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  • 1 A mark–recapture study on the sphecid wasp Sceliphron assimile (Dahlbohm), analysed by Jolly's stochastic method (1965), was made from 3 December 1974 to 22 February 1975 at Green Bay, St Catherine, Jamaica.
  • 2 Population levels in an 18.2 ha study area fluctuated about a mean of 281 for males, 259 for total females and 87 for reproducing females, while the probable carrying-capacity for these reproductives was about 104.
  • 3 Mean estimated daily survival rates were 0.903 for males, 0.924 for total females and 0.945 for reproducing females. For the first two categories these rates decreased (p < 0.02) during the study, probably reflecting increasing emigration. Reproducing females probably do not emigrate and their survival did not significantly decrease.
  • 4 Minimum age was linearly related to wing wear (r=+0.69, P < 0.001) and the latter associated with the progressive maturation and ageing of the ovaries. All surviving females become parous by middle age.
  • 5 The mean rate of fecundity in the field was dependent on female age and was reduced during prolonged drought. Curves of total achieved fecundity appropriate to realistic survival rates give 4.2–16.8 eggs/female. The Jamaican mean was 9.6 ± 2.3 and that for Green Bay 8.6.
  • 6 The proportion of females in the Green Bay population was 0.48 ± 0.03 while 0.55 was expected at emergence.
  • 7 A cyclic budget is used to estimate immigration and emigration, and these were important causes of population change.
  • 8 For Jamaica, only an estimated 28% of females survived to nest.

Summary In a total of six hours of observation of severalMicrostigmus nigrophthalmus nests with two or more adult wasps, nine buccal contacts, six between females and three between females and males were observed. Except for two cases, these occurred soon after one of the females involved (the apparent donor) had returned to the nest and involved transfer from older to younger individuals. Experimental feeding of colored solution confirmed the occurrence of trophallaxis. InM. nigrophthalmus, trophallaxis seems to have arisen as a prolongation of maternal care since food is transferred from an older to a younger individual.  相似文献   

Nests of Sceliphron fistularium were obtained in Colombia and Moji Gua?u, S?o Paulo, Brazil. Complete nests consisted of 1 to 54 sausage-shaped cells, arranged side by side along a horizontal axis, and found attached to electrical wires (Colombia, n = 7) and walls (Colombia, n = 4 and Moji Gua?u, n = 4). The number of cells per nest ranged from 1 to 54, their length varying from 20.8 to 29.7 mm, and their diameter from 7.6 to 11.7 mm. Brood cells were provisioned with spiders of the family Araneidae. Only Alpaida veniliae was collected in Colombia, whereas the most frequent species found in Moji Gua?u was Micrathena swainsoni (62.0%) followed by M. acuta (23.3%). Adults emerged from June to October. The length and diameter of female and male cells were similar. Nevertheless, females were significantly larger than males. The sex ratio of individuals obtained from nests was 1.16 females: 1 male. A life table was constructed, and details of the life cycle of the wasps and parasitoids are presented. The most common mortality factors were either unknown or due to the parasitoid wasp Melittobia sp.  相似文献   

Parasites and parasitoids exert an important selection pressure on organisms and, thus, play an important role for both population dynamics and evolutionary responses of host species. We investigated host-parasite interactions in a brood-caring wasp, the European beewolf, Philanthus triangulum (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae), and asked whether females of this species might employ temporal or spatial strategies to reduce the rate of attack by a specialised brood parasitoid, the cuckoo wasp Hedychrum rutilans (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Females of the host species might shift their activity to periods of low parasitoid activity both in the course of the season and in the course of the day. On a spatial scale, aggregated or dispersed nesting might be favoured depending on the form of the density dependence of parasitism. The beginning and end of the flight season of host and parasitoid were nearly identical. Activity of chrysidids relative to beewolves did not change significantly during the flight season. However, relative parasitoid activity declined in the course of the day, suggesting the existence of temporal enemy-free space in the evening hours. Shifting the main activity to the evening hours might be a flexible response of beewolves to the presence of chrysidids. Activity of cuckoo wasps per nest was independent of nest density but the actual rate of parasitism as revealed by nest excavations indicated direct density dependence. Total mortality, however, was inversely density dependent. Thus, in the study population aggregated nesting did not reduce parasitism but minimised total mortality.  相似文献   

