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Abstract Understanding processes in complex assemblages depends on good understanding of spatial and temporal patterns of structure at various spatial scales. There has been little quantitative information about spatial patterns and natural temporal changes in intertidal assemblages on sheltered rocky shores in temperate Australia. Natural changes and responses to anthropogenic disturbances in these habitats cannot be accurately measured and assessed without quantitative data on patterns of natural variability in space and through time. This paper describes some suitable quantitative methods for examining spatial and temporal patterns of diversity and abundances of highshore, midshore and lowshore intertidal assemblages and the important component species for a number of shores in a bay that has not been severely altered by human disturbance. Despite a diverse flora and fauna on these shores, the midshore and lowshore assemblages on sheltered shores were characterized by a few species which were also the most important in discriminating among assemblages on a shore and, for each assemblage, among different shores. The same set of species was also important for measuring small-scale patchiness within each assemblage (i.e. between replicate sites on a shore). Therefore, these data provide a rationale for selecting species that are useful for measuring differences and changes in abundance among places and times at different scales and, hence, can be used in the more complex sampling designs necessary to detect environmental impacts. There was considerable spatial variability in all assemblages and all species (or taxa) examined at scales of metres, tens of metres and kilometres. There were no clear seasonal trends for most measures, with as much or more variability at intervals of 3 months as from year to year. Most interactions between spatial and temporal measures were at the smallest scale, with different sites on the same shore generally showing different changes from time to time. The cause(s) of this apparently idiosyncratic variability1 were not examined, but some potential causes are discussed. These data are appropriate for testing hypotheses about the applicability of these findings to other relatively undisturbed sheltered shores, about effects of different anthropogenic disturbances on sheltered intertidal assemblages and to test hypotheses about differences in intertidal assemblages on sheltered versus wave-exposed shores.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study are to describe and compare the brachyuran community of rocky shores within the Central Portuguese coast and to examine the zonation patterns of the most representative species. For this, randomly placed transects were surveyed to obtain crab counts according to microhabitat and intertidal level. Repeated sampling in two different shores during two different seasons provided spatial and temporal replication for zonation analyses. Seven species were registered: Pachygrapsus marmoratus, Eriphia verrucosa, Xantho incisus, Carcinus maenas, Necora puber, Pirimela denticulata and Pilumnus hirtellus. Species density rankings are the same at both localities, but the less exposed shore presents higher diversity. While most species are mainly confined to specific microhabitats in the lower level, P. marmoratus and E. verrucosa can exploit the whole intertidal range. Regardless of shore and season, E. verrucosa is more abundant in the lower intertidal levels, while no such zonation patterns were recorded for P. marmoratus. Initial predictions concerning the effect of wave exposure and temperature on the zonation of those species are not validated after analysing the factorial model proposed. Between-shore contrasts were found instead, with higher densities recorded in the more exposed locality for both species. Possible causes of the observed patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments in intertidal and subtidal rocky marine habitats in temperate Australia have identified the effects of various biological and physical factors on algal assemblages. In intertidal habitats, these involve micro- and macro-algae and grazing by gastropods. In subtidal habitats, interactions among micro- and macro-algae, echinoids, gastropods, micro-invertebrates and sessile invertebrates have been studied. Experimental studies on physical disturbances of algal assemblages have focussed on the effects of desiccation and storms. Most studies have not considered more than one spatial or temporal scale. Few have been concerned with seasonal influences and fewer have been concerned with variation from year to year. Most of the work lacks applicability to biogeographic comparisons. More experimental work across a variety of spatial and temporal scales is required to determine significant biological and physical processes affecting structure of algal assemblages across broad areas of temperate Australia.  相似文献   

