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Li J  Li W  Calhoun HC  Xia F  Gao FB  Li WX 《Mechanisms of development》2003,120(12):1455-1468
The JAK/STAT pathway mediates cytokine signaling in mammals and is involved in the function and development of the hematopoietic and immune systems. To investigate the biological functions of the JAK/STAT pathway during Drosophila development, we examined the tissue-specific localization of the tyrosine-phosphorylated, or activated form of Drosophila STAT, STAT92E. Here we show that during Drosophila embryonic development STAT92E activation is prominently detected in multiple tissues and in different developmental stages. These tissues include the tracheal pits, elongating intestinal tracks, and growing axons. We demonstrate that stat92E mutants are defective in tracheal formation, hindgut elongation, and nervous system development. Conversely, STAT92E overactivation caused premature development of the tracheal and nervous systems, and over-elongation of the hindgut. These results suggest that STAT activation is involved in proper differentiation and morphogenesis of multiple tissues during Drosophila embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The Jak/STAT pathway in model organisms: emerging roles in cell movement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The JAK/STAT pathway was originally identified in mammals. Studies of this pathway in the mouse have revealed that JAK/STAT signaling plays a central role during hematopoeisis and other developmental processes. The role of JAK/STAT signaling in blood appears to be conserved throughout evolution, as it is also required during fly hematopoeisis. Studies in Dictyostelium, Drosophila, and zebrafish have shown that the JAK/STAT pathway is also required in an unusually broad set of developmental decisions, including cell proliferation, cell fate determination, cell migration, planar polarity, convergent extension, and immunity. There is increasing evidence that the versatility of this pathway relies on its cooperation with other signal transduction pathways. In this review, we discuss the components of the JAK/STAT pathway in model organisms and what is known about its requirement in cellular and developmental processes. In particular, we emphasize recent insights into the role that this pathway plays in the control of cell movement.  相似文献   

It is commonly accepted that activation of most signalling pathways is induced by ligand receptor dimerisation. This belief has been challenged for some vertebrate cytokine receptors of the JAK/STAT pathway. Here we study whether DOME, the Drosophila receptor of the JAK/STAT pathway, can dimerise and if the dimerisation is ligand-dependent. To analyse DOME homo-dimerisation, we have applied a beta-gal complementation technique that allows the detection of protein interactions in situ. This technique has been used previously in cell culture but this is the first time that it has been applied to whole embryos. We show that this technique, which we rename betalue-betalau technique, can be used to detect DOME homo-dimerisation in Drosophila developing embryos. Despite DOME being ubiquitously expressed, dimerisation is developmentally regulated. We investigate the state of DOME dimerisation in the presence or absence of ligand and show that DOME dimerisation is not ligand-induced, indicating that ligand independent cytokine receptor dimerisation is a conserved feature across phyla. We have further analysed the functional significance of ligand-independent receptor dimerisation by comparing the effects of ectopic ligand expression in cells in which the receptor is, or is not, dimerised. We show that ligand expression can only activate STAT downstream targets or affect embryo development in cells in which the receptor is dimerised. These results suggest a model in which ligand-independent dimerisation of the JAK/STAT receptor confers cells with competence to activate the pathway prior to ligand reception. Thus, competence to induce the JAK/STAT signalling pathway in Drosophila can be regulated by controlling receptor dimerisation prior to ligand binding. These results reveal a novel level of JAK/STAT signalling regulation that could also apply to vertebrates.  相似文献   

The JAK/STAT pathway is a key signaling pathway in the regulation of development and immunity in metazoans. In contrast to the multiple combinatorial JAK/STAT pathways in mammals, only one canonical JAK/STAT pathway exists in Drosophila. It is activated by three secreted proteins of the Unpaired family (Upd): Upd1, Upd2 and Upd3. Although many studies have established a link between JAK/STAT activation and tissue damage, the mode of activation and the precise function of this pathway in the Drosophila systemic immune response remain unclear. In this study, we used mutations in upd2 and upd3 to investigate the role of the JAK/STAT pathway in the systemic immune response. Our study shows that haemocytes express the three upd genes and that injury markedly induces the expression of upd3 by the JNK pathway in haemocytes, which in turn activates the JAK/STAT pathway in the fat body and the gut. Surprisingly, release of Upd3 from haemocytes upon injury can remotely stimulate stem cell proliferation and the expression of Drosomycin-like genes in the intestine. Our results also suggest that a certain level of intestinal epithelium renewal is required for optimal survival to septic injury. While haemocyte-derived Upd promotes intestinal stem cell activation and survival upon septic injury, haemocytes are dispensable for epithelium renewal upon oral bacterial infection. Our study also indicates that intestinal epithelium renewal is sensitive to insults from both the lumen and the haemocoel. It also reveals that release of Upds by haemocytes coordinates the wound-healing program in multiple tissues, including the gut, an organ whose integrity is critical to fly survival.  相似文献   

