in plants growing in the presence of 0.5–50 mM ammonium were quantified using 14N NMR. The NH+4 values in tissues ranged from 6 to 46 μmol (g fresh weight)?1. with highest concentrations in roots and needles. The tissue NH+4 peaked at 5.0 mM NH+4 in the medium. and failed to increase when NH+4 in the medium was increased to 50 mM, indicating metabolic control of the concentration of this cation in tissues. The 14N NMR spectra were used to estimate pH of the NH+4 storage pools. Based on the pH sensitivity of the quintet of 14NH+4 resonance, we suggest that the pH of the ammonium storage compartments in the roots and stems should be 3.7–3.8, and in needles 3.4–3.5, representing extremely low pH values of the tissue. 15N from nitrate or ammonium was first incorporated into the amide group of glutamine and then into α-amino groups, confirming that the glutamine synthetase/ glutamate synthase cycle is the major route of nitrogen assimilation into amino acids and thus plays a role in lowering the levels of NH+4 in the cytoplasm. NH+4 can also be assimilated in roots in plants growing in darkness. The main 15N-labelled amino acids were glutamine. arginine and alanine. Almost no 15N signals from needles were observed. Double labelling (δN + w, wN) of arginine is consistent with the operation of the ornithine cycle, and enrichment indicates that this cycle is a major sink of newly assimilated nitrogen. Nitrogen assimilation in roots in the presence of added methionine sulphoximine and glutamate indicated the catabolic action of glutamate dehydrogenase. The 15N NMR spectra of plants grown on 15N-urea showed a marked increase in the labelling of ammonium and glutamine. indicating high urease activity. Amino acids were also quantified using high pressure liquid chromatography. Arginine was found to be an important transport form of nitrogen in the stem.  相似文献   

Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] seedlings were grown in greenhouses with two supplemental levels of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation. Photochemical efficiency of photosystem II and vitality index were determined monthly. At the end of the experiment, growth, chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rates were measured. The data indicate that low temperature in winter affected light dependent processes in experimental plants including control, while the rise of ambient temperatures, moderate this effect. The synergistic effects of UV-B radiation and low temperatures could only be observed in the second winter period. Measurements of net photosynthetic activity in the second winter period showed significant differences between treated and untreated plants.  相似文献   

Embryogenic cell lines of Norway spruce ( Picea abies ) varying in growth habit and morphology were compared as regards profiles of extracellular proteins. Similar proteins were detected in the culture medium by SDS PAGE and in vivo labeling experiments, indicating that the proteins were secreted. Approximately 20 protein bands could be detected in the medium of each cell line. Three of the bands represented glycosylated proteins, as revealed by Concanavalin A staining. Some of the secreted proteins were similar for all tested embryogenic lines of Norway spruce, others were either specific for a group of cell lines or for individual cell lines. A correlation was observed between the morphology of the somatic embryos in a cell line and the presence of secreted proteins. The embryogenic cell lines of Norway spruce can be divided into two main groups. A and B, where A is characterized by somatic embryos with dense embryoheads and B by somatic embryos with loosely aggregated cells in their embryoheads. When proteins secreted from a cell line belonging to group A were added to cell lines belonging to group B, the somatic embryos of the B type developed further and became more similar in morphology to A-type embryos. These observations indicate that cell lines belonging to group A secrete certain proteins to the culture medium that are essential for the development of somatic embryos of Norway spruce.  相似文献   

Shoot elongation in many coniferous species is predetermined during bud formation the year before the shoot extends. This implies that formation of the primordial shoot within the bud is the primary event in annual shoot growth. Hormonal factors regulating bud formation are consequently of utmost importance. We followed the levels of the endogenous cytokinins zeatin riboside (ZR) and isopentenyladenosine (iPA) in terminal buds, whorl buds and lower lateral buds of the uppermost current-year whorl shoots of 15- to 20-year-old trees of Norway spruce [ Picea abies (L.) Karst.] from June to September. Cytokinins were isolated with affinity chromatography columns, purified by high performance liquid chromatography, and quantified by ELISA. The level of ZR was low in June but increased gradually in all buds until September. Throughout the measurement period, the ZR level was highest in terminal buds and lowest in the scattered lateral, buds, with the whorl buds intermediate. The level of iPA peaked in July and decreased later without any consistent differences among the three classes of buds. The development of different kinds of buds was followed by scanning electron microscopy. We found that bud growth was greatest during August and September. The final size of primordial shoots within the buds varied considerably and the weight of the terminal bud was three times that of the whorl buds and more than five times that of the other lateral buds.
We conclude that the increase in ZR level during the period of active bud development is indicative of the importance of cytokinin for this process. Furthermore, the positive correlation between the level of ZR and bud growth during the period of predetermination of next year's branch growth suggests that this hormone indirectly controls the form of single branches in the spruce tree.  相似文献   

