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Understanding the relationship between reproductive performance and food availability requires knowledge about many different variables, including such factors as the length of incubation shifts, provisioning rates and patterns, as well as how variability in these factors affects reproductive output. To examine some of the most important aspects of parental investment, we studied the provisioning behaviour and patterns of adult Southern Rockhopper Penguins Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome breeding at Staten Island, Argentina. We investigated foraging trip duration, provisioning rates and chick survival using adult foraging patterns. Our results show that Rockhopper Penguins had clear sex-specific differences in their provisioning behaviour. Females provision chicks throughout chick rearing. By contrast, males provision chicks only during the crèche stage and at a slightly lower rate than females during this period. Foraging trips increased in length as the breeding season progressed. Rockhopper Penguins from Staten Island performed longer trips throughout the breeding season than do other species of Eudyptes at several other locations. Our results also show differences in parental investment between years that were related to differences in chick survival. We suggest that this was most likely to be related to female rather than male foraging behaviour as only females showed inter-annual differences in their provisioning rates.  相似文献   

We analysed video-sequences of undisturbed parental provisioning behaviour on 12 nests of common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus). In 4 of the 12 nests, chicks were fed by a single parent only. We compared provisioning rate of chicks, time spent on the nest and food allocation rules between nests with uniparental and biparental care and between male and female parents in biparental nests. In nests with a single parent, the frequency of feeding visits per parent was higher than in biparental nests. As a result, the rate of food provisioning of chicks was similar in uniparental and biparental nests. The food allocation rules did not differ between uniparental and biparental nests. In biparental nests, male and female provisioning behaviour was similar though with two exceptions: males had a strong preference for feeding chicks in front positions in the nest and females spent a longer time on the nest after feeding. We conclude that single common redstart parents are able to compensate fully for the absence of the other parent through increased provisioning efforts, and that in biparental nests, males and females contribute equally to the provisioning of the young.  相似文献   

Procellariiform seabirds such as the Manx shearwater Puffinus puffinus, rear only one chick at a time but may breed many times in their lives; parents should thus limit food delivery to the chick in keeping with the balance between current and future reproductive output. Yet procellariiform chicks accumulate large quantities of lipid, which may provide a buffer against pronounced and unpredictable variation in food provisioning, resulting in part from an inability of parents to regulate food supply to the nest. We switched chicks between nests to examine the roles of parents and offspring in controlling food delivery. The serial autocorrelation in age-specific body masses for unmanipulated chicks decreased from 0.61 (P< 0.01) to 0.35 (NS) over a period of 15 days and remained nonsignificant thereafter. By contrast, the serial autocorrelation for switched chicks increased from 0.64 (P< 0.01) to 0.83 (P< 0.001) and the serial cross-correlation rose from 0.23 (NS) to 0.50 (P< 0.05). These results supported both chick determination and parental determination models of food provisioning, indicating that chicks conveyed information about their nutritional status, which parents acted upon by adjusting their rate of food delivery. We discuss these results in relation to the optimization of nestling lipid reserves and parental foraging effort. We suggest that information conveyed by the chick's begging intensity serves to reduce the provisioning rate to well-fed chicks, but parents cannot or do not increase food provisioning to poorly fed chicks. Such adjustment of food provisioning does not refute the hypothesis that nestling obesity provides a buffer against highly variable food delivery. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The parents of sexually size-dimorphic offspring are often assumed to invest more resources producing individuals of the larger sex. A range of different methods have been employed to estimate relative expenditure on the sexes, including quantifying sex-specific offspring growth, food intake, energy expenditure and energy intake, in addition to measures of parental food provisioning and energy expenditure. These methods all have the potential to provide useful estimates of relative investment, but each has particular problems of interpretation, and few studies have compared the estimates derived concurrently from more than two of these measures. In this study we compared these surrogate measures of parental investment in the brown songlark Cinclorhamphus cruralis, which exhibits one of the most extreme cases of sexual size dimorphism among birds. At 10 days of age we found that male chicks, on average, were 49% heavier, received 42% more prey items, expended 44% more energy and ingested 50% more metabolizable energy than their sisters. Furthermore, we created, experimentally, both all-male and all-female broods of 10-day-old chicks and found that mothers delivered 43% more prey items and expended 27% more energy when provisioning all-male broods, providing the first direct evidence for a change in parental energy expenditure in relation to brood sex ratio. These data reveal remarkable agreement between these estimates of investment and suggest that all may provide quantitatively useful information on sex allocation. However, the lower variance associated with estimates of relative mass and energy intake suggest that these methods may be of greater utility, although this may primarily reflect the shorter period over which our provisioning data were collected.  相似文献   