JAK/STAT signaling is essential for a wide range of developmental processes in Drosophila melanogaster. The mechanism by which the JAK/STAT pathway contributes to these processes has been the subject of recent investigation. However, a reporter that reflects activity of the JAK/STAT pathway in all Drosophila tissues has not yet been developed. By placing a fragment of the Stat92E target gene Socs36E, which contains at least two putative Stat92E binding sites, upstream of GFP, we generated three constructs that can be used to monitor JAK/STAT pathway activity in vivo. These constructs differ by the number of Stat92E binding sites and the stability of GFP. The 2XSTAT92E-GFP and 10XSTAT92E-GFP constructs contain 2 and 10 Stat92E binding sites, respectively, driving expression of enhanced GFP, while 10XSTAT92E-DGFP drives expression of destabilized GFP. We show that these reporters are expressed in the embryo in an overlapping pattern with Stat92E protein and in tissues where JAK/STAT signaling is required. In addition, these reporters accurately reflect JAK/STAT pathway activity at larval stages, as their expression pattern overlaps that of the activating ligand unpaired in imaginal discs. Moreover, the STAT92E-GFP reporters are activated by ectopic JAK/STAT signaling. STAT92E-GFP fluorescence is increased in response to ectopic upd in the larval eye disc and mis-expression of the JAK kinase hopscotch in the adult fat body. Lastly, these reporters are specifically activated by Stat92E, as STAT92E-GFP reporter expression is lost cell-autonomously in stat92E homozygous mutant tissue. In sum, we have generated in vivo GFP reporters that accurately reflect JAK/STAT pathway activation in a variety of tissues. These reporters are valuable tools to further investigate and understand the role of JAK/STAT signaling in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The specification of polar, main-body and stalk follicle cells in the germarium of the Drosophila ovary plays a key role in the formation of the egg chamber and polarisation of its anterior-posterior axis. High levels of Notch pathway activation, resulting from a germline Delta ligand signal, induce polar cells. Here we show that low Notch activation levels, originating from Delta expressed in the polar follicle cells, are required for stalk formation. The metalloprotease Kuzbanian-like, which cleaves and inactivates Delta, reduces the level of Delta signaling between follicle cells, thereby limiting the size of the stalk. We find that Notch activation is required in a continuous fashion to maintain the polar and stalk cell fates. We further demonstrate that mutual antagonism between the Notch and JAK/STAT signaling pathways provides a crucial facet of follicle cell patterning. Notch signaling in polar and main-body follicle cells inhibits JAK/STAT signaling by preventing STAT nuclear translocation, thereby restricting the influence of this pathway to stalk cells. Conversely, signaling by JAK/STAT reduces Notch signaling in the stalk. Thus, variations in the levels of Notch pathway activation, coupled with a continuous balance between the Notch and JAK/STAT pathways, specify the identity of the different follicle cell types and help establish the polarity of the egg chamber.  相似文献   

Epigenetic mechanisms controlling cellular proliferation are essential to animal development. Moreover, altered levels of expression of the epigenetic regulator proteins are associated with the development and progression of human diseases like cancer. We have studied the effects of high levels of Polyhomeotic (PH) protein, a member of the Polycomb Group (PcG), during the proliferation of the imaginal discs in Drosophila. Over expression of PH protein causes induction of proliferation, accompanied with induction of JNK-dependent apoptosis. As a result, massive hyperplastic overgrowth is produced and the corresponding differentiated tissues show phenotypes related with mis-regulation of homeotic gene expression. We have found that high levels of PH up-regulate the JAK/STAT pathway through the de-repression of Unpaired (UPD), the extracellular ligand of the Drosophila JAK/STAT signalling cascade. Moreover, inactivation of the JAK/STAT pathway in the presence of a large amount of PH protein greatly reduces the tissue overgrowth, demonstrating a functional role of JAK/STAT in PH-induced hyperplasia. Finally, we have observed that decapentaplegic and d-myc, two growth genes and putative targets of the JAK/STAT pathway, are also over expressed in the PH-induced tumors. We propose that during normal development, the PcG proteins act to maintain inactive the JAK/STAT pathway. Upon cellular stress, changes in the levels of PcG proteins expression are induced and JAK/STAT is activated leading to tumor development. Our results show a functional relationship between the PcG gene expression and the JAK/STAT pathway, both of which are found to be perturbed in tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

