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High frequency transformation of Arabidopsis thaliana leaf explants has been obtained using a disarmed Ti plasmid containing the coding region of a neomycin phosphotransferase gene (NPT II) as a selectable marker. The rate of transformation ranged from 55 to 63 percent when acetosyringone (AS), a natural wound response molecule, was added to an Agrobacterium tumefaciens culture prior to incubation with leaf segments. Without acetosyringone, the transformation rate was approximately 2 to 3 percent. Calli resistant to G418 were regenerated into mature flowering plants in the presence of 10 g/ml G418. Southern analysis and neomycin phosphotransferase assays confirmed the insertion and expression of the NPT II gene in regenerated Arabidopsis plants.  相似文献   

Flooding is one of the most serious environmental stresses that affect plant growth and productivity. Flooding causes premature senescence which results in leaf chlorosis, necrosis, defoliation, cessation of growth and reduced yield. This study was conducted to determine the effects of autoregulated cytokinin production on the flooding tolerance of Arabidopsis thaliana plants. A chimeric gene containing the senescence-specific SAG12 promoter and the ipt gene coding for isopentenyl transferase, a rate-limiting enzyme in the cytokinin biosynthesis pathway, was constructed. The chimeric gene was introduced into Arabidopsis plants by Agrobacterium-mediated vacuum infiltration. Four transgenic lines were chosen for flooding tolerance determinations. DNA hybridization analysis and PCR confirmed that all four of the transgenic lines carried the ipt gene. The segregation of kanamycin resistance in the T2 generation indicated 1 to 3 integration events. GUS expression and RT-PCR of the ipt gene confirmed the senescence-specificity of the SAG12 promoter. Morphologically, the transgenic lines appeared healthy and normal. Transgenic plants began to flower at the same time as wild-type plants, but the period from flowering to senescence was lengthened by 7 to 12 days. Tolerance of the transgenic plants to waterlogging and complete submergence was assayed in three independent experiments. All four transgenic lines were consistently more tolerant to flooding than wild-type plants. The results indicated that endogenously produced cytokinin can regulate senescence caused by flooding stress, thereby, increasing plant tolerance to flooding. This study provides a novel mechanism to improve flooding tolerance in plants.  相似文献   

Incorporation of 5 mg/L silver thiosulphate into media for seed germination and callus induction, as used in the transformation protocol originally described by Valvekens et al. (1988), was found to increase the frequency of regeneration of transformants ofArabidopsis thaliana ecotypes C24 and Landsbergerecta by at least 10- to 100-fold. Other factors, such as density of the bacterial inoculation culture, density of the root explants and duration of bacteria-plant cocultivation period, were also found to influence the efficiency of recovery of transformants.  相似文献   

Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) belong to a unique family of enzymes containing a single polypeptide chain with a kinase domain at the amino terminus and a putative calcium-binding EF hands structure at the carboxyl terminus. From Arabidopsis thaliana, we have cloned three distinct cDNA sequences encoding CDPKs, which were designated as atcdpk6, atcdpk9 and atcdpk19. The full-length cDNA sequences for atcdpk6, atcdpk9 and atcdpk19 encode proteins with a molecular weight of 59343, 55376 and 59947, respectively. Recombinant atCDPK6 and atCDPK9 proteins were fully active as kinases whose activities were induced by Ca2+. Biochemical studies suggested the presence of an autoinhibitory domain in the junction between the kinase domain and the EF hands structure. Serial deletion of the four EF hands of atCDPK6 demonstrated that the integrity of the four EF hands was crucial to the Ca2+ response. All the three atcdpk genes were ubiquitously expressed in the plant as demonstrated by RNA gel blot experiments. Comparison of the genomic sequences suggested that the three cdpk genes have evolved differently. Using antibodies against atCDPK6 and atCDPK9 for immunohistochemical experiments, CDPKs were found to be expressed in specific cell types in a temporally and developmentally regulated manner.  相似文献   

