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Seed‐caching rodents have long been seen as important actors in dispersal ecology. Here, we focus on the interactions with plants in a fire‐disturbance community, specifically Arctostaphylos species (Ericaceae) in California chaparral. Although mutualistic relationships between caching rodents and plants are well studied, little is known how this type of relationship functions in a disturbance‐driven system, and more specifically to systems shaped by fire disturbance. By burying seeds in the soil, rodents inadvertently improve the probability of seed surviving high temperatures produced by fire. We test two aspects of vertical dispersal, depth of seed and multiple seeds in caches as two important dimensions of rodent‐caching behavior. We used a laboratory experimental approach to test seed survival under different heating conditions and seed bank structures. Creating a synthetic soil seed bank and synthetic fire/heating in the laboratory allowed us to have control over surface heating, depth of seed in the soil, and seed cache size. We compared the viability of Arctostaphylos viscida seeds from different treatment groups determined by these factors and found that, as expected, seeds slightly deeper in the soil had substantial increased chances of survival during a heating event. A key result was that some seeds within a cache in shallow soil could survive fire even at a depth with a killing heat pulse compared to isolated seeds; temperature measurements indicated lower temperatures immediately below caches compared to the same depth in adjacent soil. These results suggest seed caching by rodents increases seed survival during fire events in two ways, that caches disrupt heat flow or that caches are buried below the heat pulse kill zone. The context of natural disturbance drives the significance of this mutualism and further expands theory regarding mutualisms into the domain of disturbance‐driven systems.  相似文献   

Understanding the functional role of animal species in seed dispersal is central to determining how biotic interactions could be affected by anthropogenic drivers. In the Monte Desert, mammals play different functional roles in Prosopis flexuosa seed dispersal, acting as opportunistic frugivores (endozoochorous medium‐sized and large mammals) or seed hoarders (some small sigmodontine rodents). Our objective was assessing the functional role of Microcavia australis, a small hystricognathi rodent, in the fruit removal and seed deposition stages of P. flexuosa seed dispersal, compared to sympatric sigmodontine rodents. In situ, we quantified fruit removal by small rodents during non‐fruiting and fruiting periods, and determined the distance seeds were transported, particularly by M. australis. In laboratory experiments, we analysed how M. australis stores seeds (through scatter‐ or larder‐hoarding) and how many seeds are left in caches as living seeds, relative to previous data on sigmodontine rodents. To conduct field studies, we established sampling stations under randomly chosen P. flexuosa trees at the Ñacuñán Man and Biosphere Reserve. We analysed fruit removal by small rodents and seed dispersal distance by M. australis using camera traps focused on P. flexuosa fruits covered with wire screen, which only allowed entry of small animals. In laboratory trials, we provided animals with a known number of fruits and assessed seed conditions after removal. Small rodents removed 75.7% of fruit supplied during the non‐fruiting period and 53.2% during the fruiting period. Microcavia australis and Graomys griseoflavus were the main fruit removers. Microcavia australis transported seeds to a mean distance of 462 cm and cached seeds mainly in scatter‐hoards, similarly as Eligmodontia typus. All transported seeds were left in fruit segments or covered only by the endocarp, never as predated seeds. Microcavia australis disperses P. flexuosa seeds by carrying fruits away from a source to consume them and then by scatter‐hoarding fruits and seeds.  相似文献   

The abiotic environment often influences the ways in which animalsinteract. By affecting the cues associated with buried seeds,the type of substrate used by seed-caching rodents may alterthe relative probabilities of cache pilferage and cache retrieval.We predicted that, after a wildfire, the presence of ash wouldimpair rodents' ability to smell pine seeds on the forest floor.In a laboratory experiment, we compared the foraging success,caching frequency, and cache recovery of chipmunks (six Tamiasamoenus and six T. quadrimaculatus) in ash versus sand substrates.Initial results supported our hypothesis: chipmunks found only2.3% of 108 caches of Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) seeds thatwe buried in ash but found 98% of caches in sand. However, chipmunksmade as many or more of their own caches in ash compared withsand (48% for T. amoenus, 73% for T. quadrimaculatus.) Whenforaging for seeds cached in ash by themselves and by otherindividuals, they found significantly higher proportions oftheir own caches (62%) than of caches made by others (25%).However, when foraging in sand, they found high proportionsboth of their own caches and those of others (86 versus 81%).These results suggest that olfaction is less effective in ashthan in sand, that spatial memory enables chipmunks to recovertheir own caches in ash, and that caching in ash may allow animalsto avoid pilferage of stored food. As chipmunks are importantdispersers of seeds, changes in their foraging patterns or competitiveinteractions after fire could significantly affect pine regeneration.  相似文献   