During development, a small number of conserved signaling molecules regulate regional specification, in which uniform populations of cells acquire differences and ultimately give rise to distinct organs. In the Drosophila eye imaginal disc, Wingless (Wg) signaling defines the region that gives rise to head tissue. JAK/STAT signaling was thought to regulate growth of the eye disc but not pattern formation. However, we show that the JAK/STAT pathway plays an important role in patterning the eye disc: it promotes formation of the eye field through repression of the wg gene. Overexpression of the JAK/STAT activating ligand Unpaired in the eye leads to loss of wg expression and ectopic morphogenetic furrow initiation from the lateral margins. Conversely, tissue lacking stat92E, which cannot transduce JAK/STAT signals, is transformed from retinal tissue into head cuticle, a phenotype that is also observed with ectopic Wg signaling. Consistent with this, cells lacking stat92E exhibit ectopic wg expression. Conversely, wg is autonomously repressed in cells with hyperactivated Stat92E. Furthermore, we show that the JAK/STAT pathway regulates a small enhancer in the wg 3' cis genomic region. As this enhancer is devoid of Stat92E-binding elements, we conclude that Stat92E represses wg through another, as yet unidentified factor that is probably a direct target of Stat92E. Taken together, our study is the first to demonstrate a role for the JAK/STAT pathway in regional specification by acting antagonistically to wg.  相似文献   

Over the last 20 years the JAK/STAT signal transduction pathway has been extensively studied. An enormous amount of data on different cell signal transduction pathways is now available. The JAK/STAT signal transduction pathway is one of the intracellular signaling pathways activated by cytokines and growth factors that was first studied in the hematopoietic system, but recent data demonstrate that this signal transduction is also greatly utilized by other systems. The JAK/STAT pathway is a signaling cascade that links the activation of specific cell membrane receptors to nuclear gene expression. This review is focused on the role of JAK/STAT signal transduction pathway activation in the central nervous system (CNS).  相似文献   

We are using Drosophila follicle cells to study the mechanisms that promote cell motility. Using genetics we identified a gene regulatory network that controls the dynamic pattern of activation of JAK/STAT in anterior follicle cells. Under the influence of a graded signal, Unpaired (UPD), JAK/STAT becomes activated first in a graded fashion. STAT, in turn, locally activates its own repressor, Apontic (APT), a new feedback regulator of JAK/STAT signaling. High levels of JAK/STAT also activate Slow Border Cells (SLBO), which undermines APT-mediated repression. In this way, cells that achieve a high JAK/STAT level maintain SLBO expression and form border cells, which then migrate out of the cell layer. Cells with lower JAK/STAT activity express more APT than SLBO, ultimately lose STAT activity, and remain in the follicular epithelium. To better understand how the graded signal is converted to an all-or-none decision to move or stay, we developed a mathematical model. Simulations using the model reproduce the observed dynamics of JAK/STAT expression in the wild type and in several mutant situations. By combining biological experiments and mathematical modeling, we can achieve a more sophisticated understanding of how cells interpret molecular gradients.  相似文献   

The JAK/STAT pathway and Drosophila development.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The JAK/STAT signal transduction pathway plays a critical role in mammalian cells, particularly in hematopoiesis and immune responses. Several components of this pathway have been identified and characterized in Drosophila. Mutational analyses of these components have revealed a number of interesting developmental roles, and provide a mechanism to identify other interacting molecules and pathways. Hence, the JAK/STAT pathway in Drosophila serves as an attractive model for in vivo functional analyses of JAK/STAT signaling.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial regulation of morphogenesis is pivotal to the formation of organs from simple epithelial tubes. In a genetic screen for novel genes controlling cell movement during posterior foregut development, we have identified and molecularly characterized two alleles of the domeless gene which encodes the Drosophila Janus kinase (JAK)/STAT receptor. We demonstrate that mutants for domeless or any other known component of the canonical JAK/STAT signaling pathway display a failure of coordinated cell movement during the development of the proventriculus, a multiply folded organ which is formed by stereotyped cell rearrangements in the posterior foregut. Whereas the JAK/STAT receptor is expressed in all proventricular precursor cells, expression of upd encoding its ligand and of STAT92E, the signal transducer of the pathway, is locally restricted to cells that invaginate during proventriculus development. We demonstrate by analyzing gene expression mediated by a model Notch response element and by studying the expression of the Notch target gene short stop, which encodes a cytoskeletal crosslinker protein, that JAK/STAT signaling is required for the activation of Notch-dependent gene expression in the foregut. Our results provide strong evidence that JAK/STAT and Notch signaling cooperate in the regulation of target genes that control epithelial morphogenesis in the foregut.  相似文献   

During Drosophila optic lobe development, proliferation and differentiation must be tightly modulated to reach its normal size for proper functioning. The JAK/STAT pathway plays pleiotropic roles in Drosophila development and in the larval brain, has been shown to inhibit medulla neuroblast formation. In this study, we find that JAK/STAT activity is required for the maintenance and proliferation of the neuroepithelial stem cells in the optic lobe. In loss-of-function JAK/STAT mutant brains, the neuroepithelial cells lose epithelial cell characters and differentiate prematurely while ectopic activation of this pathway is sufficient to induce neuroepithelial overgrowth in the optic lobe. We further show that Notch signaling acts downstream of JAK/STAT to control the maintenance and growth of the optic lobe neuroepithelium. Thus, in addition to its role in suppression of neuroblast formation, the JAK/STAT pathway is necessary and sufficient for optic lobe neuroepithelial growth.  相似文献   

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