Procellariiform seabirds have a number of extreme life-history characteristics in common, in particular low reproductive rates and slow postnatal development, which are generally assumed to reflect the difficulty in acquiring energy in the marine environment. The wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) is a sexually dimorphic species with the longest postnatal growth found in any bird, suggesting severe constraints on provisioning and possible sex-specific strategies of provisioning. We studied the provisioning behaviour and mass changes of male and female parent wandering albatross throughout the 9-months rearing period to examine how each sex adjusts its foraging effort in relation to the needs of the chicks and the seasonal changes in food availability. The study was carried out on the Crozet Islands, using an automated system recording continuously the attendance pattern of parents between March and December 1994. During the brooding period when energy requirements are highest, parents only perform trips of short duration to sea, and their body condition deteriorates. When the chick is old enough to be left alone, the parents mix short and long foraging trips. The proportion of short trips is very high until July, allowing high rate of food delivery and rapid growth, and at the same time the body condition of adults improves. From August this proportion declines until fledging in December. As a result, the feeding rate decreases from August and adult condition declines, suggesting that feeding conditions at sea are better during the first part of the chick-rearing period, i.e. in autumn and winter. Male parents perform more short trips of shorter duration and provide larger meals than females, delivering an estimated total after brooding of 110 kg of food, compared to 70–80 kg delivered by females. Meal size is inversely related to the body condition of male chicks but not to that of female chicks, suggesting that food delivery is regulated by the adults in response to the condition of the male chick. Male chicks received larger meals and more food every month than female chicks, and overall it was estimated that they receive, after brooding, 195 kg of food compared to 180 kg for the female. As a result, male chicks have a higher growth rate, attain a higher asymptotic mass, and are larger and heavier at fledging than female chicks. However, the differences are relatively small between the chicks of each sex and suggest that energy may be used differently between the sexes to maximise fitness. The results of the study suggest that provisioning effort of wandering albatrosses is adjusted by parents in relation to the availability of food, to the energetic needs of the chick and to the sex of the chick. The adult body mass is likely to play an important role in the long term for the regulation of provisioning, deficits in body mass probably providing the buffer in high power-requirement periods. Accepted: 20 March 2000  相似文献   

We assessed whether adult House Sparrows Passer domesticus adjusted their provisioning in response to an experimental increase in the nutritional condition of their nestlings. When we supplemented chicks directly with additional food, male parents, but not female parents, reduced their provisioning. The results for males, but not females, run contrary to a previous experiment in this species. In addition, female provisioning was positively associated with both brood size and the age of the brood. In contrast, whereas male provisioning was positively associated with brood size, males did not increase provisioning as their chicks grew older. Males, but not females, exhibited repeatability in their provisioning. Food supplementation had a larger positive effect upon nestling survival in smaller broods than in larger broods. Overall, there appear to be fundamental differences between males and females in how decisions regarding the level of parental investment in the current brood are made.  相似文献   

We compared the parental division of labour and the pattern and rate of parental provisioning by two sympatric species of albatross of similar mass and breeding timetable but differing in diet and in the duration of chick‐rearing. Using electronic weighing platforms inside artificial nests, we recorded chick mass of Black‐browed Albatross and Grey‐headed Albatross at Bird Island, South Georgia every 10 minutes for both species in 1993 and 1994 and for each species in two other years between 1990 and 1996. The chick mass data (nearly one million weighings) were used to calculate meal mass (over 5000 meals) and intervals between meals. Adult birds were fitted with radio‐transmitters which allowed each meal to be allocated to the appropriate parent. The combination of meal mass and foraging trip duration were used to calculate provisioning rates for chicks and individual adults. Overall, Black‐browed Albatrosses delivered significantly lighter meals (569 g) than Grey‐headed Albatrosses (616 g) but more frequently (every 2.07 days and 2.50 days respectively). Thus combining foraging trip data for both parents, Black‐browed Albatross chicks received a meal every 1.22 days compared with 1.26 days for Greyheaded Albatross. These rates did not differ significantly. The contribution of each sex of each species in chick provisioning fluctuated between years, being similar in some years or biased towards males in others. Chicks of both species that failed to fledge received smaller, less frequent meals than successful chicks. In 1990 and 1994, Black‐browed Albatross chick provisioning rates were lower than in 1992 and 1993. In 1990, both meal mass and trip duration were affected, but only in 1994 was trip duration longer. Greyheaded Albatross chick provisioning rate was lower in 1994 than in other years but trip duration was longer. In each species, significant changes in meal mass and trip duration occurred within the chick‐rearing period. Chick provisioning rates invariably declined before chicks attained their peak mass. For both species, chick growth rates and peak and fledging mass, but not fledging age, were affected by differences in provisioning rate.  相似文献   