Abstract. The ability of two sphecid wasps, Bembix rostrata and B.zonata (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), to warm up endothermically is demonstrated under laboratory conditions. Mean warm-up rates of B.rostrata are comparable to bees of similar weight. Despite endothermic ability, field observations reveal that B.rostrata are not active below 22C. From observations at the nectar-foraging site (clumps of Thymus vulgaris flowers) it is calculated that the energy resources available to wasps are sufficient to power endothermic warm-up at low temperatures. Alternative explanations for the absence of wasp activity at low temperatures, such as the risk of parasitism, are suggested. Endothermy may be used periodically to increase flight efficiency in response to added load, such as prey carried by females, and mates by males.  相似文献   

泥蜂是一类重要的捕猎性天敌昆虫和传粉昆虫。本研究于2018年6月-2019年11月对西双版纳地区观赏经作区、柚林区、古茶林区和农田区(样地Ⅰ-Ⅳ)4个调查区采用马氏网诱捕方法定期定点调查,每月调查一次。结果如下:西双版纳调查区域分布有泥蜂类群3科15族27属110种;其中,泥蜂科包括3族5属7种;蠊泥蜂科包括2族3属8种;方头泥蜂科包括10族19属95种,为该地区的优势科。脊短柄泥蜂属Psenulus、小唇泥蜂属Larra和短翅泥蜂属Trypoxylon为优势属,刻臀小唇泥蜂Larra fenchihuensis、磨光小唇泥蜂红腿亚种Larra polita luzonensis为优势种。4个作物区的优势科均为方头泥蜂科,但不同作物区泥蜂的优势属种存在差异,观赏经作区(样地Ⅰ)优势属为脊短柄泥蜂属和短翅泥蜂属,优势种为普氏脊短柄泥蜂指名亚种Psenulus pulcherrimus pulcherrimus(17.4%)和岩田隆痣短柄泥蜂Carinostigmus iwatai(15.6%);柚木林区(样地Ⅱ)优势属为脊短柄泥蜂属和短翅泥蜂属,优势种为普氏脊短柄泥蜂指名亚种(17.7%...  相似文献   

The optimum maternal investment per offspring is determined by the relationship between the investment per offspring and offspring fitness. In the European beewolf, Philanthus triangulum, a solitary mass-provisioning sphecid wasp, offspring size correlates with the amount of provisions. We investigated whether the reproductive success of adult males depends on body size in a way that would influence the allocation of parental investment. Since the mating success of P. triangulum males cannot be determined by observation in the field, we assessed the influence of male size on characteristics of their territories, territorial behaviour and life history traits. Territory size was weakly correlated with male size, but a measure of territory quality (number of female nests in the vicinity) was independent of male size. Neither the duration of ownership nor the intensity of scent marking was correlated with male size. Territory owners were slightly smaller than nonterritorial males. The absolute amount of fat was positively correlated with size but, owing to allometric relationships, the energetic equivalent of the fat store appeared to be independent of size. Life span was not significantly influenced by body size under four different conditions (with and without food in the laboratory, in an outdoor flight cage and in the field). We discuss the discrepancy between these results and other studies that have mostly reported advantages to large males. We suggest that in noncontact male-male interactions, as seen in the European beewolf, body size might not be the key determinant for success in contests. We conclude that there is no evidence for a strong size dependence of male reproductive success. Thus the reproductive success of male progeny probably does not depend on parental investment in a way that would influence the investment allocation of females. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Mud dauber wasps (Sceliphronspp.)construct nests by sequential flights to gather mud and return it to their aerial nests. Individual S. caementariumdiffer in the mean time spent in four states of construction: approach, daubing, inspection, and departure. Placing a novel object near nests or replacing a white object by a black one resulted in an increase in individuals' approach times but no change in departure times. Removal of objects or replacing a black object by a white one had no effect. A change in the color of objects near nests elicited increased approach times but did not affect departure. S. caementariumappears to memorize three-dimensional objects in the nearnest environment, and changes in the nearnest environment are learned during the approach flight to the nest. The frequency of significant responses to all manipulations decreased with successive visits by the wasps, suggesting habituation to nearnest changes.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Cerceris arenaria (L.) females nest in sandy burrows, foraging for prey weevils to stock cells in which eggs are laid. Nests are easily distinguished and observed, and tunnel diameter correlates well with the occupying females' size (range 68–128 mg).
2. Foraging depends on ambient temperature and occurs only during periods of insolation. Large females can forage earlier in the day, and usually make a greater number of successful trips per day, than smaller ones.
3. Size differences of females affect heat exchange and resultant temperature excesses (Tex). At the highest ambient temperatures Tex for the largest wasps can exceed physiological tolerances, thus reducing foraging activity relative to the smaller females.
4. On very hot days wasps forage more frequently for nectar, probably to reduce their water deficits. Larval water balance is controlled less directly, by the architecture of burrows and the nature of cell walls and contents.
5. Temperature effects on foraging and nesting bring about a roughly two-fold increase in success as cell provisioners (and hence egg-layers) of larger over smaller females. Possible countering effects of very hot weather and of parasitism, either of which might favour small females in some conditions, are discussed.  相似文献   

