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This study investigated the development of the larvae of Spongia officinalis in experimental conditions, after settlement on plastic substrates, using electron and light microscopy. The released larvae show a dark pigmented ring distinguishes the posterior larval pole. The youngest larvae, covered with a flagellate epithelium, move onwards by rotating on their longitudinal axis. Over time a creeping-like motion prevails, probably linked to the need for settlement. After a free-swimming period of 24-48 h, larvae settle on the artificial substrate by the anterior pole. At settlement, the flagellate epithelium is substituted by flattened cells, which delimit the outermost surface. Post-larvae were reared to about three months. The early phase of post-larval differentiation shows a solid interior mainly consisting of granular cells varying in shape and size. They are included in a dense collagen matrix that contains a conspicuous amount of bacteria. Lacunae are already evident in the initial phase of metamorphosis. In several of them, cell debris and nucleate cells are visible. This feature is consistent with a progressive reduction of the cell mass (autolysis). Neither choanocyte chambers nor canals differentiate. The morphogenetic process leads to a metamorph only consisting of vacuolated cells and collagen fibrils included in a thin fibrous coat.  相似文献   

The biomechanics of body contraction in Porifera is almost unknown, although sponge contraction has been observed already in ancient times. Some members of the genus Tethya represent the most contractile poriferan species. All of them show a highly ordered skeleton layout. Based on three main spicule types, functional units are assembled, termed skeleton superstructures here. Using synchrotron radiation based x-ray microtomography and quantitative image analysis with specially developed particle and structure recognition algorithms allowed us to perform spatial allocation and 3D-morphometric characterizations of single spicules and skeleton superstructures in T. minuta. We found and analyzed three skeleton superstructures in the investigated specimen: (1) 85 megasclere bundles, (2) a megaster sphere, composed by 16,646 oxyasters and (3) a pinacoderm–tylaster layer composed by micrasters. All three skeleton superstructures represent composite materials of siliceous spicules and extracellular matrix. From structure recognition we developed an abstracted mathematical model of the bundles and the sphere. In addition, we analyzed the megaster network interrelation topology and found a baso-apical linear symmetry axis for the megaster density inside the sphere. Based on our results, we propose a hypothetical biomechanical contraction model for T. minuta and T. wilhelma, in which the skeleton superstructures restrain physical stress generated by contraction in the tissue. While skeletal structures within the genus Tethya have been explained using R. Buckminster Fullers principle of tensegrity by other authors, we prefer material science based biomechanical approaches, to understand skeletal superstructures by referring to their composite material properties.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

Gherardi  M.  Giangrande  A.  Corriero  G. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,443(1-3):87-101
Polychaete assemblages associated to the sponge Geodia cydonium were investigated at two sampling sites in the Mediterranean Sea: Porto Cesareo Basin (Apulia) and Marsala Lagoon (Sicily), both characterized by sheltered hydrodynamic conditions. Samples were seasonally performed during 1997, in order to compare the assemblages coming from the two localities studied, considering separately the internal and external tissues of the sponge, and with the aim of evaluating the influence of sponge size on polychaete colonization. The examined sponge is characterized by a peculiar stratification of its tissues: an external thick and hard layer, the cortex, and an internal softer one, the choanosome. Statistical analysis showed that this was the main factor controlling polychaete assemblage, with the internal tissue, less rich and diversified, appearing impoverished with respect to the external layer. A similarity in species composition was observed between sites, even though some differences were evidenced in the abundance of some species, mainly reflecting differences in local environmental conditions. Species richness and density increased with the increasing sponge size. Such a situation is particularly evident at Porto Cesareo, where sponges are covered by an algal layer which is particularly rich on the largest specimens, thus suggesting that most of the species of polychaetes were linked more to the neighbouring environment than to the sponge itself.  相似文献   

Çinar  Melih Ertan  Katagan  Tuncer  Ergen  Zeki  Sezgin  Murat 《Hydrobiologia》2002,472(1-3):107-117
The cavities and outer surfaces of 20 individuals of the sponge Sarcotragus muscarum collected from the Turkish Aegean coast during July–September 1993 contained a total of 148 zoobenthic species with 5299 individuals belonging to seven taxonomic groups. Among these, Polychaeta accounted for 60% of the total number of species, while Crustacea comprised 71% of the total number of individuals and 40% of the wet weight of biomass. The amphipod and decapod crustaceans Tritaeta gibbosa and Synalpheus gambarelloides, and the bivalve Hiatella arctica, were the most abundant species on the sponge samples both in terms of number of individuals and biomass values. The community structure inside the sponges was greatly influenced by the nature of the substratum around the sponge, and by the overwhelming population of the Lessepsian echinoderm Ophiactis savignyi. Number of species, biomass and diversity index values were found to be positively related to the sponge volume. Mean density and biomass of the associated taxa are 0.22 ind cm–3 and 11.63 mg cm–3, respectively.  相似文献   