Recent field trials on blight‐resistant hybrids (BC3F3) of American chestnut (Castanea dentata) and Chinese chestnut (C. mollissima) have intensified planning for widespread restoration of Castanea to eastern U.S. forests. Restoration will likely rely on natural seed dispersal from sites planted with chestnut; however, we do not know how dispersal agents such as granivorous rodents will respond to hybrid chestnuts. At one extreme, excessive seed consumption may impede restoration. Alternatively, scatter‐hoarding rodents might facilitate the spread of chestnut by dispersal of seeds from restoration plantings. We conducted trials with five rodent species to quantify foraging preferences and to evaluate the potential role of granivores in chestnut restoration. Specifically, we presented seeds from American and hybrid chestnuts (BC3F2) with other common mast species and recorded the proportion of seeds removed and the fates of tagged seeds. Mice, chipmunks, and flying squirrels harvested both chestnut types preferentially over larger, tougher black walnut, hickory, and red oak seeds, but fox squirrels and eastern gray squirrels preferred larger seeds to chestnuts. All rodents consumed a greater proportion of the chestnuts than other seed types. American and hybrid chestnut also differed in important ways: except for fox squirrels, rodents preferentially removed American chestnuts over hybrid chestnuts, but we estimated that fox squirrels carried a greater proportion of hybrid chestnuts beyond our tag search area, suggesting that hybrids may be dispersed farther and cached more often than American chestnut. These differences indicate that hybrid chestnut may not be functionally equivalent to American chestnut with regard to seed–granivore interactions.  相似文献   

I conducted a field experiment in 10 x 10 m enclosures to explorehow seed and soil moisture levels influence the ability ofknowledgeable and naive rodents to find natural caches of Jeffreypine (Pinus jeffreyi) seeds. Subjects were yellow pine chipmunks(Tamias amoenus) and deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) searchingfor caches that they had made, caches made by other individualsof the same species, or caches made by individuals of the otherspecies. Subjects that made caches (knowledgeable subjects)relied on spatial memory to find many of their own caches during recovery sessions, and their ability to locate caches was notaffected by water content of seeds or soil. Naive subjectsfound few caches under dry conditions, but under wet conditions,they located as many caches as did the rodents that made them.Naive subjects apparently relied on olfaction to find caches,a sensory modality that works more effectively under moist conditions. Subjects had as much success foraging for caches made by membersof their own species as for caches made by the other species.I present a hypothesis that predicts how foragers could modifypredominately memory-based search to predominately olfactory-basedsearch as the weather changes from dry to wet. When foragersrely on spatial memory, those foragers find only their own caches, but when they can also use olfaction, they pilfer cachesmade by other individuals. Consequently, the nature of competitiveinteractions among members of the seed-caching guild may changeas the weather changes.  相似文献   

Experimental approaches to study seed dispersal of the Brazil nut tree have hitherto relied on exposed seeds deposited on the forest floor. Here we use a new method to study the natural dispersal by large rodents such as agoutis; tracking experimentally manipulated and tagged fruits containing individually marked seeds. Fruit manipulation did not deter agoutis from handling fruits. We found that agoutis usually moved intact fruits away from their original location below the parent tree before either hiding them or gnawing through the pericarp to access the seeds inside. Most fruits were moved to distances of 15–30 m from their original position, but some fruits could be taken as far as 60 m. A large number of seeds extracted from manipulated fruits appeared to be eaten immediately. Only 27 out of 1740 experimental seeds were found buried in shallow caches, generally within 5 m of the opened fruit. Fruit removal distance accounted for a disproportionate amount of total seed movement and seeds in the current study were dispersed significantly farther than in a previous experiment using exposed seeds, suggesting that classic dispersal experiments of this character may severely underestimate seed dispersal distances. We therefore conclude that the new method provides a more realistic and accurate approach to investigate natural seed dispersal of Brazil nuts and that the removal of fruits from underneath parent trees before being opened is the key to the significantly increased distances at which seeds are dispersed. Abstract in Portuguese is available at http://www.blackwell‐synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by rodents has been understudied in Africa. Based on seed‐removal experiments, the presence of seeds in burrows and caches, cotyledon burial of seedlings, and images from camera traps, we provide evidence that rodents (Cricetomys kivuensis) remove and hoard large seeds of Carapa grandiflora in Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda.  相似文献   