Abstract Fish ecology in urban estuaries is poorly understood. As coastal landscapes are transformed, recognizing the impact that urban structures, such as marinas, seawalls and wharfs, have on local fish populations is becoming increasingly important. The extent to which fish are able to maintain natural ecological assemblages can be measured, to a certain extent, by how closely they mimic natural habitats. In Sydney Harbour, assemblages of fish associated with artificial structures were compared with those associated with natural rocky reefs. Sampling was carried out in five locations, each with a marina, swimming enclosure and natural reef. In each location, different habitats supported different assemblages, but differences between habitats were not consistent among locations. Subsequent sampling compared artificial and natural sites in three different areas in each of three different estuaries. Results indicated that differences in fish assemblages between artificial and natural sites were greater than differences between sites within each habitat, but there were no patterns among different positions in an estuary or from estuary to estuary. This study provides initial evidence that, although artificial habitats generally support the same species as found on natural reefs, assemblages usually differed between natural and artificial habitats. In addition, without knowing if these habitats do, in fact, sustain viable populations of fish, it would be premature to label artificial structures as effective habitat for fish.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that rockweed stands and mussel beds in sheltered bays in the Gulf of Maine, USA, are alternative community states. As a test of this hypothesis, experimental clearings of different sizes were established in stands of the rockweed Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis to determine if successional changes in large clearings developed species assemblages distinctly different from the surrounding A. nodosum stands. Clearings ranging from 1 to 8 m in diameter were created at 12 sites in 4 bays on Swan's Island, Maine, in 1996 to mimic the effects of ice scour, and abundances of gastropods, barnacles, mussels and fucoid algae were monitored until 2002. ANOVAs and MDS showed strong effects of clearing size and divergent successional changes in large clearings. Large clearings were quickly filled in and remained dominated by the alga Fucus vesiculosus L. and the barnacle Semibalanus balanoides (L). There was no evidence for site-specific effects, and Mantel tests showed clearing size was a better predictor of species composition than geographic distances among sites. Results suggest that large pulse disturbances using clearings of 8 m in diameter can initiate divergent successional pathways and have a protracted effect on species composition. Results are also consistent with the hypothesis that mussel beds and rockweed stands in sheltered bays may be alternative community states.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of common species of macroalgae and fauna on rocky shores extending through the length of the estuary is described. In the west, the shores are fully marine and exposed to Atlantic waves. In an eastward direction, greater shelter and an increasing tidal range occur along a gradient of salinity and turbidity. The flora and fauna change along this gradient. No single biological feature signals a transition from the Bristol Channel to the Severn Estuary but four arbitrary regions are recognized: a 'marine' section eastwards to Swansea, a 'transitional' section between Swansea and Cardiff, an 'estuarine' section up to Newnham, and the tidal river Severn.  相似文献   

The construction of artificial structures in the marine environment is increasing globally. Eco‐engineering aims to mitigate the negative ecological impacts of built infrastructure through designing structures to be multifunctional, benefiting both humans and nature. To date, the focus of eco‐engineering has largely been on benefits for benthic invertebrates and algae. Here, the potential effect of eco‐engineered habitats designed for benthic species on fish was investigated. Eco‐engineered habitats (“flowerpots”) were added to an intertidal seawall in Sydney Harbour, Australia. Responses of fish assemblages to the added habitats were quantified at two spatial scales; large (among seawalls) and small (within a seawall). Data were collected during high tide using cameras attached to the seawall to observe pelagic and benthic fish. At the larger spatial scale, herbivores, planktivores, and invertebrate predators were generally more abundant at the seawall with the added flowerpots, although results were temporally variable. At the smaller spatial scale, certain benthic species were more abundant around flowerpots than at the adjacent control areas of seawall, although there was no general pattern of differences in species density and trophic group abundance of pelagic fish between areas of the seawall with or without added habitats. Although we did not find consistent, statistically significant findings throughout our study, the field of research to improve fish habitat within human‐use constraints is promising and important, although it is in its early stages (it is experimental and requires a lot of trial and error). To advance this field, it is important to document when effects were detected, and when they were not, so that others can refine the designs or scale of habitat enhancements or their study approaches (e.g., sampling protocols).  相似文献   

A considerable amount of chemical data is available for surficial sediments in Port Jackson. Some of the highest concentrations of heavy metals, organochlorines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of any capital port occur in sediments mantling shallow tributaries and embayments close to central Sydney. However, these data have limited ability to predict adverse effects on living resources and in the absence of toxicological data, sediment quality guidelines (SQG) have been used to assess the possible adverse biological effects of sedimentary contaminants in this estuary. Several SQGs are currently available for both fresh and marine environments, but the scheme used in the current study is based on empirical analysis of matching chemical and biological data compiled by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the U.S. The NOAA SQG can be used to assess individual chemicals, or to estimate the probability of acute sediment toxicity by calculating `mean quotients' for a large range of contaminants. Although many individual chemicals in sediment exceed SQG over extensive parts of Port Jackson, `mean quotient' results suggest that only a small proportion (1%) of the harbour may be highly toxic (74% probability of toxicity). However, sediment in a considerably larger proportion of the port (almost 25%) is estimated to have a 49% probability of being toxic using the `mean quotient' approach. These results are indicative at best and contemporaneous chemical/biological/ecotoxicological studies are needed to verify the applicability of SQG developed in the U.S. for use outside North America and site specific studies of this type are still required to determine the toxicity of sediments in Port Jackson.  相似文献   