Rhythmic body contraction is a phenomenon in the Porifera, which is only partly understood. As a foundation for the understanding of the functional morphology of the highly contractile Tethya wilhelma, we performed a qualitative and quantitative volumetric 3D-analysis of the morphology of a complete non-contracted specimen at resolutions of 5.2 and 6.9 μm, using synchrotron radiation based X-ray computed microtomography (SR-μCT). For the first time, we were able to visualize all three major body structures of a complete poriferan without dissection of the shock-frozen, fixed and contrasted specimen in a near-to-life confirmation: poriferan tissue, mineral skeleton and aquiferous system. Applying a ‘virtual cast’ technique allowed us to analyze the structural details of the complete canal structure. Our results imply an extensive re-circulation of water inside the poriferan due to well-developed by-pass-canals, connecting excurrent and incurrent system. Nevertheless, the oscule region is strictly separated from the incurrent system. Based on our data, we developed a hypothetical flow regime for T. wilhelma, which explains the necessity of by-pass canals to minimize pressure boosts in the canal system during contraction. Additionally, re-circulation optimizes nutrient uptake, within small-sized poriferans, like T. wilhelma. Quantitative analysis allowed us to measure volumes and surfaces, displaying remarkable organizational differences between choanosome and cortex, by means of distribution of morphological elements. The surface-to-volume ratio proved to be very high, underlining the importance of the poriferan pinacoderm. We support a pinacoderm-contraction hypothesis.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at .Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Michele Sarà (Genova, Italy), in honour of his 80th birthday in 2006.  相似文献   

Asbestopluma hypogea (Porifera) is a carnivorous species that belongs to the deep-sea taxon Cladorhizidae but lives in littoral caves and can be raised easily in an aquarium. It passively captures its prey by means of filaments covered with hook-like spicules. Various invertebrate species provided with setae or thin appendages are able to be captured, although minute crustaceans up to 8 mm long are the most suitable prey. Transmission electron microscopy observations have been made during the digestion process. The prey is engulfed in a few hours by the sponge cells, which migrate from the whole body towards the prey and concentrate around it. A primary extracellular digestion possibly involving the activity of sponge cells, autolysis of the prey and bacterial action results in the breaking down of the prey body. Fragments of the prey, including connective cells and muscles, are then phagocytosed and digested by archaeocytes and bacteriocytes. The whole process takes 8–10 days for a large prey. This unique feeding habit implies the capture and digestion of a macro-prey without any digestive cavity. It would appear to be an adaptation to life in deep-sea oligotrophic environments. Carnivorous sponges provide actual evidence, through a functional example, that a transition is possible from the filter-feeder poriferan body plan towards a different organizational plan through loss of the aquiferous system, a transition that has been hypothesized for the early evolution of Metazoa.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at  相似文献   


The various phases of spermatogenesis in the demosponge Oscarella lobularis were studied by electron microscopy. Spermatogenesis occurs within spermatic cysts, which are presumed to derive from choanocyte chambers by transformation of choanocytes into spermatogonia. Germ cells develop asynchronously within spermatocysts, and cytoplasmic bridges, indicating incomplete cells division, connect several germ cells. Attached spermatogonia suggest gonial generations. Spermatocytes I typically show the presence of synaptonemal complexes indicating meiotic divisions. Spermatocytes II have a small size probably because of the meiotic divisions of spermatocytes I. Spermatids are characterized by an acrosome, a big mitochondrion and a peripheral sheath of condensed chromatin surrounding a clearer central area in the nucleus. The mature spermatozoon shows a lateral flagellum and a flattened acrosome capping the nucleus. The phylogenetic implications of some features of the spermatozoon are suggested.  相似文献   

Abstract. Specimens of the sponge Tethya orphei , collected in February 2005 on the underside of coral stones on Arì Athol (Maldives), have been processed for histological and ultrastructural investigations. The cortical layer of the sponge was found to be permeated by filamentous cyanobacteria, the trichomes of which measured 45–63 μm on average and were composed of 10–14 cells. The fine organization of the filaments was consistent with their taxonomic identification as Oscillatoria spongeliae. These filaments filled the cortical region of the sponge and penetrated inward into the upper choanosomal region, where they sometimes overlapped the siliceous spicule bundles. A budding specimen of T. orphei showed that the filaments were also present in the single bud protruding from the sponge surface, demonstrating that asexual reproduction can vertically transmit these symbionts from sponge to sponge. The occurrence of filaments in all the specimens studied is consistent with the assumption that filamentous cyanobacteria are not mere intruders but mutualistic symbionts with members of T. orphei.  相似文献   