Females and males often have different roles when attending young. The factors responsible for shifts in the balance of effort when both sexes provision their young are not clear. This study asked if sex-specific behaviour and provisioning rules in barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) were dependent on individual body-state or affected by the state of their provisioning partner. To assess this male and female barn swallows underwent overnight warming manipulations whilst provisioning 10-14 day old nestlings, a time when energetic demands are maximal. The overnight warming treatment reduced thermoregulatory costs and provided birds with extra energy reserves at dawn. Only one member of a pair was manipulated in this way, whilst their partners were left un-manipulated to assess their response to their partner's elevated body-state. The energetic and behavioural responses to these manipulations were followed over the subsequent 24-h. I found that warmed male and female barn swallows increased their energy expenditure and nest visitation rates to the same extent after manipulation, implying a trade-off in resource allocation, which was biased towards reproductive effort. There was no effect of gender. Males paired with manipulated females showed no energetic or behavioural adjustments, however, females paired with manipulated males tended to increase both energy expenditure and nest visitation. This study provides evidence that energy reserves constrain behaviour, and that male and female swallows normally follow the same state-dependent rules when provisioning young.  相似文献   

Sexual differences in foraging and provisioning behaviour have been observed in several size-dimorphic seabird species. These differences are usually thought to be driven by size-related mechanisms such as the ability to compete for food or defend the nest. However, recent studies on monomorphic species suggest that sexual differences in foraging may arise independently of size. Selective forces driving sex-specific patterns are poorly known but essential to understand parental strategies. In this study, we examine sex differences in the provisioning behaviour of a monomorphic species, the Little Auk Alle alle . Using automated recording systems during two consecutive seasons at two colonies, we found that both sexes used a bimodal foraging strategy in which they regularly alternated single foraging trips of long duration with a cycle of several short-trips. The duration of long-trips was substantially longer in females than in males, and the sexes differed in the number of short-trips they performed in between long-trips, resulting in male-biased provisioning rates in both years. In species with a bimodal foraging strategy, long-trips have been interpreted as self-feeding trips to replenish body reserves. Our results therefore suggest that female Little Auks allocate more time to self-maintenance at the cost of chick provisioning, possibly due to different energetic constraints of the sexes prior and/or subsequent to chick-rearing. Our findings contribute to accumulating evidence that sex-specific foraging patterns may be widespread in sexually size-monomorphic seabird species.  相似文献   

Mechanisms that drive sex-specific foraging behaviour in seabirds are not fully understood. In some cases, sexual-size dimorphism has been implicated. However, recent empirical work indicates that foraging behaviour may also differ between sexes of monomorphic seabird taxa. We simultaneously examined sex-specific differences in adult foraging behaviour, chick provisioning rates and maximum dive-depths in a monomorphic seabird, the wedge-tailed shearwater Puffinus pacificus . We found significant divergence between sexes. Mean foraging trip length was longer, provisioning rate lower and mean maximum dive-depth shallower in females. We found no evidence of divergence in foraging behaviour due to condition-dependant increases in self-provisioning by females, or differences in the nest attendance patterns of each sex. In addition, chick body condition did not influence meal mass or trip length differently in one or other sex. Consistent with results obtained for dimorphic species we suggest that inter-sexual competition at the foraging grounds provides the most parsimonious explanation for the sex-specific differences observed in this monomorphic species. Based on our findings we believe this possibility warrants further critical investigation.  相似文献   