Two sphecid wasps, Sceliphron asiaticum (L.) and S. fistularium (Dahlbom), which build mud nests and capture spider prey, had overlapping but distinctly different distributions in Trinidad. Sceliphron asiaticum was associated with drier (<2000 mm mean annual precipitation) and less forested areas. The analysis of existing data on these species revealed a similar differential distribution throughout the neotropics. Based on the dissection of their old nests collected at 42 sites in Trinidad, retrospective life tables were constructed and estimates of fecundity made. Sceliphron asiaticum tended to form denser nesting associations and, while most of the common parasitoids were shared, had overall higher developmental mortality. Although such mortality was density-dependent in both species, where the two wasps nested together mortality from Melittobia (Eulophidae, Chalcidoidea) was higher in S. asiaticum . Both species were protarrhenotokous and had similar field fecundities (7–8/♀), but the rate of oviposition may be greater in S. asiaticum since far less mud was used in the construction of its cells. Both species had >50° mortality of the females between emergence and starting to nest. The regulation of numbers of these wasps in relation to that of S. assimile (Dahlbom) in Jamaica is discussed.  相似文献   

The solitary wasp Ampulex compressa Fabr. (Sphecidae: Hymenoptera) stings the cockroach first in the thorax and then in the neck toward the suboesophageal ganglion. The first sting results in a short lasting and completely reversible paralysis. The second sting causes an irreversible change in the behaviour: undisturbed cockroaches seem to be lethargic, and if stimulated they are able to run with speeds that equal that of control animals.
Résumé La guêpe solitaire aculéate, Ampulex compressa Fabr. n'inflige en général à sa proie, la blatte Periplaneta americana L., que deux piqûres: l'une thoracique au niveau d'un patte prothoracique; la seconde dans le cou, au niveau du ganglion sousoesophagien. La première piqûre provoque une paralysie immédiate, complètement réversible en moins d'une minute. Les piqûres doubles provoquent également une paralysie, mais réversible dans un délai de plusieurs minutes. Au surplus, la deuxième piqûre influence irréversiblement le comportement de la blatte, qui présente un état léthargique mais est tout à fait capable de se déplacer rapidement après une stimulation des mécanorécepteurs cercaux par un léger souffle d'air au niveau du cerque.

The nests of Sceliphron destillatorium in the Crimea were mainly built in attic spaces of houses and in various uninhabited buildings, and consisted of 3–39 (on average 16.5) cells. Twelve species of spiders from 11 genera of 4 families with predomination of Araneidae and Oxyopidae were recorded as prey. One nest cell contained 4–13 (on average 7.9) spiders, mostly adult ones. Successful development of S. destillatorium progeny was recorded in 48.6% of the cells; 26.5% of the progeny died from parasites: Amobia pelopei (16.0%), Chrysis taczanovskyi (4.3%), and Melittobia acasta (6.2%); 24.9% of the progeny died for unknown causes at the egg (13.0%) or prepupal (11.9%) stage. Nests of 17 other wasp and bee species from the families Pompilidae (2 species), Vespidae (4), Colletidae (1), and Megachilidae (10 species) were found in abandoned nest cells of S. destillatorium. The abundance of S. destillatorium has noticeably decreased in the last ten years, possibly due to immigration of a congener, S. curvatum, which has more diverse trophic links and a significantly higher rate of nesting success.  相似文献   