Two new species of Demospongiae are described for British Columbia and adjacent waters in the family Axinellidae, Auletta krautteri sp. n. and Dragmacidon kishinensis sp. n. They represent range extensions for both of these genera. Both are fairly commonly encountered, Auletta krautteri below diving depths (87 to at least 300 m) and Dragmacidon kishinensis in shallow water (intertidal to 30 m). We propose an amended genus diagnosis for Auletta to account for the variability among species in principal spicules that form the ascending tracts to be either oxeas, styles or strongyles rather than just oxeas.  相似文献   

Summary A new distinctive feature between the two Mediterranean species of Tethya, T. aurantium and T. citrina has been found in the body arrangement of different types of micrasters. Contrary to the previous assumptions, T. aurantium has two clearly distinct categories of micrasters: the chiaster-tylaster in the cortex and the larger, slender oxyaster in the choanosome. T. citrina has only slightly differentiated micraster sets in the cortex and choanosome; in the latter the shape of micrasters is close to that of oxyasters. SEM analysis shows that differences in micraster shape depend on the cylindrical or conical form of rays and on the distribution, density and strength of the microspines along their axis. The relationship between the degree of micraster differentiation and the development of the cortex in the two species is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Embryonic development from coeloblastula to fully developed larva was investigated in 8 Mediterranean homoscleromorph species: Oscarella lobularis, O. tuberculata, O. microlobata, O. imperialis, Plakina trilopha, P. jani, Corticium candelabrum , and Pseudocorticium jarrei. Morphogenesis of the larva is similar in all these species; however, cell proliferation is more active in species of Oscarella than in Plakina and C. candelabrum. The result of cell division is a wrinkled, flagellated larva, called a cinctoblastula. It is composed of a columnar epithelium of polarized, monoflagellated cells among which are scattered a few non-flagellated ovoid cells. The central cavity always contains symbiotic bacteria. Maternal cells are also present in O. lobularis, O. imperialis , and P. jarrei. In the fully developed larva, cell shape and dimensions are constant for each species. The cells of the anterior pole have large vacuoles with heterogeneous material; those of the postero-lateral zone have an intranuclear paracrystalline inclusion; and the flagellated cells of the posterior pole have large osmiophilic inclusions. Intercellular junctions join the apical parts of the cells, beneath which are other specialized cell junctions. A basement membrane underlying the flagellated cells lines the larval cavity. This is the first observation of a basement membrane in a poriferan larva. The basal apparatus of flagellated cells is characterized by an accessory centriole located exactly beneath the basal body. The single basal rootlet is cross striated. The presence of a basement membrane and a true epithelium in the larva of Homoscleromorpha—unique among poriferan clades and shared with Eumetazoa—suggests that Demospongiae could be paraphyletic.  相似文献   

Mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) have been implicated in many biochemical processes in marine organisms, but the major emphasis has been directed to their role as UV protectant compounds. The quantitation of MAAs, mycosporine-glu-gly, mycosporine-gly, usujirene and palythene in the sponge Dysidea herbacea [34] suggests that whereas some mycosporine amino acids may serve in this capacity, others are intrinsically involved in the reproductive process. The role of other compounds, such as homarine, gadusol and arachidonic acid, in reproduction of this sponge is also discussed.  相似文献   

Tethya norvegica Bowerbank, 1872, a northern species generally synonymized with T. aurantium . has been studied from Scotland, The Faroes, Norway, Iceland, Spitzbergen and Bear Island. The species is redescribed and its North East Atlantic distribution delimited Tethya norvegica is compared, on the basis of morphometric and electrophoretic features, with T. aurantium and F.citrina . Morphological, morphometric and electrophoretic data suggest that I norvegica is a distinct biological species.  相似文献   

18S ribosomal DNA and internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS-2) full-length sequences, each of which was sequenced three times, were used to construct phylogenetic trees with alignments based on secondary structures, in order to elucidate genealogical relationships within the Aplysinidae (Verongida). The first poriferan ITS-2 secondary structures are reported. Altogether 11 Aplysina sponges and 3 additional sponges (Verongula gigantea, Aiolochroia crassa, Smenospongia aurea) from tropical and subtropical oceans were analyzed. Based on these molecular studies, S. aurea, which is currently affiliated with the Dictyoceratida, should be reclassified to the Verongida. Aplysina appears as monophyletic. A soft form of Aplysina lacunosa was separated from other Aplysina and stands at a basal position in both 18S and ITS-2 trees. Based on ITS-2 sequence information, the Aplysina sponges could be distinguished into a single Caribbean–Eastern Pacific cluster and a Mediterranean cluster. The species concept for Aplysina sponges as well as a phylogenetic history with a possibly Tethyan origin is discussed.Reviewing Editor: Dr. Martin Kreitman  相似文献   