Canopy-forming algae have been shown to play a fundamental role in the maintenance of understorey assemblages on rocky shores. In the Mediterranean, low-shore habitats are often monopolised by canopy algae of the genus Cystoseira and, in particular, by the species Cystoseira amentacea var. stricta. Alternatively, low-shore habitats are dominated by turf-forming algae and/or mussels. Previous studies showed that loss of Cystoseira, by natural or anthropogenic disturbances, resulted in the increase of turfing algae. Here, we propose that turf-forming algae may act as colonisers from nearby habitats, specifically from lower portions of the shore. The following hypotheses were tested to investigate this proposition: (1) in presence of Cystoseira, the assemblage living under its canopy will be distinct, in terms of composition and structure, from that found lower on the shore, (2) if the canopy of Cystoseira was removed, the differences between the two assemblages would decrease or disappear, (3) the effects of the canopy would be more important than other causes of variability at the spatial scale investigated (hundreds to thousands of metres), and (4) that effects of removal of the canopy would be consistent through time. These hypotheses were tested by means of a canopy removal experiment, involving several spatial and temporal repetitions of the manipulation.The assemblage underneath the canopy of Cystoseira was distinct from that found immediately lower on the shore, but when the canopy was removed there were no differences between the two. The effects of the canopy were consistent at the spatial and temporal scales investigated. Several species living under the canopy disappeared and were replaced by turf-forming species, resulting in a homogenisation of the two habitats and in a drastic loss of habitat diversity. This study shows that Cystoseira can be considered a habitat-forming species, responsible for the maintenance of two distinct low-shore assemblages. In this light, its importance should be taken into account by policies aiming to preserve biodiversity on rocky shores.  相似文献   

Density and biomass of fishes, from shallow rocky and soft bottom habitats on the Swedish west coast, showed large seasonal variation with low values in winter and spring and with peaks in June. Season was also the most important factor determining the fish assemblage structure. Within season, however, there was a clear separation in assemblage structure between rocky-and soft-bottom habitats. There were significantly higher total fish abundances and biomasses during night compared with day catches. On soft bottoms density and biomass of fishes decreased with increasing depth, but no such pattern was seen in rocky habitats indicating that the distribution of fishes was related to vegetation cover. Altogether, 53 fish species were recorded of which 30 were common to both habitats. Species richness was similar on rocky and soft bottoms. Of the 10 most abundant species found in rocky habitats four belonged to the Labridae and three to the Gadidae. The fish assemblage on soft bottoms were of a more mixed nature with representatives among the 10 dominants from six families (Clupeidae, Cottidae, Gadidae, Gobiidae, Labridae and Pleuronectidae). When ranking the 10 dominant fish species on rocky bottoms according to biomass c . 50% of the mass was Labridae, 19% Gadidae and 13% Cottidae. In soft bottom habitats, fish biomass was mainly distributed between six families. Pleuronectidae and Gadidae were dominant and each made up 25% of the biomass, whereas Labridae only contributed 4% of the fish mass. It is concluded that the fish assemblage in rocky habitats is dominated by permanent non-commercial species (63% of biomass), whereas soft bottoms mainly function as nurseries for juvenile fishes and as feeding grounds for seasonal migrants of commercial species (80% of biomass).  相似文献   