张博  石子俊  陈晓宁  侯祥  王京  李金钢  常罡 《生态学报》2016,36(21):6750-6757
种子作为森林鼠类的主要食物来源,它们的扩散和更新很大程度上依赖于鼠类的传播。在鼠类扩散种子的过程中,种子特征和食物相对丰富度是影响鼠类对种子进行何种选择策略的重要因素。2011—2012年的8—12月,采用塑料片标记法在秦岭南坡的佛坪国家级自然保护区内调查了森林鼠类对同域分布的3种壳斗科植物(锐齿槲栎Quercus aliena var.acuteserrata、栓皮栎Q.variabilis和短柄枹栎Q.serrata var.brevipetiolata)种子的扩散差异。结果表明:(1)鼠类倾向于贮藏营养价值较大的栓皮栎种子,并且其贮藏距离也最远(2011:1.52 m,2012:4.03 m),3种种子在食物相对丰富度较低年份被贮藏的距离均较远。(2)在食物相对丰富度较高的年份(2011),种子的消耗速率较慢,在种子释放10 d后种子释放点仍有67.33%的种子,贮藏量较高,至实验结束仍有29.67%的种子被贮藏。在食物相对丰富度较低的年份(2012),种子消耗速率较快,在种子释放后10 d内所有种子均被取食或搬离种子释放点,贮藏量较低,至实验结束仅有3.83%的种子仍被贮藏。(3)虽然栓皮栎种子的贮藏量最大,被贮藏后的存留量也最大,但其在实验地的分布却较小,说明种子扩散仅是植物分布与存活的第一步。以上结果表明,鼠类倾向于贮藏营养价值高的种子。在食物相对丰富度较高的年份会更多的贮藏种子,但种子被贮藏的距离较近,在食物相对丰富度较低的年份会更多的取食种子。  相似文献   

Abstract. Post-fire seed germination, seedling mortality and seed banks were investigated in scrub-heath (kwongan) in SW Australia. Study species included herbaceous and woody, obligate seeders and resprouters in two non-bradysporous but significant plant families (Restionaceae and Epacridaceae). In all species, seedlings were recruited only in the first autumn-spring after fire and occurred in similar densities as the estimated germinable annual seed input. Seedlings were absent from unburnt vegetation. Although most species retained some residual seeds after fire, tests (excised embryo culture) indicated that a negligible number of seeds were germinable. Regardless of fire response or species, there appeared to be a large loss of seeds each year and in most cases, only a small proportion of the annual seed production was used in post-fire recovery of plants. Based on seedling: parent ratios, all species had the capacity to reconstitute parent densities from germinants in the first year after fire, but high seedling mortality and no further recruitment resulted in less seedlings than replacements for four resprouter Restionaceae and three Epacridaceae (all obligate seeders) at the end of the third year after fire.  相似文献   

Animal‐mediated indirect interactions play a significant role in maintaining the biodiversity of plant communities. Less known is whether interspecific synchrony of seed rain can alter the indirect interactions of sympatric tree species. We assessed the seed dispersal success by tracking the fates of 21 600 tagged seeds from six paired sympatric tree species in both monospecific and mixed plots across 4 successive years in a subtropical forest. We found that apparent mutualism was associated with the interspecific synchrony of seed rain both seasonally and yearly, whereas apparent competition or apparent predation was associated with interspecific asynchrony of seed rain either seasonally or yearly. We did not find consistent associations of indirect interactions with seed traits. Our study suggests that the interspecific synchrony of seed rain plays a key role in the formation of animal‐mediated indirect interactions, which, in turn, may alter the seasonal or yearly seed rain schedules of sympatric tree species.  相似文献   