In species with biparental care, a conflict of interest can arise if one mate tries to maximize its own reproductive success at the expense of the other's. One of the mates can desert the brood to accrue a number of benefits to enhance its own fitness, leaving parental care to the remaining parent. This study is the first to describe the desertion pattern in a tern species (Sternidae). We investigated offspring desertion in the Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida, a species with semi‐precocial chicks. Offspring desertion was recorded in 52% of nests prior to fledging (n = 131 nests). Females also deserted during the post‐fledging period. Of the deserters, 97% were females. Desertions started when chicks were 5 days old and no longer required intense brooding. Desertions before fledging did not affect fledging success. Provisioning rates between pair members differed, and females supplied much less food than males. Female provisioning rate affected the chances of nest desertion significantly: daily desertion rates were lower when females supplied more food. After females had deserted, males increased their provisioning rates but compensated for the loss of female care only partly in two‐ and three‐chick broods. Only in small (one‐chick) broods was compensation full. We conclude that male and female Whiskered Terns adopt different reproductive strategies in the population studied here. Females invest much less in parental care than males, providing less food and deserting more frequently. Given the ready availability of food and low predation pressure, benefits appear to accrue to females that desert; selection forces may therefore not be acting against female desertion.  相似文献   

The amount of food delivered by parents to their chicks is affected by various life history traits as well as environmental and social factors, and this investment ultimately determines the current and future fitness of parents and their offspring. We studied parental provisioning behaviour in the Vinous-throated Parrotbill Paradoxornis webbianus, a species with an unusual social system that is characterised by flock-living, weak territoriality and variable nesting dispersion. Parental provisioning rate had a positive influence on chick mass gain, suggesting that provisioning rate is an effective measure of parental investment in this species. Males and females fed nestlings at approximately the same rate, and no other carers were observed at nests. Parents coordinated provisioning rates so that they mostly fed chicks synchronously. However, the extent to which parents coordinated provisioning was associated with their social environment, synchrony being positively related to local breeding density and negatively to nearest neighbour distance. The rate at which parents provisioned nestlings showed the same relationships with social measures, being greatest at higher density and when neighbours were closer. Visit rate was also related to chick age, but not to brood size, brood sex ratio, extra pair paternity, laying date, temperature, parents’ body characters, time of day or year. We conclude that a breeding pairs’ social environment plays an important role in determining parental investment, probably through its effects on the opportunities that parents have for foraging with conspecifics.  相似文献   

We studied the regulation of provisioning in Cory's shearwaterat Selvagem Grande during the chick rearing period. Provisioningwas examined in terms of feeding frequency and amount of fooddelivered to chicks. Two groups of chicks were subjected toshort-term contrasting manipulations of their nutritional status:one group of chicks was given a food supplement of about 30g, and another group was deprived of up to 30 g of food. Adultstending deprived chicks increased the frequency of feedingvisits (but not the size of feeds), which resulted in an increasein the net rate of food delivery. At the end of this study,deprived chicks were growing at the same rate as fed chicks. Parents attending fed chick did not change their provisioningrates in response to the treatment. Our results indicate thatCory's shearwaters are able to adjust their provisioning ratein response to short-term variation in the nutritional statusof their chicks. We also examined the change in the beggingrate of fed and deprived chicks in response to the treatment.There was no relationship between the begging rate and thecondition of chicks, which is taken to be a measure of thechick's physiological condition, related to its ability towithstand imposed periods of fasting. However, fed chicks decreasedtheir begging rate after the increase in their condition dueto supplementary food. Conversely, deprived chicks, which wereonly able to sustain their condition before the onset of thetreatment, maintained high levels of begging. To some extent,these results suggest that parental provisioning can be influencedby the begging behavior of chicks.  相似文献   