Organisms show a remarkable inter-individual variation in reproductive success. The proximate causes of this variation are not well understood. We hypothesized that the ultrastructure of costly or complex tissues or organelles might affect reproductive performance. We tested this hypothesis in females of a sphecid wasp, the European beewolf, Philanthus triangulum (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae), that show considerable variation in reproductive success. The most critical component of reproduction in beewolf females is flying with paralysed honeybees, which more than double their weight. Because of the high energetic requirements for flight, we predicted that the ultrastructure of the flight-muscle mitochondria might influence female success. We determined the density of mitochondria and the density of the inner mitochondrial membranes (DIMM) of the flight muscles as well as age, body size and fat content. Only DIMM had a significant influence on female reproductive success, which might be mediated by an elevated adenosine triphosphate (ATP) supply. The variation in DIMM might result from differences in larval provisions or from an accumulation of mutations in the mitochondrial genome. Our results support the hypothesis that the organization of complex structures contributes to inter-individual variation in reproductive success.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The nesting biology of the solitary potter wasp Eumenes alluaudi was studied on Cousin Island, Seychelles.
2. Although the rainy season was from October to April there was no indication of strong seasonality in the wasps' nesting.
3. Females tended to nest close to where other females were nesting.
4. The mean number of cells per nest was 3.71, the mean number of nests made per female 135, and the percentage of cells from which adults emerged 65.87; thus the mean number of adult wasps emerging from the nest(s) of each breeding female was 3.29.
5. Male-producing eggs were laid before female-producing eggs and the estimated sex ratio at emergence was, at 1:2.52, female biassed. It is possible that inbreeding occurred.
6. Daily mortality of nesting females was estimated as 0.088.
7. The mean interval between a female's emergence and her starting to nest was 19.7 days.
8. Marking showed that only 26.7 ± 6.3% of females emerging from cells in the study area returned to breed there. Since the number of emerging daughters per breeding female was only 5.01 times 0.66 times 0.72 = 2.36 (fecundity x proportion emerging x proportion of females emerging), the number of returning females would be only 236 times 0.267 = 0.63, and hence, in order to maintain numbers over many generations, 037 females must have been immigrants.  相似文献   

The specialist digger wasp Trachypus boharti Rubio‐Espina preys exclusively on males of the stingless bee Scaptotrigona postica Latreille 1807, although the hunting attacks involve both male and worker bees of S. postica and members of its own species. To understand the mechanism of prey selection, the cuticular hydrocarbon patterns of workers and males of S. postica are analyzed in detail, and the mandibular secretion of males is examined. The cuticular profiles of males and workers are distinctively different. The major group of cuticular compounds, heptacosene isomers, is twice as abundant in workers as in males. There is no clear distinction between worker and male mandibular secretions. Such a distinct and straightforward caste‐specific difference in cuticular hydrocarbons could function as a recognition cue by which T. boharti distinguishes between workers and males of S. postica.  相似文献   

丽蝇蛹集金小蜂可以蛹外寄生多种双翅目蝇科害虫,在防治卫生害虫及牲畜害虫方面效果显著。该蜂是实验室内研究寄生蜂的理想模式昆虫,其发育学、行为学、生态学以及遗传学等的研究已有70多年的历史,近年来,随着金小蜂基因组测序的完成,系统的RNAi方法和CRISPR-Cas9技术在丽蝇蛹集金小蜂中的成功应用,该蜂现已成为优良的新型遗传学研究模式昆虫。丽蝇蛹集金小蜂以末龄幼虫进行兼性滞育,其滞育由母代经历的短光照和低温决定,研究该蜂的滞育,不仅有助于揭示昆虫滞育的分子机制,也可帮助解决有益昆虫实际应用中的贮存、运输和适时防治等问题,为提高天敌昆虫的应用效果提供技术支撑。本文总结了近年来丽蝇蛹集金小蜂的研究文献,主要介绍了该蜂的基本生物学特征,概括了现代分子生物学前沿技术在金小蜂研究中的应用情况,并重点讨论了丽蝇蛹集金小蜂滞育的最新研究进展,以期为深入金小蜂的滞育研究和促进该蜂其他研究领域的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

The parasitic wasp Ixodiphagus hookeri parasitizes hard ticks and is therefore considered as a potential candidate for biological control of ticks. However, there are still considerable gaps of knowledge about the biology of I. hookeri, especially for European populations. Thus, the present study was performed to assess important life‐history parameters of the parasitoid in Germany. Field studies accomplished in three successive years revealed that unfed Ixodes ricinus nymphs are infested by the parasitoid at a low but constant rate of 1.9–3.8% and that adult wasps are present only during a short period in late summer. The mean developmental time of wasps in I. ricinus nymphs ranged from 28 to 70 days under constant laboratory conditions and was prolonged in the second half of the year. Bioassays on parasitization and host preference behaviour showed that unfed nymphs of the host species I. ricinus are significantly preferred in experiments, in which unfed and engorged larvae as well as fully engorged nymphs were offered as alternatives. The marsh tick Dermacentor reticulatus was not accepted as an alternative host. Our data show that the investigated I. hookeri populations differ markedly from populations in other regions of the world in many aspects. The adaptation of different strains to local conditions explains the limited success of imported strains in earlier biological control attempts and highlights the importance of doing research to enhance the control potential of native strains.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the present state of knowledge of TSP/HAM as it is seen in Jamaica. It reviews the historical and clinical aspects of the disease, and shows how the discovery of HTLV-I has generated research in several countries and contributed to a better understanding of the disease. It highlights the need for continued collaboration between basic scientists and clinical neurologists in order that the dilemmas relating to therapy and pathogenicity may be successfully addressed.  相似文献   

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