Telomere-binding proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

T-DNA flanking sequences were isolated from 112 Arabidopsis thaliana single-copy T-DNA lines and sequence mapped to the chromosomes. Even though two T-DNA insertions mapped to a heterochromatic domain located in the pericentromeric region of chromosome I, expression of reporter genes was detected in these transgenic lines. T-DNA insertion did not seem to be biased toward any of Arabidopsis' five chromosomes. The observed distribution of T-DNA copies in intergenic sequence versus gene sequence (i.e. 5-upstream regions, coding sequences and 3-downstream regions) appeared randomly. An evaluation of T-DNA insertion frequencies within gene sequence revealed that integration into 5-upstream regions occurred more frequently than expected, whereas insertions in coding sequences (exons and introns) were found less frequently than expected based on random distribution predictions. In the majority of cases, single-copy T-DNA insertions were associated with small or large rearrangements such as deletions and/or duplications of target site sequences, deletions and/or duplications of T-DNA sequences, and gross chromosomal rearrangements such as translocations. The accuracy of integration was similarly high for both left- and right-border sequences. These results may be called upon when making detailed molecular analyses of transgenic plants or T-DNA induced mutants.  相似文献   

Frataxin, a nuclear-encoded mitochondrial protein, has been proposed to participate in Fe-S cluster assembly, mitochondrial energy metabolism, respiration, and iron homeostasis. However, its precise function remains elusive. Frataxin is highly conserved in living organisms with no major structural changes, in particular at the C-terminal protein domain, suggesting that it plays a key function in all organisms. Recently, a plant gene, AtFH, with significant homology to other members of the frataxin family has been described. To gain insight on the frataxin role in plants, the frataxin domain was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21-codonPlus (DE3)-RIL cells and purified using a Ni-chelating column. The purified protein, added to a mixture containing Fe(II) and H2O2, attenuates the Fenton reaction indicating that the recombinant plant frataxin is functional. The procedure described here produced high yield of 99% pure protein through only one chromatographic step, suitable for further structure-function studies.  相似文献   

利用PCR技术克隆人乳头瘤病毒HPV-16L1蛋白编码基因 ,将其重组于pUCmT和pBI12 1中 ,构建含HPV 16L1基因的植物双元表达载体pBI L1,L1基因由CaMV 35S启动子控制表达。采用叶盘共培育法经根瘤农杆菌介导转化烟草 (NicotianatobacumL .) ,获得HPV-16L1转基因烟草植株。经PCR及Southern杂交分析 ,HPV 16L1基因整合到烟草基因组中 ;Westernblot和ELISA分析检测显示转基因烟草叶片蛋白可与HPV 16L1单克隆抗体特异性反应 ,且定位于 5 5kD处 ,其最高表达量占烟草叶片总可溶蛋白的0.076 %。小鼠红细胞凝集试验 (HA)及小鼠红细胞凝集抑制试验 (HAI)显示转基因烟草叶片蛋白可引起小鼠红细胞凝集。结果表明已成功地构建了HPV-16L1的植物双元表达载体 ,并证实了利用转基因烟草植物能够表达出HPV-16L1蛋白 ,所表达的L1蛋白具有良好的抗原性并具有介导小鼠红细胞凝集的生物活性.  相似文献   

Gene targeting in Arabidopsis thaliana.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Gene targeting of a chromosomally integrated transgene in Arabidopsis thaliana is reported. A chimeric gene consisting of the promoter of the 35S RNA of CaMV, the polyadenylation signal of the octopine synthase gene and the coding region of the bacterial hygromycin phosphotransferase gene (hpt), which was rendered non-functional by deletion of 19 bp, was introduced into the genome of A. thaliana using Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer. A total of 3.46 x 108 protoplasts isolated from 17 independent transgenic Arabidopsis lines harbouring the defective chimeric hpt gene were transformed via direct gene transfer using various DNA forms containing only the intact coding region of the hpt gene. Out of 150 hygromycin-resistant colonies appearing in the course of these experiments, four were the result of targeted recombination of the incoming DNA with the defective chromosomal locus as revealed by PCR and Southern blot analysis. Comparison with the number of transformants obtained when an hpt gene controlled by a promoter and terminator from the nopaline synthase gene was employed results in a maximal ratio of homologous to non-homologous transformation in A. thaliana of 1 x 10–4.  相似文献   