Offspring begging and parental provisioning are the two central social behaviours expressed during the period of parental care. Both behaviours influence each other and it is, therefore, hypothesized that they should ultimately become (genetically) correlated, stabilized by fitness costs to parents and/or offspring. By reciprocally exchanging entire clutches in canaries (Serinus canaria), we tested (1) whether there is covariation between these behaviours and (2) whether a mismatch - as introduced by cross-fostering - entails costs. Begging was scored in a standardized begging test and parental provisioning was measured via (a) the actual feeding rate and (b) using the growth rate of the foster nestlings as a proxy. Costs were established in terms of future reproductive investment in subsequent clutches and offspring growth. We found a positive and significant phenotypic covariation between offspring begging and parental feeding when using the growth rate as a proxy and, to a lesser extent, in case of the parental feeding rate. Female parents suffered no future reproductive costs when feeding foster nestlings that were more demanding than their own nestlings. Neither growth measured amongst all offspring nor the reproductive investment measured amongst the female offspring as adults was influenced by their begging behaviour. However, the reproductive investment of female offspring tended to depend on the parental qualities of their foster parents. Thus, offspring may only be able to extract resources within the limit of generosity of their foster parents. This suggests parental control of feeding, which is also supported by the positive covariation between offspring begging and parental feeding.  相似文献   

Behavioral and physiological responses to unpredictable changes in environmental conditions are, in part, mediated by glucocorticoids (corticosterone in birds). In polymorphic species, individuals of the same sex and age display different heritable melanin-based color morphs, associated with physiological and reproductive parameters and possibly alternative strategies to cope with variation in environmental conditions. We examined whether the role of corticosterone in resolving the trade-off between self-maintenance and reproductive activities covaries with the size of melanin-based spots displayed on the ventral body side of male barn owls. Administration of corticosterone to simulate physiological stress in males revealed pronounced changes in their food-provisioning rates to nestlings compared to control males. Corticosterone-treated males with small eumelanic spots reduced nestling provisioning rates as compared to controls, and also to a greater degree than did corticosterone-treated males with large spots. Large-spotted males generally exhibited lower parental provisioning and appear insensitive to exogenous corticosterone suggesting that the size of the black spots on the breast feathers predicts the ability to cope with stressful situations. The reduced provisioning rate of corticosterone-treated males caused a temporary reduction in nestling growth rates but, did not affect fledgling success. This suggests that moderately elevated corticosterone levels are not inhibitory to current reproduction but rather trigger behavioral responses to maximize lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

Evidence of sex-specific foraging in monomorphic seabirds is increasing though the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. We investigate differential parental care as a mechanism for sex-specific foraging in monomorphic Common Murres (Uria aalge), where the male parent alone provisions the chick after colony departure. Using a combination of geolocation-immersion loggers and stable isotopes, we assess two hypotheses: the reproductive role specialization hypothesis and the energetic constraint hypothesis. We compare the foraging behavior of females (n = 15) and males (n = 9) during bi-parental at the colony, post-fledging male-only parental care and winter when parental care is absent. As predicted by the reproductive role specialization hypothesis, we found evidence of sex-specific foraging during post-fledging only, the stage with the greatest divergence in parental care roles. Single-parenting males spent almost twice as much time diving per day and foraged at lower quality prey patches relative to independent females. This implies a potential energetic constraint for males during the estimated 62.8 ± 8.9 days of offspring dependence at sea. Contrary to the predictions of the energetic constraint hypothesis, we found no evidence of sex-specific foraging during biparental care, suggesting that male parents did not forage for their own benefit before colony departure in anticipation of post-fledging energy constraints. We hypothesize that unpredictable prey conditions at Newfoundland colonies in recent years may limit male parental ability to allocate additional time and energy to self-feeding during biparental care, without compromising chick survival. Our findings support differential parental care as a mechanism for sex-specific foraging in monomorphic murres, and highlight the need to consider ecological context in the interpretation of sex-specific foraging behavior.  相似文献   

Chicks of the brood parasitic common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) typically monopolize host parental care by evicting all eggs and nestmates from the nest. To assess the benefits of parasitic eviction behaviour throughout the full nestling period, we generated mixed broods of one cuckoo and one great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) to study how hosts divide care between own and parasitic young. We also recorded parental provisioning behaviour at nests of singleton host nestlings or singleton cuckoo chicks. Host parents fed the three types of broods with similar-sized food items. The mass of the cuckoo chicks was significantly reduced in mixed broods relative to singleton cuckoos. Yet, after the host chick fledged from mixed broods, at about 10-12 days, cuckoo chicks in mixed broods grew faster and appeared to have compensated for the growth costs of prior cohabitation by fledging at similar weights and ages compared to singleton cuckoo chicks. These results are contrary to suggestions that chick competition in mixed broods of cuckoos and hosts causes an irrecoverable cost for the developing brood parasite. Flexibility in cuckoos' growth dynamics may provide a general benefit to ecological uncertainty regarding the realized successes, failures, and costs of nestmate eviction strategies of brood parasites.  相似文献   