Mitochondrial (mt) gene arrangement is highly variable among molluscs and especially among bivalves. Of the 30 complete molluscan mt-genomes published to date, only one is of a heterodont bivalve, although this is the most diverse taxon in terms of species numbers. We determined the complete sequence of the mitochondrial genomes of Acanthocardia tuberculata and Hiatella arctica, (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Heterodonta) and describe their gene contents and genome organisations to assess the variability of these features among the Bivalvia and their value for phylogenetic inference.


The size of the mt-genome in Acanthocardia tuberculata is 16.104 basepairs (bp), and in Hiatella arctica 18.244 bp. The Acanthocardia mt-genome contains 12 of the typical protein coding genes, lacking the Atpase subunit 8 (atp8) gene, as all published marine bivalves. In contrast, a complete atp8 gene is present in Hiatella arctica. In addition, we found a putative truncated atp8 gene when re-annotating the mt-genome of Venerupis philippinarum. Both mt-genomes reported here encode all genes on the same strand and have an additional trnM. In Acanthocardia several large non-coding regions are present. One of these contains 3.5 nearly identical copies of a 167 bp motive. In Hiatella, the 3' end of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit (nad)6 gene is duplicated together with the adjacent non-coding region. The gene arrangement of Hiatella is markedly different from all other known molluscan mt-genomes, that of Acanthocardia shows few identities with the Venerupis philippinarum. Phylogenetic analyses on amino acid and nucleotide levels robustly support the Heterodonta and the sister group relationship of Acanthocardia and Venerupis. Monophyletic Bivalvia are resolved only by a Bayesian inference of the nucleotide data set. In all other analyses the two unionid species, being to only ones with genes located on both strands, do not group with the remaining bivalves.


The two mt-genomes reported here add to and underline the high variability of gene order and presence of duplications in bivalve and molluscan taxa. Some genomic traits like the loss of the atp8 gene or the encoding of all genes on the same strand are homoplastic among the Bivalvia. These characters, gene order, and the nucleotide sequence data show considerable potential of resolving phylogenetic patterns at lower taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

Taxonomic diagnostic criteria of the spongillid freshwater sponge, Heteromeyenia tubisperma (Potts, 1881) were examined using scanning electron microscopy. The species is characterized by a gemmule which bears an unusually long, prominent porous tube. The application of SEM to the systematic studies of the freshwater sponges provides diagnostic capabilities not available with the light microscope. It is desirable that a key, coupled with a reference atlas of scanning electron micrographs illustrating taxonomic diagnostic criteria of freshwater sponge species, particularly utilizing type specimens, be developed.  相似文献   

Polymastia fluegeli n. sp. is described from deep water off the Aleutian Islands (Alaska, USA). P. fluegeli is disc-shaped and lives partly buried in the sediment, with only the papillae protruding above the surface. This new species has a basal layer of agglutinated sediment particles occurring between the choanosome and the ectosomal lower layer. This conspicuous sediment layer is not described for other species of Polymastia. Occurring spicule types and sizes are different from known species of the area.  相似文献   

A laboratory study of the effects of cadmium and mercury on the freshwater sponge, Ephydatia fluviatilis, was conducted. Sponge cuttings were exposed to concentrations of cadmium or mercury which ranged from 1.000 to 0.001 ppm for one month. The responses exhibited by the specimens resulted in four groups characterized as follows: sponge colony survived and produced gemmules with normal gemmoscleres; sponge colony survived and produced gemmules with malformed gemmoscleres; sponge colony survived but did not gemmulate; sponge colony died. A direct discriminant functions analysis of the four sponge groups, metal concentrations and other chemical data established a highly significant correlation between increasing metal concentrations and amount of damage to the sponge.  相似文献   

The current morphological classification of the Demospongiae G4 clade was tested using large subunit ribosomal RNA (LSU rRNA) sequences from 119 taxa. Fifty-three mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 (CO1) barcoding sequences were also analysed to test whether the 28S phylogeny could be recovered using an independent gene. This is the largest and most comprehensive study of the Demospongiae G4 clade. The 28S and CO1 genetrees result in congruent clades but conflict with the current morphological classification. The results confirm the polyphyly of Halichondrida, Hadromerida, Dictyonellidae, Axinellidae and Poecilosclerida and show that several of the characters used in morphological classifications are homoplasious. Robust clades are clearly shown and a new hypothesis for relationships of taxa allocated to G4 is proposed.  相似文献   

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