Data on gene expression in the development of the root in Arabidopsis thaliana were used to test for expression profile differences among multi-gene families and to examine the extent to which expression differences accompanied coding sequences divergence within families. Significant differences among families were observed on two principal axes, accounting for over 80% of the variance in the expression data. The number of synonymous nucleotide substitutions per synonymous site (dS) and the number of nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions per nonsynonymous site (dN) were estimated between the members of two-member families (N=428) and between phylogenetically independent sister pairs (N=190) of sequences within larger families. Ribosomal proteins and a few other proteins were exceptional in showing highly divergent expression patterns in spite of very low levels of amino acid sequence divergence, as indicated by the low dN relative to dS. However, the majority of gene duplicates showed relatively high levels of amino acid sequence divergence without appreciable change in expression pattern in the cell types analyzed. Reviewing Editor:Dr. Manyuan Long  相似文献   

To facilitate future investigations of glyphosate-resistance mechanisms, three approaches were taken to obtain Arabidopsis thaliana variants that differed in glyphosate response. Recurrent selection by spraying with sub-lethal glyphosate concentrations was performed with Columbia-0 seedlings. After seven cycles of treatment, no resistance was found. A population of 800,000 ethylmethanesulfonate-mutagenized M(2) seedlings was screened on agar containing 0.2mM glyphosate, a lower concentration than that previously used in other studies, and no resistant mutants were recovered. Seventy-two Arabidopsis ecotypes were screened with glyphosate and a range of responses was observed. In a follow-up experiment on a subset of these ecotypes, reduction of seed yield by 11.5 g/ha glyphosate (about 1% the typical field use rate) ranged among ecotypes from 0% to >90%, relative to untreated controls. However, even the least sensitive ecotypes were severely injured by relatively low glyphosate rates. Overall, attempts to select Arabidopsis seedlings that were significantly glyphosate-resistant were unsuccessful and consistent with previous reports. Arabidopsis ecotypes identified with differential glyphosate responses could be used for further studies though the inherently high sensitivity of Arabidopsis to glyphosate could limit their utility in studying glyphosate-resistance mechanisms.  相似文献   

In this study, floral spray and floral dip were used to replace the vacuum step in the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of a superoxide dismutase (SOD) gene into Arabidopsis. The transgene was constructed by using a CaMV 35S promoter to drive a rice cytosolic CuZnSOD coding sequence in Arabidopsis. The transgene construct was developed in binary vectors and mobilized into Agrobacterium. When Arabidopsis plants started to initiate flower buds, the primary inflorescence shoots were removed and then transformed by floral spray or floral dip. More than 300 transgenic plants were generated to assess the feasibility of floral spray used in the in planta transformation. The result indicates that the floral spray method of Agrobacterium can achieve rates of in planta transformation comparable to the vacuum-infiltration and floral dip methods. The floral spray method opens up the possibility of in planta transformation of plant species which are too large for dipping or vacuum infiltration.  相似文献   

Protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferases (EC that catalyze the transfer of methyl groups from S-adenosylmethionine to abnormal L-isoaspartyl and D-aspartyl residues in a variety of peptides and proteins are widely distributed in procaryotes and eucaryotes. These enzymes participate in the repair of spontaneous protein damage by facilitating the conversion of L-isoaspartyl and D-aspartyl residues to normal L-aspartyl residues. In this work, we have identified an L-isoaspartyl methyltransferase activity in Arabidopsis thaliana, a dicotyledonous plant of the mustard family. The highest levels of activity were detected in seeds. Using degenerate oligonucleotides corresponding to two highly conserved amino acid regions shared among the Escherichia coli, wheat, and human enzymes, we isolated and sequenced a full-length genomic clone encoding the A. thaliana methyltransferase. Several methyltransferase cDNAs were also characterized, including ones that would encode full-length polypeptides of 230 amino acid residues. Messenger RNAs for the A. thaliana enzyme were found in a variety of tissues that did not contain significant amounts of active enzyme suggesting the possibility of translational or posttranslational controls on methyltransferase levels. We have identified a putative abscisic acid-response element (ABRE) in the 5-untranslated region of the A. thaliana L-isoaspartyl methyltransferase gene and have shown that the expression of the mRNA is responsive to exogenous abscisic acid (ABA), but not to the environmental stresses of salt or drought. The expression of the A. thaliana enzyme appears to be regulated in a distinct fashion from that seen in wheat or in animal tissues.  相似文献   