Evidence that cytokinin controls bud size and branch form in Norway spruce   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Shoot elongation in many coniferous species is predetermined during bud formation the year before the shoot extends. This implies that formation of the primordial shoot within the bud is the primary event in annual shoot growth. Hormonal factors regulating bud formation are consequently of utmost importance. We followed the levels of the endogenous cytokinins zeatin riboside (ZR) and isopentenyladenosine (iPA) in terminal buds, whorl buds and lower lateral buds of the uppermost current-year whorl shoots of 15- to 20-year-old trees of Norway spruce [ Picea abies (L.) Karst.] from June to September. Cytokinins were isolated with affinity chromatography columns, purified by high performance liquid chromatography, and quantified by ELISA. The level of ZR was low in June but increased gradually in all buds until September. Throughout the measurement period, the ZR level was highest in terminal buds and lowest in the scattered lateral, buds, with the whorl buds intermediate. The level of iPA peaked in July and decreased later without any consistent differences among the three classes of buds. The development of different kinds of buds was followed by scanning electron microscopy. We found that bud growth was greatest during August and September. The final size of primordial shoots within the buds varied considerably and the weight of the terminal bud was three times that of the whorl buds and more than five times that of the other lateral buds.
We conclude that the increase in ZR level during the period of active bud development is indicative of the importance of cytokinin for this process. Furthermore, the positive correlation between the level of ZR and bud growth during the period of predetermination of next year's branch growth suggests that this hormone indirectly controls the form of single branches in the spruce tree.  相似文献   

The induction of activity of the enzyme nitrate reductase (NR, EC, in needles of Norway spruce ( Picea abies [L.] Karst.) by nitrogen dioxide (NO2) was studied under laboratory and field conditions. In fumigation chambers an increase in nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was detected 4 h after the start of the NO2 treatment. During the first 2 days with 100 µg NO2 m−3, NRA reached a constant level and did not change during the following 4 days. At the same level of NO2, NRA was lower in needles from trees grown on NPK‐fertilized soil than on non‐fertilized soil. After the transfer of spruce trees from fertilized soil to NPK‐rich nutrient solution, NRA was transiently increased. This effect was assigned to root injuries causing nitrate transport to the shoot and subsequent induction of NRA. Neither trees on fertilized soil nor trees transferred to NPK‐poor nutrient solution had increased NRA unless NO2 was provided. The NO2 gradient in the vicinity of a highway was used to test the long‐term effect of elevated levels of NO2 on needle NRA of potted and field‐grown spruce trees. Compared with less polluted sites, permanently increased NRAs were detected when NO2 concentrations were above 20 µg m−3. Controls of field measurements some 10 years after the introduction of catalytic converters in cars showed no significant change neither in NO2 levels nor in the decreasing NRA of spruce needles with the distance from the highway.  相似文献   

Seasonal profiles of sulphur, phosphorus, and potassium content in the wood of trees have been established for the first time. This became possible by using a novel laser ablation system coupled to HR-ICP-MS for measuring these elements in Norway spruce drill cores. This technique combines excellent spatial resolution with superior detection power, and makes it possible to measure low element concentrations even in relatively narrow annual rings. Despite its low quantity in wood, sulphur is an important macronutrient for plants and seems to display seasonal variations of its concentration, which correspond to actual theories of sulphur metabolism in plants. A similar seasonal pattern was also found for phosphorus, another crucial element in tree nutrition. This was unexpected, because it was previously assumed that the distribution of phosphorus remains constant throughout the year. Potassium, the third element measured, seems to be especially accumulated in the latewood. The profiles presented in this article suggest a seasonal variation, revealing some new aspects of Norway spruce (PICEA ABIES) metabolism.  相似文献   

It is known that reducing the partial pressure of O2 influences the induction of somatic embryogenesis. We tested the hypothesis that O2 causes changes in the endogenous levels of exogenously supplied benzyladenine (BA) or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Embryogenic tissue of Picea abies was incubated under reduced (2.5, 5 kPa) and ambient (21 kPa) levels of O2 for 1, 3, 7 and 11 days and the endogenous concentrations of BA and 2,4-D were measured. For all treatments the concentration of BA in the tissue increased until the third day. At day 3, the ratio of BA in the tissue relative to the initial concentration in the medium, was 3.9, 2.8 and 1.9 for tissue incubated under 2.5, 5 and 21 kPa O2, respectively. The BA concentration then declined gradually. Uptake of 2,4-D was inhibited at low O2 levels. However, 2,4-D gradually accumulated in tissue grown under hypoxia, so that high levels were reached by day 11. These shifts in the BA and 2,4-D levels also caused a transient increase in the BA to 2,4-D ratio in tissue incubated under hypoxia. Although relevant for the previously reported effects of oxygen on induction of embryogenic tissue, it is unlikely that oxygen-induced alterations in BA and 2,4-D levels alone suffice to explain these findings.  相似文献   

In conifers such as Norway spruce, the extent of shoot growth is predetermined by the size and number of embryonal organs of the buds laid down the previous year. As it is known that cytokinins have a key role in bud development a possible hypothesis is that the level of cytokinin in the buds during their formation determines their size and complexity. As a first step to test this hypothesis we compared cytokinin levels in buds of different size of annual shoots from 15- to 20-year-old trees of Picea abies (L.) Karst. Apical buds from the leaders, and from branches in lower parts of the trees, were collected in April, July and August. The difference in size of the buds and the shoots growing from them was considerable in these three positions. Extracts were purified by immunoaffinity columns, and the retained compounds were separated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Quantification was made by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and the accuracy of this method was checked by measurements with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and UV absorption. Zeatin riboside (ZR) was the most abundant cytokinin, but isopentenyladenosine (iPA) was also present in all samples. The large apical bud of the leader contained much higher cytokinin concentrations than the considerably smaller buds from lower positions, and during the period of secondary growth in July, similar relationships were found for annual stem tissue from different positions. The possible role of ZR as a controlling factor in bud development and apical control is discussed. Our conclusion is that the level of zeatin-type cytokinins appears to play an important role in the establishment of differences in bud size and, thereby, the architecture of the tree crown.  相似文献   

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