A phylogenetic approach to the origin and maintenance of species diversity ideally requires the sampling of all species within a clade, confirmation that they are evolutionarily distinct entities, and knowledge of their geographical distributions. In the marine tropics such studies have mostly been of fish and reef-associated organisms, usually with high dispersal. In contrast, snails of the genus Echinolittorina (Littorinidae) are restricted to rocky shores, have a four-week pelagic development (and recorded dispersal up to 1400 km), and show different evolutionary patterns. We present a complete molecular phylogeny of Echinolittorina, derived from Bayesian analysis of sequences from nuclear 28S rRNA and mitochondrial 12S rRNA and COI genes (nodal support indicated by posterior probabilities, maximum likelihood, and neighbor-joining bootstrap). This consists of 59 evolutionarily significant units (ESUs), including all 50 known taxonomic species. The 26 ESUs found in the Indo-West Pacific region form a single clade, whereas the eastern Pacific and Atlantic species are basal. The earliest fossil occurred in the Tethys during the middle Eocene and we suggest that the Indo-West Pacific clade has been isolated since closure of the Tethyan seaway in the early Miocene. The geographical distributions of all species (based on more than 3700 locality records) appear to be circumscribed by barriers of low temperature, unsuitable sedimentary habitat, stretches of open water exceeding about 1400 km, and differences in oceanographic conditions on the continuum between oceanic and continental. The geographical ranges of sister species show little or no overlap, indicating that the speciation mode is predominantly allopatric. Furthermore, range expansion following speciation appears to have been limited, because a high degree of allopatry is maintained through three to five branching points of the phylogeny. This may be explained by infrequent long-distance colonization, habitat specialization on the oceanic/continental gradient, and perhaps by interspecific competition. In the eastern Pacific plus Atlantic we identify five cases of divergence on either side of the Isthmus of Panama, but our estimates of their ages pre-date the emergence of the Isthmus. There are three examples of sister relationships between species in the western Atlantic and eastern Atlantic, all resulting from dispersal to the east. Within the Indo-West Pacific, we find no geographical pattern of speciation events; narrowly endemic species of recent origin are present in both peripheral and central parts of the region. Evidence from estimated divergence times of sister species, and from a plot of the number of lineages over time, suggest that there has been no acceleration of diversification during the glacio-eustatic cycles of the Plio-Pleistocene. In comparison with reefal organisms, species of Echinolittorina on rocky shores may be less susceptible to extinction or isolation during sea-level fluctuations. The species richness of Echinolittorina in the classical biogeographic provinces conforms to the common pattern of highest diversity (11 species) in the central "East Indies Triangle" of the Indo-West Pacific, with a subsidiary focus in the eastern Pacific and western Atlantic, and lowest diversity in the eastern Atlantic. The diversity focus in the East Indies Triangle is produced by a mosaic of restricted allopatric species and overlap of a few widespread ones, and is the result of habitat specialization rather than historical vicariance. This study emphasizes the plurality of biogeographic histories and speciation patterns in the marine tropics.  相似文献   

Climate change has strong potential to modify the structure and functioning of ecosystems, but experimental field studies into its effects are rare. On rocky shores, grazing limpets strongly affect ecosystem structure and their distribution in NW Europe is changing in response to climate change. Three limpet species co-occur in SW Britain ( Patella vulgata, Patella ulyssiponensis and Patella depressa ) on open rock and in pools. Shores in Ireland are similar, but currently lack P. depressa . It is anticipated that P. depressa will expand its range into Ireland as the climate warms, but we currently lack an empirical basis to predict the consequences of this change. Recent studies show that increasing abundance of P. depressa on British shores has been accompanied by a decline of P. vulgata suggesting interspecific competition. In this study, a new experimental framework was used to examine the potential for P. depressa to affect P. vulgata on Irish shores. P. vulgata was experimentally transplanted into enclosures on open rock and in pools in both Ireland and Britain. In pools, treatments also included transplanted P. ulyssiponensis to mimic natural assemblages. Growth and mortality of P. vulgata were measured over 6 months with no differences between Ireland and Britain. In Britain, P. vulgata caged in pools with transplanted P. depressa and P. ulyssiponensis showed reduced growth, compared with when caged in pools with P. ulyssiponensis alone. There was no effect of P. depressa on the growth rate of P. vulgata on open rock. Results indicate that if the range of P. depressa extends into Ireland, it would reduce the growth of P. vulgata where it co-occurs with P. ulyssiponensis in pools. The framework used here provides a field-based approach that could be used to examine the impacts of climate-induced range expansions on the structure and functioning of other ecosystems.  相似文献   

Abstract Intertidal limestone platforms off Perth show a characteristic pattern of algal zonation, with dense macroalgal beds nearshore bounded by a ‘barren zone’ along the seaward edge. Abalone (Haliotis roei) and several species of limpets and chitons are abundant in the barren zone, which is generally devoid of non-coralline macroalgae. The relative importance of abalone versus limpets and chitons in limiting macroalgal abundance in the barren zone was evaluated by manipulating the presence of each group in a factorial experiment. Percentage algal cover was measured photographically in 0.25m2 plots at 1–2 month intervals for 9 months. Mean algal cover (mainly the foliose green alga, Ulva rigida) was highest in plots where all grazers were excluded (77–99%), intermediate where only limpets and chitons were excluded (37–85%), and lowest where only abalone were excluded (4–30%) or where no grazers were excluded (2–19%). The effect of limpets and chitons accounted for 55–89% of the variance in total algal cover, whereas the effect of abalone generally accounted for <10% of the variance. Similar results were obtained in terms of the biomass of Ulva rigida at the end of the experiment. Haliotis roei are relatively large and sedentary herbivores, feeding mainly on drift algae. Their effect on algal abundance was mediated both through pre-emption of space, which might otherwise be colonized by algae, and by grazing around their home scar. Limpets and chitons are smaller than abalone, but were much more abundant. Intensive grazing of the reef surface by limpets and chitons precluded the establishment of non-coralline macroalgae, even where abalone were absent.  相似文献   