The primary structure of two proteins named major latex protein in Arabidopsis thaliana were characterized by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometer and Nano-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (nanoESI-MS/MS) after two-dimensional gel electrophoresis separation. We revealed that the two proteins with the same N termini and the N-terminal alanine were acetylated after methionine cleavage by fragmentation of three doubly charged peptides using a quadrupole-time of flight 2 tandem mass spectrometer. It was worth noting that one peptide with sodium addition and acetylation was sequenced. It is usually difficult to analyze the peptide sequence of sodium adduct due to the 22-Da increment. The two proteins are highly homologous, and both their N-terminal and C-terminal peptides were sequenced. Of the two proteins, gi|15236568 (spot A) appears only in the seeding stage and flower organ, but gi|15236566 (spot B) appears throughout the whole life of A. thaliana. The biological mechanism of the two proteins and the function of N-terminal acetylation remain to be elucidated. This study showed that ESI-MS/MS was a powerful tool for the characterization of N-terminal acetylation of proteins.  相似文献   

Characterization of two Arabidopsis thaliana glutathione S-transferases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Glutathione S-transferases (GST) are multifunctional proteins encoded by a large gene family, divided on the basis of sequence identity into phi, tau, theta, zeta and lambda classes. The phi and tau classes are present only in plants. GSTs appear to be ubiquitous in plants and are involved in herbicide detoxification and stress response, but little is known about the precise role of GSTs in normal plant physiology and during biotic and abiotic stress response. Two cDNAs representing the two plant classes tau and phi, AtGSTF9 and AtGSTU26, were expressed in vitro and the corresponding proteins were analysed. Both GSTs were able to catalyse a glutathione conjugation to 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB), but they were inactive as transferases towards p-nitrobenzylchloride (pNBC). AtGSTF9 showed activity towards benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC) and an activity as glutathione peroxidase with cumene hydroperoxide (CumHPO). AtGSTU26 was not active as glutathione peroxidase and towards BITC. RT-PCR analysis was used to evaluate the expression of the two genes in response to treatment with herbicides and safeners, chemicals, low and high temperature. Our results reveal that AtGSTU26 is induced by the chloroacetanilide herbicides alachlor and metolachlor and the safener benoxacor, and after exposure to low temperatures. In contrast, AtGSTF9 seems not to be influenced by the treatments employed.  相似文献   

在大肠杆菌中,利用新构建的含T7g-10L RBS以及λ-PR启动子的新型原核表达载体,通过表达gag-pol基因片段,获得了具有天然序列的人类免疫缺陷病毒1型(HIV-1)核心蛋白p24的高效表达。克隆的gag-pol基因片段在其阅读框架移位区域插入了4bp碱基,其表达的病毒蛋白酶在阅读框架上与gag一致,从而实现了对gag-pol融合蛋白的有效加工,产生成熟的核心蛋白p24及其它产物。重组p24以可溶形式存在,可以被抗p24的单克隆抗体特异识别。测定的N端8个氨基酸序列与从病毒纯化的p24完全一致。在使用硫酸铵沉淀后,采用两步离子柱层析,可将重组蛋白纯化到95%以上的纯度。结果表明,纯化的p24可以作为特异性很强的试剂而用于HIV感染的诊断及病情的预后,并可用于p24的生化及结构分析。  相似文献   

分析了人乳头瘤病毒11型(HPV11)L1主要衣壳蛋白的B细胞优势表位,并以此为基础研制表位多肽疫苗。研究中采用Goldkey和.PC/Gene软件系统,分析HPV11的L1主要衣壳蛋白的二级结构、抗原性、B细胞表位,并引人氨基酸抗原性指数,综合评估其B细胞优势表位。Fmoc固相合成表位多肽,高效液相层析方法纯化,毛细管电泳分析其纯度。与0.2ml佐剂完全乳化后,按50μg/只的剂量免疫小鼠,进行动物水平的免疫效果评价。取免疫小鼠血清,与HPV11 DNA阳性的尖锐湿疣患者的疣体上清液结合,鉴定免疫后小鼠所产生抗体的特异性。发现HPV11的L1主要衣壳蛋白的第426~439位和第487~501位具有较高的免疫原性,可明显诱导小鼠血清抗体滴度升高,且该抗体与人尖锐湿疣的疣体组织上清液呈阳性反应。说明所选这两个肽段为HPV11的L1主要衣壳蛋白的B细胞优势表位,但是否具有功能特异性,尚需进一步研究。  相似文献   

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