Seabirds show a range of patterns of sexual size dimorphism and sex-specific parental investment, but the underlying causes remain poorly understood. The aim of the present study was to test two longstanding hypotheses of parental investment in a sexually monomorphic species, Wilson’s storm petrel Oceanites oceanicus, namely that males attend chicks more frequently and females deliver larger meals (Beck and Brown in Br Antarct Surv Sci Rep 69:1–54, 1972). We recorded in eight seasons, both during incubation and chick rearing, which adult was caught first in a nest and found no difference in the probability of catching a male or a female first in any year. Additionally, in five seasons we employed a miniature video camera to record nest attendance during chick rearing and found no significant difference except for 2006, a year with very low krill availability, where females visited the nest less often than males. We then combined video observations with periodic weighing of chicks to estimate mean daily feeding mass (g/day) of males and females and found no difference in the amount of food delivered per day between the sexes. However, in years with low krill availability, males and females tended to use different strategies to achieve the same feeding rates, with females undertaking longer foraging trips and delivering heavier meals. Thus, our results do not support the hypothesis of a general sex-specific parental investment in Wilson’s storm petrels, but a tendency for a context-dependent sex-specific investment in the years of food shortage.  相似文献   

Behavioral and/or developmental plasticity is crucial for resisting the impacts of environmental stressors. We investigated the plasticity of adult foraging behavior and chick development in an offshore foraging seabird, the black noddy (Anous minutus), during two breeding seasons. The first season had anomalously high sea-surface temperatures and ‘low’ prey availability, while the second was a season of below average sea-surface temperatures and ‘normal’ food availability. During the second season, supplementary feeding of chicks was used to manipulate offspring nutritional status in order to mimic conditions of high prey availability. When sea-surface temperatures were hotter than average, provisioning rates were significantly and negatively impacted at the day-to-day scale. Adults fed chicks during this low-food season smaller meals but at the same rate as chicks in the unfed treatment the following season. Supplementary feeding of chicks during the second season also resulted in delivery of smaller meals by adults, but did not influence feeding rate. Chick begging and parental responses to cessation of food supplementation suggested smaller meals fed to artificially supplemented chicks resulted from a decrease in chick demands associated with satiation, rather than adult behavioral responses to chick condition. During periods of low prey abundance, chicks maintained structural growth while sacrificing body condition and were unable to take advantage of periods of high prey abundance by increasing growth rates. These results suggest that this species expresses limited plasticity in provisioning behavior and offspring development. Consequently, responses to future changes in sea-surface temperature and other environmental variation may be limited.  相似文献   

Parental care involves elaborate behavioural interactions between parents and their offspring, with offspring stimulating their parents via begging to provision resources. Thus, begging has direct fitness benefits as it enhances offspring growth and survival. It is nevertheless subject to a complex evolutionary trajectory, because begging may serve as a means for the offspring to manipulate parents in the context of evolutionary conflicts of interest. Furthermore, it has been hypothesized that begging is coadapted and potentially genetically correlated with parental care traits as a result of social selection. Further experiments on the causal processes that shape the evolution of begging are therefore essential. We applied bidirectional artificial selection on begging behaviour, using canaries (Serinus canaria) as a model species. We measured the response to selection, the consequences for offspring development, changes in parental care traits, here the rate of parental provisioning, as well as the effects on reproductive success. After three generations of selection, offspring differed in begging behaviour according to our artificial selection regime: nestlings of the high begging line begged significantly more than nestlings of the low begging line. Intriguingly, begging less benefitted the nestlings, as reflected by on average significantly higher growth rates, and increased reproductive success in terms of a higher number of fledglings in the low selected line. Begging could thus represent an exaggerated trait, possibly because parent–offspring conflict enhanced the selection on begging. We did not find evidence that we co‐selected on parental provisioning, which may be due to the lack of power, but may also suggest that the evolution of begging is probably not constrained by a genetic correlation between parental provisioning and offspring begging.  相似文献   

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