This paper takes an air mass approach to investigating the influence of weather on pollen concentrations in the atmosphere in Sydney, Australia, by producing a synoptic classification of pollen concentrations measured in the Sydney Basin. This synoptic classification has been produced using multivariate statistical techniques including principal component analysis and cluster analysis, to assign days into meteorologically homogenous categories. Surface and upper air meteorological data for warm months (October-March) over a 10-year period were used as input into the statistical analyses. Eleven synoptic categories were found in Sydney during the warm months. Pollen concentrations for the total pollen load and five individual families measured over a 3.5-year period have been investigated for each of the synoptic categories. High pollen concentrations during the warm months in Sydney are found to be influenced by the presence of a region of low surface pressure located to the south of the continent, bringing fast dry westerly gradient winds to Sydney. It is envisaged that these results will be important from a pollen forecast and associated public health perspective.  相似文献   

In this paper we review the temporal patterns of variation of rocky intertidal resident fish assemblages and discuss possible mechanisms that may explain these patterns. These assemblages tend to be highly resilient and stable on an inter-annual basis, but tend to undergo marked seasonal fluctuations, as different species recruit and reach different phases of their life cycles. Larval supply is usually not a limiting factor suggesting that post-recruitment deterministic mechanisms exert a strong influence on assemblage organization. At methodological level, it is argued that traditional destructive sampling techniques should be avoided whenever possible. It is proposed that a deeper understanding of these assemblages requires more detailed information on intraspecific interactions between members of each constituent species, and information on the interactions between limited numbers of species for which mutually influences are particularly strong. It is argued that size, topography and biotic cover of a pool may provide a limited number of favourable sites for fishes of a given species and class size so that intraspecific competition, and possibly predation of the individuals less able to get access to best sites, may explain to a considerable extent the inter-annual stability and resilience of these assemblages.  相似文献   

Patterns of abundance of epifaunal crustaceans were compared between two common brown algae in intertidal rock pools on a shore near Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Amphipods were significantly more abundant on Sargassum globulariaefolium (which was most common low on the shore) than on Hormosira banksii (more common at mid-shore levels). Experiments tested the hypotheses that height on the shore and structural complexity of the algae were the main factors influencing patterns of abundance of amphipods. Reciprocal transplants using defaunated plants and similar experiments using artificial plants allowed simultaneous tests of these hypotheses. The abundance of a common intertidal amphipod, Sunampithoe graxon was significantly smaller on Sargassum transferred from low to mid-tidal level of the shore than on any other treatments, indicating that height on the shore affects numbers of this species. There were no Sunampithoe on Hormosira even when transplanted to low shore areas, indicating that other factors, apart from the height on the shore, are also important for this amphipod. Another common amphipod, Hyale maroubrae was generally found in greatest abundances on Hormosira transplanted from mid- to low shore and on Sargassum low on the shore, again indicating the importance of height on the shore. There was no difference in abundance of amphipods on ‘complex’ and ‘simple’ artificial plants indicating that structural complexity (as defined in this study) did not influence these amphipods.  相似文献   

The structure of intertidal benthic diatoms assemblages in the Tagus estuary was investigated during a 2‐year survey, carried out in six stations with different sediment texture. Nonparametric multivariate analyses were used to characterize spatial and temporal patterns of the assemblages and to link them to the measured environmental variables. In addition, diversity and other features related to community physiognomy, such as size‐class or life‐form distributions, were used to describe the diatom assemblages. A total of 183 diatom taxa were identified during cell counts and their biovolume was determined. Differences between stations (analysis of similarity (ANOSIM), = 0.932) were more evident than temporal patterns (= 0.308) and mud content alone was the environmental variable most correlated to the biotic data (BEST, ρ = 0.863). Mudflat stations were typically colonized by low diversity diatom assemblages (H′ ~ 1.9), mainly composed of medium‐sized motile epipelic species (250–1,000 μm3), that showed species‐specific seasonal blooms (e.g., Navicula gregaria Donkin). Sandy stations had more complex and diverse diatom assemblages (H′ ~ 3.2). They were mostly composed by a large set of minute epipsammic species (<250 μm3) that, generally, did not show temporal patterns. The structure of intertidal diatom assemblages was largely defined by the interplay between epipelon and epipsammon, and its diversity was explained within the framework of the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis. However, the spatial distribution of epipelic and epipsammic life‐forms showed that the definition of both functional groups should not be over‐simplified.  相似文献   

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