We investigated factors influencing recruitment in the rare endemic shrub Acacia insolita subsp. recurva (Fabaceae) from the heavily cleared south‐west of Western Australia. We examined annual seed production over 4 years, including the impact of herbivory on reproductive output. Conversion of bud to fruit was low (overall 0.02%). The lack of significant difference in canopy dimensions between caged and uncaged plants suggested that vertebrate herbivore grazing was negligible, but invertebrate predation had a negative impact on seed production (loss of >80% of fruiting potential). Soil cores determined the presence of soil‐stored seeds and an experimental burn confirmed that plants are fire‐killed and can regenerate from the seed bank. This seed reserve was found to contain <5 seeds m?2, and both freshly collected seeds and seeds retrieved from the soil had high viability (99% vs. 91%) when subjected to a germination test. Seedling recruitment 29 months post‐fire resulted in a ratio of three seedlings for every adult killed by fire. We also compared reproductive success in this rare Acacia with its common conspecific and although the rare species produced more flowers, the success of flowering did not translate into better fruit set. We conclude that insect damage to reproductive branchlets and lack of appropriate disturbance are major factors constraining recruitment. Active site management may be required for the continued persistence of this fire‐dependent legume.  相似文献   

Fire affects grassland composition by selectively influencing recruitment. Some exotic species can increase their abundance as a consequence of fire-stimulated seed germination, but response may depend on seed age. Rumex acetosella L. (Polygonaceae, sheep's sorrel) is a cosmopolitan herb that has invaded NW Patagonia's grasslands. This species forms persistent soil seed banks and increases after disturbances, particularly fire. We studied how fire and seed longevity influence R. acetosella germination. In 2008, we conducted laboratory experiments where we exposed different-aged seeds (up to 19 years old) to heat, smoke, charcoal, ash and control treatments. Total percentage germination and mean germination time depended on both seed age and fire treatment. Germination of younger seeds decreased with increasing temperature. There was no general pattern in germination responses of different-aged seeds to smoke, charcoal and ash. While smoke improved the germination of fresh seeds, charcoal decreased germination. Germination of untreated seeds was negatively correlated with seed age, and mean germination time increased with seed age. In most treatments, fresh seeds had lower germination than 1-5-year-old seeds, indicating an after-ripening requirement. Smoke stimulates R. acetosella germination, causing successful recruitment during post-fire conditions. Fresh seeds are particularly responsive to fire factors, possibly because they have not experienced physical degradation and are more receptive to environmental stimuli. Knowing the colonisation potential from the soil seed bank of this species during post-fire conditions will allow us to predict their impact on native communities.  相似文献   

Rodents are known to perform post‐dispersal seed predation in tropical rain forest, but there is little information on the identity of these seed predators and how they select their seeds. Using cafeteria experiments, we found that seed mass, rodent body mass, and the ratio of seed/rodent mass were determinants of seed consumption.  相似文献   

Post‐dispersal seed predation and endozoochorous seed dispersal are two antagonistic processes in relation to plant recruitment, but rely on similar preconditions such as feeding behavior of seed consumers and seed traits. In agricultural landscapes, rodents are considered important seed predators, thereby potentially providing regulating ecosystem services in terms of biological weed control. However, their potential to disperse seeds endozoochorously is largely unknown. We exposed seeds of arable plant species with different seed traits (seed weight, nutrient content) and different Red List status in an experimental rye field and assessed seed removal by rodents. In a complementary laboratory experiment, consumption rates, feeding preferences, and potential endozoochory by two vole species (Microtus arvalis and Myodes glareolus) were tested. Seed consumption by rodents after 24 h was 35% in the field and 90% in the laboratory. Both vole species preferred nutrient‐rich over nutrient‐poor seeds and M. glareolus further preferred light over heavy seeds and seeds of common over those of endangered plants. Endozoochory by voles could be neglected for all tested plant species as no seeds germinated, and only few intact seeds could be retrieved from feces. Synthesis and applications. Our results suggest that voles can provide regulating services in agricultural landscapes by depleting the seed shadow of weeds, rather than facilitating plant recruitment by endozoochory. In the laboratory, endangered arable plants were less preferred by voles than noxious weeds, and thus, our results provide implications for seed choice in restoration approaches. However, other factors such as seed and predator densities need to be taken into account to reliably predict the impact of rodents on the seed fate of arable plants.  相似文献   

We evaluated seed consumption by fish in an altered tropical dry forest river in Mexico. Non‐natives fishes more than natives ingested significantly more seeds in the rainy season. Fishes follow the peak of seed availability after a flood pulse released them from the soil seed banks. Abstract in spanish is available with online material  相似文献   

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